
Think you've got what it takes to be a BAT?

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Think you've got what it takes to be a BAT?

If you want to join the ranks of the approval team, here are a few tips to get you started.
  1. Mod maps in Help and Pending, the way other mods mod them. Take the initiative and show us you can mod.
  2. Create your own maps and get them ranked. Not only does this show that you have dedication to your work, you will also learn valuable tricks and tips which you can pass on when modding.
  3. Chat on IRC (in-game chat). We'll get to know you better, which in turn makes it more likely for us to promote you. A cheerful, bright personality with a good sense of humour helps.
  4. Don't ask, complain or rave on about how good you are, how many posts you've made, or how you've worked so hard and are still not a BAT. If we haven't approached you to become a BAT, you're probably not doing something right, be it modding or behaviourwise (ie. learn to internet). Put yourself in our shoes; would you want to promote someone who keeps whining?
Remember the golden rule: You don't ask us, we ask you.

Here is a list of things to check posted in the mod forums. Use it to help you mod.

Guide to modding maps

Check all of the following things:
  1. Timing: both offset and BPM must be spot on
  2. Beat placement: the placement of the beats should be intuitive. Play through the map in play mode, test or edit, and make sure you know when you have to hit each beat without looking at the timeline. If the map has lots of stacked notes, get the mapper to spread them out.
  3. Rhythm: the rhythm of the beats should follow some recognisable pattern, such as lyrics/drums/beat.
  4. Difficulties: there should be at least two different maps with different difficulties, at least one which you can pass. If you can't pass either, you should check with someone who can :P
  5. Length: If the song is in excess of 4-5 minutes, ask the mapper to make it shorter unless there's a good reason for mapping such a long map
  6. Breaks: Check that breaks are suitably used. Breaks should not be longer than 20 seconds. There should not be any sections longer than 5-10 seconds that are blank. In addition, the breaks should be evenly spaced out. There shouldn't be an excess of breaks in one section of the map and a ridiculously long section in another part of the song.
  7. Filesize: If the .osz is larger than 10MB with no video (ie. a high quality music file) or larger than 20MB with video, ask the mapper to recompress at lower quality
  8. Sound effects: If no whistles and finishes are used, recommend the mapper to use them
  9. Volume: The sound effects should not be overwhelmingly loud and the music should not be too soft
  10. Eye candy: If there are any backgrounds/videos/storyboarding/custom skins, check they are appropriate/unoffensive and that any offsets are correctly timed
Create your own maps and get them ranked.--------> :(
EDIT: Yes, I have.
[deleted user]
One of my beatmaps is 4:31. Is it too long or will you let it slide?
If you can shorten it in any way, by all means go ahead. Chances are if it has well placed breaks it can still be ranked though.

P.S. - Lets try to keep this thread on topic thanks.
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foulcoons a BAT now too? damnit, I need to mod maps.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

foulcoons a BAT now too? damnit, I need to mod maps.
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No one wants to be a bat? :(

James wrote:

No one wants to be a bat? :(

Yea. Bout that. :\
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i only know basic english :oops:

James wrote:

i only know basic english :oops:
Well, I guess I can do it if Peppy allow. :|

But I would only mod songs from Anime.
I hope I got what it takes :o
If not, please tell me what to change! I'm still learning :D
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Opinion: osu! Needs more BAT's as there seem to be waaaay more maps getting submitted lately, and waaay too many don't get any attention.
Actually, it's not that we need more BATs.

We just need more people who mod. After all, lots of the things submitted to Pending nowadays have errors, and you don't need a BAT until it's error-free (for bubbles and such). Besides, lots of the crap submitted nowadays are nukeable. I even see 1 difficulty beatmaps in Pending. Other than that, we don't need any more BATs. We just need more active modders. The issue is that while we have plenty of BATs and members, the amount of them actively modding isn't big enough to mod all the maps that get submitted, hence they often just take requests, and occasionally mod semi-randomly.

That's all. If more people modded on a semi-regular basis, life would be easier, but that doesn't look to be happening any time soon.

Ekaru wrote:

Actually, it's not that we need more BATs.

We just need more people who mod. After all, lots of the things submitted to Pending nowadays have errors, and you don't need a BAT until it's error-free (for bubbles and such). Besides, lots of the crap submitted nowadays are nukeable. I even see 1 difficulty beatmaps in Pending. Other than that, we don't need any more BATs. We just need more active modders. The issue is that while we have plenty of BATs and members, the amount of them actively modding isn't big enough to mod all the maps that get submitted, hence they often just take requests, and occasionally mod semi-randomly.

That's all. If more people modded on a semi-regular basis, life would be easier, but that doesn't look to be happening any time soon.

I think everyone is capable of modding. It's simply making suggestions to notes and forming the map to be more creative, intuitive, and sense-making. :)

BATs, imo, shouldn't be constantly harassed. They mod like regular users, but have more experience when it comes to scrolling through Edit mode. And they get to give/pop stars, bubbles, and hearts. Unless a map is extremely controversial, I think we should only consult a BAT after at least 3 non-BATs go out and check a map.

The active modders eventually become BATs, but still... Let's try consulting those who are willing, instead of bugging people who have lives. >_>
Ekaru is right. I take back what I said. :?

Download: Metroid Prime - Dark Samus (marshall_racer) [ArisuKarin's Hard].osu

YoshiKart wrote:

Let's try consulting those who are willing, instead of bugging people who have lives. >_>
My door's always closed open! People can just PM me or something, but they don't >_>.

Screw this post, it's old; Do NOT PM me!
A BAT application form might be rolling out within the next week or two. The main requirements will likely be a certain number of mod posts in pending/help as well as active on irc or on the forums, while other things such as reputation and rank will probably influence decisions as well.

Keep modding and stay active in irc or on the forums helping people, and we'll see you in the lounge eventually.

Gens wrote:

YoshiKart wrote:

Let's try consulting those who are willing, instead of bugging people who have lives. >_>
My door's always closed open! People can just PM me or something, but they don't >_>.
1. Look at random maps in Pending; those would like attention.

2. That reminds me that I said I'd mod someone's map. ;P He kinda asks me whenever he makes a map. So do my friends who started mapping occasionally for fun. Why do they ask ME though? Oh well.

Finding maps to mod isn't an issue, because if someone doesn't request a mod job while you're on, there's a gigantic 'Pending' forum. No excuses there, sorry.

A BAT application form? Sounds like a decent idea.
Also for those who want to begin "training" as it were:

Experience is the greatest teacher. (That is probably a Chinese proverb)
For easily: even BAT or non-BAT, everyone should check other people's maps and mod them, am I right?

I'm still finding someone to mod my maps everyday :(

Gens wrote:

My door's always closed open! People can just PM me or something, but they don't >_>.
No one knows until you tell :?
If someone asked me to look at their maps, I'd help in any way I could. It's just that new members (members that don't really read rules) see BATs as the only people who can help them and only really bug them.
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I'd love to massively mod, but when I attacked pending for a whole month, most of those maps are now in the graveyard. I'd love to mod via IRC requests, but when I do say tell someone I'll mod a map, I get three whiny bitchy "Mod mine next! whine whine whine" (most of the time those maps need a nuke which i dont have...)

Also, college takes up most of my time now. If anyone was paying attention over the summer, I went somewhat mod crazy for a month or so, but stopped for a bit since most maps I looked at went straight into graveyard.


DJPop wrote:

Gens wrote:

My door's always closed open! People can just PM me or something, but they don't >_>.
No one knows until you tell :?
It's actually in my sig. What I just noticed is that is too small and maybe not noticeable <.< I should post even more.

Ekaru wrote:

Gens wrote:

My door's always closed open! People can just PM me or something, but they don't >_>.
1. Look at random maps in Pending; those would like attention.

2. That reminds me that I said I'd mod someone's map. ;P He kinda asks me whenever he makes a map. So do my friends who started mapping occasionally for fun. Why do they ask ME though? Oh well.

Finding maps to mod isn't an issue, because if someone doesn't request a mod job while you're on, there's a gigantic 'Pending' forum. No excuses there, sorry.
I've tried, and yeah, I did some modding like that, but then, I got distracted by U.N. Owen was her and stuff.
And I don't like too much the current selection of songs in that forum >.> but oh well seems no one cares. There are a few songs I always wanted to mod but I forgot to do so :(

RemmyX25 wrote:

, but when I attacked pending for a whole month, most of those maps are now in the graveyard.
Same here. 25% of my posts are in the graveyard............

By the way, I think modding bubbled maps is the fastest way to develop my modding ability.

darrihuka wrote:

1. We need more responsible BATs. I look down upon those who get their BATship and run away.
2. We have to find a way to make BATs mod (rewards and punishment system is necessary). This is the most important imo.
3. Map maps of better quality.
Huh. A rewards and punishment system? Please elaborate.
I think dar means, BATS who don't do anything should be punished for not doing anything and/or be held in less regard to BATS who DO do things.

That's what I got from the post anyway
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As long as they understand why the moderation system is in place.

As of now a few BATs I feel are taking guidelines as rules. or perhaps beatmappers are taking BATs suggestions as "CHANGE OR ELSE" statements.

For one I don't feel we should remotely cater to maps that feel lazy/have glaring flaws yet still are considered not nukeable. Either instant help/GY them since their time should be spent helping mappers that actually put effort into their maps.

Personally I always felt a submitted map should be star quality at submission.
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lukewarmholiday wrote:

or perhaps beatmappers are taking BATs suggestions as "CHANGE OR ELSE" statements.
I agree. I always try to say "you could do so and so" or "probably do so and so" but people always end up doing it anyway. Only a few say that they don't want to change something (eg. eiji, darri)

Echo wrote:

Actually, reward and punishment would be interesting. Obviously it can't be anything monetary. But then what would give someone motivation to mod?
How about a little table that shows how often a BAT mods / how much a BAT has modded? Adding that colour thing that was added would also be a neat factor. That'd motivate me to mod more.

Except that those are already implemented and imo were pretty effective at getting people to mod. Sometimes, people are just busy.

'course there's other times where people are just lazy. And I wouldn't say being a BAT is a thankless job, because it is not, but I won't be the first to say it can be pretty damned exhausting and the problem with that is most people who aspire to become BATs don't fully understand the task. That's why there are so many BATs with <200 exp.

One other thing that bothers me is not the persistence of mappers (I find that somewhat respectable, even if it is annoying) but the impression that some mappers have that they are somehow special. You are not a special little snowflake. A lot of people want their maps to be ranked just for the sake of getting ranked. They follow (after enough assistance) all the guidelines and clear out all the problems to get their maps ranked. And at the end of the day, what does it amount to? Most of the time, a higher ranked score and a sense of accomplishment on the mapper's part. That's all well enough, but I wish people would try to excel a little more. Stop aiming for "ranking standards". Start aiming for "obliterate ranking standards with a truly awesome map that people won't just play for score". Easier said than done, of course, but oftentimes it is pretty obvious when someone has the "map to get ranked" mentality. Of course, despite past successes, I can see myself joining the ranks of these clamoring digits. Put me out of my misery when that time comes.

I think I lost sight of the point of my post as I was typing it so I'm going to re-iterate it in a single sentence:

Please be aware of the full scope of the task.
Guilty as charged, as awp described maps that aren't too exciting. Breaking Up is Hard to Do, anyone?

But what concerns me (and assuming the rest of the non-BATs who frequently mod) is the fact that we mod, they fix, we approve, but no one else will look at the map, because it isn't starred or something. I've tried to bug actual BATs to star/bubble/nuke for me, but I rarely get success for the first two because they don't want to make sure I did a correct job modding, but too lazy/busy to mod it themselves. (This explains my giant seal of approval for everyone to see) Nuking is fine because it doesn't take much for someone which SOME modding experience to say GET THE BOMB SHELTER OUT, WE GOT A NUKE COMIN OUR WAY--- but stealing from Nuke Cabinets is harder than it seems, especially when again, mods are busy.

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i don't think i have what it takes to be a BAT ( or atleast not yet )

but im kinda interested in getting more fun and beatmaps with Innovative Patterns ( if there is anything that hasn't been done yet )

so i will be checking beatmaps from now on, i have plenty freetime so i will test and give my opinion to the creators

also hmmm i have a suggestion... i think the BATS should gather a day and name some beatmaps and run a poll in the forum with those maps so the winner at the end of let's say a week the most voted map gets priority

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minyeob wrote:

How about holding BAT election?
That isn't really necessary, as we don't have a sole member moderating beatmaps. A BAT nomination poll would make more sense. Although, anyone with enough skill and time to become one should have already been contacted, right?
I wonder how is a BAT chosen..

sonnyc wrote:

I wonder how is a BAT chosen..
Read the original post and you might find out :D
Edited the post.

EDIT: lol Skyripper you're GMT. Why?
Same here, I express public interest, too.
minyeob, you are a good mod... that's all I know about it.

Consider this the post in which I express an interest in BATdom.

I'm not asking. I'm just expressing public interest.
Hm, I wonder if being active in #mod counts as being active in IRC...haha...Probably does when BATs see this activity being done.

Same here, I express public interest as well. Those requirements seem exciting and great...though in depth. I wonder if the current staff looks for that. But ap! No bashing the staff, they're cool cats.
I wonder why osuplayer111 is still not a part of BAT...
Sir Minelli
This guy called me yesterday and told me he wanted to be a BAT.

Any chance?

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