
Regarding Beatmap Commissions

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The topic of paid mapping commissions has come to the forefront of a lot of discussion lately, and we've had many people asking us to clarify what the official stance is on this.

There are two main points we’d like to touch on here:

Firstly, the issue of monetary influence upon the ranking process.

To begin with, we’d like to remind everybody of osu!’s most important core value: “free-to-win”. This means that anyone, regardless of financial situation, can pick up osu! and enjoy it to the fullest without needing to spend any money. Everyone can equally attain success - whether ‘success’ means reaching #1 on the leaderboards, becoming a distinguished mapper with a plethora of popular ranked maps... or even less grandiose goals like simply having some fun wasting time with your friends.

This core value is very important to us.

We believe that if not handled correctly, mapping commissions could run counter to this - with money seeding an underlying corruption into the mapping and modding community.

Put another way, this introduces the idea that anyone involved in making a beatmap (e.g. the mappers, modders, nominators, Quality Assurance Team and everyone else involved in getting a beatmap ranked) could now expect to get a cut from a commissioned beatmap. This leads to the hypothetical situation where unless a beatmap is financially enticing, it would be not seen as worthwhile to help mod/rank a given beatmap. Ultimately this results in an unfair playing field when it comes to creating beatmaps and getting them ranked, favored towards people willing to pay.

We do not believe that this is in the best interest for players or the mapping and modding communities as a whole.

To this end, we have decided that all members of any osu! team involved in the ranking process (e.g. Beatmap Nominators, Quality Assurance Team, etc) will be explicitly forbidden from undertaking or participating in paid modding, ranking OR beatmapping commissions while they retain their role on the team.

There should never be any question as to the legitimacy or motives of members of any “official” osu! team (BN, QAT or otherwise) involved in the ranking process. Should we leave this unaddressed, it opens the gates for unscrupulous individuals to abuse the privileges and trust they have been given.

This coming week, ultimatums will be issued to any osu! team members that are currently participating in commission projects and they will be required to choose between either ceasing participation in said commision projects or withdrawing from the osu! team. Any reports of people on the team receiving kickbacks (e.g. in exchange for receiving fast-tracking) or participating in commissions going forward will result in the immediate expulsion of said people from any and all teams they are on.

Secondly, we’d like to address the issue of mappers seeking to profit on the back of unlicensed content.

As you may know, we are actively pursuing a future for osu! built on collaboration with producers and artists whose work literally makes osu! come to life. Efforts like the Featured Artist project and the work of the Mappers’ Guild are part of the osu! team’s effort towards this goal to create a huge library of officially (and correctly) licensed content that is free for everyone to use within the osu! ecosystem.

While we’re not about to actively outright ban commissioned beatmaps, we’d like to ask people to be mindful of the implications involved in creating paid content; particularly when it comes to the licensing of any audio or visual assets being used - whether that be music, backgrounds, hitsounds or anything else used in the creation of a beatmap.

If improperly handled, commissions that aim to directly profit off the use of unlicensed work and/or unauthorized reproductions (i.e. attempting to utilize cover versions of songs to ‘bypass’ copyright) only serves to damage osu!’s reputation and that of its community amongst the very artists whom we are seeking to collaborate with in the future. This is something we see as a step in the wrong direction and something we dearly wish to avoid.

So it comes down to this: we ask that all individuals who undertake commissioned work to do so tastefully, with utmost respect given to the license/rights-holders of any works involved in the creation of a beatmap - this includes obtaining proper licensing/clearance for all media/art/etc involved.

Please, act responsibly.
I'd also like to state that mappers who opt to take commissions that are built purely around creating "farm maps" or other sets that are designed to take advantage of or otherwise abuse the scoring system for money are engaging in what may just be the most morally repugnant thing that I have witnessed in osu! in all of my near-decade's worth of tenure.
I like this change, stops certain individuals from abusing their power and creating, in my opinion, unwanted content at this point.
While a lot of my thoughts are intertwined in the post above, let me add a few things.

I did not participate in the vote, but the rest of the team was unanimously for the team member commission ban. There were varying degrees of strength-of-opinions but there was no one against this ruling.

Back at the start, osu! used to be a hugely creative game. Over half the community was here for the mapping/skinning side, not the farming/ranking PP side. This has obviously changed beyond return, but I hope that we can agree to uphold that mapping and modding is one of the many of the enjoyable aspects of the game and community.

I tend to let the community drive this game, which is why I am very hesitant to make calls like this, but due to the amount of heated internal (and external) discussion over this point I believe the above needs to be said to set some level of precedent. Hopefully you can understand.
this is epic
lol rip mapping commission (for ranking) not really
I agree with you guys and thats what I wanted to show with my reddit post. Would be sad if people start mapping for money and not because they want to improve the qyality of the game or just making content
That's really good move. Cool to see osu staff reacting fast to that kind of issues
Thank you.
finally, this took waay too long
good shit
I love this
Very glad to see the official stance given on this, full support!
Nameless Player
this is epic
Well said.
personally, i dont really have any objection with mapping commisions since mapping is something like a free place. you can do whatever you want and rank it as long as it adhere the ranking criteria. but not with team members helping to rank something in order to earn money. but isnt it just limiting people doing something.

im just sure that people wont abuse the mapping commisions and bn/qat power. atleast it wont be a big issue where it'll become really popular issue among mapping community.

actually no one knows what will happen so im just shrugging here~
Thank you! nice
not bad
good stuff
Thank you
we have decided that all members of any osu! team involved in the ranking process (e.g. Beatmap Nominators, Quality Assurance Team, etc) will be explicitly forbidden from undertaking or participating in paid modding, ranking OR beatmapping commissions while they retain their role on the team.

To clarify this means the qat/bng cannot mod, rank, or map if theyre paid to do it, but they can mod/rank something that someone paid for correct.

i.e. a non bng/qat mapper makes a commissioned set. this set can still be pushed to ranked correct?

if so whats to stop people from just quitting qat/bng and doing the same thing?

edit: to clarify im all for this change im just not sure its fully addressing the problem/i might be misunderstanding.
yea i agree that this rule should extend to everyone; even if its not directly enforceable for everyone, at least through some indirect reporting system similar to cheating

Sparhten wrote:

if so whats to stop people from just quitting qat/bng and doing the same thing?

Nothing. And completely banning it is not our goal here. See the second half of the original post which attempts to make this distinction.
[deleted as part of purging my old post history]

osu!team wrote:

So it comes down to this: we ask that all individuals who undertake commissioned work to do so tastefully, with utmost respect given to the license/rights-holders of any works involved in the creation of a beatmap - this includes obtaining proper licensing/clearance for all media/art/etc involved.
Just to clarify, isn't this pmuch the same wording as current regulation regarding user's submission in ToS?
oh finally, it's here, thank god...
thank you.

4n3c wrote:

feel like this should be linked here for future reference even though it's already public
bn/qat member report form
Well, finally we have a word about this very important topic. Thanks a bunch for taking an action to this!
First i was like "let people do what they want" but thanks to this post I understand the decision and I believe it's by far the best one ! nice job
How are you planning to enforce the rule?
Say someone is mapping a song and pretends that he mapped it because he liked it; while in reality being commissionned to map it, how can you prove that he was getting paid to map this song?

Conversely, if someone reports a team member for doing commissions while in reality he was not, how can he (the team member in question) prove his innocence?

In other words, how can you be sure that someone is or isn't doing commissions?
Isshiki Kaname
Does "properly licensed content" only cover audio tracks, or does it also cover the backgrounds and hitsound samples?

Kracy wrote:

That's really good move. Cool to see osu staff reacting fast to that kind of issues

"reacting fast"

mapping commissions have been around since before i joined 5 years ago, this isn't fast
Thank you

peppy wrote:

Sparhten wrote:

if so whats to stop people from just quitting qat/bng and doing the same thing?

Nothing. And completely banning it is not our goal here. See the second half of the original post which attempts to make this distinction.

mmm my concern about that was is that if there's nothing enforcing it other then it damages the reputation/future of the game people might not care/do it anyway because of selfish reasoning. But only time will tell. overall good change in the right direction at the least.
Thank you, osu! team! This exploitation was handled in the most fit way possible if you ask me.
Ryuusei Aika
(a). "... Beatmap Nominators, Quality Assurance Team, etc) will be explicitly forbidden from undertaking or participating in paid modding, ranking OR beatmapping commissions ..."

- That means any member of osu! team can't get paid to mapping/modding/ranking, which indicates:
(1) A map can still get ranked if it's a commissioned map made by people who isn't a member of the osu! team, so long as any BN/QAT... who have modded/nominated it didn't get paid, and

peppy wrote:

Sparhten wrote:
if so whats to stop people from just quitting qat/bng and doing the same thing?

> Nothing. And completely banning it is not our goal here. See the second half of the original post which attempts to make this distinction.

(b). "... we ask that all individuals who undertake commissioned work to do so tastefully, with utmost respect given to the license/rights-holders of any works involved in the creation of a beatmap - this includes obtaining proper licensing/clearance for all media/art/etc involved. "

That doesn't mean: "If a commissioned map doesn't have any permission from artists who have participated in making the song, then it would be strongly prohibited;"
It means: "We're still living in the grey area, please obey that simple convention, osu! players, PLEASE!"

BluGalaxian wrote:

Thank you, osu! team! This exploitation was handled in the most fit way possible if you ask me.
Cherry Blossom
Nice. Because a lot of people forget that making money on something that the mapper doesnt own any licence could have bad consequences to the game and the mapper itself...
Rip Sotarks lol
Nice :3c
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