
Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 19 de junio de 2012 at 11:48:21 a.m.

Artist: Sarina Paris
Title: Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix)
Source: Dance Dance Revolution 7thMIX
Tags: k_o_g_u_r_e Pereira006 mancusojuanmattos kogure konami ddrmax2
BPM: 135
Filesize: 3041kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,88 stars, 84 notes)
  2. Hard (4,53 stars, 171 notes)
  3. Kogure's Insane (5 stars, 296 notes)
  4. Mancuso's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 491 notes)
  5. Pereira's Normal (3,18 stars, 118 notes)
Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Lovely song !! ^^ Dedicated to Mugenezzi !! a Really good friend

Easy - Me (100%)
Pereira's Normal - Pereira006 (100%)
Hard - Me (100%)
Mancuso's Taiko Oni - mancusojuanmattos (100%)
Kogure's Insane - K o g u r e (100%)

Custom Hitsounds - Me

Ready to Rank !!

Timming by TicClick !!
Ya la termine :)
Me estare pasando por aqui para hacer los mods a mi diff cuando hayan
Y no olvides añadir k_o_g_u_r_e a tags :D

Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix) ([Te][Amo]) [Kogure's Insane].osu
sonic master_old
:) I did a normal diff! hope you like it!

Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix) ([Te][Amo]) [Sonic's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

sonic master wrote:

:) I did a normal diff! hope you like it!
Sorry but i think its more like hard i didin't accept it but thanks for you effort :)
4.5 stars with circle size 5 and AR7 isn't considered normal. Its a hard
Played your maps most good. Thought Hard had too many sliders? couldn't tell you which ones but it seems like overkill. Additionally, there is a lot of syncopation in the song, esp during the Kiai Times, but its missing from both Normal and Hard. You are following the floor but not the melody. I would change the normal and hard maps to follow the melody more. The Pattern is White, 2nd Blue, Red, White. Basically 3/4 notes follow by a half. Making these changes will make the map tighter.
Hey :3


  • 01:29:407 - Remove this timing point on every diff.
[Kogure's Insane]
  1. 01:13:032 (10,11,12) - Feels better with a 1/4 stream imo.
  1. AR+1
  2. 00:12:992 (4) - Move to 00:12:881.
  3. 00:51:422 (3) - Stack with 00:50:977 (1).
Sorry for not finding much, haven't been modding for a while :S
Nice map :>
Topic Starter

L i d a N wrote:

Hey :3


  • 01:29:407 - Remove this timing point on every diff. this make the spinner volume down so no
  1. AR+1 Ok
  2. 00:12:992 (4) - Move to 00:12:881. no ?
  3. 00:51:422 (3) - Stack with 00:50:977 (1). Ok
Sorry for not finding much, haven't been modding for a while :S
Nice map :>

Thank you !
M-mod requested.Use if you want >_<

Love the song and awesome map! ;3
The patterns are so cool @.@
And great hitsounds!

01:16:820 (3) - NC
01:18:602 (1) - remove NC
01:19:493 (6) - NC
01:21:275 (1) - remove NC
01:23:058 (5) - NC
01:24:840 (1) - remove NC

[Pereira's Normal]
Yeah just combos again..
00:18:005 (1) - remove NC
00:18:450 (4) - NC
00:21:569 (1) - remove NC
00:22:461 (3) - NC
00:25:134 (1) - remove NC
00:23:797 (3) - NC
00:53:650 (1) - remove NC
00:54:096 (4) - NC

00:33:154 (5) - NC
00:40:506 (4) - NC
00:42:957 (4) - NC
00:49:195 (2) - NC

[Kogure's Insane]
00:28:921 (4) - NC
01:13:032 (10) - NC
01:13:255 (1) - remove NC

kudosu to star this epic map @.@

L i d a N wrote:

Hey :3


[Kogure's Insane]
  1. 01:13:032 (10,11,12) - Feels better with a 1/4 stream imo. Not sure though, since i dont think a 1/8 stream would be good. Will think about it

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

[Kogure's Insane]
00:28:921 (4) - NC Ye
01:13:032 (10) - NC Ye
01:13:255 (1) - remove NC Ye
Thanks for modding!

Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix) ([Te][Amo]) [Kogure's Insane].osu
El Taiko como prometi ayer in-game. Espero que te guste
Si agregas la diff. no te olvides de agregar mi username en los tags

Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix) ([Te][Amo]) [Mancuso's Taiko Oni].osu
Topic Starter

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

M-mod requested.Use if you want >_<

Love the song and awesome map! ;3
The patterns are so cool @.@ Thanks
And great hitsounds! ^^

01:16:820 (3) - NC Done
01:18:602 (1) - remove NC Done
01:19:493 (6) - NC Done
01:21:275 (1) - remove NC Done
01:23:058 (5) - NC Done
01:24:840 (1) - remove NC Done

00:33:154 (5) - NC Done
00:40:506 (4) - NC Done
00:42:957 (4) - NC Done
00:49:195 (2) - NC Done

kudosu to star this epic map @.@
Thank you for mod and Star !! :3
The bit rate of mp3 is too high.
Please delete osb, supposing you do not use StoryBoard.

I consider that it is better to set Slider Tick Rate to 2.

Only fine indication of Distance

00:20:233 (2) - 1 grid down (gird level4)
01:04:789 (2,3) - ^
01:17:711 (2) - ^

[Pereira's Normal]

00:16:668 (2) - How about making it move just under 00:16:223 (1) ?
00:23:352 (1) - 00:23:797 (2) - ^

It is only one that it was worrisome.

00:49:863 (4,5) - 1 grid left (grid level3)

[Kogure's Insane]

00:09:762 (1,2,3,4,5) - I consider that it is better to replace the turn which 00:09:985 (2) and 00:10:430 (4) strike.
00:34:936 (6,7,8) - I think that distance should be narrowed.
00:45:630 (5,6) - ^
01:13:182 (3) - I think that I should delete this note.

good maps
Hello from our queue

• delete .osb file from song folder
• u can use 196kbps mp3 or lower

• delete last green line at 89407, it does nothing
• 00:44:293 - i think there should be a note~
• 01:27:513 (1) - finish maybe?
• 01:02:116 - aaaand here note o.o

[Pereira's Normal]
• 00:42:957 (1) - finish?
• 00:57:215 (3) - u should replace clap with finish on the repeat of slider and put finish at the end
• 01:06:237 - why there is volume 50%? ;___; i don't here any changes in music. maybe u should put 70 as always?

• delete last green line at 89407, it does nothing
• 00:12:992 (4) - maybe put this on red tick? like at 00:05:752 (4) - and i think u should stack it with previous slider or put it some grids left
• 00:15:109 (1,3) - maybe finishes?
• 00:15:777 (4) - ^ at repeat
• 00:25:802 (3) - nc?
• 00:39:169 - maybe note?
• 01:09:691 - and here? :<
• maybe it's better to use something like this? and if u are agree then delete green those lines and put a clap at the start
• 01:20:830 (4) - nc?
• 01:22:166 (1) - and then remove nc
• 01:22:835 (2) - and nc here
• 01:27:513 (1) - finish

[Kogure's Insane]
• delete last green line at 89407, it does nothing
• 00:15:331 (5) - i think, u should delete this and put slider on this white tick and make slider 1 tick longer
• 00:30:258 (8) - don't sure u can do something like this. maybe delete (1) and make slider 2 repeats longer? with finish in the end (and nc)
• 00:58:106 (4) - nc maybe?
• 01:03:230 (5) - ^
• 01:13:032 (1,2,3,4) - ehh? it should be 1/6, i suppose?
• 01:27:513 (1) - finish like in other diffs
i really like your diff, kogure :3

that's all! it's nice map. good luck with ranking~ :3
New 192kbps MP3:
New Offset : 1997

NewRulerNA wrote:

[Pereira's Normal]

00:16:668 (2) - How about making it move just under 00:16:223 (1) ?fixed
00:23:352 (1) - 00:23:797 (2) - ^fixed
thank you mod

rockleejkooo wrote:

[Pereira's Normal]
• 00:42:957 (1) - finish?fixed but not is finish is whistle
• 00:57:215 (3) - u should replace clap with finish on the repeat of slider and put finish at the end no
• 01:06:237 - why there is volume 50%? ;___; i don't here any changes in music. maybe u should put 70 as always? ups i didn't noticed that anyway fixed
thank you mod

Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix) ([Te][Amo]) [Pereira's Normal].osu
Buen [TeA] arregle los kiai, 2 unsnapped notes en el 1/6 pattern y cambie un pattern

Download: Sarina Paris - Look At Us (Daddy DJ Mix) ([Te][Amo]) [Mancuso's Taiko Oni].osu
here is my suggestion

[Pereira's Normal]
00:04:447 vocal starts here but it's not a big problem.
00:11:576 ^
01:20:416 (1) - add finish like 01:13:287 (1) -
01:27:545 (1) - silent spinner sounds better? or remove the finish

00:30:513 (1) - remove new combo
00:34:077 (1) - ^

[Kogure's Insane]
some new combos look weird:
00:18:037 (1) - ^
00:22:270 (1) - ^
some confusing pattern:
00:30:290 (8) - I think 1/8 slider is a little bit weird.
01:13:064 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:47:444 (3,4) - following the song is more important than the shape
00:50:786 (3,4) - ^
00:54:573 (3,4) - ^

pretty good ~ good luck~
Hey [TeA], estoy modeando algunos maps de Modders Hispanos. Estaba este map, asi que lo voy a modear xD

- Elimina el .osb file de la carpeta y luego full submit :P

- El Approach Rate se siente algo bajo, principalmente cuando aparecen los Sliders. Te sugiero que lo aumentes en 1 Tick (AR+1)
01:02:148 (x): Se siente muy vacio aca, me dejo con la expectativa de que iba a aparecer algo. Por esto agrega una Nota
01:13:287 (1): Agregale un Finish al comienzo del Slider, juega bien con la musica y con el comienzo del Kiai Time

Pereira's Normal:
- I want to see the Overall Difficulty +1
- Pereira, you have to Resnap all the Inherited Points (Especially the kiai). You have all green Lines unsnapped and affect some hitsounds, and of course the unsnapped kiai is unrankable.
In General the difficulty looks fine, but you have to make this change ;)

- El Approach Rate esta algo bajo para ser una Hard. Te Sugiero que uses 7 para esta dificultad (AR+1)
00:03:779 (1): Siguiendo la voz, este Slider deberia pertenecer al Pattern anterior. Asi que Elimina el New Combo en esta nota y agregalo en 00:04:447

Kogure's Insane:
00:43:880 (9): Agrega un New Combo aqui. Ya que cambia el ritmo
00:46:553 (1): No estoy muy seguro de que el New Combo vaya aca, ya que escuchando la musica, no hay cambio de ritmo aqui. Asi que deberias Eliminar el New Combo en esta nota y agregarselo a 00:46:999.
01:13:126 (2): Nota fuera de Lugar (Unsnapped Note). Debes reubicarla
01:13:182 (3): (^)
01:20:750 (1): Este New Combo no juega mucho con la musica, te sugiero que Elimines este New Combo, y luego agregarlo en 01:21:085 (3)
Al igual que en la Normal. Tienes todas los Inherited Points (Lineas Verdes) fuera de Lugar (Unsnapped). Asi que debes resnapearlas a todas en lo posible.

A pesar de que hice el taiko, me senti con la necesidad de modearlo. Ademas me quise hacer cargo de Modders Hispanos ya que casi nadie modea desde ese hilo.
Eso es todo. Te dejo estrella y espero que sea rankeado pronto ;)
PD: Ya voy a empezar a buscar taiko modders
Yo modding this map because of ur request :)

Resnap the green lines. theyre unsnapped.

00:39:424(3) - How about flipping it vertically to make an easier path for beginners?
01:05:267(3) - how about making a 1/1 slider. if u do so delete the note at 01:05:713. IMO if u add the slider itll flow nicer.
01:13:287(1) - maybe add a finish since the singer is about to sing again?

Pereira's Normal:
00:06:452(3) - Flip it vertically or Ctrl+J. i was expecting (1,2,3) to be like a triangle. something like This?
01:11:950(5) - how about replacing the repeats for sliders. like This. i think this is better because its almost over(when i say this i mean that it gets a bit harder in the diff near the end) and its more fun IMO

01:10:168(3) - i think u forgot to add a clap. if yes add it to continue the rhythm.

Kogure's Insane:
00:07:343(7) - move it down a bit because its touching the hp bar. this may cause a distraction to players if their nervous. instead how about stacking this on the beginning of (5) to make it a bit challenging?
01:09:277(2,3) - same as above but move (2) to x 404 y:220 and (3) to x:260 y:44. that way it could cause less of a distraction IMO

this is the best i can do. Star and GL :D
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