
Tenacious D - Tribute

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 4:00:21 PM

Artist: Tenacious D
Title: Tribute
BPM: 84.67
Filesize: 7737kb
Play Time: 03:47
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.83 stars, 164 notes)
  2. Medium (3.38 stars, 228 notes)
  3. Hard (4.27 stars, 307 notes)
  4. ROCK! (4.9 stars, 392 notes)
Download: Tenacious D - Tribute
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is not the greatest beatmap in the world...

...No, this is just a tribute.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Needless to say,
the BAT was stunned.

More news at 11 (hopefully not 11 days), but for now this: the last storyboarded phrase at the end is slightly overlapped by the skip graphic (in default skin, at least). Nudge it just a bit.
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Sinistro wrote:

Needless to say,
the BAT was stunned.

Nudge it just a bit.
Crap, I forgot to skin that. I'll fix that issue when I skin score splozhuns

UPDATE: k, Rolled: I took a closer stab at the timing. I think I nailed the off sections (what the fuck was I doing before?)

Also re: Sinistro's skip issue - resolved on this end; haven't done a full resubmit because there's more still to do.
mkay lets nazi a bit.

I'm afraid to touch your timing sections, but these are just parts that were off ingame.

00:12:33 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - this whole bit, maybe a bit afterwards fell 15-20 ms off while playing. Maybe offset earlier, BPM slower?

As for the mapping itself I think you were too strict on the vocals during some spots. During the more up beat parts vocals are cleary the good way to go (ie 01:20:63 (1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - awesome little bit)
But some placed like 02:07:89 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) seem a bit to heavily vocalized. It's good that you plan on making an insane though, because that leaves room for improvement without having to go back and change other difficulties.

Also mannn I have to see you let me down with the little freestyle part at 2:40 though. I was expecting a bit more randomness rather than linear stuff. Also that part could use a bit of a timing fix, maybe 2 sections within it because he speeds up towards the end. However this is hard, so I'm keeping my hopes high for insane. Hook a nigga up awp.

That's the bad stuff though. The simply amazing stuff:
SB around 2 minutes in. Crazy. I missed next to all of these notes playing becuase I was too busy gazing at the SB. I felt like I was on an acid trip.
02:06:59 (1,2,3) - Little SB things you did with notes like these. Very nice touch.
03:47:74 (1) - Great way to end the beatmap with the SB. hawt.

There was some more things I had in mind but I got sidetracked.. I couldn't help but map out the way I see that skibbydobop part. You know when you hear a song and you see the beatmap in your head before you actually map it out? It was one of those moments.

Download: Tenacious D - Tribute (awp) [Hard].osu

You know, don't feel obligated to use it in any way I just wanted to throw some of my applesauce up in your map. Freaking hook insane up man.

(also, neglect the rest of the map I posted. I sped the slider up just for that section)
k, disregaurd that top post about timing. Test bancho was giving me some issues when it came to updating maps. Reverted to public, updated, and its much better now. Only thing:

03:08:61 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2) - Some problems with the timing sections in this area. Check em out.
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Update: fixes on Hard (lol that one slider was fucked) and ROCK! is half-mapped. The second half is just leftover [Hard] that I haven't remapped.

Update2: All around timing tweaks, ROCK! is finished. Full reupload for skinned stuff - if the score explosions are too plain, I will accept livelier renders from a third party and/or remove them completely. I want to do something special but lack the artistic talent to execute it properly.

EDIT: Also yeah I know the score explosions still need to be resized and repositioned.
good shit.


good shit.
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Whaaa, d'jya forget to bubble it or something, chowderhead?

Anyhow it turns out you were right about the skin elements - the alignment is fine. I just shrank them because they were too large. I think approximately or slightly bigger than the hitcircle is appropriate size for score exploooosions.
<Rolled> Should I mod this for real or are you still tweaking skin and stuffs?

reserved for mod post later. I did want to point out a few things but I am too tired atm to remember what they are.
Tenacious D rulez. :D
played this a few times more, and it feels im hitting notes too late. weird..
Ehhhhh, I'm still unsure of the first timing point, but the I got the second one where I want it. This is what I came up with:

Point 1: BPM 84.666 Offset 1002
Point 2: BPM 89.08 Offset 52014

It may be worth putting a new timing point in around 00:17:30 (3), since this is the main trouble spot.

The rest of the timing and the maps themselves are solid, btw. <3

Download: Mimu - Kimi ijou, Boku miman (Fuuko) [S.Nagi's Taikosuki!].osu
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Sinistro wrote:

Everything feels all right to me. I can't say for sure I can detect the timing correctly on so many sections, but the very few 100s I got when testplaying these maps were in different places each time, for what it's worth.

Let this bubble be a challenge to timing experts osuwide.
I'm quite the timing nazi, but due to the fact that a. I get little 100s and b. I could not time it any better, let thy beatmap be ranked!
If this is just a tribute, then I wonder how's the greatest beatmap in the world.
I can't remember anyone claiming it was... :?:
This is but a tribute to the greatest beatmap in the world
Impressive. I haven't really seen anyone go into so much effort with their beatmap. I really enjoyed it. The background was a little distracting, but I'll get used to it
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luckydog wrote:

I'll get used to it
let me know when you do; it still distracts me~

also ty

also also have you checked Long Dream because I put more storyboarding effort into that map than any other map I've done and probably any other map I'll ever do
I wonder why people get such low scores on the Top 40 here...Probably since it's just a recent release and all...but after a few practice runs I managed to get Top 40 pretty easily.

awp, that was just excellent storyboarding. Really good experience I had here, this was certainly one of my more favorite beatmaps out there. XD
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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