
sakuzyo - Neurotoxin

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martedì 21 febbraio 2012 at 00:40:18

Artist: sakuzyo
Title: Neurotoxin
Source: BMS
Tags: BoF Battle of Fighters 2011 sekizoukun sekizou kun DnB -kevincela- NeoRainier
BPM: 180
Filesize: 14960kb
Play Time: 02:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 469 notes)
  2. Beginner (3,19 stars, 141 notes)
  3. Hyper (5 stars, 369 notes)
  4. Neo's Taiko (4,78 stars, 748 notes)
  5. Standard (4,37 stars, 200 notes)
Download: sakuzyo - Neurotoxin
Download: sakuzyo - Neurotoxin (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Second map for ranked. BMS :3

Beginner by -kevincela- :100%.
Standard by me: 100%
Hyper by me: 100%
Another by me: 100%
Taiko by NeoRainier: 100%
abbiamo convertito il maddy al BMS. questo è un bene.
Capitalize S in sakuzyo

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I love you Shiirn

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hi bb
Actually, you're wrong.

It's "sakuzyo".

It's not capitalized.

That applies to you as well, Shiirn.
oh, shit? you're right
May I make taiko diff ?

  • Timing: Prova offset 7454.
    Non ho capito perchè hai aggiunto l'offset 105461 solo nella beginner e nell'another °-° Aggiungilo anche alle altre e snappa le note.
  1. 00:19:629 (3,4,5,6) - Questa parte non segue la musica, fixa in questo modo, molto meglio:
  2. 00:19:795Qui ci dovrebbe essere una nota perchè c'è un suono in più ç_ç Ma siccome è una beginner meglio lasciare così.
  3. 00:26:796 (4) - Muovi a 00:26:629?
  4. 00:44:462 (4) - Suona male anche perchè qui: 00:44:295 dovresti aggiungerci una nota come i due circle precedenti. Quindi muovi questo beat qui 00:44:295 e aggiungi whistle:
  5. 00:49:795 (4) - Lo stesso di sopra:
  6. 01:00:462 (4) - :\ lo stesso, muovilo su 01:00:295
  7. Bella, molto ordinata bravo o:
  1. 00:17:462 (4,5,1) - Seleziona tutti e 3 questi elementi e muovili in x332 y204, così crei un blanket tra il 00:16:462 (3) e (4)
  2. 00:44:462 (3) - Omg rimuovi il whistle dall'inizio di questo slider.
  3. 00:55:129 (3) - ^
  4. 00:56:963 (3) - Overlap la fine di questo slider con lo slider 00:55:796 (1). Fallo semplicemente muovendo l'ultimo waypoint a x344 y176
  5. 01:25:962 (4) - Togli whistle dalla fine visto che suona male e non l'hai usato negli slider successivi (dico qui ad esempio: 01:28:629 (6))
  6. 02:06:796 (1) - Rimuovi new combo
  1. 00:16:129 (3,4,5,6) - Non mi piace come hai posizionato questi beat. Posizionali in questo modo?
  2. 00:29:296 (4) - Guarda, può anche andare bene però la fine di questo slider non segue nulla e per me suona male. Estendi questo slider fino a 00:29:962? Anche se è un po' troppo lungo xD Oppure potresti fixare così (Se ascolti in 50% playback rate capisci perche asd):
  3. 00:33:962 (8) - Rimuovi circle?
  4. 00:49:796 (2) - Rimuovi whistle all'inizio
  5. 00:50:629 (5) - New combo qui, hai fatto tutte le combo 1 a 4 quindi fai lo stesso.
  6. 01:00:296 (4) - Hai dimenticato il whistle
  7. 01:22:795 Aggiungi circle
  8. 01:54:629Lo stesso, aggiungi circle?
  1. 00:25:629 (4,5) - Migliora l'overlap di queste due note con la fine e l'inizio dello slider 00:25:129 (2)
  2. 00:30:296 (1,2) - Scambia new combo
  3. 00:33:296 (1,2) - ^
  4. 01:56:794 (4) - New combo
  5. 01:57:294 (1) - Remove nc
  6. 01:58:294 (1,2) - Scambia nc
  7. 02:06:461 (2) - Muovi al centro, x256 y192

Buona fortuna, star :3

Chewin wrote:

  1. 00:19:629 (3,4,5,6) - Questa parte non segue la musica, fixa in questo modo, molto meglio:
    Io lo trovo molto peggio così,mi dispiace D:
  2. 00:19:795Qui ci dovrebbe essere una nota perchè c'è un suono in più ç_ç Ma siccome è una beginner meglio lasciare così.
  3. 00:26:796 (4) - Muovi a 00:26:629? Nah,sta meglio così
  4. 00:44:462 (4) - Suona male anche perchè qui: 00:44:295 dovresti aggiungerci una nota come i due circle precedenti. Quindi muovi questo beat qui 00:44:295 e aggiungi whistle: Invece per me ci sta perfettamente,visto che in quella parte non intendevo seguire la "parte col tono acuto"
  5. 00:49:795 (4) - Lo stesso di sopra: Leggi sopra xD
  6. 01:00:462 (4) - :\ lo stesso, muovilo su 01:00:295 Leggi sopra xD
  7. Bella, molto ordinata bravo o: Thanks :D
waiting for MMzz and Sander-Don.


Backfire wrote:

waiting for MMzz and Sander-Don.

[Mentalstock] is the author of the video Vallista. This is a mistake.
Neurotoxin is the author of the video [Sekizou kun(石像くん)]

add [sekizoukun] & [sekizou kun] tag
delete [mentalstock] tag

good song <333333
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Le wild Neo's Taiko appearing

Download: sakuzyo - Neurotoxin (Maddy) [Neo's Taiko].osu
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00:16:795 (7) - This blank feels really empty. It's a good idea to fill in those big white ticks on most cases, and I think this is the case as well. Add a note.
00:23:462 (1,2,3) - I read this as 1/3, because of the spacing. It was hard to predict to be honest. Make sure they don't overlap atleast?
00:51:462 (1,2,3) - I read this as 1/4, because of the spacing. It was hard to predict to be honest. Make sure they don't overlap atleast?

00:35:462 (1,2) - I would flip this horizontally and rearrange it. Plays better IMO.
00:42:462 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - I think you should carry along with this kind of pattern for that part. It's amazing with the song.

Other then that, everything looks fine. Good luck!
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yay a mod XD
Good Luck :D
don't need no stinkin' luck

long irc mod that i'm too lazy to get logs for kd for

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Yay, bubbles.

  1. The comboing in this diff felt pretty random. So did the patterns. Meh.
  2. 00:08:462 (1) - I have no idea why you want this new combo, it doesn't fit the music, there is no change in the pattern either. Just remove it and enjoy long combos that make sense, or if you prefer shorter combos, put a new combo on 00:08:795 (3).
  3. 00:11:462 (8,1) - This new combo felt pretty random, so did the spacing. If you want to follow the music, put the new combo on that 8 instead.
  4. 00:15:129 (1,2,3) - Yeah, this makes no sense to me. Check this pic out, maybe it gives you some ideas. You remove that new combo from 1 and apply it to 3 instead, since that makes more sense. I just moved other notes a bit, cause this makes you have the same thing more or less, just it plays better imo.
  5. 00:26:129 (7,1) - New combo on this 7 and remove from 1. Musical reasons. Also move the end of the slider somewhere else because the repeat arrow is more than partially hidden.
  6. 00:28:795 (1) - Finish?
  7. 00:30:295 (7,1) - 7 should have new combo, not this 1.
  8. 00:34:129 (6,7,1) - 6 should have a new combo, not this 1. Also the circle after the slider 7 makes a really terrible anti jump, try to distance it a bit.
  9. 00:35:462 (4) - Should be a new combo.
  10. 00:36:295 (1,2,3,4) - The new combo at this 1 doesn't make the pattern more readable and it doesn't follow the music or combo logic you used around here. Just remove it. 4 on the other hand should be a new combo because of the music.
  11. 00:38:629 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Eh, I really don't get it why you used combos like this. :p Remove the NC from that 1 and put it on 2 instead, not only the pattern looks better, but its actually easier to read because its more standard. Also should probably remove the new combo at the end of the stream, so the whole stream is one combo.
  12. 00:45:629 (1) - Terrible antijump also no reason for a new combo (unless you want it for the antijump which is terrible). If you want consistency, you should stack this note under 00:45:296 (5). I guess new combo here makes sense because of the next similar combo which actually needs a new combo due to the random spacing.
  13. 00:45:962 (3,4) - What is this spacing. D:
  14. 00:52:296 (6,1,2,3) - Eh, well I think you did the jump too early. To follow the music, 3 should have a new combo, which will leave you with 6-7-8. The jump should be between 8 and 1 to fit the music. This will require some pattern positioning. Try this. You get the same jump, just at the right place.
  15. 01:03:462 (3) - New combo.
  16. 01:06:962 (4) - You might want to place a new combo here for consistency.
  17. 01:08:796 (6) - New combo.
  18. 01:11:129 (1) - This new combo is in the wrong place. Should be on 01:11:462 (3). Put a new combo on that 3 and remove this.
  19. 01:12:296 (4) - New combo.
  20. 01:15:712 (6,7) - Disable grid snap when trying to stack these, looks better.
  21. 01:16:462 (4,5,6) - I suggest that you reposition these somewhere else. It's a clusterfuck that's just under hitbursts from previous notes and it's kinda difficult to read.
  22. 01:16:796 (7) - New combo. Also remove the new combo from 01:17:629 (1).
  23. 01:19:129 (4,x,x,x,x,x) - These combos are very consistently put in wrong places haha. Since I'm already combonaziing you because I feel that it's actually necessary to do so, I will list spots where you should have new combos in this section, remove it from other notes you may have it on.
    01:19:129 (4), 01:20:795 (4), 01:22:129 (4) (you also forgot a finish on this note).
  24. 01:22:629 (1,2) - You should definitely remove the new combo from 1 and put it on 2 instead.
  25. 01:23:462 (6) - New combo.
  26. 01:30:129 (3) - New combo. This one is critical because of the huge spacing change.
  27. 01:52:795 (6,1) - Just a comment on this one, because technically it should be ok. This combo makes sense, but in a wrong way. You used it for the spacing while ignoring the music. To follow the music, you should put that new combo on that 6 instead of that 1, but then you will create a big spacing error which I just don't know how to fix with the pattern you currently have here.
  1. Eh, same SV as another but lower AR, that's kinda meh.
  2. 00:16:296 (4) - Since this hyper diff is increadibly hard for a hyper, you should avoid stuff like this. Swap 4 and 6? It's easier to read while the spacing is kinda the same.
  3. 00:51:462 (3,4,1) - New combo on that 3 and remove from 1.
  4. 00:54:296 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This kind of spacing for a hyper like this is overkill. Make 4-5-6 same spacing as 1-2-3 if possible.
  5. 01:02:129 (5,6,1) - New combo on 5, remove from 1.
  6. 01:03:462 (4) - I find it very awkward to start the kiai with a "4" especially if you don't have anything that connects it to something before. New combo on this 4 please.
  7. 01:08:462 (4,5) - To make comboing more consistent (and to follow the music better), you should put a new combo on either 4 or 5. It's a choice because the slider 4 is a repeater and it ends where a new combo should occur. Pick your poison.
  8. 01:15:962 (8,1) - New combo on 8, remove from 1. To follow the music better.
  9. 01:16:629 (3,4) - Same deal like some lines above, new combo on either of these. I would recommend 4 because that note isn't stacked anywhere and it's clearly visible.
  10. 01:17:629 (1) - This new combo makes no sense because you didn't use it at 01:14:962 (3). Remove it.
  11. 01:18:629 (4) - Should really use a new combo here cause of the music.
  12. 01:46:129 (1,2) - Definitely new combo on this 2 and remove from 1.
  13. 01:57:295 (4) - This double repeater is kinda unexpected. Keep it if you want I guess, but maybe think of something else.
  14. 02:06:795 (1,2,3) - This spacing. The spacing between 2-3 is too big. Even if you wanted to emphasize the ending with a jump, it shouldn't be this big, especially not for a Hyper.
[Neo's Taiko]
  1. 0 mods for this diff, really?
  2. Since soft hitsounds will soon be abolished from taiko (see new rules discussion made by OnosakiHito), swap to normal sounds and do -35% volume on every timing section to equalize the volume on the taiko skin?
  3. You don't really need tickrate 2, right?
  4. 02:07:295 (1) - K?
  1. 00:18:129 (1) - ctrl+r? It makes better spacing then.
  2. 01:07:962 (3) - There is no way that a new player will read that this has 3 repeats instead of one. I suppose it's fine but I suggest you think of something more noobfriendly.
  3. 01:10:129 (1) - Same thing here, just that it's a double repeater.
  4. 01:12:796 (5) - I'm actually not ok with this double repeater because there are no indications that it is one. Placement doesn't hint it's a double repeater. Change this please.
  5. 01:56:795 (5,1) - New combo on 5, remove from 1.
  6. 01:58:962 (3) - New combo for consistency (look here:01:48:295 (1)).
  7. 02:02:129 (4) - New combo.
  1. AR+1 or +2. AR2 is way too slow for this speed.
  2. 00:20:795 (5) - New combo? It's a bit long for an easy diff.
  3. 00:26:129 (3) - ^
  4. 00:31:462 (5) - ^
  5. 00:44:462 (4) - Eh, I am not ok with this. This kind of rhythm doesn't belong in an easy diff. What you could do is instead of circles, you could map short sliders. For this particular circle, map a slider which starts at 00:44:295 and ends at where this circle is. This makes the rhythm much easier, and sounds even better. Putting a whistle on the slider start is also an option. This affects all 5/2 things after here. If you don't wanna change it, I am actually okay with it, but I do suggest that you do this.
  6. 00:53:629 (2) - This note's position felt random. You didn't stack stuff under slider ends yet and you don't really have a reason to do that. I guess it's ok, but it something you should look into.
  7. 01:11:462 (3) - New combo.
  8. 01:51:462 (5) - ^
Wall of text. Was it necessary? I believe so. ._.
Oh boy.
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:

Oh boy.
rollcubes crushing mapper spirits

lolcubes wrote:

  1. AR+1 or +2. AR2 is way too slow for this speed. Done
  2. 00:20:795 (5) - New combo? It's a bit long for an easy diff. Done
  3. 00:26:129 (3) - ^ Done
  4. 00:31:462 (5) - ^ Done
  5. 00:44:462 (4) - Eh, I am not ok with this. This kind of rhythm doesn't belong in an easy diff. What you could do is instead of circles, you could map short sliders. For this particular circle, map a slider which starts at 00:44:295 and ends at where this circle is. This makes the rhythm much easier, and sounds even better. Putting a whistle on the slider start is also an option. This affects all 5/2 things after here. If you don't wanna change it, I am actually okay with it, but I do suggest that you do this. Ok,done
  6. 00:53:629 (2) - This note's position felt random. You didn't stack stuff under slider ends yet and you don't really have a reason to do that. I guess it's ok, but it something you should look into. Done
  7. 01:11:462 (3) - New combo. Done
  8. 01:51:462 (5) - ^ Done
Download: sakuzyo - Neurotoxin (Maddy) [Beginner].osu
Topic Starter
Everything is fixed now. :D
  1. 00:53:629 (2,4) - Hm, you sure you didn't forget to put whistles here?
  2. 01:51:462 (5) - You forgot a new combo here (from the previous mod, which you said you fixed :D )
Yeah other diffs look good now. Good job fixing that. Some combos could still be iffy but that's nothing because they are consistent.
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done :P

Pooped. ;__;

Fine. If it would be not, you would not get a Bubble. :P

00:38:795 (3) - Maybe trying to move this Slider like that, it doesn't touch the HP-Bar?
01:10:129 (2) - Clap at End Point.
01:54:795 (2) - Remove Clap, set Finish.
02:05:462 (2) - ^

00:16:462 (3) - Remove Finish, set Clap. Remove Clap at End Point.
00:17:462 (4) - Clap?
00:22:295 (1) - Why NC?
00:37:795 (3) - I would perfer to remove the Reverse Arrow, it sounds better without it.

01:34:295 (6,7) - They are off. Not unsnapped, but they don't fit with the Rhythm. Think about it and hear it yourself.
01:38:629 (2) - I fixed this Circle: x: 433, y: 194

01:29:462 (1) - New Combo.

Cool Map. I'm sure mah Mod is not required anymore. :P
*BMS è già nella source, nella tag è ridondante


00:28:795 (1,2) - kevin la prossima volta evita pattern del genere; un newbie si aspetta che questi due siano stacked 1/1 e sicuramente non baderanno alla distanza effettiva nella timeline, portandoli inevitabilmente a fare failz




01:22:795 (x) - Che parte, qui mi sarei aspettato che seguissi il ritmo principale mettendo un beat qui. Nel tuo modo va bene, però è un pò inaspettato a mio avviso D:


00:21:295 (7,1) - Che flow di cacca che c'è qui
Topic Starter

Armin wrote:

*BMS è già nella source, nella tag è ridondante


00:28:795 (1,2) - kevin la prossima volta evita pattern del genere; un newbie si aspetta che questi due siano stacked 1/1 e sicuramente non baderanno alla distanza effettiva nella timeline, portandoli inevitabilmente a fare failz




01:22:795 (x) - Che parte, qui mi sarei aspettato che seguissi il ritmo principale mettendo un beat qui. Nel tuo modo va bene, però è un pò inaspettato a mio avviso D: Fatto


00:21:295 (7,1) - Che flow di cacca che c'è qui Lo stop è fatto apposta, e a me piace :)

Armin wrote:


00:28:795 (1,2) - kevin la prossima volta evita pattern del genere; un newbie si aspetta che questi due siano stacked 1/1 e sicuramente non baderanno alla distanza effettiva nella timeline, portandoli inevitabilmente a fare failz Era mia intenzione farlo,sono un cattivo mapper u_u Vabbè,comunque ora dovrebbe essere apposto xD
Download: sakuzyo - Neurotoxin (Maddy) [Beginner].osu
There we go.
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stop smoking Armin
Hey, just some things you might want to consider before rank. Suggestions, basically.

Neo's Taiko
  1. 00:02:795 (1,2,3) - Why is this mapped? I'm not 100% sure that it has the correct timing.
  2. 00:42:129 - This part doesn't really fit the music. It's skipping perfectly good beats like at 00:43:129 and 00:43:795. Please consider redoing this part up to 01:00:629.
  1. 00:42:462 (1) - Circle is missing new combo!
  2. 01:16:546 (5,6) - Make these one slider instead. It makes more sense that way. Like this

Nothing here is pop-worthy except maybe the beginnning of the taiko, which I'm not sure the timing of.
I like the map, and I'm not going to pop over unconfirmed issues. This is just a heads up :P

Charles445 wrote:

Hey, just some things you might want to consider before rank. Suggestions, basically.

Neo's Taiko
  1. 00:02:795 (1,2,3) - Why is this mapped? I'm not 100% sure that it has the correct timing. --->I listened to it several times and decided to switch from 1/4 to 1/6 ,now it sounds better
  2. 00:42:129 - This part doesn't really fit the music. It's skipping perfectly good beats like at 00:43:129 and 00:43:795. Please consider redoing this part up to 01:00:629.--->Hm, actually the dkk were put just to bring some variety, but as they don't fit so well i changed them to dkd and i did it too with the successive stream; i also changed 00:46:629 (2,1,2,3) - from k d d d to k d d k
Download: sakuzyo - Neurotoxin (Maddy) [Neo's Taiko].osu
Topic Starter
Another : 01:16:546 (6,5) - Missed a spot!
That's better. Good choice on the taiko beginning btw, sounds way better.
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We changed one short slider into a circle in Another diff, cause the slider was just plain bad.

Owwwww yeeeah! Gj maddolone!
Congratz o/

DaxMasterix wrote:

Congratz o/

lolcubes wrote:

We changed one short slider into a circle in Another diff, cause the slider was just plain bad.
I think I know which one you were talking about. It wasn't THAT bad.

gz on rank
Gratz <3
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

lolcubes wrote:

We changed one short slider into a circle in Another diff, cause the slider was just plain bad.
I think I know which one you were talking about. It wasn't THAT bad.

gz on rank
Yeah, well, I play with different hitsounds, so it's super annoying to hear a random THUMP on a 1/4 tick out of nowhere haha. With the default set I agree, it's not THAT bad, but it's still unnecessary hehe.
Yay \o/
Reisen Udongein
really fun to play
When I try to download it, it says file is corrupt. :(
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