
Hanazawa Kana - Masquerade

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年3月26日 at 0:53:52

Artist: Hanazawa Kana
Title: Masquerade
Source: Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Tags: tutuhaha Gokou Ruri Kuro Neko Sennyou Maschera Black Cat ed7 full version oreimo ending
BPM: 135
Filesize: 9604kb
Play Time: 04:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.47 stars, 265 notes)
  2. Hard (4.87 stars, 589 notes)
  3. tutuhaha's Normal (3.66 stars, 284 notes)
Download: Hanazawa Kana - Masquerade
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#1 - Anime - Vocal

Do u love Kuro Neko or Hanazawa Kana :)

Attention!! SB and Skin has been updated on 26/Mar/2012!
remap on 18/Feb/2012

Hard - Remapping done~
tutuhaha's Normal - done~
Easy - done~

Maybe too many large size images i used in storyboard ?....whatever, at least u can pick some up as ur desktop background :D

Trying to make a map not hard....emmm.... i think i can fc easily XDD is FULL VERSION cut from original disk!!! 210sec drain time!!! It will be hard for me to find modder T^T

Download: Hanazawa Kana - Masquerade (Scorpiour) [tutuhaha's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:


kiai time的话。。。


已经上传了更名为tutuhaha's Normal
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Hi Nymph here and request from my queue.

槽点太多 我拣重点先说~

其实你懂得 虽然你SB里面放了这么多大图给我当福利我很感激 但是到时候SB图片是有大小要求的lol

囧 太多了 不说了 看图

不管怎么说我都会吐槽这个0.5spacing的设置的 BPM135 SV1.6的话 0.5spacing让整个图看起来玩起来都很扭曲 照我个人看法 怎么也得0.8以上才行 后面1.0用的也不错 我强烈建议前面remap…………

整体都用100音量有点太2啦 好歹不是高潮的部分试着降低音量吧

节奏很单调 基本都是白红线摆满 比方说这里00:14:048 (6) - 这vocal前面蓝线结束的 还死跟红线放note的话就不是很好 总之试着选择性的跟跟vocal 现在的节奏太死板了

建议试着选个custom clap吧 回音的也许不错 都是whistle听起来有点无聊了.

反正这些都是建议了 即使都不改也是rankable 只是感觉这图就少了点什么…………循序渐进的来就好.
Topic Starter

节奏的话,从头到尾基本上节奏模式并没有太重复的吧,13 24红白线交替配合三连和红线空拍都有在用,基本上每一段的节奏应该都不同才对。不过都用whistle确实有点单调了?太喜欢这个音效了的说……

嘛.... 第一次mod, 纯个人建议

虽然我也觉得soft+whistle很单调, 但是配finish的确很赞
关于kiai time, 我也觉得tutuhaha的版本稍微好一些, 不然有些太琐碎

00:44:715 (4) - 换成单个note加finish, 或变速0.67x拉长到下一个整拍点
01:04:937 (6) - 个人建议note尽量避免和之前的位置重合,因为被comboburst挡住容易miss; 后同
01:24:270 (1) - 后面加点东西吧, 密度可以低点, 不然太散了
02:16:715 ~ 02:17:159 - 加一个0.67x变速滑条, 02:18:944放一个finish的单note, 转盘随后开始并到02:21:159结束
04:01:826 (1,2) - 这个串的前两个最好去掉, 留出1/4的空隙, 而且vocal也是从第3个的位置才开始的
04:09:604 (1) - 拉长到04:11:826, 音乐也是在这个位置停的; 同时可以加个finish音效

tutuhaha's NORMAL
00:57:388 - 这个位置加一个note会比较好?
00:57:611 (1) - 转盘改到00:58:944结束, 从00:59:388开始摆note;
01:47:388 (1) - 同上
02:49:611 (1) - 应该在02:51:277结束

02:15:833 (1) - 个人觉得转盘还是从02:17:611开始比较好...或者双转盘?
hi :3

really thanks for requesting me :3

8th mod from own queue


-are you sure about the low spacing? some jumps and suddenly high spacing change is very confusing

00:10:493 (3,4,5,6) - this looks like a stream D:
00:10:715 (4) - whistle
00:10:937 (5) - no whistle
00:11:159 (6) - whistle
00:14:048 (6) - whistle
00:32:270 (6) - no whistle on start of slider, sounds better with vocals
00:34:048 (4) - ^
00:35:826 (5) - ^ and what happened with the finish on end?
00:58:492 ~ 00:59:381 - uh empty kiai section?
01:00:715 (5) - no whistle /.\
01:20:715 (1) - hmm that is not the centre, but who cares xd
01:39:159 (8) - suddenly slowdown >_<
02:35:381 (1) - whistle instead finish on start of slider, your double finish pattern is better
02:48:493 (5) - finish
02:50:715 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - high spacing, this looks like your 1/2 previous patters :o
02:51:270 - end the kiai here, there is no reason for a break be on kiai
02:57:621 - kamineko <3
02:58:270 - move this green timeline to 02:58:492 - start of slider
03:40:270 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - place this stream fair appart since 03:32:826 (7,8,9,10) - is near to previous slider might be confusing /.\

good luck for now =v=
Topic Starter

hxl11211 wrote:

嘛.... 第一次mod, 纯个人建议

虽然我也觉得soft+whistle很单调, 但是配finish的确很赞
关于kiai time, 我也觉得tutuhaha的版本稍微好一些, 不然有些太琐碎

- kiai time重新整理中~~前几天有点忙一直没顾上弄这个图~

00:44:715 (4) - 换成单个note加finish, 或变速0.67x拉长到下一个整拍点

01:04:937 (6) - 个人建议note尽量避免和之前的位置重合,因为被comboburst挡住容易miss; 后同

01:24:270 (1) - 后面加点东西吧, 密度可以低点, 不然太散了
- 这里让我再考虑下。。。。

02:16:715 ~ 02:17:159 - 加一个0.67x变速滑条, 02:18:944放一个finish的单note, 转盘随后开始并到02:21:159结束
- 我还是不太赞成用太多变速slider特别不是在高潮段。。。偶尔下两个可以了而且0.67x好奇怪的样子…。。转盘向后移动了一点跟随vocal的长音,中间加了几个note~

04:01:826 (1,2) - 这个串的前两个最好去掉, 留出1/4的空隙, 而且vocal也是从第3个的位置才开始的
- vocal确实是从3开始的,但是直接从3起手3连又感觉打的时候有点别扭……将3-5换成slider了~

04:09:604 (1) - 拉长到04:11:826, 音乐也是在这个位置停的; 同时可以加个finish音效

tutuhaha's NORMAL
00:57:388 - 这个位置加一个note会比较好?
00:57:611 (1) - 转盘改到00:58:944结束, 从00:59:388开始摆note;
01:47:388 (1) - 同上
02:49:611 (1) - 应该在02:51:277结束

02:15:833 (1) - 个人觉得转盘还是从02:17:611开始比较好...或者双转盘?
Topic Starter

ikari_kyon wrote:

hi :3

really thanks for requesting me :3

8th mod from own queue


-are you sure about the low spacing? some jumps and suddenly high spacing change is very confusing

00:10:493 (3,4,5,6) - this looks like a stream D:
00:10:715 (4) - whistle
00:10:937 (5) - no whistle
00:11:159 (6) - whistle
00:14:048 (6) - whistle
00:32:270 (6) - no whistle on start of slider, sounds better with vocals
00:34:048 (4) - ^
00:35:826 (5) - ^ and what happened with the finish on end?
00:58:492 ~ 00:59:381 - uh empty kiai section?
01:00:715 (5) - no whistle /.\
01:20:715 (1) - hmm that is not the centre, but who cares xd
01:39:159 (8) - suddenly slowdown >_<

- because of remapping~~ fixed a lot~~

02:35:381 (1) - whistle instead finish on start of slider, your double finish pattern is better -fixed here

02:48:493 (5) - finish - good idea~

02:50:715 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - high spacing, this looks like your 1/2 previous patters :o - remapping for reseting all ds, so nearly no change here:)

02:51:270 - end the kiai here, there is no reason for a break be on kiai - ok~

02:57:621 - kamineko <3 - XD

02:58:270 - move this green timeline to 02:58:492 - start of slider - fixed~

03:40:270 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - place this stream fair appart since 03:32:826 (7,8,9,10) - is near to previous slider might be confusing /.\ - considering how to change >.<

good luck for now =v=
thank you very much for ur modding~~
request from QQ
4:09 - 1+1 diffs

00:48:715 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个排得好像不咋样- -
00:52:270 (1) - finish
00:57:604 kiai是不是开错了。。
00:57:604 (1) - 结尾拉到00:58:937然后放个无声结尾
01:20:715 (1) - 别加whistle
01:24:270 (1) - 这个只留whistle
01:39:159 (8) - 用2.0排
01:42:048 (1) - finish
02:10:492 (1) - 这就别用0.5了
03:33:604 (1) - 这距离绝对坑爹
04:02:493 (4) - finish
04:09:604 (1) - 结尾在04:11:826
这难度这么多finish声音还这么大。- -

02:10:499 (1) - 开头finish
03:48:277 (1) - ^

感觉把preview time放副歌前面比较舒服。。
from Anshi and eikka's modding queue~


kiai time还是有点点乱。。再检查一下每个timing point如何
还有我灰常想在旋律变柔和的B段看到SB~【滚……~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o 。。

2分半之后那段kiai time的note还是多了些,作为relaxing来说会增加难度【虽然刷分好像很好用|||

[tutuhaha's normal]
01.56.055 (3) 唔 这个circle可以去掉的
03.22.722 (1,2) 用的是slider-circle组合,个人觉得这两个换一下,变成circle-slider组合的节奏好点

00.11.381 (7)啊这个肯定要说><,slider的长度加长1/4拍,到00.12.048为止差不多,压准vocal。
00.17.492 加个note,位置随意
00.33.492 ^
00.43.159 ^
00.47.604 感觉和vocal不协调,改成如下所示【啊,位置随意放好了,我这个是节奏的MOD
03.32.826 (7)删掉

Good luck~ :D 蝎蝎加油的说
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

request from QQ
4:09 - 1+1 diffs -

00:48:715 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个排得好像不咋样- - - 重做啦~~
00:52:270 (1) - finish - finish有点重了,我在考虑换个custom clap的回音音效中~
00:57:604 kiai是不是开错了。。- 小喷泉~小喷泉~
00:57:604 (1) - 结尾拉到00:58:937然后放个无声结尾 - 唔。。不好听诶~
01:20:715 (1) - 别加whistle - 这个图的finish都是whistle+finish双音效的……
01:24:270 (1) - 这个只留whistle - nice~
01:39:159 (8) - 用2.0排 - good idea~
01:42:048 (1) - finish - 这里也是finish太重了。。我在找新的custom clap音效~
02:10:492 (1) - 这就别用0.5了 -fixed~
03:33:604 (1) - 这距离绝对坑爹 - 绝对坑了,所以改stack了XD~
04:02:493 (4) - finish
04:09:604 (1) - 结尾在04:11:826 -nice~
这难度这么多finish声音还这么大。- - -finish要重做,clap也要重做!

02:10:499 (1) - 开头finish
03:48:277 (1) - ^
吐槽不能 - 不能吐槽就不要吐槽啦(匿)

感觉把preview time放副歌前面比较舒服。。-preview调了下,可能会再调一下~
• You need to fix the resolution to 800x600, the gb of "bg8" is too big to be 1600x1240, fix it at least over 800x600

AR 6
HP 6
00:57:604-00:59:381 (k) remove the kai in there

And nothing more.
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

from Anshi and eikka's modding queue~

果然full ver还是太长了……但是真的不愿意cut掉任何一段呢所以就全做了………

kiai time还是有点点乱。。再检查一下每个timing point如何
- kiai 重做中!
还有我灰常想在旋律变柔和的B段看到SB~【滚……~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o 。。

sb也在重做中因为图太大了。。。所以后面的版本没有桌面级的福利图啦 XD

2分半之后那段kiai time的note还是多了些,作为relaxing来说会增加难度【虽然刷分好像很好用|||
- 恩~~让我想想看怎么调则合格你……

[tutuhaha's normal]
01.56.055 (3) 唔 这个circle可以去掉的
03.22.722 (1,2) 用的是slider-circle组合,个人觉得这两个换一下,变成circle-slider组合的节奏好点

00.11.381 (7)啊这个肯定要说><,slider的长度加长1/4拍,到00.12.048为止差不多,压准vocal。- 这里节奏我决定重做了,做成3个白红线的短slider……要不怎么听都别扭了T.T
00.17.492 加个note,位置随意 - 这里不好吧,感觉不是很适合三连……
00.33.492 ^ -这里破坏梗了。。我想想怎么弄……
00.43.159 ^ -这里加上了~

00.47.604 感觉和vocal不协调,改成如下所示【啊,位置随意放好了,我这个是节奏的MOD
03.32.826 (7)删掉 - 删掉的话接1/2会不会有点奇怪……我试下哈效果果然很好~~nice ~~

Good luck~ :D 蝎蝎加油的说

I quite like this skin. Nice design, and doesn't hinder gameplay. Pretty good job, I say.

Though the hit0, 50, 100 & 300 could have better colors. That's just my opinion.


Images should have a maximum length & width of 1024 x 768. Anything higher than that isn't needed really, because you can scale them.

So you have a bunch of needlessly oversized images for your Storyboard and you will need to resize them, and re-scale them most likely.

Please make these changes and do a Full-Submission. This is absolute.



tutuhaha's Normal:

Well-structured and presented. I have no qualms with this difficulty at all.

It's superb.

- 04:07:833 (1) - Thought I'd suggest you silence this spinner.


- 01:09:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - The later half of this stream is obscured by the previous slider patterns.

Strongly suggest you change this.

- 01:53:826 (3,4,5) - Please don't do this. Once again, a bad overlap.

- 01:57:159 (3,4,5,6,7) - Shift this a little higher, where the first note is more visible.

- 01:58:937 (5) - Not feeling so good about this slowdown. I don't know if this section particularly needs this.

That's it.
Topic Starter

Kurisuchianu wrote:

• You need to fix the resolution to 800x600, the gb of "bg8" is too big to be 1600x1240, fix it at least over 800x600
remaking sb and adjust all images:)

AR 6
HP 6
- sorry but i dont wanna change them

00:57:604-00:59:381 (k) remove the kai in there
- resetting all kiai~

And nothing more.
thank u very much for modding~
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:


I quite like this skin. Nice design, and doesn't hinder gameplay. Pretty good job, I say.

Though the hit0, 50, 100 & 300 could have better colors. That's just my opinion.

- thanks :D~~


Images should have a maximum length & width of 1024 x 768. Anything higher than that isn't needed really, because you can scale them.

So you have a bunch of needlessly oversized images for your Storyboard and you will need to resize them, and re-scale them most likely.

Please make these changes and do a Full-Submission. This is absolute.

-i'm remaking my sb~~~



tutuhaha's Normal:

Well-structured and presented. I have no qualms with this difficulty at all.

It's superb.

- 04:07:833 (1) - Thought I'd suggest you silence this spinner.


- 01:09:159 (1,2,3,4,5) - The later half of this stream is obscured by the previous slider patterns.

Strongly suggest you change this. - change to stack XD

- 01:53:826 (3,4,5) - Please don't do this. Once again, a bad overlap. - really ugly when i look at here again..changed!

- 01:57:159 (3,4,5,6,7) - Shift this a little higher, where the first note is more visible. - actually i remap here >.<

- 01:58:937 (5) - Not feeling so good about this slowdown. I don't know if this section particularly needs this. - not necessary, so remove this slowdown...~

That's it.
thank you very much for ur modding and star~~
S h i o n

  1. 03:48:277 (1) - Finish ?
  2. 02:27:833 (T) - 去掉kiai time ?
  3. 03:41:159 (T) - 加kiai time ? Hard同.
22HH's Normal
  1. too too H
  1. 00:53:604 (6) - spacing ? 完全有理由以为这个是1/4的..
  2. 01:10:937 (5) - 不喜欢像这样叠起来切断flow的感觉..
  3. 01:20:715 (1,1) - 这2个有点意义不明= = 索性去掉。 或者从01:24:270 (1) - 这里开始map 后面一段背景音乐空着浪费啊~
  4. 01:35:826 (2,3,4) - 小间距还是不舒服 会误以为1/4
  5. 01:38:492 (7) - NC
  6. 01:54:492 (1,2,3,4,5) - 可以更跳些?
  7. 02:11:381 (3) - vocal是1/4的, 考虑在02:11:270 加个note ?
  8. 02:15:826 (7) - NC ?
  9. 03:02:048 (6) - NC 03:02:493 (1) - RNC
  10. 03:42:937 (7) - NC 不然13个有点多啊~
  11. 03:58:048 (7) - Ctrl + R ? 更顺手点似乎./.
  12. 04:09:604 (1) - 静音?
好图(片?) 射之.

Kiiwa will probably mod this later...
Hi there

* Make sure the kiai times is same on each diff
* Remove bg2 and bg8, since it's unused
* Add "tutuhaha" on each diff, since he is created you a guest diff


* The custom numbers skin has a cut-off the shadow....
* The comboburst looks low-quality and blur, try find it new one?
* You need an cursortrail.png. It's weird without one!
* Rename the "approachcircles.png" to "approachcircle.png". Because the custom approach circle are not appear
* comboburst image must not larger than 500x767 (currently 565x800)


01:38:499 (1) - Remove new combo, it's doesn't make sense having a single combo in single object
02:04:277 (2) - Replace this object into a slider for a good flow?
03:16:722 (2) - Not stack perfectly with head slider (Nazi)


tutuhaha's Normal
* AR +1?

00:36:277 (1) - It is just me or the sliderslider sound is appear suddenly?
01:09:833 (5) - Unstack this and move to X:404 and X:120 for a good pattern? (Nazi)


01:13:159 (1) - Remove new combo, it's doesn't make sense having a single combo in single object
01:39:159 (8) - New combo? Since it's a slowdown slider
02:35:381 (1) - Sudden slowdown slider can makes confusing for player
03:25:159 (5) - New combo? Since it's a slowdown slider


Good luck~
Topic Starter

S h i o n wrote:


  1. 03:48:277 (1) - Finish ? - 突然发现easy的音效没弄好……晕死了。。严重失误……
  2. 02:27:833 (T) - 去掉kiai time ? -
  3. 03:41:159 (T) - 加kiai time ? Hard同.
    - kiai 已经重做啦,中间instrumental段会用sb效果取代kiai~
22HH's Normal
  1. too too H
  1. 00:53:604 (6) - spacing ? 完全有理由以为这个是1/4的.. - 这里调整了~~
  2. 01:10:937 (5) - 不喜欢像这样叠起来切断flow的感觉.. - 确实是诶~~调整啦~
  3. 01:20:715 (1,1) - 这2个有点意义不明= = 索性去掉。 或者从01:24:270 (1) - 这里开始map 后面一段背景音乐空着浪费啊~ - 这里我自己感觉啦,留一点点空间可以让节奏有一些变化~
  4. 01:35:826 (2,3,4) - 小间距还是不舒服 会误以为1/4 - 这三个是想放个梗:)
  5. 01:38:492 (7) - NC - fixed~
  6. 01:54:492 (1,2,3,4,5) - 可以更跳些? - 唔,除了instrumental段和结尾那里以外确实不想再放超过1.0x的跳梗了……毕竟开始制作时的定位就是听歌向刷分图:)
  7. 02:11:381 (3) - vocal是1/4的, 考虑在02:11:270 加个note ? - 恩,加了个note,配合slider尾音做了个whistle三连,听起来蛮好的XD。。不过担心被人吐槽小坑呢~
  8. 02:15:826 (7) - NC ? - 我改这里的时候连续蓝屏2次。。。悲剧。。暂时放弃,换个电脑弄。
  9. 03:02:048 (6) - NC 03:02:493 (1) - RNC -fixed~
  10. 03:42:937 (7) - NC 不然13个有点多啊~ - fixed~
  11. 03:58:048 (7) - Ctrl + R ? 更顺手点似乎./. - 确实是!
  12. 04:09:604 (1) - 静音? - 暂时没动。。。等换了音效的~
好图(片?) 射之.

Kiiwa will probably mod this later...
hi~ Scorpiour :)

from my queue ~

here my mod ~

  1. Song folder - image.jpg - It is an opinion same as other people.
  2. Song Setup - tags - add tutuhaha in all diff
  3. Timing - offset - Only Hard diff is different. plz Please unify it. change 2493⇒2500
F,0,25621,29176,1,0.9859393 ⇒F,0,25621,29176,1
F,0,29176,30954,0.9859393,0 ⇒F,0,29176,30954,1,0
F,0,78954,79843,1,0.4590402 ⇒remove
F,0,79843,80732,0.4590402,0 ⇒F,0,78954,80732,1,0
F,0,139843,141954,1,0.9679997 ⇒remove
F,0,141954,143732,0.9679997,1 ⇒remove
F,0,143732,144732,1 ⇒F,0,139843,144732,1
F,0,171843,178065,1,0.9842697 ⇒F,0,171843,178065,1
F,0,178065,178954,0.9842697,0 ⇒F,0,178065,178954,1,0
M,0,193621,,320,256 ⇒remove
F,0,193621,,0 ⇒remove

[Relaxing] ⇒ change name Easy is better. (because do not match others)
  1. 00:13:166 (1) - spacing too close (0.74x)
  2. 00:20:277 (1) - ^ (0.84x)
  3. 00:22:944 (5) - remove finish to start of the slider and add finish to end of the slider
  4. 00:36:388 - green line. 00:36:277 (5) - sliderslide sound is a little noisy. (I think that you should have sliderslide in softhitsound2)
  5. 00:41:166 (4) - spacing too close (0.91x) x392,y272 ?
  6. 00:57:611 (3) - remove finish to end of the slider
  7. 00:59:388 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  8. 01:02:055 (4) - remove finish
  9. 01:06:055 (4) - ^
  10. 01:06:499 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  11. 01:09:166 (4) - remove finish to start of the slider
  12. 01:27:833 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  13. 01:49:166 (1) - ^
  14. 01:51:833 (5) - remove finish to end of the slider
  15. 01:55:833 (6) - remove finish
  16. 01:56:277 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  17. 02:02:499 (5) - remove finish
  18. 02:10:055 (1) - remove NC and 02:10:499 - add NC
  19. 02:10:499 (2) - add finish to start of the slider
  20. 02:58:499 (1) - ^
  21. 03:04:722 (5) - add finish to end of the slider
  22. 03:11:833 (5) - ^
  23. 03:16:722 (2) - one grid right.
  24. 03:19:833 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  25. 03:25:166 (5) - remove finish to start of the slider
  26. 03:26:944 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  27. 03:34:055 (1) - add finish
  28. 03:40:277 (4) - remove finish
  29. 03:41:166 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  30. 03:48:277 (1) - ^
  31. 03:55:388 (1) - add finish
  32. 03:57:166 (1) - ^
  33. 04:02:055 (1) - add finish to repeat of the slider
  34. 04:07:833 (1) - spinner end 04:11:722 ? (same normal)

[tutuhaha's Normal]
  1. AR -1 (I think too fast >< )
  2. 00:36:388 - remove green line ?
  3. 00:36:944 - ^
  4. 01:24:277 (4) - add NC and 01:24:722 - remove NC and 01:26:055 - add NC
  5. 02:10:499 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  6. 03:40:722 (1) - remove NC and 03:41:166 - add NC
  7. 03:41:166 (2) - add finish to start of the slider
  8. 03:48:277 (1) - ^
  9. 03:53:611 (1) - add finish to end of the slider
  10. 04:02:055 (1) - ^

  1. 00:09:604 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  2. 00:16:270 (4) - remove finish
  3. 00:16:715 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  4. 00:32:270 (6) - remove finish to end of the slider (finish does not match a red line)
  5. 00:34:048 (4) - ^
  6. 00:37:826 (4) - ^
  7. 00:38:048 - add note and this note to add finish
  8. 00:39:381 (4) - remove finish to end of the slider
  9. 00:41:159 (5) - ^
  10. 00:44:715 (4) - remove finish to repeat of the slider and add finish to end of the slider
  11. 00:59:381 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  12. 01:02:492 (5) - remove finish
  13. 01:04:715 (5) - add NC
  14. 01:06:048 (10) - remove finish
  15. 01:06:492 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  16. 01:27:826 (1) - ^
  17. 01:39:159 (8) - add NC
  18. 01:47:381 (1) - remove finish
  19. 01:49:159 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  20. 01:52:270 (4) - remove finish
  21. 01:55:826 (6) - ^
  22. 01:56:270 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  23. 02:02:048 (2) - dose not match vocal. try like this
  24. 02:02:492 (4) - remove finish
  25. 02:03:381 (5) - add finish to start of the slider
  26. 02:06:492 (8) - remove finish
  27. 02:10:492 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  28. 02:15:826 (7) - add NC
  29. 02:27:826 (4) - remove finish
  30. 03:02:048 (6) - add NC and 03:02:493 - remove NC
  31. 03:18:937 (1) - remove finish to end of the slider
  32. 03:19:826 (1) - add finish
  33. 03:22:270 (2) - remove finish
  34. 03:25:159 (5) - remove finish to end of the slider
  35. 03:26:937 (1) - add finish
  36. 03:30:048 (6) - remove finish
  37. 03:33:604 (6) - ^
  38. 03:34:048 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  39. 03:35:826 (7) - add NC and 03:36:715 - remove NC
  40. 03:36:715 (1) - remove finish
  41. 03:40:270 (1) - spacing too close. not stack ?
  42. 03:41:159 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  43. 03:42:493 (5) - remove finish
  44. 03:42:715 (6) - add NC
  45. 03:44:270 (13) - ^
  46. 03:46:493 (7) - add NC
  47. 03:47:826 (10) - remove finish
  48. 03:48:270 (1) - add finish
  49. 03:50:048 (7) - add NC
  50. 03:50:937 (11) - remove finish to end of the slider
  51. 03:54:493 (3) - remove finish
  52. 03:55:381 (2) - add finish to start of the slider
  53. 04:02:493 (4) - add NC and add finish to start of the slider
  54. 04:05:159 (5) - remove finish to end of the slider
  55. 04:09:604 (1) - spinner end 04:11:715 ( same normal )

sorry, long mod :?

map is good ~ Star☆~ :)

Good luck ~ :oops:
Star Stream
from my queue

00:41:611 (1,2) - make like this
00:57:611 ~ 00:59:388 (kiai) - delete? or make it -> start point : 00:59:388 - end : 01:12:722 -
01:06:055 (4,1) - 1grid up? (parallel with 01:04:722 (3) - )
01:08:277 (3) - 1grid down the slider tick(368,96)
01:11:833 (3,4,5) - slider?
01:34:055 (4) - looks ugly, delete the middle tick
02:10:055 (1,2) - remove NC, NC
02:14:499 (6) - NC
02:15:833 (1,1) - combine them
03:08:277 (4) - 2grid down the middle tick
03:41:166 - kiai end,and kiai start point

tutuhaha's Normal
02:48:722 (2) - touch my timer, 2~4grid down
03:35:833 (1) - spinner? why?

Kiai - same as Relaxing
00:15:826 (3,4) - feel empty, like this?
00:22:048 (7,8) - delete and add a slow slider
01:00:604 - add a circle
01:05:604 (9,10) - slow slider
01:07:715 - add a circle
01:26:048 - add some notes
01:39:159 (2) - make longer than 01:40:270 (3) -
01:50:381 - add a circle
02:15:826 (7) - NC
03:21:159 (7,8) - same as 00:15:826 (3,4)
04:07:270 - add a circle
04:07:381 (5) ~ 04:07:381 (5) - stream?

that's all
good luck~
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

* Make sure the kiai times is same on each diff
* Remove bg2 and bg8, since it's unused
* Add "tutuhaha" on each diff, since he is created you a guest diff
- remaking sb, and added to tag XD

* The custom numbers skin has a cut-off the shadow....
* The comboburst looks low-quality and blur, try find it new one?
* You need an cursortrail.png. It's weird without one!
* Rename the "approachcircles.png" to "approachcircle.png". Because the custom approach circle are not appear
* comboburst image must not larger than 500x767 (currently 565x800)
- fixed

01:38:499 (1) - Remove new combo, it's doesn't make sense having a single combo in single object - fixed~
02:04:277 (2) - Replace this object into a slider for a good flow? - good idea~
03:16:722 (2) - Not stack perfectly with head slider (Nazi) - fixed~~not nazi, it's really not stack well


tutuhaha's Normal
* AR +1?

00:36:277 (1) - It is just me or the sliderslider sound is appear suddenly?
01:09:833 (5) - Unstack this and move to X:404 and X:120 for a good pattern? (Nazi)


01:13:159 (1) - Remove new combo, it's doesn't make sense having a single combo in single object -'s for reducing difficult because a 1/2 hidden behind a small stream, so this new combo could help players to notice it
01:39:159 (8) - New combo? Since it's a slowdown slider - fixed~
02:35:381 (1) - Sudden slowdown slider can makes confusing for player - i thought it's fit for here:) actually i tryed several kinda style here but at last i choose slowdonw:)
03:25:159 (5) - New combo? Since it's a slowdown slider - okay~


Good luck~
thank u very much for ur modding~
Topic Starter

kosiga wrote:

hi~ Scorpiour :)

from my queue ~

here my mod ~

  1. Song folder - image.jpg - It is an opinion same as other people.
  2. Song Setup - tags - add tutuhaha in all diff
    - fixed above~
  3. Timing - offset - Only Hard diff is different. plz Please unify it. change 2493⇒2500 -omg essential mistake i made... offset is 2493, forget to change other diffs after adjusting...
F,0,25621,29176,1,0.9859393 ⇒F,0,25621,29176,1
F,0,29176,30954,0.9859393,0 ⇒F,0,29176,30954,1,0
F,0,78954,79843,1,0.4590402 ⇒remove
F,0,79843,80732,0.4590402,0 ⇒F,0,78954,80732,1,0
F,0,139843,141954,1,0.9679997 ⇒remove
F,0,141954,143732,0.9679997,1 ⇒remove
F,0,143732,144732,1 ⇒F,0,139843,144732,1
F,0,171843,178065,1,0.9842697 ⇒F,0,171843,178065,1
F,0,178065,178954,0.9842697,0 ⇒F,0,178065,178954,1,0
M,0,193621,,320,256 ⇒remove
F,0,193621,,0 ⇒remove


[Relaxing] ⇒ change name Easy is better. (because do not match others) -okay
  1. 00:13:166 (1) - spacing too close (0.74x) - a blank here:)
  2. 00:20:277 (1) - ^ (0.84x) - ^
  3. 00:22:944 (5) - remove finish to start of the slider and add finish to end of the slider - but not heard well..let me think about it
  4. 00:36:388 - green line. 00:36:277 (5) - sliderslide sound is a little noisy. (I think that you should have sliderslide in softhitsound2) - good idea~
  5. 00:41:166 (4) - spacing too close (0.91x) x392,y272 ? - okay
  6. 00:57:611 (3) - remove finish to end of the slider
  7. 00:59:388 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  8. 01:02:055 (4) - remove finish
  9. 01:06:055 (4) - ^
  10. 01:06:499 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  11. 01:09:166 (4) - remove finish to start of the slider
  12. 01:27:833 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  13. 01:49:166 (1) - ^
  14. 01:51:833 (5) - remove finish to end of the slider
  15. 01:55:833 (6) - remove finish
  16. 01:56:277 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  17. 02:02:499 (5) - remove finish
  18. 02:10:055 (1) - remove NC and 02:10:499 - add NC - but here is the beginning of lyric...sorry no change
  19. 02:10:499 (2) - add finish to start of the slider
  20. 02:58:499 (1) - ^
  21. 03:04:722 (5) - add finish to end of the slider
  22. 03:11:833 (5) - ^
  23. 03:16:722 (2) - one grid right. - fixed~
  24. 03:19:833 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  25. 03:25:166 (5) - remove finish to start of the slider
  26. 03:26:944 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  27. 03:34:055 (1) - add finish
  28. 03:40:277 (4) - remove finish
  29. 03:41:166 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  30. 03:48:277 (1) - ^
  31. 03:55:388 (1) - add finish
  32. 03:57:166 (1) - ^
  33. 04:02:055 (1) - add finish to repeat of the slider
  34. 04:07:833 (1) - spinner end 04:11:722 ? (same normal)

- i decide to remake my hit sounds :)

[tutuhaha's Normal]
  1. AR -1 (I think too fast >< )
  2. 00:36:388 - remove green line ?
  3. 00:36:944 - ^
  4. 01:24:277 (4) - add NC and 01:24:722 - remove NC and 01:26:055 - add NC
  5. 02:10:499 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  6. 03:40:722 (1) - remove NC and 03:41:166 - add NC
  7. 03:41:166 (2) - add finish to start of the slider
  8. 03:48:277 (1) - ^
  9. 03:53:611 (1) - add finish to end of the slider
  10. 04:02:055 (1) - ^

  1. 00:09:604 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  2. 00:16:270 (4) - remove finish
  3. 00:16:715 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  4. 00:32:270 (6) - remove finish to end of the slider (finish does not match a red line)
  5. 00:34:048 (4) - ^
  6. 00:37:826 (4) - ^
  7. 00:38:048 - add note and this note to add finish - sorry no change due to the lyric
  8. 00:39:381 (4) - remove finish to end of the slider
  9. 00:41:159 (5) - ^
  10. 00:44:715 (4) - remove finish to repeat of the slider and add finish to end of the slider
  11. 00:59:381 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  12. 01:02:492 (5) - remove finish
  13. 01:04:715 (5) - add NC - okay~
  14. 01:06:048 (10) - remove finish
  15. 01:06:492 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  16. 01:27:826 (1) - ^
  17. 01:39:159 (8) - add NC - fixed~
  18. 01:47:381 (1) - remove finish
  19. 01:49:159 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  20. 01:52:270 (4) - remove finish
  21. 01:55:826 (6) - ^
  22. 01:56:270 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  23. 02:02:048 (2) - dose not match vocal. try like this - good idea!
  24. 02:02:492 (4) - remove finish
  25. 02:03:381 (5) - add finish to start of the slider
  26. 02:06:492 (8) - remove finish
  27. 02:10:492 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  28. 02:15:826 (7) - add NC
  29. 02:27:826 (4) - remove finish
  30. 03:02:048 (6) - add NC and 03:02:493 - remove NC -fixed~
  31. 03:18:937 (1) - remove finish to end of the slider
  32. 03:19:826 (1) - add finish
  33. 03:22:270 (2) - remove finish
  34. 03:25:159 (5) - remove finish to end of the slider
  35. 03:26:937 (1) - add finish
  36. 03:30:048 (6) - remove finish
  37. 03:33:604 (6) - ^
  38. 03:34:048 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  39. 03:35:826 (7) - add NC and 03:36:715 - remove NC - fixed~
  40. 03:36:715 (1) - remove finish
  41. 03:40:270 (1) - spacing too close. not stack ? - considering how to change....
  42. 03:41:159 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  43. 03:42:493 (5) - remove finish
  44. 03:42:715 (6) - add NC - fixed
  45. 03:44:270 (13) - ^- fixed
  46. 03:46:493 (7) - add NC - sorry no change
  47. 03:47:826 (10) - remove finish
  48. 03:48:270 (1) - add finish
  49. 03:50:048 (7) - add NC
  50. 03:50:937 (11) - remove finish to end of the slider
  51. 03:54:493 (3) - remove finish
  52. 03:55:381 (2) - add finish to start of the slider
  53. 04:02:493 (4) - add NC and add finish to start of the slider
  54. 04:05:159 (5) - remove finish to end of the slider
  55. 04:09:604 (1) - spinner end 04:11:715 ( same normal )

sorry, long mod :?

not long~~pretty a nice mod:) .... and i'm remaking my SB & hitsounds

map is good ~ Star☆~ :)

Good luck ~ :oops:
thank u very much for ur modding and star :)
Topic Starter

Star Stream wrote:

from my queue

00:41:611 (1,2) - make like this - unable to see this image....
00:57:611 ~ 00:59:388 (kiai) - delete? or make it -> start point : 00:59:388 - end : 01:12:722 - all kiai remaked~
01:06:055 (4,1) - 1grid up? (parallel with 01:04:722 (3) - ) - -!!!
01:08:277 (3) - 1grid down the slider tick(368,96) - but now it is here...
01:11:833 (3,4,5) - slider? - emm...change (3,4) to slider:)
01:34:055 (4) - looks ugly, delete the middle tick - okay~
02:10:055 (1,2) - remove NC, NC - sorry no change because of lyric
02:14:499 (6) - NC - also no change
02:15:833 (1,1) - combine them - considering
03:08:277 (4) - 2grid down the middle tick - okay
03:41:166 - kiai end,and kiai start point

tutuhaha's Normal
02:48:722 (2) - touch my timer, 2~4grid down
03:35:833 (1) - spinner? why?

OD-1 - acc promote to 99% when test by OD6 ... okay
Kiai - same as Relaxing
00:15:826 (3,4) - feel empty, like this? - ..unable to see ur image
00:22:048 (7,8) - delete and add a slow slider - em.. make some change base on ur advice:)
01:00:604 - add a circle - ..i'd like to keep 1/2 here:)
01:05:604 (9,10) - slow slider - sorry no change because of the accent here:)
01:07:715 - add a circle - ..i'd like to keep 1/2 here, too:)
01:26:048 - add some notes - emm. at first i dont want to add anything here, but this point...i got new idea , so added:)
01:39:159 (2) - make longer than 01:40:270 (3) - but it's designed :)
01:50:381 - add a circle - still 1/2
02:15:826 (7) - NC - fixed~
03:21:159 (7,8) - same as 00:15:826 (3,4) - but they're different so sorry no change
04:07:270 - add a circle - sorry
04:07:381 (5) ~ 04:07:381 (5) - stream? - i really don't wanna add a stream in the end...

that's all
good luck~
thank u very much for ur modding:)
You requested on my queue ;3
Nice skin ;D

-02:48:715 (2) - Reverse once more

._. That's all I could find :I
In insane the hit circles are sorta of hard to see though =/
Other then that,the map is really well made ;D
Topic Starter

xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:

You requested on my queue ;3
Nice skin ;D

-02:48:715 (2) - Reverse once more

._. That's all I could find :I
In insane the hit circles are sorta of hard to see though =/ - emm...seems i need to darken the shadow of hitcircleoverlay...let me think about how to make it :)
Other then that,the map is really well made ;D

thank u for ur modding and star:)

  • [General]
    skin真心不错 不影响打图\:D/


    00:19:604 (4) - 如果你一定要加这么多finish的话...这里也补一个finish
    00:22:492 (8) - 这个new combo后面那个1的nc删掉
    00:30:937 (1) - 其实这才是本该加finish的地方不是吗233
    00:36:270 (6) - ^
    01:09:826 (x) -虽然能够理解但是还是建议这里补个note?
    01:10:826 (x) - 这个akari很带感啊不要忽略它;_;
    01:13:159 (1) - 不介意这个叠着5放...而且要叠也不要new combo 突然刹车不好读
    01:20:715 (1,1,1) - 这几个spacing可以有点细小的变化...比如第二个比第一个稍微下一点点 第三个比第二个稍微下一点点 当然这只是建议,现在这样也很好
    01:39:159 (2) - 常速1.28这里不是应该0.65吗为什么又变成正常的0.5了呢...而且建议从01:38:492 (1) - 开始变慢...
    03:36:604 (x) - 这么带感的wasure的re真的要带过吗...
    04:09:381 (4) - 换个位置吧 现在这样不太好看...你可以放右边什么的

Topic Starter

goodbye wrote:

  • [General]
    skin真心不错 不影响打图\:D/


    00:19:604 (4) - 如果你一定要加这么多finish的话...这里也补一个finish - 00:19:826 (6) - 这里有个finish诶。。2个有点乱了吧
    00:22:492 (8) - 这个new combo后面那个1的nc删掉 - 我把nc换到了00:22:048 (1) - 要不感觉有点长了,现在看起来好多了:)
    00:30:937 (1) - 其实这才是本该加finish的地方不是吗233 -好象是诶~
    00:36:270 (6) - ^ - 这里用custom clap啦,没有finish那么重:)
    01:09:826 (x) -虽然能够理解但是还是建议这里补个note? - 恩。。正好一起把前面连打调整了下:)
    01:10:826 (x) - 这个akari很带感啊不要忽略它;_; -没有注意到诶。。补上啦。
    01:13:159 (1) - 不介意这个叠着5放...而且要叠也不要new combo 突然刹车不好读 - 我决定挪到上面配合5连作了个blanket:)
    01:20:715 (1,1,1) - 这几个spacing可以有点细小的变化...比如第二个比第一个稍微下一点点 第三个比第二个稍微下一点点 当然这只是建议,现在这样也很好 - 开始是这样的,后来总觉得有点歪,于是改成的同位置的呢
    01:39:159 (2) - 常速1.28这里不是应该0.65吗为什么又变成正常的0.5了呢...而且建议从01:38:492 (1) - 开始变慢... 0.5x是因为感觉0.64x不够慢>.<,前面reverse也减慢了,好主意呢~
    03:36:604 (x) - 这么带感的wasure的re真的要带过吗... 加上一个note的话好听不好看了…我好好想想怎么改改造型的XD
    04:09:381 (4) - 换个位置吧 现在这样不太好看...你可以放右边什么的

  1. This folder's size is 11,0 MB, which is greater than the allowed size of 10.0 MB without video. Try to make the filesize smaller for the big images >:
  2. Kiai times are inconsistent between difficulties.
  3. It's really hard to read notes around 3:30, as seen here. Mind changing the purple combo color a bit?
  1. 00:09:604 (1) - Add a finish hitsound to the start? You can hear it in the song.
  2. 00:16:715 (1) - ^
  3. 00:22:937 (5) - Add a finish or a whistle to the end? It sounds quite empty atm.
  4. 00:36:270 (5) - A whistle to the start? It fits the song.
  5. 01:06:048 (4,1) - Remove finish at (4) then add it to (1)'s start? It sounds better since (1) is the big white tick.
  6. 01:31:381 (1) - Add a finish here? You can hear it in the song >:
  7. 01:44:715 (5) - Remove the whistle from the start? It sounds a bit awkward right now.
  8. 01:47:381 (5) - Add a whistle to the start? It kinda fits the vocals.
  9. 02:03:381 (1) - Add a finish to the start here? Fits the song.
  10. 02:10:048 (1,2) - Remove new combo from (1) and add it to (2) since (2) is on the big white tick
  11. 02:15:826 (1,1) - Make this only one spinner?
  12. 02:34:493 (6) - Add a finish to the start of this to make it consistent with 02:32:270 (2,3,4)?
  13. 02:58:270 (T) - Move this kiai section to 02:58:493.
  14. 03:02:048 (1) - Add a finish here? It fits with the song.
  15. 03:09:159 (1) - ^
  16. 03:16:270 (1) - ^
  17. 03:33:604 (6,1) - Same as 01:06:048.
  18. 03:48:270 (1) - Add a finish at the start? Fits with the song.
  • Overall Rating: 9.0/10 ~ Pretty nice, liked some patterns and the non-stop flow felt pretty good. Just some hitsound issues on the downbeat that should be fixed, but that's very easy to fix and will only make it better ~ Great job.
[tutuhaha's Normal]

  • There are basically... No hitsounds throughout the whole diff? I can just hear some finishes sometimes and that's all. Please add more hitsounds, the map feels very empty as it is. Try adding some whistles to the white ticks, wouldn't hurt. Also, add finish hitsounds to most of the big white ticks, but only if necessary and if the song feels like it, like at 02:10:492 (1).
    Also, the SB here is apparently glitched, the "Mapped by tutuhaha" fades out way too fast.
  1. 02:49:604 (1) - Finish this on the next blue tick - it actually fits with the song.
  • Overall Rating: 8.7/10 ~ I loved the map, seriously. The patterns are perfect and I didn't spot any big issues there. However, please put more hitsounds in this difficulty, since it feels very empty as it is. Apart from that, it's great.

  • HP Drain -1, please. It feels WAY too high for a Hard difficulty.
  1. 00:20:604 (3) - Remove the whistle? It feels better and prevents whistle abuse.
  2. 00:32:270 (6) - Maybe remove the finish from the end of this slider and add a new note at 00:32:715 with a finish hitsound? It sounds better to have the finishes on the white tick.
  3. 00:34:048 (4) - Same as ^, but then add a note at 00:34:492.
  4. 00:36:492 (7) - Remove the whistle from the start/end, only leaving it on the repeat. Prevents whistle abuse and sounds much better.
  5. 00:37:826 (4) - Same as 00:32:270, however, add a note at 00:38:048.
  6. 00:39:381 (4) - ^ & add at 00:39:826.
  7. 00:41:159 (5) - ^ & add at 00:41:604.
  8. 00:42:159 (4) - Remove whistle? sounds much better.
  9. 00:44:715 (4) - Remove finish from repeat then add it to the end of the slider. Sounds much better.
  10. 00:46:270 (2) - Remove whistle? Sounds better.
  11. 00:48:715 (1) - Add finish? Follows the song.
  12. 01:09:492 (4) - Remove whistle? Prevents whistle abuse.
  13. 01:12:826 (8) - ^
  14. 01:40:270 (3) - Maybe add a new combo here to show it speeds up again?
  15. 01:42:715 (4,1) - Is this spacing intentional? If it is, please explain why.. D:
  16. 01:50:937 (1,2,3) - Please stack the slider ends.
  17. 02:01:048 (5) - Remove whistle to prevent abuse?
  18. 02:24:937 (Break) - Remove this break?
  19. 02:38:937 (5) - Maybe slowdown again and add a new combo? Fits with the song.
  20. 03:27:604 (1,2,3) - Stack the slider ends.
  • Overall Rating: 9.1/10 ~ Nice map, just try to prevent abusing whistles next time. Also, I really like 03:23:381 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4), it's a really fun pattern. Excellent job in this map, liked it a lot!
Topic Starter

Blue Dragon wrote:

  1. This folder's size is 11,0 MB, which is greater than the allowed size of 10.0 MB without video. Try to make the filesize smaller for the big images >: - i've reduce it from 20MB to 11MB....okay...i'll try to reduce to quality of some images..u know, the mp3 is over's too long...
  2. Kiai times are inconsistent between difficulties. - fixed~~
  3. It's really hard to read notes around 3:30, as seen here. Mind changing the purple combo color a bit? - adjusted~~
  1. 00:09:604 (1) - Add a finish hitsound to the start? You can hear it in the song. - okay
  2. 00:16:715 (1) - ^ - not add here because of the prev finish
  3. 00:22:937 (5) - Add a finish or a whistle to the end? It sounds quite empty atm. - s:c1 clap~
  4. 00:36:270 (5) - A whistle to the start? It fits the song. -okay~
  5. 01:06:048 (4,1) - Remove finish at (4) then add it to (1)'s start? It sounds better since (1) is the big white tick. - use finish here because it is the accent of vocal:)
  6. 01:31:381 (1) - Add a finish here? You can hear it in the song >: - okay~
  7. 01:44:715 (5) - Remove the whistle from the start? It sounds a bit awkward right now. - actually this slider should redline to redline.. but may too hard for a easy diff because of change beats...not very sure how to change...
  8. 01:47:381 (5) - Add a whistle to the start? It kinda fits the vocals.- okay~
  9. 02:03:381 (1) - Add a finish to the start here? Fits the song.- s:c1 clap~
  10. 02:10:048 (1,2) - Remove new combo from (1) and add it to (2) since (2) is on the big white tick - current pos is the boundary of lyric..
  11. 02:15:826 (1,1) - Make this only one spinner? - too many people claim it! so i change XDD
  12. 02:34:493 (6) - Add a finish to the start of this to make it consistent with 02:32:270 (2,3,4)? - should be a mutative beats:)
  13. 02:58:270 (T) - Move this kiai section to 02:58:493. - i remove it! :)
  14. 03:02:048 (1) - Add a finish here? It fits with the song.
  15. 03:09:159 (1) - ^
  16. 03:16:270 (1) - ^ - add all these three
  17. 03:33:604 (6,1) - Same as 01:06:048. - ...why and how...?
  18. 03:48:270 (1) - Add a finish at the start? Fits with the song. - cannot add also due to the finish before
  • Overall Rating: 9.0/10 ~ Pretty nice, liked some patterns and the non-stop flow felt pretty good. Just some hitsound issues on the downbeat that should be fixed, but that's very easy to fix and will only make it better ~ Great job.
[tutuhaha's Normal]

  • There are basically... No hitsounds throughout the whole diff? I can just hear some finishes sometimes and that's all. Please add more hitsounds, the map feels very empty as it is. Try adding some whistles to the white ticks, wouldn't hurt. Also, add finish hitsounds to most of the big white ticks, but only if necessary and if the song feels like it, like at 02:10:492 (1).
    Also, the SB here is apparently glitched, the "Mapped by tutuhaha" fades out way too fast.
  1. 02:49:604 (1) - Finish this on the next blue tick - it actually fits with the song.
  • Overall Rating: 8.7/10 ~ I loved the map, seriously. The patterns are perfect and I didn't spot any big issues there. However, please put more hitsounds in this difficulty, since it feels very empty as it is. Apart from that, it's great.

  • HP Drain -1, please. It feels WAY too high for a Hard difficulty. - u'r right, it is a hard diff not insane :)
  1. 00:20:604 (3) - Remove the whistle? It feels better and prevents whistle abuse. - nice:)
  2. 00:32:270 (6) - Maybe remove the finish from the end of this slider and add a new note at 00:32:715 with a finish hitsound? It sounds better to have the finishes on the white tick. - about this part, the long-whitle tick is the blank of vocal, so i decide to use a finish to end a lyric, and leave that blank. I tryed ur suggestion and it is really sound good, but i decide to leave these blanks because i think can make some change on rhythm, it's another sense of music:)
  3. 00:34:048 (4) - Same as ^, but then add a note at 00:34:492.
  4. 00:36:492 (7) - Remove the whistle from the start/end, only leaving it on the repeat. Prevents whistle abuse and sounds much better. - okay~
  5. 00:37:826 (4) - Same as 00:32:270, however, add a note at 00:38:048.
  6. 00:39:381 (4) - ^ & add at 00:39:826.
  7. 00:41:159 (5) - ^ & add at 00:41:604.
  8. 00:42:159 (4) - Remove whistle? sounds much better.- okay~
  9. 00:44:715 (4) - Remove finish from repeat then add it to the end of the slider. Sounds much better. - good idea!
  10. 00:46:270 (2) - Remove whistle? Sounds better.- okay~
  11. 00:48:715 (1) - Add finish? Follows the song. - finish here heard too heavy i suppose
  12. 01:09:492 (4) - Remove whistle? Prevents whistle abuse. - here's a whistle triplet:)
  13. 01:12:826 (8) - ^ - ^
  14. 01:40:270 (3) - Maybe add a new combo here to show it speeds up again? - emm...but new combo make here not looks good, let me think about it~~
  15. 01:42:715 (4,1) - Is this spacing intentional? If it is, please explain why.. D: - i fixed here! it's not designed D:
  16. 01:50:937 (1,2,3) - Please stack the slider ends. -..... sorry but i make it like it is now..i think it looks cute...
  17. 02:01:048 (5) - Remove whistle to prevent abuse?- okay~
  18. 02:24:937 (Break) - Remove this break? - ah...i forget it!
  19. 02:38:937 (5) - Maybe slowdown again and add a new combo? Fits with the song. - actually ... i remove the slowdown here...XDD
  20. 03:27:604 (1,2,3) - Stack the slider ends. - okay ..a hard work T^T
  • Overall Rating: 9.1/10 ~ Nice map, just try to prevent abusing whistles next time. Also, I really like 03:23:381 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4), it's a really fun pattern. Excellent job in this map, liked it a lot!
thank u very much for ur modding , and i'm so happy that u like it:)

Download: Hanazawa Kana - Masquerade (Scorpiour) [tutuhaha's Normal].osu
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

from my queue

.osz file is 10.8 MB , it is greater than the allowed size of 10.0 MB without video
kiai time is not the same in all diffs

approachcircle.png must be 128x128

开头的mapper那图太没存在感了,要么就弄明显点要么就不要浪费sb load
00:09:159 - 这个效果挪到00:09:604 - ,好很多
01:20:715 - 这闪三下,感觉很违和
03:22:270 - 哭了这BG动得太生硬了

00:22:937 - 少点音效,太多了不好听
00:30:937 - whistle
00:36:270 - whistle换finish
00:39:826 - whistle
00:46:048 - 这一段开始音效可以少点,比如去掉一半的whistle
00:49:159 - 这个finish应该挪到00:48:715 -
00:51:826 - 这个finish挪到00:52:270 -
00:59:381 - finish
01:06:048 - 这个finish挪到01:06:492 -
02:28:270 - 哭了24finish。。
02:51:381 - 这里建议静音或者降音
03:18:048 (5) - 多个锚点,包围好点
04:11:715 - 感觉应该结束在04:11:826 - ,然后静音

[tutuhaha's Normal]
00:09:604 - finish吧
00:11:159 - remove whistle
00:22:048 (3) - 这个明显不圆啊
01:09:604 (4,5) - 这个我建议还是叠到下个slider头上,不然有点confusing
01:11:826 (3) - 还是明显不圆
01:40:492 (2) - 短一点,01:40:937 - 折返,01:41:381 - 结束,然后在01:41:604 - 加个note
02:15:826 (4) - 不圆
02:17:715 (1) - 我觉得跟其他难度一样跟vocal结束在02:19:381 - 附近好点,记得消音

00:23:826 - 加个note,用上finish
00:57:604 (1) - 这0.5速也太慢了,至少0.75吧
01:00:937 (6,1) - 这种摆满1/2的图,1/2 slider红线起真心巨违和,弄成白线起好多了
01:13:159 (10) - 串个5连到01:13:604 - 结束好点
01:33:159 (9,1) - 换成一个3/4折返slider好点
01:33:604 (1,2) - 这里spacing不对,不过打的时候感觉还行
01:39:159 (2,3) - 这两个变速有点怪。。感觉一下慢很多,一下快很多0.0
01:50:937 (1,2,3,4) - 你就没考虑过叠好点么,这种pattern不用在意spaicng
02:01:604 (1,2,3) - 跳下是好的,问题是整首歌都是1/2,就这里3/4然后你这里跳。。很confusing的

good luck
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

from my queue

.osz file is 10.8 MB , it is greater than the allowed size of 10.0 MB without video
kiai time is not the same in all diffs
- fixed

approachcircle.png must be 128x128 - - fixed

开头的mapper那图太没存在感了,要么就弄明显点要么就不要浪费sb load 去掉了~
00:09:159 - 这个效果挪到00:09:604 - ,好很多 - 改过来啦。
01:20:715 - 这闪三下,感觉很违和 - 恩。。去掉了
03:22:270 - 哭了这BG动得太生硬了 - 加快了移动速度,配合那个slider移动!

00:22:937 - 少点音效,太多了不好听 - fixed~
00:30:937 - whistle - 因为后面有w了,所以下clap了~
00:36:270 - whistle换finish - 后面有finish了……所以这里也clap了
00:39:826 - whistle - 这段是红线whistle,所以抱歉没改
00:46:048 - 这一段开始音效可以少点,比如去掉一半的whistle - 好主意~
00:49:159 - 这个finish应该挪到00:48:715 - fixed~
00:51:826 - 这个finish挪到00:52:270 - 这个没有动,用来收尾一个长音~
00:59:381 - finish - nice~
01:06:048 - 这个finish挪到01:06:492 - 这个也没动因为也是收尾~
02:28:270 - 哭了24finish。。- 整个这段我的finish是做clap用的,用来弥补clap本身不适合曲子的缺陷——实际上整个都是当clap用的~
02:51:381 - 这里建议静音或者降音 - 好的~
03:18:048 (5) - 多个锚点,包围好点 - 尼姆芙说1个描点就可以。。于是使劲调了半天……
04:11:715 - 感觉应该结束在04:11:826 - ,然后静音 - 果然我一开始没弄错~~~修正啦~

[tutuhaha's Normal]
00:09:604 - finish吧
00:11:159 - remove whistle
00:22:048 (3) - 这个明显不圆啊
01:09:604 (4,5) - 这个我建议还是叠到下个slider头上,不然有点confusing
01:11:826 (3) - 还是明显不圆
01:40:492 (2) - 短一点,01:40:937 - 折返,01:41:381 - 结束,然后在01:41:604 - 加个note
02:15:826 (4) - 不圆
02:17:715 (1) - 我觉得跟其他难度一样跟vocal结束在02:19:381 - 附近好点,记得消音

- finish我是下在vocal尾音重音或者小节收尾,放长白线的话感觉反而会乱了套,所以没有动……而且那样太生硬了,听着缺少变化

00:23:826 - 加个note,用上finish - 这里加finish感觉……恩,还好,所以加上了,和前面叠在一起
00:57:604 (1) - 这0.5速也太慢了,至少0.75吧 - 用0.5是因为0.75的话sv数量会超。。不过还是加快了一些:)
01:00:937 (6,1) - 这种摆满1/2的图,1/2 slider红线起真心巨违和,弄成白线起好多了 - 这里改掉了!
01:13:159 (10) - 串个5连到01:13:604 - 结束好点 - 连续2个5连会不会有点难。。让我想想的……
01:33:159 (9,1) - 换成一个3/4折返slider好点 - 没敢用3/4折返不过画了个有点奇怪的slider叠,不知道会不会吐槽呢
01:33:604 (1,2) - 这里spacing不对,不过打的时候感觉还行 - 是这样设计的……
01:39:159 (2,3) - 这两个变速有点怪。。感觉一下慢很多,一下快很多0.0 - 我觉得挺好玩的
01:50:937 (1,2,3,4) - 你就没考虑过叠好点么,这种pattern不用在意spaicng - 啊。。别吐槽这里啊专门做成这样的……
02:01:604 (1,2,3) - 跳下是好的,问题是整首歌都是1/2,就这里3/4然后你这里跳。。很confusing的 - 尼姆芙说没有跳不好玩,于是我加了个跳>.<

good luck
As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you ddin't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. The slider followcircle is too big (284x284). I resized it for you... Approach circle is too big too, and I resized it as well. Remember to full submit afterwards.
  2. It's nazi of me, but Konna should be capitalized in the source.
  3. If this is an ending (like the mp3 name suggests), add "ending" and "ed" to the tags of all difficulties ? Might aslo add "full" "version" and "ver." as well.
  4. I think you should make the line of the approach circle bigger - as it is now, it's very difficult to see.
  1. Your use of finishes is weird. Finishes are supposed to emphasize very particular beats in the song, usually in the beginning of comboes. For instance, the very first finish fits, but 00:12:270 (4) - this one sounds weird. Consequently, removing 00:16:270 (4) - this and adding a finish on 00:16:715 (1) - this slider's first beat fits better (and is more consistent). Go through the whole diff and check your finish usage - it will improve how your diff sounds a lot.
  2. 00:22:937 (5) - It's a whole lot better not to have a finish on the slider's beginning. Listen to the song - there's no particular sound on the slider's beginning.
  3. 00:36:270 (5) - Remove the finish on this slider and add a finish on 00:38:048 (1) - this slider's beginning (see the first thing I wrote for this diff). You can do that several times in the diff.
tutuhaha's Normal
  1. The spacing is quite big for a Normal, but it makes the spread better. Also, I like the use of the custom clap, but the ticks shouldn't be silenced - they offer a replacement for the missing whistles.
  1. The AR feels really too fast for the diff. Try using AR7 instead.
  2. Same comment as for Easy regarding the Finish hitsounds.
  3. It's better to use the same spacing for all 1/4 beats all over the map so it looks better. Consider reducing the spacing on these: 01:10:492 (4,5,6) - 02:50:715 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
  4. 01:35:826 (2,3,4,1) - This pattern was very confusing. The spacing makes the player think they are 1/4 while they aren't.
  5. 01:56:270 (1,2) - Same.
  6. 03:39:826 (8,2,3) - Very confusing spacing (same reasons). Move the slider away.

Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you ddin't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. The slider followcircle is too big (284x284). I resized it for you... Approach circle is too big too, and I resized it as well. Remember to full submit afterwards. - fixed~~
  2. It's nazi of me, but Konna should be capitalized in the source. - not nazi, it's really my mistake :)
  3. If this is an ending (like the mp3 name suggests), add "ending" and "ed" to the tags of all difficulties ? Might aslo add "full" "version" and "ver." as well. - i select tags "ed 7" and "full version" for supposing that's enough for players to find this song:)
  4. I think you should make the line of the approach circle bigger - as it is now, it's very difficult to see. - emm...i broaden it:)
  1. Your use of finishes is weird. Finishes are supposed to emphasize very particular beats in the song, usually in the beginning of comboes. For instance, the very first finish fits, but 00:12:270 (4) - this one sounds weird. Consequently, removing 00:16:270 (4) - this and adding a finish on 00:16:715 (1) - this slider's first beat fits better (and is more consistent). Go through the whole diff and check your finish usage - it will improve how your diff sounds a lot.

    - the most hard part for me it that instrumental chorus. I fixed other finishes in both diffs, but that but i remain more finishes to make some differences:)
  2. 00:22:937 (5) - It's a whole lot better not to have a finish on the slider's beginning. Listen to the song - there's no particular sound on the slider's beginning. - here i move finish to the end : same as hard diff:)
  3. 00:36:270 (5) - Remove the finish on this slider and add a finish on 00:38:048 (1) - this slider's beginning (see the first thing I wrote for this diff). You can do that several times in the diff. - i fixed all but instrumental part because i need to think about how to make it better in that part:) acutally, i remove about half of the finishes in intrumental part, but not all.
tutuhaha's Normal
  1. The spacing is quite big for a Normal, but it makes the spread better. Also, I like the use of the custom clap, but the ticks shouldn't be silenced - they offer a replacement for the missing whistles.
  1. The AR feels really too fast for the diff. Try using AR7 instead. - it's AR7 now, i just worried that because of overlaps, ar7 may cause some trouble in reading map while playing. i'm not very sure...just supposed.
  2. Same comment as for Easy regarding the Finish hitsounds. - it's a big work T^T . and , with the change of finish, i reset many nc...
  3. It's better to use the same spacing for all 1/4 beats all over the map so it looks better. Consider reducing the spacing on these: 01:10:492 (4,5,6) - 02:50:715 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - it's okay, i reduced them, and the later one, i make a line, it looks better:)
  4. 01:35:826 (2,3,4,1) - This pattern was very confusing. The spacing makes the player think they are 1/4 while they aren't. - okay, I change it to 1.0x DS, the change really make flow better
  5. 01:56:270 (1,2) - Same. - spend a lot of time to change here...nearly makes me remap..
  6. 03:39:826 (8,2,3) - Very confusing spacing (same reasons). Move the slider away. - i move stream away here..slider pattern is hard to move ....
thank u very much for ur modding~
from mod que
btw, lets start

general: no insane...the picture quality is bit too low

00:12:715 (4) - 我個人覺得一開始就這樣stack不是很合適,而且你也可以用repeat slider啊。。這樣會讓我有個慾望想要早一個tick打下去
00:14:048 (3) - 跟vocal吧(移前一個tick)。。。沒跟很奇怪
00:19:381 (3) - 這裡也是,而且我個人喜歡在拉長音的地方用slider,it is up to you
00:23:381 (7) - spacing 不一致
00:32:270 (6) - 試試看吧tail放在五角形狀上
00:34:937 (2,3) - 其實我建議這裡之間加多一個note然後就。。。隨便咯
00:38:715 (2) - 同上的問題
00:47:604 (7) - 這個可以拉下來一點,讓上一個的slider tail 放在他上面
00:48:715 (1,2,3) - hohoh 這裡會造成讀圖誤解(MAT會噴,但是我建議你不要改,堅持下去吧
01:02:381 (x) - 加note?雖然破壞形狀啊
01:20:715 (1,1,1) - boring。。。最少antijump嗎
03:18:937 (1) - 不要攪和在一起吧
03:21:604 (1) - blanket好萊吧

當我看到tutuhaha normal我就覺得放心了,因為他基本上沒啥問題,只是稍微提不起勁而已
01:06:048 (6) - 這裡不加finish嗎
01:20:715 (1) - cancel finish吧,要不然就小聲點,很吵

我不mod easy 從來不哈哈

就這樣咯,還是建議加insane,如果嫌麻煩就找人做collab吧 (誒,說倒反了---------------
i am proud to say i wasted $0 on pekora
The 08 team_Bourdon
Hello. :)

* move your SB picture into a folder?
* remove this KIAI time 00:09:604 ?
* end the last KIAI time at 04:11:715 ?

00:32:715 (1) - remove this New Combo?
00:36:270 (5) - why dont start the New Combo at here?
01:13:604 (x) - add a circle?
01:31:381 (1) - move this circle to x:412 y:72?

tutuhaha's Normal
01:53:159 (2) - down 2 or 3 grid? x:208 y:48
02:49:604 (1) - end this spinner at 02:51:381 - ?
03:55:826 (1) - remove this New Combo?

01:29:937 (x) - add a circle? or slider (3) start at 01:29:826 and make it 1/4 repeating until 01:30:270 ?
02:02:604 to 02:02:826 (x,x,x) - why don't add some circle at here??
02:06:715 (x) - add a circle?
02:17:604 (1) - start this spinner from 02:17:381 ?
03:49:604 (6) - add a New Combo?
04:09:604 (1) - start this spinner from 04:09:381 ?

That's all.
Good Luck and Happy New Year :D
Hi :D


  1. 01:31:381 (1) - 2 grids up and 2 grids right. Remember to fix the spacing after that!
  2. 02:13:159 (5) - Spacing
[tutuhaha's Normal]

  • Nothing found,good job!

  1. 00:15:826 (3,4) - You should put them where the slider 1 began. Here's an example:
  2. 01:27:826 (1,2) - I found this part pretty confusing. You sould move one of the sliders to make this patterm more readable
  3. 01:49:604 (2,3,4,5,6) - You should put them like this:
  4. 03:13:604 (1,2) - I found this part pretty confusing. You sould move one of the sliders to make this patterm more readable
  5. 03:15:604 (2) - It's better to place this here:
  6. 03:26:937 (1) - Place it under the beginning of the slider 03:25:159 (1) -
Good map,I have to say. Good luck on getting it ranked!
Shohei Ohtani
The first page was so chinese that Google Chrome wanted to translate it :D.

Your sliderball looks weird o-o. You don't notice it on the short sliders, but on the long sliders, it seems to jump rather then roll o-o. I can't really describe it, but take a look at your slow sliders~.

02:49:604 (1) - Make these all end on the same place :<

01:38:492 (1) - Not sure if this is rankable, as you can't tell that it's a slowed down slider. Also, there's no point in having a 0.5 section here :x
02:35:381 (1) - Also probably unrankable, as the slidertick is blocked by the previous slider.
03:18:937 (1) - ^
03:50:937 (11) - ^

01:11:826 (3) - It might be the slightest bit unsymmetrical, because the slidertick isn't centered on the y-axis. I think it's fine, but just nazi!~

Hi Nymph here and M4M request from qq?.


full version有必要放进tag里?感觉不是应该写在title上么

开头一直模糊很单调 不考虑点变化么 比方说跟着MP3来调整模糊的程度适当再震一下之类的

bg3这图很不清晰啊 在SB里面放大了更不好看了 可能是图的源的事么 bg5这个也不好 但是02就好清晰啊。。还有别的黑猫图没

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:39:159 (1) - 这转盘位置略奇怪……完全没想到这里会转
03:41:159 (1) - 这都震屏了 不喷一下kiai么

01:42:048 (1) - 头finish一个?挺怪的这里居然空着 看你以前的pattern以为这里肯定会finish的
02:30:937 (5) - 这丢了个whistle?这不应该是故意的啊 因为这比前面音高还高 没理由前面有这里倒没
02:40:270 (2,3) - 2个finish连着很诡异的
02:43:826 (4,5) - 这也是 我不太喜欢这种用法 不知道你感觉如何 所以类似的我不提了
03:19:826 (1) - 头finish?
03:26:937 (1) - ^这也是
03:33:604 (6,1) - 重音在1啊 finish加6不奇怪么 你前面那些重音不明显的地方加4白线还好 这里实在是不觉得好了 类似的不提了
03:36:715 (6) - 这whistle从24白线变成13白线真心突兀 而且好像不只这里吧 感觉别的地方也听到了违和感 类似的不提了

tutuhaha's Normal:
01:06:048 (6) - 这里不考虑加个whistle么
01:09:604 (4) - 感觉whistle断开了 这里加个如何
02:17:715 (1) - 看整个图都没调段落音量 本来不想怎么提 但是这个whistle在这里实在是声音太大了

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:39:159 (2,3) - 这俩滑条速度的对比真是太奇葩…………像这种紧挨着 又不加nc的滑条 就用一种SV吧
其他的比原来好不少了 唯一我还是不喜欢的地方就是节奏太死板了 有很多地方可以跟vocal走一下别的类型的pattern的 不过现在也没有错

嘛 先这些吧 nazi的东西以后有机会再提
Topic Starter

L_P wrote:

from mod que
btw, lets start

general: no insane...the picture quality is bit too low

00:12:715 (4) - 我個人覺得一開始就這樣stack不是很合適,而且你也可以用repeat slider啊。。這樣會讓我有個慾望想要早一個tick打下去 :arrow: 折返的话节奏对不上了吧……
00:14:048 (3) - 跟vocal吧(移前一個tick)。。。沒跟很奇怪 :arrow: 放了个slider~单纯蓝线的话担心有点难吧?
00:19:381 (3) - 這裡也是,而且我個人喜歡在拉長音的地方用slider,it is up to you :arrow: 于是这里暂时没动……
00:23:381 (7) - spacing 不一致 :arrow: 允许误差之内XD
00:32:270 (6) - 試試看吧tail放在五角形狀上 :arrow: 没法和(1)的tail叠上。。就这样吧……
00:34:937 (2,3) - 其實我建議這裡之間加多一個note然後就。。。隨便咯 :arrow: 确实多放个节奏似乎会更好一点
00:38:715 (2) - 同上的問題
00:47:604 (7) - 這個可以拉下來一點,讓上一個的slider tail 放在他上面 :arrow: 看起来挺好玩的
00:48:715 (1,2,3) - hohoh 這裡會造成讀圖誤解(MAT會噴,但是我建議你不要改,堅持下去吧 :arrow: 那么就不改了XD
01:02:381 (x) - 加note?雖然破壞形狀啊 :arrow: 是的……
01:20:715 (1,1,1) - boring。。。最少antijump嗎 :arrow: 距离这么远,于是没动……
03:18:937 (1) - 不要攪和在一起吧 :arrow: 挪开了一点点
03:21:604 (1) - blanket好萊吧 :arrow:

當我看到tutuhaha normal我就覺得放心了,因為他基本上沒啥問題,只是稍微提不起勁而已
01:06:048 (6) - 這裡不加finish嗎
01:20:715 (1) - cancel finish吧,要不然就小聲點,很吵

我不mod easy 從來不哈哈

就這樣咯,還是建議加insane,如果嫌麻煩就找人做collab吧 (誒,說倒反了

Nymph wrote:

Hi Nymph here and M4M request from qq?.


full version有必要放进tag里?感觉不是应该写在title上么

开头一直模糊很单调 不考虑点变化么 比方说跟着MP3来调整模糊的程度适当再震一下之类的

bg3这图很不清晰啊 在SB里面放大了更不好看了 可能是图的源的事么 bg5这个也不好 但是02就好清晰啊。。还有别的黑猫图没
:arrow: tag的部分改来改去已经改晕了……sb的bg的话,没办法被压图压成这样了。卡着10MB线……

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:39:159 (1) - 这转盘位置略奇怪……完全没想到这里会转 :arrow: 长音有点不知道怎么处理了……就偷懒转盘了……
03:41:159 (1) - 这都震屏了 不喷一下kiai么 :arrow: 不是说不要为了喷泉而放kiai么……

01:42:048 (1) - 头finish一个?挺怪的这里居然空着 看你以前的pattern以为这里肯定会finish的 :arrow: 改了!
02:30:937 (5) - 这丢了个whistle?这不应该是故意的啊 因为这比前面音高还高 没理由前面有这里倒没 :arrow: 也改了!
02:40:270 (2,3) - 2个finish连着很诡异的 :arrow: 修改到了24
02:43:826 (4,5) - 这也是 我不太喜欢这种用法 不知道你感觉如何 所以类似的我不提了 :arrow: 这个改了,后面那个没动。
03:19:826 (1) - 头finish?
03:26:937 (1) - ^这也是 :arrow: 这两个加上了~
03:33:604 (6,1) - 重音在1啊 finish加6不奇怪么 你前面那些重音不明显的地方加4白线还好 这里实在是不觉得好了 类似的不提了 :arrow: 这里是个vocal重音……有点不知道怎么处理好了……
03:36:715 (6) - 这whistle从24白线变成13白线真心突兀 而且好像不只这里吧 感觉别的地方也听到了违和感 类似的不提了 :arrow: 不是24变13,而是8拍的循环节奏……b w w b w w w b 类似这种

tutuhaha's Normal:
01:06:048 (6) - 这里不考虑加个whistle么
01:09:604 (4) - 感觉whistle断开了 这里加个如何
02:17:715 (1) - 看整个图都没调段落音量 本来不想怎么提 但是这个whistle在这里实在是声音太大了

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:39:159 (2,3) - 这俩滑条速度的对比真是太奇葩…………像这种紧挨着 又不加nc的滑条 就用一种SV吧 :arrow: 弄了NC
其他的比原来好不少了 唯一我还是不喜欢的地方就是节奏太死板了 有很多地方可以跟vocal走一下别的类型的pattern的 不过现在也没有错

嘛 先这些吧 nazi的东西以后有机会再提
Storyboard is sometimes distracting, but is still nice.
I'm not going to figure out the tags and assume they're ok

01:26:048 - not sure why you didn't put a note here, but not really a problem
02:10:048 (1) - overlap with the previous slider is ewww. Can move to the left a bit and change 2?

03:22:715 (1) - curve this. you know you want to.

00:15:826 (3,4) - stack this under the start of 1, the way it underlaps a slider is ugly
00:34:715 (1,2,3,4) - this could be made into a star shape or something, as it is right now it looks strange (although it plays well!)
00:40:048 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:46:492 (3) - move between 1 and 5 to make a better "alternating" pattern.

00:48:715 (1,2,3,4,5) - i had an extremely hard time reading this due to the bg at that moment and the skin
00:54:048 (1,2,3,4) - stack the endings correctly
01:13:604 - i highly suggest putting a note somewhere off to the right side here. It fits so well.
03:25:159 (1,1) - find some way to make both of them start on the center, or for the second note to start on the beginning of the slider.

Pretty nice map overall. Some tiny flow issues i didn't really care about.
Kirino Kousaka
No Kudos for this post pls.
This map is too good I don't see anything wrong, and here's one suggestion, I guess you should enable the epilepsy warning?
I like this map so go have a star~ :3
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

Storyboard is sometimes distracting, but is still nice.
I'm not going to figure out the tags and assume they're ok

01:26:048 - not sure why you didn't put a note here, but not really a problem :arrow: i think i need to put 4 notes if i put one, likes hard diff :)
02:10:048 (1) - overlap with the previous slider is ewww. Can move to the left a bit and change 2? :arrow: okay, changed them~

03:22:715 (1) - curve this. you know you want to.

00:15:826 (3,4) - stack this under the start of 1, the way it underlaps a slider is ugly :arrow: i stack (3) with start of (1), and move (4) up :)
00:34:715 (1,2,3,4) - this could be made into a star shape or something, as it is right now it looks strange (although it plays well!) :arrow: err....actually it is a half star shape, and if i make a big star, there may be no enough space, so sorry, not changed yet :)
00:40:048 (1,2,3,4) - ^ :arrow: same as above~~
00:46:492 (3) - move between 1 and 5 to make a better "alternating" pattern. :arrow: good idea!! fixed~~

00:48:715 (1,2,3,4,5) - i had an extremely hard time reading this due to the bg at that moment and the skin :arrow: o...somebody mentioned me before but when i fix some NCs, they turned back D: have already gone through my map and fixed all :)
00:54:048 (1,2,3,4) - stack the endings correctly :arrow: try my best to stack them again T^T
01:13:604 - i highly suggest putting a note somewhere off to the right side here. It fits so well. :arrow: okay, with ur suggestion, a new stream here~~:)
03:25:159 (1,1) - find some way to make both of them start on the center, or for the second note to start on the beginning of the slider. :arrow: so i moved the slider >.<

Pretty nice map overall. Some tiny flow issues i didn't really care about.
thank you very much for ur modding and star~~
Topic Starter

Kirino Kousaka wrote:

No Kudos for this post pls.
This map is too good I don't see anything wrong, and here's one suggestion, I guess you should enable the epilepsy warning?
I like this map so go have a star~ :3
thank you ~~~

i'm not very sure about epilepsy warning now...maybe :)
00:19:381 (5,1) - spacing
01:31:381 (1) - move to x408 y;72
01:46:937 (4) - 1grid down
03:16:270 (1) - add a finish here
04:07:826 (1) - because of SB, beginning of this spinner should be at 04:09:604 imo.

tutuhaha's Normal

04:02:492 - why kiai ends here? should end at 04:09:604 imo
04:07:826 (1) - same as Easy

00:32:715 - add note
00:34:492 - ^
02:13:048 - ^
03:21:270 - ^
04:01:604 (3) - this note should be at 04:01:492 -

Scorpiour wrote:

Do u love Kero Neko or Hanazawa Kana :)

recheck request from my queue

00:14:270 (4,5,6) - 干脆分开算了
00:36:492 (7,1,2,3,4) - 开1.5摆个五角星
00:43:381 (1,2,3,4) - 遮挡大小都不一样。。
01:22:492 (1,1,1) - 其实感觉掉血蛮可怜的。。考虑加下break吧
02:17:159 (4) - 结尾finish
04:09:381 (4) - finish

00:57:604 (3) - 开头finish

"oreimo" to tags?
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

00:19:381 (5,1) - spacing :arrow: i think it's doesn't matter because of the blank beat :)
01:31:381 (1) - move to x408 y;72 :arrow: okay~
01:46:937 (4) - 1grid down :arrow: fixed~
03:16:270 (1) - add a finish here :arrow: fixed~
04:07:826 (1) - because of SB, beginning of this spinner should be at 04:09:604 imo. :arrow: emm..that sb effect just for hard diff, not change yet but i will consider that:)

tutuhaha's Normal

04:02:492 - why kiai ends here? should end at 04:09:604 imo
04:07:826 (1) - same as Easy

00:32:715 - add note
00:34:492 - ^ :arrow: I leave these blank specific so sorry no change~
02:13:048 - ^ :arrow: good idea~
03:21:270 - ^ :arrow: :arrow: okay, maybe hard a bit, but heard nice~
04:01:604 (3) - this note should be at 04:01:492 - :arrow: fixed~
thank u very much~~
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

Scorpiour wrote:

Do u love Kero Neko or Hanazawa Kana :)

recheck request from my queue
SB还是装一个文件夹吧 :arrow: 本来是在单独文件夹的结果制作sb的时候editor给自动拷了出来,囧。

00:14:270 (4,5,6) - 干脆分开算了 :arrow: 感觉还好吧,我稍微挪开了0.1x的距离这样stack leniency就不会导致错位了~
00:36:492 (7,1,2,3,4) - 开1.5摆个五角星 :arrow: 1.5ds嘛,真不善良,不过看起来挺好玩的所以摆了
00:43:381 (1,2,3,4) - 遮挡大小都不一样。。 :arrow: 修改啦!
01:22:492 (1,1,1) - 其实感觉掉血蛮可怜的。。考虑加下break吧 :arrow: 本来有break的但是又发现血条来回出现比较影响感觉于是就取消了。
02:17:159 (4) - 结尾finish :arrow: 不太好听,所以用了clap
02:51:381卖萌的绿线 :arrow: 哦,之前的kiai线忘记关了……
04:09:381 (4) - finish :arrow: 这里也是用了clap
结果你还是没用clap :arrow: 用了很多clap呀,不过可能不太明显什么的~而且已经有这么多mat/bat来吐槽了再多来两个咱也没所谓!

00:57:604 (3) - 开头finish


01:50:937 (1,2,3) - 感觉可以稍微调整对其一下,如果是特意这样摆的就无所谓啦

02:42:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 好吧,还是吐槽一下这个串,个人觉得是整张图最不合适的地方.........
Topic Starter

xinhe wrote:


01:50:937 (1,2,3) - 感觉可以稍微调整对其一下,如果是特意这样摆的就无所谓啦 :arrow: 稍微调整了一下~~

02:42:493 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - 好吧,还是吐槽一下这个串,个人觉得是整张图最不合适的地方.........
:arrow: 这个串嘛……其实是为了下音效这么摆的:)
01:26:048 (1,2,3,4) - I know this is technically against the rules what with the slider stacking and all that, but I personally see no problem with it blah blah. Mapper has some trouble getting it right, so if you're a ranking BAT // bubble-popping MAT, be sure to be very nice in how to manually stack it.

Seeing as there are no other issues whatsoever, bubbled.

EDIT: No kd, self-deny go
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

01:26:048 (1,2,3,4) - I know this is technically against the rules what with the slider stacking and all that, but I personally see no problem with it blah blah. Mapper has some trouble getting it right, so if you're a ranking BAT // bubble-popping MAT, be sure to be very nice in how to manually stack it.

Seeing as there are no other issues whatsoever, bubbled.
thank you very much~~~
what happened to the sliderball? I don't think it's a good idea..

00:17:604 (2,3,4,5) - um, this looks bad for me
03:23:381 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
maybe these patterns are for insane, high AR, fast tension O.O..

nothing O.O

00:34:937 (2,4) -
01:11:604 (8) -
02:38:048 (3,5) -
03:08:715 (5,1,2) -
those seems weird for me O.O// maybe because of bad overlap, try different pattern
Topic Starter

haha5957 wrote:

what happened to the sliderball? I don't think it's a good idea..

00:17:604 (2,3,4,5) - um, this looks bad for me
03:23:381 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
maybe these patterns are for insane, high AR, fast tension O.O..

nothing O.O

00:34:937 (2,4) -
01:11:604 (8) -
02:38:048 (3,5) -
03:08:715 (5,1,2) -
those seems weird for me O.O// maybe because of bad overlap, try different pattern
thank you for ur modding but i'm sorry no change because of being bubbled.

about these patterns, i thought they wont make the map hard to read, especially those in hard diff, just some half-shape :)
If you agree with the changes, jut do them. There is always re-bubbling.
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

If you agree with the changes, jut do them. There is always re-bubbling.
okay i see~~~
but i suppose these patterns are fine :)
offset +10

I don't particularly like the storyboard because the background is used so much in it. It's like you gave up on trying to find good pictures to display and just stuck with the one that's always there.
03:26:937 - 206937 - here in particular you have 3 images being all displayed at the same time. It should just be a transition between 2 images, not halfway flash the background. Don't fade out the first image. Keep moving it until the 2nd image fades in completely.
03:19:826 - here too
02:58:270 - ^
03:06:048 - ^ it's almost every time you have 2 images and completely skip using the background as a transition.
00:23:826 - bg3.jpg - scale this down a little bit. It looks terrible, and you're not even using the full image.
02:26:492 - bg.jpg - yeah, you did the fade correctly here, but this leaves a big gap at the top. Fix it.
02:51:270 - black.jpg - 4 things. It's black.jpg not black.png (pngs are much much smaller than jpgs when dealing with large amounts of the same colour). Black images are 100% useless since you can just fade out whatever image and use the naturally black background. If you for some reason really need a black image (eg multi-image background) you can use any image, color it down to 0,0,0 and use that as a black image instead. The black image should fade out at 02:51:826 - since that's when the lyrics come back in.
It would also be a good idea to remove the background when it's not being used, but you may not want to do that for laziness reasons.
04:11:381 - you cut out the words here. Looks really bad.

This is more of an osu bug, but I really hate how the slider hitcircles are a completely different color than the normal hitcircles due to the almost completely transparent hitcircle you chose and my skin preferences.
Here's something you can fix though: add sliderborder: 255,255,255 to the [colours] section in each osu file since you're using a custom hitcircle. This ensures anyone using a black or blue skin won't have to delete the skin you forced upon them.

default-dot, x, comma, percent are all unused. Delete them.
My issue with the slider ball is purely aesthetic. It's not a physically accurate portrayal of a ball, or that dot is moving all over the place in the ball.
hit100k.png - SA7E?
hit300k.png - 7INE? - why do you want to prevent me from checking my score?

kiai is different, should be the same as other maps.
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

offset +10

I don't particularly like the storyboard because the background is used so much in it. It's like you gave up on trying to find good pictures to display and just stuck with the one that's always there.
03:26:937 - 206937 - here in particular you have 3 images being all displayed at the same time. It should just be a transition between 2 images, not halfway flash the background. Don't fade out the first image. Keep moving it until the 2nd image fades in completely.
03:19:826 - here too
02:58:270 - ^
03:06:048 - ^ it's almost every time you have 2 images and completely skip using the background as a transition.
00:23:826 - bg3.jpg - scale this down a little bit. It looks terrible, and you're not even using the full image.
02:26:492 - bg.jpg - yeah, you did the fade correctly here, but this leaves a big gap at the top. Fix it.
02:51:270 - black.jpg - 4 things. It's black.jpg not black.png (pngs are much much smaller than jpgs when dealing with large amounts of the same colour). Black images are 100% useless since you can just fade out whatever image and use the naturally black background. If you for some reason really need a black image (eg multi-image background) you can use any image, color it down to 0,0,0 and use that as a black image instead. The black image should fade out at 02:51:826 - since that's when the lyrics come back in.
It would also be a good idea to remove the background when it's not being used, but you may not want to do that for laziness reasons.
04:11:381 - you cut out the words here. Looks really bad.

This is more of an osu bug, but I really hate how the slider hitcircles are a completely different color than the normal hitcircles due to the almost completely transparent hitcircle you chose and my skin preferences.
Here's something you can fix though: add sliderborder: 255,255,255 to the [colours] section in each osu file since you're using a custom hitcircle. This ensures anyone using a black or blue skin won't have to delete the skin you forced upon them.

default-dot, x, comma, percent are all unused. Delete them.
My issue with the slider ball is purely aesthetic. It's not a physically accurate portrayal of a ball, or that dot is moving all over the place in the ball.
hit100k.png - SA7E?
hit300k.png - 7INE? - why do you want to prevent me from checking my score?

kiai is different, should be the same as other maps.
i'm so appreciate to ur sb modding, and i'm fixing them's my first time to make a SB and u really gave me a lot of useful suggestions and skills :) thanks very much again.

about hit100k and hit300k.
100k is SAFE, and 300k is FINE, maybe just due to curlycue?
and that image....not my purpose but just because letterbox during breaks is not feeling good so i uncheck it >.< maybe i need to add a black edge manually?

About tutuhaha's, i suppose the kiai time is doesn't matter because it is a GD diff, and i think she has some different views of this song:)
plop the +10 ms (I'd go as far to say 12ms, but same thing) and i'll rebubble. If it's too much of a bother you can leave the SB as-is since it's only 10ms and you don't do any super-specific sbing
Topic Starter
ok, +10ms to offset already XD
Topic Starter
thanks XD
swap flog


  • Kiais:
  1. You should adapt the kiai times in your difficulties to the ones in tutuhaha's. They seem more logical and make much more sense. If you are interested in the reasons, here they are:
    1. 00:23:836 - The kiai should end here. There's no point for ending it in a blue tick.
    2. 01:13:614 - This kiai should end here. Why did you leave (5) out of it? Looks really awkward.
    3. 02:02:502 - Again, I suggest to end the kiai here. It's more logical to end it in white ticks in most cases.

  2. I don't agree with using white as the slider border colour. You should use a soft grey to match the hitcircle overlay.
  3. You might want to add ending to tags too.
  4. Why did you choose a preview point so far from the beginning of the song? The preview will end pretty soon after it starts... Try setting it at 00:09:614 , or maybe 00:59:391.

  5. 02:19:391 - You forgot to make a fade in for the image. Do this please. Remember that CtB players are still able to see the Storyboard while playing a spinner, so it has to be nice and smooth there as well.
  6. 02:51:280 - Same as before.
  7. 04:11:391 - Same.
  8. 00:59:391 - You could use the pulse that you placed at 00:58:502 - here, instead of using it there. It seems more consistent with 00:09:614 -.
  9. 01:49:169 - Pretty much the same, a pulse could be cool.
  1. 01:24:280 - Please remove this break here. It looks silly after not having breaks in between the past few notes.
That's all for now. Gotta pop. Let me know when you are finished, but honestly I can't say for sure that this is ready for a bubble.
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:



  • Kiais:
  1. You should adapt the kiai times in your difficulties to the ones in tutuhaha's. They seem more logical and make much more sense. If you are interested in the reasons, here they are:
    1. 00:23:836 - The kiai should end here. There's no point for ending it in a blue tick.
    2. 01:13:614 - This kiai should end here. Why did you leave (5) out of it? Looks really awkward.
    3. 02:02:502 - Again, I suggest to end the kiai here. It's more logical to end it in white ticks in most cases.
    :arrow: all fixed :)

  2. I don't agree with using white as the slider border colour. You should use a soft grey to match the hitcircle overlay. :arrow: good idea~
  3. You might want to add ending to tags too. :arrow: okay~
  4. Why did you choose a preview point so far from the beginning of the song? The preview will end pretty soon after it starts... Try setting it at 00:09:614 , or maybe 00:59:391. :arrow: i think 9614 is okay~

  5. 02:19:391 - You forgot to make a fade in for the image. Do this please. Remember that CtB players are still able to see the Storyboard while playing a spinner, so it has to be nice and smooth there as well. :arrow: i really forget CTB...fixed!
  6. 02:51:280 - Same as before. :arrow: this sudden dark is designed for mucis pausing, add a short fade here
  7. 04:11:391 - Same. :arrow: fixed~
  8. 00:59:391 - You could use the pulse that you placed at 00:58:502 - here, instead of using it there. It seems more consistent with 00:09:614 -. :arrow: okay
  9. 01:49:169 - Pretty much the same, a pulse could be cool. :arrow: okay~
  1. 01:24:280 - Please remove this break here. It looks silly after not having breaks in between the past few notes. :arrow: okay, and i add a note at 01:26:058 -
That's all for now. Gotta pop. Let me know when you are finished, but honestly I can't say for sure that this is ready for a bubble.
thank you very much~~
General : I think this song is pretty simple of the rhythm, so I suggest you to increase the slider ticks to 2 to fully decorate the map
-Baby Strawberry-
:) Here is my mod~!

Only Hard diff
00:13:614 (4,5) -this kind of pattern appears a lot in the map, i don't feel good at it since the shape actually... change if u like, but not a big deal.
00:45:169 (8) - probably a NC?
00:56:725 (1,2,3,4) - actually u can rotate them, i think it will give u a better effect.
03:13:169 (5) - NC?
thas all i think, go rank it~!~!
Topic Starter

Sumisola wrote:

General : I think this song is pretty simple of the rhythm, so I suggest you to increase the slider ticks to 2 to fully decorate the map
:arrow: set SliderTickRate to 2 in hard diff

-Baby Strawberry- wrote:

:) Here is my mod~!

Only Hard diff
00:13:614 (4,5) -this kind of pattern appears a lot in the map, i don't feel good at it since the shape actually... change if u like, but not a big deal. :arrow: err... they're really designed...
00:45:169 (8) - probably a NC? :arrow: ok
00:56:725 (1,2,3,4) - actually u can rotate them, i think it will give u a better effect. :arrow: nice
03:13:169 (5) - NC? :arrow: ok
thas all i think, go rank it~!~!
thank you for modding >.<
from wmf's super lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy mod ;_; ((我是被逼的 不要打我阿!!!


  • Settings
  1. Kiai建議一致


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 01:28:725 (2,3) -
  2. 01:51:836 (5,1) -
  3. 01:59:836 (1,2) -
  4. 03:41:169 (1,2) -
  5. 03:45:614 (2,3) -
  1. 00:39:836 (3,4,1) - 間距變小了... 改回一樣的吧
  2. 01:31:836 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:46:947 (4,5) - ^
  4. 01:54:058 (4,5) - ^
  5. 02:11:836 (4,5) - ^
  6. 02:14:502 (6,7,8) - 8combo對于Easy來說太長了... 改短些吧
  7. 02:42:503 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不均勻的間距
  8. 03:17:614 (4,5) - 讓這個弧度和note的一樣吧 [nazi]
  9. 03:20:725 (2,3,4) - 不均勻的間距


  • mapping
  1. none...


  • Settings
  1. 建議:Break從這開始02:51:836 -
  1. 03:38:280 (3,4) - 這個...額 注意一下了 這個部分應該是error...

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

from wmf's super lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy mod ;_; ((我是被逼的 不要打我阿!!!


  • Settings
  1. Kiai建議一致


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 01:28:725 (2,3) -
  2. 01:51:836 (5,1) -
  3. 01:59:836 (1,2) -
  4. 03:41:169 (1,2) -
  5. 03:45:614 (2,3) -
:arrow: 尽量都修改了~有些间距实在是不好弄了就没弄……

  1. 00:39:836 (3,4,1) - 間距變小了... 改回一樣的吧
  2. 01:31:836 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:46:947 (4,5) - ^
  4. 01:54:058 (4,5) - ^
  5. 02:11:836 (4,5) - ^ :arrow: 这几个也是尽量的调整了
  6. 02:14:502 (6,7,8) - 8combo對于Easy來說太長了... 改短些吧 :arrow:
  7. 02:42:503 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不均勻的間距 :arrow: fixed~
  8. 03:17:614 (4,5) - 讓這個弧度和note的一樣吧 [nazi] :arrow: 很努力的调整了形状
  9. 03:20:725 (2,3,4) - 不均勻的間距 :arrow: fixed~


  • mapping
  1. none...


  • Settings
  1. 建議:Break從這開始02:51:836 - :arrow: NICE~
  1. 03:38:280 (3,4) - 這個...額 注意一下了 這個部分應該是error... :arrow: 啊忘记AI mod了……fixed!

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
hi, m4m request via QQ



  1. Unused Image Files default-comma.png default-dot.png default-percent.png default-x.png, 这些貌似没用 score-x要这些才有用 可以删
  2. 一大堆.jpg格式的SB图片 虽然是BG用 但我不知道有没有人较真

00:16:725 (1) - 背景音乐都有finish了你怎么没加 加个clap就行
00:45:169 (1) - clap
01:12:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - whistle加的无可厚非 但没凸显出歌曲的冲击力 换成34和78加whistle
02:03:391 (1) - 这里也不clap?
03:12:280 (4) - ^

排版和节奏方面中规中矩 没什么太有价值可说的

原本歌曲有高音质版吗 在foobar里听也觉得低频太模糊了 中高频太大了 加上你基本只用whistle后这种感觉更强烈了 几乎听不到打击乐
另外自定义的clap完全没听到 不知道是我漏听了还是加在其他难度 总之很有必要利用起来

good luck
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

hi, m4m request via QQ



  1. Unused Image Files default-comma.png default-dot.png default-percent.png default-x.png, 这些貌似没用 score-x要这些才有用 可以删 :arrow: okay
  2. 一大堆.jpg格式的SB图片 虽然是BG用 但我不知道有没有人较真 :arrow: SB要用到。。因为懒的改代码了对图本身又没有影响所以就都放在一起了……

00:16:725 (1) - 背景音乐都有finish了你怎么没加 加个clap就行 :arrow: 试了下还是加的finish
00:45:169 (1) - clap :arrow:
01:12:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - whistle加的无可厚非 但没凸显出歌曲的冲击力 换成34和78加whistle :arrow: 果然听起好多了~
02:03:391 (1) - 这里也不clap? :arrow: fixed~
03:12:280 (4) - ^ :arrow: fixed~

排版和节奏方面中规中矩 没什么太有价值可说的

原本歌曲有高音质版吗 在foobar里听也觉得低频太模糊了 中高频太大了 加上你基本只用whistle后这种感觉更强烈了 几乎听不到打击乐
另外自定义的clap完全没听到 不知道是我漏听了还是加在其他难度 总之很有必要利用起来
:arrow: 音质是我能找到最好的版本了……
good luck

KayeSara wrote:


14:48 <cmn_891127> : Hi, 现在有时间么?IRC-mod?
14:48 <Scorpiour> : 啊,好,稍等我更新一下
14:48 <cmn_891127> : 嗯~
14:49 <Scorpiour> : 更新好了~
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 那开始啦~
14:50 <Scorpiour> : ok, let's start XD
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 我先看看啊……
14:51 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。
14:53 <cmn_891127> : hard
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 00:32:947 (1,2) -
14:53 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 这里感觉分前面那句风格不一刚
14:54 <cmn_891127> : 样
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 把节奏拆开做了……
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 因为歌词稍微有点变化……
14:55 <cmn_891127> : 要不要加闪光的警告呢
14:56 <Scorpiour> : 闪光警告。。这个可以有XD
14:56 <Scorpiour> : fixed XD
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:20:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个很诡异
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:21:391 (3) -
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 这个应该是前面的蓝线上
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:58 <Scorpiour> : (3)这里做成slider会好点吧,蓝线到红线
14:58 <cmn_891127> : 跟下一句一样么
14:58 <Scorpiour> : 差不多的感觉吧
14:59 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯
14:59 <Scorpiour> : ok
15:02 <cmn_891127> : 03:00:280 (3) - 我感觉这个换个方向比较好
15:02 <Scorpiour> : 换个方向么……这样的话后面整个要重排版了………………
15:03 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。。你觉得把(2)放到下面然后把(3)放到上面如何?不过我又担心会出界…………
15:03 <cmn_891127> : 你把前三个挪一下就好
15:05 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。把这个combo的形状调整了
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 03:23:391 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 每两个加一个NC
15:08 <Scorpiour> : nice
15:08 <cmn_891127> : 03:41:725 (2,3) - 好难……
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 不过貌似还得调下combo颜色要不会被头发挡住。。
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 诶。。这里很难……么。。
15:09 <cmn_891127> : 主要是我不爱这种……
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 唔。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 我觉得听着还挺好听的。。。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 这里其实按照stream的节奏按就肯定不会miss XD
15:10 <cmn_891127> : 只是个建议……(个人喜好)我这样的会做一个蓝线开始的折返slider
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 恩。
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 我比较喜欢这种把节奏拉开了的样式什么的。。
15:11 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯~~
Topic Starter

cmn_891127 wrote:

KayeSara wrote:


14:48 <cmn_891127> : Hi, 现在有时间么?IRC-mod?
14:48 <Scorpiour> : 啊,好,稍等我更新一下
14:48 <cmn_891127> : 嗯~
14:49 <Scorpiour> : 更新好了~
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 那开始啦~
14:50 <Scorpiour> : ok, let's start XD
14:50 <cmn_891127> : 我先看看啊……
14:51 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。
14:53 <cmn_891127> : hard
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 00:32:947 (1,2) -
14:53 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:53 <cmn_891127> : 这里感觉分前面那句风格不一刚
14:54 <cmn_891127> : 样
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 把节奏拆开做了……
14:54 <Scorpiour> : 因为歌词稍微有点变化……
14:55 <cmn_891127> : 要不要加闪光的警告呢
14:56 <Scorpiour> : 闪光警告。。这个可以有XD
14:56 <Scorpiour> : fixed XD
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:20:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个很诡异
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 01:21:391 (3) -
14:57 <cmn_891127> : 这个应该是前面的蓝线上
14:57 <Scorpiour> : 恩
14:58 <Scorpiour> : (3)这里做成slider会好点吧,蓝线到红线
14:58 <cmn_891127> : 跟下一句一样么
14:58 <Scorpiour> : 差不多的感觉吧
14:59 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯
14:59 <Scorpiour> : ok
15:02 <cmn_891127> : 03:00:280 (3) - 我感觉这个换个方向比较好
15:02 <Scorpiour> : 换个方向么……这样的话后面整个要重排版了………………
15:03 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。。你觉得把(2)放到下面然后把(3)放到上面如何?不过我又担心会出界…………
15:03 <cmn_891127> : 你把前三个挪一下就好
15:05 <Scorpiour> : 恩。。把这个combo的形状调整了
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 03:23:391 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
15:07 <cmn_891127> : 每两个加一个NC
15:08 <Scorpiour> : nice
15:08 <cmn_891127> : 03:41:725 (2,3) - 好难……
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 不过貌似还得调下combo颜色要不会被头发挡住。。
15:08 <Scorpiour> : 诶。。这里很难……么。。
15:09 <cmn_891127> : 主要是我不爱这种……
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 唔。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 我觉得听着还挺好听的。。。
15:09 <Scorpiour> : 这里其实按照stream的节奏按就肯定不会miss XD
15:10 <cmn_891127> : 只是个建议……(个人喜好)我这样的会做一个蓝线开始的折返slider
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 恩。
15:11 <Scorpiour> : 我比较喜欢这种把节奏拉开了的样式什么的。。
15:11 <cmn_891127> : 嗯嗯~~
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