
#2 osu! World Cup (Team vs) [Korea wins]

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  • Title-holders: Taiwan


SLOTS: 32/32

» Group Stage:

Group A — Japan \ Australia \ Denmark \ Germany \
Group B — Netherlands \ Philippines \ Hungary \ New Zealand \
Group C — Poland \ Norway \ Ukraine \ Indonesia \
Group D — Republic of Korea \ Canada \ Vietnam \ Hong Kong
Group E — Chile \ France \ Portugal \ Latvia \
Group F — Russian Federation \ Finland \ Malaysia \ Uruguay
Group G — Taiwan \ Sweden \ Bulgaria \ Brazil
Group H — United States \ Thailand \ Austria \ Argentina

The video from drawing can be found HERE.

You can also view the detailed group informations HERE .

» Official tournament rules.

» #1 Sign-ups:

1. The country will be represented by the captain, which will choose its players. The captain will be choosen in the forum national thread/IRC talk
by the trusted members. Basic English language knowledge is required from the person of captain.
2. To sign up, you need AT LEAST 4 players in the team. You can though sign-up with additional 2 players as the back-up in case of first players' absence. To sign-up simply post the team outline in this thread.
3. The sign-up time lasts from the day of 28th October to 21st November, 23:59 GMT+0 (3 weeks + 3 days).
4. The sign-ups automatically stop after reaching 32 participants.
5. If there's more attention to the tournament than we expect, the number of participants might be raised.

An example of sign-up post:

Country name:
Captain: Nickname1
Player1: Nickname2
Player2: Nickname3
Player3: Nickname4
Back-up Player1: Nickname5
Back-up Player2: Nickname6

Time zone: GMT+0 (if you don't know your time zone, visit this site

» #2 Playing informations:

1. We are looking for 32 teams from 32 countries. If there are less participants than we want, the tournament will be modeled according to the reached number.
2. In the first stage, the teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 team in each one.
3. All the teams from each group will face each other.
4. 2 teams with the largest amount of points are being promoted to the 1/16 Cup Stage.

You can see the match schedule here:


» #3 Match informations:

1. 15 minutes before the match, the captains must contact each other and confirm the ready to play and the amount of players.
2. During the match, there must be 8 players on the server hosted by one of the captains, 4 players from each team.
3. One of the players (captain would be preferred) must capture screenshots of all of the map results.
4. Each round, the staff will announce the list of 15 beatmaps, from which the captains will be able to choose. 1 team chooses 2 beatmaps to play, however, we'd prefer if you prepare the third and fourth choice in case the opposed team chooses same maps. That means you play to 3 maps won.
5. In the case of a draw, an extra choosen map is played.
6. The settings of the server will be: osu! standard mode, "Team vs" mode and win condition: score.
7. The only allowed mod in-game is No Video.
8. The country with best total score on the map wins.
9. After the match, a captain of one of the teams must send a PM to fartownik or NatsumeRin with link to the Multiplayer History of the game and screenshots from all of the maps. If any of the captains won't do it, the match will be cancelled and a re-match will be needed.
10. The players can freely change themselves between the maps.

» #4 Other:

1. No more team than 1 from 1 country can sign-up to the tournament.
2. All of the team players' flag in the profile must be the same as their country's. However, it can be got around in special cases.
3. Any form of non-fair behaviour (such as cheating, insulting other players, racism) will be punished with an immediate banishment of the player/the team from the tournament.

» #5 Map list for the 1st Stage:

Map list for the 2nd Stage:

Maplist for the 3rd Stage:

Maplist for the Round of 16 (1/8 Stage):

Maplist for the Quarter-finals:

Maplist for the Semi-finals:

Maplist for the Final and 3rd place match:


Remember, you choose 3 BEATMAPS as a team from semi-finals round.

» #6 Prizes

1st Place:

6 months supporter tag for all playersA special profile badge for all players
2nd Place:

1 month supporter tag for all players
3rd Place:

1 month supporter tag for all players
» #7 Timetables and dates:

The Cup will start in the day of 21st November.
The proposed hours of the matches will be posted, but the captains of both teams might change the date after the discussion.

» Participants:

View text-lineups here
1. Germany
Captain: DoKoLP
Player1: SuperCracker
Player2: Blacky
Player3: ShadowSoul
Back-up Player1: Asozial
Back-up Player2: Scanlatione

Time zone: GMT+1

2. Denmark
Captain: Emaal
Player1: PlasticSmoothie
Player2: m4w11
Player3: Circlemuncher

Back-up Player1: BongHat

Time zone: GMT+1

3. Norway
Captain: kriers
Player1: CXu
Player2: AndreasHD
Player3: Danzai

Back-up Player1: KinomiCandy
Back-up Player2: Oscarface92

Time zone: GMT+1

4. Argentina
Captain: Wishy22
Player1: Metro
Player2: Ever17
Player3: Darksonic
Back-up Player1: Salvage
Back-up Player2: Glazbom

Time zone: GMT-3

5. Chile
Captain: nVidi4x
Player1: Mesita
Player2: Ignacio
Player3: Art-FzTT
Back-up Player1: b1choO
Back-up Player2: b4ss_

Time zone: GMT-3

6. Portugal
Captain: Mikutard
Player1: Makkura
Player2: Maraiga
Player3: Jonnythatjonny
Back-up Player1: Pereira006
Back-up Player2: cococococo

Time-Zone: GMT+0 / GMT-1

7. Brazil
Captain: Blue Dragon
Player1: fabriciorby
Player2: Caco
Player3: antsu
Back-up Player1: k3nsh1n_h1mur4
Back-up Player2: Katsuri

Time-Zone: GMT-3/ GMT-2

8. Netherlands
Captain: GladiOol
Player1: Lesjuh
Player2: eddieee
Player3: Awoken
Back-up Player1: Henkie
Back-up Player2: zozozofun


9. Ukraine
Captain: gorlum
Player1: rockleejkooo
Player2: uljjang
Player3: [milky]
Back-up Player1:
Back-up Player2:


10. Vietnam
Captain: Misuzu-san
Player1: JerryC
Player2: Shin1801
Player3: BridgetteLSatellizer
Back-up Player1: xLightningx
Back-up Player2: kira_lacus1995


11. Thailand
Captain: NonxE
Player1: Frostmourne
Player2: bufo
Player3: blackspell
Back-up Player1: aumu1995
Back-up Player2: termerys

Time-zone: GMT+7

12. New Zealand
Captain: jiantz
Player1: kiiwa
Player2: numot123
Player3: bob_the_cat
Back-up Player1: deadbeat
Back-up Player2: kwk

13. Philippines
Captain: C L O U D
Player1: Pizzicatto
Player2: jannnnnn
Player3: dayun10
Back-up Player1: Osu Tatakae Ouendan
Back-up Player2: usagijirosan


14. Bulgaria
Captain: Lolicore Flandre
Player1: r-Beatz
Player2: Orihara Izaya
Player3: las7h0p3
Back-up Player1: werewolf0girl
Back-up Player2: ColdChester


15. Sweden
Captain: Hanyuu-chan
Player1: Holmir
Player2: m4w11
Player3: Gyuunyu
Back-up Player1: Failboat
Back-up Player2: Nidert


16. Indonesia
Captain: Hakeru Prismriver
Player1: xeqta
Player2: dNextGen
Player3: gatitoneku
Back-up Player1: awell
Back-up Player2: awesomewithin


17. Uruguay
Captain: maay
Player1: Z e o n
Player2: GonixZ
Player3: H1ko
Back-up Player1: Snepif
Back-up Player2: AlrdyExists


18. France
Captain: Odaril
Player1: _LRJ_
Player2: galvenize
Player3: Kanna
Back-up Player1: XPJ38
Back-up Player2: Mustaash


19. Hungary
Captain: Kuroi Mato
Player1: tasli
Player2: Kozuki Kallen
Player3: Higurush
Back-up Player1: TaylorXIII
Back-up Player2: TsukishimaKirari x]


20. Canada
Captain: FurukawaPan
Player1: Glass
Player2: Silentwings
Player3: shaNk
Back-up Player1: YodaSnipe
Back-up Player2: Satonaka


21. Finland
Captain: ragelewa
Player1: Zapy
Player2: Orkel
Player3: Sutsuka
Back-up Player1: heintsi
Back-up Player2: ethox


22. Hong Kong
Captain: KanaRin
Player1: Miu Matsuoka
Player2: Kirito47
Player3: henry04213
Back-up Player1: HineX
Back-up Player2: Pokie


23. Australia
Captain: Mizorex
Player1: damiaanzx
Player2: Hark
Player3: Frankcons
Back-up Player1: Mikey
Back-up Player2: Neko_Lover


24. Poland
Captain: fartownik
Player1: White Wolf
Player2: rEdo
Player3: Kubu
Back-up Player1: Piotrekol
Back-up Player2:


25. Latvia
Captain: _Angel
Player1: GummyChan
Player2: LoGo
Player3: Vmx
Back-up Player1:
Back-up Player2:


26. Taiwan
Captain: Saya-Honmei
Player1: SnowWhite
Player2: YuyuKo sama
Player3: wizoza83098
Back-up Player1: Tomoka Rin
Back-up Player2: ZRush

27. Republic of Korea

Captain: KRZY
Player1: mnto
Player2: K i R i K a R u
Player3: CheEZ
Back-up Player1: Remilia-Scarlet
Back-up Player2: Reisen Udongein

28. Malaysia

Captain: akupp
Player1: xsrsbsns
Player2: RhaiizoN
Player3: Gon
Back-up Player1: The 08 team_Bourdon
Back-up Player2: zenki0013

Time-zone: GMT+8

29. United States
Captain: Kyou-kun
Player1: Cyclone
Player2: Lybydose
Back-up Player1: geckogates
Back-up Player2: david huhh

Time-zone: GMT-5

30. Japan
Captain: SiLviA
Player1: Apricot
Player2: Flute
Player3: Iris
Back-up Player1: Sinch
Back-up Player2: val0108

Time-zone: GMT+9

31. Russian Federation
Captain: Akai-
Player1: Vpalach
Player2: Kert
Player3: Rost94
Back-up Player1: 646kapeh640
Back-up Player2: cr1m

Time-zone: GMT+4

32. Austria
Captain: -Lennox-
Player1: Snowball
Player2: Hanyuu
Player3: HakkeroHakkero
Back-up Player1: novaaa
Back-up Player2: M A R I O

Time-zone: GMT+1

» Current staff:

» Important rule changes between 1st and 2nd edition:

1. 3 maps won by one of the teams gives them a match win. Not 2 maps like it was in the 1st edition.
2. The final maps will be choosen more carefully this time.
3. The teams will be divided into 8 groups of 4 teams each. 2 teams with the largest amount of points passes into the next stage.
4. The additional back-up players are not necessary, but we still prefer if you have at least 1 if there's a possibility.
5. Timezone needed in the post of team sign-up.

If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to ask in this thread or pm me or NatsumeRin directly.
Topic Starter
Country name: Germany

Captain: Neruell
Player1: Shael
Player2: Blacky (Was allowed to participate for the german team due to this)
Player3: ShadowSoul

- - - - - - - - - -

Backup 1: DoKoLP
Backup 2: SuperCracker

Time zone: GMT +1
Topic Starter

Neruell wrote:

Country name: Germany
Captain: Neruell
Player1: Shael
Player2: [on hold]
Player3: [on hold]

P.S. Will add more players very soon...
Please remember to add your timezone into the post.
It goes to all of the potential participants.
Country name: Denmark
Captain: Emaal
Player1: PlasticSmoothie
Player2: Rena-chan
Player3: Circlemuncher

Time zone: GMT +1.

misunderstood. will look for others though, don't cut Denmark out just yet.
Time Zone: GMT + 1

Country name:Norway
Captain: kriers
Player1: CXu
Player2: AndreasHD
Player3: KinomiCandy

Back-up player 1: Danzai
Back-up player 2: Druidianna
Hope this won't suck like last OWC.
Topic Starter

Wishy22 wrote:

Hope this won't suck like last OWC.
Thanks, I will use your suggestion.

Captain: Wishy22 Confirmed
Player1: Metro Confirmed
Player2: Ever17 Confirmed
Player3: Darksonic Confirmed
Back-up Player1: Salvage Confirmed
Back-up Player2: Glazbom Confirmed

Time zone: GMT-3

Team's Pet


Female Cheerleaders

Mikumiku97, agussdg, KaoruEvans, ReMx, Vandalika.

Male Cheerleaders

Posse, -batt0, demodemo001, Fullback, grisuh, Hazenkain, Hernan, Jougan, lota78, Luffy, Masha-, Mategas, nhazgul, Pwnt, RockNRolla, Stille, tenchology, theProdigy violentt, Wawix, xsaturosx.

1- I still have to talk with pretty much every team member but I'm sure we all are able to play. (Edited already)
2- Even when I haven't talked with anyone but Metro from that roster (edit: look at the ones Confirmed), I'm sure nobody from this team's gonna play if we got to play those qually again like last year. Which besides the fact that they were a disaster and many players couldn't attend, it was all about people who can't even clear insanes wasting our time (no offense). The team's gonna be the one I posted for sure and if there is anyone else from our country willing to make a team, we would gladly play against them to see which team should represent our country.

Wishy22 wrote:

Cheerleader 1: Mikumiku97 Confirmed
Yes ! \:D/
oh god oh god

We'll try to find players for the Brazilian team soon. Just keep in mind that since it's November/starting December, most people here are busy due to final tests and stuff like that.
so exciting ^^
no double elimination?
ok it has started...
You know, previous OWC was ok until the final...
Megurine Luka
Yah here it comes.

Good luck to everyone \:D/

I can't wait to see Asian's players list.
I wonder what the lineup for Canada is this year. Perhaps I could be backup #2 :D
Topic Starter

YodaSnipe wrote:

so exciting ^^
no double elimination?
Nope. Since we have team dividing in 1st phase additional matches aren't necessary.
France will do National Tournament for choose the players who participate the owc2 after a discussion with many french people, the tournament will be played before the next 2 weeks.
Gomo Psivarh

Megurine Luka wrote:

Yah here it comes.

Good luck to everyone \:D/

I can't wait to see Asian's players list.
Why not see American player list? www
Gomo Psivarh


Wishy22 wrote:


Captain: Wishy22 Confirmed
Player1: Metro Confirmed
Player2: Ever17 Confirmed
Player3: Darksonic Confirmed
Back-up Player1: Salvage Confirmed
Back-up Player2: Glazbom Confirmed

Time zone: GMT-3

Team's Pet


Female Cheerleaders

Mikumiku97, agussdg, KaoruEvans, ReMx, Vandalika.

Male Cheerleaders

Posse, -batt0, demodemo001, Fullback, grisuh, Hazenkain, Hernan, Jougan, lota78, Luffy, Masha-, nhazgul, Pwnt, RockNRolla, Stille, tenchology, theProdigy, Wawix, xsaturosx.


1- I still have to talk with pretty much every team member but I'm sure we all are able to play. (Edited already)
2- Even when I haven't talked with anyone but Metro from that roster (edit: look at the ones Confirmed), I'm sure nobody from this team's gonna play if we got to play those qually again like last year. Which besides the fact that they were a disaster and many players couldn't attend, it was all about people who can't even clear insanes wasting our time (no offense). The team's gonna be the one I posted for sure and if there is anyone else from our country willing to make a team, we would gladly play against them to see which team should represent our country.
I'm always asking myself why are u so gay posting on forum? :)

Question: Can we change our members after sign-up period?

nVidi4x wrote:

Question: Can we change our members after sign-up period?
Oh, I read "before", after the sign-up period you'll not be able to change your players.
It‘s so good:)
I hope an English team forms D:
OWC 2 :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how exciting.
Rey Fullbuster
can you add another staff of 2nd OWC from a BAT/GMT?
So, the rule, where players can't join team unless they have proper country flag, still exists?

nvm, found the answer
so when this owt will take on~? o3o

-Sekai- wrote:

so when this owt will take on~? o3o

fartownik wrote:

The Cup will start in the day of 21st November.
Topic Starter

r3yn41d0 wrote:

can you another staff of 2nd OWC from a BAT/GMT?
Not sure what you're talking about, but I can add that there will be more staff members and at least one of them will be a GMT/BAT member (we already have a few people more to help, but we we will list them all when we complete the gather).

Vpalach wrote:

So, the rule, where players can't join team unless they have proper country flag, is still exist?
It does exist, but can be got around in special cases. An example of JesusYamato playing for France would be good here. Belgium doesn't have any more good and active players apart from him, so he can't form up a team which might be not fair. He also speaks French and is an active member of the community of that country.
Rey Fullbuster

fartownik wrote:

r3yn41d0 wrote:

can you another staff of 2nd OWC from a BAT/GMT?
Not sure what you're talking about, but I can add that there will be more staff members and at least one of them will be a GMT/BAT member (we already have a few people more to help, but we we will list them all when we complete the gather).
sorry forgot writing "add". because im typing so fast lol :)

lepidopodus wrote:

You know, previous OWC was ok until the final...
I wouldn't agree, that makes it seem like everything was okay except the final.

Anyways, my best wishes to the Korean squad that may or may not form for this competition. I trust them to make us proud.
Oh, one question, are there guidelines of what skill level users must be when entering?
Did I miss something or what are the "seeds" and "unseeds"? I mean i did read the post but how are they formed? Who will decide which one is which?
Country name: Chile
Captain: nVidi4x
Player1: Mesita
Player2: Ignacio
Player3: Art-FzTT
Back-up Player1: b1choO
Back-up Player2: b4ss_

Time zone: GMT-3 (might be GMT-4 in summer)

Neruell wrote:

Did i miss something or what are the "seeds" and "unseeds"? I mean i did read the post but how are they formed? Who will decide which one is which?
I've been wondering about this too. I guess it's more of a matter when all teams have been signed up

nVidi4x wrote:

Country name: Chile
Captain: nVidi4x
Player1: Mesita
Player2: Ignacio
Player3: Art-FzTT

Time zone: GMT-3 (might be GMT-4 in summer)
Strong team x_ x

Neruell wrote:

Did i miss something or what are the "seeds" and "unseeds"? I mean i did read the post but how are they formed? Who will decide which one is which?
The countries will be chosen by the tournament staff.
which doesn't sound too legit.
If its possible I would like to join the german Team. Switzerland hasn't got enough... good players. And they aren't very activ. So if it's ok, I would like to join the germans :).

Blacky wrote:

If its possible I would like to join the german Team. Switzerland hasn't got enough... good players. And they aren't very activ. So if it's ok, I would like to join the germans :).

Same question about Austria, last owc they were so few that they formed an other german team, can it be done again? (unless austria doesn't want/have enough ppl for their own team)
Country name: Portugal
Captain: Mikutard
Player1: Makkura
Player2: Maraiga
Player3: Jonnythatjonny

Back-up Player1: Pereira006
Back-up Player2:

Time-Zone: Gmt +0 / Gmt -1
Topic Starter

Neruell wrote:

Did I miss something or what are the "seeds" and "unseeds"? I mean i did read the post but how are they formed? Who will decide which one is which?
The tournament staff will decide which of the signed-up teams will be seeded and unseeded. Our judgment will be based on the skill of certain players.

If you think your team is skilled enough it won't matter if it's in the group of seeded or unseeded. I just wanted to avoid the face of best countries in 1st stage, which ruins all the fun.

Our judgment might be a little subjective and not accurate, but what's the accurate way to judge something like skill? We'll do the best we can to judge fair.

Blacky wrote:

If its possible I would like to join the german Team. Switzerland hasn't got enough... good players. And they aren't very activ. So if it's ok, I would like to join the germans :).
Seems like Switzerland really has no active players. If Germany let you to the team, you're allowed to play for them. This is a special case and it's not a permission for everyone joining not their country teams.

Neruell wrote:

Same question about Austria, last owc they were so few that they formed an other german team, can it be done again? (unless austria doesn't want/have enough ppl for their own team)
I believe they have enough of skilled players to form a team by themselves.
Also Germany has plenty of people to play and you don't really need to gather people from other countries. It's of course your call, if Blacky wants to play for you, you can add him.

fartownik wrote:

Neruell wrote:

Same question about Austria, last owc they were so few that they formed an other german team, can it be done again? (unless austria doesn't want/have enough ppl for their own team)
I believe they have enough of skilled players to form a team by themselves.
Also Germany has plenty of people to play and you don't really need to gather people from other countries. It's of course your call, if Blacky wants to play for you, you can add him.
No, I mean last year there were 2 german teams, and one of it was half german half austrian because they didn't have enough ppl to form their own team. Yes germany has enough people, it had even too many people who wanted to play and austria didn't have enough for even a full 4 player team that's why they were merged into "german" team. Same question again, if austria doens't get enough people, can german ppl particiapte in it? Or can we form a second german team with them as players?

P.S. This is just a curiosity from my side, so this question is not based on facts, but just in case if this happens again.
Why not just a team composed of minorities? Like Austria + Switerland + Belgium + any other?
Well that is kinda actually what I am asking just compared to owc1 it was made with germany + others...
Topic Starter

Neruell wrote:

No, I mean last year there were 2 german teams, and one of it was half german half austrian because they didn't have enough ppl to form their own team. Yes germany has enough people, it had even too many people who wanted to play and austria didn't have enough for even a full 4 player team that's why they were merged into "german" team. Same question again, if austria doens't get enough people, can german ppl particiapte in it? Or can we form a second german team with them as players?

P.S. This is just a curiosity from my side, so this question is not based on facts, but just in case if this happens again.
Yes, there will be a possibility like this, but only for 1 player from Germany. The majority must stay on the Austria side.
This is the worst scenario of course.

ErufenRito wrote:

Why not just a team composed of minorities? Like Austria + Switerland + Belgium + any other?
I guess it'd only work for countries with extremely small base of players. I'd prefer to keep the origin of how all of the World Cups work and worked.
^Get the fuck out, please.
Here we go

Country name: Brazil
Captain: fabriciorby
Player1: Blue Dragon
Player2: Caco
Player3: antsu
Back-up Player1: Fumi-chan
Back-up Player2: K3nsh1n_H1mur4

GMT -3/ GMT -2

PS: It may suffer some alteration, ok?

fabriciorby wrote:

Here we go

Country name: Brazil
Captain: fabriciorby
Player1: Blue Dragon
Player2: Caco
Player3: antsu
Back-up Player1: Fumi-chan
Back-up Player2: K3nsh1n_H1mur4

GMT -3/ GMT -2

PS: It may suffer some alteration, ok?
Fumi-chan the next Cookiezi.
blah blah seeding whatever blah blah
If it's "no fun" that the best teams have to face each other round one, I'd say it's even less fun for a less skilled team to immediately face the best team and get knocked out of the tournament. It sucks to play in a tournament and never actually get to play anyone around your skill level to make for interesting games.

If the "best teams" eliminating each other really early is such a problem, why not use a different tournament system such as something involving pools, double elimination, or swiss pairings?
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