
osu! World Cup 2017 - Discussion Thread

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Welcome to the osu! World Cup 2017 Discussion Thread.
Here you can discuss everything related to the biggest country-based osu! tournament.
Here we go. #makecowgreatagain
Pretty sad that pool will have 6 nomod maps and only 2 maps for each mod :(
300$ per team member for 1st place HYPE!
Might I ask why is it only locked to 5000 global rank and above?

Kreston101 wrote:

Might I ask why is it only locked to 5000 global rank and above?

Guess so unskilled folk won't meddle, huh? Same with every other official championship out there.
can i play
#Make China Great Again

RIP Rustbell
worst fl player

Astar wrote:

can i play
It's almost 2 days since that thread was posted and there are only like 10 comments. Am I missing something? I thought people would be more hyped for this.
Como se puede ver el rango global??
how can I see who is on the US team???????
oshit, it's happening

Tutti wrote:

how can I see who is on the US team???????

Teams will be announced few days after registration phase for sure
is this only standard?

BoyInFlames wrote:

is this only standard?

Yes, and it will say if it is a Ctb or mania tournament.
come,let's go.
Hype hype
I'll sign up for this next year OwO
No Cookiezi, no rrtyui, no rustbell... meh, not interested
TWC Discord conf was awesome, we should create one earlier this year, it connects team members better than Nokia

(i want it 4 vs 4 this year, huh)
USA vs China or South Korea Grand Final again
blue zenith lol
Can Slovakia and czechia play together? We already share the same channel, and it would guarantee our spot in owc
GLHF everyone
When do we know if our country is or isn't in? The Registration Phase ended a few hours ago :thinking:
too late then, good luck all

pyon wrote:

Were the times specified? i just tried to register but i cannot find a button, i guess it ended but its still 29 October here and last year im pretty sure they used the last timezone possible to end the registration...
There was a countdown, if there's no button on your side, then you're late
Will we get a stream schedule for group stages this year? You couldn't really tell people last year to watch a specific match since there was no guarantee your match would be streamed, and iirc there were some countries that never appeared on stream once while others got 2-3 appearances. It's probably a butt to juggle, but it would be very helpful for spectators to know which matches that'll be streamed. (Or I was blind last year. Might also be that.)
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There won't be a schedule for the group stage this year. In order to not make false promises, we tend to avoid definite stream schedules. We usually plan out a rough schedule, but this can change on the fly - and we don't want to be confronted with the rant if we go off the plan we have made. (this happens if the planned match either starts late or not at all, etc.)

On other news, the first 25 pending rosters are listed on the wiki now. If you signed up for any of these countries, please get in touch with your country's team creator as soon as possible.
-Makishima S-
Waiting for this year innocent players not allowed to play because of "You guess what you done".


CXu wrote:

Will we get a stream schedule for group stages this year? You couldn't really tell people last year to watch a specific match since there was no guarantee your match would be streamed, and iirc there were some countries that never appeared on stream once while others got 2-3 appearances. It's probably a butt to juggle, but it would be very helpful for spectators to know which matches that'll be streamed. (Or I was blind last year. Might also be that.)
iirc Austria has been streamed for one Map and Indonesia (?) hasn't been streamed at all?
we'd love to be streamed this year :^)

Loctav wrote:

There won't be a schedule for the group stage this year. In order to not make false promises, we tend to avoid definite stream schedules. We usually plan out a rough schedule, but this can change on the fly - and we don't want to be confronted with the rant if we go off the plan we have made. (this happens if the planned match either starts late or not at all, etc.)

On other news, the first 25 pending rosters are listed on the wiki now. If you signed up for any of these countries, please get in touch with your country's team creator as soon as possible.
While I understand this, couldn't you solve this by having the matches of a time slot listed in a prioritized list? If a match starts late, or doesn't start within some time, then you go down the list and show that match instead.

It's a bit of a bummer when some countries get no stream time at all while others might be on stream for all 3 of their group stage matches (Norway was on for 2 streams + the last map of our match vs. Austria, while they were not streamed at all outside their one map vs. Norway).

CXu wrote:

Loctav wrote:

There won't be a schedule for the group stage this year. In order to not make false promises, we tend to avoid definite stream schedules. We usually plan out a rough schedule, but this can change on the fly - and we don't want to be confronted with the rant if we go off the plan we have made. (this happens if the planned match either starts late or not at all, etc.)

On other news, the first 25 pending rosters are listed on the wiki now. If you signed up for any of these countries, please get in touch with your country's team creator as soon as possible.

While I understand this, couldn't you solve this by having the matches of a time slot listed in a prioritized list? If a match starts late, or doesn't start within some time, then you go down the list and show that match instead.

It's a bit of a bummer when some countries get no stream time at all while others might be on stream for all 3 of their group stage matches (Norway was on for 2 streams + the last map of our match vs. Austria, while they were not streamed at all outside their one map vs. Norway).

We have our own way to schedule the streams (I am in charge of that usually) and believe me that if a team has 3 matches streamed out of 3 is because at least 2 of the matches are in blocks of either 1 or 2 matches at the same time. Sadly there isn't enough time to stream everyone and our priority will usually be for the teams on lower seeds or most interesting matches. We could release a list of priorities in terms of scheduling but at the end, we might just change it on the flow so I don't think it's worth.
gilherme boulos
prepare for another utopia 91% fc from me

just kidding lolz gl to the participants
im a fancy lad

Loctav wrote:

On other news, the first 25 pending rosters are listed on the wiki now. If you signed up for any of these countries, please get in touch with your country's team creator as soon as possible.

What exactly do we need to do?
Jun Maeda
Qingdao MamaRu
I hope there will be no longer dramas anymore.
when are you updating the wiki with rosters?
Another Flower
Really tired of exploring tweet finding information about rosters which i can not even judge it's real or just joking. Hope wikipage updates frequently that we can easily get the newest condition of rosters.
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-GN wrote:

when are you updating the wiki with rosters?

When all rosters are handed in.
Where is Portugal like wtf
Do you guys maybe have a link where we can find the gropus and time of their matchs?
Did sth like that is shared already?
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We released the schedule and group stage mappool to the wiki! We expect you all next weekend.
- Overhaul -
RO16 match schedule waiting room ResidentSleeper
Just my first impression from watching the Ro16 showcase:
Pool looks good for the most part. I'm just concerned there isn't a stream map for the HD pool in this and last pool, but two AR8 HD maps. I'd imagine reading and streams are more fundamental areas to be tested first than low AR.
The Kano and Jinxed maps in FM are too similar in my opinion. One of them should be replaced with a lower AR or tech map. Ro16 is the perfect time for those to be introduced.
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