i'm amazed that a thread like this exists. i'm amazed that people above already have sights and thoughts like they described.
so, i think i can get involved into this, as a "controversial" mapper who always wanna try things different and be offended usually by all community people, and a former nominator member who have enough confidence and skill to judge any kind of maps in community.
i know this is like staff level people are gathering ideas, but i wanna go really detail here from the whole sight. (sry if this is annoying.)
1. Difficult maps is the topic we truly discussed for.
The pp system cant always recognize a map is truly difficult or not, we all know that. And people have sights already know it long time ago, still, no changes are done because the problem is like a more technical one: difficulty of reading or shifting patterns cant be easily measured by data. current pp system are based on maps' objects' density and distance settings among them, easy to be caught by mappers to create pp maps. What goes on are mentioned by Desperate-kun and other people above, then ruin both varity of other kind maps AND players' playing skills. (like "Newbie Pro Players" who often farm pp maps with dthd, may even don't know how to read ar8 patterns, cant deal with fast sliders, etc. and you call whatever.)
- How to avoid that problem, which means how to let diverse maps (with enough quality) get into ranked sections and complete players skills, may be the purpose of Desperate-kun in this thread.
2. Perception of difficult maps in cyber vision.
pp system failed in recognizing hard ones, but did well to get rid of easier ones from them, in case of the rank rules we built long times ago: we forbidden proper things in lower mapsets. so we can just focus on harder ones.
How we can call a map is difficult to play? We used to trust the pp system and think now we don't. i always wonder why we call a map's difficulty "Extra" when we have all dthd scores on the ranking board, shouldn't it be "Insane" level if so much people can do that? I'm not talking about the use of classification as diff names done, but from the automatic processing way machines do to give ranks. And as we known computers can hardly see if some map's reading is tricky or tough even from technical way, it's much better to judge it directly from the score board: less people performed good and then that map is surely difficult. Some people may say that it's more like a ppv1 version system, but actually and slightly not. i cant image a much better way to solve this problem for now, and it can be done right now imo. (even i don't now the specific detail way in programming, i know it can be figured out by statistics.)
- This new system will take more power in judging performance of players if the map is a "difficult" one, and do the opposite way if it's easy, let current pp system do the rest of work, it actually still did it well.
3. Perception of difficult maps in human vision.
This is not only for mappers, but also for players. It will be always the proper player who's playing a map knows what is difficult/easy/gimmick/fluent/stacked/etc. in a map, and we still focus on difficult maps. so if a good player become mapper, he would do difficult patterns well faster than others. Then how about other mappers? how they can deal with difficult patterns, including bns/qat/staffs?
①. they got some amazing player's replay which showed advanced playing skill: eg. Cookiezi dthd lemon tree 7 years ago, then proto-ar9 maps born like a bomb exploded, ended lower than ar8 age.
②. some legendary mapper came up genius idea or revolutionary style that is enough to change the whole mapping community: eg. happy30 used full screen flow sliders and jumps in his medium-term maps, opened up adventurous jump maps age. players from now on are not just focused on controlling tapping tricky rhythm, but also aiming with lager and faster jumps.
③. reference former mapper's patterns, and even think if it is appropriate to changed a bit: eg. mapping style evolution chain: distanced map → jump map; rhythm to main track → rhythm to any track mapper wanna emphasize.
- We can see two things from these facts:
- One is that: players or their playing skills can inspire mappers a lot, to create different things from current ones, and also mappers can create something new and tough for players to challenge. Players and mappers are helping each other to let each other improve and be better. Focus on difficult maps, it's obvious that pro players have a clearer thought of what is good or new for playing, and what's not. mappers are usually noobs to their own difficult maps, so modders, bns and qats are. the way i do to solve this problem is like asking pro players testing my maps as much as i can do, watching their replays and gather ridiculous matters in the progress, fixing them after that. what i wanna say is: modders or other people may also don't know much of difficult maps as well, they can just "③. reference former mapper's patterns", and give their own ideas or even override mapper's mapping thought (with drama comes). we should know that and avoid that. Also, mappers should usually judge or mod a map more in a player's way. Not only see playability, but also see possibility of difficult patterns from that player's vision. i still don't think most of people can mod my maps, they are lack of ability for modding new things because they never did that and had no experiments.
- The other is that: common pure players care almost nothing about mapping, they care much about their rank. So when a common pure player talking about map itself, it'll be always like the playing way, ofc for difficult maps as well. Then here, only playability really matters to common pure players, eliminating all other elements like rhythm setting, structures and other mapping field quality objects. that means if these group of people say "shxt map" to some map, it usually means it has a bad playability for them. that's one of thoughts can be considered in changing patterns ofc, but remember that's from a pure player's mind: playability is the main thing you need to think deep from that, and decide if you will still keep something to give advanced things (you cant avoid feedback like that anyway).
- Both mappers and players should learn see mapping things that way, especially mappers. without that consensus, dramas will never stop and be solved. that's more like because mapping is a pure art work, but osu game need rules to keep the community. manage that 1st, seeking compromise after that.
4. Detail progress in mapping community.
This is kind of complex, so i just pick simple ones as a common mapper.
If i wanna be a nominator: i used to participate some bn tests, and failed always. idk how the electing function worked, but i'm still feel pity to not be one of them. "i'm good at modding, and i did do that pretty well, but still got no chance to be a nominator. it's not a problem about communicating, but other different..." some talent modders i've met showed amazing skills in modding maps, and they have time, emotions and wisdom, should not be buried. the monster of nominators are their laziness, i know that very well because i used to be lazy
when i'm bat, that's a tough problem to be solved, i can just leave it to staffs because they are the only people can do something. the system of tier is abolished recently, some news happened to taiko/ctb/mania mode as well. i don't know what comes next to std mode, but i trust the people who contribute a lot in building it.
If i wanna rank a difficult map: i'm a expert of it maybe, let me count here. 1stly find tons of mods because ranking progress requires it, and almost none of them is useful or helpful to truly build something based on understanding my map (lack of average modding ability as i mentioned before). 2ndly give feedback to ALL of them, or i'll be offended like "you dare ignore my mod?" spam because you will have so much angry pure players and more and more passer-by modders. 3rdly i'll find every nominators ever exists to see if they have interests to bubble/heart my map, mostly replied with "no" or nothing. 4thly you'll explain all detail things and sense of whatever anyone can't understand over and over again, took you much of time and spirit to do that, and even still facing result of disqualifying with qat's "additional mods suggested to be fixed" besides dq reason. that's a long and tough journey, i understand: community need to get rid of low quality maps, like put notes jumping everywhere then call that revolutionary map. it did pretty well, and most of talent mappers leave this game because of that. a map's quality can be easily judged by experimented modders and nominators, things won't be like this if we do our part well. (p.s. the most worse thing i can't accept is like if you don't reply mods after qualification, your map will be disqualified. how nominators can disqualify maps with reason like that, even without anything wrong with the map? clearly deep problems are still happened appeared sometime... )
If i wanna mod a difficult map: i'll discuss it at in-game channel/formed group/thread/etc. or i'll just "shxt map" anytime i can mention even without trying to understand what a new difficult map wanna do. this sounds personal, but i've received offend pm as well. so the point is that modders need to know what should be done: modders are common in giving ideas and finding issues when they met common maps, but most of them are like lost their mind when they have a difficult one. good modder can do his best to understand the mapper, thou not much of them can really do that: it's a really hard work to do for (not experimented) them. they contributes efforts to the map they mod and receive 1kds/m4m for that, they don't think it's always fair. as a modder, even a nominator, it'll be really kind if i know some map is deserved to be modded. a system can be built on data like mapper's created maps, modding performance, recent activity or whatever other complex things. no one would like to waste time on a pending to be graveyarded map, even a difficult-for-rank-but-still-graveyarded map. the truth is that most modders are mappers and they usually mod maps because it'll help them rank themselves' (communicating with only bng, do only m4m, never touched difficult map to develop their modding skill...). that may some kind of growing emotions to mod other one's maps instead of asking mods all over the world, idk how much the moddingv2 system completed, just a simple thought here.
5. About clarity of rules.
i don't know if there's effects done before, with some thoughts here thou.
rank rules is somehow not very clear even till now, or in other words: it's not being kept all the time. that's because some of them are not that appropriate, or maybe some other unexpected things happened (peppy himself used to banned all sliders which have too much nodes on it, it's like finally unbanned just recently, not that announced thou). and now it should be given a really detail version with things we always kept till now, like "overlapped arrows are always unrankble (reasonable and acceptable)". ofc we will keep that if it's done, strictly.
as for guideline, i even suggest to write some specific patterns there for guiding, and tell people how we won't overdone or underdone things while keeping both rules and mapper's own will, like "notes follows no beats are allowed to be used if song's emotion required that, but bunch of spam objects follows nothing is forbidden". this project can be done very quick by groups of experimented mappers.
i think things above i've mentioned are really basic and obvious matters everyone in this community should know. i used to describe or explain my idea in simple sentence or even few words, because i think it's not that need to give such a long speech. now for the 1st time i wanna arrange my ideas here, idk if these can help the community even a little bit, still hope the direction it may goes can lay on some of my wills.
OMG so much words, i didn't expect that as well x.x