
Shimotsuki Haruka - Kawari Yuku Mono

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Donnerstag, 7. September 2017 at 17:18:32

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: Kawari Yuku Mono
Tags: canoue Original Fantasy CD canoueV~竜の棺は泉に沈む~ c92 MANYO 日山尚
BPM: 136
Filesize: 12999kb
Play Time: 05:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Blossom (3,39 stars, 790 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kawari Yuku Mono
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

tried some additive hitsounding

bg source
aight, thanks for mapping shimo's

Shurelia wrote:

aight, thanks for mapping shimo's
Returning M4M

00:10:192 (1,2,1,2,1) - Since pitch is increasing, I think it would make more sense to start from the lower spacing here and make this an inverse of 00:08:869 (1,2,1,2,1) -. You could alternatively use obvious version like what you did with 00:03:575 (1,2,1,2,1) -.
00:21:442 (4,1) - I recommend a spacing increase here for a stronger lead-in to the next section. Would also make more sense with how you handled downbeat emphasis in this section compared to the next section.
01:18:575 (1,2,3) - I think it'd be cool to differentiate this movement wise from 01:17:251 (1,2,3) - due to the higher intensity here. You could try something like this.
04:18:355 (3,4) - 04:19:458 (5,6,1) - I think stacking these would provide more emphasis to the downbeats while keeping your very limited motion in this section.
04:40:413 (2,3,4,1) - I was expecting a more intense pattern here because in similar parts like 03:15:707 (2,1,2,1) - with these types of drums backing it you usually use jumps of some sort. I recommend using similar patterning to what you did prior, perhaps a lower intensity version.

Good as usual. osu! needs more Shimotsuki Haruka. Good luck!
helo m4m

  1. 01:14:163 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - this is suddenly quite hard to read and doesn't seem justified here, especially since there are similar parts in the song that play way more simply like 03:05:119 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
    also you could change 01:14:604 (1,2) - to a repeat slider for consistency and to avoid having too many different stacks in one pattern
  2. 03:25:634 (1,1) - are those sliderslides intentional?
  3. 04:09:311 (1) - second curve seems a bit too tight, how's this:
  4. 01:46:148 (2,1) - 03:16:148 (2,1) - 03:37:325 (2,1) - 04:51:443 (2,1) - those jumps should be relatively bigger than the ones preceding them because of the intensity and new measure
seems to be all from me, very good and very effective map despite the low SR, good luck
Hello, m4m from your queue

Wow, I really like cs 6 maps

1. I think that ar 7 and od 7 will be more suitable for this difficulty
2. Your bg weight is too much, I think you can reduce its quality a bit

00:11:075 (1,2) - will be better to make a full stack for this distance, because I missreaded it few times when I testplay it (it's a bit better with ar 7, yes)

The beginning plays not very nice, because you mixing instruments without any system (or in the way that I can't understand). I'll link some examples that really bother me:
00:27:619 (2) - this note feels strange, because you switched from vocal to guitar for the one note, and then again to vocal
00:29:604 (4) - make a note instead of silder? The reason is the same as above, you mapped a vocal before, but there is only guitar on the red tick
01:14:825 (2) - why you suddenly switched to violin, only vocal mapping sounds and plays so nice here ;w;
Will be better if you choose one main instrument to map, it will be also less intensive and suitable for the music.

00:45:928 (3) - I hear a long vocal sound, so I guess you can end this slider on 00:46:589 (1) (or on the white tick if you want to keep sound on red tick clickable)
01:03:575 (1,1) - if you make more spacing between this sliders people will feel the beginning of kiai better
01:24:751 (1,1) - same here
02:09:310 (3) - it will looks better, if you make slider's end less curve
02:53:428 (2,3,1) - this spacing looks equal to spacing that you used for 1/2, so I think it will be more pleasant to read if you make it smaller
04:40:413 (2,3,4) - make equal spacing here? Because I can't hear difference between these sounds
04:55:413 (1,2,3,4) - this stream is kind of difficulty spike, so I would recommend you to make a reverse slider instead
04:56:958 (1) - stack this with 04:56:296 (2)? I think this motion will be more familar for player after this jumps 04:56:075 (1,2,1,2)

Everything else is fine
Topic Starter

Halfslashed wrote:

Returning M4M

00:10:192 (1,2,1,2,1) - Since pitch is increasing, I think it would make more sense to start from the lower spacing here and make this an inverse of 00:08:869 (1,2,1,2,1) -. You could alternatively use obvious version like what you did with 00:03:575 (1,2,1,2,1) -. pitch isnt really important to me here, it repeats the same musical pattern from before so I do the same thing
00:21:442 (4,1) - I recommend a spacing increase here for a stronger lead-in to the next section. Would also make more sense with how you handled downbeat emphasis in this section compared to the next section. current is nicer to transition and with how I spaced other things in this part,
the spacing emphasis only really starts from 00:32:251 -

01:18:575 (1,2,3) - I think it'd be cool to differentiate this movement wise from 01:17:251 (1,2,3) - due to the higher intensity here. You could try something like this.I don't really see them as differently intense o: and again it's a repeating musical pattern so I prefer to map it as a repeating pattern too
04:18:355 (3,4) - 04:19:458 (5,6,1) - I think stacking these would provide more emphasis to the downbeats while keeping your very limited motion in this section. could work, but I don't think it fits this part as well tbh
04:40:413 (2,3,4,1) - I was expecting a more intense pattern here because in similar parts like 03:15:707 (2,1,2,1) - with these types of drums backing it you usually use jumps of some sort. I recommend using similar patterning to what you did prior, perhaps a lower intensity version. vocals and melody stop here though, so low intensity pattern makes the more sense with the change

Good as usual. osu! needs more Shimotsuki Haruka. Good luck!


Alheak wrote:

helo m4m

  1. 01:14:163 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - this is suddenly quite hard to read and doesn't seem justified here, especially since there are similar parts in the song that play way more simply like 03:05:119 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - doesn't really seem hard to read in gameplay o:
    also you could change 01:14:604 (1,2) - to a repeat slider for consistency and to avoid having too many different stacks in one pattern nice
  2. 03:25:634 (1,1) - are those sliderslides intentional? fixed
  3. 04:09:311 (1) - second curve seems a bit too tight, how's this:

    looks too wide to me lol
  4. 01:46:148 (2,1) - 03:16:148 (2,1) - 03:37:325 (2,1) - 04:51:443 (2,1) - those jumps should be relatively bigger than the ones preceding them because of the intensity and new measure I think a big spacing change in either direction can work well for such things if it's consistently done for similar ones
seems to be all from me, very good and very effective map despite the low SR, good luck


PandaHero wrote:

Hello, m4m from your queue

Wow, I really like cs 6 maps

1. I think that ar 7 and od 7 will be more suitable for this difficulty ar7 feels too fast for me on this map, 6 is perfectly fine to read and od8 works fine too. I actually wanted higher od, but that makes the inconsistent timing part too hard
2. Your bg weight is too much, I think you can reduce its quality a bit not an issue

00:11:075 (1,2) - will be better to make a full stack for this distance, because I missreaded it few times when I testplay it (it's a bit better with ar 7, yes) the whole part is, like some others, designed around the 1/1 overlaps so changing this would ruin it

The beginning plays not very nice, because you mixing instruments without any system (or in the way that I can't understand). I'll link some examples that really bother me:
00:27:619 (2) - this note feels strange, because you switched from vocal to guitar for the one note, and then again to vocal
everything in this part besides this one follows vocals, but I think it works well as some kind of filler here since I can't really get a sliderend on this spot without ruining rhythm and skipping it seems weird too, similar for 00:37:325 (5) - etc
00:29:604 (4) - make a note instead of silder? The reason is the same as above, you mapped a vocal before, but there is only guitar on the red tick yes, so mapping red tick passively is totally fine to me because of that guitar
01:14:825 (2) - why you suddenly switched to violin, only vocal mapping sounds and plays so nice here ;w; alright, applied alheak's rhythm suggestion since you're the second person to point it out and it feels nice to me either way
Will be better if you choose one main instrument to map, it will be also less intensive and suitable for the music.

00:45:928 (3) - I hear a long vocal sound, so I guess you can end this slider on 00:46:589 (1) (or on the white tick if you want to keep sound on red tick clickable) there is a pretty unique sound on 00:46:148 - so I'd rather make that stand out more
01:03:575 (1,1) - if you make more spacing between this sliders people will feel the beginning of kiai better
01:24:751 (1,1) - same here
I think these make the start of the chorus/repeat of chorus stand out more cause they are so different
02:09:310 (3) - it will looks better, if you make slider's end less curve curved it even more
02:53:428 (2,3,1) - this spacing looks equal to spacing that you used for 1/2, so I think it will be more pleasant to read if you make it smaller all the 1/2 in this part are spaced though, it's pretty simple to read
04:40:413 (2,3,4) - make equal spacing here? Because I can't hear difference between these sounds kinda explained in reply to alheak,
decreasing pattern works so well

04:55:413 (1,2,3,4) - this stream is kind of difficulty spike, so I would recommend you to make a reverse slider instead the map uses muiltiple 1/6 streams already and it fits the song so I'd rather keep it here too
04:56:958 (1) - stack this with 04:56:296 (2)? I think this motion will be more familar for player after this jumps 04:56:075 (1,2,1,2) current seems more intuitive to me actually

Everything else is fine

couple of things

00:06:222 (3,1) - I think you should psuedo stack this like the 1/1 gaps you have here to kind of set the expectation that the one spacing you use will be used for 1/2,1/1,1/4,1/6
01:24:531 (2,1) - this blanket doesn't really use the motion give by the slider its blanketed to, which normally you do
03:53:373 (1,2) - 03:56:075 (1,2) - this blanket is silly cuz (1) is played like a straight line to 2 :(
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_83 wrote:

couple of things

00:06:222 (3,1) - I think you should psuedo stack this like the 1/1 gaps you have here to kind of set the expectation that the one spacing you use will be used for 1/2,1/1,1/4,1/6 in this part I exclusively use it for 1/1, so suddenly having it on 3/2 seems unfitting to me (different parts tend to vary the 1/1 concept)
01:24:531 (2,1) - this blanket doesn't really use the motion give by the slider its blanketed to, which normally you do understandable, but I think breaking expectations a bit here makes it stand out nicely (together with the slowdown) and it also uses the same implied direction as 01:23:869 (1) -
03:53:373 (1,2) - 03:56:075 (1,2) - this blanket is silly cuz (1) is played like a straight line to 2 :( don't really get why this would be an issue though? it's only used on this violin+snare pattern that happens on both


also: 1/12 on 04:40:377 (2,3,4) - is intentional cause drums are pretty lol andthis seems to be the best solution after discussing with a few people
Nothing to say.


We fixed one thing, not worth kudos.

  1. In my opinion ar7 would be better, 6 doesn't really fit especially when it comes to the kiai sections
  1. 00:42:178 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 00:47:472 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 00:52:766 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - etc. I don't understand why their spacing are different when they have similar vocal, it would be nice if you can keep these spacings more consistent (I prefer spacing like 00:52:766 (1,2,3,1,2,3) since 00:52:766 (1,2) - is spaced due to the pitch increase)
  2. 03:39:751 (2,1) - 03:41:295 (2,1) - maybe unstack one of this two? they are having different interval between so it may be misleading if both are stacked
  3. 03:43:722 (2,1,2,1,2,1) - ^
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any higher ar really kills the "slow" feeling of the song that I tried to reflect in the map with using low sv and many extremely low spacing sections, I initially mapped it with ar 5 in mind, but after getting some testplays I decided on 6.
most of the map is distance snapped and rhythms are usually made very clear since each part uses a certain concept for 1/1
I mean this is not designed to be a "hard" difficulty even if sr suggests that, it's made to be an insane/expert but built around mainly slow movement which results in a really low star rating

00:42:178 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - etc spacing increases follow the background instruments (guitar strums, quiet piano) which works quite well imo
since for example 00:42:398 (2) - is only vocal it's with the circles before, compared to 00:42:839 (1) - 00:47:692 (2) - 00:48:134 (1) -

the stacks look different ingame due to stack leniency: and so it will be obvious
(+ approach circles help a lot)

also fixed broken spacing on 04:18:355 (3) -
and increased 01:35:119 (2) - a bit
okay qualified
Ayana Hana
i hate your metadata choice
1) used Haruka Shimotsuki
2) Program booklet for her "Haruka Shimotsuki Solo Live Lv.3" concerts
3) Сover of her album " あしあとリズム~Haruka Shimotsuki works best~ "

4)Haruka Shimotsuki Original Fantasy Concert 2012 ~FEL FEARY WEL~

and this song have circle, that needs to be in artist canoue
Edit: misclicked post button sorry
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how often do you need to be told that Shimotsuki Haruka is fine

can you just stop bothering people with this, I've seen you do it a lot and it's getting annoying
Ayana Hana
you can understand what is wrong?! Let's all will use name and surname as they want?
If you actually bothered to look at your own sources you would know 霜月はるか literally translates to Shimotsuki Haruka so therefore both are correct xd
Ayana Hana
What's the difference how it's translated? The official source uses Haruka Shimotsuki. It is much more important.
tbf lama poluna does have a point. It's how the name is written on the on her official works and I don't see what harm comes across from changing it

Kaitjuh wrote:

If you actually bothered to look at your own sources you would know 霜月はるか literally translates to Shimotsuki Haruka so therefore both are correct xd
When you translate names from Japanese to English you write it as [given name - family name]. Just as if you translate a name from English to Japanese it would be written as [family name - given name]
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