
Shimotsuki Haruka - Kibou no Sora

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, August 02, 2017 at 7:58:50 PM

Artist: Shimotsuki Haruka
Title: Kibou no Sora
Source: キミへ贈る、ソラの花
Tags: Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana cabbit galgame opening op short ver. -Hakurei- Lasse
BPM: 169
Filesize: 19110kb
Play Time: 01:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.56 stars, 113 notes)
  2. Hard (3.07 stars, 230 notes)
  3. Insane (4.34 stars, 299 notes)
  4. Lasse's Extra (4.87 stars, 385 notes)
  5. Normal (2.01 stars, 177 notes)
Download: Shimotsuki Haruka - Kibou no Sora
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
uploading this cuz why not

with keysounds this time
Hellow! :3

I was told to give a look how the lower difficulties execute the BPM change part and see whether the current pattern is approachable for players.

00:11:740 (1,3) - Take a look of this. Beginners will likely to get confuse for this due to the stack covering the slider-head when (1) hasn't even finished its path. I think it would be less risky if (3) wasn't stacked over in order to allow players catch and differentiate how each note relates. SUGGESTION: Doing a little mustache here would hurt no one and will keep the smooth flow you intended here.
00:31:622 (3) - Would be cool if you could follow the NC pattern you were following before by adding NC here.
01:27:007 (1) - The BPM change is so drastic here and while you did it great highlighting with this reverse arrow, I slightly doubt players would get how slowly this becomes at playing. Wouldn't it be better to add a green line here that by increasing SV here the effect of the BPM wouldn't be that sudden as it is currently.

00:16:533 - This felt somewhat empty since it is slightly inconsistent according to what instruments you followed at the beginning of this stanza 00:11:740 - . I'm not sure whether it was intentional or not, but it would play rhythmically better if there was a note to click here.
00:28:782 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Patterning as these whilst they still highlight the combination of vocals and instruments they turn a very challenging arrangement for players. Certainly, stacking 00:31:445 (5) - over the next 1/2 pattern creates a very confusing pattern since the rhythm-choice was slightly lowered with the 3/2 sliders and by adding this, it would possibly lead to a really tricky space to catch the beat-placement aimed here. SUGGESTION: Removing this circle 00:31:445 (5) - would soothe the appearance and the way it plays due to the relevance-wise this beat 00:31:267 - represents compared to 00:31:445 -
01:28:149 (2,1) - I'm afraid this would play well along with the spacing you had managed just before. The reason I say that is the stack turning rather a misleading pattern if players aren't aware when will the piano sound start again. Hence, I do believe placing (1) somewhere else nearer but avoiding the stack would fit the best.

Hard difficulty executes well the BPM change safely and I'm sure players can handle over it, in my perspective. Good job and best of luck!
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

Hellow! :3

I was told to give a look how the lower difficulties execute the BPM change part and see whether the current pattern is approachable for players.

00:11:740 (1,3) - Take a look of this. Beginners will likely to get confuse for this due to the stack covering the slider-head when (1) hasn't even finished its path. I think it would be less risky if (3) wasn't stacked over in order to allow players catch and differentiate how each note relates. SUGGESTION: Doing a little mustache here would hurt no one and will keep the smooth flow you intended here. it's kinda readable a bit there, i guess? i'll see how this goes
00:31:622 (3) - Would be cool if you could follow the NC pattern you were following before by adding NC here. i wanna keep the NC as it is
01:27:007 (1) - The BPM change is so drastic here and while you did it great highlighting with this reverse arrow, I slightly doubt players would get how slowly this becomes at playing. Wouldn't it be better to add a green line here that by increasing SV here the effect of the BPM wouldn't be that sudden as it is currently. uh about that slider reverse by that bpm change, idk what i should do with it, but i rly need more help here D:

00:16:533 - This felt somewhat empty since it is slightly inconsistent according to what instruments you followed at the beginning of this stanza 00:11:740 - . I'm not sure whether it was intentional or not, but it would play rhythmically better if there was a note to click here. that's intentional, and i see no problem with it having it consistent or not, as long as it follows well enough for me :shrugs:
00:28:782 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Patterning as these whilst they still highlight the combination of vocals and instruments they turn a very challenging arrangement for players. Certainly, stacking 00:31:445 (5) - over the next 1/2 pattern creates a very confusing pattern since the rhythm-choice was slightly lowered with the 3/2 sliders and by adding this, it would possibly lead to a really tricky space to catch the beat-placement aimed here. SUGGESTION: Removing this circle 00:31:445 (5) - would soothe the appearance and the way it plays due to the relevance-wise this beat 00:31:267 - represents compared to 00:31:445 - woops didn't realize that. did on my own
01:28:149 (2,1) - I'm afraid this would play well along with the spacing you had managed just before. The reason I say that is the stack turning rather a misleading pattern if players aren't aware when will the piano sound start again. Hence, I do believe placing (1) somewhere else nearer but avoiding the stack would fit the best. agreed, but on what DS? orz

Hard difficulty executes well the BPM change safely and I'm sure players can handle over it, in my perspective. Good job and best of luck!
thanks! did some changes on H and I as well

the discussion is still on going for that BPM change part

self note:
timing check
ENHI's bpm change part
  1. On hard diff are you sure about the snap here 01:28:197 (2) - ?
  1. C’mon 01:32:988 (1) – you can do better
  2. Insane SV increase from 1.0x in such a CALM part to 1.1x in a way more intense part was really odd to see on Insane diff. 4* map should give you more room to better reflect the song intensity which is not being done with such small change on SV.
[ Lasse's Extra ]
  1. I’ve seen this 00:06:060 (3,4) - /00:08:545 (2,1,2) - before somewhere  , I really like the reference here, I’m just curious to know what was the idea behind the positioning of the slider ends of 00:06:060 (3) -/00:08:545 (2) – since they don’t land on the right middle of the sliders and I believe you probably used any sort of logic behind it.
  2. I don’t really think that this 00:01:948 (1,2) - is the best way to switch from the 1/12 to back to the regular 1/4 polarity. The piano gets higher here 00:02:125 – and I can hear that, but you should either end the rhythm here 00:02:066 – or 00:02:155 – if you want to keep the balance of the rhythm gap there.
  3. Mute sliderend here 00:08:013 (2) – to avoid weird sounds where they don’t exist.
  4. You should stack this slider end 00:13:516 (4) - with this sliderhead 00:13:161 (3) - for a better visual. If you don’t want you can instead of stacking 00:12:983 (1,2,3) – I’d space the triple to make the sliderend of 00:13:516 (4) – structure better with 00:13:161 (3) - . Move 00:12:983 (1) – to the place it on this 00:13:516 (4) - sliderend, and make 00:13:072 (2) – right in the middle of the sliderhead of 00:13:161 (3) – and 00:12:983 (1) - . This suggestion is just to make the overlap of sliderend more structured, but it also makes this part a bit harder to read, so you keep that in mind. Also, all of your triples are stacked so it migh also break your consistency
  5. I don’t really agree much with this spacing 00:36:859 (2,3,4,1) - . There’s a mix of 1/4 spacing stacked 00:36:859 (2,3) - with 1/2 stacked 00:36:948 (3,4) - followed by 1/2 spaced 00:37:125 (4,1) – in half a second. This section is not even that emphatic to have such patterning imo, considering how other transition sections were done 00:56:119 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) – with not as hard to read patterning.
  6. NC spam here 00:33:042 (1,1,1,1) - is really optional, song is increasing slightly in each gap but I don’t think that requires NC (even tho it looks cool).
  7. I felt that the 1/4 on your map is way more simple compared to how you did most of the slider patterns + 1/2 circles. Mostly stacked triples. Not a problem, but in terms of how much effort you put into making your own interpretation of how Pinkheart map, you should have used some other twists on the triple sections imo.
GL and you didn’t read rules of the queue :>
NM mod from my queue <3


00:11:740 (1,2,3) I don't like the overlap here
00:40:143 (1,2,3) ^


this is in 1/16 lmao
00:56:474 (1,1) This should be one combo


Why is the stack leniency so low
01:08:190 (6) I think this should be a stream
01:32:988 (1) The slidershape pattern is gone :(


stacking leniency again
besides that I really like this diff

Lasse's extra

The sharp sliders in this diff make no sense alongside the music
00:33:042 (1,1,1,1) one combo
01:02:865 (1) players will expect a shorter slider here which will lead to unfair sliderbreaks
I really like the overlaps in this diff, it stays consistent and builds a pattern

This is a great map, Have a wonderful day <3
Aoki Inoue

Ini mohon di kondisi kan HP-nya untuk easy mz
OD=3 | HP=3 X
OD=3.5 | HP=4 √

ini mohon dikondisikan HP-nya untuk insane mz
OD=4 | HP=7 X
OD=4.5 | HP=7.5 √

:D :)
Topic Starter

Rizkihayan wrote:


Ini mohon di kondisi kan HP-nya untuk easy mz
OD=3 | HP=3 X
OD=3.5 | HP=4 √

ini mohon dikondisikan HP-nya untuk insane mz
OD=4 | HP=7 X
OD=4.5 | HP=7.5 √

:D :)
maksudnya? sejak kapan aku setnya kek gitu? btw Easy diff ny tu ga ada masalah kok dgn diff setting. padahal, ini kan ada beberapa bagian yang tenang. untuk apa perlu meningkatkan HP drain jadi 4? dan Insane diff tu ga ada ku setnya begitu. ODnya 7 dan HPnya 6 loh wkwkwkwkkwk

oh ya, sejak kapan ya ku ada M4M reqs dari kamu? .-.

ahsoka08 wrote:

NM mod from my queue <3


00:11:740 (1,2,3) I don't like the overlap here that's not an overlap tbh. this should be ok for them i guess?
00:40:143 (1,2,3) ^ same


this is in 1/16 lmao not pretty necessary since i was doing stuff on that bpm change part LOL
00:56:474 (1,1) This should be one combo disagree. having 00:57:184 (1) - NCd is important for me since it emphasize the vocal and its instrument well right going to its chorus part


Why is the stack leniency so low cuz why not? i dislike having a note skipping to 1/1 as "unstacked" completely
01:08:190 (6) I think this should be a stream i won't call that as Hard diff for that tbh
01:32:988 (1) The slidershape pattern is gone :( help


stacking leniency again same reason
besides that I really like this diff

This is a great map, Have a wonderful day <3

Net0 wrote:

  1. On hard diff are you sure about the snap here 01:28:197 (2) - ? can't be so sure about it, but i'll leave that as it is for a while
  1. C’mon 01:32:988 (1) – you can do better i suck at slider art, thx
  2. Insane SV increase from 1.0x in such a CALM part to 1.1x in a way more intense part was really odd to see on Insane diff. 4* map should give you more room to better reflect the song intensity which is not being done with such small change on SV. i can always do that, but this time sadly. i want to keep the spread more balanced enough as it is tbh

GL and you didn’t read rules of the queue :> "complicated" rules orz

self note if sth happends on that bpm change:
E 395.5
N 380.3
H 434
I 393.6

Net0 wrote:

  1. On hard diff are you sure about the snap here 01:28:197 (2) - ? blame me lol. Didn't notice this was mapped on some diffs so I didn't time it cause it's pretty quiet. fixed now
[ Lasse's Extra ]
  1. I’ve seen this 00:06:060 (3,4) - /00:08:545 (2,1,2) - before somewhere  , I really like the reference here, I’m just curious to know what was the idea behind the positioning of the slider ends of 00:06:060 (3) -/00:08:545 (2) – since they don’t land on the right middle of the sliders and I believe you probably used any sort of logic behind it. a: more spacing onto the sliderhead, b: I think it looks cute
  2. I don’t really think that this 00:01:948 (1,2) - is the best way to switch from the 1/12 to back to the regular 1/4 polarity. The piano gets higher here 00:02:125 – and I can hear that, but you should either end the rhythm here 00:02:066 – or 00:02:155 – if you want to keep the balance of the rhythm gap there. seemed fine on the testplays I got, can't do much about the song being weird, this is the best solution
  3. Mute sliderend here 00:08:013 (2) – to avoid weird sounds where they don’t exist. will deal with these when hitsounding is done
  4. You should stack this slider end 00:13:516 (4) - with this sliderhead 00:13:161 (3) - for a better visual. If you don’t want you can instead of stacking 00:12:983 (1,2,3) – I’d space the triple to make the sliderend of 00:13:516 (4) – structure better with 00:13:161 (3) - . Move 00:12:983 (1) – to the place it on this 00:13:516 (4) - sliderend, and make 00:13:072 (2) – right in the middle of the sliderhead of 00:13:161 (3) – and 00:12:983 (1) - . This suggestion is just to make the overlap of sliderend more structured, but it also makes this part a bit harder to read, so you keep that in mind. Also, all of your triples are stacked so it migh also break your consistency changed this differently. stacking with head makes it too spaced for a low importance sound
  5. I don’t really agree much with this spacing 00:36:859 (2,3,4,1) - . There’s a mix of 1/4 spacing stacked 00:36:859 (2,3) - with 1/2 stacked 00:36:948 (3,4) - followed by 1/2 spaced 00:37:125 (4,1) – in half a second. This section is not even that emphatic to have such patterning imo, considering how other transition sections were done 00:56:119 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) – with not as hard to read patterning. already had a talk with mir about this and said if more people complain I'll change it so yea. made it a bit easier to read. reverse arrow should be fine visibility wise due to slider transparency and ar
  6. NC spam here 00:33:042 (1,1,1,1) - is really optional, song is increasing slightly in each gap but I don’t think that requires NC (even tho it looks cool). yes, it looks really bad without nc
  7. I felt that the 1/4 on your map is way more simple compared to how you did most of the slider patterns + 1/2 circles. Mostly stacked triples. that's part of the map design as I think most of these really lack impact in the song lolNot a problem, but in terms of how much effort you put into making your own interpretation of how Pinkheart map, you should have used some other twists on the triple sections imo.the main simiarity you could find is the kinda high sv slow parts and some visual design, but I interpreted rhythm pretty differently in most cases (different 1/4 usage, more vocal focused rhythm in chorus).
GL and you didn’t read rules of the queue :>

@ahsoka08: the sharp sliders are only used in the distorted guitar part and make a nice visual contrast
nc thing was replied to above
other thing is not an issue imo


kd is for "fixing" the timing at the end, basically correcting some offsets and adding a lot of additional red lines and making ending sliders snap correctly

ending slider length reminder for myself
extra: 528
Topic Starter
updated lasse's and added a bit of keysounds in hitsounds for a while

we sure did having a discussion about it
14:04 lit120: we got mods
14:05 Lasse: yea I saw, but seems like there will be a few more cause I saw you did m4m
14:05 lit120: yap
14:06 Lasse: I'll reply after a few
14:08 lit120: ok
14:08 lit120: how about a check on my ENH (dunno if H is necessary) on bpm change part?
14:10 Lasse: on easy 01:30:500 (1) -
14:10 Lasse: this seems a bit too slow
14:10 Lasse: looks like it will just make people break lol
14:11 lit120: 50 50 chance
14:11 lit120: agreed
14:11 Lasse: maybe around 1.8x sv would be nice
14:11 lit120: muted that slider tick as well
14:11 lit120: (5% vol)
14:12 lit120: i think having non DS or sth isn't matter for that part, right?
14:12 lit120: as long as it adjust the spacing well i guess?
14:13 Lasse: it looks fine I think
14:13 lit120: alright, thanks!
14:13 Lasse: normal is probably okay as it is
14:16 Lasse: you should probably also mute ticks on the last slider cause they are off. it's only timed so the end fits
14:16 lit120: agreed tbh
14:16 lit120: i'll do that later after keysounds
14:16 Lasse: adding some red lines during the slider wouldnt help cause it doesnt change ticks..
14:17 lit120: yep
14:17 lit120: i somehow hate them tbh =_=
14:17 lit120: like 01:30:500 (1) - in EN
14:18 Lasse: you could also make the last point 23,6 bpm and use use current sv x 4 on it lol
14:18 Lasse: then it doesn't have ticks
14:18 Lasse: but that also doesn't make much sense
14:19 Lasse: cause piano is faster
14:19 lit120: agreed
14:19 lit120: if you can zoom the timeline to max
14:19 lit120: 01:31:609 - place a note here and look at the timeline
14:24 lit120: so the main objective now is to make different bpm for EN on that part
14:24 lit120: dunno if that counts
14:25 Lasse: no
14:25 Lasse: but you could just change rhythm if needed
14:26 lit120: both EN?
14:26 lit120: that's a safe way tbh
14:26 Lasse: yes
14:27 Lasse: it's only like 50bpm
14:27 Lasse: so 1/2 is fine anyways
14:27 lit120: alright fixed and adjusted the spacing as well
14:28 lit120: oh what about that snap on HI?
14:28 lit120: pointed out by Net0
14:28 lit120: 01:28:197 (2) -
14:32 Lasse: piano is weird there so I didn't time it lol. can fix that later probably
14:32 Lasse: just keep it for now
14:32 lit120: alright
14:33 lit120: i'll just do the keysounds in few minutes
14:33 Lasse: I think i fixed the timing at the end though
14:34 lit120: where?
14:34 Lasse: last slider. try this on normal:
14:34 Lasse: delete all green and red lines from 01:32:988 - to end
14:34 Lasse: then use that
14:35 Lasse: it should also adjust the last slider
14:35 Lasse: don't touch the last slider or it will most likely become unsnapped
14:36 lit120: did as you have told, but...
14:37 lit120: seems unsnapped
14:37 lit120: i've updated the map before this just in case
14:37 Lasse: how?
14:37 lit120:
14:37 lit120: didn't touch anything, but that
14:38 Lasse: go to the .osu
14:38 Lasse: and for the last object change this
14:38 Lasse:
14:38 Lasse: and it should work
14:38 lit120: last slider?
14:39 Lasse: yea
14:40 Lasse: if it doesn't work just send the new .osu and I'll see
14:40 lit120: weird snap
14:41 lit120:
14:43 Lasse: does it end on 01:35:530 - ?
14:43 lit120: nope
14:43 Lasse: just send me the .osu
14:43 lit120: [ here's the .osu]
14:44 Lasse: idk what happens
14:46 Lasse: k change the value of the last slider to 380.3
14:46 Lasse:
14:47 Lasse: if you ever want to change something on the slider you can just set it back to that to fix snap after editing the slider
14:47 lit120: noted
14:47 lit120: should i copy paste the red line to all diffs as well?
14:51 Lasse: wait I'm going to adjust the green line and slider for other diffs
14:51 Lasse:
14:51 Lasse: easy
14:51 Lasse: I'll give you the slider value in a second
14:52 lit120: alright
14:52 lit120: sth ticks me off just now in Easy
14:52 Lasse: last slider needs to be 359.8 on easy
14:53 lit120: hope this works
14:54 Lasse: just note the values somewhere
14:54 Lasse: in case you want to change the slidershapes a bit or something
14:54 lit120: alright
14:54 lit120: wait a sec
14:55 lit120: on E, 01:35:530 - place a note here and see the difference
14:57 Lasse: 359.5 then
14:57 Lasse: it's fine for these as long as aimod won't complain, you can't have them 100% perfect
14:57 Lasse: due to rounding
14:58 lit120: ah alright
15:01 Lasse: hard
15:01 Lasse:
15:01 Lasse: last slider is fine right now, but if it breaks use 434
15:01 lit120: done
15:03 Lasse: insane
15:03 Lasse: last slider is fine there too, but if it breaks: 393.6
15:04 lit120: got it
15:09 Lasse: okay so for that unsnapped note
15:09 Lasse: 01:27:609 - change this to 106.5 bpm
15:09 Lasse: and add a red line here 01:28:172 - with 140bpm
15:09 Lasse: should be close enough
15:09 Lasse: piano sound is weird there
15:10 lit120: did it
15:12 Lasse: I'll just fix these things on my diff too and check mods while I'm at it
15:12 lit120: send me the fix one if u want to
15:14 lit120: do u mind having a kudos for this?
15:21 Lasse: I'll add something about timing in my mod reply and you can kd that lol
15:22 lit120: lel alright
15:41 Lasse: posted update and everything
Ticket = redeemed , here i come

[hitsounds + keysounds diff]
EWWW what is this this is the worst mapping i've ever seen lol. Do you know that even NC exist? You can press 3 and then place sliders, also whats up with the ar and bad flow lol. Note you can make blankets with sliders and make rankable maps, its okay there's still hope for you, this is a blanket Also please get a background, there are some nice backgrounds on Oh also please watch some pishi videos about osu! that could also help. Anyways, unreadable and unrankable please delete osu! thanks. xd

[Lasse's Extra]
Should this even be called an extra? Its 4.9* and it doesn't have any groundbreaking gimmick to separate it much from usual insanes, just a bit denser rhythm and bigger spacing.
00:05:882 (1,2,3) - i'm a little against the fact that you're using stacks on these, since you used a stack 00:05:172 (3,4) - , think there should be some differentiation. Same goes for the drums later on : 00:09:965 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:10:675 (1,2) - I think this jump is too low for how much (2) is intense.
00:11:385 (1,2,3,4,1) - would be cool if you do something like this, to emphasize the strong beat.
00:14:581 (1) - start and end of slider are not parallel perfectly, now asking if it should be parallel for better aesthetics?
00:16:533 (4) - 00:16:711 - ending a reverse slider on this is kinda meh, i suggest making that beat clickable, its rather strong.
00:37:303 (1) - i suggest giving more emphasis to this note, it's rather loud don't ya think
00:57:007 (3) - make it a kickslider? To follow the guitar sound on the blue tick.
01:06:593 (1,2,3) - Mmmh i think these notes aren't emhpasized enough, I suggest increasing their spacing or decreasing on the whole previous pattern. 01:05:527 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I strongly feel like there should be some form of a contrast, since to me the second pattern sounds much mroe intense.

Hmm, I don't believe that the style of the map supports ar 8. Its not that i hate ar8, its just that i feel like 8.3 ar would fit more.
00:07:303 (4) - since this is a drum hit, 00:08:545 (4) - this is a bit similar to it, so i suggest just reducing spacing, not stacking.
00:21:149 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - hm you're kind using same visual spacing/triangles/hexagrid in the map, so this kinda stands out aesthetically. I suggest doing hexagrid or smeth here.
00:23:811 - in this section, every pattern has a close circle to it. 00:28:072 (2,3,4) - this one stands out, there's nothing visual right next to 2, so, by keeping the same DS on (3) you can move 4 right next to the slider. to preserve the structure.
00:35:705 (1) - doing ctrl+G here you get to emphasize this. This flow it creates is kinda fun, so i suggest doing it. One more reason to do it, is that on stronger vocals/beats you usually give bigger spacing like here 00:39:078 (3,4,5) -
00:45:823 - the song gets more intense here, so i suggest increasing the SV a bit. 00:45:823 (1) - also is it really necessary to use twice reverse arrow, you end the slider on a strong beat 00:46:533 - that should need accentuation.
01:01:445 (1,2,3) - Hmm i aesthetically prefer 00:39:078 (3,4,5) - this kind of structure, and also it flows kinda better, so i suggest doing just that here too.
01:07:125 (1,3) - think that this is a tad bit too close to the slider, please make it more further away.

00:00:380 (1) - since this is straight make these two straight too 00:02:687 (4,1) -
00:25:587 (5) - think it actually fits more to delete this note.
01:00:557 (2,3) - make em touch like this or don't touch em at all having just the tips overlap is gay.
01:09:788 (1,2) - i really prefer if you could instead blanket them, this style of aesthetics is kinda 2011
01:16:178 (2,3) - tips
yep i suck at modding below insane xd
hello .. nm from my q :)

Lasse's Insane

00:08:545 (2) - i prefer more like this .. :(
00:33:575 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3) - hmm idk .. this one is a bit hard to read for me
00:44:758 (1,1,1,1,1) - feel like this part too much nc

fun diff owo


00:25:764 - this part .. the sound is strong and loud here.. i dont think you should leave just like that .. but this part 00:25:764 (5,6,1) - you cover it pretty well :? lol
00:17:066 (6) - nc here?
01:16:533 (3,4,5,1) - can be better blanket :)
01:17:066 (1,2) - swap nc?
01:19:374 - nc


00:16:533 (3,4) - only a suggestion :)
00:35:705 (1) - remove nc
00:36:060 (2) - put nc here instead

i like how tidy your map is :)
that all.. i cant find much to mod :(
gudluck ^^
Topic Starter

MaridiuS wrote:

Ticket = redeemed , here i come

[hitsounds + keysounds diff]
EWWW what is this this is the worst mapping i've ever seen lol. Do you know that even NC exist? You can press 3 and then place sliders, also whats up with the ar and bad flow lol. Note you can make blankets with sliders and make rankable maps, its okay there's still hope for you, this is a blanket Also please get a background, there are some nice backgrounds on Oh also please watch some pishi videos about osu! that could also help. Anyways, unreadable and unrankable please delete osu! thanks. xd yeah i suck at mapping. thanks for letting me know that!

[Lasse's Extra]
Should this even be called an extra? Its 4.9* and it doesn't have any groundbreaking gimmick to separate it much from usual insanes, just a bit denser rhythm and bigger spacing. he/i can change the diff name to Lasse's Hana if he wants to, up2him

Hmm, I don't believe that the style of the map supports ar 8. Its not that i hate ar8, its just that i feel like 8.3 ar would fit more. 8 is enough imo
00:07:303 (4) - since this is a drum hit, 00:08:545 (4) - this is a bit similar to it, so i suggest just reducing spacing, not stacking. let's say that i want to keep it simple play before the next part
00:21:149 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - hm you're kind using same visual spacing/triangles/hexagrid in the map, so this kinda stands out aesthetically. I suggest doing hexagrid or smeth here. if this points out again, i'll change it
00:23:811 - in this section, every pattern has a close circle to it. 00:28:072 (2,3,4) - this one stands out, there's nothing visual right next to 2, so, by keeping the same DS on (3) you can move 4 right next to the slider. to preserve the structure. that'll mess things up and inconsistent spacing with those heads if i do that
00:35:705 (1) - doing ctrl+G here you get to emphasize this. This flow it creates is kinda fun, so i suggest doing it. One more reason to do it, is that on stronger vocals/beats you usually give bigger spacing like here 00:39:078 (3,4,5) - good idea, but 00:35:705 (1) - is just a vocal without kicks, so having a 1x DS is ok though, but 00:39:078 (3,4,5) - is vocal's pitch getting higher + kicks there, so that'd be fun to see for its sense ww
00:45:823 - the song gets more intense here, so i suggest increasing the SV a bit. 00:45:823 (1) - also is it really necessary to use twice reverse arrow, you end the slider on a strong beat 00:46:533 - that should need accentuation. increasing SV huh... i don't think it's necessary though. about the reverse, yeah it's intentional
01:01:445 (1,2,3) - Hmm i aesthetically prefer 00:39:078 (3,4,5) - this kind of structure, and also it flows kinda better, so i suggest doing just that here too. too boring to make it same. i only did the stack play from 01:00:024 (1) - and 01:00:912 (3) - LOL
01:07:125 (1,3) - think that this is a tad bit too close to the slider, please make it more further away. i don't think it is a big deal. besides, it's a triangle shape also if you look at it again haha

00:00:380 (1) - since this is straight make these two straight too 00:02:687 (4,1) - um, it doesn't have to be the same, ya know .-.
00:25:587 (5) - think it actually fits more to delete this note. too empty for such present note there orz
01:00:557 (2,3) - make em touch like this or don't touch em at all having just the tips overlap is gay. keep, but i'll see how this goes
01:09:788 (1,2) - i really prefer if you could instead blanket them, this style of aesthetics is kinda 2011 2011 style cuz why not? ww
01:16:178 (2,3) - tips again
yep i suck at modding below insane xd

YukiZura- wrote:

hello .. nm from my q :)

Lasse's Insane Extra


00:25:764 - this part .. the sound is strong and loud here.. i dont think you should leave just like that .. but this part 00:25:764 (5,6,1) - you cover it pretty well :? lol i prefer the way it is, since i don't think that emphasize really well to start such triplets from a guitar
00:17:066 (6) - nc here? i kinda get what you're suggesting me for
01:16:533 (3,4,5,1) - can be better blanket :) pretty subjective since i was using a slider angle play, but i fixed the stacks there
01:17:066 (1,2) - swap nc? nah
01:19:374 - nc nice


00:16:533 (3,4) - only a suggestion :) it breaks the flow
00:35:705 (1) - remove nc
00:36:060 (2) - put nc here instead these 2 points here aren't pretty necessary for having an NC there tbh. it doesn't have to be sth strong or what. normally red ticks can be NCd before the white tick if it is reasonable

i like how tidy your map is :)
that all.. i cant find much to mod :(
gudluck ^^

MaridiuS wrote:

[Lasse's Extra]
Should this even be called an extra? Its 4.9* and it doesn't have any groundbreaking gimmick to separate it much from usual insanes, just a bit denser rhythm and bigger spacing. yes
00:05:882 (1,2,3) - i'm a little against the fact that you're using stacks on these, since you used a stack 00:05:172 (3,4) - , think there should be some differentiation. Same goes for the drums later on : 00:09:965 (1,2,3,4,5) - don't think so. first is stacked cause it's in a really calm section and second is barely relevant sounds, mainly mapped for pressure
00:10:675 (1,2) - I think this jump is too low for how much (2) is intense. it's the only active 1/2 jump in this section and 2 breaks movement completely, emphasis is fine
00:11:385 (1,2,3,4,1) - would be cool if you do something like this, to emphasize the strong beat. looks gross, being the end of a stream is emphasis enough anyways
00:14:581 (1) - start and end of slider are not parallel perfectly, now asking if it should be parallel for better aesthetics? cuter now
00:16:533 (4) - 00:16:711 - ending a reverse slider on this is kinda meh, i suggest making that beat clickable, its rather strong. guitar emphasis, and a triple is too much active 1/4 spam here imo
00:37:303 (1) - i suggest giving more emphasis to this note, it's rather loud don't ya think no
00:57:007 (3) - make it a kickslider? To follow the guitar sound on the blue tick.not relevant for what I'm emphasizing, feels too forced
01:06:593 (1,2,3) - Mmmh i think these notes aren't emhpasized enough, I suggest increasing their spacing or decreasing on the whole previous pattern. individual emphasis is secondary here, the pattern is meant to emphasize the whole part and make it stand out
01:05:527 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I strongly feel like there should be some form of a contrast, since to me the second pattern sounds much mroe intense. alright


YukiZura- wrote:

hello .. nm from my q :)

Lasse's Insane

00:08:545 (2) - i prefer more like this .. :( doesnt fit my visuals at all
00:33:575 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3) - hmm idk .. this one is a bit hard to read for me it's fine to read for me
00:44:758 (1,1,1,1,1) - feel like this part too much nc it's alright

fun diff owo

Topic Starter
updated lasse's
Fushimi Rio
you don't need to put chenwu in tags lol

actually it's the id of a guest mapper in my map, so you don't need it here.
Topic Starter

Fushimi Rio wrote:

you don't need to put chenwu in tags lol
really? o.o

i can remove that anytime though once i get mods. i just copy paste it from ranked maps like that, so idk .-.

EDIT: @Fushimi Rio ow alright, i'll remove it once i get some mods XD. thanks for letting me know that!
m4m for ticket
00:14:581 (1) - u can just copy and paste 00:11:740 (1) - to make the repeater to show more consistency
00:17:421 (1) - change shape to give it more emphasis on downbeat and to make it stand out from 00:16:001 (3,4) -
00:17:421 (1,2,3,4) - i really dont think this pattern works both aesthetically and rhythmically, since 00:17:953 - and 00:18:486 - dont have same sounds, and hardly and sound on 00:19:019 -. the sound u emphasise on 00:17:953 - only happens on every red tick, and for both 00:18:486 (3) - 00:17:421 (1) - to ignore it sounds really off. tl;dr-the sounds u try to map are very inconsistent, and sounds very off
00:35:705 (3) - 00:38:190 (4) -01:00:557 (2) - this is the only time's u use straight sliders likes this and looks inconsistent, since most of the time u use slightly rotated straight sliders. u can just rotate 00:35:705 (3) - 00:38:190 (4) - by -5 degrees and 01:00:557 (2) - by 5
00:00:912 (2) - u can ctrl+g this to do counterclockwise flow
00:19:018 (2) - ctrl+h since the sliderbody doesnt really help with the clockwise flow 00:18:486 (1) - was settting up

those were the only things i could find :c im really bad at modding orz
other than that, pretty good mapset
Topic Starter

-Latias- wrote:

m4m for ticket
00:14:581 (1) - u can just copy and paste 00:11:740 (1) - to make the repeater to show more consistency um it doesn't have to be consistent. besides, i was trying to follow a guitar sound and predicted which tick ends the best to emphasize with the drums too
00:17:421 (1) - change shape to give it more emphasis on downbeat and to make it stand out from 00:16:001 (3,4) - um this looks ok, but also a shape as well that doesn't have to be changed to emphasize it
00:17:421 (1,2,3,4) - i really dont think this pattern works both aesthetically and rhythmically, since 00:17:953 - and 00:18:486 - dont have same sounds, and hardly and sound on 00:19:019 -. the sound u emphasise on 00:17:953 - only happens on every red tick, and for both 00:18:486 (3) - 00:17:421 (1) - to ignore it sounds really off. tl;dr-the sounds u try to map are very inconsistent, and sounds very off what? they don't have sounds? dude, u didn't know that i was following a guitar sound that sounds 3/2 beat there, right?
00:35:705 (3) - 00:38:190 (4) -01:00:557 (2) - this is the only time's u use straight sliders likes this and looks inconsistent, since most of the time u use slightly rotated straight sliders. u can just rotate 00:35:705 (3) - 00:38:190 (4) - by -5 degrees and 01:00:557 (2) - by 5 you know that it doesn't have to be the same for both straight and curve in Normal diff, right?
00:00:912 (2) - u can ctrl+g this to do counterclockwise flow better not, cuz i have to use DS intentionally for that. besides, i want to have 00:01:445 (3) - not as a jump gap there, since it's a weak note
00:19:018 (2) - ctrl+h since the sliderbody doesnt really help with the clockwise flow 00:18:486 (1) - was settting up it's flowable enough. besides, that'll ruin both symmetry from 00:17:421 (1,2) -

those were the only things i could find :c im really bad at modding orz
other than that, pretty good mapset
m4m return from my q

00:30:202 (2,3) - flow looks a bit weird here imo because the flow direction shifts ~90 degrees and then immediately reverses again, i think it would be better if you move 2 to the left or 3 to the right
00:45:113 (4,1) - really small overlap doesnt look good
00:45:823 (1,2) - aesthetics looks weird, try making them parallel to each other, so sth like this (tail1-head2 and tail2-head1 will have the same spacing)
01:01:445 (3,4,5) - move 5 down a bit so that you can get the same spacing away from tail3 and 4
01:08:190 (4,3) - pixel stack, move 3 down left

01:02:510 (6,1) - fix blanket
01:13:871 (7,1) - ^
01:10:675 (5,1) - dont rly like how the tails almost overlap

00:05:705 (7,1,1,2,3,1) - had a hard time reading the stacks on HD cuz of time spacing differences, but up to u if u wanna change
00:19:018 (1,2) - pixel stack, move 2 right
00:39:788 (4,2) - ^ move 2 down
00:47:066 (1,1) - ^ move the second slider right
00:47:776 (1,2) - ^ move 2 up left
00:51:149 (4,2) - ^ move 2 up
00:33:930 (3,4) - would have a cooler effect if you move 4 onto the y-axis imo (then stack 3 on top)
01:00:557 (2,3) - slight overlap doesnt look good
01:16:178 (2,3) - ^
01:00:912 (3,4,1,2,3) - fix blankets
01:13:161 (2,3,4) - ^
01:05:705 (1,2) - doesnt look good because of slider angles, you can make these parallel
01:32:988 (1) - not sure if you wanted this to be mostly symmetrical, but these sections of the slider are different sizes (the right hole is bigger than the left)

hitsound + keysounds
delet thi

00:06:060 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:28:427 (3,1) - ^
00:09:433 (2,2) - pixel stack, move the circle down right
01:02:865 (1,3) - ^ move 3 up right
00:36:060 (2,3) - jump isnt necessary here imo, 3 isnt that strong
01:21:149 (1,3) - blanket?
01:32:988 (1) - same as Hard

Lasse's Extra
-interesting visual concept, but a couple spots i really dont agree with - 00:39:788 (3,1) - 01:02:510 (6,1) - the second slider in both spots arent readable for the second half because theyre both completely covered. they could be mistaken for 1/2 sliders and the player will release early.

not much notable stuff, mapset already looks pretty clean to me. add hitsounds tho
good luck!

Not mentioning hitsounds as noted in the map's description.

My map for reminder:

Lasse's Extra

00:03:752 (1,2,3) - increase the spacing, it's the same comparing to 00:02:687 (1,2,3) - for example, yet it's snapped as 1/1 rhythm, it's simply misleading lol
00:09:965 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe space it a little more? I mean it deserves something more than a stationary move (something like 00:11:385 (1,2,3,4,1) - is perfect)
00:15:646 (6,1) - meh, I'm not sure about this break in motion, it's just awkward imo (u can throw in a big jump for some pps)
00:28:427 (4) - ctrl+g for better flow, move 00:28:693 (5,6) - accordingly
00:28:693 (5,6) - awkward pause again
00:33:575 (1) - this one however isn't since it's a visible drop of intensity
00:36:415 (1,2,3,4) - all of these stacked up together don't really look too pleasing and are a lazy choice imo
00:41:563 (1,2) - this breaks the flow established by the previous pattern similar to it, just make (2) - flow into (1) without any angle whatsoever (30 degree clockwise rotation seems the most fitting imo, just move it down a little)
01:10:853 (1,2) - hate to point these out, but the blanket here is annoyingly off by a couple of pixels
01:32:988 (1) - <3
01:35:530 - 1/16 snap wew


00:33:930 (1,2) - for such an insignificant *pop* in the music this jump is too overdone
00:42:095 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - two different parts of the music emphasized the same way, think of something more creative lol
00:44:758 - this sound is a little to important to be emphasized as a sliderend imo
00:52:568 (3,1,3,4) - if you ignore the vocals you'll notice that the BGM there is nearly identical, yet the second jump is about four times as big, why?
01:08:190 (5,3) - stack
01:32:988 (1) - I don't really enjoy this <3 as much as Lasse's since it looks a little clunkier

I really can't judge easier diffs, I'm sorry bout that


[Nemesis] wrote:


Not mentioning hitsounds as noted in the map's description.

My map for reminder:

Lasse's Extra

00:0e3:752 (1,2,3) - increase the spacing, it's the same comparing to 00:02:687 (1,2,3) - for example, yet it's snapped as 1/1 rhythm, it's simply misleading lol if someone can play insane and higher diffs they should be able to tell apart 1/1 from 1/2 in a very low spacing, low density section easily from circle timing and approach circles
00:09:965 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe space it a little more? I mean it deserves something more than a stationary move (something like 00:11:385 (1,2,3,4,1) - is perfect) the other thing is a much more intense drum roll, this is just really weak sounds
00:15:646 (6,1) - meh, I'm not sure about this break in motion, it's just awkward imo (u can throw in a big jump for some pps) great emphasis on the guitar after it
00:28:427 (4) - ctrl+g for better flow, move 00:28:693 (5,6) - accordingly supposed to break movement a bit too emphasize the loud piano there
00:28:693 (5,6) - awkward pause again but there is a pause in the song?
00:33:575 (1) - this one however isn't since it's a visible drop of intensity
00:36:415 (1,2,3,4) - all of these stacked up together don't really look too pleasing and are a lazy choice imo i am deeply sorry
00:41:563 (1,2) - this breaks the flow established by the previous pattern similar to it, just make (2) - flow into (1) without any angle whatsoever (30 degree clockwise rotation seems the most fitting imo, just move it down a little) this is not how people play sliders
01:10:853 (1,2) - hate to point these out, but the blanket here is annoyingly off by a couple of pixels fixed I guess
01:32:988 (1) - <3
01:35:530 - 1/16 snap wew
made some small other changes too, mainly removing nc from 00:58:782 - cause single note combo was a bit weird there
Topic Starter

[Nemesis] wrote:


Not mentioning hitsounds as noted in the map's description.

My map for reminder:


00:33:930 (1,2) - for such an insignificant *pop* in the music this jump is too overdone what...? those 2 notes are from drums, and could use a bit of jumps there instead, since that calm part was like too calm to have a big gap of jumps than this
00:42:095 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - two different parts of the music emphasized the same way, think of something more creative lol i don't even know what to do with it, but i'll keep the way as it is
00:44:758 - this sound is a little to important to be emphasized as a sliderend imo but that slider follows the vocal well enough, as it looks different from the others that i used 1/2s before this
00:52:568 (3,1,3,4) - if you ignore the vocals you'll notice that the BGM there is nearly identical, yet the second jump is about four times as big, why? both emphasized the vocal by its high pitch on 00:54:344 (1) - and the instruments well enough to have such jumps there
01:08:190 (5,3) - stack not really needed and it's intentional
01:32:988 (1) - I don't really enjoy this <3 as much as Lasse's since it looks a little clunkier yee i'm bad at slider art

I really can't judge easier diffs, I'm sorry bout that it's ok www


Yahuri wrote:

m4m return from my q

00:30:202 (2,3) - flow looks a bit weird here imo because the flow direction shifts ~90 degrees and then immediately reverses again, i think it would be better if you move 2 to the left or 3 to the right i think this looks fine
00:45:113 (4,1) - really small overlap doesnt look good maybe something with a bit additional space of overlap would work i think
00:45:823 (1,2) - aesthetics looks weird, try making them parallel to each other, so sth like this (tail1-head2 and tail2-head1 will have the same spacing) um, i don't like having it parallel there
01:01:445 (3,4,5) - move 5 down a bit so that you can get the same spacing away from tail3 and 4 isn't this enough to give space for (4)? besides, they can see the number difference for newbie players
01:08:190 (4,3) - pixel stack, move 3 down left a

01:02:510 (6,1) - fix blanket a
01:13:871 (7,1) - ^ rework the pattern as well
01:10:675 (5,1) - dont rly like how the tails almost overlap done

00:05:705 (7,1,1,2,3,1) - had a hard time reading the stacks on HD cuz of time spacing differences, but up to u if u wanna change imo that looks readable enough, even with or without mods
00:19:018 (1,2) - pixel stack, move 2 right a
00:39:788 (4,2) - ^ move 2 down
00:47:066 (1,1) - ^ move the second slider right
00:47:776 (1,2) - ^ move 2 up left
00:51:149 (4,2) - ^ move 2 up
ignoring mods from above since i've fixed that
00:33:930 (3,4) - would have a cooler effect if you move 4 onto the y-axis imo (then stack 3 on top) i prefer easy stack play here
01:00:557 (2,3) - slight overlap doesnt look good flipped 01:00:912 (3) -
01:16:178 (2,3) - ^ did a bit of work on 01:15:646 (1,2) -
01:00:912 (3,4,1,2,3) - fix blankets that's intentional
01:13:161 (2,3,4) - ^ a
01:05:705 (1,2) - doesnt look good because of slider angles, you can make these parallel i don't think this requires a parallel imo
01:32:988 (1) - not sure if you wanted this to be mostly symmetrical, but these sections of the slider are different sizes (the right hole is bigger than the left) reworking this on my own a bit

hitsound + keysounds
delet thi ye

00:06:060 (1,2) - fix blanket a
00:28:427 (3,1) - ^ a
00:09:433 (2,2) - pixel stack, move the circle down right a
01:02:865 (1,3) - ^ move 3 up right a
00:36:060 (2,3) - jump isnt necessary here imo, 3 isnt that strong wdym? it is strong enough from the kicks
01:21:149 (1,3) - blanket? that's intentional
01:32:988 (1) - same as Hard doesn't have to be symmetrical tbh

not much notable stuff, mapset already looks pretty clean to me. add hitsounds tho
good luck!

updated lasse's
hi owo/
Lasse's Extra
01:28:600 (1) - I would ctrl+g this, because the sound is different pitch from 01:27:007 (1) - so it would give a nice effect I think.[
this is pretty solid difficulty, so can't find anything
00:02:865 (2) - maybe stack it on 00:03:752 (2) - this slider, flow would be better in my opinion
00:32:155 (2,3) - this jump doesn't fit here. You used almost constant spacing in this part (besides 00:27:717 (1,2,3) -) so why is it so different?
really solid mapset, I like it, but my mod is literally useless, no kudosu please

  1. 00:06:060 (1,1) - second slider doesn't fit fully with first, fix it
  2. 00:11:740 (1,3) - Bad stack I think
  3. 00:40:143 (1,3) - ^

  1. 00:17:421 (1,2,3,1) - and 00:20:261 (1,2) - are completely different sounds, why you do patterns like they are identical?

  1. 00:08:900 (1) - Maybe space this out to emphasize strong sound?

  1. 00:06:060 (1,2,3,4) - Kinda strange spacing here, maybe put NC on 00:07:125 (3) - ? Tho I can't hear anything on 00:06:859 (2) - , why is it even mapped?
  2. 00:18:664 - Strong sound missed
  3. 00:35:350 (4) - 2 circles would be better here to show vocals
  4. 00:45:823 (1) - Reverse slider here isn't good I think, strong vocal on the tail, bad
  5. 01:07:125 (1) - 2 circles or maybe 2 kick sliders here would be much better
Lasse's Extra:

  1. 00:07:125 (1,2) - Spacing between these notes does not correlate with SV you choosed, it should be bigger imo
  2. 00:08:368 (1,2) - Here as well ^

Sorry for delay, tho didn't know this map that good, so you can not mod back if you want

Sorry again, GL!
Topic Starter

MrDorian wrote:

hi owo/

00:02:865 (2) - maybe stack it on 00:03:752 (2) - this slider, flow would be better in my opinion flow's fine
00:32:155 (2,3) - this jump doesn't fit here. You used almost constant spacing in this part (besides 00:27:717 (1,2,3) -) so why is it so different? there's like kick ish sound, so i think it suits well. for that vocal, i think it emphasize based on before the next emphasize note
really solid mapset, I like it, but my mod is literally useless, no kudosu please

MashaSG wrote:


  1. 00:06:060 (1,1) - second slider doesn't fit fully with first, fix it
  2. 00:11:740 (1,3) - Bad stack I think
  3. 00:40:143 (1,3) - ^

    remake stuff from above

  1. 00:17:421 (1,2,3,1) - and 00:20:261 (1,2) - are completely different sounds, why you do patterns like they are identical? did u notice that at first it was like 3/2 guitar notes there, then the second one was emphasize note on every 3/2 beat?

  1. 00:08:900 (1) - Maybe space this out to emphasize strong sound? i like stacking this

  1. 00:06:060 (1,2,3,4) - Kinda strange spacing here, maybe put NC on 00:07:125 (3) - ? Tho I can't hear anything on 00:06:859 (2) - , why is it even mapped? i fixed something on my own since i noticed something wrong with it. then, for the NC, i don't think it is needed since i could hear that piano note was still on, so i think having no NC there by that piano should be fine. and yes, there's a note
  2. 00:18:664 - Strong sound missed that's intentional since i was following the guitar sound based on its pitch
  3. 00:35:350 (4) - 2 circles would be better here to show vocals isn't that following vocals well?
  4. 00:45:823 (1) - Reverse slider here isn't good I think, strong vocal on the tail, bad personally, i like this one better
  5. 01:07:125 (1) - 2 circles or maybe 2 kick sliders here would be much better personally i was about to use that, but for now i have to use a 1/2 slider. i'll see how this goes

Sorry for delay, tho didn't know this map that good, so you can not mod back if you want

Sorry again, GL!

00:19:462 - circle ?
00:44:403 (1,6) - a blanket here maybe?
01:21:149 (1) - why did you pick up the sound that least highlights in the song?
01:21:504 - is not it better to put a circle?
01:25:409 - circle?
01:25:498 - ^

Rank this please because I want pp hauhauhauahua <3
Topic Starter

yShadowXOP_ wrote:


00:19:462 - circle ? uh no, that'll ruin the symmetry. besides, i was following the guitar sound there
00:44:403 (1,6) - a blanket here maybe? um, that's not a blanket look, cuz i had to use start pattern there
01:21:149 (1) - why did you pick up the sound that least highlights in the song? wdym? but that sounds better with a bass, right?
01:21:504 - is not it better to put a circle? i'd like to keep the way as it is due to a bass sound
01:25:409 - circle? k
01:25:498 - ^ k

Rank this please because I want pp hauhauhauahua <3 [/color]
just added triplets on 01:24:433 - in insane since there are like 3 notes from the piano notes


and keysounds' ready
Hello from my Modding Queue!
Looks good!
rly good!
01:32:988 (1) - Shitty slider
01:32:988 (1) - again lol
Lasse's Extra
01:32:988 (1) - YAY GOOD SLIDER ;)
Topic Starter
about that sliders, would you kindly provide me such neat slider there? yes i suck at it .-.

no kudos for that, sorry .-.

From mod queue

I'm not good with lower diff but still gonna do what I can
  1. Ending with the slow down - Slider are kinda similar in lenght but with different duration dont know if thats ok for an easy? Prolly ok cause of the slow down but I've already been told having different lenght slider looking too similar wasnt ok so just pointing that out.. Maybe they are ok now too, I've seen that something similar have been pointed out in first mod too
  1. 00:31:445 - Would feel so much better if there could be a circle there but that might be too much for a normal. I know that using two reverse on the next slider to move it earlier isnt ok for a normal so yeah would be great if its doable I think.
Other than that everything seems fine for a normal I think

Would be great if heart could be fixed but saw other people mentionning those heart at the end so yeah xD


  1. 00:52:391 (2,3,1) - I feel the movement into 1 is kinda awkward to play. Maybe having it play more like this 00:50:439 (2,3,4) - would be fine but would kinda ruin the pattern tho :/
Other than that I like this diff (oh and same as hard about the heart x) )

[Lasse's Extra]

  1. 00:36:859 (2,3,4) - First time in the map you use a 1/2 stacked. I feel under slider those work fine but this one feel a bit awkward from another circle
Other than that cute map owo especially that 01:19:374 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - stream that just call for me to miss on it everytime cuz I'm a terrible player x)

Set is pretty good owo
MrDorian: prefer the current repetitive movement in such a calm part, different placement already shows the difference there
MashaSG: makes no sense to me, using <1x ds on 1/2 makes the sliders in this part stand out much more which was my intention, gives the part a unique feeling
Shanipika: note is too irrelevant for movement, but needed for rhythm and sliderend wouldn't work here, so this is the best solution

others fixed, thanks
Topic Starter

Shanipika wrote:

From mod queue

I'm not good with lower diff but still gonna do what I can
  1. Ending with the slow down - Slider are kinda similar in lenght but with different duration dont know if thats ok for an easy? Prolly ok cause of the slow down but I've already been told having different lenght slider looking too similar wasnt ok so just pointing that out.. Maybe they are ok now too, I've seen that something similar have been pointed out in first mod too ummm, i had a chat with Lasse about this from few weeks ago, and this seems fine as it is for a bpm change part here
  1. 00:31:445 - Would feel so much better if there could be a circle there but that might be too much for a normal. I know that using two reverse on the next slider to move it earlier isnt ok for a normal so yeah would be great if its doable I think. i had a mod like that when i had a note there, but it's way too much to set a note there for a calm part like this
Other than that everything seems fine for a normal I think

Would be great if heart could be fixed but saw other people mentionning those heart at the end so yeah xD i suck at it


  1. 00:52:391 (2,3,1) - I feel the movement into 1 is kinda awkward to play. Maybe having it play more like this 00:50:439 (2,3,4) - would be fine but would kinda ruin the pattern tho :/ flow's fine. just play like straight curve ish there if u play this diff, you'll see
Other than that I like this diff (oh and same as hard about the heart x) ) yes .-.

Set is pretty good owo

updated lasse's

Are these used?

Check for delay:



- 00:11:740 (1) - NC density from here starts to get a bit low, maybe NC every two downbeats cuz your combos never go past 3.
- 00:22:569 (3,1) - Might be worth distiguishing this 1/1 gap a bit better cuz atm the visual spacing could confuse players since the border of the slider is the same distance fro 3 as 3 is to 2.

- 00:08:368 (2,3,1) - I don't know how readable this is because there is a sound between these gaps and players may accidentally click too early.
- 00:46:711 (2,1,2,1) - 00:49:729 (3,1,2,3,4) - I think there are some NC shenanigans going on here but I'm not sure which method you want to use so stick with one.
- 00:52:746 (1) - Maybe remove NC?
- 01:07:303 (2,3) - If you wanna emphasize the violin things you can make this a slider probably because 01:07:480 - has no violin, only a drum. Then afterwards you can ctrl+g rhythm of 01:07:658 (4,5) - if you want. (01:07:658 - )
- 01:09:788 (1,2) - These aren't the same and noticably so, can you flip one?
- 01:32:988 (1) - lol

- 00:21:504 (6,3,4) - I feel like emphasis on these notes are quite lacking.. perhaps use more spacing or contrast between the other notes more.
- 00:35:350 (4) - Not a fan of this slider since it kind of interjects the middle of this vocal phrase. The rhythm I hear is this for lower density and I think fits well at least to cover the vocals by clicking the stronger more noticeable ones.
- 00:47:776 - Mhh, does the vocal need to land on a slider end like this? It's weird because with 00:47:953 (4) - if looks like you wanted to follow the vocals but you left it on a slider end right before. Maybe making 00:47:598 (3) - two circles would help?
- 00:52:214 - Having the vocal that 00:52:391 (2,3,1,2,3) - continues land on a slider end kind of doesn't make sense for me. Removing the reverse and putting a circle there or making 00:51:504 (1) - a 3/2 slider would help imo.
- 00:58:427 (1,3,4,1) - 01:02:155 (3,5,6,1) - aaaaaaa -> =w=
- 01:07:125 (1) - There are two very strong sounds here and I don't understand why you'd put a slider over both of them. Two circles would fit way more here imo. // 01:08:013 - Also a passive strong sound that might be cooler mapped actively.
- 01:12:095 (3) - Two circles would work a lot better to follow vocals. You could stack them if you want since sounds are similar.
- 01:26:119 (2,3,1) - Moving 1 away would make the slowdown more readable imo since atm they're all spaced the same.

[Waifu's Extra]
- 00:06:060 - Honestly I feel like the SV here is overkill.. it fits more at 00:11:740 - but before it is way calmer.
- 01:01:800 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - I swear to god please do something about this the last 1/1 slider is totally unexpected cuz of 01:01:800 (3,5) - on sightread >:

@lit120 get Lasse to help you with those heart sliders lol

Call me back when these things are addressed
I think the sv is fine there as it puts nice emphasis on the held string and the (even if not that big) sv difference and the usage of shapes + spacing keeps it very differentiated from the guitar part. Overall even with the high sv this part is also one of the easiest in the whole map since it consists of mainly 1/1 sliders.

Other thing is a bit hard to sightread, but it's not really an issue to me as the worst that will happen is getting a 100, even if you play it as 1/2 slider, also placement of the next object make it alright. and you actually see the whole thing when clicking the slider
changing this would ruin one of the core patterns of the map.
and on second play it will be perfectly fine, I mean the map is only 1:30 and this happens before the two difficulty spikes at 01:06:593 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - and 01:18:308 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - so messing up on this just won't be very frustrating anyways.

did some minor polishing cause stacks keep breaking and changed nc pattern on 00:56:474 - to follow vocals better
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:


Are these used?
deleted them

Check for delay:
soft-hitwhistle92.wav ok



- 00:11:740 (1) - NC density from here starts to get a bit low, maybe NC every two downbeats cuz your combos never go past 3. i don't quite get this tbh .-. but i think this NC looks ok if i can understand this enough...?
- 00:22:569 (3,1) - Might be worth distiguishing this 1/1 gap a bit better cuz atm the visual spacing could confuse players since the border of the slider is the same distance fro 3 as 3 is to 2. i'll just make 00:23:811 - clickable there after that 3/2 slider as a fixed

- 00:08:368 (2,3,1) - I don't know how readable this is because there is a sound between these gaps and players may accidentally click too early. stacked on 00:07:125 (1) - would be better
- 00:46:711 (2,1,2,1) - 00:49:729 (3,1,2,3,4) - I think there are some NC shenanigans going on here but I'm not sure which method you want to use so stick with one. after u pointed them out, i realized sth that i should've noticed from the start... removed NC on 00:47:776 (1) -
- 00:52:746 (1) - Maybe remove NC? i'd like to keep the NC here since it emphasize the vocal well there
- 01:07:303 (2,3) - If you wanna emphasize the violin things you can make this a slider probably because 01:07:480 - has no violin, only a drum. Then afterwards you can ctrl+g rhythm of 01:07:658 (4,5) - if you want. (01:07:658 - ) i experimented for following a violin that emphasized well there, but i'd like to keep the current here, cuz this build up part works fine to have it like that as it is. also, 01:07:835 (5) - is where the vocal started with 1/1 length there, so i had to use 1/2 slider there at least
- 01:09:788 (1,2) - These aren't the same and noticably so, can you flip one? i don't think this is a problem for me imo

- 00:21:504 (6,3,4) - I feel like emphasis on these notes are quite lacking.. perhaps use more spacing or contrast between the other notes more. was thinking about this at the start, but worried about the diff balanced from the start too, but oh well. remade it and buffed
- 00:35:350 (4) - Not a fan of this slider since it kind of interjects the middle of this vocal phrase. The rhythm I hear is this for lower density and I think fits well at least to cover the vocals by clicking the stronger more noticeable ones. this should do
- 00:47:776 - Mhh, does the vocal need to land on a slider end like this? It's weird because with 00:47:953 (4) - if looks like you wanted to follow the vocals but you left it on a slider end right before. Maybe making 00:47:598 (3) - two circles would help? imo this suits enough for me to make that snare more clickable and having 00:47:598 (3) - as a slider before the drums
- 00:52:214 - Having the vocal that 00:52:391 (2,3,1,2,3) - continues land on a slider end kind of doesn't make sense for me. Removing the reverse and putting a circle there or making 00:51:504 (1) - a 3/2 slider would help imo. for me, it makes sense enough. although, that 1/1 reverse is intentional since there's nothing to follow on that red tick, but a note that is there on white tick at first before the vocal, so i'll keep it for now. and about that 3/2 slider, i don't think there's something to follow on that red tick tbh
- 00:58:427 (1,3,4,1) - 01:02:155 (3,5,6,1) - aaaaaaa -> =w= stack leniency 4 play, but i'll just stick the way it is for now, idk if this should work since some players are able to read it
- 01:07:125 (1) - There are two very strong sounds here and I don't understand why you'd put a slider over both of them. Two circles would fit way more here imo. // 01:08:013 - Also a passive strong sound that might be cooler mapped actively. ok, but i wanna keep 01:07:835 (4) - as the vocal started there
- 01:12:095 (3) - Two circles would work a lot better to follow vocals. You could stack them if you want since sounds are similar. seems ok for me now
- 01:26:119 (2,3,1) - Moving 1 away would make the slowdown more readable imo since atm they're all spaced the same. i think players would be able to guess the timing there, so yah. if i find it misleading for their reading, i can change that nope, changing its spacing for now including some changes

@lit120 get Lasse to help you with those heart sliders lol he got it

Call me back when these things are addressed

did the NC fix a bit on Insane diff there

i'll do the hitsound check and unused stuff on general later

not updating this for a while. mods are still not done yet. need to do sth irl for a while. there might be some consideration on some of those mods updated including lasse's

replying other mods on new post as well
[Lasse's Extra]
00:01:948 (1) - is this okay to be unsnapped? O.o nvm it's snapped to 1/12 beat
Also, I only hear 3 piano notes in that little repeating section.

00:03:752 (1,2,3,1) - - spacing inconsistent with the ending's 01:23:279 (4,1,1,1) imo you should change the beginning to have spacing emphasis like you did at the ending.

00:10:320 (5) - NC?

imo it's kinda abit annoying when these 2 sliders 00:25:942 (1,3) - are both repeating, but the sounds/vocals there are really different.

00:36:060 (2,1) - kinda awkward to play just a little. Pattern looks pretty, but i think there should be some spacing there to keep momentum going. plus there's a somewhat loud piano sound there to emphasize.

00:00:380 (1,2) - spacing emphasis is too small compared to the rest (and specifically 00:03:220 (1,2) - which is similar piano sound)

00:18:486 (1,2) - i see you are trying to mirror the pattern, but I don't think it's fitting with the music. I think this rhythm is better to follow the guitar better(NC should be on 2) ... f601c0.jpg

00:21:326 (5,3) - these 2 notes are kinda too close to each other.
00:21:149 (4,5,6) - you could make this a perfect triangle
00:21:859 (2,3,4) - currently, the spacing between 2-3 is bigger than 3-4. It should be the other way around imo.
Pattern suggestion ^ ... 625a18.jpg

00:28:072 (2,3,4) - similar case with the spacing^

00:54:877 (2,3,4,5) - 2 should start on the bottom right of the square so it plays more comfortably ... 3018b4.jpg

01:19:906 (1,2) - Maybe look better? ... e8ac67.jpg

00:45:823 (1,2) - ... 1fa0ca.jpg

That's all gl :D
one of the repeats is kinda overmapped but fine there cause else rhythm becomes not very playable
ending is different from the intro piano density wise so it's mapped differently but with similar base concept
nc there doesn't make sense
not mapping a repeat would undermap too much or make tapping unfittingly dense
last thing is fine as the circle there doesn't deserve any movement idk how you define loud piano lol. would take away too much from vocals after to have this spaced too
m4m as promised to lit
my map ~
if my map gets modded by bn, then
mod instead

01:08:545 (1,3) - I wouldn't recommend this kind of overlaps in an easy

00:55:587 (4,1) - maybe exchange nc (nc in 4, no nc in 1)


[hitsounds + keysounds]
this is the best diff i ever seen in my life, i want to rate it ign rofl/10, the mapping style on this diff is pretty good and you pay a lot of attention in emphasis, really good job and keep up the good work jk

00:20:261 (1,2,3) - this flow feels so weird
01:01:445 (1,2,3) - ^

[lasse's extra]
00:13:161 (3,4) - any reason for this overlap?
00:41:563 (1,2,3) - tiny error in symmetry
00:42:095 (2) - bad stack
00:42:983 (1,3,4,2) - ^
01:19:374 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing this stream is not really good idea
01:22:214 - add a note?

in serious notes, mapping is really good. gl~
Topic Starter

Underforest wrote:

m4m as promised to lit
my map ~
if my map gets modded by bn, then
mod instead

01:08:545 (1,3) - I wouldn't recommend this kind of overlaps in an easy that kind of overlap seems ok imo

00:55:587 (4,1) - maybe exchange nc (nc in 4, no nc in 1) uh no, i want to have that NC as an initial part where the vocal was about to emphasize the beat in chorus part


[hitsounds + keysounds]
this is the best diff i ever seen in my life, i want to rate it ign rofl/10, the mapping style on this diff is pretty good and you pay a lot of attention in emphasis, really good job and keep up the good work jk YEP!!! lemme make this diff ranked then :v

00:20:261 (1,2,3) - this flow feels so weird i had someone testplayed it, and the flow isn't that bad though
01:01:445 (1,2,3) - ^ ^

in serious notes, mapping is really good. gl~

Ohwow wrote:

00:00:380 (1,2) - spacing emphasis is too small compared to the rest (and specifically 00:03:220 (1,2) - which is similar piano sound) i'd like to make it more different rather than having it the same spacing there to emphasize the piano sound there

00:18:486 (1,2) - i see you are trying to mirror the pattern, but I don't think it's fitting with the music. I think this rhythm is better to follow the guitar better(NC should be on 2) ... f601c0.jpg imo this follows the guitar well rather than following those drums

00:21:326 (5,3) - these 2 notes are kinda too close to each other. Mir's
00:21:149 (4,5,6) - you could make this a perfect triangle ^
00:21:859 (2,3,4) - currently, the spacing between 2-3 is bigger than 3-4. It should be the other way around imo. ^
Pattern suggestion ^ ... 625a18.jpg

00:28:072 (2,3,4) - similar case with the spacing^ uh this one follows the vocal's well enough based on her pitch there

00:54:877 (2,3,4,5) - 2 should start on the bottom right of the square so it plays more comfortably imo 00:54:877 (2) - looks weak on vocal

01:19:906 (1,2) - Maybe look better? ... e8ac67.jpg k

00:45:823 (1,2) - ... 1fa0ca.jpg did it on my own

That's all gl :D

not updated lasse's from Ohwow's mod

deleted that hitsounds + keysounds since i've confirmed it from Anxient's as an approval

Underforest wrote:

[lasse's extra]
00:13:161 (3,4) - any reason for this overlap? look at the map lol
00:41:563 (1,2,3) - tiny error in symmetry fixed
00:42:095 (2) - bad stack
00:42:983 (1,3,4,2) - ^fixed both (probably)
01:19:374 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing this stream is not really good idea it is
01:22:214 - add a note? yes

Topic Starter
updated lasse's
Finding metadata for this was hard. >:



18:19 *Mir is editing [ Shimotsuki Haruka - Kibou no Sora [Normal]]
18:20 Mir: what i meant with your nc density is a lot of your combos are like 1 or 2 objects
18:20 Mir: 00:14:581 (1,2,1,2) - example
18:20 lit120: ok hold on
18:21 Mir: in your easy you had better density xD
18:21 lit120: guess i'll just use the notes up to 4 to 6
18:22 Mir: that should be okay
18:22 Mir: also one thing in your hard diff 00:37:303 (1) - can you differentiate this from 00:36:948 (4) - somehow
18:22 Mir: the 1 is a lot stronger but it's not indicated with a slider shape change/spacing emphasis or anything
18:22 lit120: normal's done
18:23 lit120: flipped instead
18:24 lit120:
18:24 Mir: alright that works
18:24 Mir: cool
18:24 Mir: update lemme check normal
18:24 lit120: all set
18:25 lit120: ok hang on
18:26 lit120: ok
18:27 Mir: do you have metadata or do i have to look for it
18:27 lit120: no
18:27 lit120: but i actually copas'd it from
18:42 Mir: fuck
18:42 lit120: .-. ?
18:43 Mir: finding metadata lul
18:43 Mir: one sec
18:43 Mir: i think i found it but gotta make sure
18:43 lit120: lol
18:43 lit120: u can ask kwan or alacat
18:43 Mir: im asking kwan atm
18:43 lit120: ok lol

Alright, let's go. Bubbled!

He left as soon as I was gonna say ready but I think it's fine if I bubble it since he said it was all set before I started looking for metadata.
Topic Starter
thanks! XD
insane 00:55:587 (1,1,2) - 01:02:155 (1,3,4,1) -
hard 00:55:587 (6,1,2) -
^check the "irrelevant things" box on lasse's userpage and consider moving some objects down/to the right by a few pixels

01:25:587 (1,1) - try to make the transition between slider speeds more natural. like 1x 169bpm to 1x 100bpm is a pretty big difference lol

ill qualify if u give a suggestion on
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

insane 00:55:587 (1,1,2) - 01:02:155 (1,3,4,1) -
hard 00:55:587 (6,1,2) -
^check the "irrelevant things" box on lasse's userpage and consider moving some objects down/to the right by a few pixels fixed that stacks manually on Insane diff only, but i enabled that stacking at first there while mapping this from the start .-. . probably that SL 4 there

01:25:587 (1,1) - try to make the transition between slider speeds more natural. like 1x 169bpm to 1x 100bpm is a pretty big difference lol had a talk with doyak about this a bit, and looks like it's all better now by adjusting the SV + removing NC there

ill qualify if u give a suggestion on
the stacks still look screwed up lol. should be more like

00:23:101 (1) - doesnt need to be a 3/2, slider ends on nothing significant. could just have this as a 2/1 or follow the vocal on 00:23:456
01:30:500 (1,2) - should separate this a bit more from 01:28:600 (1,2) - to help with the reading. distance looks rly similar while the rhythms are different

00:05:172 (3,4,5) - the duplet rhythm works a lot nicer here tbh, like in hard

im here because the qualification cap exists
Topic Starter

Pentori wrote:

the stacks still look screwed up lol. should be more like i somehow got this point, AGAIN, like i want to change the SL there, cuz i hate those kinds of stacks, wtf. discussed with pentori smh, and manually moved that slider. hope this should do

00:23:101 (1) - doesnt need to be a 3/2, slider ends on nothing significant. could just have this as a 2/1 or follow the vocal on 00:23:456 uh, i heard a note there and it looks better to follow it like that imo
01:30:500 (1,2) - should separate this a bit more from 01:28:600 (1,2) - to help with the reading. distance looks rly similar while the rhythms are different agreed

00:05:172 (3,4,5) - the duplet rhythm works a lot nicer here tbh, like in hard observed again on lasse's and hard. welp...

im here because the qualification cap exists

Pentori wrote:

im here because the qualification cap exists
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