
Erosion - Shinkai Shoujo-piano ver.- [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on October 21, 2017 at 11:16:57 AM

Artist: Erosion
Title: Shinkai Shoujo-piano ver.-
Tags: deep sea girl 小五 hatsune miku vocaloid utaite xiao wu
BPM: 110
Filesize: 2697kb
Play Time: 01:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cup (1.3 stars, 120 notes)
  2. Deep Sea Rain (2.72 stars, 192 notes)
  3. Platter (2.42 stars, 189 notes)
  4. Salad (1.88 stars, 147 notes)
Download: Erosion - Shinkai Shoujo-piano ver.-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beatmap #26
Ranked #2

Cup by me
Salad by me
Platter by me
Deep Sea Rain by me

Timing by Faust from Battle's standard map
Check out Ultima Fox's mania map
Dea ex machina
00:17:807 (4) - this slider is really steep which doesn't lend itself very well to the rest of the map, it would be better if you curved it or made it more shallow.
01:00:767 (4,1,2,3,4) - the flow for this pattern is very rigid for a cup, try smoothing it out.
simple but nice cup, not much to point out.

00:42:441 (3,4) - distance between these notes would be better if it was greater.
00:49:956 (3,4,5) - very rigid flow here, smooth it out.
00:54:765 (2,3) - would be very nice if there was a dash here.
01:10:358 (4,1) - based on your previous dash usage, there should be one here.

00:28:639 (4) - this slider is too vertical and doesn't have enough movement :(
00:38:238 (1) - here again ^
01:22:696 (1,2) - awkward flow between these two sliders, especially considering the way they move into (3)
gj, i liked the hdash usage a lot!

no pretty custom difficulty name for the rain? :(

00:06:947 (3,4) - i think that (4) is too close to (3) and it creates a bit of an awkward stop when there should be a bit more movement (not a lot).
00:09:389 (3,4,5) - i know it's minimal, but why is the distance between (3) and (4) greater than the distance between (4) and (5) when (5) is stronger?
01:20:280 (1,2) - the distance here is way too big without a hyperdash.
this was my favourite difficulty in the set! excellent use of hyperdashes and regular dashes. i wish there were more curved sliders but the way you implemented straight sliders works really well anyways.

this set would far better than it already is with hitsounds! let me know when you add them so i can expand this post and check/mod them for you.

00:09:389 (2) - remove the whistle from the slider tail (it doesn't follow your hitsounding pattern).
00:11:818 (2) - same as above ^
00:13:609 (2) - remove the whistle from the slider head and place one in the center instead.
00:21:413 (2) - remove the whistle from the slider tail (same reason as first point).
00:25:045 (1) - is there a reason there isn't a whistle on the head of this slider? for this section you seem to be following a 1/1 whistle pattern.
00:34:045 (1) - maybe put a whistle on the slider tail for a pretty accent (you did this at 01:12:462 (2) - and it worked very well).
00:40:036 (2) - missing whistle?
00:58:072 (4) - missing whistle?
01:16:374 (3) - remove whistle from this note
01:19:674 (4) - it might work decently if you put a whistle on the slider tail. the way it is now works too, so up to you.
01:23:914 (2) - missing whistle on slider head?
Topic Starter

-wwwww wrote:

00:17:807 (4) - this slider is really steep which doesn't lend itself very well to the rest of the map, it would be better if you curved it or made it more shallow. done
01:00:767 (4,1,2,3,4) - the flow for this pattern is very rigid for a cup, try smoothing it out. done also
simple but nice cup, not much to point out. thanks!

00:42:441 (3,4) - distance between these notes would be better if it was greater. done
00:49:956 (3,4,5) - very rigid flow here, smooth it out. hopefully I made it better
00:54:765 (2,3) - would be very nice if there was a dash here. done, and in the process also added another dash on 00:56:268 (1) - which I think fits nicely
01:10:358 (4,1) - based on your previous dash usage, there should be one here. fixed

00:28:639 (4) - this slider is too vertical and doesn't have enough movement :( done by moving it to the left and curving it. I had them like this to avoid crashing into the wall while dashing but this fix works way better
00:38:238 (1) - here again ^ same here
01:22:696 (1,2) - awkward flow between these two sliders, especially considering the way they move into (3) done also
gj, i liked the hdash usage a lot! thanks a bunch!

no pretty custom difficulty name for the rain? :( there is now

00:06:947 (3,4) - i think that (4) is too close to (3) and it creates a bit of an awkward stop when there should be a bit more movement (not a lot). fixed
00:09:389 (3,4,5) - i know it's minimal, but why is the distance between (3) and (4) greater than the distance between (4) and (5) when (5) is stronger? fixed
01:20:280 (1,2) - the distance here is way too big without a hyperdash. fixed
this was my favourite difficulty in the set! excellent use of hyperdashes and regular dashes. i wish there were more curved sliders but the way you implemented straight sliders works really well anyways. thanks a lot for the mod Fii!

this set would far better than it already is with hitsounds! let me know when you add them so i can expand this post and check/mod them for you.
Thanks a lot, I'll try my hand at hitsounding it today, but I have very limited experience so I'll do my best

In addition: Added combo colours on all diffs
Changed Rain to Deep Sea Rain

00:09:389 (2) - remove the whistle from the slider tail (it doesn't follow your hitsounding pattern).
00:11:818 (2) - same as above ^
00:13:609 (2) - remove the whistle from the slider head and place one in the center instead.
00:21:413 (2) - remove the whistle from the slider tail (same reason as first point).
00:25:045 (1) - is there a reason there isn't a whistle on the head of this slider? for this section you seem to be following a 1/1 whistle pattern.
00:34:045 (1) - maybe put a whistle on the slider tail for a pretty accent (you did this at 01:12:462 (2) - and it worked very well).
00:40:036 (2) - missing whistle?
00:58:072 (4) - missing whistle?
01:16:374 (3) - remove whistle from this note
01:19:674 (4) - it might work decently if you put a whistle on the slider tail. the way it is now works too, so up to you.
01:23:914 (2) - missing whistle on slider head?
all fixed, thanks
you asked for a professional mod
that's the mod above me, not this one
sorry about that



01:20:280 (1) - mind curving that a little bit more? i find this slider to be extremely odd for this difficulty; forces the players to make little clicks

now, let me be honest - the difficulty itself is fine
it flows good, it plays good and it looks good. now, that's merely subjective, and purely based on visuals. the technical aspect of the difficulty - being rhythm, in this case - is completely poor. your ideas and consistency isn't clear. you sometimes execute heavier rhythms for the sake of emphasising certain sounds, but when there's the exact same sound one measure latter, you decide to follow something completely different
this would normally be ""fine"" considering it's a cup, fi you were to do this consistently... which, isn't the case. let me list some examples below. before you start reading, let me tell you something real quick - some are more subjective than others, so you can perfectly disagree; but overall, the rhythm needs more attention:

00:05:727 (1) - vs 00:10:610 (1) - vs 00:15:403 (1,2) - these are the exact same sounds yet represented in a different way. that's great! except for the first one that has one less audible beat compared to the rest
00:11:818 (2,2) - the first one being a copy of 00:13:609 (2) - yet this second one actually holds 3 audible beats. the first one isn't supposed to be like that, so stick to the 1/1
00:32:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - pay more attention to this section as a whole, you're prioritizing the wrong beats. try that instead
00:55:066 (2,3) - 00:57:471 (2,3,4) - make them the sameee
01:17:874 (1,2,3,4) - stick to vocals, don't break with consistency :(
01:22:696 (1,2) - don't give (2) the same importance as (1) :(
01:25:451 - this one is more relevant!!!


i strongly believe you could add some other dashes during the intro, it seems rather unexpected to suddenly have 00:19:604 (3,1) - this as a dash. try to include at least 2 or 3 more to make it more "predictable"!

00:54:765 (2,3) - would recommend lowering the distance of 3 slightly (just drag it twice to the left, x272). that'd help a lot, currently it seems really tricky for sopme reason
yeah, same for 01:02:852 (2,1) - 01:12:462 (1,1) - these

01:01:367 (1,2,3,4) - i didn't bother mentioning these on cup because they made sense, groups of 2! but the distance for a salad is rather low; you could try to create a more interesting build up, with something such as that


00:22:014 (5,1,2) - for some reason this is incredibly hard
00:34:344 (3) - would give more emphasis to this particular note, not sure why it feels so underemphasized
00:41:839 (1,2,3) - given the fact that these are rather calm, a dash feels underwhelming
00:53:863 (1,2) - don't be inconsistent with your rhythms!! 00:55:066 (3,4,5) - 00:47:250 (2,3,4) - 00:44:244 (1,2,3) -

00:59:543 (1,2,3) - this pattern as a whole feels much, much better compared to 00:34:344 (3) - . although i'd move both (2,3) to the left so they both require a dash! let's say 1 to 476, 2 to x12 and 3 to x332


00:59:543 (4,1,2) - dude, this is very, very anime. actually 00:59:543 (4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this whole pattern seems very hard compared to the rest, with some awkward movements... at least to me

rest seems cool i guess
i'm not very good at modding rains... yet?


great set overall; just fix the thingy on easy!!
Topic Starter

Yuii- wrote:

you asked for a professional mod
that's the mod above me, not this one
sorry about that



01:20:280 (1) - mind curving that a little bit more? i find this slider to be extremely odd for this difficulty; forces the players to make little clicks done

now, let me be honest - the difficulty itself is fine
it flows good, it plays good and it looks good. now, that's merely subjective, and purely based on visuals. the technical aspect of the difficulty - being rhythm, in this case - is completely poor. your ideas and consistency isn't clear. you sometimes execute heavier rhythms for the sake of emphasising certain sounds, but when there's the exact same sound one measure latter, you decide to follow something completely different
this would normally be ""fine"" considering it's a cup, fi you were to do this consistently... which, isn't the case. let me list some examples below. before you start reading, let me tell you something real quick - some are more subjective than others, so you can perfectly disagree; but overall, the rhythm needs more attention:

00:05:727 (1) - vs 00:10:610 (1) - vs 00:15:403 (1,2) - these are the exact same sounds yet represented in a different way. that's great! except for the first one that has one less audible beat compared to the rest
00:11:818 (2,2) - the first one being a copy of 00:13:609 (2) - yet this second one actually holds 3 audible beats. the first one isn't supposed to be like that, so stick to the 1/1
00:32:234 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - pay more attention to this section as a whole, you're prioritizing the wrong beats. try that instead
00:55:066 (2,3) - 00:57:471 (2,3,4) - make them the sameee
01:17:874 (1,2,3,4) - stick to vocals, don't break with consistency :(
01:22:696 (1,2) - don't give (2) the same importance as (1) :(
01:25:451 - this one is more relevant!!!
when through the map and fixed all of these. Thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind for my next map


i strongly believe you could add some other dashes during the intro, it seems rather unexpected to suddenly have 00:19:604 (3,1) - this as a dash. try to include at least 2 or 3 more to make it more "predictable"! Added 2 of them where it made the most sense, on 00:12:987 (1,2) - and 00:14:800 (3,1) -

00:54:765 (2,3) - would recommend lowering the distance of 3 slightly (just drag it twice to the left, x272). that'd help a lot, currently it seems really tricky for sopme reason moved to x:260
yeah, same for 01:02:852 (2,1) - 01:12:462 (1,1) - these nerfed a bit but not much, otherwise the dashes feel very weak

01:01:367 (1,2,3,4) - i didn't bother mentioning these on cup because they made sense, groups of 2! but the distance for a salad is rather low; you could try to create a more interesting build up, with something such as that did something similar to this


00:22:014 (5,1,2) - for some reason this is incredibly hard fixed
00:34:344 (3) - would give more emphasis to this particular note, not sure why it feels so underemphasized the hdash here was eaker than the others in the map. Fixed it now
00:41:839 (1,2,3) - given the fact that these are rather calm, a dash feels underwhelming I'm not really sure what you mean here. They are pretty calm, so a hyper would be too much, and a walk just wouldn't work since they are still kinda important, even though the intensity goes down. Dashes work great in this situation
00:53:863 (1,2) - don't be inconsistent with your rhythms!! 00:55:066 (3,4,5) - 00:47:250 (2,3,4) - 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - fixed, I'm dumb

00:59:543 (1,2,3) - this pattern as a whole feels much, much better compared to 00:34:344 (3) - . although i'd move both (2,3) to the left so they both require a dash! let's say 1 to 476, 2 to x12 and 3 to x332
un-animed again (replied to this after ran), but I prefer to have a hyper on 01:00:767 (3) - instead since that piano really starts off the buildup to the kiai and the dash just wasn't enough in intensity


00:59:543 (4,1,2) - dude, this is very, very anime. actually 00:59:543 (4,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - this whole pattern seems very hard compared to the rest, with some awkward movements... at least to me tried my best to un-anime it. Nerfed a few spots and redid 01:01:367 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - so it's regular anti-flow and not weird breaks. Kinda hard to do tho when HDashes take the full screen

rest seems cool i guess
i'm not very good at modding rains... yet?


great set overall; just fix the thingy on easy!!
thanks a lot for the mod my dude
mod from ages ago before i hiatus'ed as promised

  1. Initial hitsound volume is unreasonably quiet, very difficult to make out anything r.e. timing accuracy and almost no feedback for players. The ~40% you have later on is more acceptable, so suggest a 15-20% buff throughout

  1. 00:29:238 (2,1,2) - Would avoid slight repeated 1/2 antiflow pattern in Cup diffs, even at this low BPM. Requires a lot small of movement changes those at this level of difficulty will find difficult to maintain control on. Suggest flipping this or making a normal flow into/out of it.
  2. 00:41:839 (1,2,3,4) - Drop these pair distances slightly for a more even spacing on the linear pattern. Currently the ends (2,4) are a little extended and could be dropped
  3. 00:47:851 (2,3,4) - For the more intense rhythm here this spacing is much clearer and should be fine though
  4. 00:53:863 (1,2,3,4) - 3/4 repeat sliders for the vocal here would provide some nice variety since this is quite strong
  5. 01:01:367 (1,2,3,4,1) - Would be better swapping the order of these so that the low-movement pairs are (2,3) and (4,1). This way the player moves towars the strong notes and the kiai buildup is more fitting
  6. 01:20:280 (1) - Curve slightly too sharp, could miss droplets
  7. 01:21:480 (3,4) - Find it strange to map these but not 01:22:380 - where the vocal is strong. Normally I'd suggest a 1/1 slider at 01:21:480 - but you'd need to manually snap the end over the timing point. As an alternative, you could add a circle on the red tick and make 01:22:696 (1,2) - 1/1 sliders to offset the density, since the piano here is rather weak

  1. 00:12:987 (1,2) - The first dash of the map being a near-walk followed by three antiflow movements is an absolute no-go. The sound you're trying to emphasise isn't even all that strong compared to 00:14:800 (3,1) - so making this walkable might not be a bad idea (also: reeeeeeee for completions's sake)
  2. 00:15:403 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Repetitive back-forths, try making one of them, linear instead for variety
  3. 00:50:256 (4,5) - Slight antiflow is kinda unexpected given your previous flow, flipping the order of these might work better
  4. 00:53:863 (1,2,3,4) - Consider same 3/4 thing here as I suggested in Cup to break the monotony of 1/2 spam
  5. 01:01:367 (1,2,3,4,1) - Same parity suggestion as Cup
  6. 01:11:558 (2) - Unsure why you skipped this vocal, a 1/2 dash would give the middle of the kiai a bit more emphasis, especially with the pause right after it
  7. So many dashes into antiflow repeat sliders please stop trying to be mbomb thanks

  1. 00:21:112 (3,4) - Might be nice to Ctrl+H these for some variety with 00:19:907 (2,1) -
  2. 00:22:014 (5,1) - Strange place for a hyper imo when the intensity is somewhat low. 00:24:769 (2,1) - to start the new section would be more appropriate perhaps? There deserves to be a dash here regardless
  3. 00:35:243 (2,3) - Feels more worthy of a hyper than either of 00:34:344 (3,1) - 00:37:939 (3,1) - due to the vocal strength I think
  4. 00:43:944 (4,1) - No spacing emphasis for new measure?
  5. 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - Since this is intentionally walkable, even spacing would look neater. Applies to similar like 00:47:250 (2,3,4) - etc.
  6. 01:00:435 (2) - Shouldn't this be snapped to the new red tick at 01:00:467 - as in the Cup and Salad? Same applies in Rain
  7. 01:12:768 (2,3) - New measure more fitting for hyper than 01:13:074 (3,4) - due to the stronger vocal
  8. 01:17:874 (1,2) - 01:20:880 (2,3) - Dash for vocal emphasis?

  1. 00:13:609 (3,4) - Expected (but hard) walk given the previous spacings. Either reduce this slightly or make 00:13:312 (2,3,4) - more clear as dashes
  2. 00:31:435 - Sounds like a 1/6 vocal here maybe? Might add variety, might over-complicate things. Give it a try and see what you think
  3. 00:36:441 (4,5) - Vocal is strong, a larger walk or even a dash would be appropriate for emphasis
  4. 01:25:055 (7,8) - Snap diversity committee would like to inform you of a graced 1/16 piano triplet here. You probably don't care but it's there if you want to be edgy I guess
Hope these suggestions help, good luck! (:
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

mod from ages ago before i hiatus'ed as promised

  1. Initial hitsound volume is unreasonably quiet, very difficult to make out anything r.e. timing accuracy and almost no feedback for players. The ~40% you have later on is more acceptable, so suggest a 15-20% buff throughout Fixed

  1. 00:29:238 (2,1,2) - Would avoid slight repeated 1/2 antiflow pattern in Cup diffs, even at this low BPM. Requires a lot small of movement changes those at this level of difficulty will find difficult to maintain control on. Suggest flipping this or making a normal flow into/out of it. done
  2. 00:41:839 (1,2,3,4) - Drop these pair distances slightly for a more even spacing on the linear pattern. Currently the ends (2,4) are a little extended and could be dropped reduced distance slightly
  3. 00:47:851 (2,3,4) - For the more intense rhythm here this spacing is much clearer and should be fine though not sure what you're pointing out here it feels like it's missing a part of it
  4. 00:53:863 (1,2,3,4) - 3/4 repeat sliders for the vocal here would provide some nice variety since this is quite strong done
  5. 01:01:367 (1,2,3,4,1) - Would be better swapping the order of these so that the low-movement pairs are (2,3) and (4,1). This way the player moves towars the strong notes and the kiai buildup is more fitting done
  6. 01:20:280 (1) - Curve slightly too sharp, could miss droplets done
  7. 01:21:480 (3,4) - Find it strange to map these but not 01:22:380 - where the vocal is strong. Normally I'd suggest a 1/1 slider at 01:21:480 - but you'd need to manually snap the end over the timing point. As an alternative, you could add a circle on the red tick and make 01:22:696 (1,2) - 1/1 sliders to offset the density, since the piano here is rather weak I know how to do sliders over red lines dw. Did the 1/1 option as a fix

  1. 00:12:987 (1,2) - The first dash of the map being a near-walk followed by three antiflow movements is an absolute no-go. The sound you're trying to emphasise isn't even all that strong compared to 00:14:800 (3,1) - so making this walkable might not be a bad idea (also: reeeeeeee for completions's sake) MORE LIEK ABSOLUTE ZERO-GO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA also made you REEEEE yaaaayy fixed
  2. 00:15:403 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Repetitive back-forths, try making one of them, linear instead for variety made 2 of them linear
  3. 00:50:256 (4,5) - Slight antiflow is kinda unexpected given your previous flow, flipping the order of these might work better fixed
  4. 00:53:863 (1,2,3,4) - Consider same 3/4 thing here as I suggested in Cup to break the monotony of 1/2 spam I don't think it works here.
    For the cup since the rhythms were more simple and mostly following vocals the 3/4 didn't feel so out of place. Her since the piano is what I'm following it feels weird to have sudden 3/4 out of nowhere
  5. 01:01:367 (1,2,3,4,1) - Same parity suggestion as Cup fixed
  6. 01:11:558 (2) - Unsure why you skipped this vocal, a 1/2 dash would give the middle of the kiai a bit more emphasis, especially with the pause right after it tfw someone asks you to add 1 note and you end up changing half a kiai woops
  7. So many dashes into antiflow repeat sliders please stop trying to be mbomb thanks u can't tell me what to do no change my style

  1. 00:21:112 (3,4) - Might be nice to Ctrl+H these for some variety with 00:19:907 (2,1) - since it only appears twice I prefer to go with consistency over variety here. Since it's only there two times it doesn't get to the point where it's so repetitive that changes are needed
  2. 00:22:014 (5,1) - Strange place for a hyper imo when the intensity is somewhat low. 00:24:769 (2,1) - to start the new section would be more appropriate perhaps? There deserves to be a dash here regardless changed to a dash
  3. 00:35:243 (2,3) - Feels more worthy of a hyper than either of 00:34:344 (3,1) - 00:37:939 (3,1) - due to the vocal strength I think fixed
  4. 00:43:944 (4,1) - No spacing emphasis for new measure? fixed
  5. 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - Since this is intentionally walkable, even spacing would look neater. Applies to similar like 00:47:250 (2,3,4) - etc. done
  6. 01:00:435 (2) - Shouldn't this be snapped to the new red tick at 01:00:467 - as in the Cup and Salad? Same applies in Rain fixed in both diffs
  7. 01:12:768 (2,3) - New measure more fitting for hyper than 01:13:074 (3,4) - due to the stronger vocal done
  8. 01:17:874 (1,2) - 01:20:880 (2,3) - Dash for vocal emphasis? Did it but the result is super sketchy because holy hell finding patterns that actually work with how large dash and hdash distance are is hell

  1. 00:13:609 (3,4) - Expected (but hard) walk given the previous spacings. Either reduce this slightly or make 00:13:312 (2,3,4) - more clear as dashes reduced spacing because 2 dashes into a hyper at this intensity is incredibly overkill
  2. 00:31:435 - Sounds like a 1/6 vocal here maybe? Might add variety, might over-complicate things. Give it a try and see what you think Since there's piano on the 1/4 and the vocal actually starts on the 1/4, I'll keep it as is
  3. 00:36:441 (4,5) - Vocal is strong, a larger walk or even a dash would be appropriate for emphasis help
  4. 01:25:055 (7,8) - Snap diversity committee would like to inform you of a graced 1/16 piano triplet here. You probably don't care but it's there if you want to be edgy I guess The celerih counsel has discussed this issue and has decided to reject the committee's decision as I'm not edgy enough like AZ for this
Hope these suggestions help, good luck! (:
Thanks a lot for the mod (:
Ultima Fox

not enough salad dressing

please fix this as soon as possible

oh and also

  1. 00:12:987 (1,2) - personal opinion, but i feel like it would look and play better as
  2. 00:31:036 (2) - Here i feel like you could use 2 sliders to fully represent the vocals
  3. 00:38:238 (1) - not really a problem, but is there a reason for this slight tilt?

  1. 00:16:316 (3,1) - im not sure a hyperdash is necessary here, considering it is the calmest point of the song. I think a normal dash like you did at 00:13:907 (4,5) would work fine
  2. 00:20:211 (1) - hitsound error right here, theres a whistle sound all along the slider (iknowitdoesnteffectctbbutstill)
  3. 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - The other triple (i guess) things in the part make sense, but this one doesnt really as much. I suggest just making it 2 sliders cause theres nothing really in between to put a circle to
[deep sea whatever im too lazy to check]

  1. haha woah what is this ar lmao
  2. 00:31:036 (3,4) - missing a note in the middle for the vocals?
  3. 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - same as before
  4. 01:14:874 (7) - imo ctrl h this cause you have too many of the same slide plus itll compliment the next slider
  5. 01:29:462 (1,2) - I think this should definitely be walkable, and you shouldnt have to dash to yo ushould put these closer together
i dont even play ctb
Topic Starter

Ultima Fox wrote:


not enough salad dressing

please fix this as soon as possible


oh and also

  1. 00:12:987 (1,2) - personal opinion, but i feel like it would look and play better as done
  2. 00:31:036 (2) - Here i feel like you could use 2 sliders to fully represent the vocals I want to stay consistent with 00:39:435 (4,5) - and I follow piano first, vocals second
  3. 00:38:238 (1) - not really a problem, but is there a reason for this slight tilt? uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh doesn't really impact anything whether I leave it as is or not

  1. 00:16:316 (3,1) - im not sure a hyperdash is necessary here, considering it is the calmest point of the song. I think a normal dash like you did at 00:13:907 (4,5) would work fine Strong vocals + strong piano. Having the intro be hyperless just wouldn't work, this serves as buildup
  2. 00:20:211 (1) - hitsound error right here, theres a whistle sound all along the slider (iknowitdoesnteffectctbbutstill) fixed
  3. 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - The other triple (i guess) things in the part make sense, but this one doesnt really as much. I suggest just making it 2 sliders cause theres nothing really in between to put a circle to vocals are important enough there to warrant a note imo. Kinda like the 00:30:886 -
    vocal on the rain you pointed out
  4. nice unused point no kd for u
[deep sea whatever im too lazy to check]

  1. haha woah what is this ar lmao Since the song is very slow, AR9 just feels too fast
  2. 00:31:036 (3,4) - missing a note in the middle for the vocals? fixerinod
  3. 00:44:244 (1,2,3) - same as before Rhythm here works fine tho, it hits all the vocals and piano correctly
  4. 01:14:874 (7) - imo ctrl h this cause you have too many of the same slide plus itll compliment the next slider The slight anti-flow and direction change compliments the movement towards the next slider better
  5. 01:29:462 (1,2) - I think this should definitely be walkable, and you shouldnt have to dash to yo ushould put these closer together I actually really like the dash here. 1 it creates a clear evolution in the spread, where it goes from no movement in the cup, to minimal movement in the salad to walk in the platter and dash in the rain. 2. This is the end of the song and the piano here is pretty strong compared to the rest of the outro. imo it fits. Plus there's a small increase between 1 and 2 which makes a dash fit very nicely there
i dont even play ctb same
Thanks for the mod (:
M4M with the word "celery" derives from the French céleri, in turn from Italian seleri, the plural of selero, which comes from Late Latin selinon, the latinisation of the Greek σέλινον (selinon), "celery". The earliest attested form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek se-ri-no, written in Linear B syllabic script.

  1. 01:12:462 (2,1) - Increase the distance here to match 01:02:852 (2,1) -

  1. 00:29:837 (1) - Maybe spin the tail on this to the right instead of the left? Just trying to add a little variety to the movements here instead of just mirroring 00:31:036 (2) -
  2. 01:08:258 (1) - Maybe move the slider tail out just a tiny bit more

  1. 00:21:112 (3,4) - This feels quite repetitive coming just after 00:19:907 (2,1) - in almost the exact same spot. Try adding some variety here, there's potential for a few things but one I liked is this quick and dirty image. Spacing to 00:22:014 (5) - is also increased a bit but I thought it feels warranted with the piano sound
  2. 00:32:234 (1,2,3,4) - I'd emphasise this spacing increase a little more, try
    00:32:234 (1) - x:272
    00:32:533 (2) - x:160
    00:32:833 (3) - x:292
    00:33:135 (4) - x:140
    This should bring 00:32:234 (1,2) - closer together and slightly increase the spacing on 00:32:833 (3,4) - making the overall effect stand out a bit more
  3. 00:52:661 (4,5,6,7) - Here I'd do the opposite of the point above and steadily decrease the spacing as these notes get a bit weaker. Try moving 00:53:262 (6) - to x:456

[Deep Sea Rain]
  1. 00:11:818 (2) - Lack of movement here from the previous note feels quite off to me, try doing a quick and dirty Ctrl+H on 00:05:122 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) -
  2. 00:12:987 (1,2,3,4) - There's a slight steady increase of spacing here that I'd emphasise a bit more. Try lowering the spacing between 00:12:987 (1,2) - a little and increasing it with 00:13:609 (3,4) -
  3. 00:14:800 (6) - Again quite low movement from the last note, try swinging the head on the slider to about x:316 or so
  4. 00:31:036 (3) - Strong vocal and piano here, I'd add a 1/4 dash to this with about 2.6x ds like you've used elsewhere in the diff
  5. 00:52:661 (4,5,6,7) - Slight steady increase of spacing here again only this time I think the effect would be better inverted as the sounds get weaker. Try moving 00:52:962 (5,6) - to x:24
  6. 01:07:658 (5) - Distance feels just a little low here , try moving this to x:152

    Hope this is of some help, good luck with your map!
  7. 01:13:074 (3) - Looks like there should really be a hyper to this and a NC aswell going by what you've done previously
Topic Starter

Sorcerer wrote:

M4M with the word "celery" derives from the French céleri, in turn from Italian seleri, the plural of selero, which comes from Late Latin selinon, the latinisation of the Greek σέλινον (selinon), "celery". The earliest attested form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek se-ri-no, written in Linear B syllabic script.

  1. 01:12:462 (2,1) - Increase the distance here to match 01:02:852 (2,1) - done

  1. 00:29:837 (1) - Maybe spin the tail on this to the right instead of the left? Just trying to add a little variety to the movements here instead of just mirroring 00:31:036 (2) - done
  2. 01:08:258 (1) - Maybe move the slider tail out just a tiny bit more done

  1. 00:21:112 (3,4) - This feels quite repetitive coming just after 00:19:907 (2,1) - in almost the exact same spot. Try adding some variety here, there's potential for a few things but one I liked is this quick and dirty image. Spacing to 00:22:014 (5) - is also increased a bit but I thought it feels warranted with the piano sound fixed
  2. 00:32:234 (1,2,3,4) - I'd emphasise this spacing increase a little more, try
    00:32:234 (1) - x:272
    00:32:533 (2) - x:160
    00:32:833 (3) - x:292
    00:33:135 (4) - x:140
    This should bring 00:32:234 (1,2) - closer together and slightly increase the spacing on 00:32:833 (3,4) - making the overall effect stand out a bit more done
  3. 00:52:661 (4,5,6,7) - Here I'd do the opposite of the point above and steadily decrease the spacing as these notes get a bit weaker. Try moving 00:53:262 (6) - to x:456 done

[Deep Sea Rain]
  1. 00:11:818 (2) - Lack of movement here from the previous note feels quite off to me, try doing a quick and dirty Ctrl+H on 00:05:122 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - done
  2. 00:12:987 (1,2,3,4) - There's a slight steady increase of spacing here that I'd emphasise a bit more. Try lowering the spacing between 00:12:987 (1,2) - a little and increasing it with 00:13:609 (3,4) - done
  3. 00:14:800 (6) - Again quite low movement from the last note, try swinging the head on the slider to about x:316 or so fixed
  4. 00:31:036 (3) - Strong vocal and piano here, I'd add a 1/4 dash to this with about 2.6x ds like you've used elsewhere in the diff ez fix
  5. 00:52:661 (4,5,6,7) - Slight steady increase of spacing here again only this time I think the effect would be better inverted as the sounds get weaker. Try moving 00:52:962 (5,6) - to x:24 done
  6. 01:07:658 (5) - Distance feels just a little low here , try moving this to x:152 done

    Hope this is of some help, good luck with your map!
  7. 01:13:074 (3) - Looks like there should really be a hyper to this and a NC aswell going by what you've done previouslyfixed
Quality mod, thanks a lot for the help (:
Hello, M4M as promised.


00:34:644 (2) - Slightly higher distance to this would be nice for the slight emphasis this vocal has, try x:304?
00:35:842 (3) - Also think that a higher distance to this would be nice for the pitch change and increase in emphasis too, try x:72.
00:48:152 (3) - This triple feels kinda uncomfortable in my opinion, I think increasing the distances here would be good, x:376 works well.
00:52:962 (3) - This triple especially feels like it should be higher distancing given the stronger high pitch in the piano here, x:72 emphasises this triple nicely.
01:00:767 (4) - This note is definitely strong enough to allow for some extra emphasis, with the volume increase. Try x:96.
01:02:267 (4,1) - Buildup here feels like the distancing could do with a bit of an increase, try moving this section to x:384.
01:03:458 (1) - Higher distancing here for leadin to the kiai and strong vocal introduction would be nice, x:368 is good.
01:13:074 (1) - A bit more distancing for the stronger vocal here? x:152 would feel really nice to me.
01:20:280 (1) - Try a bit higher distance for increase in vocal intensity, x:104 is good.
01:21:480 (3) - Same with this one, x:400 feels better here though, and you might want to change slider curve a bit afterwards, to maintain the same flow as currently out of the slider.


00:13:609 (2) - Not really a fan of how small the distance to this is right now just because it feels a tiny bit uncomfortable to play for me. Try x:212?
00:15:709 (2) - Maybe increase it to like x:76, just to make sure the flow after the first dash is linear enough to not be overdashed too easily.
00:16:617 (1,2,3) - More distancing that feels awkwardly small to me because of the stop start nature of it. Try moving this section to x:360.
00:20:211 (1) - Very minor increase to make sure players know this is a dash, try x:204.
00:33:438 (1) - Minor increase to x:156 so a player knows to dash here.
00:34:644 (1,2) - Whilst I understand why you did a dash to this, I think it'd actually be kinda nice to avoid the dash here, considering the strong piano is the only reason for it right now, whilst I think the vocals stand out more in this section, and a tiny bit lower dash density here would be nice. Move this section to x:264?
00:36:740 (5,1) - 5 could do with a bit more emphasis as such a high pitched vocal. Maybe move this section to x:72?
00:37:040 (1,2,1) - Would recommend removing one of the dashes to these notes, dash density at this point is very high, and I don't think both deserve to be dashes anyway, plus, this section ends up feeling quite repetitive pattern wise rn anyway.
00:44:244 (1) - Maybe try moving this a bit to the left, just so the pattern after the break doesn't feel super slow moving. x:112 would be nice.
00:49:054 (1) - Very minor increase in distance to this would be nice, something like x:136 would be good.
00:52:661 (3,4) - Strong pitch increase on 3 definitely calls for a higher distance to me. Try something like x:256 on this section.
00:55:066 (3) - I'm not sure if this is intended to be a dash or not, but I think it'd sound better as a dash, so maybe try x:232?
00:57:471 (3,4) - Not really sure about the dash usage here, 3 doesn't seem that strong to me, so I think reducing this to like x:280 works well.
01:00:767 (4) - Increasing distance to make sure it's a dash would be nice, especially considering the strength of this sound, x:128 is good.
01:02:852 (2) - Slight distance increase to emphasise the increasing piano strength more, try x:480.
01:20:280 (1) - Increase distance to make sure players know to dash here, x:488.
01:28:515 (2) - A stronger distance here would be good for the slow down, as the smaller distance combined with song getting slower can make overmoving a huge possibility here.


00:16:617 (1) - Flow after HDash here could make it very easy to miss droplets, especially considering it's the first HDash in the map. Try making it curve a bit more at the start, like this.
00:35:842 (3) - Try to reduce the distancing slightly so it doesn't feel so forced against the wall, try x:36, that feels better to me.
00:37:040 (1) - A little strong distancing on this, not sure if you intended this to be a HDash but if not then reduce this slightly.
00:39:135 (2) - Movement here feels kinda uncomfortable due to the stop start nature of the distancing, try moving this slider to x:296, feels a lot more comfortable to play.
00:43:643 (3) - Pretty strong dash to this right now, maybe try to reduce it to like x:104.
00:44:695 (2) - This triple feels super strong honestly, think it's best to reduce to something like x:288.
00:54:314 (2) - This triple could also do with a slight nerf, try x:280.
01:12:462 (1,2) - Move this section a tiny bit to the right to make the movement to this feel more fluid, try x:344.
01:21:480 (3) - Higher distance to it for a bigger dash to the pitch change would be nice, x:148 is good.
01:28:515 (4) - x:112, similar reasoning to the end of the salad.
01:29:462 (1,2) - Ctrl+G on this feels nicer to me for some reason, I guess to emphasise the end of the chime with a direction change?


00:39:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Very repetitive feeling in the patterns here, maybe make 5,6 go outwards rather than inwards, to avod the repetition?
00:47:701 (3,4) - This pattern feels really awkward right now flowwise, try moving it to the right a bit, x:284 feels a lot better, especially if you also curve 4 a bit to the right.
01:28:515 (4) - A lot higher distancing here would be nicer for better emphasis on the slowdown, and to avoid misses through overmoving due to the slowdown. Try x:472.
01:29:462 (1,2) - Same with this, feels underemphasised by distance, move it to x:152 instead.

Okay so I'm not going to do a full mod on this difficulty because it just needs quite a bit more work in terms of the patterning after my first point. A lot of the movement ends up feeling very repetitive, with the patterns generally just being left, jump to the right, jump to the left, then jump to the right again, with no antiflow or anything similar to make the patterns feel less boring to play, and it lowers the overall quality a lot. Go through the map and try to spot out places where the same movement is used 3 times in a row, which is surprisingly frequent, and try to change stuff around a bit, to make the map play a bit more interesting.

Alright, done. ;)
Topic Starter

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Hello, M4M as promised.


00:34:644 (2) - Slightly higher distance to this would be nice for the slight emphasis this vocal has, try x:304? that's a bit strong for the slow start of the song. went with 296 instead
00:35:842 (3) - Also think that a higher distance to this would be nice for the pitch change and increase in emphasis too, try x:72. done
00:48:152 (3) - This triple feels kinda uncomfortable in my opinion, I think increasing the distances here would be good, x:376 works well. done
00:52:962 (3) - This triple especially feels like it should be higher distancing given the stronger high pitch in the piano here, x:72 emphasises this triple nicely. done
01:00:767 (4) - This note is definitely strong enough to allow for some extra emphasis, with the volume increase. Try x:96. done
01:02:267 (4,1) - Buildup here feels like the distancing could do with a bit of an increase, try moving this section to x:384. done
01:03:458 (1) - Higher distancing here for leadin to the kiai and strong vocal introduction would be nice, x:368 is good. Increased, but not as much as you proposed. I stopped at x:352
01:13:074 (1) - A bit more distancing for the stronger vocal here? x:152 would feel really nice to me. done
01:20:280 (1) - Try a bit higher distance for increase in vocal intensity, x:104 is good. done
01:21:480 (3) - Same with this one, x:400 feels better here though, and you might want to change slider curve a bit afterwards, to maintain the same flow as currently out of the slider. spaced out more, but not as much as proposed


00:13:609 (2) - Not really a fan of how small the distance to this is right now just because it feels a tiny bit uncomfortable to play for me. Try x:212? okay
00:15:709 (2) - Maybe increase it to like x:76, just to make sure the flow after the first dash is linear enough to not be overdashed too easily. Increased, but not as much as you proposed
00:16:617 (1,2,3) - More distancing that feels awkwardly small to me because of the stop start nature of it. Try moving this section to x:360.
00:20:211 (1) - Very minor increase to make sure players know this is a dash, try x:204. ok
00:33:438 (1) - Minor increase to x:156 so a player knows to dash here. I want to keep some leniency because it's pretty anti-flow here
00:34:644 (1,2) - Whilst I understand why you did a dash to this, I think it'd actually be kinda nice to avoid the dash here, considering the strong piano is the only reason for it right now, whilst I think the vocals stand out more in this section, and a tiny bit lower dash density here would be nice. Move this section to x:264? But I'm following the piano almost exclusively in the map so basing my emphasis on the vocals is not a good idea
00:36:740 (5,1) - 5 could do with a bit more emphasis as such a high pitched vocal. Maybe move this section to x:72? Not as much but mved more to the left
00:37:040 (1,2,1) - Would recommend removing one of the dashes to these notes, dash density at this point is very high, and I don't think both deserve to be dashes anyway, plus, this section ends up feeling quite repetitive pattern wise rn anyway. done
00:44:244 (1) - Maybe try moving this a bit to the left, just so the pattern after the break doesn't feel super slow moving. x:112 would be nice. done
00:49:054 (1) - Very minor increase in distance to this would be nice, something like x:136 would be good. done but like 4 pixels really mbomb?????????????????????????????????
00:52:661 (3,4) - Strong pitch increase on 3 definitely calls for a higher distance to me. Try something like x:256 on this section. done
00:55:066 (3) - I'm not sure if this is intended to be a dash or not, but I think it'd sound better as a dash, so maybe try x:232? done
00:57:471 (3,4) - Not really sure about the dash usage here, 3 doesn't seem that strong to me, so I think reducing this to like x:280 works well. done
01:00:767 (4) - Increasing distance to make sure it's a dash would be nice, especially considering the strength of this sound, x:128 is good. I changed this section up a bit but made dash stronger
01:02:852 (2) - Slight distance increase to emphasise the increasing piano strength more, try x:480. done
01:20:280 (1) - Increase distance to make sure players know to dash here, x:488.done
01:28:515 (2) - A stronger distance here would be good for the slow down, as the smaller distance combined with song getting slower can make overmoving a huge possibility here. done


00:16:617 (1) - Flow after HDash here could make it very easy to miss droplets, especially considering it's the first HDash in the map. Try making it curve a bit more at the start, like this. dOwOne
00:35:842 (3) - Try to reduce the distancing slightly so it doesn't feel so forced against the wall, try x:36, that feels better to me. dOwOne
00:37:040 (1) - A little strong distancing on this, not sure if you intended this to be a HDash but if not then reduce this slightly. dOwOne
00:39:135 (2) - Movement here feels kinda uncomfortable due to the stop start nature of the distancing, try moving this slider to x:296, feels a lot more comfortable to play. Moved to x:295
00:43:643 (3) - Pretty strong dash to this right now, maybe try to reduce it to like x:104. It's pretty comparable to other dashes so only reduced a bit
00:44:695 (2) - This triple feels super strong honestly, think it's best to reduce to something like x:288. dOwOne
00:54:314 (2) - This triple could also do with a slight nerf, try x:280. dOwOne
01:12:462 (1,2) - Move this section a tiny bit to the right to make the movement to this feel more fluid, try x:344. 336 because I don't want to go too close to the sides
01:21:480 (3) - Higher distance to it for a bigger dash to the pitch change would be nice, x:148 is good. dOwOne
01:28:515 (4) - x:112, similar reasoning to the end of the salad. dOwOne
01:29:462 (1,2) - Ctrl+G on this feels nicer to me for some reason, I guess to emphasise the end of the chime with a direction change? I prefer it like it is now with no direction change


00:39:435 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Very repetitive feeling in the patterns here, maybe make 5,6 go outwards rather than inwards, to avod the repetition?
00:47:701 (3,4) - This pattern feels really awkward right now flowwise, try moving it to the right a bit, x:284 feels a lot better, especially if you also curve 4 a bit to the right. done
01:28:515 (4) - A lot higher distancing here would be nicer for better emphasis on the slowdown, and to avoid misses through overmoving due to the slowdown. Try x:472. x:432, it's still the least intense part of the song so I want low movement
01:29:462 (1,2) - Same with this, feels underemphasised by distance, move it to x:152 instead. by moving 4 it should be fine now, the song is basically silent at this point, too much distance is uniftting

Okay so I'm not going to do a full mod on this difficulty because it just needs quite a bit more work in terms of the patterning after my first point. A lot of the movement ends up feeling very repetitive, with the patterns generally just being left, jump to the right, jump to the left, then jump to the right again, with no antiflow or anything similar to make the patterns feel less boring to play, and it lowers the overall quality a lot. Go through the map and try to spot out places where the same movement is used 3 times in a row, which is surprisingly frequent, and try to change stuff around a bit, to make the map play a bit more interesting.

The low bpm coupled with the lack of 1/4 throughout 90% of the map makes it very difficult to have hypers and dashes while also keeping diverse movement. When replying to the mod I changed some stuff up so it should be better now hopefully

Alright, done. ;)
Thanks for the mod (: I'll finish replying to it later
Finally finished replying after letting it grave woops
hello again so you finally applied let's see what we got

  1. Missing combo colours on this diff
  2. 00:32:833 (3) - Not mapping this strong vocal sound? 1/2 repeat slider would be cool
  3. 00:53:863 (1,2,3) - Sure you don't wanna follow the 3/4 vocals here? Provides some nice variety and saves you from the odd feeling of following weaker piano. Looking back it says you did this in your last mod so idk what's goin on there :/
  4. 01:21:480 (3,4) - Not sure why you didn't map both these vocals fully, 01:22:380 - feels oddly lacking. Two opposite facing 1/2 sliders would emphasise the kiai end nicely
  1. 00:24:769 (2,1) - Small jump would be nice here for the downbeat vocal
  2. 00:28:340 (3,4) - Not really strong enough to support a hyper imo, would fit better at 00:33:135 (4,1) - or so
  1. 00:54:465 (3,1) - Really could do with a hyper for the vocal here, perhaps flip (1) to face right instead
  2. 01:02:852 (2,3) - Would expect more spacing here since the hyper strengths are increasing with the buildup
  3. 01:20:880 (2,3) - Antiflow followed by hyper is quite a diffspike here and since you didn't use any similar patterns earlier in the map it comes as a surprise to the player. Perhaps use some antiflow at 01:12:462 (1,2,1) - to lessen the surprise, ex.
Call me back.
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

hello again so you finally applied let's see what we got ya I got pretty lazy with it oops

  1. Missing combo colours on this diff Weird, I'm sure I added them. Fixed
  2. 00:32:833 (3) - Not mapping this strong vocal sound? 1/2 repeat slider would be cool fixed
  3. 00:53:863 (1,2,3) - Sure you don't wanna follow the 3/4 vocals here? Provides some nice variety and saves you from the odd feeling of following weaker piano. Looking back it says you did this in your last mod so idk what's goin on there :/ Something very wrong happened to this diff, fixed
  4. 01:21:480 (3,4) - Not sure why you didn't map both these vocals fully, 01:22:380 - feels oddly lacking. Two opposite facing 1/2 sliders would emphasise the kiai end nicely Since I want to keep the reverse 1/2 I added a hitcircle
  1. 00:24:769 (2,1) - Small jump would be nice here for the downbeat vocal fixed
  2. 00:28:340 (3,4) - Not really strong enough to support a hyper imo, would fit better at 00:33:135 (4,1) - or so fixed
  1. 00:54:465 (3,1) - Really could do with a hyper for the vocal here, perhaps flip (1) to face right instead I'm still on the fence about using 1/4 hypers in the rain, since there are no 1/4 dashes in the platter, as I left them all as walks
  2. 01:02:852 (2,3) - Would expect more spacing here since the hyper strengths are increasing with the buildup If I put more spacing here the hyper doesn't trigger afterwards, the pain of 100 bpm 1/2 hypers :')
  3. 01:20:880 (2,3) - Antiflow followed by hyper is quite a diffspike here and since you didn't use any similar patterns earlier in the map it comes as a surprise to the player. Perhaps use some antiflow at 01:12:462 (1,2,1) - to lessen the surprise, ex. Removed the anti-flow instead
Call me back.
Thanks a bunch for the recheck

Day later edit: 00:54:465 (3,1) - added hyper here with the power of ctrl-h'ing 40% of the map
Sinnoh pointed it out to me and I fixed it. Timing point is now 01:26:360 - only offset was changed, bpm was still okay
deep sea girl blowin' bubbles

Ultima Fox
Topic Starter
delet this
Absolute Zero
Some small things.

00:32:234 (1,2) - I would move this to around x=124, because right now this distancing feels a little low and weird compared to 00:32:833 (3).
00:55:066 (2,3) - You’re following the voice at 00:53:863 (1)—the same line occurs right after at 00:55:066, so it’s probably best to make a 3/4 slider there.
01:01:367 (1) - Could you increase distancing here? It’s a buildup to the kiai, and it might be nice to have that increased emphasis.

00:14:800 (3,1) - Could you tilt (3) so that it ends in the same place but starts at x=364? The “kickstarter” movement in the opposite direction will match the dash nicely.
00:19:604 (3,1) - The dash to (1) is a little harsh. I would suggest moving (1) to around x=246 or x=252. Even though you’re accenting a piano, it’s still calm, and it’s a big contrast.
00:50:857 (5,1) - The angle of (5) makes it a little bit awkward to hit (1) with a dash because it’s sort of flow breaking. I would suggest tilting (5) slightly to the right a little bit more.
01:00:767 (4,1) - The lack of movement here feels a little weird. Consider reworking the pattern after if you will change this (since it requires some tweaking).

00:08:778 (2,3) - Seeing that you follow the piano hits, it might be nice to increase spacing here.
00:54:465 (3,4) - Careful with the distancing here—it feels a little startling compared to its surrounding in terms of dash length. Consider lowering it.
01:01:967 (3,4,1,2,3) - It’s the buildup, but this average distance spike was a little surprising to me. Reconsider how you use distancing in this pattern.
01:19:674 (5,1) - I feel like there should be a hyper at 01:20:880 (2,3) as well, since there’s a climax here in the voice, as well as being a piano hit. The voice reaches higher than 01:19:674 (5,1).

[Why is there rain underwater]
00:28:040 (2,3) - This isn’t exactly a problem, but I was just curious why you picked these two notes to be the only non-slider pattern.
00:55:066 (1) - No NC here.
00:57:170 (4,5) - I don’t think this should be as strong as it is. There’s not as much as, say, 00:54:465 (3,1) to back it up.
01:01:967 (3,4) - Not a necessary or major thing, but this distance feels a little strong to hit. Consider lowering it slightly.
01:13:074 (1) - Flip this around its head? Might flow a little better.

Don’t call me back.
Topic Starter

Absolute Zero wrote:

Some small things.

00:32:234 (1,2) - I would move this to around x=124, because right now this distancing feels a little low and weird compared to 00:32:833 (3). Done, but not to x:124, more around 136
00:55:066 (2,3) - You’re following the voice at 00:53:863 (1)—the same line occurs right after at 00:55:066, so it’s probably best to make a 3/4 slider there. done
01:01:367 (1) - Could you increase distancing here? It’s a buildup to the kiai, and it might be nice to have that increased emphasis. done

00:14:800 (3,1) - Could you tilt (3) so that it ends in the same place but starts at x=364? The “kickstarter” movement in the opposite direction will match the dash nicely. done
00:19:604 (3,1) - The dash to (1) is a little harsh. I would suggest moving (1) to around x=246 or x=252. Even though you’re accenting a piano, it’s still calm, and it’s a big contrast. Placed at x:232 because reducing further makes it weird for reading
00:50:857 (5,1) - The angle of (5) makes it a little bit awkward to hit (1) with a dash because it’s sort of flow breaking. I would suggest tilting (5) slightly to the right a little bit more. done, not sure if it was enough tho
01:00:767 (4,1) - The lack of movement here feels a little weird. Consider reworking the pattern after if you will change this (since it requires some tweaking). done

00:08:778 (2,3) - Seeing that you follow the piano hits, it might be nice to increase spacing here. done
00:54:465 (3,4) - Careful with the distancing here—it feels a little startling compared to its surrounding in terms of dash length. Consider lowering it. done
01:01:967 (3,4,1,2,3) - It’s the buildup, but this average distance spike was a little surprising to me. Reconsider how you use distancing in this pattern. made dashes more consistent and made walks easier
01:19:674 (5,1) - I feel like there should be a hyper at 01:20:880 (2,3) as well, since there’s a climax here in the voice, as well as being a piano hit. The voice reaches higher than 01:19:674 (5,1). switched the hyper's spots instead to be consistent with 01:14:874 (7,1) -

[Why is there rain underwater]
00:28:040 (2,3) - This isn’t exactly a problem, but I was just curious why you picked these two notes to be the only non-slider pattern. because uhhhhhhhhhhh, changed to slider
00:55:066 (1) - No NC here. done
00:57:170 (4,5) - I don’t think this should be as strong as it is. There’s not as much as, say, 00:54:465 (3,1) to back it up. The vocals aren,t there, but my focus is on the piano and it's stronger on 45 so it's fine imo
01:01:967 (3,4) - Not a necessary or major thing, but this distance feels a little strong to hit. Consider lowering it slightly. done
01:13:074 (1) - Flip this around its head? Might flow a little better. Personally I think it's fine as is

Don’t call me back.
Tsundere AZ best AZ. Thanks a lot for the check
Absolute Zero
Discussed some aspects of the mod with celerih. Looks good otherwise!


Topic Starter
This is my first set where all the mapping and hitsounding was made entirely by me and I'm pretty happy with it overall, so thanks to everyone who's helped push this along to qualification!

kamiiro next :^)

osuskrub wrote:


osuskrub wrote:


osuskrub wrote:


osuskrub wrote:


osuskrub wrote:

I actually have stuff I wanna say but it's legit day 6 and I'd feel too bad (plus it'd paint me in a bad light for waiting this long although I was busy :<) grats in advance
Nao Tomori
but qualified is 12+ days long anyway :joy:
It pains me to do this since this would get qualified in like 6 hours, but it seems all hitsounds on the Cup have evaporated into thin air.

Like, all of them. Please fix this.

And if Ascendance is still alive maybe he can throw out those suggestions he alluded to, whatever floats the boat I guess.
Topic Starter
The world's first Day 11 DQ ladies and gentlemen, appreciate it as it doesn't happen very often (':
it's quite hilarious no one seen this
Absolute Zero
Sorry for your hitsound loss.
quick quick

top diff:

  1. 00:05:727 (1,2) - bit far of a distance, for the others these are normally walks but you can barely walk this one
  2. 00:08:168 (1) - weird shape makes it odd for droplets, a normal curve would be nicer
  3. 00:11:818 (2,3) -
  4. 00:17:509 (3,4) - for a dash it's pretty easy to overshoot, i'd make it more horizontal
  5. 00:28:639 (3) - aids tilt makes this movement super awkward, combined with the fact that 00:29:538 (4) - is SUPER cramped
  6. 00:35:842 (3) - same as 00:11:818 (2,3) - suggestion would be nice here
  7. 00:40:637 (3,4) - coming out of distances like 00:39:435 (1,2) - this feels super squished and uncomfortable
  8. 00:42:741 (3) - missing an important sound in the middle, 3 circles might be naisu
  9. 01:07:058 (4,5,6) - this pattern feels super nice with 01:07:658 (5) - x:294 and 01:07:958 (6) - x:472
  10. 01:12:768 (2) - this being on the right side of 01:12:462 (1) - would provide SO much more impact going into the drop tbh, you'll have to flip the map after but trust me
  11. 01:13:074 (1) - right tilt instead plz, for the future if you wanna do sliders like this please curve them
  12. big issue i have in the last kiai is how repetitive and boring it is : 01:12:462 (1,2) - 01:16:074 (2,3) - and 01:13:674 (2) - 01:14:874 (5) - 01:17:274 (5,6) - 01:19:674 (5) - is just sooooo zzzzzz like I know ctb is all left and right but it could really use some variance. It's bad throughout the map but in the kiai it's very apparent.
Topic Starter

Ascendance wrote:

quick quick

top diff:

  1. 00:05:727 (1,2) - bit far of a distance, for the others these are normally walks but you can barely walk this one fix
  2. 00:08:168 (1) - weird shape makes it odd for droplets, a normal curve would be nicer done
  3. 00:11:818 (2,3) - did something similar to this
  4. 00:17:509 (3,4) - for a dash it's pretty easy to overshoot, i'd make it more horizontal done
  5. 00:28:639 (3) - aids tilt makes this movement super awkward, combined with the fact that 00:29:538 (4) - is SUPER cramped fixed
  6. 00:35:842 (3) - same as 00:11:818 (2,3) - suggestion would be nice here done
  7. 00:40:637 (3,4) - coming out of distances like 00:39:435 (1,2) - this feels super squished and uncomfortable increased distancing
  8. 00:42:741 (3) - missing an important sound in the middle, 3 circles might be naisu It's so incredibly faint (had to boost my volume to even here it) that it would feel more out of place to actually map it
  9. 01:07:058 (4,5,6) - this pattern feels super nice with 01:07:658 (5) - x:294 and 01:07:958 (6) - x:472 did something similar to keep the hyper on 01:07:958 (6,1) -
  10. 01:12:768 (2) - this being on the right side of 01:12:462 (1) - would provide SO much more impact going into the drop tbh, you'll have to flip the map after but trust me I've already flipped this map like 12 times while replying to mods what will 1 more time do?
  11. 01:13:074 (1) - right tilt instead plz, for the future if you wanna do sliders like this please curve them ha jokes on you self-modded that when fixing the pattern above get rekt kiddo
  12. big issue i have in the last kiai is how repetitive and boring it is : 01:12:462 (1,2) - 01:16:074 (2,3) - and 01:13:674 (2) - 01:14:874 (5) - 01:17:274 (5,6) - 01:19:674 (5) - is just sooooo zzzzzz like I know ctb is all left and right but it could really use some variance. It's bad throughout the map but in the kiai it's very apparent. fixed where I could. The bpm and rhythm make the HDashes extremely restrictive tho so changing stuff I very hard. I did what I could without ruining the entire map
Will continue a bit later tonight. DONE!
I have updated the cup to have hitsounds again fml
Absolute Zero

it's almost as good as yoiyami hanabi
Now with hitsounds!

Fixed a few distances in Salad-Rain for smoooooooth flow:

00:24:769 (2,1) - 00:36:740 (5,1) - little more dash pls
00:42:741 (3,4,5) - little more walk pls
01:25:770 (3,1) - little more walk ane maybe more vertical for the slowdown pls
01:27:014 (2) - More right for balanced spacing with 01:26:360 (1,2,3) - pls since (2,3) is missable as a walk
on [Rain]

Salad and Platter was done in vc, but we increased 00:56:268 (1,2,3) - and 01:22:696 (1,2) - respectively

drowned in the ocean of love

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