0 | 1 | 2 | 3
00:23:405 (23405|2) - if following the subtle synth, move the LN to 00:23:255 (23255|3)
00:30:980 (30980|2) - if you're following that subtle higher synth, it sounds polyrhythmic to me and might belong on 1/3 after, not 1/4.
00:33:380 (33380|1) - ^, similar situation.
00:37:955 (37955|0,37955|2,37955|3) - I'd personally reduce this triple to a double to give more power to the snares at 00:37:805 (37805|1,37805|0,37805|3) and 00:38:255 (38255|2,38255|3,38255|0)
00:38:905 (38905|2) - short LN for the bass should technically be on the 1/2 at 00:38:855 (38855|0); this is true for all instances of this musically, but I can understand not being the most keen on altering the pattern. A suggestion that I have here is to remove the last note of each burst to make it end on a 1/2: that way, you can have the last note be an LN into a triple, and it'll be a bit less awkward to time because it lands on a more natural rhythm.
00:40:505 (40505|1,40505|0,40505|3) - two previous triples have LN on 1, so adding here would be a bit more consistent structurally (though a little bit meaner SV-wise)
00:42:305 (42305|1,42305|3,42305|0) - add LN to 1 to correspond with the LN at 00:42:755 (42755|1)
00:42:155 (42155|2) - could potentially add LN for knocking sound
00:44:705 (44705|2,44705|3,44855|1,44855|0) - add short LN on 2 and 1 respectively to correspond with the LN at 00:45:155 (45155|2,45305|1)
00:50:105 (50105|1,50105|0,50105|3) - see 00:40:505 - two previous triples have LN on 1; adding here is good and more structurally consistent, but a bit tougher in terms of SV difficulty
00:51:755 (51755|2) - could add LN for knocking sound here as well
00:54:305 (54305|2,54305|3,54455|0,54455|1) - add short LN on 2 and 1 respectively to correspond with the LN at 00:54:755 (54755|2,54905|1)
00:59:705 (59705|2) - LN to 1 to correpsond with 00:59:255 (59255|2) for better consistency, same as before
01:01:355 (61355|2,61355|1) - another knock; could be worth adding LN to as well
01:03:905 (63905|2,63905|3,64055|0,64055|1) - LN on 2 and 1, to correspond with 01:04:355 (64355|2,64505|1)
01:09:305 (69305|2) - etc, based off this location in the music you likely know what to do here
01:13:505 (73505|2,73655|1) - etc, based off this location, you likely know what to do here as well given the previous notes
01:15:155 (75155|2) - change to a double, since it's a bass kick
01:15:305 (75305|0,75305|1,75755|2,75755|1) - couple more opportunities for knocks; make these knocks single-note LNs so you can leave room for the bass kicks to be doubles and the snares to be triples
01:15:605 (75605|3,75605|0,75605|1,75905|2,75905|3,75905|0) - turn these triples into doubles, and, since they're the same exact instrument, make them the same double, something like [01] 2 [01] would be nice here to have the best instrument relevance
01:17:705 - add note
01:20:855 - add note
01:23:405 (83405|0) - at the absolute minimum, there should be a note accompanying this LN for the closed hi-hat that plays here; if you want to accommodate for the echo of the hi-hats, then you should be adding notes at 01:22:955 and 01:23:255 as well; there are numerous notes missing from that section that either a.) should be applied, or b.) the notes at 01:21:155 (81155|2,81455|1) should be removed so that they're not random
01:28:205 (88205|0) - i'm not entirely sure what this LN goes to; I feel like it's that shorter, almost "drop" sound, and if that's the case, you should turn this into a staccato LN (and add another at 01:29:405 (89405|0) as well)
01:30:305 (90305|3,90455|1) - shorten the first LN, make the second note an LN since there is a running bass there
01:35:105 (95105|1,95142|2) - incorrect rhythm; there is a bit of a flam here, but the note actually comes 1/4 before the 1/1, so you should have a note at 01:35:105, and one at 01:35:030 (instead of 01:35:142).
01:49:430 (109430|2) - this note seems kinda generalized, don't know if it exists in the music and it being an LN means there's some attention paid to it, not sure what to think of it
01:49:805 (109805|0,109805|3,109805|1) - unless you are hard-pressed to leave quads ONLY for the heavy bass, make this clap a quad to separate it from the other triples, it's quite loud and deserves an accent of its own
01:50:067 (110067|2,110105|0,110255|3,110292|1) - these flams also kinda stand out as strange to me as well
02:09:267 (129267|1,129305|3,129455|0,129492|2) - ^, etc
02:10:355 - missing note for the knock, and you can add it since there are no SVs getting in the way here
chippin' in, always in support of the SV arts <3