
Looking for girlfriend

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My name is T3ars, also known as Ooze or The Silver Surfer.

Im new to the osu community... I want to learn how to talk to women.. Lets talk about it in this thread..
worst fl player
I'm mixed gender but surely we can work something out
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I prefer to not hang out with Gyragenders or Levigenders so if you're not one of those we could easily talk more..

Also i want advice on how to talk to women.. Im am very shy and get stressed when the opportunity arises..
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worst fl player
Wow I see how it is. Fucking going back to the day when black people cant sit on a seat. Is this how people treat trannies now
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@johnmedina999 when a girl initiates conversation with me my entire body freezes, i cannot move.. It's like a spell has been cast on me.. This is something i seriously want help with.. Thanks!

@L-a-m-e-y [ B ] I have nothing against trannies.. And back in the day black people could sit on seats, they just couldnt sit on the same as whites.. I respect you.

EDIT: I do also accept PM's with advice if you do not want to post.. Thanks
Please post a list of your likeable traits so our resident Girl Gamers know what they're working with
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Posting my likeable traits was hard but i came up with a list that describes some of my traits, also made one of my hobbies so you know what i do / like.

Likeable traits:
- Social
- Friendly
- Genuine
- I don't judge
- I am positive
- I don't lie
- I smile and laugh

My hobies / what i do:
- Programming (Studying computer science right now)
- I play electric bass
- Games, I'm good at CS:GO
- Books, mainly physics, programming or math
- Hanging with friends, sometimes go out drinking and being social with new people
- Really like coffee
I, I, I, I, I.

What do you do to help others? Relationships are not just about yourself, you know.
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@johnmedina999 did i misunderstand the idea of the list? I thought it was supposed to be likeable traits about me. And being Friendly, Social, Non judging, positive and not lying is towards other people right?

I try to treat people according to the golden rule, other than that im just funny and nice.. I help people with homework and stuff and / or if they need help with stuff in real life.. Is something more excepted out of me ?
picky picky_old
do you have a big cock
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@picky picky i would say it is a little bit above average.. That is based on the cocks I've seen.. And googling average sizes..
knowing that you are asking here, it's probably going to take you long before you find one
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@Madvillain Prehaps we could discuss and figure out how i can get better talking to women.. I'm willing to put in the time just learning how to talk with one..
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@Dawnsday I'm genuinely looking for help. I want to exit my bubble and grow as a person by moving my fear of talking to the opposite sex.. Also when i do i want to learn how to become better at it..
post the best meme you have then we'll see
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@LaryRose09 Memes are very situational in my oppinion.. I am very fond of this one..

Alright we have to give it to him. Ladies line up
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So were do we start? How does one overcome the fear when a woman approach you? My mind feels totally drained like my brain stops functioning, i panic and do not know what to do..

T3ars wrote:

So were do we start? How does one overcome the fear when a woman approach you? My mind feels totally drained like my brain stops functioning, i panic and do not know what to do..
if a girl is approaching you it means youre not an egg and already better than 90% of the people who will reply here. just give some corny line and a smile to break the ice then talk/ask questions like you would with a normal person
I would fuck, but I'm a guy
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@lol It feels like my mind is totally blank when i try to have a conversation with a girl.. Like what can i talk about? How do i break the ice?.. I'm clueless..

@[ - Zekks - ] We can be friends but I am not ready to get into guys that way..

This problem all started when I was 17 and I asked my crush out to a school party / disco and she said yes and I was very happy. I prepared a lot for this party, I dressed up with my nicest clothes and fixed my hair really nicely and everything. I later go to her house to pick her up and when I knock on the door her mother answers and basically tells me she has already been picked up by another guy.. I later made my way to the party and there is like a dozen printed papers stuck to the wall at different places around the room where the party was at with pictures of me and texts I sent to her before the party asking when to her up and stuff like that.. I find one of my good friends and he explains to me that the girl I asked out and her friends put all the pictures up.. I was heartbroken.. Not only did she ditch me after saying yes, she went with another guy.. And made a joke out of me..

This story is really hard for me to bring up.. Sorry if its not well stated..

T3ars wrote:

@LaryRose09 Memes are very situational in my oppinion.. I am very fond of this one..

This is the best thing I have seen this year
Congrats, girls will love you.
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@LaryRose09 Very kind words, thank you for this!
picky picky_old
(i try to crack an egg into a pan but a gun falls out) again?
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@picky picky Sorry i do not understand what you mean here..
Alright let's continue learning about you, what are your political views? Aspirations in life? Reasons for wanting a girlfriend, from osu?
okay sir, would you like me to make a thread on how to get girls (with photos of convos and proper guiding).

klunn666 wrote:

okay sir, would you like me to make a thread on how to get girls (with photos of convos and proper guiding).
Are you trying to be Wikihow
OP, do you feel awkward around every girl or just types of girls? Like the very sociable ones and whatnot.
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@Dawnsday I would say that my political views would be simething between Conservative and Liberal. Aspirations in life is to work on my career, i enjoy programming so i want to work for a cool company making cool software that is fun to code. I also want to grow as a person and learn more about the world. My reason for wanting a girlfriend is that i want something more than a friend in life, someone to share things with.. Doesn't have to be a girl from osu..

@klunn666 No i would prefer us to stick to this thread and work our way up with the issues that i'm experiencing.. Prehaps some girl on this forum want to practice talking with me or give me more advice..

@Foxtrot My problems is for all girls.. Looks or personality doesn't matter i just freeze in panic..
I don't know man. Getting a girlfriend imo is by chance. I've never tried looking actively for one because I think it's shallow, so yeah I'm not too good at that one.

What's harder though is that you claim to be awkward around girls. Getting over that is not easy, but my main tip for you is to be yourself. You could always build up confidence by dressing well, and maintaining hygiene. But being yourself is the most important thing, altering your personality doesn't exactly work and just makes you look like a guy with a hidden agenda. You have to be genuine, that's what girls appreciate. There's no magical tip to just break away from being awkward around girls, the most practical thing to do is to face your fears without forcing yourself. Talk to a girl and take it slowly, build up your confidence, get used to it, it will come to you naturally.
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@Madvillain The topic title might be misleading but getting a girlfriend is the longterm goal, first i want to overcome my problem with speaking to girls and then move on to getting a few friends that are girls that i don't have an intention to "pick up".. Maybe after that i can attempt to ask someone out on a date or something.. Thanks for the wise words you must be right with looking actively for a girlfriend is wrong.. I like what you said about looking like a guy with hidden agenda.. I'm taking note to this..
darlingg its u <333
what do u wanna talk about (;

Aomi wrote:

darlingg its u <333
what do u wanna talk about (;
Hey darling, nice to know you call me that too <3<3<3

Talk dirty to me *Trombone solo*
Hi I'm the master of OT faggotry and I am female irl. Everyone hates this one special trick!

ColdTooth wrote:

Hi I'm the master of OT faggotry and I am female irl. Everyone hates this one special trick!

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@Aomi I don't quite fully understand.. But if you would want to talk i guess we could talk about Serbia if you are from there.. I have lived there for some time..

@ColdTooth I do not know what OT faggotry means, what trick are you talking about?

@Blitzfrog Nice to meet you.
I'm not sure if this is all just a very elaborate meme I'm missing out on but if you're looking for genuine advice Madvillain is probably the closest you'll get in this entire thread. Off-Topic is mostly trolls.
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@Sophia Yeah, Madvillain's advice was really great.. He seems to be a smart guy. How about you, what would you do? How do you talk to women? What do you think i am doing wrong?

T3ars wrote:

@Sophia Yeah, Madvillain's advice was really great.. He seems to be a smart guy. How about you, what would you do? How do you talk to women? What do you think i am doing wrong?
Go find one of these girls on here and talk to them lol

T3ars wrote:

@ColdTooth I do not know what OT faggotry means, what trick are you talking about?

Welcome to OT! Everyone here sucks except me, Maho, Stefan, and Brian.
Coldtooth you're gay af so you probably do suck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mahogany wrote:

Coldtooth you're gay af so you probably do suck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I suck more than you atleast.
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@Blitzfrog Sure i would be willing to try speak through skype with someone from this forum.. Maybe someone can teach me a bit osu..

@ColdTooth How do i join the non-sucking club?
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@ColdTooth Would you like to play the multiplayer mode with me? Maybe more fun with friends..
I'm still interested in how Sophia picks up girls honestly.
ew why would you want to live here??
unless you had no other choice :thinking:
also i love how you literally always end the sentence in two fullstops, is that some sort of ritual???
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