
BlackY vs. Yooh - Happy Voice [OsuMania]

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Mai9392 wrote:

Hi Game Rock! Hi! >w<
Here my mod~ Column |1|2|3|4|


00:16:148 (16148|1,16234|0,16234|2) - Ctrl+g I think that pattern are inverted.. (hear carefuly) cause the drum are louder at white line No because the big sounds is heard in 00:16:234
00:17:348 (17348|1) - I think its will be more comfortable if move that note at col 3 Fixed for the next suggestion
00:17:520 (17520|0,17691|1,17862|2,17862|3,18034|0,18205|2,18377|0) - Better like this maybe > Great!
00:57:291 (57291|0,57377|2,57377|1) - Yes this pattern are right! not at first dude.. use 75%/50% playback rate if the sound no too sound No
01:25:062 (85062|1) - Move at col 1 (seems little stack at 01:24:377 (84377|1) - ) No
01:25:405 (85405|1) - Move at col 2 No
01:41:262 (101262|1,101262|2) - Move 1 note at this blue line at 01:41:177 (101177|3) - Fixed
01:43:920 (103920|0,104005|2,104005|1) - ^ Fixed

Well very nice map you have!
Sorry didn't help too much,so here a star for you!
Hope it ranked soon!
Goodluck! :D

Thank you so much for your comments and suggestion!

Updated the ArcherLove's Diff and my diff.
Another Lie
Mod req from your message
01:27:462 - i think this place is the end of kiai
00:11:005 - add note to 4 for "dum"
00:16:491 - add note to 1 for "dum"
00:16:834 - add note for "dum"
00:19:920 - ^
00:21:291 - ^
00:36:720 (36720|3) - move to 3? from my viewing point, that note isn't too loud
00:42:205 (42205|2) - move to 2?
01:00:377 - add note for "tet"
01:00:377 - ^
01:00:720 - ^
01:03:805 - ^
01:38:777 (98777|1,99120|2) - ctrl + h?
01:47:691 - add note for "dum"
01:49:062 - ^
00:43:234 (43234|0) - change it with normal note (i didn't hear that note is a long pitch)
Pretty rapi :v
OD ganti ke 9, HP ganti ke 8
Done :3
Topic Starter

Another Lie wrote:

Mod req from your message Hi!
01:27:462 - i think this place is the end of kiai Fixed!
00:11:005 - add note to 4 for "dum" No
00:16:491 - add note to 1 for "dum" No
00:16:834 - add note for "dum" No
00:19:920 - ^ Fixed
00:21:291 - ^ Fixed
00:36:720 (36720|3) - move to 3? from my viewing point, that note isn't too loud Fixed
00:42:205 (42205|2) - move to 2? Fixed
01:00:377 - add note for "tet" No
01:00:377 - ^ No
01:00:720 - ^ No
01:03:805 - ^ Fixed
01:38:777 (98777|1,99120|2) - ctrl + h? Fixed
01:47:691 - add note for "dum" Fixed
01:49:062 - ^ Fixed
00:43:234 (43234|0) - change it with normal note (i didn't hear that note is a long pitch) No

Done :3

Thank you so much for your Mod!! :33 I really appreciate it nwn

Not changing od and hp because od 8 is hard enough and hp 9 so people spam not passing this map kkk
req for m4m

00:37:062 (37062|1,37748|2,38434|3) - delete. just focus on piano

01:05:177 (65177|2,65348|1,65520|0,65862|1,66034|2) - delete and 01:06:205 - add 1note. the bottom part is a slow-intensifying section so 1/4 drum pattern would fit, but the other superior part is relatively quiet, so these notes doesn't express the quiet feeling

01:17:177 (77177|1) - delete. no reason for 2note

01:47:691 - ~01:50:434 - use 1/2 snap like you did 01:03:805 -

00:11:091 (11091|2,11177|1,11262|2) - delete. focus on main sound

01:39:120 (99120|3,99291|3) - what are these mean
Topic Starter

ArcherLove wrote:

Not changing od and hp because od 8 is hard enough and hp 9 so people spam not passing this map kkk

Okey but I change in all diff the kiai timing owo
Topic Starter

Wonki wrote:

req for m4m Hi >w<

00:37:062 (37062|1,37748|2,38434|3) - delete. just focus on piano No

01:05:177 (65177|2,65348|1,65520|0,65862|1,66034|2) - delete and 01:06:205 - add 1note. the bottom part is a slow-intensifying section so 1/4 drum pattern would fit, but the other superior part is relatively quiet, so these notes doesn't express the quiet feeling Nice suggestion, fixed

01:17:177 (77177|1) - delete. no reason for 2note ^

01:47:691 - ~01:50:434 - use 1/2 snap like you did 01:03:805 - ^

Thank you very much for your mod! I really appreciate it >w<

M4M :>

00:02:434 (2434|0) - move to 2
00:03:805 (3805|3) - move to 3
00:11:005 (11005|3) - delete it and replace with LN to >00:11:348 -
00:14:948 (14948|3) - delete 1 note, bcause isn't a strong sound
00:21:291 - to >00:22:320 - try double thrill on it
00:22:662 (22662|0) - make the LN longer to >00:24:034 -
00:24:034 (24034|1) - ^
00:25:405 (25405|1) - move to 3
00:25:577 (25577|2) - move to 2
00:57:805 - add 1 note
01:00:548 - ^

00:14:605 - add 1 note
00:15:291 - ^
00:33:891 - ^
00:39:377 - ^
00:57:291 - ^
00:57:805 - ^
01:00:034 - ^
01:00:548 - to >01:00:720 - make triple
01:02:177 - ^
01:02:520 - add 1 note
01:02:862 - add 1 note
01:03:205 - add 1 note
01:05:348 (65348|3) - move to 2
01:05:520 (65520|1,65520|2) - move to right

00:18:205 (18205|2) - move to 2
00:18:377 (18377|0) - move to 3
00:23:005 - to >00:23:691 - add 1 note on every ''white row'' (1/4 snap)
00:24:377 - to> 00:33:291 - do something like that ^
01:01:234 (61234|1) - move to 3
01:41:177 (101177|3) - move to 2
01:41:262 (101262|0) - move to 4

00:19:920 (19920|3) - move to 2
00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|0) - reverse it
01:03:805 (63805|3) - move to 2
01:27:120 (87120|0) - ^
Topic Starter

Nevertary wrote:

M4M :> Hey >w<

00:18:205 (18205|2) - move to 2 No
00:18:377 (18377|0) - move to 3 No
00:23:005 - to >00:23:691 - add 1 note on every ''white row'' (1/4 snap) No
00:24:377 - to> 00:33:291 - do something like that ^ No
01:01:234 (61234|1) - move to 3 No
01:41:177 (101177|3) - move to 2 Fixed
01:41:262 (101262|0) - move to 4 Fixed

00:19:920 (19920|3) - move to 2 Fixed
00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|0) - reverse it Fixed
01:03:805 (63805|3) - move to 2 Fixed
01:27:120 (87120|0) - ^ Fixed

Thank you very much for you mod >ww<


Wonki wrote:

req for m4m

00:11:091 (11091|2,11177|1,11262|2) - delete. focus on main sound

01:39:120 (99120|3,99291|3) - what are these mean this is for emphazising the sound (double note)

Nevertary wrote:

M4M :>

[box=AL's MX]00:02:434 (2434|0) - move to 2
00:03:805 (3805|3) - move to 3 not moving this two because intended anchor
00:11:005 (11005|3) - delete it and replace with LN to >00:11:348 - hmm I feel it's not balanced that way
00:14:948 (14948|3) - delete 1 note, bcause isn't a strong sound consistency for same sound
00:21:291 - to >00:22:320 - try double thrill on it different sound, not changing ..
00:22:662 (22662|0) - make the LN longer to >00:24:034 - intended
00:24:034 (24034|1) - ^ intended
00:25:405 (25405|1) - move to 3
00:25:577 (25577|2) - move to 2 not moving because for visual
00:57:805 - add 1 note
01:00:548 - ^

00:14:605 - add 1 note
00:15:291 - ^
00:33:891 - ^
00:39:377 - ^
00:57:291 - ^
00:57:805 - ^
01:00:034 - ^
01:00:548 - to >01:00:720 - make triple
01:02:177 - ^
01:02:520 - add 1 note
01:02:862 - add 1 note
01:03:205 - add 1 note sorry no add... I feel it's better if not add for flow
01:05:348 (65348|3) - move to 2
01:05:520 (65520|1,65520|2) - move to right
heiyo, sorry for the big delay >:(
shall everything is good i can bubble this

missing hitsound in HD and MX of course, be sure to recheck them again

00:20:262 - 00:20:605 - 00:20:948 - well it won't hurt a lot by adding a kick note here, give it a try!
00:42:205 (42205|0,42377|1) - actually they represent a same pitch here, how about make them into a same column?
01:17:177 (77177|2) - could be fun if u make it into a LN like you did in NM
01:41:177 - 01:41:862 - the rhythm are kinda off without a note, it feels better by adding them here. it won't be hard for EZ diff too.
01:43:920 - 01:44:605 - if u agree u could do the same thing here too

just a little concern for the pattern gap here, also i suggest HP7 OD7 for better diffculty spread
00:00:719 - till 00:11:005 - suggest to add 1/2 note stream here to represent 1/4 stream sound, this could cover the music intensity here better for NM
00:22:662 - till 00:33:634 - u can try add a note for each 1/1 white tick timing here
00:42:205 (42205|0,42377|2) - same suggestion like EZ diff, u can consider to make them into the same column
01:13:062 (73062|0) - suggest to make a LN end at 01:13:405 -
01:24:034 (84034|3) - same here if u agree ^
01:28:491 - till 01:38:777 - i suggest to cover the 1/4 streamy sound here with 1/2 note, u can try add them on.
01:49:405 - 01:49:748 - u can add at least a note here for the sync sound

00:00:719 - till 00:11:005 - for a better pattern gap, i suggest to reduce double kick note here, a single stream should work better for HD
00:13:577 (13577|1) - and 00:16:320 (16320|3) - hmm, catching snare sound here? but u didnt catch fully for this part, maybe try remove these note and focus on the drum kick sound better. Also these sound aren't like 00:17:691 (17691|1) -
00:45:977 (45977|1) - to be precise it should end at 00:46:148 - and so on the similiar LN part
00:57:977 (57977|2) - if u wanna catch only kick here, this note should'nt exist
01:49:062 (109062|0) - i suggest normal note here

00:35:005 (35005|1,35005|3) - 00:36:377 (36377|0,36377|3) - 00:37:748 (37748|2,37748|0) - single should be enough
00:40:491 (40491|2,40491|0) - and so on if u agree
00:57:977 (57977|2) - either u remove this similiar note at this part or add 00:57:291 - with these sound for consistency
00:59:520 - here should be double
01:21:462 - missing note i assume
01:39:805 - till 01:47:691 - while i understand u wanted to express the music intensity here but i feel it is overdone such as 01:39:805 (99805|1,99805|0,99805|3) - having triple note for each 1/1 timing, highly suggest to reduce a note for each timing here
Topic Starter

Critical_Star wrote:

heiyo, sorry for the big delay >:( Don't worry <3
shall everything is good i can bubble this

missing hitsound in HD and MX of course, be sure to recheck them again Ok, let me talk with ArcherLove about it

00:20:262 - 00:20:605 - 00:20:948 - well it won't hurt a lot by adding a kick note here, give it a try! Fixed
00:42:205 (42205|0,42377|1) - actually they represent a same pitch here, how about make them into a same column? Fixed
01:17:177 (77177|2) - could be fun if u make it into a LN like you did in NM Fixed
01:41:177 - 01:41:862 - the rhythm are kinda off without a note, it feels better by adding them here. it won't be hard for EZ diff too. Fixed
01:43:920 - 01:44:605 - if u agree u could do the same thing here too Fixed

just a little concern for the pattern gap here, also i suggest HP7 OD7 for better diffculty spread Fixed
00:00:719 - till 00:11:005 - suggest to add 1/2 note stream here to represent 1/4 stream sound, this could cover the music intensity here better for NM Fixed
00:22:662 - till 00:33:634 - u can try add a note for each 1/1 white tick timing here Fixed
00:42:205 (42205|0,42377|2) - same suggestion like EZ diff, u can consider to make them into the same column Fixed
01:13:062 (73062|0) - suggest to make a LN end at 01:13:405 - Fixed
01:24:034 (84034|3) - same here if u agree ^ Fixed
01:28:491 - till 01:38:777 - i suggest to cover the 1/4 streamy sound here with 1/2 note, u can try add them on. Fixed, I add notes in this parts.
01:49:405 - 01:49:748 - u can add at least a note here for the sync sound Fixed

Thank you so much CS >www< I really appreciate your dedication :33

I'm sorry late .. if I don't reply for more than 10 days please do change yourself~

Critical_Star wrote:

heiyo, sorry for the big delay >:(
shall everything is good i can bubble this

missing hitsound in HD and MX of course, be sure to recheck them again

00:00:719 - till 00:11:005 - for a better pattern gap, i suggest to reduce double kick note here, a single stream should work better for HD
00:13:577 (13577|1) - and 00:16:320 (16320|3) - hmm, catching snare sound here? but u didnt catch fully for this part, maybe try remove these note and focus on the drum kick sound better. Also these sound aren't like 00:17:691 (17691|1) -
00:45:977 (45977|1) - to be precise it should end at 00:46:148 - and so on the similiar LN part I think it's okay, because if I make it 1/4 end, it will become harder to press the normal note (not balanced)
00:57:977 (57977|2) - if u wanna catch only kick here, this note should'nt exist
01:49:062 (109062|0) - i suggest normal note here the pattern before will be meaningless in my pointview, 01:48:034 (108034|3,108377|2,108720|1) - and It's not that hard(?)

00:35:005 (35005|1,35005|3) - 00:36:377 (36377|0,36377|3) - 00:37:748 (37748|2,37748|0) - single should be enough this is for the "psshh" sound effect
00:40:491 (40491|2,40491|0) - and so on if u agree
00:57:977 (57977|2) - either u remove this similiar note at this part or add 00:57:291 - with these sound for consistency removing the not-snare sound
00:59:520 - here should be double
01:21:462 - missing note i assume
01:39:805 - till 01:47:691 - while i understand u wanted to express the music intensity here but i feel it is overdone such as 01:39:805 (99805|1,99805|0,99805|3) - having triple note for each 1/1 timing, highly suggest to reduce a note for each timing here I understand your point, but I also considering this part is the last reff part and the "hype" part, so I make it like this so it's not like copy-paste pattern
hitsound not missing, only slightly lower volume ww
try check music 0% effect 100%
considering this, turn the hitsound volume 50% now

sent update to creater by PM
Topic Starter
All right then. But I not have net from days ;w; (I'm write in the job) When I have net I'll submit it :3
Topic Starter
I have net again! Updated the ArcherLove diffs!
The pattern looks better now and yep bubbled :)
@next bn : might wanna recheck the hitsound again between EZ,NM and HD MX since they are emphasizing in different way

Good lucku~ ;)
Topic Starter

Critical_Star wrote:

The pattern looks better now and yep bubbled :)
@next bn : might wanna recheck the hitsound again between EZ,NM and HD MX since they are emphasizing in different way

Good lucku~ ;)

Omg thank you so much >w< <3
For start, I want to say that I'm quite sure the amount of hitsounding in AL's diff (HD and MX) isn't sufficient for rank section.
I understand that you want to make it as simplistic for your style and you said that soft hitnormal is for the hitsound, however there's already other map that got DQ because the amount of hitsounding density isn't sufficient enough for rank, the example is t/452212/start=60 and the other cases also within mania mode is t/339876/start=75

My recommendation to still add clap for the crash sound if you still want to keep it simplistic, it will keep the stable density and at the same time still give quite sufficient feedback within the diff itself.
If you still disagree i need a really convincing elaboration on why the amount of HS is already sufficient enough for rank.

00:05:177 - Felt like this motion become too repetitive if you combine with 00:06:891 - , I will recommend
00:09:977 (9977|3,10320|2) - Recommend to switch column for overall flow with the pattern section.
00:12:720 (12720|3,13062|2,13405|3,13748|2) - This trill felt unnecessary long, you can actually make 00:13:062 (13062|2,13405|3,13748|2) - at col 1-2-3 instead.
00:17:177 - There isn't any built up in the patterning when the music actually getting more intense, I will really recommend you to make the build up like , this way, you give pattern differentiation for different section while preserving the low SR
00:21:291 (21291|0) - change into LN, because the synth going so high here.
00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|1) - I'm not sure if you're allowed with this jack tbh, because it is really out of place, and have really different structure with 00:36:034 (36034|2,36720|2,36891|1) - , I will recommend move 00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|1) - to col 4 and col 3
00:52:834 - The sound actually already develop build up here if you notice compared to other stair you build before such as 00:50:091 - , So i will recommend to switch column of 00:53:520 (53520|2,53862|3) - to emphasis that.
00:55:577 - seem you copy pasting pattern at 00:11:691 - , I hope you can make differentiation at very least, try
01:01:062 - Make it similar as I told you at 00:17:177 - (ofc differentiate the pattern as well)
01:03:805 - Not sure why is this different with 00:19:920 - although they are same sound and same section.
01:06:891 (66891|3,67234|0) - Switch column for balance, flow and pitch.
01:18:548 (78548|0,78891|2) - Move to col 2 and col 1 to avoid OH trill at the right hand side.
01:25:405 - Too left handed pattern, use
01:40:834 (100834|1,101005|0,103577|2,103748|3) - Make these 1-2-4-3 , so that the exposure will be more balance that way.
01:45:291 - really unbalanced, use

00:05:691 (5691|2,5862|0,6034|2,6205|0,6377|2,6548|0) - Don't understand with trill this long, the sound isn't really support it as it's continuous instead of trilly, try
00:10:662 (10662|3,10834|0,11005|1) - Make these col 2-4-1 for more balance.
00:18:548 - Try make it more structured by
00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|1) - Same issue as i said in easy diff, try make this col 3-2.
00:53:177 (53177|1,53520|2) - Also similar with what i said in easy diff, try switch column here.
01:00:377 (60377|3,60720|0) - Switch column for more balancity here.
01:01:062 (61062|0,61234|1) - Move at col 3 and col 1 to avoid the awkward shield pattern.
01:21:634 (81634|2,81977|3,82320|2,82662|3,83005|2) - Similar as i said in easy diff, long trill without purposes isn't good, use
01:26:777 (86777|1,87120|1) - Not sure what the jack is for, you can rearrange to not jacking with
01:29:520 (89520|2,89520|1,89691|3,89862|1,90034|3,90205|1,90377|3) - Same case again, the trill so long without instrument that support trilly sound, i will suggest
01:34:320 (94320|3,94491|2,94834|3,95005|2,95348|3,95520|2) - This goes for too long, alternatively use
01:36:720 (96720|2,97062|2,97405|2,97748|2) - The stack isn't good as it is long but for unclear reason either, use
01:41:777 (101777|3,101862|2) - Switch column to make 1/4 flow more naturally.
01:43:234 - Don't understand why the stack and the 1/4 pattern goes ambiguously here, use
01:45:977 (105977|2,106148|1,106320|0,106491|2,106662|1,106834|0,107005|2,107177|1,107348|0) - Felt like copypasted all, not sure why when you can just make another pattern like
01:50:434 (110434|1) - This make the ending leaving oddity impression to player.. move to col 4 to solve the issue.

[AL's HD]
00:17:348 (17348|2) - I believe move to col 2 will preserve the balance better here, since essentially i see the right hand gets really heavy there.
00:22:320 - I felt this doesn't get emphasized enough because of how you already use many double on jumpstream before at 00:20:605 - that it doesn't get the sudden stop moment. try
00:52:834 - 00:53:177 - 00:53:520 - You should change these 3 notes into LN as these notes are the start of the synth that started getting more denser and obvious to hear for emphasizement.
01:27:291 - If you want this note, i think you should also add for 01:27:634 - and 01:27:977 -

[AL's MX]
00:17:691 - 00:18:377 - 00:19:062 - 00:19:748 - Felt like you ignored the loud drum here makes it awkward and not properly emphasized because this jumpstream is essentially the same layering as 00:14:434 -
01:11:520 (71520|0) - felt like if following your structure then this note supposed to be col 4, since you usually jack the single note with the double after the single note, not before the single note, like 01:10:834 (70834|1,71005|1) -
01:29:177 (89177|3) - Recommend move to col 3, the shield and stack at col 4 makes it ambiguous to read.
01:45:120 (105120|1) - Try move to col 1 here since the col 2 stack is actually already really dense.

The pattern generally is good, but the HS is the one really need to be adressed properly.
call me back if you're done!

Maxus wrote:

For start, I want to say that I'm quite sure the amount of hitsounding in AL's diff (HD and MX) isn't sufficient for rank section.
I understand that you want to make it as simplistic for your style and you said that soft hitnormal is for the hitsound, however there's already other map that got DQ because the amount of hitsounding density isn't sufficient enough for rank, the example is t/452212/start=60 and the other cases also within mania mode is t/339876/start=75

My recommendation to still add clap for the crash sound if you still want to keep it simplistic, it will keep the stable density and at the same time still give quite sufficient feedback within the diff itself.
If you still disagree i need a really convincing elaboration on why the amount of HS is already sufficient enough for rank.

[AL's HD]
00:17:348 (17348|2) - I believe move to col 2 will preserve the balance better here, since essentially i see the right hand gets really heavy there.
00:22:320 - I felt this doesn't get emphasized enough because of how you already use many double on jumpstream before at 00:20:605 - that it doesn't get the sudden stop moment. try it doesn't follow the sound I follow, and it will become a bit "not-so-good" for visual..
00:52:834 - 00:53:177 - 00:53:520 - You should change these 3 notes into LN as these notes are the start of the synth that started getting more denser and obvious to hear for emphasizement. Hm, I intended to do this since it will also makes the visual uglier if I add the LNs like that.
01:27:291 - If you want this note, i think you should also add for 01:27:634 - and 01:27:977 -

[AL's MX]
00:17:691 - 00:18:377 - 00:19:062 - 00:19:748 - Felt like you ignored the loud drum here makes it awkward and not properly emphasized because this jumpstream is essentially the same layering as 00:14:434 -
01:11:520 (71520|0) - felt like if following your structure then this note supposed to be col 4, since you usually jack the single note with the double after the single note, not before the single note, like 01:10:834 (70834|1,71005|1) - moved like this
01:29:177 (89177|3) - Recommend move to col 3, the shield and stack at col 4 makes it ambiguous to read. Hmm, it's not? Also it's visually better I guess
01:45:120 (105120|1) - Try move to col 1 here since the col 2 stack is actually already really dense.

The pattern generally is good, but the HS is the one really need to be adressed properly.
call me back if you're done!
thanks~ prot tell me to copy from game's hitsound so I did! :D
no reply means ok!

update sent via PM (renew a bit pattern on HD and MX so no more 1.5* gap)
reminder to delete soft-hitwhistle2 and soft-hitnormal2 to game
Topic Starter

Maxus wrote:

For start, I want to say that I'm quite sure the amount of hitsounding in AL's diff (HD and MX) isn't sufficient for rank section.
I understand that you want to make it as simplistic for your style and you said that soft hitnormal is for the hitsound, however there's already other map that got DQ because the amount of hitsounding density isn't sufficient enough for rank, the example is t/452212/start=60 and the other cases also within mania mode is t/339876/start=75

My recommendation to still add clap for the crash sound if you still want to keep it simplistic, it will keep the stable density and at the same time still give quite sufficient feedback within the diff itself.
If you still disagree i need a really convincing elaboration on why the amount of HS is already sufficient enough for rank.

00:05:177 - Felt like this motion become too repetitive if you combine with 00:06:891 - , I will recommend
00:09:977 (9977|3,10320|2) - Recommend to switch column for overall flow with the pattern section.
00:12:720 (12720|3,13062|2,13405|3,13748|2) - This trill felt unnecessary long, you can actually make 00:13:062 (13062|2,13405|3,13748|2) - at col 1-2-3 instead.
00:17:177 - There isn't any built up in the patterning when the music actually getting more intense, I will really recommend you to make the build up like , this way, you give pattern differentiation for different section while preserving the low SR
00:21:291 (21291|0) - change into LN, because the synth going so high here.
00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|1) - I'm not sure if you're allowed with this jack tbh, because it is really out of place, and have really different structure with 00:36:034 (36034|2,36720|2,36891|1) - , I will recommend move 00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|1) - to col 4 and col 3
00:52:834 - The sound actually already develop build up here if you notice compared to other stair you build before such as 00:50:091 - , So i will recommend to switch column of 00:53:520 (53520|2,53862|3) - to emphasis that.
00:55:577 - seem you copy pasting pattern at 00:11:691 - , I hope you can make differentiation at very least, try
01:01:062 - Make it similar as I told you at 00:17:177 - (ofc differentiate the pattern as well)
01:03:805 - Not sure why is this different with 00:19:920 - although they are same sound and same section.
01:06:891 (66891|3,67234|0) - Switch column for balance, flow and pitch.
01:18:548 (78548|0,78891|2) - Move to col 2 and col 1 to avoid OH trill at the right hand side.
01:25:405 - Too left handed pattern, use
01:40:834 (100834|1,101005|0,103577|2,103748|3) - Make these 1-2-4-3 , so that the exposure will be more balance that way.
01:45:291 - really unbalanced, use

00:05:691 (5691|2,5862|0,6034|2,6205|0,6377|2,6548|0) - Don't understand with trill this long, the sound isn't really support it as it's continuous instead of trilly, try
00:10:662 (10662|3,10834|0,11005|1) - Make these col 2-4-1 for more balance.
00:18:548 - Try make it more structured by
00:42:205 (42205|1,42377|1) - Same issue as i said in easy diff, try make this col 3-2.
00:53:177 (53177|1,53520|2) - Also similar with what i said in easy diff, try switch column here.
01:00:377 (60377|3,60720|0) - Switch column for more balancity here.
01:01:062 (61062|0,61234|1) - Move at col 3 and col 1 to avoid the awkward shield pattern.
01:21:634 (81634|2,81977|3,82320|2,82662|3,83005|2) - Similar as i said in easy diff, long trill without purposes isn't good, use
01:26:777 (86777|1,87120|1) - Not sure what the jack is for, you can rearrange to not jacking with
01:29:520 (89520|2,89520|1,89691|3,89862|1,90034|3,90205|1,90377|3) - Same case again, the trill so long without instrument that support trilly sound, i will suggest
01:34:320 (94320|3,94491|2,94834|3,95005|2,95348|3,95520|2) - This goes for too long, alternatively use
01:36:720 (96720|2,97062|2,97405|2,97748|2) - The stack isn't good as it is long but for unclear reason either, use
01:41:777 (101777|3,101862|2) - Switch column to make 1/4 flow more naturally.
01:43:234 - Don't understand why the stack and the 1/4 pattern goes ambiguously here, use
01:45:977 (105977|2,106148|1,106320|0,106491|2,106662|1,106834|0,107005|2,107177|1,107348|0) - Felt like copypasted all, not sure why when you can just make another pattern like
01:50:434 (110434|1) - This make the ending leaving oddity impression to player.. move to col 4 to solve the issue.

The pattern generally is good, but the HS is the one really need to be adressed properly.
call me back if you're done!

All fixed for me :D

Thank you very much! amazing mod >w<

Updated all the diffs!

ArcherLove wrote:

Maxus wrote:

[AL's HD]
00:52:834 - 00:53:177 - 00:53:520 - You should change these 3 notes into LN as these notes are the start of the synth that started getting more denser and obvious to hear for emphasizement. Hm, I intended to do this since it will also makes the visual uglier if I add the LNs like that. May you elaborate on what makes it uglier? It's only single LN that is for your consistency with the sound you somehow follow at 00:53:862 - for LN but not here somehow.

[AL's MX]
01:29:177 (89177|3) - Recommend move to col 3, the shield and stack at col 4 makes it ambiguous to read. Hmm, it's not? Also it's visually better I guess yeah how exactly 01:28:148 (88148|3,88320|3,88491|3,88834|3,89005|3,89177|3) - Is not draining? lighter pattern is much better compared with "visual" stack i'm not even sure where it comes from, with 6 LN stack.. , I would say map is for playing not to see.. OR i will recommend you to switch column between 01:28:834 (88834|1,88920|2) - to Solve the issues of hard readability.

thanks~ prot tell me to copy from game's hitsound so I did! :D
no reply means ok!

update sent via PM (renew a bit pattern on HD and MX so no more 1.5* gap)
reminder to delete soft-hitwhistle2 and soft-hitnormal2 to game
please change these 2 things, I'm unsure with your explanation there as it doesn't really explain from technical aspect itself
gamerock said he will IRC with AL about hitsound, so i will wait :) .

Maxus wrote:


please change these 2 things, I'm unsure with your explanation there as it doesn't really explain from technical aspect itself
gamerock said he will IRC with AL about hitsound, so i will wait :) .

I will reply in Indonesian because I might not be able to do this in English so, pardon me for this once.
"May you elaborate on what makes it uglier? It's only single LN that is for your consistency with the sound you somehow follow at 00:53:862 - for LN but not here somehow."

- Yah, 00:53:862 (53862|2) - di sini harusnya kedengaran lebih "kicking-in" daripada di 00:52:834 (52834|3,53005|1,53177|0,53348|2,53520|1,53691|3) - kan? kalau saya apply, nanti jadinya terus jadi rusak itu terusannya biru .. daripada diikuti setengah2 gitu jadi pikir saya bikin 2 bagian.

"yeah how exactly 01:28:148 (88148|3,88320|3,88491|3,88834|3,89005|3,89177|3) - Is not draining? lighter pattern is much better compared with "visual" stack i'm not even sure where it comes from, with 6 LN stack.. , I would say map is for playing not to see.. OR i will recommend you to switch column between 01:28:834 (88834|1,88920|2) - to Solve the issues of hard readability."

- Itu 170 BPM, dan ini MX diff? I do map for visual. Dan ini dasarnya dari suara melodi di belakang, sih. flownya ke kanan? Itu nggak susah kok.

ArcherLove wrote:

I will reply in Indonesian because I might not be able to do this in English so, pardon me for this once.
"May you elaborate on what makes it uglier? It's only single LN that is for your consistency with the sound you somehow follow at 00:53:862 - for LN but not here somehow."

- Yah, 00:53:862 (53862|2) - di sini harusnya kedengaran lebih "kicking-in" daripada di 00:52:834 (52834|3,53005|1,53177|0,53348|2,53520|1,53691|3) - kan? kalau saya apply, nanti jadinya terus jadi rusak itu terusannya biru .. daripada diikuti setengah2 gitu jadi pikir saya bikin 2 bagian. Yakin 3 continuous sound itu lebih nge "kick in" daripada yg 3 suara LN sebelumnya yang terpisah? bandingin deh 00:47:348 - ama 00:52:834 - , yg sblmnya emng kyk suara latar makanya ga dilayer apa2 kan? tapi yg 00:52:834 - tiba2 lgsg kenceng sendiri, sementara penekanannya lebih kuat krna mereka suara "sndiri2" drpd suara gabungan 3 LN di 00:53:862 (53862|2,54034|0,54205|1) - yg penekanannya lebih kecil karena suaranya ngegabung jadi synthny nyampur bergabung daripada emphasis ndiri.
trus yg di Screenshotmu bagus tuh jadiny, flownya stairs ke kanan, intentionnya keliatan jelas,
aestetik visual pun juga dapet mau ngapain bntukinnya, jdi wa ga ngrti apa yg rusak disana. lu gnti jd itu issueny slese, emphasis instrumen tetep konsisten, aestetik jg dapet

"yeah how exactly 01:28:148 (88148|3,88320|3,88491|3,88834|3,89005|3,89177|3) - Is not draining? lighter pattern is much better compared with "visual" stack i'm not even sure where it comes from, with 6 LN stack.. , I would say map is for playing not to see.. OR i will recommend you to switch column between 01:28:834 (88834|1,88920|2) - to Solve the issues of hard readability."

- Itu 170 BPM, dan ini MX diff? I do map for visual. Dan ini dasarnya dari suara melodi di belakang, sih. flownya ke kanan? Itu nggak susah kok. map ini berdasarkan struktur jack bukan stream, klo stream 170 BPM iya lbih gmpng, tp klo jack ber LN lain lagi ceritanya. klo bisa dibikin lebih mulus mnurut gw kenapa engga? lgpula klo ngmngin visual wa ykin 01:28:834 (88834|3,88834|1,88920|2,89005|3) - rda brantakan klo dliat karena double 1-3 ama 2-4 secara readability bkl lebih ambigu (buat analogi, jumptrill 12-34 ama 13-24 lebih susah yg 13-24 kan? krna lebih kliatan acak? disini jg sama)
1. Itu kan udah dobel suara melodinya (ada 2 synth gitu), dan yg di screenshot memang bagus, sih. Cuma yang birunya jadi nggak cocok sama LN yang pertama.
Kalau kira-kira lolos, nggak?

2. kalau dihapus 1/4nya jadi gini bisa?

If yes, then I'll send the update to game once again, hehe.
Okay i can take it for both of them.
(Please send the update which game rock already fix the hs :<)
Will recheck after this.
loli bg

thanks maxus i sent the update after HS mod
Topic Starter

ArcherLove wrote:

loli bg

thanks maxus i sent the update after HS mod
All right owo

I'd prob increase hitsound volume to 50% at least or smth cause literally the only thing I can hear is the snare because it's crunchy af.

[ET Archer's MX]
00:04:834 (4834|2,4834|3) - remove one whistle
00:57:891 (57891|1,57891|0) - remove one clap
01:00:548 (60548|0) - There's no snare in the music so I dont think this is necessary for a clap to be here as a hitsound and mislead players on what sound is playing when.
01:01:748 (61748|1,61748|0) - ^
01:03:805 (63805|1,63805|0,64148|0,64148|2) - ^
01:17:520 (77520|3,77520|1) - remove one whistle
01:17:177 (77177|2) - Might add a finish here since it seems like there's a crash that begins here but I'd be fine if it stayed cause 1/2 finishes arent that pleasing to hear most of the time lol
01:39:120 (99120|0) - Remove whistle, replace with clap instead cause it's pretty much the same sound as at 01:17:177 -
01:40:662 (100662|0,100662|2) - double hs

[ET Archer's HD]
00:13:577 (13577|1) - remove clap as it's not present in any difficulty except for this one.
00:16:320 (16320|3) - same as above, see HD and MX comparison
01:44:434 (104434|0) - Tbh, there's no snare in the music here so I think it's a bit misleading to add one as a hitsound. Same goes for the MX diff but I didnt point it out there.

00:22:662 (22662|0) - Move the whistle (or the finish, doesnt matter which) onto the other note so that you can use the blank note to apply the normal-hitclap for consistency with the top two diffs.
01:03:291 (63291|2,63634|2,63977|2,64320|2) - Just a comment on the chart, but this is a stack and while it's only 1/1, I still think it adds an uneven bias to the right hand. I'd arrange it like so to avoid that
01:17:177 (77177|2) - missing clap for consistency with the upper diffs
01:17:520 (77520|0) - missing finish
01:33:977 (93977|3) - missing whistle

00:17:520 (17520|2,18205|0,18891|3,19577|0) - Missing claps
00:17:348 (17348|0,18034|3,18720|1,19405|2) - missing whistles
00:22:662 (22662|3,22662|0) - Same thing I mentioned in normal, move these onto the same note and then add the normal-hitclap on the blank note.
00:55:577 (55577|0) - missing finish
01:01:234 (61234|1,61920|1,62605|2,63291|2) - missing whistles
01:04:148 (64148|3,64491|0,64834|1) - missing claps
01:17:177 (77177|2) - ^
01:39:120 (99120|1) - add whistle (clap assuming you took my suggestion in the MX diff here)
01:41:177 (101177|3,101262|2,101777|3,101862|2) - Ok no, on an easy diff, I'm really against using 1/4, and this is even worse because it's on the same hand. The target audience this level of difficulty is aimed towards is essentially a person who's never played a VSRG before, and therefore they're still learning finger independence at this point and getting basic 1/1 and short 1/2 rhythms down. You cant just throw 1/4 at them out of nowhere, especially so far into the map when they're only expecting the occasional 1/2 note at most.
01:44:948 (104948|2,105634|1,106320|0,107005|2) - Dunno how consistent you wanna be with the upper diffs, but they're claps in NM, HD, and MX so dunno if you wanna change it or not.
01:50:434 (110434|3) - add whistle

I think that after all the hitsound changes (you essentially just hitsounded archer's diffs cause they only had like two samples before), it'd be best to get this rebubbled before Maxus qualifies to make sure that CS is cool with all the HS and stuff.
thanks prot all fix, for hitsound volume I will leave that to game
and game did ask cs for rebub owo

thanks for et hs modding!
update sent by pm to game
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

I'd prob increase hitsound volume to 50% at least or smth cause literally the only thing I can hear is the snare because it's crunchy af.

00:22:662 (22662|0) - Move the whistle (or the finish, doesnt matter which) onto the other note so that you can use the blank note to apply the normal-hitclap for consistency with the top two diffs.
01:03:291 (63291|2,63634|2,63977|2,64320|2) - Just a comment on the chart, but this is a stack and while it's only 1/1, I still think it adds an uneven bias to the right hand. I'd arrange it like so to avoid that
01:17:177 (77177|2) - missing clap for consistency with the upper diffs
01:17:520 (77520|0) - missing finish
01:33:977 (93977|3) - missing whistle

00:17:520 (17520|2,18205|0,18891|3,19577|0) - Missing claps
00:17:348 (17348|0,18034|3,18720|1,19405|2) - missing whistles
00:22:662 (22662|3,22662|0) - Same thing I mentioned in normal, move these onto the same note and then add the normal-hitclap on the blank note.
00:55:577 (55577|0) - missing finish
01:01:234 (61234|1,61920|1,62605|2,63291|2) - missing whistles
01:04:148 (64148|3,64491|0,64834|1) - missing claps
01:17:177 (77177|2) - ^
01:39:120 (99120|1) - add whistle (clap assuming you took my suggestion in the MX diff here)
01:41:177 (101177|3,101262|2,101777|3,101862|2) - Ok no, on an easy diff, I'm really against using 1/4, and this is even worse because it's on the same hand. The target audience this level of difficulty is aimed towards is essentially a person who's never played a VSRG before, and therefore they're still learning finger independence at this point and getting basic 1/1 and short 1/2 rhythms down. You cant just throw 1/4 at them out of nowhere, especially so far into the map when they're only expecting the occasional 1/2 note at most.
01:44:948 (104948|2,105634|1,106320|0,107005|2) - Dunno how consistent you wanna be with the upper diffs, but they're claps in NM, HD, and MX so dunno if you wanna change it or not.
01:50:434 (110434|3) - add whistle

I think that after all the hitsound changes (you essentially just hitsounded archer's diffs cause they only had like two samples before), it'd be best to get this rebubbled before Maxus qualifies to make sure that CS is cool with all the HS and stuff.

All fixed! excetp this in my two diffs 00:22:662 (22662|3,22662|0) - I don't understand so I see to CS and he helps me a lot about it owo

Thanks a lot!

Topic Starter

ArcherLove wrote:

thanks prot all fix, for hitsound volume I will leave that to game
and game did ask cs for rebub owo

thanks for et hs modding!
update sent by pm to game
Yeah, thank you so much :33 I change to sound to 50%

Updated all diffs!
rebubble ;)
hitsound looks better now
Topic Starter

Critical_Star wrote:

rebubble ;)
hitsound looks better now

Thank you so much Critical-San >www< ♥
Minor thing

01:04:834 (64834|1) - Move this to col 4 to having trill pattern, signify the pattern structure better.
01:42:891 - I think the structure kinda lacking when it's suddenly different pattern with 01:40:491 (100491|0,100662|1,100834|3,101005|2,101177|3,101520|0) - , Try
01:48:720 (108720|3) - Not sure about the jack here, prefer if you keep the flow by making this at col.3

Call me if you're done!
Topic Starter

Maxus wrote:

Minor thing

01:04:834 (64834|1) - Move this to col 4 to having trill pattern, signify the pattern structure better.
01:42:891 - I think the structure kinda lacking when it's suddenly different pattern with 01:40:491 (100491|0,100662|1,100834|3,101005|2,101177|3,101520|0) - , Try
01:48:720 (108720|3) - Not sure about the jack here, prefer if you keep the flow by making this at col.3

Call me if you're done!

All fixed >w< thank you so much ♥

good luck there, nice map :3
Topic Starter

Maxus wrote:

good luck there, nice map :3
Aaaa *w* thank you so much Maxus!! >ww< thanks thanks thanks thanks (and much more thanks xDD :3333) I really appreciate all your help. idk how give you the big thanks *333*

Thank you for all the modders, BN's and GD too for help, I reaally appreciate your helps ♥
Wow qualified!
Long time no see this map XD XD
Go Ranked!
Topic Starter

Envory wrote:

Wow qualified!
Long time no see this map XD XD
Go Ranked!

Hahaha thank you :33
gratz gemu chan! ></
Topic Starter

yuzu__rinrin wrote:

gratz gemu chan! ></
Y-Yuzu-San o///o thank you so much! ^///^
uwu gratzz o/
Topic Starter

Draftnell wrote:

uwu gratzz o/
Thank you! :33
ewe gemu ewewewewe

Surono wrote:

ewe gemu ewewewewe
ehhh wut :?:
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

ewe gemu ewewewewe
SweetSur ♥
Topic Starter

- Aries - wrote:

Surono wrote:

ewe gemu ewewewewe
ehhh wut :?:
Aries-Kun owo
Gratzzzzzz mi bakaaaa!!! ♥
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Gratzzzzzz mi bakaaaa!!! ♥

Muchas gracias mi bakita >///< ♥
pense hacer mod pero ya esta rank.. congraz :3
Topic Starter

Etsu wrote:

pense hacer mod pero ya esta rank.. congraz :3

Jajaja :33 muchas gracias de todas maneras >w<!
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