
SOFT2: osu!mania FFA Tournament - Winner: cheetose!

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Grand Finals rescheduled to 4 UTC SUNDAY 4/30 (yes this is a 4K tournament Vygatron)



    1. NEW: A. ROUNDS
      1. 1. INFORMATION
      2. 2. SCORING

    1. A. PROTOCOL

    1. A. OVERVIEW
    3. C. ROUND OF 64
    4. D. ROUND OF 32
    5. E. ROUND OF 16
    8. H. FINALS



    You really thought we would do only one edition?

    SOFT, short for springtime osu!mania free-for-all tournament, is a one-on-one, country-independent tournament. As the title indicates, this tournament is for the osu!mania game mode. More specifically, it is a 4 key tournament. This time around it is scheduled to start by the end of February / start of March, and will end at some point between mid/late April depending on the number of participants. And of course, it doesn’t quite start in spring, and barely even touches it for that matter, but our pre host Halogen- definitely wants us to keep the clever, memorable acronym, right?

    Compared to last year there are some changes being prepared by us but for now we will keep them behind the gates as we are still doing some testings to figure out how to make it work but expect something good!

    There are no prerequisites for entering this tournament! You can enter from any country, with any rank or performance points. Read on to see if this tournament is a good choice for you!


    II. Tournament Staff

    HOST/COORDINATOR: Responsible of the organizing all facets of the tournament that directly affect players, including match scheduling, and staffing.

    HOST: juankristal
    COORDINATOR: -Konner-

    MAP SELECTORS: Responsible for the selection of the maps in each given map pool. If you hate something in the map pool, feel free to (respectfully) direct your hate to these people.


    MATCH REFEREES: Responsible for the administration of individual tournament matches. They will be the ones inviting to rooms and running through protocol to ensure that the matches run smoothly and on time for users and staff.


    STREAMERS: Responsible for the broadcast of the tournament via streaming mediums and the tournament client.


    COMMENTATORS: Responsible for play-by-play, live analysis of tournament matches, maps, players, and more.

    stupud man
    [ Vento ]

    III. Tournament Schedule

    Tentative on number of entries; a finalized schedule will be put into place after registrations have been officially closed, and the schedule will be adhered to unless noted by the tournament host.

    Sign-ups:30th of January - 11st of February
    Qualifiers released: February 12nd
    Qualification stage play begins: February 18th
    Post-Qualification Week 1: 25th February
    Post-Qualification Week 2: 4th of March
    Group Stage Week 1: 11st of March
    Group Stage Week 2: 18th of March
    Round of 32: 25th of March
    Round of 16: 1st of April
    QuarterFinals: 8th of April
    SemiFinals: 15th of April
    Finals/Grand Finals: 22th of April
    Expected tournament conclusion date: April 15th to April 30th (This depends on the amount of players signed up)

    Matches will be played on Saturday and Sunday, with the potential exception of the qualifier stage, which may need a Friday run depending on availability.

    IV. Tournament Organization


    Rounds are still to be designed as we are currently experimenting a bit with it. Expect something cool!


    All players that enter the tournament will be eligible to play in the qualification round; however, participants cut down to a power of 2. The maximum number of players to advance into the post-qualification stage is 128.

    If 32 players enter, all 32 players will qualify and no one gets eliminated.
    If 33 players enter, the lowest individual gets eliminated and the top 32 go on.
    If 49 players enter, the lowest 17 individuals get eliminated and the top 32 go on.
    If 63 players enter, the lowest 31 individuals get eliminated and the top 32 go on.
    If 64 players enter, all 64 players will qualify and no one gets eliminated.
    If 127 players enter, the lowest 63 individuals get eliminated and the top 64 go on.

    The purpose of the above example is to reiterate that there will not be any rounding up with regards to tournament cut decisions. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask them in the tournament thread.

    The qualification round will have a 4 song mini-pool that varies widely in difficulty. Each map will be assigned a tier, with tier 1 being the lowest difficulty, and tier 4 being the highest difficulty. All four maps will be created by the map selectors and will be unreleased prior to the tournament qualifier, to provide 0 opportunity for advantage through familiarity. All players will have two chances at each qualifier, making a qualifying session 8 songs total, where the highest of the two runs on each qualifier will be tabulated and cumulated for your final score.

    Players will be organized in groups based on their availability. Because qualification is not a process that involves 1 on 1 matchups, it is actually possible to have 8 players go through the qualification process at once, streamlining the process. If this is a confusing process, do not worry if you do not understand: simply adhere to the schedule put out and follow referee instructions during the match. The purpose of putting you guys in groups of 8 is to give everyone streaming time, as qualifiers will be streamed as well!

    Regardless of the number of entrants and eliminations, the qualification process will also be done to seed players. Players will be ordered based on their cumulative score from all four songs after the customized formula for the tier 1 song has been applied (see - TOURNAMENT ORGANIZATION > QUALIFICATION PROCESS > SCORING), with the best score being seed #1, and the worst score being seed n, with n being the number of players to clear the qualification stage.

    2 -- SCORING

    NEW: The score system we will be using this time is SCOREV2 in all the rounds. The total of the four songs played will accumulate to your final qualification score.


    The round post-qualification will be a SINGLE ELIMINATION bracket stage with specific rules. Those who advance during this post-qualification stage (or second qualification) will be placed with 3 different players (with a total of 4 players) in a group.

    After the first qualification round the remaining 128 (or 64, depending on the registrations) players will be placed in 4 DIFFERENT GROUPS determined by their seeds during the first round of qualification.

    1. Top16: The top 16 seeds of the first qualification stage will advance directly into the group stage and they wont play the second round of qualification or post-qualification stage. This teams will be the top seeded teams of the group in all the cases.
    2. 17°-32° seeds: Those who get this seeds will get guaranteed High-Seed in the group stage if they manage to advance further into the tournament but they will have to play and win one match in order to qualify to it.
    3. 33°-96° seeds: This players will have to play once as well but they will play against each other (example, seed 33 plays against seed 96) and the winners of those matchups will advance and depending on who ends up qualified their seed of the qualification stage will determinate their seeds in the group stage.
    4. 97°-128° seeds: Those who end up in the last spots will be forced to play 2 MATCHES instead of one if they want to qualify into the group stage. The first match will be once again a single elimination between themselves (for example, seed 97 against seed 128) and the second one will be against those who ended up being in the 17°-32° seeds for a spot in the group stage.
    At the end, your seed determinates your seed in the group stage and it the sorting will all be seed dependent.

    To reiterate, the number of players entered in the tournament determines the number of players to move on past the qualification period. See B-1: INFORMATION for details.


    Following the qualification process will be a group stage tournament style that transitions to a double-elimination. The groups will be made of 4 players each and they will be a number of 16 groups (or 8, depending on the amount of players registrated).

    V. Tournament Play


    Following the qualification round, all subsequent rounds will be player versus player however, its still to be decided how those rounds will work. More details soon!

    All matches must have a referee that is listed in the staff section of this tournament unless otherwise noted by myself. For maximal accountability on myself and my staff, each match will have a primary referee and a back-up referee in the event that the primary cannot make the match. This way we ensure you that there will be someone there to handle your tournament match. Overlaps between matches in dense stages might and will happen and because of that streaming every single map is just literally not doable. Even still, we will do our best job to get stream time for everyone.

    Matches will be listed in time blocks of a certain duration depending on the stage. If it is required the match schedules will consider running them for more time (for example, the finals will likely be scheduled to last for 1:30 hours).

    1. It is your right as a player and tournament entrant to expect that staff will perform to the best of their abilities in moderating matches in such a way that they will conclude in a timely manner. This means that rooms with matches will be created before the match start time, and you will be invited to the corresponding tournament room before the match start time. If both players arrive on time, tournament proceedings will begin promptly at the start time of the match, no earlier and no later. Take care of any priorities you may have immediately before and/or after the match, as we will be running on a fixed schedule. If it is less than five (5) minutes before your match start time and you have not been invited to your corresponding multiplayer room, find the designated referee for your match in game and send them a message. If they are not available, send a message to the backup referee of the matchup. If for any reason neither of them are available, send me a Discord message at juankristal#4568, with your invitation to add as a contact indicating that you are a player in my tournament and do not have a referee for your matchup. I will mitigate the situation both with your tournament match and unreliability of my team at that point.
    1. It is our right as tournament staff to expect that you will arrive for your matches before your expected time. Players will be given a ten (10) minute grace period after the match start time to enter their room; if they have not entered by this point, the match will be forfeited and the player that has arrived will win by default. In the extreme circumstance where both players have not shown up, the player with the higher seed in the match-up will advance automatically. This is to prevent byes for multiple matches while providing potential for more intense matchups to still be possible.
    1. It is your privilege as a player and tournament entrant to have an opinion about the content/structure used in the tournament. You are experiencing this event as a competitor, and every choice made in the process directly affects how you will progress in the tournament. If you dislike something, you are allowed to state your dislike -- however, do so reasonably. Speaking in absolutes/matter-of-fact tone is the fastest way for an argument to start, especially over an opinionated statement. Keep in mind that some of your fellow competitors and other users on this website will have content that will inevitably be used in the tournament, and it is best advised that you make it clear that it is your opinion so as to not be hurtful.
    1. It is our right as tournament staff to reprimand users for intolerable behavior. I (juankristal) will have sole discretion over decisions that affect your standing in the tournament; however, other members of tournament staff may forward any information to me that in any way represents uncalled for behavior towards other users or staff in my tournament. I will attempt to escalate serious situations beyond the scope of this event if need be, so please -- do everyone (and yourself) a favor and just be respectful. Minor instances will receive warnings, and continued instances will result in forceful removal from the tournament.

    Each player in the match will be allowed one (1) warm-up song to be played, making for two (2) warm-ups total between both players. The warm-up must be uploaded to the osu! website and accessible by everyone prior to the tournament match. Maps that have a beatmap listing but cannot be downloaded are not allowed for the purpose of warmup. Bloodcat links are not allowed, and neither are personal links featuring the beatmap that you want downloaded. Warm-up songs will be on free mode, allowing for any special modifications that you see fit for the purpose of warming up properly. NEW: In early stages your Warm-up cant be longer than 4 minutes. This includes the first 2 stages of the tournament after the qualifiers


    With the exception of warm-ups, all songs played in a given round must match those that are selectable in the corresponding map pool. Maps are to be played on a restrictive Free Mod: only Hidden, Fade In, or Flashlight can be used. NEW: A Hardrock bracket might be added sometime post-qualifiers.

    Players are to ban one (1) map within the map pool that they are playing for the given round. Players will be instructed to do a !roll command by the referee that is overseeing the match; the losing roll picks the first banned song, while the winning roll picks the first song of the match.

    After the bans and rolls have concluded, the player with the winning roll instructs the referee of their song selection, and the referee will switch to that song. After that song concludes, the other player will pick songs, and this process will continue until one of the two conditions is satisfied:

    a.) One player has achieved enough wins in such a way that the other player cannot successfully win the round.

    b.) Both players are at match point at the same time.

    If situation A:

    1. the winning player moves onto the next match
    2. the losing player falls to the loser’s bracket. If a player loses in the loser’s bracket, they are eliminated from the tournament.
    If situation B:

    1. Both players will play the song designated as the tiebreaker. The winner of the tiebreaker will progress to the next match of the tournament, while the loser will be eliminated or sent to the loser’s bracket, depending on the position of the tournament.


    Disconnections are an unfortunate circumstance, but cannot be fully accounted for. However, there are some stipulations in place that will allow players to mulligan a single attempt for a map. Maps with a player disconnection that occurs within the first 30 seconds, or 25% of the song (whichever comes first) will be nullified and re-attempted. Matches will have a two disconnection limit -- upon the third disconnection, a point will be handed immediately to the player still active within the lobby.

    A two minute timer will be placed on a disconnected player when the song played has concluded. When this timer hits 0, the grace period mentioned in PROTOCOL will be (re)activated. If the grace period timer hits 0, the match is forfeited, and the other remaining player will be declared winner. Situations with two player disconnections will be executed similarly to two missing players for a given match: the higher seed will be declared the winner if both players have no time left in their grace period.

    VI. Round Overviews

    Every tournament round will have a specific number of maps to be played, a tiebreaker, and a maximum number of maps per match. The expected format is as follows:
    1. Qualification stages: 4 song map-pool, no winning condition, no tiebreaker.
    2. Rounds until Round of 16: 10 song map-pool, best of 7 (first to 4), one tiebreaker song
    3. Round of 16/quarter-finals: 12 song map-pool, best of 9 (first to 5), one tiebreaker song
    4. Semi-finals: 14 song map-pool, best of 11 (first to 6), one tiebreaker song
    5. Finals and Grand Finals: 16 song map-pool, best of 13 (first to 7), one tiebreaker song

    Thanks Halogen- for letting me use the old SOFT design!
VII. Participant List

Participants: 289

(UTC-10) [2]
Sonicpichu / Preferably 10pm-12am local time. If unable to participate, will communicate it.
Rus Tea / weekends preferred.

(UTC-8) [17]
iJinjin (stupud man) / 5PM - 12AM on fridays, 12PM - 12AM on saturdays, 12PM - 9PM on sundays
FakeCJ / won't be able to play weekdays. After 1pm weekends.
Adiopulse / Track meets will be communicated about.
Chrubble / Weekends always available unless I might have something on a certain day, weekdays 4pm-9pm (before 9pm preferred). Birbman / Saturday and Sunday only.
Zyph / weekends preferred.
Zushen / Anything after 12pm local time.
Temper / any day after 3pm local time.
Comfy-Kun / Monday-Friday after 8pm; Weekends All day (local time).
Eona / All day on weekends, Weekdays 10 PM - 8 AM UTC, Except on Tuesday/Wednesday (anytime later than 5 AM UTC)
Dirk143 / Weekdays 17:00 - 21:00, Weekends 16:00 - 21:00 local time.
lightOfDay / Monadys to Fridays 16:00 - 22:00 local time. Weekends open.
4 Key 3pm to 11pm local time weekdays. Weekends open.
Piggy / 11pm-2am everyday local time.
BlankPxl / Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 3pm and 8pm local time preferred.
zero2snow / Monday to Friday : 3-6PM and 7-11PM, weekends 7-11PM local time.

(UTC-6) [10]
RemiFlan / Any time works except for 7-11PM on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, or sunday.
Colab18 / Weekdays 5pm-10pm, Weekends after 12pm.
leondance8 / Every Saturday 2PM-7PM local time.
Rashasabata / weekdays after 5pm local time. weekends anytime.
CatoLander / day time weekends (local time).
Ayaya / everyday 10am - 11pm local time.
Conservation / weekends only, 2pm - 10pm local time preferred.
YangXiaoLong / 3pm to 11pm local time weekdays, weekends open.
Daybreak / Saturday 12pm to 10pm. Sunday 12:00 pm to 10:00pm.
-REfluxIT / Weekends fine, after 5pm on weekdays local time.

(UTC-5) [41]
Halogen- / weekends fine - 9 PM local time and later preferred but not a requirement. Cannot do matches from 8 PM to 10 PM.
Gekido- / weekends only (Friday included for now), after 3PM preferred. Cannot do matches 3PM-7PM on Sundays.
Lotarr / Any time Monday - Thursday, Until 6pm on Friday, and After 7pm on Sunday (local times).
P3Prod1 / Any day except Thursdays. Preferably any time between 7AM and 11PM local time.
Yas / weekends including Fridays.
Ruins / Sundays after 3pm.
TheToaphster / Friday - Any time after 4 PM, Saturday/Sunday - Any time.
Fizzy / preferably after 3pm.
xElectroGH / preferably after 4pm.
blu / 2pm-12am weekdays local time. Any time weekends.
Apotheosis / Anywhere from 2:00 PM until roughly 12:00 AM on Monday - Thursday. Friday - Sundayl free from whenever.
onewingeddragon / Prefer weekends after 3. Wednesdays before 5pm and Thursdays after 4pm or Fridays.
[6] / Availability not certain, mostly weekends.
REZURRECTOR1 / weekends only.
Yon / Weekdays 6pm-12pm, Weekends after 10am.
-Avenged- / Weekdays 7pm-11pm, Weekends after 10am.
ThePerge / 4pm to 11pm on weekdays. 12pm to 11pm on weekends. (local time)
trollpizza / Saturday, after 17:00 utc. Sunday, after 23:00 utc
EtienneXC / Friday nights local time / Sundays (Will notify if anything gets in the way ahead of time).
Ciel / Fri evening/Sat evening for playing. (Also prefer laaate evening. Fine with staying up until 1-2am(local time))
[Nyaa]Kagari / weekends only.
HeZeuS / Thursday, All weekends.
Waltrusizer / 4 PM to 9 PM weekdays, 10 AM to 10PM weekends. (local time).
Axities / everyday 17:00-22:00 (local time).
DarkenedAngel / Saturday-Sunday 5 pm - 3 am local time.
[ Scarlet Red ] / Tue 14:00 - 22:00, Thu 14:00 - 22:00, Fri 13:00 - 22:00, Sat 18:00 - 22:00, Sun 15:00 - 22:00 (local times).
StephenLovesJig / 4PM - 11PM on weekdays, 3PM - 11PM on weekends (Assuming it's local times?).
TheDistantNeko / Weekdays 4PM - 11PM. Saturdays 10AM - 2AM. Sundays 7PM - 11PM, 6AM - 10AM (local times).
[ Isylphia ] / Friday after 7 pm, Weekends, cannot play on Feb. 26th, Sunday.
Dawt / 4pm-9pm local time on weekdays / Mostly free on weekends.
Sinaeb / weekdays 8pm-11pm, weekends after 10am local time.
Ansymer / hit em up whenever bois
Julie / after 5pm local time.
Youre Salty xd /11:30pm - 5am on weekdays, available all throughout weekends (not sure if local time or utc?).
JukeFox / after 3pm weekdays, 10am to 12am weekends (local times).
Freeflow / anytime weekends, 11pm on weekdays (local times).
tekuneko / Available most nights except Sundays. Can be around for Sundays if told in advance.
The Fire Tiger / Available from 8pm onward local time. No availability on Saturdays.
booty / Monday-Friday past 3 pm and open on the weekends (local times).

(UTC-4) [6]
-Stratos any day but not between 4pm to 11pm local time. (internet peak times rip)
Sonny737 / monday to friday since 2 pm to 6 pm local times. ???????????? Needs weekends
CommandoBlack / 10pm - 11:30pm local time.
Nitro Coyote / anytime weekends, 4:30pm to 10:30pm weekdays local time.
SillyFangirl / most of the time.
ThePaPu2016 / weekends (local time): 17:00-03:00 / weekdays (local time): 12:00-18:30.

(UTC-3) [36]
N1nj4 / weekends only.
Eos Until march all day, after that after 8 pm local time.
JotaCe / Friday, Saturday and Sunday after 4PM local time.
FelipeLink / Any day 24/7 (Except some nights of Wednesday and Saturday, around 17:00~23:00).
andreymc / weekdays = 1PM-4PM / all day weekends.
Stella Senpai everyday 6am - 6pm.
Shedin / Weekdays: 18h - 1h / Weekends: 13h - 4h local time.
Zergh / anytime.
Miyuke / Any day 20:00 ~ 01:00 local time.
UrsoManso / night time weekdays, any time weekends (local time).
lucasemr / everyday.
bixo lindo / weekdays = 1PM-10PM (local time) / Weekends = ALL DAY.
Bigod RX / weekends only.
Kureinji / no Sundays.
F K S / Saturday and Sunday.
Start-FioTerra / afternoon and night local time.
DiDragon1 / Everyday except Sunday, 1pm ~ 10pm local time.
V2power / Saturdays and Sundays, afternoon and night local time.
Princeofcong / 14:00 to 23:00 local time.
GbrlPlayer / weekends (local time): 17:30-23:00 / weekdays (local time): 19:00-22:30.
gabebruno / Weekends (local time) 2 pm - 12 pm / Weekdays (local time) 4 pm - 11 pm.
Crymeno / Everyday 9pm. For weekends, the whole day. Will not be around every other weekend?.
Houraisan- / after 3pm everyday local time.
Demitoo / most days.
Arkener / 24/7 madman tbh. Also fight him please.
CatOfRock / Saturdays and Sundays from 1PM local time.
blackrash / Fridays after 2pm, weekends after 11am.
WalterToro / Friday avaliable from 9 PM (utc-3), all day weekends (when not refereeing).
ArmoredReaper / weekends 16:00 - 22:00 local time.
Guilhermeziat / Weekends and friday during the night (sunday up to around 23:00-0:00(local time)).

(UTC-2) [1]
kikokinho / starting on 11:00 pm to 11:00 am ((local time)monday to friday), and every time on the weekends. (yes it;s correct).

(UTC+0) [13]
Hydria / Usually available most times except for 12pm->3pm every other Saturday. This might change though
Pope Gadget / 4:30pm+ weekdays including Saturday, all day Sunday.
yipyapyop / Saturdays and Sundays.
Pipper / prefer anything past 4PM, available every day.
FOR THE QUEEN / Available every day, prefer 3pm to late.
xSnaggles / Available on Weekends. Preferably after 3PM but not that important. Weekdays after 8PM.
Hayabusa / preferred weekends after 6pm.
SleepyDarkrai / all day weekdays. Sunday nights.
[-Domblade-] / evenings.
Xonica / 3:00pm - 10:00pm Monday to Thursday. 5:00pm - 10:00pm Sunday.
Gurtington / 10am to 3am (3am the following day).
scorpian224 / Weekends between 1pm - 7pm.
natty2708 / no Wednesdays. After 16:00 weekdays. Weekends open.

(UTC+1) [79]
SitekX / I can play on Saturday and Sunday from 1PM to 11PM.
Hlimak / Weekends beetween 1pm to 10pm.
Arkitev / Weekends beetwen 1pm to 12pm.
LolimeisterTDS / weekends at 12pm - 2pm, 3pm - 7pm and 8pm - 9:30pm.
Brunosky / Weekends 4pm - 10pm.
Miq / Weekends 4pm - 10pm.
Ereedon / Weekends from 6 am to 6 pm.
Modren / all Saturday (expect from 1pm (UTC 0) to 3pm (UTC 0)) and all Sunday.
MrDorian / weekends, 8am-12am (8:00-0:00).
AzumaGenkaku / Weekends. Friday after 19:00 UTC/GMT +1 hour.
Moskas / weekends only.
ArchGMSati / weekends only.
YukkiNoKettei / Monday-Friday 3:00pm - 10pm. Saturday-Sunday 9:00am - 11pm
Fonek / Friday 4pm - 11pm (but this can change), Weekends 4pm - 11pm. (local time).
Cis0u / Tuesday, Wednesday: 20:00-00:00; Friday: 22:00-24:00; Weekend: all day, all night (local time).
Dragoniux / weekends between 2pm - 8pm local time.
WooodZ / I can play on weekends+ weekdays at 8:00 pm to 1:00 am.
CryoJinn / weekends only, Saturday : from 11am to midnight, Sunday : 11am to 10pm.
Todestrieb / weekends only.
Cunu / from 11am to midnight everyday.
BurningPower / weekends only.
AntoAa / weekends only.
Bumpinho / weekends only.
Elementaires / 2pm to 2am local time.
DemonWaves / Weekdays from 9pm to 1am based on Timezone , Saturday & Sunday from 2pm to 2am based on Timezone.
Tantei B / weekends only.
Vulcairn / Friday (From 9pm to 12am), Saturday and Sunday (From 3pm to 10pm) (local times).
Huuks / weekdays 8:30pm to 11pm local time. Weekends in the afternoon?
Skorer / weekends only.
Pagastone / Saturday and Sunday from 2pm-11pm local time.
Bastarius / I'm free the weekend, all afternoon, until around 11pm (local times).
KiritoFludarax / I am available on week from 6pm to midnight and on weekend from 2pm to 2am based on Timezones.
Adri /available the weekend (saturday, sunday) on the afternoon (>2pm) and until late local time.
cyril06 / Weekends (local time) 2 pm - 12 pm / Weekdays (local time) 6 pm - 12 pm.
ArcaPvP weekends and Wednesdays.
Zaibon / (only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Friday 3pm to 5pm and 11pm - open end. All of Saturday and Sunday
DarkBeany / weekdays after 7pm (local time), weekend free all day.
LastExceed / weekdays after 9pm local times. Anytime weekends.
LordTimeWaste / Monday - Friday 18:00pm - 23:00pm, Saturday - Sunday anytime (local time).
-Dom- / weekends only.
DreiAmoebe / Mon-Thu: 6pm-10pm, Friday: 2pm-2am, any time weekends (local time).
Malox / Monday - Friday 17:00pm - 22:00pm local time and Sunday 19:00 pm - 22:00pm.
Nediz / Monday - Sunday: 17:30pm - 21:00pm local time.
Mackiwoo / Saturday-Sunday 9pm-2am (not sure if local time but close enough).
AiBe / Friday - Sunday after 7pm local time.
Rekete / weekends only.
ImNotAnAsian / weekends (Fridays after 11pm).
HaiImVanilla / weekends only.
aitor98 / Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and Sunday evening local time.
Asesingta / weekends only.
Chronocide / weekends only.
Roy Senpai / Saturday, Sunday and Monday 2PM - 10PM local time.
WaifuPatrol / Weekdays 4PM-11PM. Saturday unavailable after 5pm. Friday and Sunday free all day. Saturdays may change.
2fast4you98 / weekends only.
xHestia / Monday / Wednesday 10:00 AM - 20:00 PM, Tuesday 20:00PM-22:00PM, Weekend 12:00pm - 00:00am (local time).
[ Vento ] / Saturday and Sunday.
Vortex- / weekends only.
-Saoeri- / From monday to friday 4-8pm local time. Available weekends.
Couil / weekends and most evenings (8pm-12am local time).
Craty / Saturdays and Sundays.
Dez / all day on Saturdays, Sundays. Also Monday, Tuesday, Friday after 5pm until like 9pm local time.
YoShiZoRi / Saturday and Sunday.
[- Koliwan -] / Saturday and Sunday.
Ojily / Friday available after 18:00 UTC, Saturday preferably after 18:00 UTC, Sunday all day.
NightNarumi / Fridays after 17:00. Saturdays after 14:00 preferred. Sundays all day. (local times)
Yetified / Weekends I'm free, and all weekdays in the afternoon untill like 1 am (local times).
Podzel / Anywhere between 5 pm and 10 pm,. Between 1 pm - every time in the weekend. (local times)
Akeyro / not around on "some" Sundays.
Failbug / NOT available: Monday and Tuesday 07:00-14:00, Available: 24/7, except listed times.
Bizarrely_F4st / Weekends, (any time, except on sundays. On sundays Im available 1pm - 10pm).
TrIcKzTeR- / after 5pm local time.
Haprapra / weekends only.
Fiea / weekends only.
ZeroCalamity / Weekends 14:00 - 23:00 local time.
MilkingFarmer31 / weekends only, 4pm - 2am local time.
croatiabiker / weekends only.
Oriba Hoi / not available every other weekend?.

(UTC+2) [9]
Wh1teh / weekends only.
Camopoltergeist / Can't play after 10pm local time.
matti644 not after midnight local time.
alexmandi / weekends only.
Cyrosu / Monday - Friday 3:30 PM - 9PM Saturday - Sunday 9AM - 9PM local time.
Soul Evans / after 12am?

(UTC+5) [1]
Mage / weekends only.

(UTC+7) [18]
RemFangirl / Not sure on availability. Night times in local times are the best option.
MEGAtive / Saturday always online except for afternoon until nighttime. Sunday always online.
Niko-nyan / free anytime besides 8am to 8:30am local time Sundays until the end of February. Can't play after 8:30pm though.
praguzz / weekends only.
_Ayz / Saturday and Sundays only. 19:30+ local time.
Luke / weekends preferred.
yuda653 / Saturday and Sunday night around 20:00+ local time.
ArmyOfficer / weekends only.
OMGitsRaMayu / Weekend is fine. Tuesday-Thursday available from 2PM till night local time.
lombit / Weekdays at night. Weekend anytime.
Nixeria-sama / weekends only.
Nadeshiko / Saturday night and anytime Sunday.
Fleru / Everyday after 6/7 pm local time.
[ - Flash - ] / weekends only.
ega_tutuko / Monday - Sunday, 8.30pm until 12.00am local time.
zdenky12 / 7pm until 12 midnight (not sure if all days except Sunday or if just Saturday?), anytime Sundays (local time).
ChocoCoki- / Saturday & Sunday from 11.00am to 6.30pm local time.
Asrielly / only Sundays from 12pm local time. Possible issues with availability.

(UTC+8) [49]
Raveille / Prefer 1pm to 9pm (UTC+8) Will not be free before 10am and after 11pm.
OrienST8 / Weekends full available. Saturday preferred after 7pm. Sunday preferred after 4pm. Not free from 9am-2pm.
DotZeix / weekday 8-10pm unless something interferes. Preferably Weekend available 3pm-11pm local time.
Paralit / Weekends preferred (7 - 11pm local time).
BeautifulMess / Friday after 7pm, Sat and Sun after 1pm local time.
SurfChu85 / Saturday/Sunday 17:00 to 22:00
-BlueFire- / Monday to Thursday 8pm-10pm, Friday 9pm-12am, Saturday 7pm-12am, Sunday 7pm-10pm (local times).
Lenfried- / fri 10am-12pm / 1pm-6pm, sat 12pm-2pm / 5pm-7pm / 7:30pm-9pm, mon 10am-12pm / 1pm-7pm / 7:30pm-9pm, not sun
SomeKidAtSchool / Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 9:30pm, Wednesday - 4:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday, Sunday - 5:00pm.
jvincent0321 / Weekends (Anytime except 4 - 10 AM - local time) / Mon, Fri (2 PM onwards)
E x e / Weekdays: 10 AM - 3 PM, Saturday: 12 PM onwards, Sunday: 5 PM onwards (local times).
josephivann / Sat- Sun anytime, Monday- 4pm onwards, Tue not available, Wed 4pm-onwards, thurs = 7pm-10pm (local time).
Chara / Depends, usually 6:00 - 22:00 local time on weekends, little to no activity on weekdays
ParadiseParadox / available weekdays 7pm onwards, saturdays 1pm onwards, sunday 8am to 10pm (local time).
arcwinolivirus / Saturday - Sunday = around 7pm to 11 pm local time.
Shiro-neechan / Friday - Sunday = 1pm to 6pm local time.
kei101895 / Mon-Fri after 7 pm, Saturday after 5 pm, Sunday all day local time.
Jsee / Friday - Sunday after 5pm local time.
Niro- / Weekdays - 10:00 ~ 23:00, Weekends - 14:00 ~ 16:00 and 20:00 ~ 23:00 (local times).
trexex55 / Saturday 4-10pm, Sunday 11am-12am local time.
JooF12 / Tuesday & Thursday: 1pm-4:30 PM, Saturday & Sunday: 1pm-5PM (not sure if local time or UTC? Seems like UTC).
Domdee / Saturdays and Sundays.
-Kagi / Saturday - Sunday = around 7pm to 11pm local time.
JztCallMeRon / Available the whole day for weekends and for weekdays availability would be from 10pm-12mn (local time).
Djmon / Saturday and Sunday.
Edison / Saturdays all the time / Sundays 13:00 - 19:00 local time.
nullfathi / Prefer 4 pm to 9pm (UTC+8) Weekends: 3pm - 11pm
Aleppie / 9pm-1am local time preferred.
kaname-san92 / available from 6pm local time everyday. Free on Fridays.
N e o / 9pm-1am local time preferred.
[Xiiao]Ray / Friday and saturday around 6pm to 12am local time.
Neokje / Friday and Saturday around 4pm to 7pm and 10pm to 12am local time.
Kiritos_asp / 6pm-11.59 pm local time.
UchihaxHoNG / 8.30pm until 10.00pm local time.
Minisora / Everyday, preferably 9pm - 12am local time.
samuey123 / Fridays after 12pm, anytime weekends.
AkaXiiaoBii / weekends only.
InabaYap / Weekends 2pm - 4pm and 9pm onward except February 19 which is night only. Weekdays after 9pm (local times).
[Crz]ScSolAr / everyday after 9pm local time.
pikechu / weekends 12:00 to 21:00 local time.
DustMoon / Saturday and Sunday. Daytime only (local time).
CYL2 / Saturday-Sunday. 09:30~11:45 and 16:30~21:00 (local times).
Yellyfish / weekdays preferably 1pm-6pm. Free on weekends. If not my awake time is 10am-12am (local time).
Knif3rism / weekends preferred 1pm - 5pm, if you need to do it earlier I can also do 8pm - 11pm local time.
FrenzyLi / Sat-Sun, 15:30 - 00:00 local time.
RBolz_ / Saturday after 7pm and Sunday after 9 am until 5 pm local time.
tuandi / Every saturday 5pm sometimes 7pm and afternoon (local times).
InBigSister / 12pm to 1am local time.

(UTC+9) [3]
Cobo- / weekends only (February). Saturdays only (March).
cheetose / only Sunday before March 5th, weekends after March 5th.
PiraTom / weekends only.

(UTC+11) [3]
Spartan1_0_1 / every day from 11am to 10pm, except for half of the weekends, including Friday. (every other weekend)
PingLaw / weekends and Friday, from 6am-10am UTC (late evening AEDT).
Rek / Preferably weekends from 1pm-5pm, or 8pm-11pm. Late night Friday if needed (local time).

(UTC+13) [1]

VIII. Prizes
The winner receive this SOFT2 Champion profile badge!

(other prizes still to be determined… will at least be osu! supporter status)

IX. Credits

-Konner-: Special thanks for maintaining this particular post while I am away!
sinewave: Special thanks for designing the public discord icon!
Shoegazer: Special thanks for designing and making the statistics and results while helping me with organization and spreadsheet stuff! Really appreciated!
OsuMe65: Special thanks for designing the official skin for the tournament as well for the background picture and overall image edition for the tournament!

(very many more people will likely end up on this list later)



Playoffs Map Pool (Round of 128)

  1. Matsuda Akito - After After (Zenobian) [Grun's 4K HD]
  2. Ryu* - KOROBUSHKA ([Teleport]) [HD]
  3. Hideki Naganuma - Metal Scratchin' (XeoStyle) [Purple]
  4. Qrispy Joybox feat.mao - Umeyukiyo (Okazaki Ushio) [Hard]
  5. ginkiha - eastward (Rizqy) [1's Hyper]
  6. Porter Robinson - Flicker (Hydria) [SV Heaven]
  7. Camellia feat. Nana Takahashi - Mushi no Sumu Tokoro (Shiirn) [puxtu's HD]
  8. Blackmill - One (Oktawia) [Challenging]
  9. cillia - FIRST (juankristal) [HD]
  10. Tiebreaker : Gakuen Seikatsu Bu - Friend Shitai (FrenzyLi) [Reyzra's 4K Undead Wanderer]

Group Stage Map Pool

  1. Io - Lv.0 (Valedict) [Prelude]
  2. BanYa remixed by Synthwulf - Hypnosis (Synthwulf Mix) (Ryu Sei) [EX-Hard]
  3. Silent Siren - BANG!BANG!BANG! (short Ver.) (ALEFY) [MX (no SV)]
  4. Dachs - Soul In Call (ecafree2) [4K HD]
  5. Maxo - Plushlined (BilliumMoto) [Challenge]
  6. sakuzyo - After Altale (_underjoy) [End of a Journey]
  7. cosMo@BousouP - Oceanus (Abraxos) [Creek of Dreams]
  8. Jack Trammell - Lust For Power (Janko) [Power of SV]
  9. Expander - aura (AlisceaSparku) [4K ADVANCED]
  10. Tiebreaker : Infected Mushroom - Never Mind (XeoStyle) [Infected Mushrathon]

Round of 32 Map Pool
  1. Goreshit - Satori De Pon! (Loebad434) [MX]
  2. Riyu Kosaka - Baby's Tears (arcwinolivirus) [LNHD]
  3. D_VOR - dEKA (Tidek) [Edit]
  4. ARM - Mobbyca (_Stan) [MX]
  5. Izayoi - Night of Knights (Shoegazer) [Insane]
  6. The Chemical Brothers ft. Q-Tip - Galvanize (Beat Juggle) (Raspberriel) [Don't Hold Back]
  7. M4SONIC - Weapon (Live Launchpad Mashup) (ecafree2) [4K HD]
  8. goreshit - slavik goblins (stankill) [Quick Draw's MX]
  9. sasakure.UK - Puppet Theater of Twee-Box feat. Hatsune Miku (DE-CADE) [MX]
  10. PLight feat. mow2 - OVERDRIVERS (inteliser) [EXTREME [LN]]
  11. M2U - Quo Vadis (JamesHappy) [4K SC]
  12. Tiebreaker : ARM(IOSYS) feat. miko & kimu - OtaserRevolution (Long Version) (PiraTom) [REVOLUTION]

Round of 16 Map Pool
  1. kors k - Playing with Fire (Sota Fujimori Remix) (Sakura Kyoko) [Dancing Blaze]
  2. LeaF - Alice in Misanthrope -Ensei Alice- (lombit) [ALie's Wonderland SV]
  3. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Harajuku Iyahoi (short Ver.) (ALEFY) [I YA HOI !!! [NSV]]
  4. Smiley vs. hi19hi19 - Destiny GAMMA [Medium]
  5. lapix - Inner Spirit (eyes) [Shake]
  6. Yuchimaru - Bousou Lolita Holic (LeiN-) [PiraLeiN]
  7. werk - 1000 Years (Muu-chan) [HOST's 4K Extra]
  8. PiraTom - uno(IOSYS) - #FairyJoke #SDVX_Edit [LNFINITE]
  9. Jack Trammell - Compelled (Janko) [Unforced SV]
  10. Nightmare - Boulafacet (MasterSonic10) [SC]
  11. ZUN (arr. sun3) - Higan Retour -idling mix- (Shoegazer) [Sequencer]
  12. Tiebreaker : Ruby My Dear - 7CO (Pope Gadget) [4K R12]
Dropbox link: ... kOh2a?dl=0

Quarter Finals Map Pool
  1. Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Went Numb (Shoegazer) [Violence]
  2. KAN TAKAHIKO - NRG (Masayoshi Iimori Remix) (Daikyi) [sunn0glasses]
  3. SAMBA MASTER -SATOH- - Samba Land (Shoegazer) [Capoeira]
  4. Igorrr & Ruby My Dear - Biquette (Pope Gadget) [du Fromage]
  5. LeaF - Aleph-0 (jakads) [Cardinality]
  6. senya - Zenaku no Itadaki ni Aru Shinjitsu (souzirou1000) [EXH(LN)]
  7. Lily - Scarlet Rose (juankristal) [juanderjoy's Rose]
  8. Beat Mario (COOL&CREATE) - Akination (PiraTom) [NIGHTMARE]
  9. Chroma - Chroma Pack (Z3nx) [fly in the galaxy]
  10. nao - Symmetric generation (Raediaufar) [NEPGEAR]
  11. DJ Sharpnel - Cyber Induction (Houraisan-) [IcyWorld]
  12. Suimega - URA-2027 (Valedict) [ASTRAL]
  13. Culprate - Finger VIP (Parachor) [Trigger Finger]
  14. Tiebreaker : Camellia - Lunatic Rough Party!! (Long Ver.) (Ichigaki) [Lunatic]
Dropbox link: ... PiWFa?dl=0

Semi Finals Map Pool
  1. t+pazolite - faster! faster!! faster!!! (Daikyi) [Yahagi! Yahagi!! Yahagi!!!]
  2. 96Neko - Paintings? Oh, yeah. (juankristal) [PaiLNfull]
  3. t+pazolite - cheatreal (PiraTom) [TUTORIAL]
  4. goreshit - najimi breakers (Jepetski) [Sanitybreaker]
  5. Zedd - Clarity feat. Foxes (IOSYS uno DENPA remix) (_underjoy) [You're my LNAVITY]
  6. Nizikawa - Drop That (Ghettoblaster) v1.1 (Evening) [break-even]
  7. Rasu to Ruuku to Nanaki - ASTRO (underjoy) [SOFT LANDING]
  8. Lime - 8bit Adventurer (Daikyi) [Blast Off!]
  9. SHIKI - Pure Ruby (Julie) [Overloaded w/Kamikaze]
  10. Bonehead & Prince ov Darkness - We Fucking Hate You (For The Enemies) (Shoegazer) [Masochist]
  11. DET & Silantra - Luv Song (BilliumMoto) [<3]
  12. Nekomata Master - Funny Shuffle (Hydria) [Groove]
  13. ITSUHA. - SELEN - Reverse World -Extend Ver.- (Harbyter) [Reverse World]
  14. Tiebreaker - Camellia - Glitch Nerds (Evening) [NerdZ.]
Dropbox link: ... RHiaa?dl=0

Finals Map Pool
  1. Camellia - Nightmare of Hornets Squad (Valedict) [Breakdown]
  2. Sound Horizon - Raijin no Hidariude (-Kamikaze-) [Tempest w/ _underjoy]
  3. "((LMB)) - Buntan ~Falling in ""B"" mix~ (Tidek) [%UN%D3%R1%0Y]"
  4. IOYS ft. 3L - Miracle Hinacle (- A s u s a -) [4k hinacle style SV off]
  5. LeaF - Ikill (Daikyi) [ilikexd's]
  6. Susumu Hirasawa - SWITCHED-ON LOTUS (-Kamikaze-) [Black Lotus]
  7. LeaF - MEPHISTO (arcwinolivirus) [4K LN Massacre]
  8. YUC'e - MUDPIE (Flexo123) [HAPPYNATION]
  9. Hitori Tori - perthed again (yambabom remix) (TheToaphster) [yam ba bom]
  10. Susumu Hirasawa - Chaser (Wh1teh) [Wristjacker]
  11. Haunted Shores - The Spire (Valedict) [Warborn]
  12. Mick Gordon - Cyberdemon (Evening) [Lazarus]
  13. a_hisa - Cheshire's dance (TheToaphster) [LN Dancing]
  14. Street Sects - And I Grew into Ribbons (Pope Gadget) [Beyond help]
  15. Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Violation (Shoegazer) [Desecration]
  16. Tiebreaker - t+pazolite - do i smile (_underjoy) [guess]
Dropbox link: ... ZTU3a?dl=0

Grand Finals Map Pool
  1. gems - Gems Pack 14 - LN Master 6th (gemboyong) [[16]Felt - Other Side]
  2. TK from Ling tosite sigure - unravel (Shoegazer) [escapist]
  3. LV.4 - Angel dust (2016 Radio Mix) (Fullerene-) [Shift]
  4. Shiraishi - Millennium Queen (-Kamikaze-) [SHD NSV]
  5. Camellia - Backbeat Maniac (Evening) [Rewind VIP]
  6. Gareth Coker - Fleeing Kuro (Halogen-) [Horu]
  7. Camellia - INSANE INFLAME (Evening) [FINAL IGNITION]
  8. Various Artists - Cherry Blossoms and Broken Streams (Shoegazer) [(Marathon) Letters of Crime - Animatype (17+)]
  9. t+pazolite - Buggy Desolation (Daikyi) [Buggy]
  10. Kobaryo - Kumo no Kireme {ft. Kourin.} (10Dollar Presents) [Extra]
  11. t+pazolite feat. Rizna - Unlimited Spark! (remake) (_underjoy) [Prism]
  12. -45 - EXILE (snoverpk) [-BLACK HOLE-]
  13. Terminal11 - Adcar (Shoegazer but actually samurai7694) [Extra]
  14. Round Wave Crusher & KafkaType - Am I Scary (Tidek) [Wrong Answer]
  15. T+Pazolite - Electric Butterfly (arcwinolivirus) [4K LN 'Luminous Wings' Arc]
  16. Tiebreaker - Camellia - I Can Fly In The Universe (Evening) [Schizophrenia]
Dropbox link: ... hhZJa?dl=0




If you want to help and take part of SOFT as a staff member you can now send your application by clicking here and completing the form. Remember that applicating for a staff position doesnt mean you cant play in the tournament as only the map selectors arent allowed to play.

Here's an invite to the SOFT2 public discord server!
four keys players love you!!
Topic Starter
I would love to have this time until the qualifiers to have some sort of discussions here for the players looking to join.

For example, what do you think about using scorev2 on this one, as well as a potentially HR bracket? Which changes would you guys make compared to last year? Everything counts.
HR bracket could be an interesting addition to this tournament and might give some lower level players with good accuracy a fighting chance against upper players, but you might want to increase the overall deviation of difficulty from the lower and upper bounds of the pool to make it fair to both sides. I'm personally indifferent either way.
petition to have pettanko play side tourney
If 33 players enter, the lowest individual gets eliminated and the top 32 go on.

Imagine being that one guy....
I am setting aside my thesis writing schedule for this one.
Win by default man is here to take the title

how about we get "more" pools (a.k.a DT, HR) everytime the tournament move foward to the next stage?

example :
R1 = only nomod
R2 = nomod, HR
R3 = nomod, DT
R4 = nomod HR, DT
R5 = etc?

Just a suggestion though ..
Topic Starter

ArcherLove wrote:

how about we get "more" pools (a.k.a DT, HR) everytime the tournament move foward to the next stage?

example :
R1 = only nomod
R2 = nomod, HR
R3 = nomod, DT
R4 = nomod HR, DT
R5 = etc?

Just a suggestion though ..
We are considering having something like this but mostly just for HR as we believe that DT can be replaced with just faster maps.
Something that I would like to address from my previous structure:

Qualification stages: 4 song map-pool, no winning condition, no tiebreaker.
Rounds until Round of 16: 9 song map-pool, best of 7 (first to 4), one tiebreaker song
Round of 16/quarter-finals: 11 song map-pool, best of 9 (first to 5), one tiebreaker song
Semi-finals: 13 song map-pool, best of 11 (first to 6), one tiebreaker song
Finals and Grand Finals: 15 song map-pool, best of 13 (first to 7), one tiebreaker song
This was from my previous tournament, and I would like to point out that, in retrospect, this is somewhat of a flawed structure (kinda realized this after having a discussion about something like this w/ Loctav). It gives substantial importance to the result of something completely random - the opening roll. The first ban and first pick order being determined is fine because it doesn't really change much: the first two songs are going to happen no matter what. However, this list here that states how many songs the mappool is also includes the tiebreaker. This means that rounds prior to round of 16 are 8 songs + one tiebreaker, round of 16/QF = 10 songs + one tiebreaker, etc.

The previous intent was to guarantee that the mappool got entirely exhausted in a situation where the tiebreaker is invoked; this actually comes with a more serious detriment though - the loser of the roll does not get to pick their final song in a situation where they're one point away from tiebreaker.

- In Bo7 where the score is 3-2 in a 9 song mappool, where one of those 9 songs is a tiebreaker, players will have banned 2 of the 8 pickable songs to leave only 6 remaining, and five songs will have been played, leaving the player in the deficit with absolutely no choice in how they want to respond to take their final point.

- Bo9: 4-3 in 11 song mappool with one being tiebreaker, players will have banned 2 out of 10, leaving only 8 remaining, and 7 will have been played, exact same scenario.

The solution is simple: simply extend every pool by one song (or disregard the tiebreaker from the mappool count).
That is something I can get behind, good idea.
Topic Starter
Alright, the "IV. Tournament Organization" section has been reworked and we hope you all guys like it!

Right now we just mostly have to decide between having:

A) HR bracket in the map pool from Group Stage to Grand Finals.
B) Adding one map to each one of the map pools (making the size of them 1 map bigger)
C) Using a "ping-pong" system for the pick/ban phase.

For the last one which seems to be the harder one to understand let me explain it a little bit:

The "ping-pong" system for picking and banning attempts to nullify a bit the advantages of the roll. We all know that winning a roll makes you pick first and ban second and banning second is always better than banning first because your oponent might end up banning the song you wanted to ban in the first place, leaving you another ban to work with. So what does the "ping-pong" system do? Its quite simple.

The advantage of winning the roll will still be the same but, as it is on ping-pong itself, if you are at MATCH POINT (which means you are 1 point away of taking the match) you can NO LONGER pick maps and your oponent will pick for the rest of the match. With a map pool of a bigger size as proposed this will "technically speaking" add a ban in favour of those who lose the roll because if they are loosing by a match point then they have the choice to play all the remaining maps leaving 1 particular one aside. We want to do some testing with this system but we also want to know what you guys think about it as it was an interesting idea that spawned in the discord server.

Also, for those who arent in the public discord server I invite you all to take part of it and talk about this if you dont want to post in the forums. It is once again the same as last year so here is the link for it:
: o)
The ping-pong system sounds very interesting!
Thinking back through the logic of the ping pong system, it's more of an overall match balancer - It makes breaks (where you win your opponent's pick) less of a jump ahead, and makes it closer to a step I think. I don't think it's going to have a massive impact on matches that don't go either way, however it in general will make closer matches much closer. This is important where rolls in these close matches can really determine the upper hand for the entire match.

basically, in matches where expected to sweep, rolls don't really matter, and the ping pong pick doesn't really impact anything given the one player's superiority in the given mappool.
In matches where it's completely up in the air, there's less of a chance of one player managing to win all their picks off of a good roll, being able to ban second and pick first. If one player gets to match point, it's much less likely that the match just ends with them picking another song that they're strong at - the other player will be able to exercise the "extra ban" that will happen at the end if it comes to tiebreaker. this even makes it closer if the player losing the roll is slightly stronger, the extra tiny pick advantage will go to the weaker player

actual tl;dr
ping pong pick makes matches closer inherently, which is cool because #tiebreakerHype
"ping pong" system will only destroy one basic strategy I always use in matches, using strongest pick for a match point to dont let player any chance for picking another maps and win the entire match.

Remember that ping pong and matches on SOFT2 are different, matches on SOFT2 are not concluded by set points and in ping pong serves are sticked to one player untill the match point where the serve goes to second player, thats why it works in ping pong game. In osu!mania tournament, getting right to pick a map changes every round, letting a losing player pick every map while match point is pretty bad idea in my opinion that destroy some part of strategy aspects and its made only to give stream watchers more "exciting" matches.

As a spectator, its a good idea and people will probably like it.
As a player, It will be pretty annoying and can make final result of some matches pretty "unfair" (imagine that you are on match point 4:2, opponent pick and he wins a map, we have 4:3, in normal system you should pick a map right now but ping pong system doesnt let you, 2 maps left, on one of them you feel stronger, buy your opponent obviously pick another one and win it, 4:4 tiebreaker and unfortunately you are losing it and lose the entire match, isnt it frustrating?)
I can help with reffing if still needed c:

Eiuh wrote:

I can help with reffing if still needed c:
There's an application form for signing up to be part of the staff. It's under XIII. Staff Applications (second post in the thread).

Here's a link anyway if you want to sign up:

Tidek wrote:

"ping pong" system will only destroy one basic strategy I always use in matches, using strongest pick for a match point to dont let player any chance for picking another maps and win the entire match.

Remember that ping pong and matches on SOFT2 are different, matches on SOFT2 are not concluded by set points and in ping pong serves are sticked to one player untill the match point where the serve goes to second player, thats why it works in ping pong game. In osu!mania tournament, getting right to pick a map changes every round, letting a losing player pick every map while match point is pretty bad idea in my opinion that destroy some part of strategy aspects and its made only to give stream watchers more "exciting" matches.

As a spectator, its a good idea and people will probably like it.
As a player, It will be pretty annoying and can make final result of some matches pretty "unfair" (imagine that you are on match point 4:2, opponent pick and he wins a map, we have 4:3, in normal system you should pick a map right now but ping pong system doesnt let you, 2 maps left, on one of them you feel stronger, buy your opponent obviously pick another one and win it, 4:4 tiebreaker and unfortunately you are losing it and lose the entire match, isnt it frustrating?)
It puts more emphasis on the "better player" actually being the better player. If they're in the lead and can't withstand an onslaught of a comeback from a player who is behind, they likely shouldn't be winning the match in the first place. In an ideal situation, the ping-pong structure actually mitigates scenarios where players fluke a win or two that they shouldn't have to bring them to match point and forces them to actually prove they deserve to win by nullifying any sort of guaranteed picks.

As mentioned before, blow-outs won't be affected. Sweeps will still be sweeps under most circumstances (the only time this could be different is for SV maps, where the odd situation of a player not practicing could arise), blowouts will still be blowouts, but close matches will favor players that are generally more consistent - players who fluke their wins will eventually start to slip up and that hole in their consistency can (and should) be exploited.

Tidek wrote:

"ping pong" system will only destroy one basic strategy I always use in matches, using strongest pick for a match point to dont let player any chance for picking another maps and win the entire match.

Remember that ping pong and matches on SOFT2 are different, matches on SOFT2 are not concluded by set points and in ping pong serves are sticked to one player untill the match point where the serve goes to second player, thats why it works in ping pong game. In osu!mania tournament, getting right to pick a map changes every round, letting a losing player pick every map while match point is pretty bad idea in my opinion that destroy some part of strategy aspects and its made only to give stream watchers more "exciting" matches.

As a spectator, its a good idea and people will probably like it.
As a player, It will be pretty annoying and can make final result of some matches pretty "unfair" (imagine that you are on match point 4:2, opponent pick and he wins a map, we have 4:3, in normal system you should pick a map right now but ping pong system doesnt let you, 2 maps left, on one of them you feel stronger, buy your opponent obviously pick another one and win it, 4:4 tiebreaker and unfortunately you are losing it and lose the entire match, isnt it frustrating?)
You can easily just pick your strongest song first instead of saving it then?
also, yes strategy is part of the pick phase of matches, but like

are you that worried about this ever happening? the matches that you get to match point immediately, you're almost 100% expected to come out on top.

if you're at match point and manage to lose every single map until the tiebreaker, then the match should go to tiebreaker. If you modify your "strategy" appropriately then that logic still stands. It doesn't eliminate any part of strategy aspects, it changes it. You're saying that only because your particular strategy is being removed as good. The other "strategy" if you're willing to call that tiny bit of picking "strategy" just becomes the better strategy. You can still save your strongest pick if you want, it'll just be a bad strategy

in all, in my opinion, your complaints are kinda resonating as "I'm worried about losing"
Topic Starter
Given some personal things I will have to open the sign ups one day earlier (shouldn't be a big deal). The end of the period of sign ups will stay the same.
Topic Starter
Sorry for the double post but sign ups are now officially open! To list yourself into the tournament specify in a reply here your timezone (UTC) and specific availability that you think we should know. List your username and country too.

Have fun and we hope you enjoy it!
First. In.

Username: Halogen-
UTC -5, weekends fine - 9 PM local time and later preferred but not a requirement. Cannot do matches from 8 PM to 9 PM.
LightDreamer from Canada (land of poutine) -5 UTC, always available!

Username: Raveille
Country: Singapore
Timezone: UTC+8
Availability: Prefer 1pm to 9pm (UTC+8) Will not be free before 10am and after 11pm.
Ok fine I'll join this

UTC -5, weekends only (Friday included for now), any times later than 3 PM are preferred. Cannot do matches between 3 PM and 7 PM on Sundays.
UTC+8 Saturday/Sunday 17:00 to 22:00


Edit: Hi page 3
ayy i'll join

Monday to Thursday - 8pm-10pm
Friday to Saturday - 5pm-11pm
Sunday - 5pm-9pm
stupud man
iJinjin (list as stupud man if possible) USA


between 5PM and 12AM on fridays
between 12PM and 12AM on saturdays
between 12PM and 9PM on sundays

PH (UTC+8)
friday 10am - 12nn / 1pm - 6pm
sat 12nn - 2pm / 5pm - 7pm / 7:30pm - 9pm
sun unpredictable availability. Best not to schedule me at this day
mon 10am - 12nn / 1pm - 7pm / 7:30pm - 9pm
haha yolo

Country: Brexit
Timezone: UTC+Brexit
Availability: Usually available most times except for 12pm->3pm every other saturday starting this saturday aka yesterday yeah ik it's weird this might change though
Sign me upppp

PST timezone, won't be able to play weekdays, username FakeCJ Country murica
Username: Lotarr
Country: United States
Timezone: UTC -5
Availability: Any time Monday - Thursday, Until 6pm on Friday, and After 7pm on Sunday (local times).
Username: P3Prod1
Country: USA
Timezone: UTC -5
Availability: Any day except Thursdays. Preferably any time between 7AM and 11PM local time.
Mentai Cosmic
Username: inverselina
Timezone: UTC +8
Country: Philippines
Availability: anytime
Username: OrienST8
Country: SG
Timezone: UTC +8
Availability: Weekends full available. Saturday -> Preferred Timeslot, after 7pm. Sunday -> Preferred Timeslot, after 4pm. [ not free from 9am-2pm ]
Ready to win by default again

User: Adiopulse
Country: USA (i want Latvia tho ;-;)
Timezone: -8 UTC Pacific (West Coast Best Coast!)
My Time: Free any day, unless track meets get in the way which I will communicate about

Username: princesswell
Coutry: Finland
Timezone: +2UTC
Availability: Should be free all the time
Username: SomeKidAtSchool
Timezone: UTC+8
Country: Philippines

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 9:30pm
Wednesday - 4:00pm to 9:00pm
Saturday, Sunday - 5:00pm

(Preferred day is Wednesday and Saturday)
High quality memes this year? xdddddd

Username: RemiFlan
Still in Trumpland, USA.
Timezone: UTC -6
Any time works except for 7-11PM on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, or sunday because i still play wow for some reason

Username: SitekX
Country: Poland
Timezone: UTC+1
I can play on Saturday and Sunday from 1PM to 11PM

Edit: changed 12PM to 11PM because i missclicked lol
Want to register

Username : WooodZ
Country : France
Timezone : UTC+1
I can play on Week-End + everyday at 8:00 pm to 1:00 am
Sign me up

Username: vapero
Country: Finland
Timezone: UTC +2

"Matches will be played on Saturday and Sunday, with the potential exception of the qualifier stage, which may need a Friday run depending on availability."
No problems
Fine, maybe I can join.

Username : RemFangirl
Country : Indonesia
Timezone : UTC +7

I have a random timeplay, but most likely I can play on nighttimes. Hopefully I am there. qwq
I'm in! owo

Username: Herkkupala
Country: Finland
Timezone: UTC +2
Availability: Should be fine.
Like, sure.

Username: sparxe
Country: New Zealand
Timezone: UTC+13

Fairly available on weekends when I'm not asleep.
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