SPOILER12/11/2016 Cursortrail not center fixed, add blank rankingpanel@2x for ???
12/16/2016 Replace old cursors, fix weird hitcircleoverlay, change appoarchcircle
12/19/2016 Change menu button background
Mass change STD gameplay
Change all cursors
12/19/2016 Change reversearrow
Change ranking panel
Change spinner
Update Preview images
- Change 100 300 50
- Move ai-chan (or ely?) alittle bit in ranking panel
- Change default font
- Change spinner
11:00AM fĩx edgy hitcircle overlay
10:25PM change score, change 100 300 50, add shadow to hitcircleoverlay
add follow point from Plz enjoy game
- Change ranking-small
- Make hitcircle a bit bigger
- New handmade cursor (Anglesim tryment?)
- New inputoverlay
- update review screenshots
- hmm? ah new star2 and no longer use plz enjoy game follow point too
- change slider border color
- new high quality handmade cursor(s), pls check it out~
- make default number abit bigger
- hmm, nothing rightnow
12/19/2016 Change menu button background
Mass change STD gameplay
Change all cursors
12/19/2016 Change reversearrow
Change ranking panel
Change spinner
Update Preview images
- Change 100 300 50
- Move ai-chan (or ely?) alittle bit in ranking panel
- Change default font
- Change spinner
11:00AM fĩx edgy hitcircle overlay
10:25PM change score, change 100 300 50, add shadow to hitcircleoverlay
add follow point from Plz enjoy game

- Change ranking-small
- Make hitcircle a bit bigger
- New handmade cursor (Anglesim tryment?)
- New inputoverlay
- update review screenshots
- hmm? ah new star2 and no longer use plz enjoy game follow point too
- change slider border color
- new high quality handmade cursor(s), pls check it out~
- make default number abit bigger
- hmm, nothing rightnow
Hitsound custom https://puu.sh/sIE9m/74ac2e14ce.rar
Update SD elements thanks https://osu.ppy.sh/u/7696512 from Osu Viet Nam fanclub!(lol): https://goo.gl/d23QPo
Better SD elements by -Redya- thanks you so much! UPDATE 12/31/2016 : https://puu.sh/t5YQh/b999394409.osk
Hitsound custom https://puu.sh/sIE9m/74ac2e14ce.rar
SPOILERAll element from the main game, so thanks RASK SOFT!
Also thanks Garin and Kumori, -redya- et Plz enjoy game
Also thanks Garin and Kumori, -redya- et Plz enjoy game