I wasn't always wondrous being i am today, in fact i come from prosaic beginnings and life on the banal hamlet where i grew up while being aberrant was tough i had to learn how to...
Heh, excuse mee...
i like stuff that befit of myself, and my wonderrific personality i am male, is this something? i am straight, don't be discouraged i like cats, i don't have nor wants them i like ducks, they keep my family's economy running (ducks sole redeeming quality) i like broccoli, broccoli is good (please don't disagree!)
Not every day goes by without casually regretting my dream of becoming a teacher which i mold myself into, what would compel me to do such a thing?, to soar people to an intellect that nearly rivals my own? heh every so often i find myself punished for the overwhelming amount of kindness i show to others, especially that is one distinctly vivid (and i profoundly envied) ability that i lack in my repertoire ironic, such is the way of the benevolent Dustytuft and for that reason i find it hard to say something negative about myself
but i'll do it anyway, i knew myself best heh
Dustytuft is a slacker who, while impressively smart is consistently fails to live up my expectations, i had flaws? regrettably so. but whatever small stains is so negligible, trivial, petty not worth remembering
Not sure you'd want to be literate in my grand inmost soul of my sincerity maybe however, you're quite honestly just wasting your time. You silly time-waster, you