
jioyi - Platinum [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter

erlinadewi- wrote:

Hi Rivals M4M :D

4K 1|2|3|4

[Normal Lv.8]
00:30:761 (30761|2,31091|3) - coba diswap, lebih enak
00:35:211 (35211|3,35211|2) - keknya single note cukup nope, loudnya sama kayak - 00:35:706 (35706|2,35706|3) -
01:16:750 (76750|3) - col 1? subjective reason. i think its fine as it is
02:09:332 (129332|0) - col 2 ^

[Hard Lv.12]
00:01:915 (1915|2,2080|3) - ctrl g?
00:27:794 (27794|2) - col 4
01:10:321 (70321|2) - col 1 biar rapi wkwkwk
01:12:629 (72629|1,72959|3) - swap? fix it differently
01:25:816 (85816|1,86145|0) - ^ nope, pitch relevancies
01:46:915 (106915|3) - col 2

[Insane Lv.14]
00:01:420 (1420|1,1585|2) - swap still prefer like this
00:03:233 (3233|1,3398|0) - ^
how about 00:16:091 (16091|3) - move to 1 00:16:173 (16173|0) - 3 00:16:255 (16255|2) - 1 - 00:15:926 (15926|3,15926|2,16008|1,16091|3,16173|0,16255|2,16255|3) - this alternating pattern was intended, so no change sorry :<

Dah segitu aja. udah bgus bmnya owo)b

Goodluck ya~
Thx for Mod :D :D
no reply=fixed

Mod here.

column.. you already know right?


- there's an un-necessary silent part on kick hitsound.. here's the cut-ed version

- turn off the Widescreen if you arn't use any Story board

- i think this'll help you for the Tags


- 00:22:189 (22189|0,22189|1,22519|3,22849|1,23178|2,23508|0,23838|3,24167|1) - hmm... i like the way you do the LN for the wub part. but i'm afraid it's not executed properly. how about something like this? , the reason are making simple rhythm for new player without ruining the Hype on this part

- 00:36:695 (36695|2,37025|0) - how about... following the Synt. instead? the current pattern are good tbh. but it might confuse the new player since you do the LN for drumroll here 00:37:025 (37025|0) - while the actual drumroll start here 00:36:695 (36695|2) - this are my suggestion for LN on that part

- 00:47:244 (47244|1,47492|3,47739|2,47986|0,48233|1,48398|3,48728|0,48893|1,48893|2) - how about something like this?

- 01:29:937 (89937|1,90101|2,90266|1) - not really a wise move to skip the 1/4 synth here.. 01:30:266 (90266|1) - how about delete this instead? and choose

make a 1/1 LN from this note 01:30:101 (90101|2) -


only delete 01:30:266 (90266|1) -

- 02:12:052 (132052|0,132299|2,132464|1) - this are really confusing tbh.. 02:12:299 (132299|2) - delete this so the new player could focus in the Bass here 02:12:464 (132464|1) -

* NM

- same problem on the Wub part (same timing too so you can check the EZ's mod for this

- 00:56:805 (56805|2,57134|2,57464|2) - spread this please.. make it right handed only will do

- 00:39:992 (39992|3) - whoa... wth sudden 1/2.. move it please~

- 01:30:266 (90266|0) - same problem with EZ. you could check it there

* HD

- 00:05:376 (5376|0,5706|0,6036|0) - i don't see any reason on why you put this Note here.. can you explain me??

- 00:06:365 (6365|0,6365|1) - till 00:14:112 (14112|2,14112|1) - , it's pretty weird imo. you use a simple-jack-pattern in hd like this.. but you use an anti-Jack-pattern-that--only-makes-it-hard-to-read. how about using only single note on NM to make it simpler and easier to read ?

- 00:15:926 (15926|0,15926|1,16091|3,16255|2,16255|1,16420|0,16585|3,16585|1) - it's hard difficulty. so it's safe to map those drumrolls, just use the simple and readable patern for that drumroll

- 00:19:552 (19552|3) - this LN only makes it un-necessary difficult. change it to Note, so the player can focus on the Bass with additional of this 00:19:882 (19882|2) - sound

- 00:21:530 (21530|2) - not make a LN like this? 00:20:871 (20871|2) - i suggest.. you do it

- 00:21:860 (21860|2) - ^

- the drumroll start here 00:36:695 (36695|1,36695|0) -


i'll be strict with the snapping

- 00:01:667 - i still hear a sound here

- 00:06:530 - 00:06:777 - 00:07:025 - 00:07:272 - 00:07:849 - 00:08:096 - 00:08:343 - 00:08:591 - 00:09:167 - 00:09:415 - 00:09:662 - 00:09:909 - and so.. intended? if yes. why you map this part then 00:10:156 - , it have same sound like the part that i mention.

- 00:27:629 (27629|1) - and all similar sound as this. it use 2 sound.. not one...

except this 00:28:618 (28618|2) - 00:31:255 (31255|1) - 00:33:893 (33893|0) - 00:36:530 (36530|0) -

- 01:12:134 (72134|1) - care to explain me why you use only 1 note here? i hear it same as the synth below.. from loudness and type of sound

- 01:37:684 (97684|1,97849|2) - Not make it Double?

- 01:40:239 (100239|2) - i dont see any reason of why you put this note here...

ok. mod done

for Special... the mod are almost same as Insane. especialy the double synth part
Topic Starter

Aste- wrote:


Mod here.

column.. you already know right?


- there's an un-necessary silent part on kick hitsound.. here's the cut-ed version I stole this from Anemoi lol. i thought it'll be fine xD, anyways, thanks :D

- turn off the Widescreen if you arn't use any Story board

- i think this'll help you for the Tags


- 00:22:189 (22189|0,22189|1,22519|3,22849|1,23178|2,23508|0,23838|3,24167|1) - hmm... i like the way you do the LN for the wub part. but i'm afraid it's not executed properly. how about something like this? , the reason are making simple rhythm for new player without ruining the Hype on this part hmm fair point. fixed

- 00:36:695 (36695|2,37025|0) - how about... following the Synt. instead? the current pattern are good tbh. but it might confuse the new player since you do the LN for drumroll here 00:37:025 (37025|0) - while the actual drumroll start here 00:36:695 (36695|2) - this are my suggestion for LN on that part alrite, fixed it quite differently

- 00:47:244 (47244|1,47492|3,47739|2,47986|0,48233|1,48398|3,48728|0,48893|1,48893|2) - how about something like this? rearranged by my own

- 01:29:937 (89937|1,90101|2,90266|1) - not really a wise move to skip the 1/4 synth here.. 01:30:266 (90266|1) - how about delete this instead? and choose

make a 1/1 LN from this note 01:30:101 (90101|2) -


only delete 01:30:266 (90266|1) - actually all of - 01:29:937 (89937|1,90101|2,90266|1,90431|3,90596|0) - is the part of the foreground noise which is more noticeable. I dont think this will be difficult for beginner

- 02:12:052 (132052|0,132299|2,132464|1) - this are really confusing tbh.. 02:12:299 (132299|2) - delete this so the new player could focus in the Bass here 02:12:464 (132464|1) -

* NM

- same problem on the Wub part (same timing too so you can check the EZ's mod for this I'm layered the both synth and kick here. unlike easy

- 00:56:805 (56805|2,57134|2,57464|2) - spread this please.. make it right handed only will do uhh i dont really see this is a problem. the distance is also quite far, the kick seems occured on the same pitch too

- 00:39:992 (39992|3) - whoa... wth sudden 1/2.. move it please~ move where o_O?? I see this shielding pattern is quite proper to use tho.

- 01:30:266 (90266|0) - same problem with EZ. you could check it there same reason as well

* HD

- 00:05:376 (5376|0,5706|0,6036|0) - i don't see any reason on why you put this Note here.. can you explain me?? the notes representing the sound that could be seen in Insane and Special. #1 note is a loud synth #2 start of the synth roll noise #3 end of synth roll + long noise. I think its fine since they're noticeable

- 00:06:365 (6365|0,6365|1) - till 00:14:112 (14112|2,14112|1) - , it's pretty weird imo. you use a simple-jack-pattern in hd like this.. but you use an anti-Jack-pattern-that--only-makes-it-hard-to-read. how about using only single note on NM to make it simpler and easier to read ? if the distance between thos bass are 4/4, i'll make it jack. if its 2/4, i'll make it on the different column. just my reason to easily avoid minijacking. also, idk where can i put the LN, there's no long noise there (hard diff man, its should be hard right? xD

- 00:15:926 (15926|0,15926|1,16091|3,16255|2,16255|1,16420|0,16585|3,16585|1) - it's hard difficulty. so it's safe to map those drumrolls, just use the simple and readable patern for that drumroll

- 00:19:552 (19552|3) - this LN only makes it un-necessary difficult. change it to Note, so the player can focus on the Bass with additional of this 00:19:882 (19882|2) - sound There's an elevating feeling on it, doesnt really affect player too much and it makes the SN you highlighted more noticeable. call this is just my personal preference but nothing feels off on it.

- 00:21:530 (21530|2) - not make a LN like this? 00:20:871 (20871|2) - i suggest.. you do it

- 00:21:860 (21860|2) - ^ ^ nope, i dont want anymore shielding on it. One shield on the start of the noise is enough

- the drumroll start here 00:36:695 (36695|1,36695|0) -


i'll be strict with the snapping

- 00:01:667 - i still hear a sound here

- 00:06:530 - 00:06:777 - 00:07:025 - 00:07:272 - 00:07:849 - 00:08:096 - 00:08:343 - 00:08:591 - 00:09:167 - 00:09:415 - 00:09:662 - 00:09:909 - and so.. intended? if yes. why you map this part then 00:10:156 - , it have same sound like the part that i mention. pay attention to the distance between those triples. also to make it easily noticeable than Special

- 00:27:629 (27629|1) - and all similar sound as this. it use 2 sound.. not one... Intended, because the distance between each sound is too close and make it sequentive 1/4 notes is quite awkward when played while the most noticeable thing here is a kick and bass

except this 00:28:618 (28618|2) - 00:31:255 (31255|1) - 00:33:893 (33893|0) - 00:36:530 (36530|0) - They are exactly the same o_O i dont get what makes it different >.>

- 01:12:134 (72134|1) - care to explain me why you use only 1 note here? i hear it same as the synth below.. from loudness and type of sound Pay attention again with the distance ahead of it. its 1/2 so it'll creates minijack. since this part is kinda calm, I'm trying to avoid minijack as possible

- 01:37:684 (97684|1,97849|2) - Not make it Double?

- 01:40:239 (100239|2) - i dont see any reason of why you put this note here... There's still sound there

ok. mod done

for Special... the mod are almost same as Insane. especialy the double synth part
Thanks for mod :D :D
No reply=fixed

Mod request from where.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

- 00:21:860 (21860|2) - move to 4
- 01:20:376 (80376|2) - move to 1
- 01:20:541 (80541|1) - move to 4
- 00:04:882 (4882|1) - remove, suara yg gini sebelumnya cmn 1 note
- 00:05:706 (5706|0,6036|0) - remove, ghost'-'
- 00:13:618 (13618|0,13618|3,13865|3,13865|0) - sama 00:14:112 (14112|1,14112|2) - msh 1bagian, not recommend. mending 00:14:112 (14112|2,14112|1) - disamain sama 00:13:865 (13865|3,13865|0) - , 00:14:277 (14277|0) - removed, from 00:14:112 - rearrage lyk
- 00:20:871 (20871|2) - single note ae
- 00:24:992 (24992|2,25321|2,25651|1,25981|1,26310|2,26640|2) - ghost?'-'
- 00:56:475 - ini sama kyk yg 00:14:112 - :)
- 00:59:442 (59442|0,59772|2,60101|0,60761|3,61091|0,61420|2) - dll ghost? ato dikasih hitson disini leugha'-'
- 01:17:739 (77739|3,77904|2) - ctrl j
- 01:20:376 (80376|2) - move to 1
- 01:23:508 - add 2 note
- 01:26:145 - add 1 note
- 01:28:783 - add 2 note
- 01:29:277 - add 1 note
Maaf kaa mod nya dikit, hengset nye tinggalan wkwk. GLHF :)
Topic Starter

yuleee wrote:

Mod request from where.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

- 00:21:860 (21860|2) - move to 4 nope, same pitch as notes below
- 01:20:376 (80376|2) - move to 1 These are intended for pitch relevancy so nope sorry :<
- 01:20:541 (80541|1) - move to 4 ^
- 00:04:882 (4882|1) - remove, suara yg gini sebelumnya cmn 1 note hmm consider this
- 00:05:706 (5706|0,6036|0) - remove, ghost'-' #1st note = synth roll start #2nd note=synth roll end + long noise (liat insane sama special)
- 00:13:618 (13618|0,13618|3,13865|3,13865|0) - sama 00:14:112 (14112|1,14112|2) - msh 1bagian, not recommend. mending 00:14:112 (14112|2,14112|1) - disamain sama 00:13:865 (13865|3,13865|0) - , 00:14:277 (14277|0) - removed, from 00:14:112 - rearrage lyk Hmm enggak deh soalnya xD, LN nya pengen tetep disitu kan lagunya ada semacam "elevating feel" on it xD
- 00:20:871 (20871|2) - single note ae Normal aja pake LN :>
- 00:24:992 (24992|2,25321|2,25651|1,25981|1,26310|2,26640|2) - ghost?'-' faint kick, listen closely at 50%
- 00:56:475 - ini sama kyk yg 00:14:112 - :)
- 00:59:442 (59442|0,59772|2,60101|0,60761|3,61091|0,61420|2) - dll ghost? ato dikasih hitson disini leugha'-' ini sebenernya synth lho cuma densitynya dikurangin dari insane
- 01:17:739 (77739|3,77904|2) - ctrl j nope, - 01:17:574 (77574|3,77739|3) - <- these are on the same pitch
- 01:20:376 (80376|2) - move to 1 Nope. pitch relevancy
- 01:23:508 - add 2 note Sebenernya ini semua ngikutin melody, saya gk ngemap bass disini :>
- 01:26:145 - add 1 note
- 01:28:783 - add 2 note
- 01:29:277 - add 1 note
Maaf kaa mod nya dikit, hengset nye tinggalan wkwk. GLHF :)
Thx for mod :D
No reply=accepted

sori telat banget ngurusin banyak map h3h3

sebelum w ke pattern.
HS nya delay ms nya lebih dari 0.5 dan itu unrankable.
jadi td udh w benerin semua HS nya nanti tinggal direplace sama yang lama
link new HS :

ok menuju ke pattern. telat banget w, udah banyak yang dimention jadi dikit doang ye di pattern. maafkan
feel free to reject


00:37:684 - ini kenapa gak dobel kek ini 01:51:530 - . kan sama2 buat transisi ke kiai. mending dobel aja

00:58:123 - sama 00:58:618 - add 1 buat suara snare. soalnya di section itu yang dilayer suara snare terus.

01:22:684 (82684|2,82849|1) - direarrange lagi soalnya mereka pitchnya beda sama 01:22:025 (82025|2,82354|1) - jadi gak dapet feelnya kalo dibentuk polanya kek 01:22:025 (82025|2,82354|1) - . just imo

daripada kosong mending 01:32:244 - add ln sampe 01:33:398 - buat skip streamnya dan ngelayer bassnya.. aku denger bass dikit si sampe situ

01:34:882 - same reason. sampe 01:36:036 -

01:46:420 - add 1 buat nutupin stream drum di situ

02:09:744 - sama 02:08:343 - missing snare. di add 1 kan drtd yang dilayer di 1/2 . kalo bolong malah gak enak. apalagi kalo dibarengi LN. kebih enak di add aja si imo.

00:24:497 (24497|2) - nih LN outstanding sih. tp gimana ya.. terlalu tiba2 menurut w. mending hapus aja. gaada LN kek gitu sampe akhir.

dah bagus lah yg ini

00:36:777 (36777|2,36942|1) - ghostnote..

00:36:777 (36777|2,36942|1) - saran . ngikutin kek punyamu yg 01:50:376 (110376|2,110541|1) -

dah segitu aja
sori dikit 3hh33h
no kds kalo gak diapply
Heelo NM here :3

Langsung aja yaa , nih short mod ~

Insane Lv.14 :
00:36:860 (36860|2,37025|2) - move 1 nambahin sedikit variasi aja :3
00:37:437 (37437|1) - move ke 4 kalo mod di atas di apply
Special Lv.16 :
01:41:640 - jujur dari sini sampe sini 01:48:893 - agak ngebosenin liatnya , di kasi variasi zigzag aja ? atau ganti isi LN di tengah (?)
asli bingung mau mod apa , soalnya hampir semua pattern dah rapih , masih blom terlalu ahli checking juga , cuma bisa ngasih saran variasi doang @@

Completed :3
no kudos if not help

Thank you for requesting , and feel free to request again on my Queue

Good Luck for rank :3
Topic Starter

doykyoto wrote:


sori telat banget ngurusin banyak map h3h3

sebelum w ke pattern.
HS nya delay ms nya lebih dari 0.5 dan itu unrankable.
jadi td udh w benerin semua HS nya nanti tinggal direplace sama yang lama
link new HS :
wait a sec, pas gue check di audacity gak ada yg delay :/ also. sizenya malah nambah gede :u

buset dah :v

ok menuju ke pattern. telat banget w, udah banyak yang dimention jadi dikit doang ye di pattern. maafkan
feel free to reject


00:37:684 - ini kenapa gak dobel kek ini 01:51:530 - . kan sama2 buat transisi ke kiai. mending dobel aja disitu udh terlanjur ada LN end :u. gk enak kalo ada stacking di Easy

00:58:123 - sama 00:58:618 - add 1 buat suara snare. soalnya di section itu yang dilayer suara snare terus. that sounds seems not really important to be highlighted. flownya juga pas imo

01:22:684 (82684|2,82849|1) - direarrange lagi soalnya mereka pitchnya beda sama 01:22:025 (82025|2,82354|1) - jadi gak dapet feelnya kalo dibentuk polanya kek 01:22:025 (82025|2,82354|1) - . just imo alrite, emm rearrange somehow

daripada kosong mending 01:32:244 - add ln sampe 01:33:398 - buat skip streamnya dan ngelayer bassnya.. aku denger bass dikit si sampe situ sebenernya sengaja sih :u biar player dapet approachnya. toh easy xD

01:34:882 - same reason. sampe 01:36:036 - well , same

01:46:420 - add 1 buat nutupin stream drum di situ gk mau tiba2 ada note 1/2 :u

02:09:744 - sama 02:08:343 - missing snare. di add 1 kan drtd yang dilayer di 1/2 . kalo bolong malah gak enak. apalagi kalo dibarengi LN. kebih enak di add aja si imo.

00:24:497 (24497|2) - nih LN outstanding sih. tp gimana ya.. terlalu tiba2 menurut w. mending hapus aja. gaada LN kek gitu sampe akhir.

dah bagus lah yg ini

00:36:777 (36777|2,36942|1) - ghostnote.. Yg kedua bkn ghost yg pertama removed

00:36:777 (36777|2,36942|1) - saran . ngikutin kek punyamu yg 01:50:376 (110376|2,110541|1) - hmm prefer keep

dah segitu aja
sori dikit 3hh33h
no kds kalo gak diapply
thx for mod :D

AetherKeys wrote:

Heelo NM here :3

Langsung aja yaa , nih short mod ~

Insane Lv.14 :
00:36:860 (36860|2,37025|2) - move 1 nambahin sedikit variasi aja :3 welp sebenernya udh niat dibikin begini. kalau di spreaded nanti malah gk enak pas di hit :u
00:37:437 (37437|1) - move ke 4 kalo mod di atas di apply ^
Special Lv.16 :
01:41:640 - jujur dari sini sampe sini 01:48:893 - agak ngebosenin liatnya , di kasi variasi zigzag aja ? atau ganti isi LN di tengah (?) well, sebenernya pas sama song pacenya imo. jadi ya prefer keep ;w;
asli bingung mau mod apa , soalnya hampir semua pattern dah rapih , masih blom terlalu ahli checking juga , cuma bisa ngasih saran variasi doang @@

Completed :3
no kudos if not help

Thank you for requesting , and feel free to request again on my Queue

Good Luck for rank :3
Thx for mod, but nothing is accepted. really sorry ;w;

Virtue's Mania Modding Queue

Things that you need to know :
  1. this mod contains of suggestions, something that need to be fixed, and my opinions
  2. if your map still need to be fixed, just req in my queue

Title/Artist : OK!
Song : OK!
BPM/Offset : OK!
BG/Video : OK!
Hitsounds : OK!

OMG, ni lagu enak bgt >w<) bilang" dong klo mau buat map enak :3

Easy Lv. 4
most of this pattern are nice and well made enough :D
00:21:200 (21200|1,21365|1,21530|3,21860|3) - ini di buat jadi gini aja, lebih enak
00:58:123 - miss it?
di 01:32:244 - sama di 01:34:822 - bisa di kasih LN
01:38:673 (98673|1) - change it to LN(?)

Normal Lv. 8
00:21:200 (21200|1,21365|1,21530|3,21860|3) - masalah ini lagi :v ganti sama kek diff easy

Hard Lv. 12
No comment, good job

Insane Lv. 14

Special Lv. 16
ummmm...... i'm really disappointed with this diff, maybe u should do some selfmod by opening Insane's reference


87 / 100
Topic Starter

Virtue- wrote:

Virtue's Mania Modding Queue

Things that you need to know :
  1. this mod contains of suggestions, something that need to be fixed, and my opinions
  2. if your map still need to be fixed, just req in my queue

Title/Artist : OK!
Song : OK!
BPM/Offset : OK!
BG/Video : OK!
Hitsounds : OK!

OMG, ni lagu enak bgt >w<) bilang" dong klo mau buat map enak :3 huee

Easy Lv. 4
most of this pattern are nice and well made enough :D
00:21:200 (21200|1,21365|1,21530|3,21860|3) - ini di buat jadi gini aja, lebih enak Think of something differently but yea, change somehow
00:58:123 - miss it? Intended, focus to main melody
di 01:32:244 - sama di 01:34:822 - bisa di kasih LN Sengaja kosong :u breaktime bagi newbie
01:38:673 (98673|1) - change it to LN(?) Not fit with the song

Normal Lv. 8
00:21:200 (21200|1,21365|1,21530|3,21860|3) - masalah ini lagi :v ganti sama kek diff easy Pitchnya sama semua :u

Hard Lv. 12
No comment, good job

Insane Lv. 14

Special Lv. 16
ummmm...... i'm really disappointed with this diff, maybe u should do some selfmod by opening Insane's reference Insane =/= Special so..... uhh...... variasi lah :v


87 / 100
coba ini nilai gue pas BN exam kemaren /plak
Thx for mod :D

p nice handstreams

00:15:926 - might be better idk
00:18:233 - LNs could work visually better if they went on a 4321 motion
00:22:684 (22684|3,22849|0) - this is some pretty weird sound converting these two notes to a 1/2 LN could express this better
00:24:827 (24827|1,24992|2,25074|1) - swap col
00:58:618 (58618|3,58618|0,58618|1) - is different from the other triples above it in terms of sound so move 00:58:783 (58783|1,58948|1) - to 3
01:38:426 (98426|2,98508|0,98591|3) - convert to 423 just so that 01:38:673 (98673|0,98838|0,99003|0) - will be more defined
02:09:992 - uh why drop the 1/4 if its still running

o cant nitpick this gj

00:07:519 - kinda sad that you used minijacks here but not on special
00:36:860 - is this kamui? plays properly anyway
ok i got nothing here

/me throws stars for a pretty trashy mod
Topic Starter

Lenfried- wrote:


p nice handstreams

00:15:926 - might be better idk
00:18:233 - LNs could work visually better if they went on a 4321 motion dont think that would be comfy, also the way you hit these will be kinda like split trill, which is the pattern i kinda like it xD
00:22:684 (22684|3,22849|0) - this is some pretty weird sound converting these two notes to a 1/2 LN could express this better dunno tho but still feel that there is 4 synth there
00:24:827 (24827|1,24992|2,25074|1) - swap col
00:58:618 (58618|3,58618|0,58618|1) - is different from the other triples above it in terms of sound so move 00:58:783 (58783|1,58948|1) - to 3
01:38:426 (98426|2,98508|0,98591|3) - convert to 423 just so that 01:38:673 (98673|0,98838|0,99003|0) - will be more defined
02:09:992 - uh why drop the 1/4 if its still running

o cant nitpick this gj

00:07:519 - kinda sad that you used minijacks here but not on special SPecial literally more dense than this. also Special used 3 sequence bass, while here I only use two. which is why i prefer minjack
00:36:860 - is this kamui? plays properly anyway ye :3
ok i got nothing here

/me throws stars for a pretty trashy mod
Thx for mod and le 2 stars Lenfried :D


Sorry for too late to mod this one :cry: Here we go!
4k P A T T E R N - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[Easy Lv. 4]
  1. There's no problem for me but i have suggestion/s about sample hitsounds :)
  2. 00:14:442 - 00:14:607 - 00:14:772 - 00:14:937 - 00:15:101 - 00:15:266 - 00:15:431 - this one, put Clap.wav (40% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  3. 00:36:777 - Clap.wav (10% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  4. 00:36:860 - Clap.wav (15% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  5. 00:36:942 - Clap.wav (20% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  6. 00:37:025 - Clap.wav (25% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  7. 00:37:107 - Clap.wav (30% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  8. 00:37:189 - Clap.wav (35% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  9. 00:37:272 - 00:37:354 - 00:37:437 - 00:37:519 - 00:37:601 - Clap.wav (40% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  10. 00:56:558 - 00:56:640 - 00:56:722 - 00:56:805 - 00:56:887 - 00:56:970 - 00:57:052 - 00:57:134 - 00:57:217 - 00:57:299 - 00:57:382 - 00:57:464 - 00:57:547 - 00:57:629 - 00:57:711 - Clap.wav (volume 40%) and don't apply this one in Normal Lv. 8
  11. 01:49:305 - 01:49:387 - 01:49:470 - 01:49:552 - 01:49:634 - 01:49:717 - 01:49:799 - 01:49:882 - 01:49:964 - 01:50:047 - 01:50:129 - Clap.wav (volume 40%) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
[Normal Lv. 8]
  1. 00:03:728 (3728|1) - this one, move to column 1 for consistency
  2. 00:19:222 (19222|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency
  3. 00:20:211 (20211|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency.
  4. 00:36:860 (36860|3) - this one, i think the starting point of LN is 00:36:695
  5. 01:23:591 (83591|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency.
[Hard Lv. 12]
  1. 01:37:684 (97684|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency.
  2. 01:38:673 (98673|0) - this one, move to column 2 for consistency.
Please update your post threat in my mod queue after you check my mod.

Feel to reject all my suggestions if you don't like and here's my goodluck to your beatmap :D
Topic Starter

Shiro-neechan wrote:


Sorry for too late to mod this one :cry: Here we go!
4k P A T T E R N - | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[Easy Lv. 4]
  1. There's no problem for me but i have suggestion/s about sample hitsounds :)
  2. 00:14:442 - 00:14:607 - 00:14:772 - 00:14:937 - 00:15:101 - 00:15:266 - 00:15:431 - this one, put Clap.wav (40% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  3. 00:36:777 - Clap.wav (10% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  4. 00:36:860 - Clap.wav (15% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  5. 00:36:942 - Clap.wav (20% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  6. 00:37:025 - Clap.wav (25% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  7. 00:37:107 - Clap.wav (30% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  8. 00:37:189 - Clap.wav (35% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  9. 00:37:272 - 00:37:354 - 00:37:437 - 00:37:519 - 00:37:601 - Clap.wav (40% volume) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
  10. 00:56:558 - 00:56:640 - 00:56:722 - 00:56:805 - 00:56:887 - 00:56:970 - 00:57:052 - 00:57:134 - 00:57:217 - 00:57:299 - 00:57:382 - 00:57:464 - 00:57:547 - 00:57:629 - 00:57:711 - Clap.wav (volume 40%) and don't apply this one in Normal Lv. 8
  11. 01:49:305 - 01:49:387 - 01:49:470 - 01:49:552 - 01:49:634 - 01:49:717 - 01:49:799 - 01:49:882 - 01:49:964 - 01:50:047 - 01:50:129 - Clap.wav (volume 40%) and apply also in Normal Lv. 8
If you was referring for making a "Storyboard sound sample", then its a nope. Didnt really want to confuse newbie players since the song itself already have a similar noise. nothing accepted here, sorry ;w;

[Normal Lv. 8]
  1. 00:03:728 (3728|1) - this one, move to column 1 for consistency No change
  2. 00:19:222 (19222|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency No change
  3. 00:20:211 (20211|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency. alrite
  4. 00:36:860 (36860|3) - this one, i think the starting point of LN is 00:36:695 Nope, Following drum roll
  5. 01:23:591 (83591|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency. Nope, pitch
[Hard Lv. 12]
  1. 01:37:684 (97684|2) - this one, move to column 4 for consistency.
  2. 01:38:673 (98673|0) - this one, move to column 2 for consistency. ^ Nope, both are intended for to made some trilling feel
Please update your post threat in my mod queue after you check my mod.

Feel to reject all my suggestions if you don't like and here's my goodluck to your beatmap :D
Thx for mod and star :D
You requested a mod from my queue. I can't find errors in this map, I think is good already, so I can't give you a decent mod.
I'm here just to say that, haha.

Only one thing:
When I download this map, seems like it have an ID error with another map (same song, different mappers = Interlude-Rivals_7)
I've downloaded it a lot of times, and that thing persists. Check it, please!

Sorry for late answer, good luck with your map!
Topic Starter
Done with the error. (maybe)

so I downloaded the mapset and get the same problem like you, then i delete those two additional diff and reupload. I Redownload again and that problem seems not occured anymore.

Thx for pointing out the error Blackcow :D xDD
why does anyone doesnt pointing this out before lel
Ohh, now this is a nice song. Did you base your hitsounds off the hard diff? XD

Incoming late mod
[General]- Hm, I think you should reduce OD of insane down to ~7.7 or so since there's still a fair amount of LNs compared to notes.
- OD 9 is probably pushing it too far for a difficulty with only 7 notes per LN. Maybe ~8.5 is better?
- Your soft-hitnormal is really quiet. I'd consider amplifying it by a few dB in audacity.

[Easy]00:16:420 - Add a note here to signify the tom? This is due to it being the transition into a next section, and also to differentiate this sound from the other simple 1/1 drum sounds.
00:27:464 (27464|2,27794|1,28123|2) - This is more of a visual thing looking in the editor, but control H to avoid 00:27:464 (27464|2) making a shield with 00:26:805 (26805|2) when they aren't the same pitch?
00:27:629 - and since the kick here seems fairly loud, I'd consider adding a note here.
00:32:244 - ^^ This way, it adds a little more variation to the map and can be a bit more challenging to beginning players.
01:07:025 (67025|1,68343|0) - These are the same note so remove 01:08:343 (68343|0) and extend 01:07:025 (67025|1) to 01:09:662
01:09:662 - So this is where a few more parts are added into the music, and I think the mapping should reflect that, so why not add notes at places like 01:10:321 - 01:11:475 - 01:12:959 - 01:14:112 (and etc.) to represent the hihat crunch?
01:20:541 (80541|0,80871|3) - Jack these since they're the same pitch?
01:25:816 (85816|2,86145|1) - ^^
01:32:244 - Consider adding an LN from here to 01:33:398 to represent the 1/4 drum rolls and synth. This measure already feels pretty empty.
01:43:783 - Add a note for the kick here to differentiate it from the rest of the measure?
02:01:915 - Just a visual suggestion, but try this?

[Normal]00:34:717 (34717|0,35047|1) - Visual suggestion, control J?
00:47:244 - Why not make the notes in these measures doubles like you did at 00:06:365 ? The sounds are slightly different, but I think they're both heavy enough for two notes.
01:37:354 - This measure is very similar in terms of sound to 01:34:882 or 01:32:244 so why not use an LN to represent this measure instead of mapping actual notes?
01:38:673 - If above is accepted, make this a double for the clap?
02:12:052 (132052|2,132134|3) - Since this is 1/4, consider moving it to two hands instead of one since it kind of came as a surprise to me since I don't think you've used 1/4 at all in this diff until here.

[Hard]00:16:255 - Yay, visual suggestions again. But honestly, I think this is a little easier to read than what you have now.
00:26:805 (26805|0,26887|2,26970|1,27052|3) - And maybe try making this a 1 -> 4 roll instead?
00:36:942 (36942|1) - Why not start this burst as a {43}{12} burst? So it'd look something like this instead
00:56:475 - I just made a realization. Why don't you map the 1/4 here and at 00:14:277 but you mapped it at 00:36:860 ?
01:40:651 (100651|3) - This LN is actually only 1/4 long because there's another synth here at 01:40:733
So the only real problem I noticed with this diff are the inconsistencies of what you choose to map and what you don't, like the drum rolls I mentioned above, and also the toms at 01:50:871 - 01:50:953 - 01:51:283 - which you mapped in the beginning at 00:15:926

I'm not good enough to mod Insane or Special T.T
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

Ohh, now this is a nice song. Did you base your hitsounds off the hard diff? XD

Incoming late mod
[General]- Hm, I think you should reduce OD of insane down to ~7.7 or so since there's still a fair amount of LNs compared to notes. I still like the current OD tbh, Streams and mini jack on the earlier part is justified enough that this is "Insane"
- OD 9 is probably pushing it too far for a difficulty with only 7 notes per LN. Maybe ~8.5 is better? 8,7 instead xd
- Your soft-hitnormal is really quiet. I'd consider amplifying it by a few dB in audacity. I dont think so, This one literally the same one that Avalon used in his Anemoi map. and imo its still audible

[Easy]00:16:420 - Add a note here to signify the tom? This is due to it being the transition into a next section, and also to differentiate this sound from the other simple 1/1 drum sounds. This was intended. since its the most recognizable noise around. at least for Newbie players
00:27:464 (27464|2,27794|1,28123|2) - This is more of a visual thing looking in the editor, but control H to avoid 00:27:464 (27464|2) making a shield with 00:26:805 (26805|2) when they aren't the same pitch? Hand balance, and the shielding its not really matter since its quite far and pretty easy to recognize
00:27:629 - and since the kick here seems fairly loud, I'd consider adding a note here.
00:32:244 - ^^ This way, it adds a little more variation to the map and can be a bit more challenging to beginning players.
01:07:025 (67025|1,68343|0) - These are the same note so remove 01:08:343 (68343|0) and extend 01:07:025 (67025|1) to 01:09:662
01:09:662 - So this is where a few more parts are added into the music, and I think the mapping should reflect that, so why not add notes at places like 01:10:321 - 01:11:475 - 01:12:959 - 01:14:112 (and etc.) to represent the hihat crunch? LN with an SN beside it are literally difficult for most newbies due to their hand independence. Also i just want to limit the mapping into the main melody here
01:20:541 (80541|0,80871|3) - Jack these since they're the same pitch? I dont think that kind pattern isnt fit for EZ tho i know the noise call for it
01:25:816 (85816|2,86145|1) - ^^ ^
01:32:244 - Consider adding an LN from here to 01:33:398 to represent the 1/4 drum rolls and synth. This measure already feels pretty empty. This is kinda a break time for newbies. no change here
01:43:783 - Add a note for the kick here to differentiate it from the rest of the measure? dont want to add anymore 1/2 note distance here. just to make it really easy to recognize
02:01:915 - Just a visual suggestion, but try this? Nope, hand balance works more better if its not stair

[Normal]00:34:717 (34717|0,35047|1) - Visual suggestion, control J? Nope, Hand balance
00:47:244 - Why not make the notes in these measures doubles like you did at 00:06:365 ? The sounds are slightly different, but I think they're both heavy enough for two notes. The other SNs I made afterwards have the same kind of noise and loudness and its mapped as Single. Since the distance between notes is rather more close (3/4) than on - 00:06:365 - which is 1/1 mapping it as double is kinda overkill in NM
01:37:354 - This measure is very similar in terms of sound to 01:34:882 or 01:32:244 so why not use an LN to represent this measure instead of mapping actual notes? I focused on the kick here. mapping it as an LN is kinda awkward imo
01:38:673 - If above is accepted, make this a double for the clap? Its rather soft, so nope
02:12:052 (132052|2,132134|3) - Since this is 1/4, consider moving it to two hands instead of one since it kind of came as a surprise to me since I don't think you've used 1/4 at all in this diff until here.

[Hard]00:16:255 - Yay, visual suggestions again. But honestly, I think this is a little easier to read than what you have now. This pattern is somehow remind me to a spaceship xD. anyways oki then
00:26:805 (26805|0,26887|2,26970|1,27052|3) - And maybe try making this a 1 -> 4 roll instead? I dont think drumroll is fit with the stair. I usually use stair if its sound like a burst (ex: like Capsaicin or smth)
00:36:942 (36942|1) - Why not start this burst as a {43}{12} burst? So it'd look something like this instead
00:56:475 - I just made a realization. Why don't you map the 1/4 here and at 00:14:277 but you mapped it at 00:36:860 ? Because there is already an LN to signify the buildup noise
01:40:651 (100651|3) - This LN is actually only 1/4 long because there's another synth here at 01:40:733 This is intended to cover 2 synth actually, but uhh consider this anyway
So the only real problem I noticed with this diff are the inconsistencies of what you choose to map and what you don't, like the drum rolls I mentioned above, and also the toms at 01:50:871 - 01:50:953 - 01:51:283 - which you mapped in the beginning at 00:15:926 There is a sound that signify the buildup vocal, thats why I mapped an LN there. also using 1/4 beside an LN is kinda overkill too. at - 00:15:926 - there is only a drum there

I'm not good enough to mod Insane or Special T.T But you're good at modding easier diff xD
Thx for modding. No reply = fixed xD
[Special Lv. 16]
00:16:008 - bisa dibikin 2 note soalny suara sama kea 00:15:926 -
00:27:299 (27299|1) - dibikin note biasa, biar kerasa perpindahan phase nya di 00:27:464 - . yg lu bikin 00:27:299 (27299|1,27629|1,27959|1) - seolah lagunya berjalan terus gitu dari 00:27:299 -
00:35:211 - terlalu over imo 4 note. but ane yakin lu gabakal ubah ini
00:37:025 - pola |14| |23| |13 |23| lebih cocok imo soalny lu denger kan ada suara 00:36:695 (36695|3,36860|3) - lanjut. emang sih udah ada 00:36:695 (36695|0,36860|0,37025|0,37189|0,37354|0,37519|0,37684|0) - tapi skalian juga buat 00:37:025 - ini semua 2 note stream patternnya 2 kiri 2 kanan terus ntar bosen
00:37:849 (37849|0) - ini delete aja yawla gaada yg bisa baca ini --" SV kaya gitu siapa yg bisa baca
00:51:118 - add pls
00:55:981 - add buat snarenya lah
01:21:530 - 01:26:805 - kalo ngikut konsistensi harusnya ini 2 note
01:56:063 - harusnya ada LN kecil kea 01:54:744 (114744|2) - dan 01:56:145 (116145|2) - gausah LN karna synt ny gaada yg nahan


Col : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7


  1. BG : ok
  2. Mp3 : ok
  3. Hitsound : ok
  4. Difficulty : ok
  5. Timing: ok
  6. AI Mod : ok

Special Lv. 16

  1. 00:04:552 -ada suara yg cocok buat LN try this >
  2. 00:14:112 (14112|3,14112|0) -make this triple, sin this note is still following this 00:13:865 (13865|2,13865|0,13865|1) -
  3. 00:18:975 (18975|3) -remove. ghost note.
  4. 00:29:937 (29937|1,29937|0,29937|2,29937|3) -kenapa hrs pake 4 note ? 3 aja udh cukup tuh
  5. 00:32:244 (32244|1) -move to 3. Better to follow this 00:32:080 (32080|2) - disamain seperti yg ini
  6. 00:34:552 (34552|2,34717|2) -
  7. 00:35:211 (35211|1,35211|0,35211|2,35211|3) -^same like before
  8. 01:07:684 (67684|1,67684|2) -klo ini atao ini 01:08:343 (68343|2,68343|1) -salah satu dirubah. Karna udh beda sound dan jaraknya agak berdekatan
  9. 01:16:750 (76750|2,76750|1) -bagusan move to 3,4. Trus pindah 01:17:080 (77080|3) -ke 2
    ^01:17:739 (77739|0) -pindah ke 4
    ^01:17:904 (77904|3) -pindah ke 1
    ^biar notenya kelihatan lebih rapid an bisa mengikuti musiknya lebih baik
  10. 01:19:882 (79882|3) -move to 1. Biar beda sama note utk sound sebelumnya
  11. 01:30:761 -01:31:915 -jujur utk sound seperti ini aku lebih suka klo 3 notenya diganti jadi LN. biar bisa follow sound sebelumnya.
  12. 01:54:497 (114497|3,114497|1,114497|0) - jujur ini maunya gimana ? soalnya ini beda pattern, padahal soundnya sama 01:51:860 (111860|3,111860|1) -01:52:519 (112519|3,112519|1) -
  13. 01:55:816 -^
  14. 01:57:794 -^
Sorry Cuma 1 diff (maklum gratisan)
Saran buat SVnya minta tolong sama org yg lebih berpengalaman. Karna utk saat ini SVnya masih terasa kurang mulus, jdi susah utk dimainin.
Mod Done
Topic Starter

Shinzo- wrote:

[Special Lv. 16]
00:16:008 - bisa dibikin 2 note soalny suara sama kea 00:15:926 -
00:27:299 (27299|1) - dibikin note biasa, biar kerasa perpindahan phase nya di 00:27:464 - . yg lu bikin 00:27:299 (27299|1,27629|1,27959|1) - seolah lagunya berjalan terus gitu dari 00:27:299 -
00:35:211 - terlalu over imo 4 note. but ane yakin lu gabakal ubah ini Tau aja =3=
00:37:025 - pola |14| |23| |13 |23| lebih cocok imo soalny lu denger kan ada suara 00:36:695 (36695|3,36860|3) - lanjut. emang sih udah ada 00:36:695 (36695|0,36860|0,37025|0,37189|0,37354|0,37519|0,37684|0) - tapi skalian juga buat 00:37:025 - ini semua 2 note stream patternnya 2 kiri 2 kanan terus ntar bosen nah.... transisi ke triple note di akhirannya itu bakal agak ribet imo
00:37:849 (37849|0) - ini delete aja yawla gaada yg bisa baca ini --" SV kaya gitu siapa yg bisa baca awkwk ntar ganti. masih nyari speed yg pas disini
00:51:118 - add pls No obvious melody here (100% playback)
00:55:981 - add buat snarenya lah
01:21:530 - 01:26:805 - kalo ngikut konsistensi harusnya ini 2 note different noise dari double yg lainnya di sekitar
01:56:063 - harusnya ada LN kecil kea 01:54:744 (114744|2) - dan 01:56:145 (116145|2) - gausah LN karna synt ny gaada yg nahan okeh

Thx for mod :D tunggu mod dari saia yak

Frim4503 wrote:

Col : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7


  1. BG : ok
  2. Mp3 : ok
  3. Hitsound : ok
  4. Difficulty : ok
  5. Timing: ok
  6. AI Mod : ok

Special Lv. 16

  1. 00:04:552 -ada suara yg cocok buat LN try this >
  2. 00:14:112 (14112|3,14112|0) -make this triple, sin this note is still following this 00:13:865 (13865|2,13865|0,13865|1) - Intended. because of transition
  3. 00:18:975 (18975|3) -remove. ghost note. uhh no actually. its a synth melody
  4. 00:29:937 (29937|1,29937|0,29937|2,29937|3) -kenapa hrs pake 4 note ? 3 aja udh cukup tuh Impactnya lebih gede dari triple2 yg lain imo
  5. 00:32:244 (32244|1) -move to 3. Better to follow this 00:32:080 (32080|2) - disamain seperti yg ini
  6. 00:34:552 (34552|2,34717|2) - hmm..... kurang comfy nantinya
  7. 00:35:211 (35211|1,35211|0,35211|2,35211|3) -^same like before ^
  8. 01:07:684 (67684|1,67684|2) -klo ini atao ini 01:08:343 (68343|2,68343|1) -salah satu dirubah. Karna udh beda sound dan jaraknya agak berdekatan
  9. 01:16:750 (76750|2,76750|1) -bagusan move to 3,4. Trus pindah 01:17:080 (77080|3) -ke 2
    ^01:17:739 (77739|0) -pindah ke 4
    ^01:17:904 (77904|3) -pindah ke 1
    ^biar notenya kelihatan lebih rapid an bisa mengikuti musiknya lebih baik
  10. 01:19:882 (79882|3) -move to 1. Biar beda sama note utk sound sebelumnya imo they're the same sound and same loudness .3.
  11. 01:30:761 -01:31:915 -jujur utk sound seperti ini aku lebih suka klo 3 notenya diganti jadi LN. biar bisa follow sound sebelumnya. subjective. ane sih pengen yg kayak gini aja biar lebih ketahuan patternnya
  12. 01:54:497 (114497|3,114497|1,114497|0) - jujur ini maunya gimana ? soalnya ini beda pattern, padahal soundnya sama 01:51:860 (111860|3,111860|1) -01:52:519 (112519|3,112519|1) -
  13. 01:55:816 -^
  14. 01:57:794 -^ Reworked all xDD
Sorry Cuma 1 diff (maklum gratisan)
Saran buat SVnya minta tolong sama org yg lebih berpengalaman. Karna utk saat ini SVnya masih terasa kurang mulus, jdi susah utk dimainin. okeh wkwkwk
Mod Done
Random kali datengnya xD Thx for mod :D
No reply=fixed


00:18:233 (18233|0) - mulai di 00:18:069 - ?
00:21:860 (21860|3) - pindah ke 3?


00:21:365 (21365|3,21530|3) - pindah ke 1-2? -> 00:21:860 (21860|3) - pindah ke 3
00:29:772 (29772|2,29772|0,29937|1,29937|3,30101|2) -
00:39:003 (39003|3) - pindah ke 3?
00:42:629 (42629|0) - pindah ke 4 -> 00:42:959 (42959|3) - pindah ke 3
00:58:948 (58948|0,58948|1) - move to 2-3?




01:30:926 (90926|1,90926|0,91091|1,91091|0) -
01:31:750 (91750|0,91750|1) - pindah ke 2-3?
01:33:563 (93563|1,93563|2,93728|2,93728|1) -
01:34:552 (94552|1,94552|2) - 1-4? -> 01:34:882 (94882|0) - move to 2
^ -> 01:36:036 (96036|3,96036|2,96200|2,96200|3,96365|2,96365|3) -
01:37:189 (97189|3,97189|2) - 2-3?


00:37:107 (37107|1) - pindah ke 1?
00:56:393 (56393|1) - pindah ke 3 lebih enak kayaknya?
01:52:684 (112684|1,112849|0) - ctrl+j lebih enak imo
02:01:255 (121255|2) - pindah ke 4?


01:16:255 (76255|3,76310|2,76365|1,76420|3,76475|2,76530|1,76585|3,76750|1,76750|2) - biar beda
01:38:838 (98838|0) - pindah ke 4?
01:39:662 (99662|0) - pindah ke 3?

selain patternnya yang hampir sama, udah cocok~
gl! owo)9
Topic Starter

ArcherLove wrote:



00:18:233 (18233|0) - mulai di 00:18:069 - ? Itu buat ngecover suara glitch =3=
00:21:860 (21860|3) - pindah ke 3? same pitch sama yg bwh


00:21:365 (21365|3,21530|3) - pindah ke 1-2? -> 00:21:860 (21860|3) - pindah ke 3 hmm agak beda dikit
00:29:772 (29772|2,29772|0,29937|1,29937|3,30101|2) - sama aja sih wkwkk xD
00:39:003 (39003|3) - pindah ke 3?
00:42:629 (42629|0) - pindah ke 4 -> 00:42:959 (42959|3) - pindah ke 3
00:58:948 (58948|0,58948|1) - move to 2-3? same pitch hue :u


:u | :P


01:30:926 (90926|1,90926|0,91091|1,91091|0) - agak beda dikiiiiiit
01:31:750 (91750|0,91750|1) - pindah ke 2-3? keep deh :3
01:33:563 (93563|1,93563|2,93728|2,93728|1) -
01:34:552 (94552|1,94552|2) - 1-4? -> 01:34:882 (94882|0) - move to 2 No change
^ -> 01:36:036 (96036|3,96036|2,96200|2,96200|3,96365|2,96365|3) -
01:37:189 (97189|3,97189|2) - 2-3? Nup :3


00:37:107 (37107|1) - pindah ke 1? emang dari awal udh niat bikin kyk gini. so nope xD
00:56:393 (56393|1) - pindah ke 3 lebih enak kayaknya? ndak deh, biar sama kayak yg lain di depannya :3
01:52:684 (112684|1,112849|0) - ctrl+j lebih enak imo
02:01:255 (121255|2) - pindah ke 4?


01:16:255 (76255|3,76310|2,76365|1,76420|3,76475|2,76530|1,76585|3,76750|1,76750|2) - biar beda
01:38:838 (98838|0) - pindah ke 4? V
01:39:662 (99662|0) - pindah ke 3? ^yg dua ini sama pitchnya, so nopu xD

selain patternnya yang hampir sama, udah cocok~
gl! owo)9
Sangkyu :D No Reply = fix
Pic suggest ada yg di rearrange sendiri :3
hue ngaret gara" mudik lebaran ;w;
for m4m yaaa with

[Insane Lv.14]
  1. 01:50:211 - saran:
  2. 01:53:014 (113014|0) - ini mestinya end di 01:54:167 - , ga perlu ngikutin 01:53:343 (113343|2,113673|2,114003|1) - , soalnya diff Hard ga ada LN di bagian ini, bakal aneh kalau tiba" di diff yg ini langsung ngikutin 2 instrumen, kalau mau keep lebih baik di Hard kasih LN juga buat ngikutin main synth nya aja, supaya bertahap, diff Hard ngikutin 1 instrumen, diff Insane ngikutin 2 instrumen
  3. 02:05:541 (125541|2) - ubah ke LN
  4. 02:05:706 (125706|1) - suara nya di mulai dari 02:05:871
  5. 02:06:365 - saran:
[Special Lv.16]
  1. 00:07:354 - add LN? 1/2 beat aja ckup, buat nonjolin suara nya di bagian ini
  2. 00:08:673 - ^
  3. 00:09:992 - ^
  4. 00:11:310 - ^
  5. 00:16:173 (16173|0) - ghost?
  6. 00:36:942 - saran pattern, fokus ke synth aja:
  7. 00:37:684 - 4.00x terlalu cepat, note selanjutnya juga posisinya di tengah jadi agak susah buat dilihat, aku saranin buat ganti SV nya jadi kyk gini:
  8. 00:56:228 - tambahin note?
  9. 00:57:876 - ^ ?
  10. 00:58:700 - ^
  11. 00:58:865 - ^
  12. 00:59:030 - ^
maaf sedikit :(

lagu nya enak ngiung ngiung wkwkwk
take my star ` 3`)/
Itu diff hitsound nya kaga diapus val?
Topic Starter

Valentrixe wrote:

hue ngaret gara" mudik lebaran ;w;
for m4m yaaa with

[Insane Lv.14]
  1. 01:50:211 - saran: Ndak deh =3=, 2 LN nya emang buat nge highlight vocalnya
  2. 01:53:014 (113014|0) - ini mestinya end di 01:54:167 - , ga perlu ngikutin 01:53:343 (113343|2,113673|2,114003|1) - , soalnya diff Hard ga ada LN di bagian ini, bakal aneh kalau tiba" di diff yg ini langsung ngikutin 2 instrumen, kalau mau keep lebih baik di Hard kasih LN juga buat ngikutin main synth nya aja, supaya bertahap, diff Hard ngikutin 1 instrumen, diff Insane ngikutin 2 instrumen Rombak dah awkwkw, okeh fix
  3. 02:05:541 (125541|2) - ubah ke LN LN yg disekitar sini fokusnya ke suara wobble nya
  4. 02:05:706 (125706|1) - suara nya di mulai dari 02:05:871 Nupe, bnr dari situ. kan ngikut wobble :>
  5. 02:06:365 - saran: Since I didnt want to change any LN length there, so nope :3
[Special Lv.16]
  1. 00:07:354 - add LN? 1/2 beat aja ckup, buat nonjolin suara nya di bagian ini
  2. 00:08:673 - ^
  3. 00:09:992 - ^
  4. 00:11:310 - ^ ^^^^ Nope, disini pengen fokusnya ke bass sama kicknya, kalo ada LN tambah ribet dong =3=
  5. 00:16:173 (16173|0) - ghost? Sbnrnya itu tuh cymbal emphasis, kurang yakin enaknya di remove atau g sih. tapi flownya itu loh =3=. Consider dulu lah xD
  6. 00:36:942 - saran pattern, fokus ke synth aja: Bassnya lebih gede so its more worthy than synth
  7. 00:37:684 - 4.00x terlalu cepat, note selanjutnya juga posisinya di tengah jadi agak susah buat dilihat, aku saranin buat ganti SV nya jadi kyk gini:
    Masih agak bingung sih :/ utk skrg ganti jadi 0,25 -> 0,75 -> 1,5 -> 1 dulu
  8. 00:56:228 - tambahin note? Oki
  9. 00:57:876 - ^ ? too faint
  10. 00:58:700 - ^
  11. 00:58:865 - ^
  12. 00:59:030 - ^ ^ Faint semua :>
maaf sedikit :(

lagu nya enak ngiung ngiung wkwkwk
take my star ` 3`)/
Okeh, modnya bakal dateng wkwk (kalo gue bisa nemu apa yg bisa di mod huehue .3.)
Thx for mod and le star :D. No reply=fix

erlinadewi- wrote:

Itu diff hitsound nya kaga diapus val?
Nanti aja kalo mau qualify :>
shoot 1 biar genap 30 w3h3h3

Special Lv.160
00:02:409 (2409|3) - this should prob be 2 notes, pref on [34] and move 00:02:492 (2492|2) - to 2

00:07:519 (7519|3,7601|2) - 00:08:838 (8838|2,8920|1) - 00:10:156 (10156|0,10239|1) - 00:11:475 (11475|2,11558|1) - not a jack on this diff but a jack in the insane???

00:11:475 (11475|2,11558|1) - are you sure you want these like this and not Ctrl-H'd?

00:22:766 (22766|2) - technically not an existing note

00:27:711 - 00:28:041 - 00:28:371 - 00:28:700 - 00:29:030 - 00:29:360 - 00:29:689 - 00:30:349 - 00:30:678 - 00:31:008 - 00:31:338 - 00:31:667 - 00:31:997 - 00:32:986 - 00:33:316 - 00:33:645 - 00:33:975 - 00:34:305 - 00:34:634 - 00:34:964 - 00:35:623 - 00:35:953 - 00:36:283 - 00:36:612 - could put a note here

00:37:684 (37684|3) - move to 3?

00:38:014 - this trilling is real tho (nothing wrong with this, just nice)

00:50:953 - 00:53:591 - why is there no 1/4 notes here???

Insane Lv.144
00:07:519 (7519|1,7601|1) - as mentioned in the previous diff, either change these to a small stream or change the Special to jacks

00:22:766 - still technically not an existing note

00:23:508 - why is this nicer to play on the Special than the Insane?

Hard Lv.123
00:38:014 (38014|2,38178|1,38343|2,38343|0,38508|1,38673|1,38673|2,38838|0,39003|1,39003|2,39167|2) - isn't this harder in the hard diff compared to the insane diff?

really well made mapset, I'm impressed, can't wait to see this ranked, good luck :D
Topic Starter
O Shit late reply, Email didnt notice the reply from here lol

Hydria wrote:


Special Lv.160
00:02:409 (2409|3) - this should prob be 2 notes, pref on [34] and move 00:02:492 (2492|2) - to 2 Hmm, i dont think so. the similar noise afterwards only using one note too. Dont rly want to make it so dense on the beginning

00:07:519 (7519|3,7601|2) - 00:08:838 (8838|2,8920|1) - 00:10:156 (10156|0,10239|1) - 00:11:475 (11475|2,11558|1) - not a jack on this diff but a jack in the insane??? Seems it'll be uncoomfortable, since this diff has - 00:07:272 (7272|3) - this kind of notes unlke Insane which will make unbalanced jack handling between hands

00:11:475 (11475|2,11558|1) - are you sure you want these like this and not Ctrl-H'd? I came up with the other idea, fix it somehow

00:22:766 (22766|2) - technically not an existing note Synth echo i guess, I'll keep this for now

00:27:711 - 00:28:041 - 00:28:371 - 00:28:700 - 00:29:030 - 00:29:360 - 00:29:689 - 00:30:349 - 00:30:678 - 00:31:008 - 00:31:338 - 00:31:667 - 00:31:997 - 00:32:986 - 00:33:316 - 00:33:645 - 00:33:975 - 00:34:305 - 00:34:634 - 00:34:964 - 00:35:623 - 00:35:953 - 00:36:283 - 00:36:612 - could put a note here Some of them will make it unbalanced, some of them will make unecessary jack. also its seems just to indicate the pitch change. I dont think thats really worth to map. also the pattern is already quite dense here

00:37:684 (37684|3) - move to 3? Using middle finger to handle jack sounds more comfy for most people

00:38:014 - this trilling is real tho (nothing wrong with this, just nice) yey :3

00:50:953 - 00:53:591 - why is there no 1/4 notes here??? #1 There's no synth melody there. #2 same, also there's double notes to indicate obvious kick

Insane Lv.144
00:07:519 (7519|1,7601|1) - as mentioned in the previous diff, either change these to a small stream or change the Special to jacks Technically jack at this diff are more easy, the reason i didnt make it same as special do is the pattern is less denser than Special

00:22:766 - still technically not an existing note Same thing like special :u

00:23:508 - why is this nicer to play on the Special than the Insane? split jumptrill is common tho, so why not :^)

Hard Lv.123
00:38:014 (38014|2,38178|1,38343|2,38343|0,38508|1,38673|1,38673|2,38838|0,39003|1,39003|2,39167|2) - isn't this harder in the hard diff compared to the insane diff? The density is same, this is intended. nothing was too hard :>

really well made mapset, I'm impressed, can't wait to see this ranked, good luck :D
Thank you for the mod :DDD
no reply=fix

Adot wrote:

shoot 1 biar genap 30 w3h3h3
wadoo thank u starnya wkwkw xD

Hotaru's Mania Modding KueKue

waduhh maaf nih kelamaan modnya ;w;
sebagai permintaan maaf ada tiket mod special ;w; req kapan aja di kuekue/via pm (bahkan jika saya close req atau pun di luar jam kerja) jika mau pakai ;w;
modnya pendek soalnya keseluruhan dah bagus ;w;



[lv 4]
dari 01:32:244 - sampai 01:33:398 - sebenernya bisa di tambah LN buat ngisi kekosongan imo hampa banget daerah situ
dari 01:34:882 - sampai 01:36:036 - sama ^

[lv 8]
hmmm disini 00:06:036 - bagaimana kalau tambahkan LN 1 lagi buat nutup suara disitu '3'??
00:34:552 (34552|2,34717|0) - How About ctrl + J?? lebih ena imo
01:09:992 (69992|1,70321|0) - ctrl + J aja deh keknya.. lebih ke pitch imo

That's all my mod owo..
sekali lagi maafkan saya ;w;
Good Luck! owo)/
Topic Starter
Asem email gk ada notice lagi :v
Ntar apply deh wkwkw sori nunggu lama nih buat dapet kudosnya xD
Topic Starter

-[Hotaru]- wrote:

Hotaru's Mania Modding KueKue

waduhh maaf nih kelamaan modnya ;w;
sebagai permintaan maaf ada tiket mod special ;w; req kapan aja di kuekue/via pm (bahkan jika saya close req atau pun di luar jam kerja) jika mau pakai ;w;
modnya pendek soalnya keseluruhan dah bagus ;w;



[lv 4]
dari 01:32:244 - sampai 01:33:398 - sebenernya bisa di tambah LN buat ngisi kekosongan imo hampa banget daerah situ
dari 01:34:882 - sampai 01:36:036 - sama ^ Kurang sreg juga sih nambahin LN disini, soalnya biar EZ player lebih gampang dapet rythmnya

[lv 8]
hmmm disini 00:06:036 - bagaimana kalau tambahkan LN 1 lagi buat nutup suara disitu '3'?? Kayaknya g usah deh, supaya lebih enak nge hitnya :>
00:34:552 (34552|2,34717|0) - How About ctrl + J?? lebih ena imo
01:09:992 (69992|1,70321|0) - ctrl + J aja deh keknya.. lebih ke pitch imo ^ Oki :3

That's all my mod owo..
sekali lagi maafkan saya ;w;
Good Luck! owo)/
Thx for mod :D
hii M4M

Hard Lv. 12
00:16:173 (16173|3) - Ghost note remove pls

01:20:211 - crash sound add note

01:46:503 (106503|0,106585|1) - ctrl j

01:51:036 (111036|2) - LN is looks good

Insane Lv. 14
00:03:481 - miss note

00:07:519 (7519|1,7601|1) - change this note to special diff

00:08:838 (8838|2,8920|2) - 4 3 is good

00:10:239 (10239|0,10321|1) - ctrl j

00:11:558 (11558|3,11640|2) - same

00:19:058 (19058|1,19058|2) - 34 is more good for hand balance

00:22:684 (22684|2,22766|0,22849|3,22931|1,23014|2,23014|3) -

00:29:937 - I dont think this part need 3note 2note ok

00:35:211 (35211|1,35211|3,35211|0) - same

00:36:860 -

00:46:008 (46008|2) - move 4 is looks good

00:56:310 -

01:21:530 (81530|1) - should be LN

01:24:167 (84167|3,84167|1) - one of two should be LN

01:26:805 (86805|1) - same

01:43:783 -

Special Lv. 16
00:04:387 (4387|0,4387|3,4552|2,4717|1) - there are same sound 2note or 1note pls

00:15:596 (15596|2) - should be LN until 00:15:761 -

00:16:173 (16173|0) - ghost note

00:38:673 - ~00:39:332 -

00:39:827 (39827|0,39909|1,39992|2,39992|3) -

00:40:651 (40651|1,40733|2) - ctrl j

00:41:145 - ~00:41:640 -

00:49:717 (49717|3,49799|2,49882|0,49882|1) -

02:02:409 - ~02:09:992 - you should more variety pattern like above that i picked
Topic Starter

Wonki wrote:

hii M4M

Hard Lv. 12
00:16:173 (16173|3) - Ghost note remove pls

01:20:211 - crash sound add note

01:46:503 (106503|0,106585|1) - ctrl j

01:51:036 (111036|2) - LN is looks good i dont think so.

Insane Lv. 14
00:03:481 - miss note kinda faint for this diff

00:07:519 (7519|1,7601|1) - change this note to special diff

00:08:838 (8838|2,8920|2) - 4 3 is good

00:10:239 (10239|0,10321|1) - ctrl j

00:11:558 (11558|3,11640|2) - same

00:19:058 (19058|1,19058|2) - 34 is more good for hand balance

00:22:684 (22684|2,22766|0,22849|3,22931|1,23014|2,23014|3) - I thimk the current now is fine

00:29:937 - I dont think this part need 3note 2note ok Loud emphasize

00:35:211 (35211|1,35211|3,35211|0) - same ^

00:36:860 - i dont think so. for better handling

00:46:008 (46008|2) - move 4 is looks good i dont want this note separated from stream

00:56:310 - doing something different instead

01:21:530 (81530|1) - should be LN Not fit imo

01:24:167 (84167|3,84167|1) - one of two should be LN ^

01:26:805 (86805|1) - same ^

01:43:783 -

Special Lv. 16
00:04:387 (4387|0,4387|3,4552|2,4717|1) - there are same sound 2note or 1note pls this - 00:04:387 (4387|3,4387|0) - are more louder synth

00:15:596 (15596|2) - should be LN until 00:15:761 - its just an eco, i dont think its valuable to map

00:16:173 (16173|0) - ghost note

00:38:673 - ~00:39:332 -

00:39:827 (39827|0,39909|1,39992|2,39992|3) -

00:40:651 (40651|1,40733|2) - ctrl j

00:41:145 - ~00:41:640 - No change on this

00:49:717 (49717|3,49799|2,49882|0,49882|1) -

02:02:409 - ~02:09:992 - you should more variety pattern like above that i picked They were made to be as comfy as possible. (I just dont really like broken handstream xD
Thx for mod :D
BN check
You should delete the hitsound diff, of course

The timing sounds slightly late to me. Could you change the offset to 1081 (-10)? Make sure to apply other suggestions first and resnap green lines and preview point
Easy Lv. 4
00:32:244 -, 00:34:552 -, 00:36:530 -, 00:53:673 - I suggest adding notes for consistency with the kick on 00:27:629 -
00:35:211 - and also here for for consistency with 00:29:937 -
01:23:508 - this is probably for the percussion, but wouldn't it be more intuitive to keep following the melody at 01:23:591 -?

Normal Lv. 8
00:38:014 - should add note for consistency with 00:39:332 -, 00:40:651 -, etc

Hard Lv. 12
00:20:541 - double for kick?
00:20:871 (20871|2) - I think a single note might be better so it looks the same as 00:21:200 (21200|2,21365|2,21530|2,21860|2) -

Insane Lv. 14
01:56:145 - should be a double I think

Special Lv. 16
00:14:112 - why not a triple like the others?
00:41:722 - and 00:41:887 - I'm not sure what the purpose of this space is. Can you explain? ;n;
01:55:486 - claps are too loud, should be 13%
Very nice map o/

Awaiting your response
Topic Starter

Nivrad00 wrote:

BN check
You should delete the hitsound diff, of course I want to keep this until before qualified. to make sure all the HS are okay

The timing sounds slightly late to me. Could you change the offset to 1081 (-10)? Make sure to apply other suggestions first and resnap green lines and preview point
gg sharp ear. Fixed tho. thanks :)
Easy Lv. 4
00:32:244 -, 00:34:552 -, 00:36:530 -, 00:53:673 - I suggest adding notes for consistency with the kick on 00:27:629 -
00:35:211 - and also here for for consistency with 00:29:937 -
01:23:508 - this is probably for the percussion, but wouldn't it be more intuitive to keep following the melody at 01:23:591 -? O yea it was misplaced. thx :D

Normal Lv. 8
00:38:014 - should add note for consistency with 00:39:332 -, 00:40:651 -, etc

Hard Lv. 12
00:20:541 - double for kick?
00:20:871 (20871|2) - I think a single note might be better so it looks the same as 00:21:200 (21200|2,21365|2,21530|2,21860|2) - it is. but the noise are longer than the SNs above it

Insane Lv. 14
01:56:145 - should be a double I think

Special Lv. 16
00:14:112 - why not a triple like the others? I dont think there's another place to put another note since the next part is a jumpthrill
00:41:722 - and 00:41:887 - I'm not sure what the purpose of this space is. Can you explain? ;n; addding note at #1 highlight, seems i missed that xD But the #2 highlight, i want to keep. there is no main melody like the rest of the short notes i use in this kiai
01:55:486 - claps are too loud, should be 13%
Very nice map o/

Awaiting your response
no reply means fixed yey :D
Is the SVs okay, cuz i cant really sure since i'm not really good at SVs xD
The SVs look good to me ^^

I think technically I'm not supposed to do this, but you can keep the Hitsound diff until you're ready for qualify if you want. Qualifying BN, pls take note

Topic Starter
thx Nivrad ^^

lets move on huehue

edit: fixed SVs with blocko ET :3
2016-09-04 08:48 Rivals_7: blocko, have time to testplay? :>
2016-09-04 08:48 Blocko: uhh sure
2016-09-04 08:48 Rivals_7: ACTION is editing [ jioyi - Platinum [Special Lv. 16]]
2016-09-04 08:48 Rivals_7: not really sure with the SVs, so i think i can get some suggestions from you :3
2016-09-04 08:51 Blocko: oops
2016-09-04 08:51 Rivals_7: nice lel
2016-09-04 08:51 Rivals_7: this already bubbled so maybe you can quali- /slap
2016-09-04 08:55 Blocko: nice stutters
2016-09-04 08:55 Blocko: uhh
2016-09-04 08:56 Blocko: 00:37:674 - right here, the SVs here don't equalize to 1x, meaning the space here appears to be shorter than usual
2016-09-04 08:57 Blocko: unless that was intentional, you can progress those SVs to 0.25 > 0.75 > 1.25 > 1.75 by 1/4
2016-09-04 08:58 Rivals_7: o yea that seems a lot better to read xD.
2016-09-04 08:59 Blocko: o cool
2016-09-04 09:01 Blocko: 00:47:234 - not sure how to change this though, but these SVs make the playfield shorter since they don't equalize to 1x
2016-09-04 09:01 Blocko: could be a bit confusing to read
2016-09-04 09:03 Rivals_7: maybe quite hard to read when first play, but seems it plays fine after a 2nd try. at least on my side. some testplayers before i ask are also fine with it
2016-09-04 09:05 Blocko: then it should be alright
2016-09-04 09:05 Blocko: the space is shorter but it has enough room to be readable at least properly
2016-09-04 09:06 Rivals_7: alrite. thx blocko :D
2016-09-04 09:06 Blocko: np, good luck!
gratz rivals. itu diff hitsound nya gak di apus? xD apa nunggu quali check dulu? owo)
Rebub after SV fix
Topic Starter
thx again niv ^^

erlinadewi- wrote:

gratz rivals. itu diff hitsound nya gak di apus? xD apa nunggu quali check dulu? owo)
yep, nanti sebelum quali. biar yakin g ada yg ketinggalan xD.
sama biar nanti yg ngequali nya juga gampang ngecheck HS nya :>
what is this hitsound diff and why is it here
Topic Starter

-Kamikaze- wrote:

what is this hitsound diff and why is it here
oh its for me to easily fix the hitsounding (if there's any mistake) and easier to copy the HS to other diff. using this tool -> t/385832/start=0

its also easier for people to check the hitsound without having to check all the diff hitsounding one by one.
it'll be removed when its going to qualify anyway

dunno how can i explain it further, you may take a look at the map.
qualify pls :^)
I don't get why it's bubbled with that diff. You can just keep it outside the folder and use it when needed. If the map is nominated, it's nominated in what a BN considers as a complete set which in his mind requires no to slight adjusting. I believe that's not the case here.

Popping the bubble, a redundant difficulty has been left while nominating.

Remove the difficulty and ask Nivrad to rebubble I guess
Topic Starter
thought it'll be fine as long that diff doesnt qualify.

but nah, removed anyways. + moved some pattern on Easy and Normal
Kami and I talked about it. Although the Hitsound diff wouldn't have done any harm, I admit I was breaking a rule without sufficient reason by letting it stay. In the future I'll ask the mapper to delete extra diffs like that ;n;

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thx again
sorry for the inconvenience ;w;

now how2find qualifiers
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Reminder post for me: Preview time is unsnapped (Forgot to change after niv's offset change :u)
Will be fixed before qualified
hi, im late

col 1->4



  1. As you said above, you need to snap the preview point to 01:51:685 -
  2. Tone down the OD of Special to 8.5. It's not like there are 0 LNs in the map, so the timing windows can be a little more lenient.
  3. If you look at it in Audacity, ringing.wav doesn't look like it has a delay, but it's basically inaudible for the first 25ms or so. Here's the fix
  4. I'm pretty sure you can remove the soft-hitnormal since it's just the default sound


[Easy]00:25:146 (25146|3,25476|2,25806|0,26135|3,26465|1) - Add clap low.wav. The sounds here are the same as 01:39:817 (99817|3) -
00:37:674 (37674|1) - Aren't your cymbals normally at vol 50%?
01:20:201 (80201|2) - Use 40%? That's what you've been consistently using.
01:25:476 (85476|0,85806|2,86135|1,86465|3) - I'd rather you remove the kicks here and start them at 01:26:795 - when they become more easily audible.


[Hard]00:15:998 (15998|2,16081|0) - I'd consider removing the kicks here cause the sound is more like a tom.
00:16:328 (16328|0,16410|1,16493|2) - ^^
00:19:212 (19212|1) - Replace one of these with a kick. Don't forget to double the vol of the cymbal if you do that.
00:22:179 (22179|3) - ^^
00:53:828 (53828|3) - ^^
01:50:861 (110861|0,111026|2,111190|3,111355|1) - I don't think kicks are necessary for these sounds, but they're not really noticeable either, so whatever.
02:09:817 (129817|0,129899|1) - add kicks
02:10:146 (130146|3,130146|1) - add claps

[Insane]00:53:828 (53828|3) - replace with kick

[Special]00:25:146 (25146|3,25146|0,25476|3,25476|2,25806|0,25806|1,26135|0,26135|3,26465|0,26465|3) - Forgot to mention these in the other diffs, but I'd recommend adding claps.
02:02:399 (122399|1) - replace with a kick


[Easy]00:27:784 (27784|3) - Would prefer this note to be in 1 so that it plays like a roll.
01:41:300 - More a minor suggestion, but I was thinking that since the pitch is the same, you could jack 4 notes in the same column, kind of like this
01:50:531 (110531|2) - I'd consider removing this note to better emphasize the pause right before 01:50:861 - comes in.
01:51:520 (111520|2,111520|3) - I think it'd be cool to turn these both into LNs and end at 01:51:850 - since the snare is pretty long sounding.
02:14:102 (134102|2) - Just my opinion, but I think it'd end nicer as a single note instead of an LN.

[Normal]00:10:311 (10311|1) - Shouldn't this be in 1 since you're using complementary chords at the start of each measure, like 00:07:344 (7344|2,7674|2) - or 00:08:663 (8663|0,8993|0) - for example?
00:24:817 (24817|3,25146|1) - Imo it looks nicer if you swap columns like this
00:39:817 (39817|1,40311|0) - This LN placement just felt a bit awkward for me. What about this instead? In this way, there's no 1/2 shield.
01:48:718 - Why not add a note here since the 1/2 picks up at 01:48:553 - ?
02:12:042 (132042|2) - The 1/4 is fine, but meh, I mean, you haven't used any notes similar to 02:12:042 (132042|2,132124|1) - at all in the song so far, so I thought it might surprise some players, but it's ok to stay too.

[Hard]00:05:696 (5696|0,6026|0) - I think it's better to remove these notes since the player is going to focus more on just the little click sound at 00:05:366 -
00:16:081 (16081|0) - Would have preferred this to be in 4 to make a more straight forward roll, but it's cool.
00:34:707 (34707|0,34707|1) - I think it's best to make this [24] in order to make complementary chords with 00:34:377 (34377|1,34377|3,34542|0,34542|2) - which is more expected at this level imo.
00:59:102 - In this section, I think it's better to leave out the 1/1, except for the sounds such as 01:02:399 (62399|1) - since you can't really hear the background synth come in until 01:03:059 - so I think it's more natural to leave this section less dense as the others.
01:50:201 (110201|0) - I think it's easier to hit if this is in 3 in order to make a roll rather than the current miniroll with 01:50:037 (110037|0,110119|1,110201|0) -
01:50:366 (110366|2,110531|1) - If the above is accepted, flip these notes.

[Insane]00:47:234 - Well done with the SVs, I like it.
00:52:427 (52427|2) - This note sounds a lot like a ghost note, so I'd remove it.
00:59:102 - Similar to what I mentioned in Hard, I think this section is better off using only 1/1, since you want the density of notes to increase at 01:09:652 - since the music has parts added rather than decrease like it does now.

[Special]00:05:037 (5037|1,5366|0,5778|0,6026|0,6355|0) - I think it would look much nicer if the columns were swapped so that the single taps would be on the index finger rather than ring. So like this
01:11:026 (71026|2,71081|1,71135|0,71190|2,71245|1,71300|0) - Man, these sounds are so quiet, I don't really think you need to map them at all. I didn't notice it until I looked into the editor, and I checked this diff last.
That stream at the end sounds like it comes in too early even though I know there's sounds for it. Just a comment, no real suggestion there.
Hopefully I didn't miss anything, although the hitsound mod was pretty arbitrary now that I think about it.
Topic Starter

Protastic101 wrote:

hi, im late huzzah \ o /
Still applying half of it. I'll continue later when i home

col 1->4



  1. As you said above, you need to snap the preview point to 01:51:685 -
  2. Tone down the OD of Special to 8.5. It's not like there are 0 LNs in the map, so the timing windows can be a little more lenient.
  3. If you look at it in Audacity, ringing.wav doesn't look like it has a delay, but it's basically inaudible for the first 25ms or so. Here's the fix saved 4 KB. thx xD
  4. I'm pretty sure you can remove the soft-hitnormal since it's just the default sound o yea never notice that lol


[Easy]00:25:146 (25146|3,25476|2,25806|0,26135|3,26465|1) - Add clap low.wav. The sounds here are the same as 01:39:817 (99817|3) - Okay in Special you mentioning using clap. I found that more convenient so yea. this part in all diff i'll use clap
00:37:674 (37674|1) - Aren't your cymbals normally at vol 50%?
01:20:201 (80201|2) - Use 40%? That's what you've been consistently using. Its a little bit lower than the other cymbals
01:25:476 (85476|0,85806|2,86135|1,86465|3) - I'd rather you remove the kicks here and start them at 01:26:795 - when they become more easily audible. emm dont think so, kicks is literally there so leaving it empty feels awkward


[Hard]00:15:998 (15998|2,16081|0) - I'd consider removing the kicks here cause the sound is more like a tom.
00:16:328 (16328|0,16410|1,16493|2) - ^^ so if i do that i should change in all diff as well :<. but eh... its literally a strong sound (cant really differentiate what is kick and what is tom lol) so kicks could also works too i guess
00:19:212 (19212|1) - Replace one of these with a kick. Don't forget to double the vol of the cymbal if you do that.
00:22:179 (22179|3) - ^^
00:53:828 (53828|3) - ^^
01:50:861 (110861|0,111026|2,111190|3,111355|1) - I don't think kicks are necessary for these sounds, but they're not really noticeable either, so whatever. lel oke
02:09:817 (129817|0,129899|1) - add kicks
02:10:146 (130146|3,130146|1) - add claps thats quite different imo so i'll just kick then

[Insane]00:53:828 (53828|3) - replace with kick

[Special]00:25:146 (25146|3,25146|0,25476|3,25476|2,25806|0,25806|1,26135|0,26135|3,26465|0,26465|3) - Forgot to mention these in the other diffs, but I'd recommend adding claps. explained in easy
02:02:399 (122399|1) - replace with a kick

Alrite some volume may not inconsistent but as long its still give obvious feedback, its fine


[Easy]00:27:784 (27784|3) - Would prefer this note to be in 1 so that it plays like a roll. ah i dont think so. dont want to get too left-hand-oriented . see - 00:27:619 (27619|1,28113|1,28443|0) -
01:41:300 - More a minor suggestion, but I was thinking that since the pitch is the same, you could jack 4 notes in the same column, kind of like this uh no, jacks is quite not appropriate in an easier diff tho, even tho its far.
01:50:531 (110531|2) - I'd consider removing this note to better emphasize the pause right before 01:50:861 - comes in. cant really ignore the vocal sample tho :< also giving this a break are also quite weird
01:51:520 (111520|2,111520|3) - I think it'd be cool to turn these both into LNs and end at 01:51:850 - since the snare is pretty long sounding. that "long sound" is emphasize. i dont thinks thats convenient for newbie
02:14:102 (134102|2) - Just my opinion, but I think it'd end nicer as a single note instead of an LN. not really, there's a sound that sounds like a "waterfall"(?) so theres that

[Normal]00:10:311 (10311|1) - Shouldn't this be in 1 since you're using complementary chords at the start of each measure, like 00:07:344 (7344|2,7674|2) - or 00:08:663 (8663|0,8993|0) - for example? actually it is intended to be more variative. change it a lil bit tho
00:24:817 (24817|3,25146|1) - Imo it looks nicer if you swap columns like this
00:39:817 (39817|1,40311|0) - This LN placement just felt a bit awkward for me. What about this instead? In this way, there's no 1/2 shield. you sure? on your pic, you made a 1/2 shield on col 2 and col 4 (well its reversed but still, its a shield)
01:48:718 - Why not add a note here since the 1/2 picks up at 01:48:553 - ? the current one is a lot more noticeable to hit imo.
02:12:042 (132042|2) - The 1/4 is fine, but meh, I mean, you haven't used any notes similar to 02:12:042 (132042|2,132124|1) - at all in the song so far, so I thought it might surprise some players, but it's ok to stay too. well its because there is no other "sound" that are similar to this. so i guess thats fine xD

[Hard]00:05:696 (5696|0,6026|0) - I think it's better to remove these notes since the player is going to focus more on just the little click sound at 00:05:366 - well those are clicks too. but sounds a lil bit different
00:16:081 (16081|0) - Would have preferred this to be in 4 to make a more straight forward roll, but it's cool. I kinda have an idea for making it like a drum-feeling. if you ever happens to play Arcwin's ensou - COMA map, thats what inspire me
00:34:707 (34707|0,34707|1) - I think it's best to make this [24] in order to make complementary chords with 00:34:377 (34377|1,34377|3,34542|0,34542|2) - which is more expected at this level imo.
00:59:102 - In this section, I think it's better to leave out the 1/1, except for the sounds such as 01:02:399 (62399|1) - since you can't really hear the background synth come in until 01:03:059 - so I think it's more natural to leave this section less dense as the others. well those notes were meant to emphasize the synth, sothe players could keep their focus consistency
01:50:201 (110201|0) - I think it's easier to hit if this is in 3 in order to make a roll rather than the current miniroll with 01:50:037 (110037|0,110119|1,110201|0) -
01:50:366 (110366|2,110531|1) - If the above is accepted, flip these notes.

[Insane]00:47:234 - Well done with the SVs, I like it. thx :DDDDDD
00:52:427 (52427|2) - This note sounds a lot like a ghost note, so I'd remove it. pretty sure there's a noise there. looks like a synth
00:59:102 - Similar to what I mentioned in Hard, I think this section is better off using only 1/1, since you want the density of notes to increase at 01:09:652 - since the music has parts added rather than decrease like it does now. same comment

[Special]00:05:037 (5037|1,5366|0,5778|0,6026|0,6355|0) - I think it would look much nicer if the columns were swapped so that the single taps would be on the index finger rather than ring. So like this alrite a lil bit differently
01:11:026 (71026|2,71081|1,71135|0,71190|2,71245|1,71300|0) - Man, these sounds are so quiet, I don't really think you need to map them at all. I didn't notice it until I looked into the editor, and I checked this diff last. in the actual playfield you can obviously notice the clicks, thats why i put it here.
That stream at the end sounds like it comes in too early even though I know there's sounds for it. Just a comment, no real suggestion there. the official chart in VOEZ actually does the stream at that point tho. so yea xD
Hopefully I didn't miss anything, although the hitsound mod was pretty arbitrary now that I think about it.
Thx <3 No reply means fixed. hope i didnt mess anything xD it seems that I really nitpicky on this ._.
I need more map slot aaaa
Alright, rechecked HS, rechecked diffs, and I'm satisfied with your response, so here's that long awaited heart.
rank my 200bpm 1/16 jumpstream map kthxbai

Topic Starter
OMG <3
Thank you mr sheep xD
Akhirnya di notice BN :v
Gratz mas >w<)b
Topic Starter

Syadow- wrote:

Akhirnya di notice BN :v
Gratz mas >w<)b
BN dinotis BN wkwkwk
Thx mz :D

Rivals_7 wrote:

OMG <3
Thank you mr sheep xD

congrats ya val
that feel when both of our m4m map got qualified ❤️
blooming tea
Topic Starter

Valentrixe wrote:

Rivals_7 wrote:

OMG <3
Thank you mr sheep xD

congrats ya val
that feel when both of our m4m map got qualified ❤️
Hmm mungkin udah jodoh? :>
Wkwkwwk. Thx valen :D

dentek wrote:

Thx dentek :D
kirain si ilama itu, terus jadi rainbows gitu kkekeke.

Banyak Nyimeng, top purkisch
Reuqested disqualify by the mapper to fix hitsounds
Topic Starter
Thx Feerum :D

add Missing Clap in Special and Insane. added new claps in Special

Ctrl+h-ed a pattern in Insane
ok then
Topic Starter
Chatlog before the rebub
2016-11-19 12:46 Rivals_7: bruh can you do the bub instead? i dont think niv will come now :u 
2016-11-19 12:47 Protastic101: o rip
2016-11-19 12:47 Protastic101: Yeah
2016-11-19 12:47 Protastic101: So only the HS were changed in Insane and Special right?
2016-11-19 12:47 Protastic101: plus that ctrl H you mentioned
2016-11-19 12:48 Rivals_7: yes. just that
2016-11-19 12:52 Protastic101: 00:57:784 (57784|0,57784|1) - Meh, just a really quick thing, but I think you should add kick here, maybe like 30% vol max
2016-11-19 12:52 Protastic101: In all the diffs
2016-11-19 12:53 Rivals_7: ah oki. wait a min
2016-11-19 12:54 Rivals_7: okey done
2016-11-19 12:54 Protastic101: In every diff?
2016-11-19 12:54 Rivals_7: yes
2016-11-19 12:54 Protastic101: oki, checking insane real quick
2016-11-19 13:00 Protastic101: 00:19:212 (19212|0,19212|1,19212|3) - In insane, turn one of the cymbals into a kick
2016-11-19 13:01 Rivals_7: [ already do that tho]
2016-11-19 13:01 Rivals_7: eh
2016-11-19 13:01 Rivals_7: wait
2016-11-19 13:01 Rivals_7: lol
2016-11-19 13:01 Protastic101: wat
2016-11-19 13:01 Rivals_7: my bad its Special
2016-11-19 13:01 Rivals_7: xD
2016-11-19 13:01 Protastic101: lol
2016-11-19 13:01 Protastic101: rip
2016-11-19 13:02 Rivals_7: okey done
2016-11-19 13:03 Protastic101: K, checking HS real quick to make sure I didn't miss anything major XD
2016-11-19 13:04 Rivals_7: i'll afk for a bit. i'm on class rn lol
2016-11-19 13:04 Protastic101: 01:48:718 - Still would like to see a note added for the snare here in Normal but ok
2016-11-19 13:05 Protastic101: O rip lol
2016-11-19 13:06 Rivals_7: its breaking a flow i guess. :u
2016-11-19 13:06 Protastic101: then add 1/16 jumpstreams :^)
2016-11-19 13:06 Protastic101: jkjk
2016-11-19 13:06 Protastic101: ok, that's fine anyways
2016-11-19 13:06 Rivals_7: pls xD
2016-11-19 13:07 Rivals_7: oki nice
2016-11-19 13:07 Rivals_7: lemme update
2016-11-19 13:07 Protastic101: Should be last update and then I'll rebub
2016-11-19 13:08 Rivals_7: done
2016-11-19 13:11 Protastic101: rebubbled \o/
2016-11-19 13:12 Rivals_7: sweet. thx :D. now i have to wait 24 hrs lel
2016-11-19 13:13 Protastic101: rip

waiting for 24 hrs rule
Looks good

Topic Starter
yey :D
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Thx for all people who contribute to this mapset :D
Congratzu! >w<)b ♥
Topic Starter
owo Thx Gravey :3

I mean, I did mod Special Lv.16 in-game but... Psh.

I'm never modding again.
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