
Tales of Fan?

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Ok, so I didn't see a topic like this and I'm bored,... and thats how this topic was born!
I am a really big tales of fan!
My favorites are Abyss, Symphonia,and Phantasia (lol the quality suked)
Best Character - Guy(ToA), Jade(ToA), Anise(ToA), Zelos (ToS) and anyone who can stand by the side and cast
Cant' wait for Tales of Symphonia 2 and I want Tales of Innocence to come out to the US =____=
*RPC is a twin swordsman because of Lloyd*

*also roleplays as Reid Hershel on Faceboook lol*
Tales of Phantasia was an awesome game, not that I got into it enough. I stopped at some volcano or mountain like 2 or 3 hours in looking for an old man's granddaughter (who is apparently a tramp, and also fucking AWESOME).

I will put it on my PSP and play it and join in on the tales of this thread.
I want the PSP version of ToP.

Tales of Legendia upsets me. I've never played it, I'll probably try it once, maybe.... but why judge so early?

Watch this.

EDIT: damn. can't embed this video.
NEVER play Legendia. I did and regretted every minute of it. >.X
Remmy's vid sucks.
This is better.
Low blow there, James.

My video was at least informative.
i kno
[deleted user]
i only like eternia...Farah is so cute
I only have Legendia right now (god it seems bad at some points compared to even FFX-2), but when I get a job (which I should get soon now that college's started), I'll see if I can't get Abyss and... that one on the Gamecube.
legendia - hoo hah eat this x 30000000

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RemmyX25 wrote:


*dies too*
Topic Starter
I just got Legendia and the story line is pretty good but the fighting sucks.
Legendia: don't even kid me, it's utter shit, the story becomes predictable garbage and the gameplay sucked.
Leon Magnus
I play:Phantasia,Destiny Ps1,Eternia and Symphonia.
I want the release of Remake for US of Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny 2
My first was ToS, I loved it, beat it twice, its rare for me to play an RPG game twice, I don't think I've done it before. Played ToA, loved it deeply too. Played Legendia, the one with the white haired fist fighting here, right? didn't like it much, got to the part where Norma joins. Played ToV, my favorite game on the 360. I would've bought a 360 for only this game, reminds me, I really should do the side quests.
bump much

Both Symphonias, loved the first the most and hated the character development they crammed down your throat in the second. "Alice I luv u so much *die*" "Oh Decus I luv u too oh my god I just never said it I'm really just a helpless little girl *die*" bleh

I played Phantasia, but got stuck at Volt's cave. I just have no idea what to do there.

Todesengal wrote:

bump much

Both Symphonias, loved the first the most and hated the character development they crammed down your throat in the second. "Alice I luv u so much *die*" "Oh Decus I luv u too oh my god I just never said it I'm really just a helpless little girl *die*" bleh

I played Phantasia, but got stuck at Volt's cave. I just have no idea what to do there.
Wow, you saved me from playing the game, I was unsure at first. So its just an attempt to milk ToS more.
Only played Symphonia and Symphonia: Dawn.

First was great. Thick, full, detailed. More sidequests than you could count. Fantastic character development. Wonderful style. Everything a good rpg needs and then some.

Dawn of the New World was okay. Forming pacts with monsters... It was an interesting and somewhat fun addition. The Katz quests were okay, I guess. The story was good, though nowhere near as well-built as the original. Character development... Yeah, I agree, the character development wasn't a particularly strong point, much of it being rather cliché. Customization was improved quite a lot, though, with the Synthesizing being implemented. Cooking... They destroyed it. No more searching for the Wonder Chef, which sucked. They did well on many of the new monsters. The new characters (*cough* Emil, Marta, Richter not that I got him) were interesting and fun to play. Don't like how they set permanent levels for the old characters though. Also an unhealthy lack of side-quests (I think there might be, like....Two. In the whole game :().

When I first read about it, Dawn really excited me. I expected a full and wonderfully lush plot like the original, stuffed to the brim with extra quests. When I played it, it was fun, though I do admit I was slightly disappointed. :|
When I heard you breed monsters, I know it would suck. No one has done better job than pokemon.
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No one else has played Rebirth or Destiny 2?

I think Rebirth is one of the best Tales of games out there--- not only because of Veigue (クレア!!), but the battle system... The only Tales game with no healing spells too, makes things a lot more interesting XD

I do love the DS Tales games... but mainly Innocence (Aaah, Ruca!), Tempest was pretty bad, and... well, Hearts has an interesting system, allowing you to refine your weapon from collecting materials (you don't learn skills, your weapons provide you the skills)--- with a stamina bar similar to Destiny 2.

The only Tales games I'm missing are Vesperia (Arg... I want to see all the skits involving Rita and Raven), ToS:KoR, and the Cell Phone games, which is sad, since they have Tales of the Abyss on it (After the ending of Abyss for ps2). D:
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Ival, i might be importing this very very soon.
Yeah it's pretty much awesome.

I just want to know if the rumors about a new Wii Tales of game are true. Not about the game itself but the contents of the game.
My hands hurts when playing psp D: And the battery never lasts. I hate it when they release good games on the psp. The only game I beat on the psp was FF:crisis core. (Its my brother's psp, he said he don't wanted it anymore, he is never home anyway)
Keep the ac adapter plugged in? It's a handheld in the sense that you can hold it in your hand, less in the sense of you can take it on trips without an external supply of power
I think I've seen a few videos for that game before Rems.

Fuck, if the Tales series isn't enough justification for me to expand (in combination with the Final Fantasy series AND Kingdom Hearts), well, then....


PFFF I should go shopping. :( I dunno, bargain off some ps2 from some ps3 geek or something. I don't think my vcr can handle many more systems though; it's already got both the Wii and the N64.

Ival, what game? I know I'm going to get terribly worked up over it, but if it ends up actually being impressive...
Eh? I was talking about Radiant Mythology 2. They fixed pretty much all the annoying things in Radiant Mythology 1, I think. Still in Japan only, and I don't know if we're going to get it in english yet.
don't bother getting an english one since i'm 100% sure the story will be crap.

i made some "well-known" combos in rm2, i just modified it a bit.

both have HD quality lol
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if namco were to release rm2 in the US i think they will release it at around Q1 of 2010...

Ivalset wrote:

god knows they'll probably add delay or some shit again and make it not fun
If they take out ANY of the characters for the same reason they did in RM1 (because American Players would not be familiar to them), then its going to suck.
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