
Remi from STAR*ANIS & Miho from AIKATSU*STARS! - Usubeni Day

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016年7月28日星期四 at 13:03:36

Artist: Remi from STAR*ANIS & Miho from AIKATSU*STARS!
Title: Usubeni Day Tripper
Source: アイカツ!
Tags: Aikatsu! 3rd season third Colorful Smile insert song mini album 2 挿入歌ミニアルバム Lantis
BPM: 128
Filesize: 2929kb
Play Time: 01:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.22 stars, 234 notes)
  2. Kantan (1.29 stars, 132 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (2.92 stars, 322 notes)
  4. Oni (3.25 stars, 462 notes)
  5. Taikatsu! (4.23 stars, 585 notes)
Download: Remi from STAR*ANIS & Miho from AIKATSU*STARS! - Usubeni Day Tripper
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
For rank.

4/14 Fixed offset and tags.
4/17 Fixed bpm #2.
4/18 Changed the mp3.
4/26 Fixed offset and tags #2.
4/28 Fixed offset #3
5/4 Fixed offset #4.
5/19 Changed the mp3 #2.
5/20 Fixed offset #5.
from qq group
152那根红线应该在8143 fix一下先

00:08:735 - 前两个音可以补上了
00:15:543 (43) - 01:43:964 (506) - 可以试试d 这样k k的节奏会更明显一点?
00:47:814 (193) - 这里可以加根减速绿线
00:51:761 - 00:52:156 - 跟vocal?
01:11:695 (314,315,316,317,318) - 感觉现在这个虽然对的上音但是不算太好
how about this
00:47:814 (172) - 依旧推荐减速绿线
建议相似的地方还是重新来 这样能和主难度产生区别
00:09:918 (13) - move to 00:10:511 (15) -
00:11:497 (19) - 00:10:708 (16) - delete 然后00:11:103 (17) - 起做个三连
00:13:076 (28) - delete
00:16:234 (43) - delete
00:16:432 (43) - k?
00:17:418 (47) - 做成三连?
然后减小换色三连的频率 这换色频率已经可以算成oni了
Topic Starter

-S a I k A- wrote:

from qq group
152那根红线应该在8143 fix一下先
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

-S a I k A- wrote:

from qq group
152那根红线应该在8143 fix一下先

00:08:735 - 前两个音可以补上了 这个我赞成。
00:15:543 (43) - 01:43:964 (506) - 可以试试d 这样k k的节奏会更明显一点? 这个我也赞成。
00:47:814 (193) - 这里可以加根减速绿线 这歌已经够慢了还减速……
00:51:761 - 00:52:156 - 跟vocal? 然而这里节奏比较明显我觉得插上音两边一起对比较好。
01:11:695 (314,315,316,317,318) - 感觉现在这个虽然对的上音但是不算太好
how about this 这个我换了一下听了一阵总觉得哪里不对,还是我原来摆的听着舒服些。
00:47:814 (172) - 依旧推荐减速绿线 如果是oni的话这个倒是可以考虑。
建议相似的地方还是重新来 这样能和主难度产生区别 这个可以可以。
00:09:918 (13) - move to 00:10:511 (15) -
00:11:497 (19) - 00:10:708 (16) - delete 然后00:11:103 (17) - 起做个三连
00:13:076 (28) - delete
00:16:234 (43) - delete
00:16:432 (43) - k?
00:17:418 (47) - 做成三连?
然后减小换色三连的频率 这换色频率已经可以算成oni了



Hi m4m.

Disable "Enable Countdown" and "Widescreen Support" at Song Setup, it is not used at Taiko.
I found that beginning of the bpm isn't really correct, so maybe find a timing-er to give a better bpm for it?

In my opinion the diffname cannot represent the difficulty, so how about change to "Inner Oni" or "Ura Oni"?

00:09:623 - I'd prefer to add a note at here and 00:09:722 (8) - change this to small note rather than just leave it because in my opinion this is highest diff so it should be more difficult.
00:10:412 - Add a note at here? It seems kinda dull at here for highest difficulty.
00:11:104 (15,16,17) - dkd or kkd? to more fit to the tone of the sound.
00:14:260 (35,36,37) - ddk, the reason is same as above.
00:28:274 (91) - k? the piano tone is fading up.
00:37:748 (134) - k here too for the vocal.
00:47:024 - add a note? It seems have drum sound at here.
00:48:011 - I know you're following the instrument at here, but it sound really empty at these part, so how about add a note to follow the vocal? It doesn't hurt your pattern too.
00:49:787 - Same as above.
00:52:156 - Should have a note for drum sound.
00:57:879 - Same as above.
01:03:307 - Add a note to have a better flow in my opinion?
01:14:260 (334) - k for the vocal.
01:24:918 (395) - It should move this to 01:24:820 - here (and change to k) and 01:25:017 - add a note at here to exactly follow the drum sound.
01:43:767 - add a note for drum.

00:22:353 (74) - Big note to follow the drum cymbal?
00:33:010 (88) - It seems too much d at this part, so how about change this note to k?
00:46:925 (158,159) - kd here? To give the symmetry to the previous dk note, also the flow is better too.
00:49:787 - Same as Taikatsu diff, I feel it should have a note at here.
00:51:564 - Add a note to follow drum sound.
01:03:109 (214,215) - How about delete these two notes? Because the dense of the part is almost same as Taikatsu in my opinion, so delete it can be decreasing it.
The map is well-mapped but please don't put 1/4 three note with different color too much if can (such as ddk or kkd) because generally Muzukashii can't play these refer to tnt or my experience.

00:08:932 (1) - The low diff shouldn't have small spinner, change to a note might be better.
00:31:826 (45,46,47,48) - Futsuu shouldn't have these type of pattern too...
00:34:096 (53,54) - You might be snap wrong place?

Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter

mintong89 wrote:

Hi m4m.

Disable "Enable Countdown" and "Widescreen Support" at Song Setup, it is not used at Taiko.
I found that beginning of the bpm isn't really correct, so maybe find a timing-er to give a better bpm for it?

In my opinion the diffname cannot represent the difficulty, so how about change to "Inner Oni" or "Ura Oni"?

00:09:623 - I'd prefer to add a note at here and 00:09:722 (8) - change this to small note rather than just leave it because in my opinion this is highest diff so it should be more difficult.
00:10:412 - Add a note at here? It seems kinda dull at here for highest difficulty.
00:11:104 (15,16,17) - dkd or kkd? to more fit to the tone of the sound.
00:14:260 (35,36,37) - ddk, the reason is same as above.
00:28:274 (91) - k? the piano tone is fading up.
00:37:748 (134) - k here too for the vocal.
00:47:024 - add a note? It seems have drum sound at here.
00:48:011 - I know you're following the instrument at here, but it sound really empty at these part, so how about add a note to follow the vocal? It doesn't hurt your pattern too.
00:49:787 - Same as above.
00:52:156 - Should have a note for drum sound.
00:57:879 - Same as above.
01:03:307 - Add a note to have a better flow in my opinion?
01:14:260 (334) - k for the vocal.
01:24:918 (395) - It should move this to 01:24:820 - here (and change to k) and 01:25:017 - add a note at here to exactly follow the drum sound.
01:43:767 - add a note for drum.

00:22:353 (74) - Big note to follow the drum cymbal?
00:33:010 (88) - It seems too much d at this part, so how about change this note to k?
00:46:925 (158,159) - kd here? To give the symmetry to the previous dk note, also the flow is better too.
00:49:787 - Same as Taikatsu diff, I feel it should have a note at here.
00:51:564 - Add a note to follow drum sound.
01:03:109 (214,215) - How about delete these two notes? Because the dense of the part is almost same as Taikatsu in my opinion, so delete it can be decreasing it.
The map is well-mapped but please don't put 1/4 three note with different color too much if can (such as ddk or kkd) because generally Muzukashii can't play these refer to tnt or my experience.

00:08:932 (1) - The low diff shouldn't have small spinner, change to a note might be better.
00:31:826 (45,46,47,48) - Futsuu shouldn't have these type of pattern too...
00:34:096 (53,54) - You might be snap wrong place?

Good Luck! :)
I think all of them are right and changed my map except the BPM because I don't know where can find a timing-er to fix the BPM. :?
sorry,except the highest diff name because this song comes from Aikatsu! and this is a taiko diff,then I named it as Taikatsu,which means taiko+aikatsu.
Mod from M4M!

Ill be pretty harsh with this, dont worry I just want the best of your map.

Use Normal Hitsounds, not Soft, the Music drowns out the hitsounds

00:08:932 (1) - This looks odd for a Kantan, begginers arent often that fast and such a 'Ninja' spinner might cause them to overpress and miss the next note, my suggestion is that you remove it or replace it by a slider
Really good Difficulty! You made a good Motif on the Kiai and transformed to keep Variety, well done!

This Difficulty is in terms of Spread REALLY, REALLY, uneven with the Kantan because kantan uses 1/1 only a bit, where as this has a LOT of 1/2 even in the non kiai time.
I will not mod this as this difficulty should be completely REMAPPED and RECONFIGURED so it fits the spread well.

This Diff also is way too close in terms of difficulty to the Oni, even is SR
This will also not be modded because this muzu must be degraded in difficulty to fit the (hopefully also degraded) Futsuu

Yes i will mod this because it actually fits with the Taikatsu spread, and does NOT have to be changed structurally
00:18:603 (55,56,57) - ddk fits more because the first 2 tones are basically almost not there, so should be d and the last tone has a snare to it, so it fits with a k
00:27:879 (81) - k because of the ting noise you made a k in the last pattern
00:34:195 (93,94,95,96) - these doublets are much more fit with a kd dk because of the background instruments again, and they sound much better in play :V
00:43:669 (140,141,142) - i see you mapped to piano in this part as k, so this should be ddk or dkk per that logic, you have to keep consistent
01:03:405 (216,217) - kk because you mapped it in the previous pattern and it sounded really good there
Nothing more to say other than you mapped a little too much on the vocals that really stood out to me, its OK to me tho

This is a bit too overmap to me, and since i cant see to what you overmapped to, i cant mod, sorry :c

Sorry for this ingeniously underwhelming mod <.< I hope you still take my advice as useful and this helps getting it ranked!
hi, as Requested.

General Unrankable: : Your mp3 quality, the volume is pretty low, maybe download and update again?
Opinion: maybe you should remap, I agree with Nepuri one. The rhythm is inverted and the notes is randomly placed. It is not good :/

Highly Recommend: 00:03:248 (3) - delete, because compare with your Kantan, Kantan with few notes, but your Futsuu fill of many 1/2. Besides, It's weird if you place a 1/2 here.
Highly Recommend: 00:06:998 (6) - same as above.
Strongly Recommend: 00:10:115 (2,3,4) - delete, no sound here. don't create the beat lol
Strongly Recommend: 00:11:103 (3) - move to 00:11:300
Strongly Recommend: 00:11:300 (3) - k, higher pitch.
Suggestion: 00:11:695 (4) - delete, I feel strange here. listen the sound again.
Highly Recommend: 00:09:722 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - honestly, this does not meets the quality and the rhythm is highly inverted and ignored. Try to remap.

Mod later :>


Fix your slider multiplier, current is 1.3999999666214, you can use 1,6 for this song zzzzz
Use 90-100% volume, or change to normal 70%~
Topic Starter

Nepuri wrote:

Mod from M4M!

Ill be pretty harsh with this, dont worry I just want the best of your map.

Use Normal Hitsounds, not Soft, the Music drowns out the hitsounds
OK,I'll follow this.

00:08:932 (1) - This looks odd for a Kantan, begginers arent often that fast and such a 'Ninja' spinner might cause them to overpress and miss the next note, my suggestion is that you remove it or replace it by a slider
Yes,but I prefer to delete it......
Really good Difficulty! You made a good Motif on the Kiai and transformed to keep Variety, well done!

This Difficulty is in terms of Spread REALLY, REALLY, uneven with the Kantan because kantan uses 1/1 only a bit, where as this has a LOT of 1/2 even in the non kiai time.
I will not mod this as this difficulty should be completely REMAPPED and RECONFIGURED so it fits the spread well.
Well,I don't know how to map a low SR map......I will acturally think about how to map it.

This Diff also is way too close in terms of difficulty to the Oni, even is SR
This will also not be modded because this muzu must be degraded in difficulty to fit the (hopefully also degraded) Futsuu
Same as above.

Yes i will mod this because it actually fits with the Taikatsu spread, and does NOT have to be changed structurally
00:18:603 (55,56,57) - ddk fits more because the first 2 tones are basically almost not there, so should be d and the last tone has a snare to it, so it fits with a k
00:27:879 (81) - k because of the ting noise you made a k in the last pattern
00:34:195 (93,94,95,96) - these doublets are much more fit with a kd dk because of the background instruments again, and they sound much better in play :V
00:43:669 (140,141,142) - i see you mapped to piano in this part as k, so this should be ddk or dkk per that logic, you have to keep consistent
01:03:405 (216,217) - kk because you mapped it in the previous pattern and it sounded really good there
Nothing more to say other than you mapped a little too much on the vocals that really stood out to me, its OK to me tho

All of your advice are uesful,thanks!

This is a bit too overmap to me, and since i cant see to what you overmapped to, i cant mod, sorry :c

Sorry for this ingeniously underwhelming mod <.< I hope you still take my advice as useful and this helps getting it ranked!
Thanks for your mod!
Topic Starter

jossieP wrote:



Fix your slider multiplier, current is 1.3999999666214, you can use 1,6 for this song zzzzz
Use 90-100% volume, or change to normal 70%~
Thanks for your timing!How about normal 60%?
iControl's Mod

00:22:337 - change volume to 55?
00:23:126 - add d?
00:24:705 - add k? I don't think these are necessary but they sound better imo. up 2 u

00:37:337 (26,27) - ctrl g (swap)
00:38:521 (28) - k These parts sound higher

00:40:495 (31) - change to k
00:40:890 (32) - add d
00:41:285 (33) - change to K I feel like vocals are strong here and should not be ignored

00:42:863 - add d?
00:43:455 - add k? Not sure about the ranking for kantan on these but It does feel empty here

00:46:811 (40) - d
00:47:600 (41) - DSounds like a smoother intro to the slower part of the song

00:53:126 (47) - d
00:54:310 (49,50) - cltrl g (swap) these patterns sound smoother

00:59:244 (56,57) - remove? I'm not sure if this is allowed in katan for ranking

01:00:231 (56,57,58) - all d? they are all the same note

01:02:995 (60) - k ddd doesnt sound that good imo

01:07:732 (69) - remove i dont think maping to the flute is that important

01:47:205 (45) - k

01:50:659 (50) - remove add spinner here 01:50:561 - till here 01:50:561 (1) - or at a white tic. I'm suggesting this because it lands on a blue note which is awkward. And ending with a spinner sounds nicer imo

00:21:845 (22) - d

00:22:437 - change volume to 55% through out all the maps here

01:01:121 (86,87) - these should be d

01:03:095 (89) - change to k

01:27:569 (40) - d? up2u

01:38:621 (61,62) - removedoesn't seem constant with the rest of the map

01:42:766 - add k I feel like a beat is missing here

01:42:766 (68) - change to spinner again should be constant through out all diffs

nice Muzu :D

00:40:595 (92,93,94,95,96) - change to 00:40:694 (93) - remove 00:40:891 (93) - remove 00:40:990 (93) - change to d 00:41:088 - add d 00:41:187 (95) - change to d This part felt to hard for a muzu imo

nice oni :)

00:54:411 (186) - k

01:03:188 - add dd?

01:03:490 (218) - change to d?

01:11:384 - I would start the spinner from here

Should rename to inner oni If trying to go for ranked

00:30:529 - add k
00:31:121 (102) - change to d
00:31:319 - add k
00:31:516 - add d
00:31:713 - add k Smoother transition into faster part imo

00:43:950 (175) - remove
00:44:049 (175) - change to k Keeps the double patterns you had going on

00:47:452 - add d
00:47:502 (198,199) - change to dd I'm mapping this stream to the drums.

01:04:279 (286,287) - ctrl g Sounds lower than higher

Overall pretty solid map-set. But it would be a lot better if could find a better mp3 link with 00:41:384 - vocals not sounded distorted

Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter

IControl wrote:

iControl's Mod

00:22:337 - change volume to 55?
00:23:126 - add d?
00:24:705 - add k? I don't think these are necessary but they sound better imo. up 2 u

00:37:337 (26,27) - ctrl g (swap)
00:38:521 (28) - k These parts sound higher

00:40:495 (31) - change to k
00:40:890 (32) - add d
00:41:285 (33) - change to K I feel like vocals are strong here and should not be ignored

00:42:863 - add d?
00:43:455 - add k? Not sure about the ranking for kantan on these but It does feel empty here

00:46:811 (40) - d
00:47:600 (41) - DSounds like a smoother intro to the slower part of the song

00:53:126 (47) - d
00:54:310 (49,50) - cltrl g (swap) these patterns sound smoother

00:59:244 (56,57) - remove? I'm not sure if this is allowed in katan for ranking

01:00:231 (56,57,58) - all d? they are all the same note

01:02:995 (60) - k ddd doesnt sound that good imo

01:07:732 (69) - remove i dont think maping to the flute is that important

01:47:205 (45) - k

01:50:659 (50) - remove add spinner here 01:50:561 - till here 01:50:561 (1) - or at a white tic. I'm suggesting this because it lands on a blue note which is awkward. And ending with a spinner sounds nicer imo

Follow all of above!

00:21:845 (22) - d

00:22:437 - change volume to 55% through out all the maps here

01:01:121 (86,87) - these should be d

01:03:095 (89) - change to k

01:27:569 (40) - d? up2u

01:38:621 (61,62) - removedoesn't seem constant with the rest of the map

01:42:766 - add k I feel like a beat is missing here

01:42:766 (68) - change to spinner again should be constant through out all diffs

Follow all of above except 01:27:569 (40) - because I prefer to k.

nice Muzu :D
thanks :D

00:40:595 (92,93,94,95,96) - change to 00:40:694 (93) - remove 00:40:891 (93) - remove 00:40:990 (93) - change to d 00:41:088 - add d 00:41:187 (95) - change to d This part felt to hard for a muzu imo

nice oni :)
Thanks :)

00:54:411 (186) - k//OK!

01:03:188 - add dd?//OK!

01:03:490 (218) - change to d?//OK!

01:11:384 - I would start the spinner from here//I prefer to keep this as now.

Should rename to inner oni If trying to go for ranked//But it's the highest diff,really need to change it?

00:30:529 - add k
00:31:121 (102) - change to d
00:31:319 - add k
00:31:516 - add d
00:31:713 - add k Smoother transition into faster part imo

00:43:950 (175) - remove
00:44:049 (175) - change to k Keeps the double patterns you had going on

00:47:452 - add d
00:47:502 (198,199) - change to dd I'm mapping this stream to the drums.

01:04:279 (286,287) - ctrl g Sounds lower than higher

Overall pretty solid map-set. But it would be a lot better if could find a better mp3 link with 00:41:384 - vocals not sounded distorted

Good Luck! :)
Thanks for your advice!
aa, more offbeat in Futsuu
Hi~ :) From my Queue


volume better normal 70%, and 90% in kiai time.

00:12:865 - k This sound is higher than 00:12:766 and 00:12:963
00:13:160 (30,31,32,33) - Ctrl+G?
00:48:687 - Delete follow the vocal.
01:41:286 - same as 00:12:865 .
01:50:463 - move to 01:50:398
01:50:759 - move to 01:50:726

00:08:819 - add d
00:27:963 - Delete? No sound?
00:48:687 - ^
01:50:463 - move to 01:50:398 It can be said that the to other difficulty.
01:50:759 - move to 01:50:726 same as above.

very good map :) Good luck~ >w<ノ
Topic Starter

nyanmi-1828 wrote:

Hi~ :) From my Queue


volume better normal 70%, and 90% in kiai time.

00:12:865 - k This sound is higher than 00:12:766 and 00:12:963
00:13:160 (30,31,32,33) - Ctrl+G?
00:48:687 - Delete follow the vocal.
01:41:286 - same as 00:12:865 .
01:50:463 - move to 01:50:398
01:50:759 - move to 01:50:726

00:08:819 - add d
00:27:963 - Delete? No sound?
00:48:687 - ^
01:50:463 - move to 01:50:398 It can be said that the to other difficulty.
01:50:759 - move to 01:50:726 same as above.

very good map :) Good luck~ >w<ノ
All of them are useful advice!Thanks for your modding and timing!
Mod placeholder
Gap between futsuu and muzu is too big, spread is too uneven.
2 mp3 files?, which one are you using?

OD3 HP7 : kantan is for beginner, allow more errors made by them. but HP7 to avoid some people pass without serious attention
00:16:121 (6) - k ? high pitch
00:22:437 (12) - d (single note)
01:07:437 move to 01:07:634
01:13:752 (2,3) - both k
01:15:331 (5) - d, same pitch as prev note
01:16:910 (7,8) - both k
01:18:094 (9,10) - ctrl + g
01:21:253 (14,15) - ctrl + g , pitch from low to high

too much break in non-kiai part making it looks like a ura kantan
use these pattern to increase SR
00:32:700 move to 00:32:503
00:35:069 (45) - d

prefer this pattern, fits the song. (Following sound effect)
00:49:970 (128,129,130,131) - remap , i don't see any point.
01:50:759 (128) - why not spinner?


Taikatsu (inner oni) is unnecessery for me, I wont mod it. But fun map tho!
Topic Starter

Chocola_2287 wrote:

Mod placeholder
Gap between futsuu and muzu is too big, spread is too uneven.
2 mp3 files?, which one are you using?

OD3 HP7 : kantan is for beginner, allow more errors made by them. but HP7 to avoid some people pass without serious attention
00:16:121 (6) - k ? high pitch
00:22:437 (12) - d (single note)
01:07:437 move to 01:07:634
01:13:752 (2,3) - both k
01:15:331 (5) - d, same pitch as prev note
01:16:910 (7,8) - both k
01:18:094 (9,10) - ctrl + g
01:21:253 (14,15) - ctrl + g , pitch from low to high

too much break in non-kiai part making it looks like a ura kantan
use these pattern to increase SR
00:32:700 move to 00:32:503
00:35:069 (45) - d

prefer this pattern, fits the song. (Following sound effect)
00:49:970 (128,129,130,131) - remap , i don't see any point.
01:50:759 (128) - why not spinner?


Taikatsu (inner oni) is unnecessery for me, I wont mod it. But fun map tho!
Reply placeholder.
Sorry for the garbage formatting orz

  1. 00:07:698 (6) - Pretty sure this note is off, probably because of the timing. I think it would be better to just use a spinner that ends at 00:08:227 -
  2. 00:18:490 (19,20) - Consider changing these two to a d. As it is right now, I think that 3 ks takes away from the emphasis on 00:18:884 (21)
  3. 00:31:911 (40,41) - Change to #41 to k? Both of those notes have different sounding cymbals on them so it might sound more interesting going into the second half of the verse. (I also hear that the same drum sounds are the exact same on these two notes, which is reason enough not to change them, but hey its a suggestion.)
  4. 00:45:726 (67) - change to k. The cymbal goes higher here and the snare drum hits here, making it pretty distinctive from #65 and #66 just before it.
  5. 00:54:016 - The vocals flow the same way as the do at 00:55:595 - so I think it would be very fitting if you added a 1/2 triple at 00:56:384 just like you did at 00:54:805 -
    1. If you follow the above suggestion, I recommend deleting 00:53:424 (80) - so keep the amount of triples around the same
  6. 01:08:226 (108,109,110,111,112,113,114) - I think this might be a bit too hard for Futsuu due to the notes on the blue ticks. consider deleting 01:08:819 (110) - and 01:09:608 (113) - . That way you still hit the main cymbal sounds and reduce the density.
    1. 01:09:016 (110,111) - I also recommend changing 01:09:016 (111,112) - to k
  7. 01:48:292 (86,89) - I also think these are not needed for futsuu
  1. 00:12:766 (24) - Change to k. The sound you were following for the triple just before it were all blues, since it also hits here I think it would sound way better
  2. 00:22:437 (55,56,57) - Ctrl +G . It should sound the same as 00:25:595 (58,59,60) - which was perfect
  3. 00:32:700 (66) - Consider changing to k. You got that higher pitched snare drum hit right so you might want to make that more distinctive then that previous 3 drum hits
  4. 00:35:463 (75,76) - Change #75 for k you used blues to represent that drum hit in this small section and this is the only one thats missing so It really sounds odd
  5. 00:38:621 (85) - Similar argument for above.
  1. 00:11:187 (14,15,16) - Nothing really supports that k on #16. I think kkd works better since it follows the pitch of that whistle thingy.
  2. 00:12:371 (20,21,22,23,24,25) and 00:15:529 (37,38,39,40,41,42) - I expected these patterns to be where the other pattern was and vice verse because of the pitch of the flute, it would sound really on point.
  3. 00:23:226 (75,76) - Ctrl + G
  4. 00:32:700 (86) - same as Muzukashii, I think this note deserves distinction by being a k.
  5. 00:38:523 (113) - Why is this on the blue tick? if its for the piano I'm strongly against it since its rarely recognized during the other normal parts of the map.
I can barely read the last difficulty.
Hopefully this helped!
Topic Starter

Skyhmer wrote:

Sorry for the garbage formatting orz//No problem!

  1. 00:07:698 (6) - Pretty sure this note is off, probably because of the timing. I think it would be better to just use a spinner that ends at 00:08:227 - //I think delete may more fit imo.
  2. 00:18:490 (19,20) - Consider changing these two to a d. As it is right now, I think that 3 ks takes away from the emphasis on 00:18:884 (21) //Fixed.
  3. 00:31:911 (40,41) - Change to #41 to k? Both of those notes have different sounding cymbals on them so it might sound more interesting going into the second half of the verse. (I also hear that the same drum sounds are the exact same on these two notes, which is reason enough not to change them, but hey its a suggestion.)//Keep it may more fit the drum imo.
  4. 00:45:726 (67) - change to k. The cymbal goes higher here and the snare drum hits here, making it pretty distinctive from #65 and #66 just before it.
  5. 00:54:016 - The vocals flow the same way as the do at 00:55:595 - so I think it would be very fitting if you added a 1/2 triple at 00:56:384 just like you did at 00:54:805 -
    1. If you follow the above suggestion, I recommend deleting 00:53:424 (80) - so keep the amount of triples around the same//Thanks for your advice but sorry,imo I think there's no reason for me to add a 1/2 triplein Futsuu,I can't feel the rhythm in there.
  6. 01:08:226 (108,109,110,111,112,113,114) - I think this might be a bit too hard for Futsuu due to the notes on the blue ticks. consider deleting 01:08:819 (110) - and 01:09:608 (113) - . That way you still hit the main cymbal sounds and reduce the density.//Fixed.
    1. 01:09:016 (110,111) - I also recommend changing 01:09:016 (111,112) - to k//Fixed.
  7. 01:48:292 (86,89) - I also think these are not needed for futsuu//Fixed.
  1. 00:12:766 (24) - Change to k. The sound you were following for the triple just before it were all blues, since it also hits here I think it would sound way better//Fixed.
  2. 00:22:437 (55,56,57) - Ctrl +G . It should sound the same as 00:25:595 (58,59,60) - which was perfect//Fixed.
  3. 00:32:700 (66) - Consider changing to k. You got that higher pitched snare drum hit right so you might want to make that more distinctive then that previous 3 drum hits//I need to follow the drum so I placed a d here.
  4. 00:35:463 (75,76) - Change #75 for k you used blues to represent that drum hit in this small section and this is the only one thats missing so It really sounds odd//Fixed.
  5. 00:38:621 (85) - Similar argument for above.//Sorry but I don't know what your mean.
  1. 00:11:187 (14,15,16) - Nothing really supports that k on #16. I think kkd works better since it follows the pitch of that whistle thingy.//Fixed.
  2. 00:12:371 (20,21,22,23,24,25) and 00:15:529 (37,38,39,40,41,42) - I expected these patterns to be where the other pattern was and vice verse because of the pitch of the flute, it would sound really on point.//Fixed.
  3. 00:23:226 (75,76) - Ctrl + G//Fixed.
  4. 00:32:700 (86) - same as Muzukashii, I think this note deserves distinction by being a k.//Same as Muzukashii.
  5. 00:38:523 (113) - Why is this on the blue tick? if its for the piano I'm strongly against it since its rarely recognized during the other normal parts of the map.//Fixed.
I can barely read the last difficulty.//I feel so sorry.
Hopefully this helped!//Thanks for your modding!
nika mika
Hey yo whoo ha
mod as requested


please use these as timing point settings. for inherit points, add them as you wish after this is fixed.


Wait and mod until respond.
Hi, M4M here
00:45:726 (34,35) - Ctrl+G
00:48:489 (38,39) - Ctrl+G

00:22:437 (32) - Big Kat
00:32:503 (41) - Big Don?
00:47:700 (73) - Big Don
00:48:490 (74,75) - Ctrl+G
01:19:279 (17) - Big Don

HP = 6 or 5
OD = 5
00:10:200 (12,13,14) - kdk like oni?
00:13:358 (26,27,28) - kdk or kdd (same with oni)
00:33:095 (67) - kat like oni?
00:45:726 (111) - kat to follow drum
00:51:648 - Add a note?
01:15:121 - add kat
01:18:884 - Add note? fell weird without note
01:21:450 - Add kat?

OD 6?
00:13:358 (26,27,28) - kdkd maybe or kddd?
00:16:516 (43,44,45,46) - Same ^
00:19:082 (58) - Big Kat?
00:34:082 (91,92,93) - it should kdkd, add d at 00:34:180 -
00:37:832 (110) - kat like muzukashii (only sugesstion)
00:45:726 (149) - kat ^
00:46:319 (152) - i think kat is better here,
00:51:648 (176) - kat to follow drum sound
01:01:121 (201,202,206,207) - Ctrl+G if you following sound
01:16:516 (18,19,20) - kdk if you follow vocal
01:25:990 (69,70) - Ctrld+G same reason ^
01:27:371 (76,77,78,79) - ddkk same reason ^
01:50:759 (194) - Why not spinner?
Hope it help! Sorry my english is bad, so i can't speak so long!
Seika Kasanui
Hello! I love this song! It's nice to see another Aikatsu! fan :)

00:42:963 - Consider adding a d here

01:50:068 (49) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using a finisher over a normal note.

00:12:371 (6) - k -> d

00:15:134 (12) - k -> d

01:32:700 - Consider adding a d here, this gap feels a little awkward to me

01:50:069 (89,90) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.

00:46:713 (114,115,116,117) - d ddd k -> d d ddk I think that this fits the song better

01:07:042 - Consider adding a d

01:50:069 (126,127) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.

00:08:819 (9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - d ddk ddk -> ddk ddk k I think this sounds a lot better

01:50:069 (192,193,194) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.

00:55:792 (233) - Consider removing this note

01:11:384 (320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334) - While this pattern fits the song well, it's too difficult compared to the rest of the map. Consider changing to something like this

01:50:068 (553,554,555) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.

Great map, very little that can be improved. Good luck getting it ranked :D
Topic Starter

Aloda wrote:

Hello! I love this song! It's nice to see another Aikatsu! fan :) //Do you like watching Precure Series?lol

00:42:963 - Consider adding a d here//sorry but it don't fit the song imo.

01:50:068 (49) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using a finisher over a normal note.//but I think it's necessary.

00:12:371 (6) - k -> d//Fixed.

00:15:134 (12) - k -> d//Fixed.

01:32:700 - Consider adding a d here, this gap feels a little awkward to me//Fixed.

01:50:069 (89,90) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.//same as Kantan.

00:46:713 (114,115,116,117) - d ddd k -> d d ddk I think that this fits the song better//Fixed.

01:07:042 - Consider adding a d//Fixed.

01:50:069 (126,127) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.

00:08:819 (9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - d ddk ddk -> ddk ddk k I think this sounds a lot better//but I think it makes me uncomfortable.

01:50:069 (192,193,194) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.//same as Kantan.

00:55:792 (233) - Consider removing this note//I heard a drum here.

01:11:384 (320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334) - While this pattern fits the song well, it's too difficult compared to the rest of the map. Consider changing to something like this //thanks for your advice but I think it sounds strange and makes me uncomfortable.

01:50:068 (553,554,555) - I don't think the beat here is strong enough to justify using finishers over normal notes.//same as Kantan.

Great map, very little that can be improved. Good luck getting it ranked :D//Thanks for your advice!

Yoratama wrote:

Hi, M4M here
00:45:726 (34,35) - Ctrl+G
00:48:489 (38,39) - Ctrl+G


00:22:437 (32) - Big Kat
00:32:503 (41) - Big Don?
00:47:700 (73) - Big Don
00:48:490 (74,75) - Ctrl+G//Fixed.
01:19:279 (17) - Big Don

Same as Muzukashii.

HP = 6 or 5//Fixed.
OD = 5
00:10:200 (12,13,14) - kdk like oni?
00:13:358 (26,27,28) - kdk or kdd (same with oni)
00:33:095 (67) - kat like oni?
00:45:726 (111) - kat to follow drum
00:51:648 - Add a note?
01:15:121 - add kat
01:18:884 - Add note? fell weird without note
01:21:450 - Add kat?

sorry but I think lots of your advice in this diff is unnecessary...... :(

OD 6?//But my hardest diff is OD6.......
00:13:358 (26,27,28) - kdkd maybe or kddd?//but dkdd more fit imo......
00:16:516 (43,44,45,46) - Same ^//^
00:19:082 (58) - Big Kat?//Not necessary.
00:34:082 (91,92,93) - it should kdkd, add d at 00:34:180 - //Acturally I know it's a kdkd,and I did it in the Taikatsu! diff, I make this to simplify the map.
00:37:832 (110) - kat like muzukashii (only sugesstion) //d may better.
00:45:726 (149) - kat ^//^
00:46:319 (152) - i think kat is better here,//^
00:51:648 (176) - kat to follow drum sound//but drum sound feels like d.
01:01:121 (201,202,206,207) - Ctrl+G if you following sound//Fixed.
01:16:516 (18,19,20) - kdk if you follow vocal//but I follow the drum.
01:25:990 (69,70) - Ctrld+G same reason ^//^
01:27:371 (76,77,78,79) - ddkk same reason ^//^
01:50:759 (194) - Why not spinner?//Why not a D?
Hope it help! Sorry my english is bad, so i can't speak so long!//I'm poor at English too,but thanks for your advice!
Topic Starter

nika mika wrote:

Hey yo whoo ha
mod as requested


please use these as timing point settings. for inherit points, add them as you wish after this is fixed.


Wait and mod until respond.
Holding a place for reply.

Here is a simple fix, select all the timelines on Timing Panel, change the "0" value for "-8" and click move.
Resnap all objects and manually resnap your preview time.
Oh btw, use the same volume for the whole map.

Topic Starter

jossieP wrote:


Here is a simple fix, select all the timelines on Timing Panel, change the "0" value for "-8" and click move.
Resnap all objects and manually resnap your preview time.
Oh btw, use the same volume for the whole map.

Thanks for your timing! :)
hi,from my quoue.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is Finish don note
  4. K is Finish kat note

  5. Purple is UnRankable , Please change
  6. Green is I would strongly recommend
  7. black is Pointed out that

[ General]
  1. please fix Kantan.
  2. 01:50:751 -Please all diff let end with a finisher or spinner?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:17:692 - change k? - Because higher than 00:16:113 - sound.

  2. 01:44:534,01:46:113 - change k? - same as 00:16:113 ~

  3. 01:46:113 - change k? - same as muzu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:11:179 - delete

  2. 00:15:126 - move to00:15:521 (12) - same as 00:12:166 - patturn

  3. 01:17:495 - remove finisher? - same as 01:14:337 -

  4. 01:40:587 (64,65,66) - ,01:43:745 (72,73,74) - kdk? - 00:12:166 (4,5,6) - was a kdk.

  5. 01:45:916 (79,80) - change kk? - same as muzukashii.

  6. 01:47:297 (82) - change k? - same as 00:18:482 (18,19,20) - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:34:567 - delete,and 00:34:271 - add note?

  2. 01:17:495 - same as Futsuu.

  3. 01:30:126 - remove finisher? - ^

  4. 01:31:508 - change k? - I think the more the better.

  5. 01:47:100 - add d? - Since the Futsuu are present

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Oni]
  1. 00:12:955 - change k? - 00:11:179 (14,15,16) - This reversal?I think that the better and adapt to this.

  2. 00:16:113 - ^

  3. 00:49:962 (170) - change d? - Because the sound is not very high

  4. 01:17:495 - same as Futsuu.

  5. 01:30:126 - remove finisher? - ^

  6. 01:31:903 - add finisher? - I think the more the better.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

good song.sorry late mod;w; good luck~
hi m4m

did you get a new mp3 or something? All notes are unsnapped. All time stamps will be for notes that are properly snapped
00:35:060 (21) - add finish? you might as well since you added one at 00:31:903 (17) -
00:58:744 (51) - why does this have a finish and 01:00:324 (52) doesnt?
01:05:061 (59,60,61,62) - delete finishes
01:07:626 (64) - move to 01:07:824
01:15:324 (5) - change to k? matches the vocals better imo
01:20:061 (12) - k

00:47:692 (73) - finish
01:47:692 (85,) use the same rhythm you have at 00:19:271 (22) . It is the kiai time afterall

imo you should map the sounds at 00:34:074 rather than 00:34:567 (71) Your current rhythm feels forced imo
00:38:613 (85) - how about this rhythm? it flows better imo
00:42:955 (101) - d
00:52:429 (131) - If youre following the vocals this suits better
00:55:587 (137) - suggestion?
01:00:324 (146) - k. Its the same sound as 01:01:113 (149,152) -

01:00:324 (196) - k
01:23:515 (54) - delete, forced rhythm imo

Thats all from me, GL!
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

hi m4m

did you get a new mp3 or something? All notes are unsnapped. All time stamps will be for notes that are properly snapped//Yes I got a new mp3,now fixed.
00:35:060 (21) - add finish? you might as well since you added one at 00:31:903 (17) -
00:58:744 (51) - why does this have a finish and 01:00:324 (52) doesnt?
01:05:061 (59,60,61,62) - delete finishes
01:07:626 (64) - move to 01:07:824
01:15:324 (5) - change to k? matches the vocals better imo
01:20:061 (12) - k

All of them are fixed.

00:47:692 (73) - finish
01:47:692 (85,) use the same rhythm you have at 00:19:271 (22) . It is the kiai time afterall

All of them are fixed.

imo you should map the sounds at 00:34:074 rather than 00:34:567 (71) Your current rhythm feels forced imo//Fixed by following chaica's advice.
00:38:613 (85) - how about this rhythm? it flows better imo
00:42:955 (101) - d
00:52:429 (131) - If youre following the vocals this suits better
00:55:587 (137) - suggestion?
01:00:324 (146) - k. Its the same sound as 01:01:113 (149,152) -

All of them are fixed.

01:00:324 (196) - k//Fixed.
01:23:515 (54) - delete, forced rhythm imo//I heard a drum here.

Thats all from me, GL!//thanks for your excellent modding!

chaica wrote:

hi,from my quoue.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is Finish don note
  4. K is Finish kat note

  5. Purple is UnRankable , Please change
  6. Green is I would strongly recommend
  7. black is Pointed out that

[ General]
  1. please fix Kantan.//Fixed.
  2. 01:50:751 -Please all diff let end with a finisher or spinner?//All are changed to spinner.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:17:692 - change k? - Because higher than 00:16:113 - sound.

  2. 01:44:534,01:46:113 - change k? - same as 00:16:113 ~

  3. 01:46:113 - change k? - same as muzu

    All of them are fixed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:11:179 - delete

  2. 00:15:126 - move to00:15:521 (12) - same as 00:12:166 - patturn

  3. 01:17:495 - remove finisher? - same as 01:14:337 -

  4. 01:40:587 (64,65,66) - ,01:43:745 (72,73,74) - kdk? - 00:12:166 (4,5,6) - was a kdk.

  5. 01:45:916 (79,80) - change kk? - same as muzukashii.

  6. 01:47:297 (82) - change k? - same as 00:18:482 (18,19,20) - .

    All of them are fixed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:34:567 - delete,and 00:34:271 - add note?

  2. 01:17:495 - same as Futsuu.

  3. 01:30:126 - remove finisher? - ^

  4. 01:31:508 - change k? - I think the more the better.

  5. 01:47:100 - add d? - Since the Futsuu are present

    All of them are fixed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Oni]
  1. 00:12:955 - change k? - 00:11:179 (14,15,16) - This reversal?I think that the better and adapt to this.//Sorry but I think kkd is more fit.

  2. 00:16:113 - ^

  3. 00:49:962 (170) - change d? - Because the sound is not very high

  4. 01:17:495 - same as Futsuu.

  5. 01:30:126 - remove finisher? - ^

  6. 01:31:903 - add finisher? - I think the more the better.
    Others are all fixed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

good song.sorry late mod;w; good luck~//thanks for your excellent modding!I wll mod your map soon!
nika mika

jossieP wrote:


Here is a simple fix, select all the timelines on Timing Panel, change the "0" value for "-8" and click move.
Resnap all objects and manually resnap your preview time.
Oh btw, use the same volume for the whole map.

I updated to the latest timing settings in Taikatsu! diff. While I don't really want to say if the change from 128 BPM to 127 BPM make sense, your settings seems does not fit after 00:06:330. I'm not sure if chikane made any mistakes when copy and paste, in the case he didn't then I recommend you fix it again.

talked with chikane and he sent me an osz file from his computer. your timing is all good....sorry for that. He told me that the mp3 file is changed, maybe that's the reason :(
Hi :)
Sorry for being late


Pls remove the unused mp3 audio file

01:10:982 - change to k

00:39:403 - change to ddk

01:08:811 - add d?

01:26:968 - change to k

01:30:126 - ^

00:34:074 - add d?

00:40:982 - change to dd dd

01:08:021 - add k

01:18:876 - why not add a note here?seems empty here

01:22:232 - add k

01:28:547 - ^

00:34:172 - add a note here,there is music(beat) here

01:37:330 - add d here

It's seems that the set has been well mapped :)
But I think consistency can be improved in muzukashii
Good map and song at all :)
GL with rank~~
Topic Starter

iloveyou4ever wrote:

Hi :)
Sorry for being late


Pls remove the unused mp3 audio file//Fixed.

01:10:982 - change to k//Fixed.

00:39:403 - change to ddk

01:08:811 - add d?

01:26:968 - change to k

01:30:126 - ^

All fixed.

00:34:074 - add d?//but there's no reason to add d.

00:40:982 - change to dd dd

01:08:021 - add k

01:18:876 - why not add a note here?seems empty here

01:22:232 - add k

01:28:547 - ^

Others are all fixed.

00:34:172 - add a note here,there is music(beat) here//but I delete it for simplify the map.....

01:37:330 - add d here//same as above

It's seems that the set has been well mapped :)
But I think consistency can be improved in muzukashii
Good map and song at all :)
GL with rank~~//Thanks for your modding!
Hi Himemiya!

I am incredibly sorry for being so late, but I wasn't really able to focus on modding for a while as I recovered a bit of tenosynovitis. However, I already looked at the map in the editor and haven't seen anything that seems out of place or not fitting. I just had a playtest to confirm and the map plays down quite nicely, so first of all good job for that!
The difficulties apart from the Taikatsu! difficulty are very solidly mapped and while there might be some things related to my own taste one could consider changing, I will spare you with this nonsense. You did a very good job on those, in my opinion.
The Taikatsu! difficulty is very interesting and has really nice sections, such as 01:00:323 and the start of the kiai.

As I could not really pinpoint any things that deserve a change, I will give you a star and please send me a message if there is any other map you need a mod on, since this one is (atleast in my opinion) very well done already

Good luck on getting it ranked, and again sorry for being so late :(
Topic Starter

guro wrote:

Hi Himemiya!

I am incredibly sorry for being so late, but I wasn't really able to focus on modding for a while as I recovered a bit of tenosynovitis. However, I already looked at the map in the editor and haven't seen anything that seems out of place or not fitting. I just had a playtest to confirm and the map plays down quite nicely, so first of all good job for that!
The difficulties apart from the Taikatsu! difficulty are very solidly mapped and while there might be some things related to my own taste one could consider changing, I will spare you with this nonsense. You did a very good job on those, in my opinion.
The Taikatsu! difficulty is very interesting and has really nice sections, such as 01:00:323 and the start of the kiai.

As I could not really pinpoint any things that deserve a change, I will give you a star and please send me a message if there is any other map you need a mod on, since this one is (atleast in my opinion) very well done already

Good luck on getting it ranked, and again sorry for being so late :(
Thanks for your encouragement!I will try hard to make more good maps! :)
Hi, did a bit of talking on some problems that I saw before I'll officially check the set.


00:09:799 to 00:20:852 - The difficulty gaps and curves are very bad here from the Kantan to Oni. An example is that 00:11:378 to 00:12:957 in the Futsuu is more difficult compared to the Kantan, while 00:09:799 to 00:11:378 is exactly the same. Another example is 00:18:878 to 00:20:852 is exactly the same in the Futsuu and Muzukashii. To solve these respective problems, you must increase/decrease the difficulty of some areas. In the Kantan, it may be left alone, but in the Futsuu something like this could work:
For the second issue that I mentioned, reducing the Futsuu density would work well, since 3/4 rhythms are too difficult for Futsuu difficulties.
Note that these are not the only difficulty curve problems in this section, or in the entire song.


The kiai section needs more 4/1 breaks. A possibility to create 4/1 breaks is something like this:
If you apply this exact rhythm, you should redo the same rhythm at 01:19:273 (10,11,12,13,14) and similar places after.

01:22:431 (15,16,17,18,19,20) - The continuous 2/1 makes this pattern a bit boring. Try adding a hit at 01:24:405.


01:13:352 (2) - You can delete this and add hits at 01:15:326 (8,9) to create a nicer placed 2/1 break imo, and other similar places.

Please gather more modders to improve your difficulties ^^

Good luck~
Topic Starter

newyams99 wrote:

Hi, did a bit of talking on some problems that I saw before I'll officially check the set.


00:09:799 to 00:20:852 - The difficulty gaps and curves are very bad here from the Kantan to Oni. An example is that 00:11:378 to 00:12:957 in the Futsuu is more difficult compared to the Kantan, while 00:09:799 to 00:11:378 is exactly the same. Another example is 00:18:878 to 00:20:852 is exactly the same in the Futsuu and Muzukashii. To solve these respective problems, you must increase/decrease the difficulty of some areas. In the Kantan, it may be left alone, but in the Futsuu something like this could work:
For the second issue that I mentioned, reducing the Futsuu density would work well, since 3/4 rhythms are too difficult for Futsuu difficulties.
Note that these are not the only difficulty curve problems in this section, or in the entire song.


The kiai section needs more 4/1 breaks. A possibility to create 4/1 breaks is something like this:
If you apply this exact rhythm, you should redo the same rhythm at 01:19:273 (10,11,12,13,14) and similar places after.

01:22:431 (15,16,17,18,19,20) - The continuous 2/1 makes this pattern a bit boring. Try adding a hit at 01:24:405.


01:13:352 (2) - You can delete this and add hits at 01:15:326 (8,9) to create a nicer placed 2/1 break imo, and other similar places.

Please gather more modders to improve your difficulties ^^

Good luck~
All Fixed,Thanks for your modding! :)

Note volume 70% is too low for this moment
Actually, the last part 01:50:063 seems decreasing bpm. I think 130 bpm fits to this situation.


01:07:628 (67) - not necessary to be here ' move 1/2 left


00:49:668 - add a note, no matter don or kat
01:33:089, 01:33:286 - add a note


00:15:326 (32,33,34,35) - k k k kkk
01:18:878 (23) - change to kat

01:43:747 (110,111,112,113) - k k k ddd


00:26:773 - add a kat


00:22:431 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94) - put more notes. I recommend to fit at vocal
Topic Starter

Nyan wrote:


Note volume 70% is too low for this moment
Actually, the last part 01:50:063 seems decreasing bpm. I think 130 bpm fits to this situation.


01:07:628 (67) - not necessary to be here ' move 1/2 left


00:49:668 - add a note, no matter don or kat
01:33:089, 01:33:286 - add a note


00:15:326 (32,33,34,35) - k k k kkk
01:18:878 (23) - change to kat

01:43:747 (110,111,112,113) - k k k ddd


00:26:773 - add a kat


00:22:431 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94) - put more notes. I recommend to fit at vocal
All fixed!Thanks for your modding and timing!

Sorry for my lateness. ;~;

M4M. :D

Keep in mind, these are my suggestions, don't change something I mentioned unless it seems good to you! :)

01:25:589 (21) - D (Adds more power to the new verse)

Looks fine as is.

00:15:523 (33) - Change to d.
00:22:431 (57) - Change to D.

Looks good.

00:57:957 (253) - Change to k.

The set looks pretty nice. :D Good luck on rank!
Topic Starter

Ayyri wrote:


Sorry for my lateness. ;~;

M4M. :D

Keep in mind, these are my suggestions, don't change something I mentioned unless it seems good to you! :)

01:25:589 (21) - D (Adds more power to the new verse)

Looks fine as is.

00:15:523 (33) - Change to d.
00:22:431 (57) - Change to D.

Looks good.

00:57:957 (253) - Change to k.

The set looks pretty nice. :D Good luck on rank!
All Fixed!Thanks for your modding! :)
woof from queue~


Recheck your timing. I guess you are following the scrapping sound at the beginning, which imo should be 672 ms, but if you are following the melody it should be at least 700.

00:22:431 - Why are there so many notes here in the Taikatsu! diff but not in the lower? Either add diffs especially in Futsuu, Muzukashii and Oni, or remove notes in the Taikatsu! diff. Or give a good reason for not doing that : P


Ono will be happy about this diff name. Why not just Inner Oni?

00:08:813 (13,14) - I know what these notes are following, but I think it would be better to remove these notes because 00:09:010 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - these follow a much louder sound! Then they are emphasized better.
00:16:312 (50,51,52,53) - Considering your previous kat rhythm which is normally on white ticks, this should be d k d k to keep the rhythm constant.
--> 01:41:575 (514,515,516,517) - ^
00:22:431 (84) - Maybe consider making this a big kat (finisher) to emphasize that it's a new part. Also it's in drums.
00:24:799 (92) - Try kat, it fits the high vocals here.
00:26:576 (99,100,101) - Try changing these to d k k, that too fits the high vocal pitch better imo
00:29:931 - 00:30:128 - Why are there no notes here? You previously followed vocals (00:22:431 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102) - ) so it would make sense to continue doing that.
00:32:398 (121,122) - Remove kat and change the remaining note do D. This is to be consistent with 00:45:128 (193) - .
--> after doing above 00:32:694 (123,124) - change these to kats maybe, it fits the snares and helps to differ them from the low don notes like 00:32:201 -
00:59:733 (262,263,264,265) - I really don't get why you have 1/6 here, it's 1/4 and therefore should be mapped as such. Don't force difficulty on a song that doesn't need it : (
01:04:273 (296,297) - Change to kd to keep the white tick kat rhythm. Also plays+sounds better.
01:14:536 (356,357) - Change to d k. It's important to have a clear rhythm and right now you are mixing the positions of kats quite a lot. This should help to make it more clear and easier to follow.
01:20:654 (392,393,394) - Change to k d k. Same reason as above
01:26:970 (430,431,432) - ^
01:33:286 (467,468,469,470) - Change to kkd k, same reason as before. Also fits vocal pitch better and makes it more different from 01:32:892 (464,465,466) -

[Oni (Spread)]

Especially looking at spread, this diff could be quite a bit easier

In some parts both Oni and Muzukashii are too hard in comparison too Futsuu, or force the Futsuu to be too hard. This is quite commonly the case when Oni is almost like the Taikatsu! diff.

00:09:997 (8) - 00:10:786 (12) - 00:13:944 (29) - 00:17:892 (51) - These could be deleted only this part, for example!

The next part that is very similar to Taikatsu! is 00:35:063 - . Here you could delete 00:37:530 (109,112) - for example!
00:41:674 (129,133,137) - 00:43:845 (141,144) - These too. With the exception of the triplet they are identical to the Taikatsu diff, which is bad for the spread as the gap to Muzukashii grows with this.

01:06:148 (230,236) - Again, very similar to Taikatsu. Maybe it would be better to remove these!

01:11:378 (257,258,259,260) - Delete these and let the spinner start here already. It feels pretty weird to play half the stream with notes and the other with a spinner.

01:22:431 - Remove a few notes here too. Check yourself, maybe remove notes in a similar system to how I suggested removals.

Gonna finish the mod in the next few days. Would help if you checked the suggestions here, then I'm gonna do more with the spread!
Topic Starter

Nwolf wrote:

woof from queue~


Recheck your timing. I guess you are following the scrapping sound at the beginning, which imo should be 672 ms, but if you are following the melody it should be at least 700. //Fixed,thanks for Firce777's timing!

00:22:431 - Why are there so many notes here in the Taikatsu! diff but not in the lower? Either add diffs especially in Futsuu, Muzukashii and Oni, or remove notes in the Taikatsu! diff. Or give a good reason for not doing that : P//removed notes in Taikatsu! diff.


Ono will be happy about this diff name. Why not just Inner Oni?//Because it's from Aikatsu!

00:08:813 (13,14) - I know what these notes are following, but I think it would be better to remove these notes because 00:09:010 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - these follow a much louder sound! Then they are emphasized better.
00:16:312 (50,51,52,53) - Considering your previous kat rhythm which is normally on white ticks, this should be d k d k to keep the rhythm constant.
--> 01:41:575 (514,515,516,517) - ^
00:22:431 (84) - Maybe consider making this a big kat (finisher) to emphasize that it's a new part. Also it's in drums.
00:24:799 (92) - Try kat, it fits the high vocals here.
00:26:576 (99,100,101) - Try changing these to d k k, that too fits the high vocal pitch better imo
00:29:931 - 00:30:128 - Why are there no notes here? You previously followed vocals (00:22:431 (84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102) - ) so it would make sense to continue doing that.
00:32:398 (121,122) - Remove kat and change the remaining note do D. This is to be consistent with 00:45:128 (193) - .
--> after doing above 00:32:694 (123,124) - change these to kats maybe, it fits the snares and helps to differ them from the low don notes like 00:32:201 -
00:59:733 (262,263,264,265) - I really don't get why you have 1/6 here, it's 1/4 and therefore should be mapped as such. Don't force difficulty on a song that doesn't need it : (//Sorry but I get it a 1/6 here.
01:04:273 (296,297) - Change to kd to keep the white tick kat rhythm. Also plays+sounds better.
01:14:536 (356,357) - Change to d k. It's important to have a clear rhythm and right now you are mixing the positions of kats quite a lot. This should help to make it more clear and easier to follow.
01:20:654 (392,393,394) - Change to k d k. Same reason as above
01:26:970 (430,431,432) - ^
01:33:286 (467,468,469,470) - Change to kkd k, same reason as before. Also fits vocal pitch better and makes it more different from 01:32:892 (464,465,466) -

Others are fixed.

[Oni (Spread)]

Especially looking at spread, this diff could be quite a bit easier

In some parts both Oni and Muzukashii are too hard in comparison too Futsuu, or force the Futsuu to be too hard. This is quite commonly the case when Oni is almost like the Taikatsu! diff.

00:09:997 (8) - 00:10:786 (12) - 00:13:944 (29) - 00:17:892 (51) - These could be deleted only this part, for example!

The next part that is very similar to Taikatsu! is 00:35:063 - . Here you could delete 00:37:530 (109,112) - for example!
00:41:674 (129,133,137) - 00:43:845 (141,144) - These too. With the exception of the triplet they are identical to the Taikatsu diff, which is bad for the spread as the gap to Muzukashii grows with this.

01:06:148 (230,236) - Again, very similar to Taikatsu. Maybe it would be better to remove these!

01:11:378 (257,258,259,260) - Delete these and let the spinner start here already. It feels pretty weird to play half the stream with notes and the other with a spinner.

01:22:431 - Remove a few notes here too. Check yourself, maybe remove notes in a similar system to how I suggested removals.

All Fixed.

Gonna finish the mod in the next few days. Would help if you checked the suggestions here, then I'm gonna do more with the spread!//Waiting for your further mod.
Hi, from my modding queue. Sorry for super delay due to my busy real life.


> 00:04:469 (7) - change to k? You used k k in 00:07:047 (11,12) - , which is a similar case for 00:04:000 (6,7) - .

> 00:09:699 (8) - change to d. There are two reason for this change: first, the pitch of this note is lower than 00:09:600 (7) - ; second, it can emphasize the new start at 00:09:798 (9) - (k).

> It seems that you would like to map all instrumental sound with k, the dizi with d. I am fine with that.

> 00:21:442 (77,78,79,80,81,82,83) - try this?

00:21:836 (81,83) - is k d due to the pitch of the instrument. 00:21:935 (82) - changes to k because of making a better pattern.

> 00:49:468 (208) - shift it to 00:49:666 - , vocal exists at the latter but not the former.

> 00:50:257 (212) - change to d?

> 00:51:837 - add a d here to match the vocal, despite the fact you want to map the instrument only here.

> 00:52:626 (222) -shift to 00:52:824 - to match the vocal again.

> 00:53:218 - 00:53:416 - ctrl+G, k d now, sounds better.

> 00:59:731 (252,253,254,255) - I am questioned about whether it is a necessary to put 1/6 here.

> 01:02:890 - a note can be added because the current one sounds a bit interruputed due to the lack of continuance of notes. I prefer a k here. If you put a k here, you may change 01:02:692 (273) - to d, because it is lower than 01:02:890 - .

> 01:10:784 (320) - change to d for a more symmetrical pattern.

> 01:49:073 (550,551) - ctrl+G, D K now , sounds better according to the pitch.

> 01:15:521 (352,353,354) - / 01:28:153 (427,428,429) - these mono-k-triplets are my only concerns in Kiai session. They do not leave a rest and they are constructed on virtual sounds. I think this pattern will suit the music more.
01:15:323 (351) -
The position of triplet is shifted, with a 1/1 space left for rest. This is applied for the similar session at 01:28:153 (427,428,429) .


> 01:01:409 (197,198) - Ctrl+G, symmetrical pattern is formed.

> 01:04:567 (217,218) - ctrl+G, 01:04:271 (215) - is higher than 01:04:666 (218) - .

> 01:10:784 (246) - same change in Taikatsu!, to d.

> 01:49:074 (190,191) - same change in Taikatsu!, ctrl+G


> 00:14:140 (29) - a note can be added here (k) to make the pattern look like completed. (similar case at 00:17:297 (42,43,44,45) - )

> 00:21:640 (55) - change to d since 00:21:837 (56) - is the note with the highest pitch.

> 00:47:100 (119,120,121) - all triplets used are preferred to be monochrome. kkk should be a compromise here.

> 00:51:640 (134) - add a k here because you did add a note on every drum kick.

> 00:51:837 - / 00:52:034 - / 00:52:232 - I think some note should be put here for the vocal. The current one sounds too porous.
Suggestion: 00:51:837 - d, 00:52:232 - d

> 00:55:587 (143,144,145,146,147) - d d k d k

> 00:58:547 - d should be added here because you mapped the similar phase at 00:59:140 (149,150) - with two notes.

> 01:10:390 (192) - d should be a better option here because it can avoid repeating kk, which may determine the effect of emphasizing on 01:10:982 (194) - .

> In kiai session, the mono-k-triplet issue happens again. Please refer to the note in Taikatsu! part.

> 01:29:929 (66,67) - ctrl+G, sounds better

> 01:37:034 (86) - k should be better due to the instrumental sound.

> 01:37:034 (86,87) - k k for these two notes, considering the consistencies of Oni and Taikatsu!.

> 01:38:613 (91,92,93) - / 01:40:192 (97,98,99) - k d k, reason as above.

> 01:46:903 (122,123,124) - d k d, reason as above.


> From 00:09:797 (1) - to 00:11:376 (2) - , some notes should be added in this starter. 1/1 notes can be added as the bases of the music.

> 00:21:640 (33,34,35) - d k d, if you adopt the above changes in other difficulties. Otherwise, please make it be consistent with other difficulties.

> 00:58:547 - you may add a note here, but not in necessary since it's Futsuu.

> 01:08:218 (113,114,115,116,117,118) - check consistencies here with other difficulties.

> 01:10:982 (120) - there is no doubt that it should be k

> 01:18:087 (15,16) - ctrl+G, considering the consistencies. (refer to Muzukashii)

> 01:24:600 (32) - k

> 01:29:140 (43) - k


> Fix the things by yourself according to the consistencies after the above mods.

I hope my mod is helpful! :)
Topic Starter

Skylish wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue. Sorry for super delay due to my busy real life.


> 00:04:469 (7) - change to k? You used k k in 00:07:047 (11,12) - , which is a similar case for 00:04:000 (6,7) - .

> 00:09:699 (8) - change to d. There are two reason for this change: first, the pitch of this note is lower than 00:09:600 (7) - ; second, it can emphasize the new start at 00:09:798 (9) - (k).

> It seems that you would like to map all instrumental sound with k, the dizi with d. I am fine with that.

> 00:21:442 (77,78,79,80,81,82,83) - try this?

00:21:836 (81,83) - is k d due to the pitch of the instrument. 00:21:935 (82) - changes to k because of making a better pattern.

> 00:49:468 (208) - shift it to 00:49:666 - , vocal exists at the latter but not the former.

> 00:50:257 (212) - change to d?

> 00:51:837 - add a d here to match the vocal, despite the fact you want to map the instrument only here.

> 00:52:626 (222) -shift to 00:52:824 - to match the vocal again.//but 00:52:626 (222) - have a beat,it's much better to put here.

> 00:53:218 - 00:53:416 - ctrl+G, k d now, sounds better.

> 00:59:731 (252,253,254,255) - I am questioned about whether it is a necessary to put 1/6 here.//because of the feeling of the instrument lol.

> 01:02:890 - a note can be added because the current one sounds a bit interruputed due to the lack of continuance of notes. I prefer a k here. If you put a k here, you may change 01:02:692 (273) - to d, because it is lower than 01:02:890 - .//umm......I prefer no change here because it gives a sense of jumping imo.

> 01:10:784 (320) - change to d for a more symmetrical pattern.

> 01:49:073 (550,551) - ctrl+G, D K now , sounds better according to the pitch.

> 01:15:521 (352,353,354) - / 01:28:153 (427,428,429) - these mono-k-triplets are my only concerns in Kiai session. They do not leave a rest and they are constructed on virtual sounds. I think this pattern will suit the music more.
01:15:323 (351) -
The position of triplet is shifted, with a 1/1 space left for rest. This is applied for the similar session at 01:28:153 (427,428,429) .//But there have I prefer no change.

Others are fixed.


> 01:01:409 (197,198) - Ctrl+G, symmetrical pattern is formed.

> 01:04:567 (217,218) - ctrl+G, 01:04:271 (215) - is higher than 01:04:666 (218) - .

> 01:10:784 (246) - same change in Taikatsu!, to d.

> 01:49:074 (190,191) - same change in Taikatsu!, ctrl+G

All fixed.


> 00:14:140 (29) - a note can be added here (k) to make the pattern look like completed. (similar case at 00:17:297 (42,43,44,45) - )

> 00:21:640 (55) - change to d since 00:21:837 (56) - is the note with the highest pitch.

> 00:47:100 (119,120,121) - all triplets used are preferred to be monochrome. kkk should be a compromise here.

> 00:51:640 (134) - add a k here because you did add a note on every drum kick.

> 00:51:837 - / 00:52:034 - / 00:52:232 - I think some note should be put here for the vocal. The current one sounds too porous.
Suggestion: 00:51:837 - d, 00:52:232 - d

> 00:55:587 (143,144,145,146,147) - d d k d k

> 00:58:547 - d should be added here because you mapped the similar phase at 00:59:140 (149,150) - with two notes.

> 01:10:390 (192) - d should be a better option here because it can avoid repeating kk, which may determine the effect of emphasizing on 01:10:982 (194) - .

> In kiai session, the mono-k-triplet issue happens again. Please refer to the note in Taikatsu! part.

> 01:29:929 (66,67) - ctrl+G, sounds better

> 01:37:034 (86) - k should be better due to the instrumental sound.

> 01:37:034 (86,87) - k k for these two notes, considering the consistencies of Oni and Taikatsu!.

> 01:38:613 (91,92,93) - / 01:40:192 (97,98,99) - k d k, reason as above.

> 01:46:903 (122,123,124) - d k d, reason as above.

All fixed.


> From 00:09:797 (1) - to 00:11:376 (2) - , some notes should be added in this starter. 1/1 notes can be added as the bases of the music.

> 00:21:640 (33,34,35) - d k d, if you adopt the above changes in other difficulties. Otherwise, please make it be consistent with other difficulties.

> 00:58:547 - you may add a note here, but not in necessary since it's Futsuu.

> 01:08:218 (113,114,115,116,117,118) - check consistencies here with other difficulties.

> 01:10:982 (120) - there is no doubt that it should be k

> 01:18:087 (15,16) - ctrl+G, considering the consistencies. (refer to Muzukashii)

> 01:24:600 (32) - k

> 01:29:140 (43) - k

All fixed.

> Fix the things by yourself according to the consistencies after the above mods. //But it's hard for me to find the consistencies in a map with low density,sorry but thank you!

I hope my mod is helpful! :)//It's a very helpful mod!Thank you for your modding!
nika mika
鸽王争霸赛 咕咕咕咕咕
Seems that in every diff 01:50:751 (1) - is not snapped
00:14:929 - k
00:54:402 (48) - delete for too much difficulty
01:05:455 (63,65) - ^
01:07:824 (67) - ^

00:21:640 (36) - delete
00:33:679 (51) - move to 00:34:074 -
00:56:376 (95) - k k k
01:09:600 - k?

00:40:982 (97,98,99,100) - too hard for muzu imo
00:53:218 (140) - k
00:57:166 (148) - use a slider?
01:31:903 (74) - ^
01:31:508 (73,74) - d d k (if you accpeted the previous suggestion just ignore the k here)
01:47:100 (124) - delete
01:47:297 (125) - k

00:08:811 (9) - delete
00:10:784 - k/d
00:12:462 (27) - delete
00:13:942 - d
00:22:429 (78) - try adding some features with piano
00:34:172 - k
00:34:074 (96,97,98) - kdkk?
00:40:883 (127) - move to 00:41:080 -
00:59:732 (197) - ddk start at 00:59:534 -
01:18:284 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - ddk kkk k
01:30:916 (94,95,96,97,98,99,100) - ^

00:21:935 (82) - d
00:22:429 - same as oni, add some patterns following piano here
00:34:567 (121,122,123,124,125) - kddkkd
00:40:882 (157) - delete
01:11:771 (325,326,327,328,329,330) - 明明是1/8你却搞成1/6还让不让强迫症活了 反正都打不动对我也没所谓哈哈哈哈哈哈
01:12:561 - d
01:25:093 (406) - delete
01:49:764 (552) - delete
Topic Starter

nika mika wrote:

鸽王争霸赛 咕咕咕咕咕//没事学什么不好总学鸽子,这不好不好。
Seems that in every diff 01:50:751 (1) - is not snapped//全修了。
00:14:929 - k
00:54:402 (48) - delete for too much difficulty
01:05:455 (63,65) - ^
01:07:824 (67) - ^

00:21:640 (36) - delete
00:33:679 (51) - move to 00:34:074 -
00:56:376 (95) - k k k
01:09:600 - k?


00:40:982 (97,98,99,100) - too hard for muzu imo
00:53:218 (140) - k
00:57:166 (148) - use a slider?
01:31:903 (74) - ^
01:31:508 (73,74) - d d k (if you accpeted the previous suggestion just ignore the k here)
01:47:100 (124) - delete
01:47:297 (125) - k


00:08:811 (9) - delete
00:10:784 - k/d
00:12:462 (27) - delete
00:13:942 - d
00:22:429 (78) - try adding some features with piano
00:34:172 - k
00:34:074 (96,97,98) - kdkk?
00:40:883 (127) - move to 00:41:080 -
00:59:732 (197) - ddk start at 00:59:534 -
01:18:284 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - ddk kkk k
01:30:916 (94,95,96,97,98,99,100) - ^


00:21:935 (82) - d
00:22:429 - same as oni, add some patterns following piano here
00:34:567 (121,122,123,124,125) - kddkkd
00:40:882 (157) - delete
01:11:771 (325,326,327,328,329,330) - 明明是1/8你却搞成1/6还让不让强迫症活了 反正都打不动对我也没所谓哈哈哈哈哈哈
01:12:561 - d
01:25:093 (406) - delete
01:49:764 (552) - delete

nika mika

sahuang wrote:

不是很懂你们太鼓mapper怎么下梗 我看了半天随便挑了几个说的(误)
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