모딩 감사합니다Len wrote:
from q
- 00:57:411 (2) - this slider should be starts at 00:57:244 - i thinkI'd like to follow the drum here & use simple rhythm if possible
- 01:16:244 (5,6,1,2,1) - this anti jump make me cut myselfdon't cut yourself q_q
- cs4 is better
kds 안주셔도 상관없습니다
한가지 의문인게 몇몇 파트들에서 볼수있듯 그 부분을 꼭 저렇게 살려야만했는가 라는게 낮은 난이도들 사이에서 몇몇개보이네요.....
Kisses wrote:
- 00:21:578 (3) - personal preference but I think it would look better if changed the angle. like this http://puu.sh/ptH7O/7b9ada4d88.jpg done
- 00:22:078 (1) -sounds better if you end it half a beat earlier -( 00:22:744 ) because the sound here is a lot more dominant I'd like to keep the rhythm simple when I can
- 00:24:744 (1) - ^ same - 00:25:411 ^
- 01:18:078 (1,1) - same as above^
- 00:00:745 (1) - end spinner at 00:05:411 ? it does 1 up in difficulty from the last diff I'd like to not have those notes appear too early
- 00:25:994 (1) - The recovery time of this spinner seems too low imo I think it will be ok for hard
- 01:07:328 - This would be a good place to add a triplet in a hard diff; how come you didnt add one?I think a triple would work too. I'll think about it.
Sweet Neko's
- 00:40:411 (5,6,1) - The flow between (6) and (1) is quite brutal. How about changing it like this? modified
Before - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/5395738
After - http://puu.sh/ptIfq/1c4ba237c4.jpg- 00:43:744 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - This is another pattern where the flow is really harsh. The back and forth between (5,6,1) is incredibly difficult and quite awkward to play I think the flow is ok, maybe it's because at the bottom of the screen?
- 00:55:078 (5) - small thing, but what do you think about blanketing (5)? http://puu.sh/ptIzT/65c13bef33.jpg Though I imagine theres a reason why you didnt do itI prefer blanket for 00:54:078 (1) -
Insane,Extra and Sweet Nekos are very well made
I've played the Extra and Sweet Nekos diff over 100 times xD Thanks for linking me this map. GL! aww thank you for your compliment >w< and thanks for the mod
Thanks for the mod~Garden wrote:
- add ゆいこんぬ to tag, actually yuikonnu contains the word yuiko already lol :3
- 00:40:078 (4,1,2) - leaving two 2/1 gap in a row seems a bit inconsistent, consider adding sth in between? Hmm... I think I've been following the keyboard(?) sound pretty consistenty so I think it's more consistent to leave out.
- I'd suggest using od6 and hp5 for the diff spread, current gap on setting from adv to hard looks a bit too large compared with hard->insaneDone!
- actually cs3.7-3.8 fits as well, that increases the star rating a bit and makes the diff gap to extra smaller, it's ur choice thoI prefer to keep it :3
- 00:00:745 - inherited point volume and custom hitsound conflicts with the timing point, that's an unrankable issue as i know I think it's fixed now
- 00:14:411 (2,3,4,5) - somehow i expect a diamond shape here like 00:11:744 (2,3,4,5) - , that fits ur overall design on this diff Changed
- 00:34:911 (5,6) - this back jump feels kinda clumsy while playing, consider ctrl-g 6 maybe, that features a pretty nice jump flow to the new combo as wellChanged
[Sweet Nekos <3]
- 00:00:745 - same as insane hopefully fixed
- 00:04:744 (1,2) - this jump looks too much considering the music here isn't intense at all Changed
- 00:26:744 (4) - nc for slowing down maybe, just like 00:55:244 (1) - Done
- 00:30:078 (1,2) - 00:35:411 (1,2) - forgot to silence the sliderend? Changed
good luck then!
- 00:00:745 - same as insane I think fixed
- 00:26:744 (4) - same as extra Done
- 00:59:911 (4,5) - 01:00:578 (1,2) - 01:10:578 (4,5) - 01:11:244 (1,2) - 01:13:244 (4,5) - i suggest applying same distance to these patterns, that makes the kiai more consistent imoI prefer to keep current DS for shaping purpose. That seems to be an ok thing to do based on other maps.
You did the same thing.CaffeAmericano wrote:
Did you map the all diffs? Have you looked through p/4892052? I think some BNs take issue with multiple diffs by same mapper.
분명 도움 됐습니다 ㅇㅅㅇ 모딩 감사합니다TAIN wrote:
안녕하세요! m4m
맵을 전체적으로 봤을때 헷갈리는 박자들이 몇몇 보이네요. (저만 그런걸수도..삐질)
예를들면 00:57:411 (2,3,4,5) 라던지 01:08:078 (2,3,4,5)
보컬에 맞추어서 찍는것도 좋지만 노래의 박자도 맞추어가면서 찍으면 더 좋을것같습니다. 물론 제 생각이에요 ! 사실 좀 햇갈릴 수도 있다는건 동의해요. 노래가 이지 찍고 곤란한 노래라.... (저만 그럴수도) 지금 매핑 해 놓은 논리가 3/2 를 최대한 줄여서 클릭 하는 박자는 쉽게 만들어 놓은거에요. 사실 보컬 보다는 드럼에 초점을 맞췄습니다.
배치는 깔끔하게 잘된것같아요. 굳이 지적을 하자면
00:40:744 (1) - 이 슬라이더와 2번슬라이더가 잘 연결될수있도록 1번슬라이더 모양을 조금만 다듬어 보는게 어떨까 생각해요.
이정도? 이렇게 바꾸면 디스턴스도 다시 맞춰야하니 귀찮으시면 그냥 놔두시구요 :> 디스턴스 다시 맞추는건 문제가 돼진 않지만, 제가 생각하는 좋은 흐름은 지금 모양이 더 좋다고 생각됍니다 ㅇㅅㅇ
하이라이트 부분은 박자가 좋은데 첫부분이 조금 아쉬운것같네요.
지금와서 바꾸긴 그렇고.. 일단 맵 봐볼께요
00:06:744 (2,3,4) - 서클,짧은슬라이더,서클 < 이 배치는 박자도 그렇고 보기에도 깔끔해보이는 배치는 아닌것같아요. 그냥 3번째 서클 삭제하고 슬라이더 길이를 하얀선에 맞추는게 더 나을것같다고 생각하네요. 일관성을 위해서 조금 다르게 수정했습니다
00:21:744 (6) - 전 노트와 음이 이어지기때문에 뉴콤보 삭제가 나을것같아요. 00:22:411 (1) - 여기서부터 뉴콤 음... 사실 뉴콤은 명확한 기준이 있는제, 주관적인 건지 잘 모르겠네요. 생각해볼게요
00:44:911 (4) - 짧은 슬라이더보다는 슬라이더 길이를 다음 빨간선까지 이어주면 박자가 더 자연스러워질것같네요. 그것도 괜찮을것 같은데, 지금 것도 좋은것 같아요
00:57:411 (2) - 1번슬라이더와 블랭킷 어때요? 지금 것이 흐름이 좀 더 자연스럽다고 생각합니다
딱히 지적할껀 없고.. 사소한것만 해볼께요
00:41:244 (2) - 1번슬라이더와 블랭킷이 제대로 안되있네요. 조금만 땡겨주시는게 좋을것같아요. 수정완료!
00:44:578 (1,2,3,4) - 나란히 둥글게 배치하는것보단 약간의 변화를 주면 어떨까요? 그 모양도 좋긴 한데, 지금 것을 굳이 바꿀 필요는 없는것 같아요
01:04:744 (1,2) - 두 서클을 나란히 두지마시고 2번 서클은 3번슬라에 겹쳐보시는건 어때요? 그거 좋네요 ㅇㅅㅇ
00:11:411 (1,2) - 슬라이더를 조금만 펴주시면 더 좋을것같습니다. 수정했습니다
00:12:078 (3,4,5) - 이런식의 점프를 넣어보시는건 어때요? 일관성을 위해 점스는 스킵할게요
00:24:744 (1) - 이런 일자 슬라이드보단 둥근 슬라이더가 더 좋을것같아요. 수정했습니다
00:37:244 (3) - 이 슬라이더를 00:38:078 (1) - 이 슬라이더와 블랭킷. 3번을 많이 꺽고 싶지 않아서요 /ㅈ\
00:06:078 - 여기서부터 00:16:578 - 여기까지 변속을 넣으셨는데 제 생각에는 그냥 일반속도로 매핑하시는것도 나쁘지않다고 생각합니다.
저 부분을 강조하시려고 변속을 넣으신건같은데, 그다지 와닿지는 않네요. 변속을 꼭 넣으셔야한다면 조금만 낮추는걸 추천해요.노래 흐름의 변화상 과도한 변속은 아니라고 생각합니다
01:08:244 (3) - 2번슬라이더와 대칭되게 배치해보시는건 어때요? 그냥 블랭킷으로 만들었습니다
01:15:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 이 부분을 서클점프로 처리하기보다는 슬라이더,서클이 같이 들어간 점프를 만들어 보시는건 어떨까요. 지금 것도 좋다고 생각합니다 ㅇㅅㅇ
이 외에 딱히 지적할 부분은 없네요![]()
[Sweet Nekos <3]
00:56:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 하이라이트 시작부터 바로 서클점프를 넣으시면 약간 하이라이트 느낌(?)이 확 안온다고 생각해요. 하이라이트가 시작되는 부분부터 바로 1슬라 서클점프를 하시기보다는 슬라이더와 서클 같이 이용해서 찍으시는것도 괜찮다고 생각합니다. 왜 그런지 잘 모르겠어서 (...) 좀 더 생각해 볼게요 ㅋㅋ
그외에는 그다지 문제점이 보이진 않네요.
도움이 되셨으면 좋겠네요Good luck
Thank you for the mod!Jonawaga wrote:
Hey, M4M~Sorry about my blanket suggestions.
You did the same thing. lol yeah, guilty here. This map is actually the reason I started to worry about that. I think I'll edit normal a bit to make it easy-normal-hard-insane-extra-ultra, and it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe Sweet Neko isn't difficult emough to be ultra, but hopefully it won't cause too much problem :3CaffeAmericano wrote:
Did you map the all diffs? Have you looked through p/4892052? I think some BNs take issue with multiple diffs by same mapper.[Advanced]
- 00:21:578 (3) - Try this for flow: Because the music change, I think flow break is actually good
- 00:23:244 (2) - The curve looks off, move the first white tick to 222|253.?_? that seem to break the slider
- 00:06:078 (1,2) - Blanket? This was changed from previous mod
- 00:14:078 (1,2) - ^ Intentional for better flow
- 00:25:911 (3) - Curve the first part less. I am not sure why that would be better :/
- 00:43:078 (6,1) - Fix blanket. http://puu.sh/pU6hz/d3dc727444.jpg I thought I was nazi with the blanket lol. fixed
- 00:49:078 (2,4) - ^ ^
- 00:56:744 (1,2) - Blanket? I think this flows better
- 00:58:744 (6) - This might overlap some skinned hp bars. It doesn't overlap with default skin though
- 00:28:578 (1) - Fix blanket. Curve it less. Changed
- 00:36:578 (1,2,3,4) - Because you have everything else so neat and tidy, I recommend you make this pattern look a bit more symmetrical: I think it looks good as is
- 00:40:744 (1,2) - Fix blanket. Not intended to be a blanket, but is neater from last mod
- 00:44:911 (2,3,4) - Same as 00:36:578 (1,2,3,4) - here. I think this looks better than symmetric
- 00:51:411 (1,2,3,1) - ^^
Good Luck~!!
- 00:06:411 (2,3,4,5) - Fix blanket. fixed
- 00:32:244 (4,1) - ^ I'd rather not change this because I don't want to curve 1 down That's all.
I hope this gets ranked soon.
Thanks for the mod!!!Narcissu wrote:
- 00:46:911 (2) - it's a bit hard and only once …… i prefer end here 00:47:078 - without revers hmm... I guess it's question of whether to follow music better or make the map more playable for new players. I will keep this for now, but might change in future
- 01:03:578 (3,4) - stack more simple …… I feel like the way it's done works well too
- 01:04:411 (5) - miss clap ? even if normal diff have to skip too many clap lol. btw 01:00:911 - here should move clap to 01:01:078 - , slidertick should be mute Clap added, but not moved. Actually there's snare drum at 01:00:911 -
- 00:12:578 (4) - NC added
- 00:25:994 (1) - i test it about 1000~2000 with 360 speed, but new player maybe response slow ? I think this is reasonable for hard :3
- 01:16:578 (6,1,2,1,2) - booooom, btw kiai too easy except it, as contrast about note 00:46:911 (3,4,5,1) - and slider jump 00:47:744 (2,3) - I believe kiai is more difficult in terms of clicking
nice set, good luck
- ahh cs3.5, you meant yay cs3.5 \w/
Thanks for the mod~sahuang wrote:
Hi there, M4M from q for ticket[Easy]
- 00:20:578 (2,3) - this antiflow is hard to play. consider a change. I really like this though :/ and I am not sure why it would be particularly difficult to play
- 00:46:911 (2,3) - imo this is really hard to play in easy.you might want to change reverse slider to just a slider. made it easier
- 00:31:078 (3,4) - not stacked but 00:31:744 (5,6) - stacked,it's hard to play. why not delete 00:31:744 (5) - ?the stream is now quite long imo Leaving in for consistency, and again, I am not sure why it would be particularly difficult
- 01:00:411 (3,4) - 01:11:078 (3,4) - inconsistent? Is this kind of variation considered a inconsistency? It's changed now ~_~
- 00:23:244 (1,2) - slider placement is quite random here. make them parallel or sth else. They are roughly 15 degree offset from parallel, which I think looks nice
Nice diff thank you[Insane]
- 00:51:078 (6,3) - stack fixed
- 00:58:744 (4,5) - the flow is too straight,change the slider shape maybe.00:58:911 (5,3) - looks bad also changed to something else
- 01:07:078 (4,1) - i'd like to see a small jump here cuz it's a new start, so dont keep same ds as 01:06:744 (3,4) - I think it's reasonable to keep same distance for 1/4 clicks at this level
- 01:26:744 (3,4,5) - make it sharper >< ?_?
Nice cs 3.5[Extra]
- 00:03:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is random and inconsistent compared to previous 2 patterns. small increase in clicking difficulty to reflect gradual pitch increase in the background
- 00:35:411 (1,2,4) - this overlap looks bad imo... changed with another overlap which hopefully looks better
- 00:40:744 (1,2) - stack maybe ok
- 00:57:744 (5) - move it up a bit.that will make 00:57:744 (5,1) - flow better. moved 2 grids up
- 01:17:911 (4,1) - maybe not intended to but i suggest a blanket I don't want to curve it too much
I feel like some patterns are messy and don't follow a rule, but nothing unrankable and this is a pretty standard diff. Feel free to point out anything that could use an improvement ^___^[<3]
- 00:01:411 (5,7) - 00:02:744 (5,7) - inconsistent Again, this was intended to capture increasing pitch in the background... I will think about a change if you don't think it's done well
- 00:20:078 (3,1) - make them same and maybe symmetrical I don't think it's necessarily good to make them symmetrical just for the sake of it.
- 00:54:578 (2,3,4) - the ds change is too big.. I think it's reasonable at this level
- 00:59:911 (4,5) - separate them more.this is EVEN SMALLER THAN non-kiai 00:31:244 (1,2) - I think it's more of a shaping issue (aesthetic) than difficulty issue.
- same for 01:10:578 (4,5) - etc. Same reasoning applies here
- 01:14:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - quite messy here. it's fine but i think should be polished a bit. Overall, looks fine imo... but removed small overlap at 01:14:411 (3,2) -
As i said, nice mapset, very solid. I just think some jumps are little bit messy and can be improved.
GL on ranking. I will give you my map later when i finished it. I think you just shot 2 stars yesterday lolso that was the map I will be modding? xD I look forward to it.
Thank you for the mod \w/ (not finished fixing yet)Xinely wrote:
from m4m
General :
- http://puu.sh/pWM1r/f972b62941.png The reason for this is different background
- any metadata confirmation? I am not sure where I can get the confirmation :/ I will look for it
Easy :
- AR 4 is too fast for newbie. use AR 3 and OD HP 2 Changed
- 00:06:078 (1) - somehow 224,60 is better for flow Changed
- 00:27:411 - finish due cymbal added
- 00:31:911 (4,5) - 1/2 isnt allowed for easy especially this bpm isnt low removed
- 00:31:244 - 00:31:911 - 00:32:744 - finish due cymbal Regards to all the cymbal related mods: I personally do not like using finish too many times, because it could be bit loud and distracting (this seem to be somewhat matter of personal opinion, based on what I've heard from other mappers). However, I think there are some spots that could use a finish. Added finish on: 00:35:411 - 00:38:078 - 00:48:744 - 00:51:411 - 00:56:744 - . Applied to all the other diffs as well.
- 00:35:411 - 00:36:578 - 00:37:244 - 00:38:078 - ^ see above
- 00:37:244 (4,5) - same as 00:31:911 (4,5) - changed
- 00:39:578 (3,4) - 00:52:911 (4,5) - 00:54:744 (3,4) - ^ Changed
- 00:46:911 (2,3) - ^ and damn no 1/2 slider repeat combined with 1/2 circle. its normal diff pattern Changed
- 00:48:744 - 00:48:078 - 00:51:411 (1) - 00:54:078 - 00:56:744 - finish too see above
- 00:48:744 (1) - actually i dont understand why slider's tail end at redtick, i dont hear any strong music there so try http://puu.sh/pVOvF/669a2bf2a7.jpg instead Changed
- and more 1/2 rhythms you have in kiai time until end, im tired to mention one by one and im sure you already understand it All fixed now
Normal :
- 00:09:244 - the music's pitch is strong so try map it as possible Agreed, but I think 00:08:744 - 00:09:078 - 00:09:411 - 00:09:578 - 00:09:744 - 00:09:911 - all have stronger pitch than 00:09:244 -, so if I map all of them to, it will be too high density of 1/2 notes, and I am not sure how to do that without making it too difficult (especially for non-kiai time)
- 00:14:578 - ^ ^
- 00:17:911 (3) - flow feels a bit too rightward, try make it smoother with 436,304. if agree then fix spacing for next note changed
- 00:20:578 (3) - need finish due music
- 00:22:078 - usually we dont map strong cymbal with slider's tail, clickable object like circle or slider's head work better >< Changed
- 00:23:078 (4) - somehow the flow feels a bit unnatural for me, try http://puu.sh/pWK70/d59fdb8b3f.jpg Changed
- 00:29:411 (5) - change to 1/2 slider, the music still continue until 00:29:578 - I feel like music there is relatively small. I think it's bad to leave out for higher diff, but I think I will be compromising playability too much if I feel all the similar beats with circle/sliders.
- 00:30:744 (2,3) - usually a bit hard to keep use circle after 1/2, try make them easier with combine to 1/2 slider repeat changed
- 00:38:744 (2,3) - ^ if possible ^
- 01:02:578 (2,3) - flow's will be nice if you arrange like http://puu.sh/pWKs8/19ade8c091.jpg to get natural flow Changed
Hard :
- 00:23:244 (1) - will be good if tail is in 32,136 so symmetrical with next slider Slight asymmetry looks better for me, so if it's more of a subjective stuff, I'd like to keep it
- 00:25:911 (4) - try 260,88? a mini jump for strong music Changed
- 00:48:744 (1) - move to 384,44 00:48:911 (2) - 296,56 to make better flow. current flow from slider's tail to (1), i kinda dislike due sharp transition Changed
- 00:54:078 (1) - try make blanket here for neater design? http://puu.sh/pWL0n/0c7504848b.jpg Changed
- 01:05:411 (4) - 444,248 for natural circular flow Changed
- 01:14:244 (2) - random jump for (3), try avoid that with move this circle to 144,192
- nice <3
Insane :
- AR is too fast for SV you use and your cs pattern and jumps pattern.. try AR 8,5 instead I wanted relatively high ar because of high BPM and note density. I'll lower it to 8.7
Extra :
- 00:26:411 (2) - too far for weak sound here. try move to 264,244 instead Changed
- try 00:45:744 (5) - 240,176 00:45:911 (6) - 404,248. current flow from (6) to 00:46:078 (1) - feels too sharp This look good :3
- 00:57:411 (3) - 140,36 to keep use 1,2x ds for next circle Changed
- 01:07:744 (1) - no need to NC here, we clearly read the 1/4 Changed
- 01:23:078 (5) - nc here so we can read if this slider's rhythm gap is 1/2 (since before you did 1/1 anti jumps) added. Should I remove NC at 01:23:411 (1) - ...?
- 01:27:244 (4) - 304,16 for smoother flow Changed
Sweet Nekos :
- you cant use "<3" in highest diff as its unicode which doesnt make sense p/4852888 (altho bakari said like that but we debated in game and ended with i had to remove "<3") I've seen others do it thoughChanged </3
- OD 9 is too high imo, use 8,5 instead If it's not a big deal, I'd like to keep OD9. This map has no stream, very few 1/4, lots of jumps. I think high OD fits well.
you're free to call me after remove those issues on easy diff and find 2 more mods for Insane above (im not good for judging hard diffs)
hi, you posted in my queue and guess who's one of my favorite vocalistsXinely wrote:
find 2 more mods for Insane above (im not good for judging hard diffs)
Thanks for the mod~!Saut wrote:
"I only need mod on Insane, Extra, and Sweet Neko </3" queue
- 00:17:411 - is quite strong because of the drum+the other sound. Sooo increase the ds here for some emphasis would be a good idea. (like you already did here 00:20:078 - or here 00:18:828 - or here 00:22:744 - or here 00:25:411 (4) - .... ) example what you could do without changin too much http://puu.sh/pX8On/77b67da474.jpg Changed
- 00:25:911 (7) - same goes for this one. Doing this is kinda sweet http://puu.sh/pX8W4/63f3d619cc.jpg as you kinda did here 00:49:411 (5,6,7,1) - Changed
- 00:41:911 (4) - hidden circle kinda surprised me here, especially in combination with the "huge" jumps. If you feel the same you could http://puu.sh/pX943/07e9dfcdba.jpg Changed
- 00:50:411 (3,4,5,6,7) - could deform this to a beautiful hexagon tho http://puu.sh/pX9h7/6f74c41e53.jpg Changed
- what i also would like to adress is how you often tend to place objects extremly close side by side like 01:03:244 (1,2,3,4) - which could easily be changed to smth llike http://puu.sh/pX9wz/74b1b6302c.jpg. Makes the diff even more beautiful tbh B-) Changed, reorganized the entire area a bit :3
- the last point also applies to the extra eg 00:32:744 (1,2,3,4,5) - Changed
- 00:48:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - personally i would reduce the spacing here slightly even though the focal is stronger and leave the huge jumps for the kiai Hmm... if it's just to emphasize kiai, I prefer to keep the DS
- 00:55:244 (1) - might be because im crazy but it looks kinda like 00:54:078 (1) - so i figured it would be as fast as that slider. Picking an other form to emphasize the slowdown would probably be the best (goes great with the prev slider http://puu.sh/pXaew/6bb2427079.jpg) I am terrible at shaping slider with more than 2 anchors, so I hope mine didn't turn out too bad :3 Changed
i dislike how 01:14:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - and01:04:078 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - are like 5x harder than the rest of the map but no one really cares bout stuff like this and it should be fine to leave it as it is T-then I'll keep it as is.
however i would recommend adding jumps here 01:12:078 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - 01:12:078 (4,6) - should definitly be more emphasized :< hmm, I heard feedback from two players that this part is too difficult as is because of the particular flow I'm using. I think it also captures the transition of the music pretty well, so I prefer to keep it
places you should consider adding finishes: 00:57:911 - 00:59:411 (1) - 01:02:578 - 01:03:244 - 01:04:078 - 01:04:744 - 01:10:078 - 01:13:244 - 01:13:911 - 01:15:078 - 01:15:411 - 01:16:578 - 01:18:078 - 01:21:911 - 01:22:578 - 01:22:911 - 01:23:411 - and so on, its quite obv xx
places you should consider removing finishes: 01:10:244 - 01:10:244 - finish removed
01:02:578 - 01:04:078 - 01:04:744 - 01:13:244 - 01:15:078 (3) - finish added. other places, I prefer to leave without finish.
nice diffs, pretty much good to go imo
good luck
Thanks for the mod!Lasse wrote:
hi, you posted in my queue and guess who's one of my favorite vocalists I actually remembered seeing "yuikonnu" on your userpage xD She has beautiful voice :3Xinely wrote:
find 2 more mods for Insane above (im not good for judging hard diffs)
add "meis clauson" to tags as he is the other memeber of primary
also "c81" would be nice as it was released there
you can also add some other things from the staff section of the album page to your tags if you want
"Sweet’s Holiday" is wrong, it should be "Sweet's Holiday" (yes they are different, look at the apostrophe) I see absolutely no difference whatsoever, so I'll just copy what you wrote into the tag, and hopefully that fixes it ?_?
it would also be great if you could link the album page in the description to support the artist! New tags added, and I will link the album page soon :3
mp3 quality is rather poor at 128kbit, I could provide a better one, but yours is some cut version so gg
ar 9.3 is not needed here, it just feels too much for how simple the song and your patterns are, 9-9.2 are better suited I have no good reason for using AR 9.3, other than that note density of this diff is relatively high, and I personally like somewhat high ar. I can write an essay a rant about AR for paragraphs, but I'll just say I think it "fits"
00:00:911 (2,3) - it feels like your spacing got messes up, 3 is way stronger, but you put a jump on 2 ?? That is because I gave emphasis based on the pitch, I thought they all had similarly weak sound. Now I see 3 is louder, but I am keeping it for now :3
well at least you do it consistently for the intro lol
00:09:244 (3) - why is such major sound stacked, 00:06:911 (4) - makes more sense // 00:14:411 (2,3) - too
similar for 00:23:911 (3,4) - , also inconsistent with similar ones like 00:29:244 (3,4,5) - where spacing makes more sense. I stacked them because I think those sounds are repeated sounds, where second repeat is significantly smaller than the first. So 00:09:078 - is louder than 00:09:244 - , but both sounds alike. I thought stack captured it well.
ranndomly stopping on rather strong sounds just feels weird
00:13:244 (4,5,6,1) - can you make those overlaps more even/consistent for visuals? Fixed
00:35:744 (2,3) - this one actually makes sense with the music since red tick is rather weak! For me, same logic applies here :3
00:36:911 (2) - similar spacing as 00:31:578 (2) - would make sense since it's basically the same and rather strong // 00:51:078 (5) - Multiple people doesn't seem to like it. This was a decision I made after studying some of other maps (I think it was rizia and eIness maps, I need can look for it if necessary), whether to keep spacing consistent or make sliders better looking. And I settled for the latter. 1/4 spacing sliders can have very large jumps, so I think we can say both have very small spacing so difficulty difference is negligible.
00:38:078 (1,3) - this looks so off and kills aesthetics, how about changing 1 http://i.imgur.com/iauHYb1.jpgChanged
00:39:911 (3,4) - more stacks that dont work for me. music is so consistent but you randomly stop and then go back to jumps ; / Same reasoning as above
01:00:244 (5) - small jump here like 01:00:911 (2) - fits the music much better // 01:02:911 (5) - Same reasoning as above
01:10:911 (5,2) - those might be okay with that spacing cause music is weaker Again, same reason :3 I don't think this amount of spacing effects difficulty much. This one has smaller spacing because of sharp turn at 01:11:578 (2,3) -
01:12:411 (6) - having such an obtuse pattern gives this not the emphasis it deserves. try to get some acute angle on this This map contains a lot of sharp angles as is. I think this captures the transition rather well.
01:14:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - praise 2016 :3
same comments for last part as for the intro about stacks etc See above
01:29:411 (1) - why is this suddenly a huge jump, nothing in the music ipmplies such a drastic change Changed
01:27:744 (2) - gradually decreasing sv and volume until the end would fir with the song fading out Volume now fades to 30%.
spacing of the intro for this diff makes more sense lol
00:07:244 (1,3,6) - same overlap for visuals, current looks just so random, like you ran out of spots to put the circle lol that's a nice way to put it. I reorganized the overlaps.
00:15:244 (1,2,3) - the 1/2 sliders on the other diffs are the better option I think this is a nice variation before transition.
00:17:078 (2,4) - could be cleaner like http://i.imgur.com/kD6fRpj.jpg I am not sure what's makes one better looking than other in regards to overlaps like this, but yours look better ~_~ changed!
00:37:744 (4) - why is this suddenly stacked when it's so important ; / // 00:38:578 (2,3) - Suggestion from previous mod, I think for the look.
00:48:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - would be nice to have some buildup in the jumps instead of starting that huge already. sth simple like moving 2 like this http://i.imgur.com/k2yIy7X.jpg would work already Changed
00:57:578 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2,3,5) - this feels so messy with all the random overlapsClicking the link makes the overlap look pretty bad, but I think it's reasonably well organized in the editor/while playing. For example, previous notes aren't even visible on the editor when 01:00:411 (5) - appears. I think they look fine, possibly except for 00:57:078 (2,1,3,7) -, which I'll change if BNs think its necessary.
01:02:578 (3) - how about making it like http://i.imgur.com/6pyDH12.jpg or http://i.imgur.com/ljMA8EF.jpg palys similar and works much better with 1 I love slider mods because I can't shape them :/
01:03:244 (1,3) - could you not http://i.imgur.com/Q80FIEg.jpg oke xD
01:03:744 (3,4,5) - 1/4 and 1/2 spacing that look exactly the same gg Changed
01:07:411 (1) - why no jump here like on the ones before, it's even stronger and start of the chorus, lowering spacing makes no sense here Same reasoning as before. Here, drastic SV change is intended to account for stronger sound
01:07:744 (2) - should also have a jump then => how about sth like http://i.imgur.com/vDHS5u8.jpg ? Well.. I'm actually gonna change it to your suggestion because it looks nicer xD.
01:10:578 (4,1) - can you make this cleaner? like http://i.imgur.com/h2jsgC1.jpg (4 is not offscreen) This is the second mod I got on this shape, and I don't have strong opinion on this... so changed
01:15:578 (2) - having way more spacing on this than 01:15:744 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - makes like no sense with the musicDon't :cry. Changed~
literally same comments about stacks as higher diffs My response is the same too
00:14:411 (2,4,1,2,3,4) - like seen on higher diffs you like to overlap a lot, that is fine, but if you dont get some spacing strucutre etc behind them it just looks messy and random ; / Cleaned out the overlap a bit. The general rule of thump I use for this is that I try to avoid overlaps as long as notes are simultaneously visible on the editor. I feel like you have higher standard
00:18:744 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - there are other parts of the screen you can also use lol That was not planned out very well. Changed
00:25:911 (7) - why not place it somewhere where it looks cleaner like http://i.imgur.com/AxiRG8M.jpg or similar Changed from precious mod
01:03:578 (2,4) - http://i.imgur.com/YIOxCpK.jpg this hurts Changed from previous mod
01:08:578 (1) - why such low spacing on this strong sound o: Same reasoning as before, but I increased DS a little bit because doing so doesn't effect the look very much.
01:23:744 (2,3,4,5) - pls dont put slowdowns like this on such obtuse angles, it's a pain to snap and requires lots of momentum control Changed
i disagreee with some spacing choices, but my main concern are rather messy visuals (mostly the overlaps with lacking structure) and some random stacks. even though judging from what's getting qualified daily that probably doesn't matter for ranking
but it matters if you want to make good things and not just acceptable ones! That's a good point, and I know this mapset is far from being perfect, although I hope it will be ranked in next few weeks. That is because improvement of the map's quality will be less and less noticeable as I spend more time in it, think of it as exponential decay. At earlier stages, modders will catch some major issues with a map, and major changes will be made - with significant improvement in quality. At this stage, however, I am mostly tweaking notes a few pixels at a time to get the map closer to "perfection", but improvement will be barely noticeable to players. And obviously it will never reach "perfection". At some point, I have to call it "good enough", and if the mapping community (i.e. modders, BNs, and QATs) agree, I'd like to push it forward. Hopefully, this map is good to go and my future maps will even be better with lessons I learned from the modders like you <3.
I didn't even like the song that much when I stzarted modding this, even though it's yuiko. but I'm starting to feel like mapping a full version of this now lol
Kisses wrote:
I dont want to start a fuss or anything but '<3' has been used a few times in ranked maps
examples in my song library
https://osu.ppy.sh/b/703657 (this one was by fycho xd)
Maybe there is no clear rule and it is case by case. I want to resurrect <3sahuang wrote:
Highest diff name is <3 so i guess it's permitted depending on circumstances?
모딩 감사합니다 <3GimBab wrote:
- 00:00:745 (1) - 스피너타이밍이 약간 애매하긴 합니다만.. 다른방법이 도무지 생각이 나질 않네요 :3
- 전체적으로 멜로디를 주로 따르셔서 그런지 하위난이도들의 체감난이도가 약간 어려운 느낌을 받았네요음... 멜로디 따기는 더 어려웠어요 ㅜ.ㅜ 제 능력상 이게 최대한 쉽게 만든겁니다 ㅋㅋ
- 00:06:078 (1,2,3) - 00:11:411 (1,2) - 과 같은 리듬인데 초반부분을 서클로 둠으로 더 어렵게 만드신 이유가 있나요? 없습니다. 수정했습니다
- 00:44:911 (4,5) - 서클로 두시니까 다음 노트까지의 공백이 너무 길어 어색해지네요. 다른 채보를 생각해보심이 어떠신지?? 이지에 어느정도 공백은 좋다고 생각합니다
- 00:46:078 (1,2,3) - 이부분은 리드음을 드럼으로 하셨는데, 보컬음이 더 강조되어야할 부분이라고 생각합니다. 채보를 이렇게 바꿔보시는게 난이도상으로도 좋지 않을까요..? 개인적으로 지금 채보가 좋기 때문에 그냥 놨두겠습니다
- 00:49:411 (2,3,4) - 위의 모딩을 수렴하신다면의 이야기입니다만, 일관성을 위해 이부분도 드럼이던 리드음을 보컬로 변환해주는게 좋을것 같습니닷. ex) ^
- 01:05:411 (2,3,4,5,6) - Easy치고는 약간 어렵지 않을까요..? 노말난이도의 같은 타이밍과 비교해봐도 더 어려울 정도로 Easy치고는 어렵다는 느낌이 강하네요
- 00:22:744 (2,3) - 이부분도 그냥 00:17:411 (2) - 여기처럼 슬라이더 1개로 해주는편이 좋지않을까요..? 원래 둘 다 서클이었는데, 첫 노트 부터 서클을 넣으면 어려울것 같아서 슬라로 했습니다. 두번째는 약간 변화를 줬다고 생각해 주시면 될듯...
- 00:40:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 박자읽기가 약간 힘들어보이고, 의도하신게 가사를 리드음으로 하신것 같아서 채보를 이렇게 바꿔보았습니다.음... 드럼 비트 따라가는 일관성을 위해 놨두겠습니다
- 00:29:744 (6,1) - 해당 부분에서는 넓은 점프가 어울리진 않는다고 생각되는데 해당 난이도에서의 가장 넓은 점프를 이 두 노트사이에 두신것은 어울리지 않다고 생각합니다. 강조될만 한 소리라고 생각됩니다. 그리고 슬라-슬라 점프라 비교적 쉽다고 생각해요
- 00:39:578 (2) - 이 노트 하나만 어색하게 느껴지네요 잘 모르겠네요 :3
- 00:41:244 (2) - 이 노트가 기왕이면 00:40:744 (1) - 이 노트까지 감싸주었다면 더 깔끔하지 않을까 생각합니다.수정했습니다
- 00:54:078 (1) - ..모양이 뭔가 어색하네요음... 제가 슬라 모양을 잘 못 잡아서... 슬라 모양내기 공부 하고 오겠습니다
Hard는 도와드릴게 딱히 없었고 최고난이도는 제가 도움을 못드릴것같네요
<3Xinely wrote:
ok lets try
Ah, those must have slipped by me, thanks for letting me know! I think alacat will be modding it shortly, so I will make corrections along with the mod.Spork Lover wrote:
Yo, just here to give a little heads up; There's an unrankable issue on Sweet Neko, where the first timing point and the inherited point (same timestamp) have different hitsound samples. 00:00:745 - One uses soft-custom-sample1 and the other one uses soft-custom-sample4. This needs to be fixed before ranking, since they're ONLY allowed if it's to change SV
While you're at it, 00:06:078 - , the inherited points in the normal and hard are unsnapped by a bit if you wanna fix that lol
If I pass the BN test, I'll be back to check it xd
No problem, glad I could help ^^CaffeAmericano wrote:
Ah, those must have slipped by me, thanks for letting me know! I think alacat will be modding it shortly, so I will make corrections along with the mod.Spork Lover wrote:
Yo, just here to give a little heads up; There's an unrankable issue on Sweet Neko, where the first timing point and the inherited point (same timestamp) have different hitsound samples. 00:00:745 - One uses soft-custom-sample1 and the other one uses soft-custom-sample4. This needs to be fixed before ranking, since they're ONLY allowed if it's to change SV
While you're at it, 00:06:078 - , the inherited points in the normal and hard are unsnapped by a bit if you wanna fix that lol
If I pass the BN test, I'll be back to check it xd
yayalacat wrote:
Nice mapset! will check this for qualify tomorrow
Much excitement \:D/alacat wrote:
Nice mapset! will check this for qualify tomorrow
Also fixed issue pointed out by Spork Loveralacat wrote:
Easy :
00:19:078 (3) - missing a clap?
01:25:744 (3) - ^ claps added at 00:19:078 (3) - 00:24:411 (3) - 01:20:411 (3) - 01:25:744 (3) -
00:45:744 - I feel empty on here. try to follow the vocal sound like this ? ok
Normal :
00:06:072 - snap green section to here ? 00:06:078 - fixed
Hard :
00:06:072 - snap green section to here ? 00:06:078 - fixed
00:37:744 (5) - fix the spacing to x1.1 pls? fixed
Insane :
00:05:411 (1) - missing a clap to the head? fixed
00:25:911 (7) - How about using a finish instead of whistle ? added finish without removing whistle
01:08:578 (1) - finish to the head added; finish added to other diffs too
01:21:411 (1) - the new combo seems unnecessary to here removed
Extra and Sweet Neko :
00:00:745 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Please set some hitsounds at here as this rule
- You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing.
Added a hitsound at the beginnign of every measure with gradually increasing volume
Metadata : http://primary-yuiko.com/8th_album/sweet's_holiday/
call me back!
alacat wrote:
ok :3
Kisses wrote:
Congrats! Such a great map
Spork Lover wrote:
Gratz buddy!
Dailycare wrote:
헉 ㅊㅋㅊㅋ
pkk wrote:
hey congrats man! you did it
Frostings wrote:
Agatsu wrote:
Garden wrote:
Same, gratz on second rank!sahuang wrote:
Finally ranked (dt pp incoming