
Eluveitie - Isara

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 августа 2015 г. at 1:32:02

Artist: Eluveitie
Title: Isara
Tags: Elu everything remains as it never was 2010 2015 switzerland suisse folk melodic pagan celtic metal soft rock instrumental chrigel glanzmann meri tadic merlin sutter rafael salzmann ivo henzi anna murphy kay brem patrick kistler mandola whistles pipes gaita acoustic guitar bodhran harp violin hurdy gurdy
BPM: 80
Filesize: 7596kb
Play Time: 02:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,21 stars, 264 notes)
  2. Beginner (1,48 stars, 153 notes)
  3. Challenging (3,6 stars, 414 notes)
Download: Eluveitie - Isara
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beatmap #8
Beginner - Done!
Advanced - Done!
Challenging - Done!
Skin/Hitsounds - Done!
Hi! This song is pretty chill, so let's just get down to business shall we?


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )

You got that skin thingy going on here huh? It looks nice.


  1. 00:11:284 (1,3) - These could be shaped like this to look nicer:
  2. 00:29:284 (1,1) - These two also can be shaped nicer:
  3. 00:41:284 (5) - This can be shaped as a S shape; although remember to keep to the DS.
  4. 01:17:284 (1) - Hm? This is weirdly shaped. Maybe you could have this? :
  5. 01:21:784 (2,3) - The flow with these two could be better. Although you might need to adjust a little to compensate for DS.
  6. 01:26:284 (1) - Could be shaped as such:
  7. 01:34:534 (5) - This elbow isn't obvious enough to the eye.


  1. 00:14:284 (1) - You'd have to adjust this a bit to partially blanket the other note. Like so:
  2. 00:16:346 (4,5) - The spacing with these two do not corroborate with 00:13:909 (6,7) and 00:11:846 (2,3), which are both leading notes up to a slider.
  3. 00:18:034 (2,3,4) - The general flow of this is awkward. Maybe have the hump of the slider face the other way.
  4. 00:21:409 (4,5,6) - The cursor curves straight up, but then has to stop and awkwardly move to the right. This might not a be a huge problem for such a SV, but with higher difficulties the awkwardness will come up. I strongly suggest fixing this at it's foundation before moving up on the difficulty ladder :) Take note that if there are other such cases, I will indicate a & and spell out how the cursor would move.
  5. 00:23:284 (1,2) - & The cursor expects to go downwards but is forced to move upwards.
  6. 00:24:784 (5,6) - &The cursor expects to move downwards at an angle but is forced to go straight up to catch the next note.
  7. 00:25:909 (7,8) - These two notes don't actually follow up to the slider nicely. Here's how I suggest it could be:
  8. 00:28:159 (5,6,7) - The notes don't complement the slider well. Have the slider hump face the other way and it should look better.
  9. 00:40:534 (4,5,6) - Number 5 is a bit out of place.
  10. 00:41:284 (1) - This slider shape should copy the one here 00:42:784 (4)
  11. 00:50:284 (1) - Nice wobble :D
  12. 01:52:159 (5,6,7) - These two also don't complement the slider well. Try having them face the general direction of the slider.


  1. 01:26:284 (1,3,5,6) - The sliders aren't exactly stacked below these notes.
  2. The long whistle at the end actually ends at 02:26:659 (2), so the slider should be a little longer. I made a little loop with a nice water droplet hole, so maybe you could do this?


  1. I liked how the map had it's own kind of essence to complement the song. I especially liked playing the challenging difficulty; it was fun to single tap to.
  2. If this is for rank, then Good Luck with Rank! :) Hoped my mod helped!
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Hello! I'm very thankful for your mod. Some things/ideas was accepted. The most part in Beginner diff. Thank you again and good luck with further modding.


• В сонгсетуп убери галочку Widescreen Support. Она нужна только при сб
• не используется хс drum-sliderslide.wav - удали раз не нужен
• Между Beginner и Advanced - резкий переход дифф. А между Advanced и Challenging - почти его нет. Уменьши в настройках Advanced параметры. Что бы был плавный переход от самой легкой к более сложной. Од точно нужно сделать поменьше... - эти два файла никогда не могут использоваться вместе. Либо заглушен тик либо слайдер.


00:26:284 (3) - здесь пропущено новое комбо
00:41:284 (1,2) - сделай обводку ровнее ( с выключенным снапом у меня вышло так ) прости за перфекционизм ._.


спейсинг,нк т.д. всё хорошо. Хорошая диффа,но то что я писала в главном. Нужно сделать её золотой серединой меж двух других дифф


01:35:096 (х) - - здесь пропущена нота. Ритм такой же, а ноты нет. Конечно и без этого читаемо и играбельно. Просто совет

всё здесь хорошо~

удачи тебе
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Пасиб тебе большое! Все исправил.

Люблю перфекционизм. Странно, как я этого не заметил

  • туру-туру-ту-ру-ру-ру
    ах да,для комбо2 ты точно не правильный цвет выбрал(оч сине) ,предлагаю вот такой >

  • что на счёт хс? я вродь их не очень заметил,так вот,я думаю что это тебе подойдёт(ток сам переименуй,я их вытянул из своей карты) > просто послушай , вот примерно для таких мест 00:36:034 (2,3) - н да! (только там не все подходят хс,некоторые не то,но мб что понравиться,изменишь!_)

  • really good! 8-)

  • 00:43:721 (5,6) - вот эти 2 круга передвинь к слайдеру(следстоящему),как вот и эти круги(до этого) 00:43:721 (5,6) - звучало бы не плохо),а если хочешь сохранять вот такую последовательность,то зачем эти круги 00:42:409 (2,3) - било придвегать к слайдеру?? там же идёт такая же последовательность как и в этих 00:43:721 (5,6) - н да!
    01:57:784 (5) - drum добавь!
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
как по мне ,и так нормально) Но ты просил,прошу не жаловаться за такой мелкий),а так удачи! :)
Good Luck ;)
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Пасибо за мод. Цвет исправил, среднюю дифу исправил, драм не добавил, ибо его там нет. Хитсаунды были лишние, у меня они более мягкие. Но все же, спасибо.
Nice Celtic music, love it!

  • General
  1. Before the break time, you didn't use any hitsound, which is not really appropriate, because players can't get any feedback from a successful hit. My opinion is, you add a whistle for every two 1/1 timeline. e.g.:00:12:034 (3) - 00:13:534 (8) - 00:15:034 (3) - ......until 00:58:534 (6) -
  2. By the way, am I the only one who think the reversearrow is too dark to see? well, at first I didn't realize there is an reverse arrow


  3. 00:38:284 (1) - unify the ds


  4. 01:57:221 (3) - unify the ds
  5. 02:12:596 (4) - The same as above
  6. 02:20:284 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - How about making them a symmetry? Like what you did in the Beginner

Star attached, Good Luck! :)
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Thank you! Updated.
Hope it will get ranked soon. Star :D
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Thank you so much!
irc! 8-)

2015-07-27 02:17 Kuki: which first?
2015-07-27 02:19 DexFrild: Isara, I guess.
2015-07-27 02:20 DexFrild: So, I'm ready.
2015-07-27 02:21 Kuki: kay
2015-07-27 02:21 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Eluveitie - Isara [Beginner]]
2015-07-27 02:22 Kuki: 00:12:784 (3,4,1) - even out spacing
2015-07-27 02:23 DexFrild: Fixed.
2015-07-27 02:24 Kuki: clean and nothing else i could find ther
2015-07-27 02:24 Kuki: there*
2015-07-27 02:25 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Eluveitie - Isara [Advanced]]
2015-07-27 02:25 DexFrild: Glad to see it.
2015-07-27 02:28 Kuki: wow
2015-07-27 02:28 Kuki: again
2015-07-27 02:28 Kuki: clean for me
2015-07-27 02:28 DexFrild: He-he, nice.
2015-07-27 02:30 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Eluveitie - Isara [Challenging]]
2015-07-27 02:31 Kuki: 00:22:909 (11) - ctrl-g
2015-07-27 02:32 Kuki: 00:39:784 (5) - ctrl-g
2015-07-27 02:32 DexFrild: Sorry. I would like to leave a mini jump here: 00:22:909 (11,1) -
2015-07-27 02:33 Kuki: mk
2015-07-27 02:33 DexFrild: And there too.
2015-07-27 02:33 Kuki: 00:46:159 (9,10) - ctrl+g
2015-07-27 02:34 Kuki: 00:48:784 (6) - ctrl g
2015-07-27 02:34 DexFrild: 00:45:784 (8,9) - Here the melodi is falling and 00:46:534 (10,11) - here is rising.
2015-07-27 02:35 Kuki: 01:39:409 (6) - ctrl+g
2015-07-27 02:35 DexFrild: 00:48:784 (6) - Want to make a jump because of accent in music.
2015-07-27 02:35 Kuki: and k
2015-07-27 02:35 Kuki: yep
2015-07-27 02:35 Kuki: 01:46:909 (11,2) - fix overlap please
2015-07-27 02:36 DexFrild: Fixed!
2015-07-27 02:36 Kuki: k
2015-07-27 02:36 Kuki: done
2015-07-27 02:36 Kuki: really good set
2015-07-27 02:36 DexFrild: Cool, thank you!
2015-07-27 02:37 Kuki: you're really good
2015-07-27 02:37 Kuki: keep it up mannn
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Да, пасибушки. Исправил!
After some internal conversation we decided to:

  1. Lower Advanced's AR; 6,5 > 6,0
  2. Lower Challenging's HP and OD; -0,5 for both
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Thank you!
Wow, this is nice. Self-reminder to be here as soon as possible~
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Thank you.

Mod as requested

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. Following parts of skins are missing: followpoint.png, lighting.png, sliderfollowcircle.png, sliderpoint10.png, sliderpoint30.png, (useless after some patch, sorry) sliderscorepoint.png, you must add them from original skin or create new for current one.
  2. normal-hitwhistle.wav is not used in the whole map, please remove it.
  3. soft-slidertick in the part before the break is imo too loud in comparison with 00:53:284 (1) - which is regular hitsound, that shouldn't really happen because it might sound confusing and anyway it is weird when clickable object is lower volume than tick. You might try using this instead.


  1. 00:51:784 (3) - Inconsistency in spacing, especially in Easy/Normal diff is not really a good experience for the player. I do not even see any reasoning in these parts, you should fix these issues: 00:51:784 (3) - 00:52:534 (4) - 00:45:034 (2,3) -
  2. 01:48:784 (4) - The slider should not be hidden under scoreboard or HP bar to avoid confusion and bad readability because of wrong vision on approach circle, consider a different position please.


  1. 01:39:784 (3) - Should have different position because it touches scoreboard as well.

I think other things would be really highly subjective and the map seems fine enough. Spread does not seem to be a minimal problem and rhythm is nice and clear within all difficulties. Fine to me.

@Inyuschan: I did not expect you to put a placeholder here, I promised the mod yesterday and today I see your placeholder. Anyway, it's up to you whether you want to change something and qualify by yourself, or whether I should take care of it or I dunno, just tell me in-game for more info eventually.

Edit: Forgot to mention that HP bar should be skinned as well, or score numbers should be smaller to avoid the skin to mess up like this:
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Thank you so much! Fixed everything.
We had to fix some additional stuff through IRC about that skin bug and some other confusing things. Seems clearly fine now. Now, I'll wait for Inyuschan's response, I cannot simply qualify without letting Inyuschan know, so we have to wait.
We fixed overusing jumps in Challenging for the calm part. I will restore the bubble rather, because we made quite enough changes, so it's better if we move it to bubbled section of pending maps instead of qualifying instantly without anyone else seeing the map after my mod.
Okay I'll mod as soon as possible.

Some stuff needs to be checked before anything :P

  1. normal-hitwhistle is not used. You must remove it or use it somewhere.
  2. Timing is wrong, at least at the beginning since some parts are a bit off. I can try to help you but I'm sure it's better looking for someone more experienced with this, at least to know if I'm wrong or not.

  1. Reduce HP and OD to 2 as long as it's the first and easiest diff
  2. 02:02:284 (3) - Missing NC?

  1. The difficulty of this is kinda far from Beginner. So, I guess these settings would fit better: CS:3,5 AR:5 OD: 4 HP:4,5

  1. Even if you don't change stuff in Advanced, this spread is really unbalanced. I mean, imagine you don't change anything - the mapset is still unbalanced. You might have to reduce jumps and stuff here, otherwise I suggest to add another diff between Advanced and this one.
    Note: Spread seems unbalanced overall indeed. Even if you change settings it feels like between Beginner and Advanced another diff is needed.
    Note 2: If you prefer to keep some jumps, at least set CS:4 if you change CS in Advanced as well. The difficulty of this mapset will be less annoying imo.
  2. Settings are also a bit high considering the rhythm and BPM overall. Reduce AR to 7,5 and OD to 7.
The map itself seems fine: patterns, notes... not bad, but almost everything that I've said is important for me. I don't consider this is ready yet, sadly. (Especially for General stuff)

Anyways I'll be glad to help as much as I can, we can check and recheck stuff if you want to make this map even better since I don't have any problem with rebubbling this ^^

Good luck~
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I changed settings. I hope it's looks better now.
About timing I wrote to pishifat. May be he will check it. If not, I'll ask someone else.
Thank you for mod.

Timing fixed. Added new inherited point for the main part and changed offset for the intro 5284 => 5294.

not sure, but ask qats for next objects:
It's not used anymore but i rember that dq happens cause of ignoring that elemnts.

Also i suggest to move 2nd red section on 71 290 it's better fits according for kick on 3rd ticks exp 01:12:790 - . About snares- for my point of view it would better suits for attack.
And. i higly unsure about double sections here. Just dont see anyreason to put them, track seems perfecly mastered, so the best way i think its make one time sections based on drums and use it on all lenght.
Whatever, good luck with it, sorry that haven't come later.
no kds
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We decided with Wafu, that these scorepoints are not necessary.
One section was before. I added it today, because of Sheela's and Inyuschan's suggestions. I requested to pishifat, he said, he will take a look. May be he will come up with something. I don't like this second inherited point too, but it is looks better for the intro.
Your offset makes grace notes with song and hs. Sorry.

DexFrild wrote:

We decided with Wafu, that these scorepoints are not necessary.
If DQs happened because of that, then we should include it anyway. As far as I know, QATs will know whether it is needed the best, but if fergas said that, it might really be an issue to fix.

//Edit: Confirmed it should be okay to not include scorepoints. Firstly because it is said to be transparent in default skin and if you skin it anyway, it won't change anything at all, so there's no sense to include files which won't even be used.
My talk with DexFrild about the timing
00:10 DexFrild: Привед! :D
00:10 Krfawy: o hello \w/
00:10 DexFrild: How are you? :)
00:12 DexFrild: You are to busy this night?
00:12 DexFrild: too*
00:12 Krfawy: well to be honest I'm going to go to my bed when it's 1am xD
00:16 DexFrild: Oh.. Can you quickly check timimg after modding this map? Or tomorrow, if it is not a ptoblem.
00:16 Krfawy: well I am not the best person for timing request but yeah link please xD
00:17 *DexFrild is listening to [ Eluveitie - Isara]
00:18 DexFrild: I requested to Pisifat and Charles but... You may know what a persons they are :D
00:19 Krfawy: well yeah they do not really take requests
00:19 Krfawy: friends only etc
00:20 DexFrild: I need just BN's approval, that timing is fine. And I already don't know who can help me with it except you, really.
00:23 Krfawy: personally maybe I'd just move the very first time position +10 in time
00:23 Krfawy: so it'd be 5304
00:23 Krfawy: everything should be fine I believe
00:30 DexFrild: Thank you.
00:30 DexFrild: Can you post this log as proof for other BNs? :D

I think the timing is quite OK and sometimes the song sounds off because of the instruments, you know, different offset for each other or something, but it should be OK I believe. Maybe just the very first timing section would be moved 10ms later in my opinion, but the rest should be fine. :P
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Yay, thank you again. Changed first timing section.
Alright, rebubbled.
Going to check today as requested.
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Thank you :3
I don't get it, you requested a recheck but Wafu posted that, who's going to check this then? Lol

Inyuschan wrote:

I don't get it, you requested a recheck but Wafu posted that, who's going to check this then? Lol
Oh? Please, do not request multiple BNs to check your map, it might result in 2 people modding same things, if one does not respond immediately, you just have to wait. I don't really mind who will check this, please pick one of us, because we really won't fight here as kids about who's going to qualify it. Thank you.
I just comment this because 12h ago I received a pm requesting a recheck (but I couldn't answer since I wasn't using the computer, please understand). Ofc I don't want to fight, I was just confused. As I already popped the bubble my intention was going to rebubble, not qualify, but well looks like this guy was in a rush ^^ You can go ahead @Wafu though that's up to mapper ~
Yeah, it's fine, I just want to avoid confusion in further cases. I'll wait for DexFrild's response to know who's he more comfortable with.
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Sorry, guys. I requested Wafu but forgot that map was popped by Inyuschan. Then I requested Inyuschan too. I thought she must know, that map is fixed. Sorry again for confusion.
And yeah, I guess Wafu can qualify it, if everything is well.
Okay, so if anyone does not want to change anything else, I am okay with qualifying the map in current statement. Once the slots are open tomorrow, I might do so. Tell me if you were going to mod the map or something. Thanks in advance.
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Woooh! Thank you!
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