First 300pp April 28th 2018
Being #1MD with only one 300pp score Pog
MD mappers I will never forget
DexFrild // AlexaBM // UndeadBananaz
#1 MD players before me (2014-2017) were Reina-, Speranta and AkumaDesu
Fun fact: I drew Speranta's avatar back in 2015 and he never changed it since then
Players that had an impact on me over certain periods of my life
Speranta // DexFrild // sonixal // Mr_VolKun // -Miruru- // Miruku // cr1mmy // Magwaer // kolobok3kk // MrFuture // sadjelly
Married me because I impressed him with my dedication
- Cristi - (I am missing you in this game ngl)
XP-Pen Deco L player since November 21st 2023
Previously: XP-Pen Star G640 (2020-2023), Wacom CTH-480S/N (2015-2018)
Mice I've played with
Esperanza TM106 Goblin (2014) // A4Tech Bloody T70 (2015)
Dragging the pen with my right hand
Though I am left-handed Pog
Long nails player (occasionally) Proof?to be updated...
Pretty comfortable with a keypad :p
Dobro4an⠀⊹⠀Format⠀1v1⠀⊹⠀4th League⠀#50k–#100k⠀⊹⠀Challonge⠀⠀⌜Oct 2015⌟⠀under name - Ari Kosaka -
Lost 0-3 to Revialink on my 2nd match, placed #9
Dobro4an 2⠀⊹⠀Format⠀1v1⠀⊹⠀3rd League⠀#20k–#40k⠀⊹⠀Challonge⠀⠀⌜Nov 2015⌟⠀team “Baka Kitsune”
Lost 3-5 to BeMoNcHiK on my 4th match, placed #9
osu! content CIS⠀⊹⠀Format⠀2v2⠀⊹⠀with Mr_VolKun⠀⊹⠀Challonge⠀⠀⌜Apr 2017⌟⠀team “Osu Dimension”
Main Bracket⠀Lost 0-4 to team “Drifting and fisting” (unberlin, sk1t4) on our 1st match
Loser Bracket⠀Lost 2-4 to team “Dark Horse” (7-40,SaloVat, cr1m) on our 2nd match
osu! content 2 CIS⠀⊹⠀Format⠀2v2⠀⊹⠀with DeathSonic1⠀⠀⌜Apr 2024⌟⠀team “SEDAYA NOCH”
Didn't get through the registration phase due to low amount of shared pp
Blossom Cup 2⠀⊹⠀Format⠀3v3⠀⊹⠀with MrFuture, durashcka, rtvs, Bullet4Fun
Didn't pass the qualifiers stage, placed #38 out of 42