
Jessie J - Flashlight

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 10:38:47 PM

Artist: Jessie J
Title: Flashlight
Source: Pitch Perfect 2
Tags: CutVersion MaterialMusic CrimmiSkye
BPM: 148
Filesize: 3550kb
Play Time: 01:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Beginner (0.87 stars, 41 notes)
  2. Crimmi's Flashlight (3.21 stars, 212 notes)
  3. Hard (2.72 stars, 188 notes)
  4. Normal (1.69 stars, 95 notes)
Download: Jessie J - Flashlight
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy - 100%
Normal - 100%
Hard - 100%
Crimmi's Flashlight - 100%
Hitsounds - 100%
Remove "(From Pitch Perfect 2)" and "(Cut Version)" from the title.

Remove MaterialMusic from source and add Pitch Perfect 2 as Source.
Add Cut version and Material Music to tags

For Easy, Normal and usually Hard difficulties: Distance Snap is a must. Lower your
hitsound-volume down to 40 if not 30% considering that this is a rather calm song.

Good luck anyways with this map.

No Kudosu
Topic Starter

Snaggletooth wrote:

Remove "(From Pitch Perfect 2)" and "(Cut Version)" from the title.

Remove MaterialMusic from source and add Pitch Perfect 2 as Source.
Add Cut version and Material Music to tags

For Easy, Normal and usually Hard difficulties: Distance Snap is a must. Lower your
hitsound-volume down to 40 if not 30% considering that this is a rather calm song.

Good luck anyways with this map.

No Kudosu
KK. Thanks

2015-06-05 00:35 ihewmatt: Oh.. Frey it's Done :D
2015-06-05 00:35 Frey: wat.. too quick
2015-06-05 00:36 Frey: alright, I will mod it then
2015-06-05 00:36 ihewmatt: lol. thanks
2015-06-05 00:44 Frey: can I do an IRC mod?
2015-06-05 00:44 ihewmatt: Okay
2015-06-05 00:45 Frey: firstly, unify the title
2015-06-05 00:45 Frey: title of Hard is wrong
2015-06-05 00:46 ihewmatt: oh. i forgot to change it =.=
2015-06-05 00:47 Frey: also the offset
2015-06-05 00:47 ihewmatt: ok
2015-06-05 00:48 Frey: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Easy]]
2015-06-05 00:49 Frey: HP3 AR3 OD3
2015-06-05 00:50 ihewmatt: done
2015-06-05 00:52 Frey: I recommend you to use same DS in EASY
2015-06-05 00:53 ihewmatt: 1/4?
2015-06-05 00:53 Frey: mapping an EZ with Distance Snap on
2015-06-05 00:55 Frey: ds should be equal
2015-06-05 00:55 ihewmatt: Ok
2015-06-05 00:57 Frey: better not use different slider velocity in an Easy
2015-06-05 00:59 Frey: ;w;
2015-06-05 00:59 Frey: I think
2015-06-05 01:00 Frey: you should make a fading end for the mp3
2015-06-05 01:00 ihewmatt: Okay. :)
2015-06-05 01:00 ihewmatt: idk how :[
2015-06-05 01:00 Frey: nvm
2015-06-05 01:01 ihewmatt: ok
2015-06-05 01:01 Frey: it's rankable
2015-06-05 01:01 ihewmatt: Okay, ill just find way
2015-06-05 01:02 Frey: to be honest, you should recheck your Easy
2015-06-05 01:02 Frey: I don't it's qualified
2015-06-05 01:02 ihewmatt: Ok.
2015-06-05 01:04 Frey: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Normal]]
2015-06-05 01:05 Frey: 00:19:651 (4) - move to x332 y88 to unify ds
2015-06-05 01:06 Frey: here is an unrankable issue
2015-06-05 01:07 Frey: soft-sliderslide2 and soft-sliderslide3 are unused
2015-06-05 01:07 Frey: delete them if you don't use them
2015-06-05 01:07 ihewmatt: yeah, that was im supposed to do :)
2015-06-05 01:08 Frey: 00:28:570 (4) - x200 y320 looks better
2015-06-05 01:10 Frey: 00:59:178 (1) - x324 y312
2015-06-05 01:10 Frey: 00:42:962 (1) - x332 y316
2015-06-05 01:13 Frey: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight (From Pitch Perfect 2) [Cut Version] [Hard]]
2015-06-05 01:14 Frey: 00:42:151 (8,1) - stack is not good
2015-06-05 01:15 Frey: stack it then move 00:43:165 (2) to x220 y288
2015-06-05 01:17 Frey: 01:12:759 (1) - you can map something instead of a spinner
2015-06-05 01:17 ihewmatt: Okay.
2015-06-05 01:18 Frey: it's a Hard diff, you can map it free
2015-06-05 01:21 Frey: kay, I think I should stop here
2015-06-05 01:21 Frey: sorry for short mod
2015-06-05 01:22 ihewmatt: It's alright, but it helps
2015-06-05 01:22 Frey: >.< try and get more mods
2015-06-05 01:22 Frey: Good luck
2015-06-05 01:22 ihewmatt: Yup2
2015-06-05 01:22 ihewmatt: TY
2015-06-05 01:22 Frey: np
2015-06-05 01:25 Frey: as always, I advise you to spend time on looking at ranked maps in edit
2015-06-05 01:25 Frey: It would help you with your mapping skills
2015-06-05 01:26 ihewmatt: i did XP
2015-06-05 01:26 Frey: sometime you can imitate
2015-06-05 01:29 ihewmatt: done editing, phew. 'mind to cheack it again?
2015-06-05 01:30 Frey: sure
2015-06-05 01:30 ihewmatt: :)
2015-06-05 01:32 Frey: 00:49:448 remove whistle?
2015-06-05 01:33 Frey: 00:49:448 - remove whistle?
2015-06-05 01:33 ihewmatt: kk
2015-06-05 01:34 Frey: oops
2015-06-05 01:34 Frey: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Normal]]
2015-06-05 01:34 Frey: didn't remind you
2015-06-05 01:35 ihewmatt: what. :#
2015-06-05 01:35 Frey: 01:02:219 (2) - remove finish? I don't hear drum sound in the music
2015-06-05 01:35 Frey: it is the same with Hard
2015-06-05 01:36 ihewmatt: :3 k
2015-06-05 01:36 Frey: But in Easy, you could stay it
2015-06-05 01:37 Frey: I mean 00:49:448
2015-06-05 01:37 ihewmatt: in Normal?
2015-06-05 01:37 Frey: yes, change it in Normal and Hard
2015-06-05 01:38 Frey: /np
2015-06-05 01:38 ihewmatt: the whistle?
2015-06-05 01:39 Frey: yes
2015-06-05 01:39 Frey: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Easy]]
2015-06-05 01:39 Frey: 01:02:219 (1) - remove whistle (sliderslide)
2015-06-05 01:40 ihewmatt: i think i should remove all whistles
2015-06-05 01:41 Frey: no need
2015-06-05 01:41 Frey: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Hard]]
2015-06-05 01:41 Frey: 01:02:421 - remove whistle then use drum-hitfinish
2015-06-05 01:43 Frey: remaining things are fine

19:54 ihewmatt: Hawk. Can u mod my bm?
19:58 PurpleHawk: Sure :)
19:58 *ihewmatt is listening to [ Jessie J - Flashlight]
19:58 ihewmatt: ty
20:01 PurpleHawk: Can I just mod it over chat?
20:01 ihewmatt: kk
20:02 PurpleHawk: Try not to hide notes under sliders like at
20:02 PurpleHawk: 00:24:921
20:02 PurpleHawk: I'm starting with Easy btw :P
20:03 ihewmatt: ik lol
20:03 PurpleHawk: and I wouldn't use as many 1/2 notes in an Easy, 00:24:921(2,3,4,5,1,2) is a bit too challenging for a beginner
20:04 ihewmatt: :3 :#
20:04 PurpleHawk: I think you're not allowed/supposed to have slider velocity changes in Easy difficulty? If you are allowed then I would lower 2.0x to 1.5x, it's a bit quick and the difference between 1x and 2x is quite large
20:05 PurpleHawk: 00:58:975(1,2) - bad overlap
20:06 PurpleHawk: 01:05:867 (1,2) - don't stack notes in Easy/Normal difficulty
20:07 PurpleHawk: 01:15:192 (1) - too short spinner for an Easy, I would delete it and don't have a spinner for Easy
20:07 PurpleHawk: Just ask if you have any questions btw :)
20:08 ihewmatt: kk
20:08 PurpleHawk: Normal:
20:08 PurpleHawk: 00:24:516 (1) - Same as in Easy, don't hide notes under sliders
20:09 PurpleHawk: 00:25:732 (3,4,5) - a tripplet like this is too hard for a Normal, try to replace it with a repeat slider
20:10 PurpleHawk: Same things regarding the SV aswell
20:10 PurpleHawk: 1.5x instead of 2x
20:11 PurpleHawk: Actually, I would maybe (if you want to do the work) increase the base SV a bit and maybe have 1.25x instead
20:11 PurpleHawk: and then the slow SV in the beginning is a bit quicker, it's maybe a bit too slow atm? I dunno, your choice
20:12 PurpleHawk: 00:42:962 (1,2,3,4) - I would change these sliders a bit, try to start (1) at the white tick that (1) currently ends on and then make it end where (2) starts now
20:13 PurpleHawk: then change (2) to a repeat slider that starts at where (2) ends now
20:13 PurpleHawk: and then the new (2) repeatslider should end where (3) ends
20:13 PurpleHawk: and then delete 3 of course
20:15 PurpleHawk: like so:
20:16 PurpleHawk: What instrument are you mapping in this song?
20:16 PurpleHawk: 01:15:192 - still too short for a Normal, it'll probably be fine in a Hard/Insane though
20:17 ihewmatt: Ok :0
20:17 PurpleHawk: but what instrument are you mapping? That's an important question :)
20:18 ihewmatt: lol idu
20:18 PurpleHawk: Try listening for the drums and only place notes when the drums hit
20:18 PurpleHawk: mapping to nothing/vocals is usually not a great idea :/
20:19 ihewmatt: yh. i did that.
20:26 PurpleHawk: Eh, this song is quite difficult to map :/ There's not really a good rhythm from the drums, it's so slow :P
20:26 PurpleHawk: but I made a difficulty called Rhythm to show the drums' rhythm during Kiaitime
20:27 PurpleHawk: I'll post it on the thread together with this chat :)
20:27 ihewmatt: Okay TY Hawk
20:27 PurpleHawk: The most important thing in my opinion is the rhythm and that needs to be good foundation, maybe mapping the vocals is the best option for this slow song, but generally I would recommend to try to map the drums if they are there
20:28 PurpleHawk: np :)

Rhythm example
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: Jessie J - Flashlight (From Pitch Perfect 2).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 39110
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: None
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 12556
DistanceSpacing: 0.9
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 16
TimelineZoom: 1

Artist:Jessie J
ArtistUnicode:Jessie J
Source:Pitch Perfect 2
Tags:Cut Version MaterialMusic


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


IRC mod, helped with aesthetics, rhythm, and tips to fix mp3.

2015-06-05 17:03 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Hard]]
2015-06-05 17:04 Kuki: 00:25:499 (5) - General rule is to never start sliders on blue ticks
2015-06-05 17:04 Kuki: nor streams
2015-06-05 17:05 Kuki: so make sure all of your sliders are on either white ticks (reccomended beats) or red ticks (reccomended for vocals)
2015-06-05 17:06 Kuki: they generally sound much better
2015-06-05 17:11 Kuki: even though they sound right on blue ticks
2015-06-05 17:11 Kuki: they are always better on reds or whites.
2015-06-05 17:12 Kuki: also the mp3 ends really suddenly
2015-06-05 17:12 Kuki: I suggest fading it out
2015-06-05 17:12 ihewmatt: idk how to fade it out :[
2015-06-05 17:12 Kuki: download audacity
2015-06-05 17:12 Kuki: and select the part you want to fade out
2015-06-05 17:12 ihewmatt: okay
2015-06-05 17:13 Kuki: and go into filters/effects > fade out
2015-06-05 17:13 Kuki: then save
2015-06-05 17:13 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Normal]]
2015-06-05 17:13 Kuki: 00:17:999 (2,3) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:13 ihewmatt: kk
2015-06-05 17:13 Kuki: 00:23:270 (5,1) - fix overlap
2015-06-05 17:13 Kuki: 00:32:999 (1,2) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:14 Kuki: 00:34:621 (3,4) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:14 Kuki: 00:36:243 (1,2) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:14 Kuki: 00:37:864 (3,4) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:15 Kuki: 00:44:756 (4) - ctrl + g, go into 1/8, make the slider repeat on a yellow tick, and fix blanket.
2015-06-05 17:15 Kuki: 00:46:783 (2,3,4) - fix symmetry and blanket
2015-06-05 17:16 Kuki: 00:49:418 (1) - blue tick slider, fix
2015-06-05 17:16 Kuki: 00:55:094 (3) - blue slider
2015-06-05 17:16 Kuki: 00:55:195 (3,1,3,4,1,3,4,3,5,6,7,1,1,1) - blue tick sliders, fix
2015-06-05 17:17 Kuki: 00:54:891 (2,3) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:17 Kuki: 01:00:364 (3,4) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:17 Kuki: 01:06:851 (1,2) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:17 Kuki: 01:12:324 (4,1,2) - fix blanket
2015-06-05 17:18 Kuki: ACTION is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Easy]]
2015-06-05 17:18 Kuki: 00:26:918 (1,2,3) - symmetry
2015-06-05 17:19 Kuki: 00:36:648 (4) - fix blanketr
2015-06-05 17:19 Kuki: 01:13:135 (6,1) - fix overlap
From PM

00:12:932 (1) - Delete
00:13:540 (3,4) - Blanket
00:16:783 (1,2,3) - ^
00:23:270 (1) - To end in 00:24:080
00:25:094 (3,4,5) - Distance
00:28:135 (2,3,4,5) - ^
Your Typesetting is so Messy 00:34:621 (1,2,3,4,5,7) -
00:26:310 (1,2,3) - Try more Combination Instead of Straight line

Good luck :)
Quick mod here

00:44:756 (5,6) - this is not 1/3; it's 3/4

00:53:270 (1) - creative, but unrankable

00:52:459 (1) - as same as normal

  • Quick Tips
  1. You'd better learn to blanket properly. It should be 'perfectly' blanketed, or as perfect as possible.
  2. Try to check weird overlapping. Open the view tab and uncheck "Hit animations" to see circles fade away slowly.
  3. All notes should be fairly perceivable. 00:30:162 (1,2,3) - in hard isn't very appreciable
  4. If it's close to each other enough, you may try stacking them, like 00:36:243 (5,7) - in hard
  5. Don't spam reverse arrows, especially in lower diffs, except it's 1/4 reverse. Each slider shouldn't have more that 2 reverse arrows, but 1 reverse arrow or none is preferred.
  6. You've used too much 1/2 in normal
  7. If you cut or edit the audio yourself, try to end by fading the audio away, cutting it like in this beatmap isn't very nice.
  8. In this case, you might want to add a silent sliderslide sound to the drum set's sound too.
Good luck ! :)


  1. This map is hard to reading, Hope can fix
  2. 00:00:567 (2)
  3. 00:02:594 (5)
  4. 00:07:053 (2)
  5. 00:07:053 (2,3) - (2) Slider shape fix and Blanket
  6. 00:08:675 (5)
  7. 00:12:729 - Add circle
  8. 00:13:540 (3,4)
  9. 00:15:162 (2,3) - ^
  10. 00:16:783 (1,2) - ^
  11. 00:18:405 (4,5) - ^
  12. 00:20:026 (1,2) - ^
  13. 00:21:648 (4,5) - ^
  14. 00:23:270 (1) - ^
  15. 00:28:135 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same distance
  16. 00:29:553 (7,8,9,1) - ^
  17. 00:30:162 (1,2)
  18. 00:32:797 (6,7,8)
  19. 00:43:337 (3)
  20. 00:49:418 (1,2,3) - This must be fix. Beat and flow
  21. 01:07:053 (2)


  1. 00:15:162 (4)
  2. 00:17:594 (1) - This circle is different from a distance
  3. 00:38:675 (2) - ^
  4. 00:39:891 (6) - ^
  5. 00:44:756 (3) - ^
  6. 01:03:405 (1) - ^


  1. 00:23:675 (3) - This circle is different from a distance
  2. 00:24:891 (4) - ^
  3. 00:53:270 (1) - ^

That's it :)
My mod is hoping you can help
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Arooma wrote:



  1. This map is hard to reading, Hope can fix
  2. 00:00:567 (2)
  3. 00:02:594 (5)
  4. 00:07:053 (2)
  5. 00:07:053 (2,3) - (2) Slider shape fix and Blanket
  6. 00:08:675 (5)
  7. 00:12:729 - Add circle
  8. 00:13:540 (3,4)
  9. 00:15:162 (2,3) - ^
  10. 00:16:783 (1,2) - ^
  11. 00:18:405 (4,5) - ^
  12. 00:20:026 (1,2) - ^
  13. 00:21:648 (4,5) - ^
  14. 00:23:270 (1) - ^
  15. 00:28:135 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same distance
  16. 00:29:553 (7,8,9,1) - ^
  17. 00:30:162 (1,2)
  18. 00:32:797 (6,7,8)
  19. 00:43:337 (3)
  20. 00:49:418 (1,2,3) - This must be fix. Beat and flow
  21. 01:07:053 (2)


  1. 00:15:162 (4)
  2. 00:17:594 (1) - This circle is different from a distance
  3. 00:38:675 (2) - ^
  4. 00:39:891 (6) - ^
  5. 00:44:756 (3) - ^
  6. 01:03:405 (1) - ^


  1. 00:23:675 (3) - This circle is different from a distance
  2. 00:24:891 (4) - ^
  3. 00:53:270 (1) - ^

That's it :)
My mod is hoping you can help
Good luck~
Thank You! :)
Umm, you have my name in the source, remove them. and add them to the tags in each difficulty.
No kd.
Topic Starter

Sorry. I accidentally tap *Give Kudosu :/. It was for Sky. :/ :|
Hey I'm here as requested :)

Start Kai at - 00:39:080 end at - 01:05:432


00:01:783 (3,1) - awkward overlap. Fix this.
00:28:134 - add circle here.
00:29:756 (1,3) - this looks confusing for new players. try not to overlap
00:38:270 (7,2) - ^ same as above
00:45:567 (4) - maybe make this into a curve?
00:51:243 - this is a good downbeat but it is unmapped
00:52:864 - same here, really good downbeat but yet unmapped
as of above try doing this:

00:55:702 (2,2) - awkward overlap. try to fix
01:05:837 (1,2,2) - ^^ same as above


00:13:134 (1) - awkward hitsound. I don't think this suits well with the song.
00:24:486 (4) - end tail here - 00:24:891
00:25:702 (1) - move to - 00:25:297
00:25:905 (2) - move to - 00:25:702
00:33:405 (2,3,4) - sudden change of timing. New players might find this hard to read.
00:38:878 (3) - ^ same as above
01:00:770 (5) - ^ same
01:07:459 (1,2,3) - new players wont be able to read this. try to change to a simple slider.

Hope this simple mod helps. Gioodluck with ur map :)
Topic Starter

supremella wrote:

Hey I'm here as requested :)

Start Kai at - 00:39:080 end at - 01:05:432


00:01:783 (3,1) - awkward overlap. Fix this.
00:28:134 - add circle here.
00:29:756 (1,3) - this looks confusing for new players. try not to overlap
00:38:270 (7,2) - ^ same as above
00:45:567 (4) - maybe make this into a curve?
00:51:243 - this is a good downbeat but it is unmapped
00:52:864 - same here, really good downbeat but yet unmapped
as of above try doing this:

00:55:702 (2,2) - awkward overlap. try to fix
01:05:837 (1,2,2) - ^^ same as above


00:13:134 (1) - awkward hitsound. I don't think this suits well with the song.
00:24:486 (4) - end tail here - 00:24:891
00:25:702 (1) - move to - 00:25:297
00:25:905 (2) - move to - 00:25:702
00:33:405 (2,3,4) - sudden change of timing. New players might find this hard to read.
00:38:878 (3) - ^ same as above
01:00:770 (5) - ^ same
01:07:459 (1,2,3) - new players wont be able to read this. try to change to a simple slider.

Hope this simple mod helps. Gioodluck with ur map :)
Sky Trias
12:02 ihewmatt: Hi Sky Trias, can u GD/MOD my bm?
12:02 Sky Trias: hi
12:02 Sky Trias: what map ? :)
12:02 *ihewmatt is listening to [ Jessie J - Flashlight]
12:02 ihewmatt: :)
12:04 Sky Trias: let's see
12:05 *Sky Trias is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Easy]]
12:05 Sky Trias: i do quickly okie
12:05 Sky Trias: irc is ok?
12:07 Sky Trias: call me when you ready.
12:14 Sky Trias: call me when you ready.
12:21 ihewmatt: im ready :D
12:23 Sky Trias: okie
12:24 ihewmatt: Ty
12:24 Sky Trias: 00:13:134 -
12:24 Sky Trias: unused inherit green.. better remove
12:25 Sky Trias: uncheck widescreen support & letterbox during break.
12:26 Sky Trias: no SB , no break..
12:26 Sky Trias: Audio Lead-In +2000 ms.
12:27 Sky Trias: no need double tag 'Crimmi' better to remove.
12:28 Sky Trias: 00:16:783 (5,1) - swap new combo.
12:28 ihewmatt: Where can find Audio Lead-in?
12:28 Sky Trias: hey? still there? gonna leave then..
12:28 Sky Trias: ahh ..
12:29 Sky Trias: file-open .osu in notepad.
12:29 ihewmatt: Im here :#
12:29 Sky Trias: well then..
12:29 Sky Trias: you get the Audio Lead-In ?
12:29 ihewmatt: Yup, :)
12:29 Sky Trias: there's write '0' change to '2000'
12:30 Sky Trias: oke.. let's continue the mod. better you answer my mod.
12:30 ihewmatt: done
12:31 Sky Trias: okie.
12:31 ihewmatt: OkI
12:31 Sky Trias: 00:26:107 (7,1) - swap new combo.
12:32 Sky Trias: 00:29:756 (5) - new combo here.
12:32 Sky Trias: 00:31:378 (3) - better change to slider instead. till 00:31:783 -
12:33 ihewmatt: KK
12:33 Sky Trias: 00:39:080 - hmm.. check the preview point there.
12:34 Sky Trias: 00:50:432 (5) - new combo.
12:35 ihewmatt: k
12:35 Sky Trias: 00:17:189 (2,3) - try blanket there.
12:36 Sky Trias: 00:39:486 (1) - better 192|236
12:37 Sky Trias: then check DS over here : 00:39:891 (2,3) -
12:38 ihewmatt: done
12:39 Sky Trias: a sec
12:39 ihewmatt: ``k
12:40 Sky Trias: 00:43:135 (6) - [ better than before] also move 00:43:945 (1) - 408|192 and 00:44:351 (2) - 368|92
12:40 Sky Trias: that's better than before.
12:42 Sky Trias: 00:56:918 (3,1) - swap NC
12:42 ihewmatt: Ok
12:42 Sky Trias: you done?
12:42 Sky Trias: ok
12:42 Sky Trias: 00:59:351 (2,3) - can blanket over here.
12:42 ihewmatt: Yup :)
12:43 Sky Trias: 00:59:756 (3) - move to 136|200
12:43 Sky Trias: 01:00:972 (4) - try to stack with 00:59:351 (2) -
12:44 Sky Trias: 01:01:378 (5) - 316|84
12:44 Sky Trias: 01:01:378 (5,1) - try blanket this
12:45 Sky Trias: um .. combo very random over here.
12:45 Sky Trias: let me to fix this.
12:45 Sky Trias: 01:00:972 (5) - combo
12:45 Sky Trias: 01:02:594 (1) - remove combo
12:46 Sky Trias: 01:05:837 (5) - combo
12:46 Sky Trias: 01:06:648 (1) - remove combo
12:46 Sky Trias: 01:09:891 (5) - combo
12:46 Sky Trias: done.
12:46 Sky Trias: call me when you done with all of that
12:46 ihewmatt: kk.
12:48 ihewmatt: Done
12:53 Sky Trias: 00:01:783 (3,4) - you can blanket over here
12:53 Sky Trias: let me make better slider
12:53 Sky Trias: a sec
12:54 Sky Trias: [ here]
12:55 Sky Trias: 00:07:864 (2) - better move to 176|300
12:55 ihewmatt: k
12:56 Sky Trias: 00:09:486 (4) - i don't like this placement.
12:56 Sky Trias: 00:09:486 (4) - why not place on 456|232?
12:57 Sky Trias: it's better than before
12:57 ihewmatt: How 'bout this?
12:57 Sky Trias: well then it's your choice~ ^^
12:58 Sky Trias: 00:23:270 (2,3) - can blanket this.
12:58 ihewmatt: What's the best placement for 00:09:486 (4) -
12:58 ihewmatt: Oh.. sorry,
12:58 Sky Trias: okie then~
12:59 Sky Trias: 00:24:891 (4,5,6,7) -
12:59 Sky Trias: hmm..
13:00 Sky Trias: [ maybe?]
13:01 Sky Trias: 00:34:621 (2,3) - blanket maybe?
13:01 Sky Trias: idk.
13:01 Sky Trias: wkwk iya no .. nanti coba diatur deh
13:01 Sky Trias: ahh sorry wrong tab
13:01 ihewmatt: LOL ok,
13:09 ihewmatt: so..
15:33 Sky Trias: a
15:33 Sky Trias: test
15:34 ihewmatt: ohh.. okay
15:34 Sky Trias: should i continue?
15:34 Sky Trias: i'm so sorry.. trouble in home.
15:34 ihewmatt: sure. it's okay
15:34 ihewmatt: :)
15:35 Sky Trias: what the last?
15:36 ihewmatt: i think . this 00:02:999 (4,1) - Blanket
15:36 Sky Trias: i need more time , it's ok?
15:36 ihewmatt: Okay.. :)
15:36 Sky Trias: well then
15:37 Sky Trias: gonna afk for a while. so sorry :(
15:37 ihewmatt: t's okay, take care
16:12 Sky Trias: ba k
16:12 Sky Trias: back*
16:12 Sky Trias: sorry ..
16:13 ihewmatt: `it's okay, as i said before. :)
16:13 Sky Trias: okie then~ :)
16:14 Sky Trias: 00:17:189 (1,2) - blanket?
16:14 Sky Trias: also 00:17:594 (2) - ctrl+G
16:16 Sky Trias: is this song cut version?
16:16 ihewmatt: yup
16:17 Sky Trias: add tag then :)
16:17 Sky Trias: cut version / short version is okay
16:17 Sky Trias: ahh already there :)
16:17 ihewmatt: yup. done already
16:17 Sky Trias: okie~
16:17 ihewmatt: haha yh
16:18 Sky Trias: 00:54:080 (2) - 84|140 better i think
16:19 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (2) - same slider like 01:07:053 (4) - will better i think
16:19 Sky Trias: 00:01:378 (2) - better not blanket with 00:00:162 (1) -
16:20 Sky Trias: but that
16:20 Sky Trias: but that's my advice , you can keep or reject :)
16:21 Sky Trias: or if you accept that , better to move 180|356
16:21 ihewmatt: which should i move
16:22 Sky Trias: i give you the code .. can check that
16:22 ihewmatt: ok
16:23 Sky Trias: done?
16:26 ihewmatt: wait :)
16:27 ihewmatt: done
16:31 Sky Trias: 00:13:945 (2) - looks like no blanket..
16:31 Sky Trias: fix that?
16:34 ihewmatt: done
16:34 Sky Trias: 00:17:594 (2) - are you ctrl+g this?
16:35 ihewmatt: k
16:36 Sky Trias: let's make this better
16:36 ihewmatt: Sure ,thanks
16:37 Sky Trias: 00:16:783 (5) - 248|292 and 00:17:189 (1) - 144|260
16:37 Sky Trias: you already fix the combo right?
16:37 ihewmatt: yh
16:39 Sky Trias: better?
16:39 Sky Trias: 00:20:432 (3) - stack with 00:18:810 (3) -
16:40 ihewmatt: this what i change.
16:40 ihewmatt:
16:40 ihewmatt: is it ok?
16:40 Sky Trias: nice.. :)
16:40 Sky Trias: if not broke the DS it's okay
16:41 ihewmatt: And next.
16:41 ihewmatt: TY
16:42 Sky Trias: btw .. you need hitsound ..
16:43 ihewmatt: Yeh
16:46 Sky Trias: let check normal then..
16:47 ihewmatt: Okay :)
16:49 Sky Trias: should i update?
16:50 ihewmatt: lol. yeah,
16:50 ihewmatt: X)
16:50 Sky Trias: you changing SV?
16:50 Sky Trias: ._.
16:51 ihewmatt: nope
16:51 Sky Trias: i think xD
16:51 Sky Trias: well nvm
16:51 Sky Trias: let's check..
16:51 Sky Trias: hmm slider..
16:51 ihewmatt: Okay hah
16:51 ihewmatt: a
16:52 Sky Trias: 00:01:783 (3) - -15 degree i think?
16:52 Sky Trias: put same place as before
16:54 ihewmatt: hmn. just continue. ill be back :)
16:54 Sky Trias: okie
16:54 Sky Trias: 00:03:405 (1) - better you make same slider like 00:02:594 (4) -
16:58 Sky Trias: 00:05:026 (3) - 15 degree then move to 272|36 better i think
16:59 Sky Trias: like [ this] maybe..
16:59 ihewmatt: im back
16:59 Sky Trias: welcome~ :)
17:00 ihewmatt: what u mean by -15 degree
17:00 Sky Trias: about slider on first , better you make same of that..
17:00 Sky Trias: -15 degree yah..
17:00 Sky Trias: Ctrl+R
17:00 Sky Trias: you can see the rotating system
17:01 Sky Trias: sorry Ctrl+Shift+R
17:02 ihewmatt: DONE
17:02 Sky Trias: change '0' to '-15'
17:02 Sky Trias: you got it?
17:02 Sky Trias: nice~
17:02 ihewmatt: Yep :D
17:03 Sky Trias: the slider seem not good at all
17:05 ihewmatt: oh. kk , Im bad at it :[
17:06 Sky Trias: no problem :)
17:06 Sky Trias: you can improve , just need more training :)
17:07 Sky Trias: 00:12:526 - is that blue line ?
17:07 Sky Trias: why there?
17:07 ihewmatt: oh, yah. idk why it went there lol
17:07 Sky Trias: xD
17:08 Sky Trias: it's okay.. that's just bookmark
17:08 Sky Trias: you can leave there.
17:08 ihewmatt: lol, *removed
17:09 Sky Trias: 00:13:134 (1,2) - got better placement over here..
17:10 ihewmatt: ty :]
17:12 Sky Trias: 00:13:134 (1,2) - maybe
17:13 Sky Trias:
17:13 Sky Trias: sorry
17:13 ihewmatt: it's ok :]
17:13 Sky Trias: 00:18:405 (3) - maybe 72|80 better
17:14 Sky Trias: want that placement?
17:14 ihewmatt: k, as u said :)
17:15 Sky Trias: here : 00:13:134 (1) - 192|216 . 00:13:540 (2) - 88|184
17:15 Sky Trias: done?
17:17 ihewmatt: check
17:17 ihewmatt: :)
17:19 Sky Trias: welp .. can we do fast mod?
17:19 Sky Trias: my friend need help too
17:19 ihewmatt: Ok
17:19 Sky Trias: and i should mod on thread..
17:19 Sky Trias: okie then
17:20 Sky Trias: 00:20:026 (1,2,3) - got better placement
17:20 Sky Trias: feel free to reject
17:20 ihewmatt: Ok
17:21 Sky Trias: 00:20:026 (1) - 108|212 . 00:20:432 (2) - 124|320 . 00:20:837 (3) - 228|288
17:21 Sky Trias: 00:26:513 (1,2) - better to blanket this
17:22 Sky Trias: 00:31:378 (3,4) - you can blanket this
17:22 Sky Trias: 00:35:837 (3) - Ctrl+G
17:23 Sky Trias: 00:43:337 (3) - 84|264
17:23 Sky Trias: 00:44:553 (2,3) - better to straigthen..
17:23 Sky Trias: with 00:44:148 (1) -
17:23 Sky Trias: 00:46:378 (2,3) - more blanket?
17:24 Sky Trias: 00:47:594 - add not
17:24 Sky Trias: there's a beat.
17:24 Sky Trias: 00:53:270 (1,2) - more blanket
17:25 Sky Trias: 00:56:107 (1) - more curve i think
17:26 Sky Trias: 00:57:324 (3,4) - i prefer you make like [ this]
17:27 Sky Trias: 01:00:567 - better add not over here.
17:27 Sky Trias: 01:04:013 (3,4) - blanket maybe
17:27 Sky Trias: 01:07:459 (1,3) - sorry this unrankable
17:28 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (1,1) - you need 1,5 beat before add not / slider
17:28 Sky Trias: noo.. err , just 1 beat it's okay
17:29 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (1) - soo short this spinner till 01:12:324 -
17:29 Sky Trias: ohh yeah , on easy. you need to added the kiai time ..
17:29 Sky Trias: there's no kiai ..
17:30 Sky Trias: just considering
17:30 Sky Trias: 01:14:756 (3) - better Ctrl+G this
17:32 Sky Trias: 00:55:702 (3,1) - swap new combo
17:33 Sky Trias: 00:56:918 (2) - new combo
17:36 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (1) - short this slider
17:36 Sky Trias: i mean spinner
17:36 Sky Trias: till 01:12:324 -
17:36 Sky Trias: you done? better do quickly okie .. i'm gonna check my friend's map
17:37 Sky Trias: call me back ^^
17:39 ihewmatt: Ok :)
17:54 ihewmatt: Done :)
19:03 Sky Trias: hey
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

Sky Trias wrote:

12:02 ihewmatt: Hi Sky Trias, can u GD/MOD my bm?
12:02 Sky Trias: hi
12:02 Sky Trias: what map ? :)
12:02 *ihewmatt is listening to [ Jessie J - Flashlight]
12:02 ihewmatt: :)
12:04 Sky Trias: let's see
12:05 *Sky Trias is editing [ Jessie J - Flashlight [Easy]]
12:05 Sky Trias: i do quickly okie
12:05 Sky Trias: irc is ok?
12:07 Sky Trias: call me when you ready.
12:14 Sky Trias: call me when you ready.
12:21 ihewmatt: im ready :D
12:23 Sky Trias: okie
12:24 ihewmatt: Ty
12:24 Sky Trias: 00:13:134 -
12:24 Sky Trias: unused inherit green.. better remove
12:25 Sky Trias: uncheck widescreen support & letterbox during break.
12:26 Sky Trias: no SB , no break..
12:26 Sky Trias: Audio Lead-In +2000 ms.
12:27 Sky Trias: no need double tag 'Crimmi' better to remove.
12:28 Sky Trias: 00:16:783 (5,1) - swap new combo.
12:28 ihewmatt: Where can find Audio Lead-in?
12:28 Sky Trias: hey? still there? gonna leave then..
12:28 Sky Trias: ahh ..
12:29 Sky Trias: file-open .osu in notepad.
12:29 ihewmatt: Im here :#
12:29 Sky Trias: well then..
12:29 Sky Trias: you get the Audio Lead-In ?
12:29 ihewmatt: Yup, :)
12:29 Sky Trias: there's write '0' change to '2000'
12:30 Sky Trias: oke.. let's continue the mod. better you answer my mod.
12:30 ihewmatt: done
12:31 Sky Trias: okie.
12:31 ihewmatt: OkI
12:31 Sky Trias: 00:26:107 (7,1) - swap new combo.
12:32 Sky Trias: 00:29:756 (5) - new combo here.
12:32 Sky Trias: 00:31:378 (3) - better change to slider instead. till 00:31:783 -
12:33 ihewmatt: KK
12:33 Sky Trias: 00:39:080 - hmm.. check the preview point there.
12:34 Sky Trias: 00:50:432 (5) - new combo.
12:35 ihewmatt: k
12:35 Sky Trias: 00:17:189 (2,3) - try blanket there.
12:36 Sky Trias: 00:39:486 (1) - better 192|236
12:37 Sky Trias: then check DS over here : 00:39:891 (2,3) -
12:38 ihewmatt: done
12:39 Sky Trias: a sec
12:39 ihewmatt: ``k
12:40 Sky Trias: 00:43:135 (6) - [ better than before] also move 00:43:945 (1) - 408|192 and 00:44:351 (2) - 368|92
12:40 Sky Trias: that's better than before.
12:42 Sky Trias: 00:56:918 (3,1) - swap NC
12:42 ihewmatt: Ok
12:42 Sky Trias: you done?
12:42 Sky Trias: ok
12:42 Sky Trias: 00:59:351 (2,3) - can blanket over here.
12:42 ihewmatt: Yup :)
12:43 Sky Trias: 00:59:756 (3) - move to 136|200
12:43 Sky Trias: 01:00:972 (4) - try to stack with 00:59:351 (2) -
12:44 Sky Trias: 01:01:378 (5) - 316|84
12:44 Sky Trias: 01:01:378 (5,1) - try blanket this
12:45 Sky Trias: um .. combo very random over here.
12:45 Sky Trias: let me to fix this.
12:45 Sky Trias: 01:00:972 (5) - combo
12:45 Sky Trias: 01:02:594 (1) - remove combo
12:46 Sky Trias: 01:05:837 (5) - combo
12:46 Sky Trias: 01:06:648 (1) - remove combo
12:46 Sky Trias: 01:09:891 (5) - combo
12:46 Sky Trias: done.
12:46 Sky Trias: call me when you done with all of that
12:46 ihewmatt: kk.
12:48 ihewmatt: Done
12:53 Sky Trias: 00:01:783 (3,4) - you can blanket over here
12:53 Sky Trias: let me make better slider
12:53 Sky Trias: a sec
12:54 Sky Trias: [ here]
12:55 Sky Trias: 00:07:864 (2) - better move to 176|300
12:55 ihewmatt: k
12:56 Sky Trias: 00:09:486 (4) - i don't like this placement.
12:56 Sky Trias: 00:09:486 (4) - why not place on 456|232?
12:57 Sky Trias: it's better than before
12:57 ihewmatt: How 'bout this?
12:57 Sky Trias: well then it's your choice~ ^^
12:58 Sky Trias: 00:23:270 (2,3) - can blanket this.
12:58 ihewmatt: What's the best placement for 00:09:486 (4) -
12:58 ihewmatt: Oh.. sorry,
12:58 Sky Trias: okie then~
12:59 Sky Trias: 00:24:891 (4,5,6,7) -
12:59 Sky Trias: hmm..
13:00 Sky Trias: [ maybe?]
13:01 Sky Trias: 00:34:621 (2,3) - blanket maybe?
13:01 Sky Trias: idk.
13:01 Sky Trias: wkwk iya no .. nanti coba diatur deh
13:01 Sky Trias: ahh sorry wrong tab
13:01 ihewmatt: LOL ok,
13:09 ihewmatt: so..
15:33 Sky Trias: a
15:33 Sky Trias: test
15:34 ihewmatt: ohh.. okay
15:34 Sky Trias: should i continue?
15:34 Sky Trias: i'm so sorry.. trouble in home.
15:34 ihewmatt: sure. it's okay
15:34 ihewmatt: :)
15:35 Sky Trias: what the last?
15:36 ihewmatt: i think . this 00:02:999 (4,1) - Blanket
15:36 Sky Trias: i need more time , it's ok?
15:36 ihewmatt: Okay.. :)
15:36 Sky Trias: well then
15:37 Sky Trias: gonna afk for a while. so sorry :(
15:37 ihewmatt: t's okay, take care
16:12 Sky Trias: ba k
16:12 Sky Trias: back*
16:12 Sky Trias: sorry ..
16:13 ihewmatt: `it's okay, as i said before. :)
16:13 Sky Trias: okie then~ :)
16:14 Sky Trias: 00:17:189 (1,2) - blanket?
16:14 Sky Trias: also 00:17:594 (2) - ctrl+G
16:16 Sky Trias: is this song cut version?
16:16 ihewmatt: yup
16:17 Sky Trias: add tag then :)
16:17 Sky Trias: cut version / short version is okay
16:17 Sky Trias: ahh already there :)
16:17 ihewmatt: yup. done already
16:17 Sky Trias: okie~
16:17 ihewmatt: haha yh
16:18 Sky Trias: 00:54:080 (2) - 84|140 better i think
16:19 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (2) - same slider like 01:07:053 (4) - will better i think
16:19 Sky Trias: 00:01:378 (2) - better not blanket with 00:00:162 (1) -
16:20 Sky Trias: but that
16:20 Sky Trias: but that's my advice , you can keep or reject :)
16:21 Sky Trias: or if you accept that , better to move 180|356
16:21 ihewmatt: which should i move
16:22 Sky Trias: i give you the code .. can check that
16:22 ihewmatt: ok
16:23 Sky Trias: done?
16:26 ihewmatt: wait :)
16:27 ihewmatt: done
16:31 Sky Trias: 00:13:945 (2) - looks like no blanket..
16:31 Sky Trias: fix that?
16:34 ihewmatt: done
16:34 Sky Trias: 00:17:594 (2) - are you ctrl+g this?
16:35 ihewmatt: k
16:36 Sky Trias: let's make this better
16:36 ihewmatt: Sure ,thanks
16:37 Sky Trias: 00:16:783 (5) - 248|292 and 00:17:189 (1) - 144|260
16:37 Sky Trias: you already fix the combo right?
16:37 ihewmatt: yh
16:39 Sky Trias: better?
16:39 Sky Trias: 00:20:432 (3) - stack with 00:18:810 (3) -
16:40 ihewmatt: this what i change.
16:40 ihewmatt:
16:40 ihewmatt: is it ok?
16:40 Sky Trias: nice.. :)
16:40 Sky Trias: if not broke the DS it's okay
16:41 ihewmatt: And next.
16:41 ihewmatt: TY
16:42 Sky Trias: btw .. you need hitsound ..
16:43 ihewmatt: Yeh
16:46 Sky Trias: let check normal then..
16:47 ihewmatt: Okay :)
16:49 Sky Trias: should i update?
16:50 ihewmatt: lol. yeah,
16:50 ihewmatt: X)
16:50 Sky Trias: you changing SV?
16:50 Sky Trias: ._.
16:51 ihewmatt: nope
16:51 Sky Trias: i think xD
16:51 Sky Trias: well nvm
16:51 Sky Trias: let's check..
16:51 Sky Trias: hmm slider..
16:51 ihewmatt: Okay hah
16:51 ihewmatt: a
16:52 Sky Trias: 00:01:783 (3) - -15 degree i think?
16:52 Sky Trias: put same place as before
16:54 ihewmatt: hmn. just continue. ill be back :)
16:54 Sky Trias: okie
16:54 Sky Trias: 00:03:405 (1) - better you make same slider like 00:02:594 (4) -
16:58 Sky Trias: 00:05:026 (3) - 15 degree then move to 272|36 better i think
16:59 Sky Trias: like [ this] maybe..
16:59 ihewmatt: im back
16:59 Sky Trias: welcome~ :)
17:00 ihewmatt: what u mean by -15 degree
17:00 Sky Trias: about slider on first , better you make same of that..
17:00 Sky Trias: -15 degree yah..
17:00 Sky Trias: Ctrl+R
17:00 Sky Trias: you can see the rotating system
17:01 Sky Trias: sorry Ctrl+Shift+R
17:02 ihewmatt: DONE
17:02 Sky Trias: change '0' to '-15'
17:02 Sky Trias: you got it?
17:02 Sky Trias: nice~
17:02 ihewmatt: Yep :D
17:03 Sky Trias: the slider seem not good at all
17:05 ihewmatt: oh. kk , Im bad at it :[
17:06 Sky Trias: no problem :)
17:06 Sky Trias: you can improve , just need more training :)
17:07 Sky Trias: 00:12:526 - is that blue line ?
17:07 Sky Trias: why there?
17:07 ihewmatt: oh, yah. idk why it went there lol
17:07 Sky Trias: xD
17:08 Sky Trias: it's okay.. that's just bookmark
17:08 Sky Trias: you can leave there.
17:08 ihewmatt: lol, *removed
17:09 Sky Trias: 00:13:134 (1,2) - got better placement over here..
17:10 ihewmatt: ty :]
17:12 Sky Trias: 00:13:134 (1,2) - maybe
17:13 Sky Trias:
17:13 Sky Trias: sorry
17:13 ihewmatt: it's ok :]
17:13 Sky Trias: 00:18:405 (3) - maybe 72|80 better
17:14 Sky Trias: want that placement?
17:14 ihewmatt: k, as u said :)
17:15 Sky Trias: here : 00:13:134 (1) - 192|216 . 00:13:540 (2) - 88|184
17:15 Sky Trias: done?
17:17 ihewmatt: check
17:17 ihewmatt: :)
17:19 Sky Trias: welp .. can we do fast mod?
17:19 Sky Trias: my friend need help too
17:19 ihewmatt: Ok
17:19 Sky Trias: and i should mod on thread..
17:19 Sky Trias: okie then
17:20 Sky Trias: 00:20:026 (1,2,3) - got better placement
17:20 Sky Trias: feel free to reject
17:20 ihewmatt: Ok
17:21 Sky Trias: 00:20:026 (1) - 108|212 . 00:20:432 (2) - 124|320 . 00:20:837 (3) - 228|288
17:21 Sky Trias: 00:26:513 (1,2) - better to blanket this
17:22 Sky Trias: 00:31:378 (3,4) - you can blanket this
17:22 Sky Trias: 00:35:837 (3) - Ctrl+G
17:23 Sky Trias: 00:43:337 (3) - 84|264
17:23 Sky Trias: 00:44:553 (2,3) - better to straigthen..
17:23 Sky Trias: with 00:44:148 (1) -
17:23 Sky Trias: 00:46:378 (2,3) - more blanket?
17:24 Sky Trias: 00:47:594 - add not
17:24 Sky Trias: there's a beat.
17:24 Sky Trias: 00:53:270 (1,2) - more blanket
17:25 Sky Trias: 00:56:107 (1) - more curve i think
17:26 Sky Trias: 00:57:324 (3,4) - i prefer you make like [ this]
17:27 Sky Trias: 01:00:567 - better add not over here.
17:27 Sky Trias: 01:04:013 (3,4) - blanket maybe
17:27 Sky Trias: 01:07:459 (1,3) - sorry this unrankable
17:28 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (1,1) - you need 1,5 beat before add not / slider
17:28 Sky Trias: noo.. err , just 1 beat it's okay
17:29 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (1) - soo short this spinner till 01:12:324 -
17:29 Sky Trias: ohh yeah , on easy. you need to added the kiai time ..
17:29 Sky Trias: there's no kiai ..
17:30 Sky Trias: just considering
17:30 Sky Trias: 01:14:756 (3) - better Ctrl+G this
17:32 Sky Trias: 00:55:702 (3,1) - swap new combo
17:33 Sky Trias: 00:56:918 (2) - new combo
17:36 Sky Trias: 01:10:297 (1) - short this slider
17:36 Sky Trias: i mean spinner
17:36 Sky Trias: till 01:12:324 -
17:36 Sky Trias: you done? better do quickly okie .. i'm gonna check my friend's map
17:37 Sky Trias: call me back ^^
17:39 ihewmatt: Ok :)
17:54 ihewmatt: Done :)
19:03 Sky Trias: hey
Good Luck! :D
Thanks a lot
I'm no good but here we go...

*CS2 is pretty huge, consider to set CS3.
*AR = 3?
00:15:567 (4) - not symmetrical with 00:13:945 (2) -
00:21:243 (4) - this tail had stacking with 00:20:026 (1) -
00:33:405 (1,2,3) - I think it's too hard pattern for newbs.
00:36:243 (4) - or 00:36:648 (5) - New combo
00:44:756 (3,4) - add some curve in slider to avoid linear pattern, and also can get better flow with 00:46:783 (5) -
01:09:891 (3) - New Combo

*HP Drain = 4
*Big Changes of Slider Velocity in this diff is not good imo (x1 to x1.5)
00:44:148 (1,2,3) - Linear pattern, and I don't really recommended with 00:44:756 (3) - nowadays..
00:46:986 (3) - Stack with 00:45:972 (1) -
00:49:216 (1,2) - this one is pretty hard for newbs
00:57:324 (3,4) - ^ because two or more reverse is really confusing imo.
01:09:080 (4) - New combo for the whole echo of the song
01:10:702 (1) - spinner should be the last of your song

*OD = 5~6 (7 is for insane)
00:00:263 (1) - It isn't late? (Timing is not right)
00:25:499 (3) - I recommend map here like 00:28:134 (1,2,3,4) -
01:03:405 (1) - timing is not right

That's all for me, Goodluck.

The hitsounds are too loud

00:31:378 (3) - maybe try this for slider
00:48:405 (2) - sounds better 1/1 reverse slider

Finish hitsounds sound way to loud
00:41:310 (3) - move end of slider to x:364 y:48

That is all from me
Good luck!
00:15:162 (5) - Way too close to previous slider
00:21:040 (6) - Don't stack - constant break
00:34:216 (3,4,5,6) - direct towards the next object
00:44:553 (2,3,4) - I see you tried making this triple to be a curve... it just looks bad imo
00:53:472 (5,6) - Oh no no, you can't space a pause like that so similarly to previous notes. It would only work with a NC, but better fix spacing

Make AR 7.5 or 8 and lower the OD to 6.

(better just DS the entire diff)
00:05:026 (4,5,1,2) - What's with the shifty spacing?
00:13:540 (4) - straighten a little
00:14:756 (1) - too close
00:19:620 (3) - ^
00:34:216 (1) - ^ !!!!!
00:39:486 (4) - ^
00:50:432 (3) - ^
00:57:121 (3) - This jump is ABSURD for a hard difficulty

Set your OD and HP to 5.


00:58:134 (4) - DS says this needs to be closer
00:59:351 (3) - This and some other blankets are off. Make perfect

Personal prefrence: HP & OD 4


00:13:945 (2,4) - These sliders should be symetric if they flow the same like that
00:19:216 (5) - Avoid overlaps in easy
00:20:026 (1) - ^

Check your easy and normal if i forgot to mention some overlaps and bad slider shapes.

Overall a fine looking mapset, hope I helped. Good luck! ^^
Hi, from pm.

*Change slider velocity to 1
00:47:189 (1,2) - make it a slider?
00:58:945 - slider to 00:59:351 -

00:25:702 (1,2,3) - imo a slider is better for this
00:33:405 (2,3,4) - ^
00:38:878 (3) - try to avoid SV changes like this. 00:38:675 (2,3) - ^
00:38:878 - if you want to increase the SV try 1.25 or 1.15.
00:44:756 (3) - try something like this, because its too tricky
00:49:216 (1) - ^
00:50:432 (2) - ^
00:57:324 (3) - ^
01:13:540 - add a note

00:25:499 (3) - try something like this
00:44:553 - add a note
00:53:067 - ^
00:57:729 (1) - try something like this
00:59:553 - add a note
00:59:655 (1) - move the slider to white
01:05:634 - add a note

[Crimmi's Flashlight]
*idk what to say to this diff so... yeah...

Thats all I can do for this.
Good luck :)
First mod btw :P
Topic Starter

niconico1 wrote:

Hi, from pm.

*Change slider velocity to 1
00:47:189 (1,2) - make it a slider?
00:58:945 - slider to 00:59:351 -

00:25:702 (1,2,3) - imo a slider is better for this
00:33:405 (2,3,4) - ^
00:38:878 (3) - try to avoid SV changes like this. 00:38:675 (2,3) - ^
00:38:878 - if you want to increase the SV try 1.25 or 1.15.
00:44:756 (3) - try something like this, because its too tricky
00:49:216 (1) - ^
00:50:432 (2) - ^
00:57:324 (3) - ^
01:13:540 - add a note

00:25:499 (3) - try something like this
00:44:553 - add a note
00:53:067 - ^
00:57:729 (1) - try something like this
00:59:553 - add a note
00:59:655 (1) - move the slider to white
01:05:634 - add a note

[Crimmi's Flashlight]
*idk what to say to this diff so... yeah...

Thats all I can do for this.
Good luck :)
First mod btw :P
This is my first modding ._. I just wrote the things that I felt.
And I'm not really good at English! T.T


  1. 00:13:540 (1) - I think this note will be confused for players because this note is next of spinner and located on center. I recommend this one to move somewhere
  2. 00:26:918 (2,3,2) - Whistle sound on these sliders is little bit awkward. Remove hitsound or add whistle on 00:31:378 (3)
  3. 01:13:945 (1) - How about
    I made start point of spinner fits piano rhythm


  1. 00:50:432 (2) - Too many reverse arrows. How about remove one on this point? It doesn't fit vocal rhythm.


  • Totally, the distance between some notes is not regular. It is difficult to read.
  1. 00:12:729 (1,2,3) - Distance of these notes are too long. It could be confused 1/1.
  2. 00:18:810 (2,3) - Distance is short about 1/1.
  3. 00:28:134 (1,2,3,4,5) - I can't say certainly about this part, but some of players would make complaint because its distance is short.

    I recommend you to consider about this part seriously.
    Below points is for my subjectivity.
  4. 00:29:553 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 00:29:553 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 00:38:472 (1,2,3) - ^
  7. 00:44:148 (3,1) - ^
  8. 00:44:148 (3,1) - ^
  9. 01:00:770 (3) ^
  10. 01:00:972 (3) - How about change to 01:00:770 (3) ?

Crimmi's Flashlight

  1. 01:00:770 (3) - too short distance.
  2. 00:06:648 (1,2,3) - ^
  3. 00:12:729 (6) - ^
  4. 00:53:472 (5,6) - Why don't you make this note further from previous one?
    There are some obscure parts, but I just think they're individuality of your mapping style.

I wish my mod could help you.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Syine wrote:

This is my first modding ._. I just wrote the things that I felt.
And I'm not really good at English! T.T


  1. 00:13:540 (1) - I think this note will be confused for players because this note is next of spinner and located on center. I recommend this one to move somewhere
  2. 00:26:918 (2,3,2) - Whistle sound on these sliders is little bit awkward. Remove hitsound or add whistle on 00:31:378 (3)
  3. 01:13:945 (1) - How about
    I made start point of spinner fits piano rhythm


  1. 00:50:432 (2) - Too many reverse arrows. How about remove one on this point? It doesn't fit vocal rhythm.


  • Totally, the distance between some notes is not regular. It is difficult to read.
  1. 00:12:729 (1,2,3) - Distance of these notes are too long. It could be confused 1/1.
  2. 00:18:810 (2,3) - Distance is short about 1/1.
  3. 00:28:134 (1,2,3,4,5) - I can't say certainly about this part, but some of players would make complaint because its distance is short.

    I recommend you to consider about this part seriously.
    Below points is for my subjectivity.
  4. 00:29:553 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 00:29:553 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 00:38:472 (1,2,3) - ^
  7. 00:44:148 (3,1) - ^
  8. 00:44:148 (3,1) - ^
  9. 01:00:770 (3) ^
  10. 01:00:972 (3) - How about change to 01:00:770 (3) ?

Crimmi's Flashlight

  1. 01:00:770 (3) - too short distance.
  2. 00:06:648 (1,2,3) - ^
  3. 00:12:729 (6) - ^
  4. 00:53:472 (5,6) - Why don't you make this note further from previous one?
    There are some obscure parts, but I just think they're individuality of your mapping style.

I wish my mod could help you.
Good luck!
Thanks.. :3 I change those suggest of urs which are important for me, or kinda need to change. :D TY

[Crimmi's Flashlight]
- i recommend changing this to ar8(the note density is makes this hard to read)

00:16:783 - vocal starts here but you've put a end the slider here, why. you can maybe reduce 00:16:378 (1) - into just 1/2
00:17:189 (3) - it would be better if you just made this into a 1/1 slider instead
00:20:432 (4,5) - move this away(form it with a triangle along with 00:20:026 (2,3) 00:21:040 (6) if you want)
-i dunno why at 00:25:297 the sv suddenly went faster since the song isn't really even going fast at all
-either move 00:45:060 (5) away from 00:44:553 (2,3,4) or move 00:45:364 (6) to 00:45:060 (5) -

idk. can you make give the spacing outside the chorus a bit more bigger? :s

00:00:263 (1) - what is this doing here?
00:06:648 - this is a large beat and you've put a tail here, why.
00:09:891 - ^
00:23:472 - there's a vocal here that's being covered by 00:23:270 (1) ;
-make 00:23:270 (1) a 1 1/2 slider instead and put a note(overlap it if you want) on 00:23:270
-distance 00:26:107 (4) by 1.1x to even out with 00:26:310 (1) -
00:26:310 (1) - you may or may not follow this. your call.ctrl+g
00:30:364 (3) - ^
00:39:486 (4,5) - this is pretty hard to read(plus the AR made it even harder so)
01:04:418 (4) - blanket this properly

00:44:756 (3) - maybe turn this into a 1/1 slider instead. this reverse slider plays really fast for a new player.
00:45:972 (1) - i think you can probably remove this. this is kinda breaking the momentum for the next 1/1 slider. or you can add a note on 00:46:276 and blanket 00:46:378 (6) - to it.

the easy looks fine(or at least most of it) to me so i'm leaving it. anyways, i dunno if these are of any help but ye. please review some of your sliders.. they're practically covering dominant beats and vocals(nasasapawan).
Topic Starter

domSaur wrote:


[Crimmi's Flashlight]
- i recommend changing this to ar8(the note density is makes this hard to read)

00:16:783 - vocal starts here but you've put a end the slider here, why. you can maybe reduce 00:16:378 (1) - into just 1/2
00:17:189 (3) - it would be better if you just made this into a 1/1 slider instead
00:20:432 (4,5) - move this away(form it with a triangle along with 00:20:026 (2,3) 00:21:040 (6) if you want)
-i dunno why at 00:25:297 the sv suddenly went faster since the song isn't really even going fast at all
-either move 00:45:060 (5) away from 00:44:553 (2,3,4) or move 00:45:364 (6) to 00:45:060 (5) -

idk. can you make give the spacing outside the chorus a bit more bigger? :s

00:00:263 (1) - what is this doing here?
00:06:648 - this is a large beat and you've put a tail here, why.
00:09:891 - ^
00:23:472 - there's a vocal here that's being covered by 00:23:270 (1) ;
-make 00:23:270 (1) a 1 1/2 slider instead and put a note(overlap it if you want) on 00:23:270
-distance 00:26:107 (4) by 1.1x to even out with 00:26:310 (1) -
00:26:310 (1) - you may or may not follow this. your call.ctrl+g
00:30:364 (3) - ^
00:39:486 (4,5) - this is pretty hard to read(plus the AR made it even harder so)
01:04:418 (4) - blanket this properly

00:44:756 (3) - maybe turn this into a 1/1 slider instead. this reverse slider plays really fast for a new player.
00:45:972 (1) - i think you can probably remove this. this is kinda breaking the momentum for the next 1/1 slider. or you can add a note on 00:46:276 and blanket 00:46:378 (6) - to it.

the easy looks fine(or at least most of it) to me so i'm leaving it. anyways, i dunno if these are of any help but ye. please review some of your sliders.. they're practically covering dominant beats and vocals(nasasapawan).
thanks.. Now ko lng na check. :)
Hi, quick mod.


00:01:783 (3,4) - Can be blanketted better

00:01:783 (3,4) - Can be blanketted

Make this pattern more round 00:13:945 (2,3,4) - like

Move 00:50:432 (1) - up a bit

00:52:459 (3) - ^

Move 01:01:378 (2) - left a bit

Stack 01:06:243 (2) - with 01:04:216 (4) - tail


00:31:378 (3,4) - fix blanket

Move 00:53:878 (2) - tail a bit to the left


00:22:864 (3,1,2) - Blanket

Start 00:59:655 (1) - on 00:59:756 - and end on 01:00:161 -
Quick IRC mod .3.

2015-06-18 00:38 ihewmatt: Hi, Deemo. can u mod my map?
2015-06-18 00:38 [-Deemo-]: umm
2015-06-18 00:38 [-Deemo-]: lemme see the map first
2015-06-18 00:38 [-Deemo-]: .3.
2015-06-18 00:38 ihewmatt: ACTION is listening to [ Jessie J - Flashlight]
2015-06-18 00:38 ihewmatt: thanks
2015-06-18 00:39 [-Deemo-]: ehhhh
2015-06-18 00:39 [-Deemo-]: I dunno
2015-06-18 00:39 [-Deemo-]: I really hated this song in Pitch Perfect 2 >.<
2015-06-18 00:39 [-Deemo-]: lol
2015-06-18 00:39 ihewmatt: lol. ok, :3
2015-06-18 00:40 [-Deemo-]: I see that the volume is reduced
2015-06-18 00:40 [-Deemo-]: but like at the start you should also reduce it further
2015-06-18 00:40 [-Deemo-]: since the hitsounds really overpower the vocals
2015-06-18 00:40 ihewmatt: kk. \
2015-06-18 00:40 [-Deemo-]: same goes for the end
2015-06-18 00:40 [-Deemo-]: the overmapping in the like
2015-06-18 00:41 [-Deemo-]: GD
2015-06-18 00:41 [-Deemo-]: it's kinda awkward
2015-06-18 00:41 [-Deemo-]: since like you can clearly hear the piano only pressing like two notes while the hitsounds do like 3
2015-06-18 00:41 [-Deemo-]: On Hard
2015-06-18 00:42 [-Deemo-]: make sure that the first note is on the white tick
2015-06-18 00:42 ihewmatt: Ok, i thought u won't mod lol
2015-06-18 00:42 [-Deemo-]: lol
2015-06-18 00:42 [-Deemo-]: I'm just looking at them real quick lol
2015-06-18 00:42 [-Deemo-]: 00:14:756 (1) -
2015-06-18 00:42 [-Deemo-]: stack this on
2015-06-18 00:42 [-Deemo-]: 00:13:540 (4) -
2015-06-18 00:43 [-Deemo-]: or where it is lol
2015-06-18 00:43 [-Deemo-]: then when you move the 1
2015-06-18 00:43 [-Deemo-]: 00:15:567 (3) -
2015-06-18 00:43 [-Deemo-]: move this as well
2015-06-18 00:43 [-Deemo-]: 00:24:080 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:43 [-Deemo-]: move this to stack on 3
2015-06-18 00:44 [-Deemo-]: 00:27:121 (3) - fix this slider a bit, it kinda looks jagged where the fourth point of the slider is
2015-06-18 00:45 [-Deemo-]: hm
2015-06-18 00:45 [-Deemo-]: 00:29:553 (1,2,3) -
2015-06-18 00:45 [-Deemo-]: maybe remove 2 slider, put a repeat on 1 and have a circle at
2015-06-18 00:45 [-Deemo-]: 00:30:161 - instead
2015-06-18 00:46 [-Deemo-]: also put 3 at 00:30:466 (3) -
2015-06-18 00:47 [-Deemo-]: 00:42:932 (1) - Remove NC
2015-06-18 00:47 [-Deemo-]: 00:52:256 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:47 [-Deemo-]: move this to either the start of
2015-06-18 00:47 [-Deemo-]: 00:51:040 (3) -
2015-06-18 00:47 [-Deemo-]: or the end of it
2015-06-18 00:48 [-Deemo-]: stack the head of this slider
2015-06-18 00:48 [-Deemo-]: 00:58:540 (3) -
2015-06-18 00:48 [-Deemo-]: on top of 00:57:121 (3) -
2015-06-18 00:48 [-Deemo-]: you'll have to move some stuff
2015-06-18 00:49 [-Deemo-]: 00:59:756 (1) -
2015-06-18 00:49 [-Deemo-]: move that slider to there
2015-06-18 00:49 [-Deemo-]: it's like on the blue tick
2015-06-18 00:49 [-Deemo-]: 01:00:770 - add note here
2015-06-18 00:49 [-Deemo-]: since strong beat/lyric
2015-06-18 00:50 [-Deemo-]: properly stack 01:12:121 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:50 [-Deemo-]: onto 01:11:310 (4) - slider end
2015-06-18 00:52 [-Deemo-]: Okay for Normal
2015-06-18 00:52 [-Deemo-]: 00:15:567 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:52 [-Deemo-]: overlaps with 00:16:378 (4) -
2015-06-18 00:52 [-Deemo-]: so you might want to fix that
2015-06-18 00:54 [-Deemo-]: 00:25:702 (1,2,3) -
2015-06-18 00:54 [-Deemo-]: avoid triplets in Normal
2015-06-18 00:55 [-Deemo-]: 00:28:540 (4) -
2015-06-18 00:55 [-Deemo-]: overlaps with
2015-06-18 00:55 [-Deemo-]: 00:26:918 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:55 [-Deemo-]: oh wait I just realized those aren't triplets lol
2015-06-18 00:55 [-Deemo-]: mb
2015-06-18 00:55 [-Deemo-]: ignore that that I said
2015-06-18 00:56 [-Deemo-]: should stack this 00:42:729 (1) -
2015-06-18 00:56 [-Deemo-]: on 00:41:107 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:56 [-Deemo-]: head of slider
2015-06-18 00:56 [-Deemo-]: Slightly move this 00:46:378 (2) -
2015-06-18 00:56 [-Deemo-]: to be on 00:45:567 (4) -
2015-06-18 00:56 [-Deemo-]: the end of it ofc
2015-06-18 00:57 [-Deemo-]: 01:05:026 (1,3) - don't let these touch
2015-06-18 00:58 [-Deemo-]: and ya there you go lol
2015-06-18 00:58 [-Deemo-]: an irc mod .3.
Topic Starter
Thanks you for the MOD
Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding Team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

  1. The AR spread is odd: 7, 7, 5, 2. I propose the following: 7.5, 7, 5, 3
Crimmi's Flashlight
  1. 00:03:810 (2) - Kind of odd having the clap sound on the sliderend when it can be avoided (this one's the only one that doesn't flow well and needs fixing. Others are fine)
  2. 00:16:378 (1) - I think you should move this further away for two reasons. 1, the back and forth momentum with 00:15:972 (7,8,1) - doesn't really suit this calm part. 2, to place more emphasis on a downbeat
  3. 00:20:432 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - Ehh, you're trying to follow the vocals here, but it doesn't go right. I think mapping to the piano would be easier here
  4. 00:27:324 (5) - Improve blanket
  5. 00:29:351 (4) - This shape. There's no vocals or any important beat, so I don't see the need to make it shaped specially.
  6. 00:37:256 (1) - I think a 1/2 gap after this spinner is a bit short
  7. 00:51:040 (6,7) - Make this a triple instead, since there is a sound 00:51:243
  1. 00:00:162 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Using the pattern here of circle, slider, circle, slider is awkward here, since it ends up having 00:02:999 (1) - sliderend on a downbeat. Fix this. (this occurs more times throughout the difficulty, so make sure to fix all of these issues)
  2. 00:12:729 (1,2,3,4) - Kinda strange that the 1/2s have more spacing than the 1/1
  3. 00:28:134 (1,2,3) - What. You were following a perfectly good rhythm until this part. You completely disregard the red ticks and not able to utilise them to actually map the vocals.
  4. 00:33:202 (2,5,3) - These sliders aren't really mapped to either the piano or the vocals
  5. 00:52:256 (2) - Fix stack
  6. 01:03:405 (1,2) - Umm...why is this a 5/4 not to mention it's not very well indicated that it's a 1/4 gap after
  7. 01:08:067 (4) - Fix stack
  1. OD: 3.5 to even it out
  2. 00:00:162 (1) - Fix blanket
  3. 00:01:783 (3) - ^
  4. 00:25:702 (5) - Shouldn't have this slider lead into a downbeat, since there's an important downbeat here
  5. 00:38:675 (2) - ^
  6. Why does the slider velocity jump from 1.0x all the way to 1.5x...Having it go up is reasonable, but that is just huge.
  7. 00:46:378 (2,1) - Fix overlap
  8. 00:49:216 (1,2) - Can't have more than 1 kick (reverse) in sliders on Normal
  9. 00:57:324 (3) - ^
  1. 00:13:540 (1) - Need to leave more room for spinner recovery
  2. 00:57:324 (2) - Same as normal
  3. Check over your blankets again in this difficulty. There are quite a few off ones.
Topic Starter
Thanksxx for modding *granted* :) i`ll do this tomorrow' GTS
from pm:
im gonna do this quickly i will be busy tommorow xD
im not that good at modding so ill just do easy

i really like your mapping style but....
00:01:783 (2,1) - no overlapping since it will confuse beginners
00:30:162 (1,1) - ^
00:48:405 (2,2) - ^
00:50:026 (2,1) - ^
00:53:270 (2,2) - ^
00:55:702 (3,2) - ^
01:16:783 - i think its better if u use no sound here at all... SILENCE HITSOUND... but you can ignore this if u want to
Topic Starter
Thanks, i really aprreciate ur mod
Hey there, from pm

  1. 00:31:378 (2,1,2) - This is pretty unnecessary
  2. 00:36:648 (1,2) - Blanket properly: Before > After
  3. 00:43:135 (1) - Remove the finish from the slider end
  4. 00:48:405 (2,1) - I suggest you change the rhythm: Before > After
  5. 00:50:026 (2) - Add a finish at the slider end
  6. 00:52:053 (1) - ^
  7. 00:54:080 (1) - Remove finish
  8. 00:54:486 (2) - Remove finish from the tail
  9. 00:59:351 (1,2) - Blanket properly
  10. 01:02:594 (1) - Make the head of this line up with the tail of 00:59:756 (2) -

  1. 00:13:945 (3,1) - Blanket
  2. 00:16:378 (3,1) - ^
  3. 00:24:080 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:31:378 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:35:432 (2,3) - ^ and line 4 up with 2
  6. 00:37:459 (1,2) - ^

That's all I got for now, might be back to mod the rest. Good luck
Topic Starter
Thanks for this! :)

Rtyzen wrote:

Hey there, from pm

  1. 00:31:378 (2,1,2) - This is pretty unnecessary
  2. 00:36:648 (1,2) - Blanket properly: Before > After
  3. 00:43:135 (1) - Remove the finish from the slider end
  4. 00:48:405 (2,1) - I suggest you change the rhythm: Before > After
  5. 00:50:026 (2) - Add a finish at the slider end
  6. 00:52:053 (1) - ^
  7. 00:54:080 (1) - Remove finish
  8. 00:54:486 (2) - Remove finish from the tail
  9. 00:59:351 (1,2) - Blanket properly
  10. 01:02:594 (1) - Make the head of this line up with the tail of 00:59:756 (2) -

  1. 00:13:945 (3,1) - Blanket
  2. 00:16:378 (3,1) - ^
  3. 00:24:080 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:31:378 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:35:432 (2,3) - ^ and line 4 up with 2
  6. 00:37:459 (1,2) - ^

That's all I got for now, might be back to mod the rest. Good luck
ingame req


  1. hit sound in the soft part like 00:00:567 - 00:38:675 is completely unfit the song and absolutely destroying the music. suggest to use soft hitsound like the default soft might be a great choice, also add whistle to some piano. also, the finish should only be add on long white tails,the finishes in the kiai is too loud for the music, it just a noise for the music, claps are okay,but not with a finish
  2. i think tick rate 2 is too much, 1 is okay
  3. your set is too easy, your normal diff can be called a easy,but you gap between easy(normal in current name) and hard is too big,also your hard is too easy to be called a hard too.your hard should contain some jumps, and also some triple stacks,and your normal should be contain 1/2 spacing movements, and reasonable amounts of 1/2. for your easy... i dont think there are any needs to it but you can change the name to beginner and rank it if you want to
  4. your diffs cant gave players the rhythm feeling, i see you used alot of sliders that starts on the red tail instead of the white tail,wite tails usually have heaveyer bets than the red tails,you have to make sure and try you best to put all the sliders start at white tails,now your diffs rhythm is a mess and the ppl wont feel what they are hitting and playing while they are playing your map. Crimmi did much better than you on this, check his diff and learn how did he made the rhythm
  5. i dont feel the map now is rankable. its playable, but i dont think this is rankable because your diff spread and your rhythm. well keep working, i hope you will rank this soon
good luck
Hello :D Mod from in-game PM~

  1. For all difficulties, look in to your .osu in notepad. Change "AudioLeadIn" to 1000 or 1500. The map is beginning pretty fast in the timeline(0.2%), this is to compensate with it.
  2. Check your patterns, they are pretty awkward to play as of now.
  1. SV of 0.6 is REALLY SMALL. I know this is a slow song, but considering this is a slow song this should be bigger, something like 1.0?
  2. On top of that, 0.9x DS is going to make short-spaced notes really cramped up, change either one of these.
  3. 00:00:162 (1,2,1) - So (1) is pointing to the right, then (2) is pointing to the left, but the next (1) is placed to the right, which certainly doesn't feel right. I suggest you copy the first (1) for (2) for flow.
  4. 00:06:648 (1,2) - Since the previous sliders were all curved at least once, I suggest you do it for these too, since it is following the same 'part' of the song.
  5. 00:09:891 (1,1) - Gap between a spinner and the following note should be 4 beats, because I am pretty sure that is unrankable. Reduce spinner length to 00:12:324.
  6. 00:18:810 (1,2) - I suggest you curve this, in order to create a smoother progression to 00:22:053 (1).
  7. 00:25:297 (1,2) - I think you rather make these as a 2/1 slider, because this is the calm part, and calm parts should be having more sliders. OR you can delete (2) to make a break for players.
  8. 00:37:053 (1) - Like I said earlier, gap between spinner and the following note should be 4 beats long. Either remove this spinner, or you can move it to start at 00:37:053 - then ending it at 00:38:270.
  9. 00:42:324 (2,1) - Follow the flow, make these curved.
  10. 00:59:351 (2) - ^^ this is for the smooth progression.
  11. 01:03:405 (1,2) - In Easy, don't make patterns like this. The end of (1) is pointing to the left, but you started (2) on top of (1), it can confuse beginners. You could :
    1. Curve both of them and place them like this :

    2. Delete (2), then remove the repeat on (1). Add a new slider like this :

    This is to match the ending of kiai time sound effects.
  12. 01:05:026 - Kiai time SHOULD end here, part of the chorus is ending here.
  1. Here are some comments on NC :
  2. 00:02:189 (1) - Remove NC here then add NC on 00:03:405 (2). Then remove NC at 00:04:216 (1).
  3. 00:06:243 (1) - Remove NC here then add NC on 00:06:648 (5). Then remove NC at 00:07:459 (1).
  4. 00:09:486 - Add a circle here, there is a piano prominent here.
  5. 00:00:162 (1,2,3) - I wouldn't go for a pattern like this, I would rather :

    This fits with the piano in the background very well.
  6. 00:09:891 (1) - In this difficulty too, you should have 4 beats of spacing because I am pretty sure that is unrankable. Decrease length to 00:11:513. This still fits in with the piano.
  7. 00:13:134 (1,2,3) - If you are trying to make a triangular pattern, it should be perfect. Move (3) to x=240 y=104.
  8. 00:15:567 (2) - Curve this slider, the next slider is currently breaking the flow.
  9. 00:16:378 (3) - You should curve this more, again for smooth progression on towards the next note.
  10. 00:22:864 (2) - For a long slider, I prefer a curved one, at least just a bit.
  11. 00:37:459 (2,3) - Curve (2), progression is awkward towards (3).
  12. There are lots of NC inconsistency in the kiai time. If I would list them down :
  13. 00:40:702 (1) - Remove NC
  14. 00:43:945 (1) - Remove NC, then add NC at 00:45:567 (3).
  15. 00:46:378 (1) - Remove NC
  16. 00:51:648 (1) - Remove NC, then add NC at 00:52:459 (2).
  17. 00:53:270 (1,1) - Remove NC
  18. 00:55:702 (6) - Add NC, then remove NC at 00:56:107 (1).
  19. 01:01:378 (1) - Remove NC, then add NC at 01:01:783 (1). Then remove (again) NC at 01:02:594 (1).
  20. 01:05:026 (1) - Again, spinner gaps. In this case, you need to remove this spinner, instead replacing with a slider.
  21. 01:10:702 (1) - Use this spinner for outro :/
  1. Keep in mind : Strong beats should be expressed using a clickable note or jump in higher difficulties, or just as a clickable note(circle or slider's head) in easier difficulties.
  2. 00:00:567 (2,3) - If you are trying to go in a circle, at least make these curves go smoother like a circle.
  3. 00:02:999 (1) - One of the examples, the tail of the slider actually should be clickable, piano is very strong on every big white ticks.
  4. 00:04:216 (3,4) - Again, if you are trying to go in a circle, make them curve like a circle.
  5. 00:06:243 (1) - Like the example above, tail of this slider should be clickable.
  6. 00:09:486 (6) - ^^ and so on.
  7. 00:10:297 (1,2,3) - You shouldn't do this in Hard, going back and forth like this arouse confusion for players.
  8. 00:11:107 (3,4) - Slider's tails are not perfectly overlapped. Fix them.
  9. 00:12:729 - So you used 0.75x SV here, but then you changed back to 1.0x SV at 00:25:297 when they are all the same piano parts. I suggest you should just stick with 1.0x SV.
  10. 00:28:134 (1,2) - Again, try to make them look like circles.
  11. 00:30:364 (2) - This slider doesn't match the vocals. You could do something like what I did :

  12. 00:34:013 (7,1,2,3,4) - They are way too cramped to make a square-ish pattern. Don't do this, you can instead go for more sliders.
  13. Aaand so on with the flow problems. For calm songs like this, use more sliders than circles.
  14. These are some problems I found, try to find more of these as well as some of the problems similar like Easy and Normal and earlier parts of Hard, as the problems are literally recurring.
  15. 00:39:486 (4) - Why did you do this? This does not fit... The place where you placed your finish should be a clickable note, you know it is a strong beat.
  16. 00:49:621 (1) - Don't backtrack, again can arouse confusion.
  17. 00:52:256 (2) - This 1/4 slider with a repeat does not fit. You can make sure by listening at 50% playback rate. (At the bottom right of your screen)
  18. 00:55:905 (1,2) - Don't do this, in Hard you want to be just following the direction the previous slider was heading towards.
  19. 01:02:594 - This place definitely has a strong beat, make this a clickable note.
  20. You can see now that the problems are recurring. Fix them, do some self-mod will be also good.
That is all from me. Sorry I don't mod slow song's Insane difficulties :/
Make sure to fix the flows, they are pretty weird as of now.
- Castaway -
Mod request :DD (kinda M4M)
sry...was lazy and didn't make url links D:...just copy and PASTAA
when i say same shape i mean copy and paste
please blanket properly i didnt point them all out..
the straight sliders should be angled abit to help the flow of the map


00:01:378 (4) - I know this is a bit meh...but it would look better the same shape as 00:00:567 (2) -
00:05:837 (2) - same shape as 00:05:026 (5) -
00:06:445 (3,4,5) - when you play this part it feels weird cuz they are the same sounds and same beat apart but the distances are different. A jump doesn't fit here, try:
01:11:716 (1,2,3) - ^
00:15:567 (5,1) - blanket properly
00:21:851 (4) - why is this so far away D:
00:21:243 (3) - try keep it consistent with 00:23:472 (3,4) - i like the jump here. ur choice tho.
00:39:486 (1) - why repeats beats there. this is better:
00:45:364 (3) - not everything must be stacked...
00:11:918 (4) - ^, i will leave it up to u to decide on the positions...there are many good ones
00:11:107 (2,4) - same shape..ctrl+c, ctrl+v please and rotate...looks better
00:58:540 (1) - ctrl+j feels better
00:57:324 (3,4,5) - straight sliders don't have to be horizontal or vertical all the it feels better on an angle like this:
01:13:134 (1,2,3) - ^
00:50:432 (1) - ^
00:44:756 (2) - ^
00:27:324 (4) - ^
00:16:378 (2) - rotate 20 degrees is better
i could ask u to rotate like every straight slider...making it vertical and horizontal all the time makes the flow really weird. I think u could play the map and find the errors so keep in mind i havent listed them all.
00:16:783 (3,4) - more beautiful :DD (ask me if u don't know how to make it more beautiful :DD)
00:59:351 (3,4) - ^
00:37:459 (1,2,3,4) - looks nice but the flow is weird
00:48:202 (5) - the flow is weird...its directly above the last slider :\
00:52:864 (1,2) - more beautiful blanket/slider
01:07:053 (2,3) - ^


same thing as hard...straight sliders

00:07:459 (1) - better blanket
00:39:891 (2,2) - same shape
00:42:729 (1,2,3,1,2) - woah...weird maybe move 00:43:134 (2) - to x:324 y:112
00:45:567 (3,4) - ^
00:47:189 (2,4) - same shape please
00:41:107 (2,3) - same shape
00:53:270 (1,2) - more beautiful :DD
01:13:945 (1,2,3) - consistent shapes just rotated please

Crimmi's Flashlight

00:11:716 - note here??
00:11:107 (4,5,6,1) - Distances makes this really difficult to read fix this please
00:44:553 (2,3,4) - fix the triplet please
00:53:270 - u could have a note here as well, make a jump
00:57:121 (4,5,1) - don't understand this rhythm
00:05:432 (6) - move to x:256 y:272
00:21:040 (6) - make more beautiful :DD
00:49:621 (3,5) - same shape

could improve and hope i helped GL~
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot. I'll do this later lol at 🏫 👊 and I'll post the mod too later.. 🙌

- Castaway - wrote:

Mod request :DD (kinda M4M)
sry...was lazy and didn't make url links D:...just copy and PASTAA
when i say same shape i mean copy and paste
please blanket properly i didnt point them all out..
the straight sliders should be angled abit to help the flow of the map


00:01:378 (4) - I know this is a bit meh...but it would look better the same shape as 00:00:567 (2) -
00:05:837 (2) - same shape as 00:05:026 (5) -
00:06:445 (3,4,5) - when you play this part it feels weird cuz they are the same sounds and same beat apart but the distances are different. A jump doesn't fit here, try:
01:11:716 (1,2,3) - ^
00:15:567 (5,1) - blanket properly
00:21:851 (4) - why is this so far away D:
00:21:243 (3) - try keep it consistent with 00:23:472 (3,4) - i like the jump here. ur choice tho.
00:39:486 (1) - why repeats beats there. this is better:
00:45:364 (3) - not everything must be stacked...
00:11:918 (4) - ^, i will leave it up to u to decide on the positions...there are many good ones
00:11:107 (2,4) - same shape..ctrl+c, ctrl+v please and rotate...looks better
00:58:540 (1) - ctrl+j feels better
00:57:324 (3,4,5) - straight sliders don't have to be horizontal or vertical all the it feels better on an angle like this:
01:13:134 (1,2,3) - ^
00:50:432 (1) - ^
00:44:756 (2) - ^
00:27:324 (4) - ^
00:16:378 (2) - rotate 20 degrees is better
i could ask u to rotate like every straight slider...making it vertical and horizontal all the time makes the flow really weird. I think u could play the map and find the errors so keep in mind i havent listed them all.
00:16:783 (3,4) - more beautiful :DD (ask me if u don't know how to make it more beautiful :DD)
00:59:351 (3,4) - ^
00:37:459 (1,2,3,4) - looks nice but the flow is weird
00:48:202 (5) - the flow is weird...its directly above the last slider :\
00:52:864 (1,2) - more beautiful blanket/slider
01:07:053 (2,3) - ^


same thing as hard...straight sliders

00:07:459 (1) - better blanket
00:39:891 (2,2) - same shape
00:42:729 (1,2,3,1,2) - woah...weird maybe move 00:43:134 (2) - to x:324 y:112
00:45:567 (3,4) - ^
00:47:189 (2,4) - same shape please
00:41:107 (2,3) - same shape
00:53:270 (1,2) - more beautiful :DD
01:13:945 (1,2,3) - consistent shapes just rotated please

Crimmi's Flashlight

00:11:716 - note here??
00:11:107 (4,5,6,1) - Distances makes this really difficult to read fix this please
00:44:553 (2,3,4) - fix the triplet please
00:53:270 - u could have a note here as well, make a jump
00:57:121 (4,5,1) - don't understand this rhythm
00:05:432 (6) - move to x:256 y:272
00:21:040 (6) - make more beautiful :DD
00:49:621 (3,5) - same shape

could improve and hope i helped GL~
This song remind me something... :)
good luck :3
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