
osu! Indonesia Tournament #5 (2015) - Championship Concluded

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(banner by Fallist)

Selamat datang pada osu! Indonesia Tournament #5 (2015)! Turnamen ini merupakan musim kelima dari kompetisi mode osu! standard nasional yang telah berlangsung sejak 2011, dengan juara bertahan turnamen (pemenang tahun sebelumnya) adalah Nyanjolno.

Tahun ini sendiri, osu! Indonesia Tournament diselenggarakan atas kerja sama antar Niva dan nya10. Ada relatif banyak perubahan yang dilangsungkan untuk turnamen tahun ini agar turnamen berlangsung lebih seru dan berimbang - selamat bertanding, dan selamat berjuang!~

Welcome to osu! Indonesia Tournament #5 (2015)! This tournament acts as the fifth installment of Indonesia's national osu! standard competition, which has been enacted as early as 2011. The defending champion (last year's winner) of the championship is Nyanjolno.

This year's tournament is held through a joint venture of Niva and nya10. Several changes have been made regarding the tournament's regulation to make the tournament more attractive and balanced, though - best of luck, and happy competing!~



  1. Target peserta adalah 48 peserta, namun apabila minat berlebih kuota dapat diperbanyak hingga 64 peserta
  2. Pendaftaran dilakukan langsung pada thread turnamen, dengan mengikuti format yang tercantum pada post ini
  3. Pendaftaran akan ditutup apabila kuota peserta telah terpenuhi
  4. Pendaftar dianggap memenuhi syarat menjadi peserta apabila seluruh kriteria-kriteria ini terpenuhi:
    1. Warga negara Indonesia,
    2. Bukan map selector turnamen,
    3. Tidak mendaftarkan lebih dari satu ID (multi-accounting), dan
    4. Minimal salah satu dari kedua syarat ini terpenuhi:
      1. ppv2 > 2000, atau
      2. Play Count > 15000
  1. Perhatikan butir kedua pada sub-menu 'LAIN-LAIN / OTHER' terkait syarat pendaftaran!

  1. The number of contestants this tournament's aiming is 48 in total, however had there be any prolonged aspirations we may extend the quota into 64
  2. Registrations are done in this thread by replying with a format being provided in this post
  3. Registrations will be closed when all of the slots available have been taken out
  4. Registrants are considered eligible if all of these conditions are met during registration :
    1. Having Indonesia as their nationality,
    2. Not being the tournament's map selector,
    3. Not having more than one accounts (multi-accounts) being registered in the tournament, and
    4. At least one of these two requirements are met :
      1. ppv2 > 2000, or
      2. Play Count > 15000
  1. Please take close note on the second point of the 'LAIN-LAIN / OTHER' section regarding registrations!


Turnamen ini merupakan turnamen eliminasi tunggal yang dilaksanakan dengan format 'Royal Rumble' selayaknya osu! Indonesia Tournament #3 dan osu! Indonesia Tournament #4 dengan ketentuan:

1st Knock-Out :

  1. Babak knock-out terdiri dari 48 (atau 64) peserta yang akan terbagi menjadi 16 grup (3-4 pemain per grup) berdasarkan seeding dan pengacakan yang dilakukan sebelumnya
    1. Seeding untuk 1st Knock-Out dilakukan berdasarkan ppv2 individu pemain, dan pengacakan dilakukan murni dengan
  2. Ketiga atau keempat pemain (beserta wasit) akan langsung saling beradu dalam satu room multiplayer
  3. Setiap pemain diberi modal awal poin 5 (48 peserta) atau 10 (64 peserta), dengan ketentuan penambahan dan pengurangan poin sebagai berikut :
    1. Apabila turnamen berlangsung dengan 48 peserta :
      1. 1st Place : +1
      2. 2nd Place : +0
      3. 3rd Place : -1
    2. Apabila turnamen berlangsung dengan 64 peserta :
      1. 1st Place : +2
      2. 2nd Place : +1
      3. 3rd Place : -1
      4. 4th Place : -2
  4. Total map match yang akan dimainkan berjumlah (number of players attending) * 2 atau hingga secara matematis posisi pertama dan kedua tidak mungkin terkejar lagi, dengan ketentuan :
    1. Apabila ada pemain yang fail di tengah lagu namun berhasil pulih sebelum map berakhir, pemain tersebut dianggap berhasil menyelesaikan map (aturan fail di tengah lagu dianggap gagal tidak lagi berlaku)
    2. Apabila ada dua atau lebih pemain yang memiliki score yang sama pada suatu map (seri), poin akan dibagi rata antar pemain-pemain yang bersangkutan
    3. Pemain yang ter-disconnect pada suatu map otomatis dianggap gagal, namun apabila pemain-pemain lain dalam satu grup setuju untuk melangsungkan rematch maka rematch dapat dilangsungkan
  5. Dua peserta dengan poin tertinggi dinyatakan lolos ke fase berikutnya (Tie Break dapat berlangsung bila diperlukan)
2nd Knock-Out (and afterwards) :

  1. Khusus 2nd Knock-Out, ke-32 peserta yang terisisa akan dibagi ke dalam 8 grup berdasarakan seeding dan pengacakan ulang
    1. Seeding untuk 2nd Knock-Out dilakukan berdasarkan posisi pemain pada 1st Knock-Out - dengan kata lain, tiap grup pada fase 2nd Knock-Out akan berisi dua juara grup 1st Knock-Out dan dua runner-up grup 1st Knock-Out
  2. Ketentuan-ketentuan lainnya mengikuti ketentuan yang berlaku pada 1st Knock Out (+2 / +1 / -1 / -2)
  3. Dua peserta dengan poin tertinggi dinyatakan lolos ke fase berikutnya (Tie Break dapat berlangsung bila diperlukan)
Waktu pertandingan ditentukan sendiri oleh para peserta dalam satu grup tersebut pada rentang waktu yang ditentukan panitia - ketika sudah ada kesepakatan, salah satu peserta harus menginformasikan kepada panitia jadwal pertandingan grup yang bersangkutan (atau mem-post di thread). Meskipun demikian, apabila ada grup yang belum mencapai titik temu mengenai kesepakatan jadwal hingga rentang waktu tertentu (umumnya ~J-8 sebelum tenggat waktu maksimal), panitia berhak untuk secara sepihak menentukan jadwal (dengan berbagai pertimbangan yang sebisa mungkin tidak merugikan salah satu pihak tentunya).


This tournament is a single elimination tournament which will be executed within a 'royal rumble' system as how it was being executed successfully in its third and fourth installment, with these following rules being intact :

1st Knock-Out :

  1. The 1st Knock-Out will be featuring 16 groups, with 3 (48 contestants) to 4 (64 contestants) players being placed into each group based on the seeding and randomization process which will be done earlier
    1. The seeding for the 1st Knock-Out will be done according to each players' ppv2 index, with the randomization process being done in a purely random fashion using
  2. All players will be placed altogether in a single multiplayer match with the referee
  3. Every players will be given 5 (48 contestants) or 10 (64 contestants) points initially, with the points' dynamics after each map following the rules written below :
    1. If the tournaments featured 48 contestants :
      1. 1st Place : +1
      2. 2nd Place : +0
      3. 3rd Place : -1
    2. If the tournaments featured 64 contestants :
      1. 1st Place : +2
      2. 2nd Place : +1
      3. 3rd Place : -1
      4. 4th Place : -2
  4. The number of maps being played equals to (number of players attending) * 2 or - optionally - until mathematically the top two players' points are out-of-reach from the remaining players, with further notes as below :
    1. If a player failed at the middle of the map but managed to recover before the map ended, the player is still considered passing the said map =
    2. If there are two or more players sharing the same score on a map (tie), the points will be equally shared among the said players
    3. A disconnection during the map will automatically result in a failure, however if the other players agreed for a rematch to be done then (optionally) the map will be played once more with the first play's results being nullified
  5. Two contestants with the highest points will advance to the next stage (Tie Break may be held if necessary)
2nd Knock Out (and afterwards) :

  1. Exclusive to the 2nd Knock-Out - all 32 remaining contestants will be reseeded and replaced into 8 completely new groups
    1. The seeding for the 2nd Knock-Out will be done according to the players' finishing position in the 1st Knock-Out - in other words, every group in the 2nd Knock-Out phase will consist of two 1st Knock-Out group winners and two 1st Knock-Out group runner-ups
  2. Other rules will follow the rules previously mentioned in the 1st Knock-Out section (+2 / +1 / -1 / -2)
  3. Two contestants with the highest points will advance to the next stage (Tie Break may be held if necessary)
The match's time will be determined based on the agreements made by the contestants of the group itself somewhere within a scheduled time - when there's an agreement already, one of the contestants must tell the tournament staffs regarding the time (or post the time in this thread). However, if there's a group with no agreement being made until a certain period (normally 8 hours before the scheduled time's end), the staffs may veto the playing time with several considerations being made previously.


  1. Map pool dalam satu fase terdiri dari total 18 map : 5 map no mod, 3 map HardRock, 3 map DoubleTime, 3 map Hidden, dan 3 map FreeMod (+1 Tie Break)
  2. Tidak semua map dalam map pool bersifat ranked - terdapat satu map unranked yang bersifat Double Point (no mod) yang dapat dipilih
  3. Sebelum pertandingan dimulai, semua peserta diharuskan untuk melakukan !roll untuk menentukan urutan banning dan pemilihan map
    1. Pemain dengan hasil !roll terendah akan diberikan kesempatan pertama untuk mem-ban satu map dari mappool, dengan map yang di-ban tersebut tidak akan dapat dipilih sepanjang pertandingan - proses ini kemudian berlanjut dengan pemain dengan nilai !roll terendah kedua mem-ban map, dan seterusnya
    2. Dua pemain dengan hasil !roll terendah akan diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih map warm-up
    3. Mohon sebisa mungkin hindari map yang mengandung unsur yang kurang patut ketika memilih map warm-up!
    4. Pemain dengan hasil !roll tertinggi akan diberikan kesempatan memilih map pertama, tertinggi kedua akan diberikan kesempatan memilih map kedua, dan seterusnya
  4. Setiap peserta akan diberikan kesempatan memilih map dua kali (mengikuti peraturan (number of players attending) * 2)
  5. Map FreeMod, sebagaimana namanya, akan dimainkan dengan opsi 'FreeMod' aktif
  6. Apabila peserta #2 dan #3 memiliki poin akhir yang sama, Tie Break akan dilaksanakan
    1. Tie Break akan berlangsung dengan kondisi opsi FreeMod aktif

  1. There are in total 18 maps being available to play on each stage : 5 no mod maps, 3 HardRock maps, 3 DoubleTime maps, 3 Hidden maps, and 3 FreeMod maps (+1 Tie Break)
  2. Not every map in the mappool is retaining a ranked status - for each mappool, there will be one unranked Double Point (no mod) map available
  3. Before the match started, every contestant is obliged to do a !roll to determine the order of the map banning and picking
    1. Player with the lowest !roll output amount will be obliged to ban one map from the mappool, preventing it from being played in the entire match - the process then continues with the player with the second lowest !roll output amount banning a map, and so on
    2. Two players with the lowest !roll output amount will be choosing the warm-up maps to be played
    3. Please avoid maps with not-safe-for-work materials while choosing the warm-up map!
    4. Player with the highest !roll output amount will be choosing map first, the second highest will be choosing second, and so on
  4. In a match, every player will be choosing map twice (following the (number of players attending) * 2 rule)
  5. Maps from the FreeMod bracked (as the name goes) will be played with the FreeMod option active
  6. Tie break will automatically be enforced if at the end of the matches the players who placed 2nd and 3rd had an equal amount of points
    1. Tie break will be played with the FreeMod option active


  1. Streaming akan dilangsungkan oleh Gatyaa420 dan rzkadi dengan menggunakan streaming client khusus (confirmed) pada channel-channel berikut :
  2. Streaming akan disertai oleh voice commentary yang disediakan oleh para komentator yang nama-namanya tertera pada bagian Jajaran Staff
  3. Contoh tampilan antarmuka livestream dapat dilihat pada link ini
  4. Tidak semua match akan di-livestream - livestream akan sangat bergantung pada ketersediaan streamer pada waktu yang bersangkutan

  1. The livestream will be handled by Gatyaa420 and rzkadi through a specialized tournament client, and could be watched at these following channels :
  2. The livestream will be accompanied by a handful list of commentators whose names can be found at the Staffs List' section
  3. An example of how the livestream's interface will be is shown on this following link
  4. Not every match will be livestreamed - livestream availability will be highly dependent to the streamers' availability at the said time


  1. Peraturan yang tertera di sini bersifat fleksibel, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu
  2. Meskipun demikian, khusus untuk syarat pendaftaran yang tertera di atas, syarat tersebut sudah fixed dan tidak dapat dirubah lagi, serta tidak ada kompensasi bagi pemain manapun (yang belum memenuhi syarat)
  3. Bila peserta tidak datang juga setelah 15 menit dari jadwal pertandingan, berdasarkan keputusan bersama pemain tersebut dapat dieliminasi dari turnamen (dianggap kalah)
    1. Meskipun demikian, apabila peserta terkait muncul pada sebelum map ke-4 dilangsungkan, apabila ketiga peserta lain menghendaki peserta tersebut dapat ikut bermain dengan catatan-catatan berikut :
      1. Peserta tersebut otomatis menjadi peserta terakhir yang memilih map, dan
      2. Peserta tersebut otomatis dianggap menduduki posisi terakhir pada map-map yang tidak diikutinya
  4. Penggunaan program ilegal dalam bentuk apapun dilarang
  5. Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat

  1. All written regulations are generally flexible and may be altered / disregarded if there's such an existing extreme condition which requires the alteration of the rules
  2. However, the registration regulations are fixed in any way and there will be no compensation for any player(s) who failed to met the proper registration requrements
  3. If a player didn't show up after 15 minutes of the scheduled type, by unanimous decision (from the referees and the other players alike) the following contestant may be considered eliminated from the competition
    1. However, if the said player managed to appear before the fourth map being played and is willing to play, with the agreements from the other players the said player still can participate under these following conditions :
      1. The said player will be picking map last, and
      2. The said player will automatically be considered placed last on the maps in which the player didn't attend
  4. It is strongly prohibited to use any kind of illegal programs during the tournament
  5. Staffs' decision are final (unless stated so) and can't be disputed unless there's a definitive evident


  1. 1. Setsurei
  2. 2. Mood Breaker
  3. 3. CyberX
  4. 4. lit120
  5. 5. RockDragonNo39
  6. 6. [-D4rRyL-]
  7. 7. Rio-
  8. 8. ExRei
  9. 9. 10nya
  10. 10. Fathur52
  11. 11. xNousagi
  12. 12. Longexistence
  13. 13. Mako Sakata
  14. 14. Idahara
  15. 15. Subaru Takamaru
  16. 16. egas00
  17. 17. S a n -
  18. 18. javagame100
  19. 19. Curvely
  20. 20. RzHr
  21. 21. Shiranai-
  22. 22. Genjitsu
  23. 23. Riantra
  24. 24. mgr_96
  25. 25. Hasta2nd
  26. 26. Zharaff
  27. 27. ee345ee
  28. 28. Raingan
  29. 29. Dai
  30. 30. Avner
  31. 31. StingRay
  32. 32. Fallist
  33. 33. Shania48
  34. 34. Sky Trias
  35. 35. wiam103
  36. 36. -Gumiya-
  37. 37. Gatyaa420
  38. 38. Shockwave-
  39. 39. K o Z a
  40. 40. NewIpas
  41. 41. Kasuga
  42. 42. KurousagiChan
  43. 43. t3t3n
  44. 44. Emiku
  45. 45. SearinoX
  46. 46. Caffuchilla
  47. 47. awell
  48. 48. bagiaaa
  49. 49. AnovChipmunk
  50. 50. osunaide
  51. 51. Seizure-
  52. 52. Alfatheo
  53. 53. yaldo_27
  54. 54. Toka-
  55. 55. toradicted
  56. 56. Adicf
  57. 57. RPM4X
  58. 58. Vorsatz
  59. 59. awesomewithin
  60. 60. akirakai18
  61. 61. Key Maxotic
  62. 62. Spr_yN
  63. 63. Jekate
  64. 64. unknow4ever


Seeding and drawing details

The entire group drawing process is completely done using's List Randomizer at a random basis


1st Knock-Out :

Post 1st Knock-Out :


Optimalnya turnamen akan berlangsung selama lima minggu, dengan timeline sebagai berikut :

Optimally, the tournament will be ongoing for five weeks, with the following timeline :

  1. Preparation Phase : 16/5 ~ 17/5 (may be extended if everything's not fully prepared until the said date)
  2. Registration Phase : 18/5 ~ 24/5
  3. 1st Knock-Out: 25/5 ~ 31/5
  4. 2nd Knock-Out : 1/6 ~ 7/6
  5. Quarter Final : 8/6 ~ 14/6
  6. Semi Final : 15/6 ~ 21/6
  7. Final : 22/6 ~ 28/6
Setiap fase akan berlangsung pada satu minggu - tentu saja, jadwal di atas adalah jadwal teroptimal di atas kertas dan dapat berubah apabila terdapat suatu halangan yang mendesak

All phases will be ongoing for a week - again, the schedule written above is the most optimal schedule possible, and may be altered / prolonged had there be a condition which demands the staffs to do so


  1. 1st Knock-Out

    1. Group A : Sabtu, 30 Mei - 21:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    2. Group B : Kamis, 28 Mei - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    3. Group C : Minggu, 31 Mei - 12:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    4. Group D : Minggu, 31 Mei - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    5. Group E : Kamis, 28 Mei - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    6. Group F : Jum'at, 29 Mei - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    7. Group G : Jum'at, 29 Mei - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    8. Group H : Rabu, 27 Mei - 18:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    9. Group I : Jum'at, 29 Mei - 17:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    10. Group J : Sabtu, 30 Mei - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    11. Group K : Minggu, 31 Mei - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    12. Group L : Sabtu, 30 Mei - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    13. Group M : Jum'at, 29 Mei - 20:30 WIB [ DONE ]
    14. Group N : Rabu, 27 Mei - 21:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    15. Group O : Sabtu, 30 Mei - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    16. Group P : Jum'at, 29 Mei - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
  2. 2nd Knock-Out

    1. Group A : Jum'at 5 Juni - 21:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    2. Group B : Selasa, 2 Juni - 22:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    3. Group C : Sabtu, 6 Juni - 10:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    4. Group D : Selasa, 2 Juni - 09:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    5. Group E : Rabu, 3 Juni - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    6. Group F : Jum'at 5 Juni - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    7. Group G : Rabu, 3 Juni - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    8. Group H : Kamis, 4 Juni - 19:00 WIB [ DONE ]
  3. Quarter Final

    1. Group A : Jum'at, 12 Juni - 17:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    2. Group B : Jum'at, 12 Juni - 14:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    3. Group C : Sabtu, 13 Juni - 16:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    4. Group D : Jum'at, 12 Juni - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
  4. Semi Final

    1. Group A : Rabu, 17 Juni - 15:00 WIB [ DONE ]
    2. Group B : Jum'at, 19 Juni - 20:00 WIB [ DONE ]
  5. Grand Final

    1. Jum'at, 26 Juni - 21:00 WIB [ DONE ]


  1. 1st Winner // won by Fallist - given out already
    1. Supporter Tag (6 months) - courtesy of pacmanmania
    2. Profile Badge :
    3. An optional prize (courtesy of toradicted) in which the details are viewable here
  2. 2nd Winner // won by Mood Breaker
    1. Supporter Tag (3 Months) - courtesy of Sky Trias - given out already
    2. An optional prize (courtesy of toradicted) in which the details are viewable here
  3. 3rd Winner // won by Subaru Takamaru - given out already
    1. Supporter Tag (2 Months) - courtesy of Mako Sakata
  4. 4th Winner // won by ExRei - given out already
    1. Supporter Tag (1 Month) - courtesy of Niva
  5. 5th - 8th Place (Semifinalists) // won by LongExistence, S a n -, KurousagiChan*, and Rio- - given out already :
    1. Supporter Tag (1 Month) - courtesy of Niva
    *KurousagiChan's supporter tag prize were donated out to yhanami due to KurousagiChan's personal request
Prize Donators : Niva, Sky Trias, Mako Sakata, pacmanmania, toradicted

Feel free to contact either Niva or nya10 if you want to support this tournament more by donating further prizes!


  1. Chief Committees and Map Selectors :
    1. Niva
    2. nya10
  2. Streamers* :
    1. Gatyaa420
    2. rzkadi
    3. Mood Breaker - emergency livestreamer // matches livestreamed by Mood Breaker will not be utilizing a special tourney client
  3. Match Commentators :
    1. Ex-Rei
    2. Avner
    3. Sky Trias
    4. Ava
    5. [ Madoka ]
  4. Referees :
    1. Senritsu
    2. Arcubin
    3. Subaru Takamaru
    4. Nakata
    5. Setsurei
    6. El Solarbeam
    7. Zharaff
    8. Shurelia
    9. Hinsvar
  5. Design :
    1. Fallist
*Match streamers also may partake in the commentary role in coexistence with their live-streaming duties
Topic Starter
(reserved for mappools)

PS : Mohon perhatikan difficulty yang dipertandingkan - difficulty tersebut tidak selalu difficulty tertinggi dalam mapset tersebut

PS : Please take note of which difficulty is being played, as the difficulty itself may not be the highest difficulty throughout the mapset


~ 1st Knock Out ~

(25/5/2015 - 31/5/2015)

Map Pool :


~ 2nd Knock Out ~

(1/6/2015 - 7/6/2015)

Map Pool :


~ Quarter Finals ~

(8/6/2015 - 14/6/2015)

Map Pool :


~ Semi Finals ~

(15/6/2015 - 21/6/2015)

Map Pool :


~ Grand Final ~

(22/6/2015 - 28/6/2015)

Map Pool :

Feel free to check this document for statistics and more stuffs!~

Feel free to address questions regarding the tournament in the thread or suggesting a map by PM'ing either me or nya10!
Urabe Mikoto
Wah udah mulai aja turninya
Anyways good luck
- Nyamirin -
udah boleh daftar nih?

S a n - wrote:

udah boleh daftar nih?
Sebaiknya belum deh, masih preparation stage kok (:

Btw goodluck ya buat yang berniat untuk ikut osu! Indonesia Tournament #5 (:

Also dat banner

Niva wrote:

still in a heavy wip, please don't reply in the thread for the time being
Ini juga, gatau apa niatan dari Niva, cuma sebaiknya jangan kebanyakan reply , I guess uh (:
Topic Starter

S a n - wrote:

udah boleh daftar nih?
Sementara ini belum, untuk saat ini kita (gw dan nya10) sedang mengusahakan supaya kita bisa mendapatkan akses ke streaming client khusus dan profile badge kepada pemenang... Sejauh ini feedback dari pihak osu!-nya positif sih, namun karena satu dan lain hal (bagian dari 'perjanjian' dan pengusahaan hal ini juga) kita buat thread-nya lebih awal dan dalam dua bahasa (:

Untuk sementara, apabila ada pertanyaan, kritik, saran, atau semacamnya, silahkan PM gw atau nya10 langsung~
More prize more merrier the competition💰💰💰
gue apply jadi streamer aja deh berhubung koneksi dan spec kompi udh mumpuni, dan udh males berkompetisi hahahaha
Gue ganteng.

Bagi tablet dong seseorang.
tarik mang
Apa itu Tiebreak????? :?: :?: :?:
waaah sudah ada kompetensinya tooohhh

good luck ya....
Good luck semuanya :)
Lemme know if you need my help. Niva.
Maybe I'll join...

Gotta check my schedules
Also, good luck :)

Subaru Takamaru wrote:

Ya berhubung ada wifi di kosan keknya bisa ngejajal jadi tukang ngebacot lagi kek dulu deh. Apakah di izinkan?
it my banner

Subaru Takamaru wrote:


please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this t

Fallist wrote:

it my banner

Subaru Takamaru wrote:


please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this time please let fallist into final this t no one has seen the joy division artwork in the banner? ? ? ? ? wow you guys

  1. Peraturan yang tertera di sini bersifat fleksibel, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu
  2. Meskipun demikian, khusus untuk syarat pendaftaran yang tertera di atas, syarat tersebut sudah fixed dan tidak dapat dirubah lagi, serta tidak ada kompensasi bagi pemain manapun (yang belum memenuhi syarat)
  3. Bila peserta tidak datang juga setelah 15 menit dari jadwal pertandingan, berdasarkan keputusan bersama pemain tersebut dapat dieliminasi dari turnamen (dianggap kalah)
    1. Meskipun demikian, apabila peserta terkait muncul pada sebelum map ke-4 dilangsungkan, apabila ketiga peserta lain menghendaki peserta tersebut dapat ikut bermain dengan catatan-catatan berikut :
      1. Peserta tersebut otomatis menjadi peserta terakhir yang memilih map, dan
      2. Peserta tersebut otomatis dianggap menduduki posisi terakhir pada map-map yang tidak diikutinya
  4. Penggunaan program ilegal dalam bentuk apapun dilarang
  5. Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat
gw auto fokus sama bannernya, sumpah keren :o

menunggu bagaimana sikon kedepannya, hopefully bisa lah

gl gl gl
gudlak y mz mz
kek ny w bisa ikut karena lgi libur panjang
Good luck aja yg ikutan '3'/
playcount gw memenuhi, cuman skill dah ilang
gl deh o/
Good Luck Saja dari ane, soalnya ane ngga main osu!std ;w;
Wah ane tertarik jadi beatmap selector sama commentator.
Can i be the that i want?

Btw, good luck :)
Ciyus Miapah

GH40z wrote:

Wah ane tertarik jadi beatmap selector sama commentator.
Can i be the that i want?
kalau aja map selector sama commentator ane, bakal greget ini turnamen
Hi new page(⌒▽⌒)ノ

Fort wrote:

GH40z wrote:

Wah ane tertarik jadi beatmap selector sama commentator.
Can i be the that i want?
kalau aja map selector sama commentator ane, bakal greget ini turnamen
Same hahaha but i cant i have exam to do :'C
Well good luck everyone :') 👍👋 (・∀・)/
Sky Trias
Waiting .. Open~ :D
GoodLuck all! :oops:
nitip sendal aja dah
lol pas jadwal exam...

glhf to all contestants

i hope i can join

Ryuvos wrote:

lol pas jadwal exam...

glhf to all contestants

dimasukin ke osu!weekly #11

pendaftarannya kapan buka yah
kayaknya preparation stagenya diperpanjang deh :roll:
sounds great i prob watch the stream

Good luck y'all
count me as staff w/e is that
tahun ini mo jd komentator lg dong hehe :)
menunggu pendaftaran

ExRei wrote:

menunggu pendaftaran
yo mantan rei o/ ikut juga y?
berhubung tahun kmaren gue udah nyampe finals jadi gue bakalan pass on this one

then again mungkin saja gue bisa berbaik hati nyumbang sedikit buat prize...
6gv2 det :D
btw tournamen tahun ini ada AR10 nya ngga?
n e w p a g e b o i s

Fallist wrote:

6gv2 det :D
btw tournamen tahun ini ada AR10 nya ngga?
n e w p a g e b o i s
ohh no... not AR10 D:
Topic Starter
Malam semuanya~

Maaf baru reply sekarang, namun dikarenakan masih belum ada reply lebih lanjut dari Tournament Staff hingga saat ini, preparation phase akan diperpanjang beberapa hari - meskipun demikian, jangan khawatir! Di sisi lain, setelah didiskusikan secara internal, panitia memutuskan untuk menaikkan hadiah setelah salah satu donator memutuskan untuk menyumbang lebih (:

Stay tuned~

(I'll contact everyone who have expressed their interest to become a stuff at a later time)


Dianto wrote:

Apa itu Tiebreak????? :?: :?: :?:
Kondisi di mana ada dua orang (atau lebih) yang memiliki poin yang sama di ambang kelolosan, namun hanya satu yang dapat lolos ke babak berikutnya~

GH40z wrote:

Wah ane tertarik jadi beatmap selector sama commentator.
Can i be the that i want?

Btw, good luck :)
Perihal map, turnamen ini sudah ada tim map selector khusus yang dibentuk jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya kok (dan mayoritas map - baik dari fase 1st Knock Out hingga Final - sudah siap)... Kalau ada map suggestion paling dikirim via PM aja (:

Mengenai commentator, Dianto ada account skype kah?
If needed, aku juga bisa kasih donasi mungkin sama pacmanmania, kasian kalo satu diantara dua donatur utama harus keluar budget lebih
Jadi mungkin pembagian hadiahnya bisa:
1st➡️4 mnth
2nd➡️3 mnth
3rd➡️2 mnth
4th➡️1 mnth

Fallist wrote:

6gv2 det :D
nih gue kasih

ke muka lo
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