
t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (P*Light Remix) [OsuM

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 06 Agustus 2015 at 13:46:16

Artist: t+pazolite
Title: Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (P*Light Remix)
Tags: kuki Rifkymarcelio _FrEsH_ChICkEn_
BPM: 175
Filesize: 3988kb
Play Time: 02:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K ChICkEn's Expert - 4Key (4 stars, 1303 notes)
  2. 4K Easy - 4Key (1,29 stars, 377 notes)
  3. 4K Expert - 4Key (3,4 stars, 983 notes)
  4. 4K Kuki's Hard - 4Key (2,9 stars, 667 notes)
  5. 4K Normal - 4Key (1,79 stars, 577 notes)
  6. 7K Riff's Hard (0 stars, 0 notes)
  7. 7K Riff's Normal (0 stars, 0 notes)
Download: t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (P*Light Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Warning !
SV and Flashing Storyboard Inside. Prepare your eyes


Thanks to GD and All Modder :)
Hi Ho

MOD here


Check AI MOD


damn.. ini terlalu Strobbing... kurangin penggunaan Flash please...

blc.png mu unrankable.. kalo mo efek item.. pake Code yang ak kasi di bawah

00:11:260 - hmm.. pict nya kenapa di perbesar? jadiin size biasa aja... lebih bagus (wait... kalo kau sengaja buat efek zoom out. ini kau ignore aja)

01:11:603 - whoa whoa whoa.. i know this is the coolest part.. tapi ini titik dimana nanti banyak hujatan pas udah qualified.. yakin serius.. kalo mo di pulse.. ak saranin mainin Fade aja (kau atur gelap terangnya (contohnya bisa di liat di SB ku di map ini => )

kalo mo kaya punya ku tadi. kau apply ini di Osb mu

//Background and Video events

01:15:717 - hmm efek di sini terlalu panjang.. kau potong di sini 01:16:746 - plus.. sepertinya kau pake gambar bertumpuk ya di bagian ini...

coba pake code ini

L,0,"banyak loop (pake angka"
"Code mu"

plus.. ada beberapa Efek yang movement nya terlalu Over... tolong di perpendek jalur movement nya.. coba kau testplay untuk nyari bagian yang Over

kalo ada yang ngga jelas.. PM ak in game ato Forum


Foemat 1-2-3-4


OK.. menurutku ni Novice rada Overdiff (1.9 star. ini hampir 2 star)

i'll try to reduce it

00:00:289 (289|1) - 1 LN aja cukup.. kalo mo efek suara keras.. kau rubah LN ini jadi Note

00:01:660 (1660|2) - well... posisi ngga enak kalo di sini.. pindah ke column lain

00:02:689 (2689|2) - ini juga.. jadiin Note aja.. terus ekornya tadi di kasi note (konsistensi Suara beat)

00:03:717 (3717|3,4403|1) - tbh.. i dont understand this part.. kau ngikut apaan di sini?? beat nya kan 2-1-1-1-2, jadi kalo kau dual di sini... hancur semua beatnya, tolong di benahi, dan untuk LN. 1 aja cukup.. ngga perlu kasi 2

00:04:403 (4403|1,5089|3) - ngga perlu kau kasi LN di sini.. kasi Note aja.. ngga friendly banget.. yakin..

00:05:774 (5774|1,7146|1,8517|3) - add note. dan hilangkan 1/2 LN di areal ini ( LN nya di jadiin note aja)

00:12:631 (12631|0,14003|0,15374|0,16746|0,18117|0,19489|0,20174|1,20860|2) - Add note dan rubah semua LN di daerah ini jadi Note (terlalu Extreme buat Novice)

00:21:546 (21546|3,21546|2) - Guhhh.. jadiin note aja please....

00:27:717 (27717|3) - wuut?? ni mini LN bisa jadi musuh sejuta umat... ganti jadi Note ato hapus

00:27:717 (27717|2) - sampai 00:49:317 (49317|3) - ok.. kalo menurutku stream di sini bener bener bisa jadi musuh semua orang.. ak saranin kau ikut Synth. nya aja

00:49:660 (49660|0) - sampai 01:00:631 (60631|2) - sama kaya ^.. yakin please.. ikut Synth. aja

01:00:974 (60974|1) - sampai 01:08:517 (68517|1) - OK.. ini memang ramah NOV player.. tapi uhh... kau ngikut apaan?? jangan bikin ritme sendiri please.... ikutin Synth aja

01:08:860 (68860|1,69031|0,69203|1,69374|2,69546|3,69717|2,69889|1,70060|0) - kejem banget lu.. kasi LN aja nape....

01:11:603 (71603|0) - sampai 01:21:031 (81031|0) - kalo kau mau ikut drum.. jangan di stream
buat note nya jadi gini (placement ak serahkan pada mu.. ini cuman contoh snap nya)

dan please mini LN nya di hapus...

01:21:203 (81203|3,81374|2,81546|3,81717|2,81889|3,82060|2,82231|3,82403|2) - uguh~ ni ngga friendly banget~.. kau jack 1/1 pake dual note aja

01:22:574 (82574|1) - sampai selesai samain snap nya kaya contoh gambar yang ak kasi atau ikut synth.


[Advance Lv.12]

00:11:260 (11260|2) - sampai 00:22:146 (22146|1) - nemding kau ikutin drum nya.. guh.. honestly.. this pattern are kinda mess...

00:27:717 (27717|3) - sampai 00:49:660 (49660|0) - wew.. kau ngikut apaan... sumpah buta beneran ak di sini.. kau ikutin Synth nya (pake LN)

00:49:660 (49660|0) - sampai 01:10:231 (70231|1,70231|0) - what??? i dont understand all of it.... really.. kau ngikut drum tapi pattern mu ngga menunjukkan itu, dan ada pattern yang ngga semestinya di sini


00:49:317 (49317|1,49660|0,50003|1,50003|2,50003|3,50346|1,50346|2,50346|0,50689|2,50689|1,50689|3,51031|2,51031|1,51031|0,51374|2,51374|1,51374|3,51717|1,51717|2,51717|0,52060|1,52060|3,52060|2,52403|0,52403|1,52403|2,52746|2,52746|1,52746|3,53089|0,53089|2,53089|1,53431|3,53431|2,53431|1) -

00:53:774 (53774|1,53774|0,54117|0,54117|1,54460|1,54460|0,54803|0,54803|1,55146|1,55146|0) - adeh.. dengerin lagi please... ini ada nada naik sama note ilang orz

01:11:603 (71603|0,71603|2) - sampai selesai.. well.. it's too messy.. dual nya ngga tau ak matok di mana.. drum ato synth?

01:43:146 (103146|3,103146|0,103317|1,103317|2,103574|0,103574|3,103746|1,103746|2,103917|0,104089|1,104089|3,104260|2,104346|0,104517|1,104517|2) - ni contohnya.. kau ngikut apa?? ak ngga ngerti..orz

[Advanced Lv.14]

00:16:146 (16146|3,16231|2,16317|1,16403|0,16403|3,16489|2,16574|1,16746|2,16746|0) - Overmapped, coba kau dengerin pake 50% play rate

00:19:146 (19146|1) - <di sini stream nya di mulai

00:20:860 (20860|2,20946|1,21031|0,21117|1,21203|2,21289|3,21374|2,21460|1,21546|0) - ni pake 1/8 snap.. coba di dengerin lagi

00:21:546 (21546|0,21589|1,21631|2,21674|3,21717|0,21760|1,21803|2,21846|3,21889|0,21931|1,21974|2,22017|3,22060|0,22103|1,22146|2) - nah ini malah Overmapped.. coba di dengerin lagi

00:32:174 (32174|1) - Delete.. ngga consisten sama yang lain

00:38:003 (38003|3,38003|0) - wtf.. ni apaan ??

dan bagian LN ini.. ikutin Synth. + back sound please

OK ak nyerah.. sitme mu ngga ngikut lagu sama sekali.. please orz

MOD End Here

note for you..

perbanyak MOD BM orang untuk nambah pengalaman sama kualitas BM mu.. karena sebagian besar note di BM ini kalo boleh jujur.. hancur.. bener bener hancur...

well.. Gl ^.^

dan please reply nya...
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:

Hi Ho

MOD here


Check AI MOD


damn.. ini terlalu Strobbing... kurangin penggunaan Flash please...

blc.png mu unrankable.. kalo mo efek item.. pake Code yang ak kasi di bawah

00:11:260 - hmm.. pict nya kenapa di perbesar? jadiin size biasa aja... lebih bagus (wait... kalo kau sengaja buat efek zoom out. ini kau ignore aja)

01:11:603 - whoa whoa whoa.. i know this is the coolest part.. tapi ini titik dimana nanti banyak hujatan pas udah qualified.. yakin serius.. kalo mo di pulse.. ak saranin mainin Fade aja (kau atur gelap terangnya (contohnya bisa di liat di SB ku di map ini => )

kalo mo kaya punya ku tadi. kau apply ini di Osb mu

//Background and Video events

01:15:717 - hmm efek di sini terlalu panjang.. kau potong di sini 01:16:746 - plus.. sepertinya kau pake gambar bertumpuk ya di bagian ini...

coba pake code ini

L,0,"banyak loop (pake angka"
"Code mu"

plus.. ada beberapa Efek yang movement nya terlalu Over... tolong di perpendek jalur movement nya.. coba kau testplay untuk nyari bagian yang Over

kalo ada yang ngga jelas.. PM ak in game ato Forum


Foemat 1-2-3-4


OK.. menurutku ni Novice rada Overdiff (1.9 star. ini hampir 2 star)

i'll try to reduce it

00:00:289 (289|1) - 1 LN aja cukup.. kalo mo efek suara keras.. kau rubah LN ini jadi Note

00:01:660 (1660|2) - well... posisi ngga enak kalo di sini.. pindah ke column lain

00:02:689 (2689|2) - ini juga.. jadiin Note aja.. terus ekornya tadi di kasi note (konsistensi Suara beat)

00:03:717 (3717|3,4403|1) - tbh.. i dont understand this part.. kau ngikut apaan di sini?? beat nya kan 2-1-1-1-2, jadi kalo kau dual di sini... hancur semua beatnya, tolong di benahi, dan untuk LN. 1 aja cukup.. ngga perlu kasi 2

00:04:403 (4403|1,5089|3) - ngga perlu kau kasi LN di sini.. kasi Note aja.. ngga friendly banget.. yakin..

00:05:774 (5774|1,7146|1,8517|3) - add note. dan hilangkan 1/2 LN di areal ini ( LN nya di jadiin note aja)

00:12:631 (12631|0,14003|0,15374|0,16746|0,18117|0,19489|0,20174|1,20860|2) - Add note dan rubah semua LN di daerah ini jadi Note (terlalu Extreme buat Novice)

00:21:546 (21546|3,21546|2) - Guhhh.. jadiin note aja please....

00:27:717 (27717|3) - wuut?? ni mini LN bisa jadi musuh sejuta umat... ganti jadi Note ato hapus

00:27:717 (27717|2) - sampai 00:49:317 (49317|3) - ok.. kalo menurutku stream di sini bener bener bisa jadi musuh semua orang.. ak saranin kau ikut Synth. nya aja

00:49:660 (49660|0) - sampai 01:00:631 (60631|2) - sama kaya ^.. yakin please.. ikut Synth. aja

01:00:974 (60974|1) - sampai 01:08:517 (68517|1) - OK.. ini memang ramah NOV player.. tapi uhh... kau ngikut apaan?? jangan bikin ritme sendiri please.... ikutin Synth aja

01:08:860 (68860|1,69031|0,69203|1,69374|2,69546|3,69717|2,69889|1,70060|0) - kejem banget lu.. kasi LN aja nape....

01:11:603 (71603|0) - sampai 01:21:031 (81031|0) - kalo kau mau ikut drum.. jangan di stream
buat note nya jadi gini (placement ak serahkan pada mu.. ini cuman contoh snap nya)

dan please mini LN nya di hapus...

01:21:203 (81203|3,81374|2,81546|3,81717|2,81889|3,82060|2,82231|3,82403|2) - uguh~ ni ngga friendly banget~.. kau jack 1/1 pake dual note aja

01:22:574 (82574|1) - sampai selesai samain snap nya kaya contoh gambar yang ak kasi atau ikut synth.


[Advance Lv.12]

00:11:260 (11260|2) - sampai 00:22:146 (22146|1) - nemding kau ikutin drum nya.. guh.. honestly.. this pattern are kinda mess...

00:27:717 (27717|3) - sampai 00:49:660 (49660|0) - wew.. kau ngikut apaan... sumpah buta beneran ak di sini.. kau ikutin Synth nya (pake LN)

00:49:660 (49660|0) - sampai 01:10:231 (70231|1,70231|0) - what??? i dont understand all of it.... really.. kau ngikut drum tapi pattern mu ngga menunjukkan itu, dan ada pattern yang ngga semestinya di sini


00:49:317 (49317|1,49660|0,50003|1,50003|2,50003|3,50346|1,50346|2,50346|0,50689|2,50689|1,50689|3,51031|2,51031|1,51031|0,51374|2,51374|1,51374|3,51717|1,51717|2,51717|0,52060|1,52060|3,52060|2,52403|0,52403|1,52403|2,52746|2,52746|1,52746|3,53089|0,53089|2,53089|1,53431|3,53431|2,53431|1) -

00:53:774 (53774|1,53774|0,54117|0,54117|1,54460|1,54460|0,54803|0,54803|1,55146|1,55146|0) - adeh.. dengerin lagi please... ini ada nada naik sama note ilang orz

01:11:603 (71603|0,71603|2) - sampai selesai.. well.. it's too messy.. dual nya ngga tau ak matok di mana.. drum ato synth?

01:43:146 (103146|3,103146|0,103317|1,103317|2,103574|0,103574|3,103746|1,103746|2,103917|0,104089|1,104089|3,104260|2,104346|0,104517|1,104517|2) - ni contohnya.. kau ngikut apa?? ak ngga ngerti..orz

[Advanced Lv.14]

00:16:146 (16146|3,16231|2,16317|1,16403|0,16403|3,16489|2,16574|1,16746|2,16746|0) - Overmapped, coba kau dengerin pake 50% play rate

00:19:146 (19146|1) - <di sini stream nya di mulai

00:20:860 (20860|2,20946|1,21031|0,21117|1,21203|2,21289|3,21374|2,21460|1,21546|0) - ni pake 1/8 snap.. coba di dengerin lagi

00:21:546 (21546|0,21589|1,21631|2,21674|3,21717|0,21760|1,21803|2,21846|3,21889|0,21931|1,21974|2,22017|3,22060|0,22103|1,22146|2) - nah ini malah Overmapped.. coba di dengerin lagi

00:32:174 (32174|1) - Delete.. ngga consisten sama yang lain

00:38:003 (38003|3,38003|0) - wtf.. ni apaan ??

dan bagian LN ini.. ikutin Synth. + back sound please

OK ak nyerah.. sitme mu ngga ngikut lagu sama sekali.. please orz

MOD End Here

note for you..

perbanyak MOD BM orang untuk nambah pengalaman sama kualitas BM mu.. karena sebagian besar note di BM ini kalo boleh jujur.. hancur.. bener bener hancur...

well.. Gl ^.^

dan please reply nya...
makasih banget kritiknya :) , saya masih belajar bikin BM dan SB :)

2nd MOD. No kudo please


hmm.. setelah kau kasi Code it... kan jadinya item..

nah dari situ kau bisa kreasi mau kau fade ato gimana bisa tanpa membuat SB load nya meledak

soo.. for the 1st part (start sampai 00:11:260 - )

kau kasi pict di sini dan sesuain size nya (mainin scale nya) terus kau kreasikan mo di gimanain terserah anda

2nd part (00:11:260 - sampai 00:22:231 - )

hmm.. untuk countdown kau pake flash ya?? titik terang kau redupin please (secukupnya sampai ngga terlalu menyilaukan. karena flashmu jujur.. bisa jadi musuh mu pas nanti dah qualified)

3rd part (00:22:231 sampai 00:27:374 - )

untuk starternya.. kau kasi Fade out (efek ngilang pelan pelan) kau kasi titik Fade di 00:22:231 - sampai 00:24:974 - dan kau ilangin gambarnya di 00:24:974 -
dan kasi efek Fade in (efek appear pelan pelan) kau kasi titik Fade di 00:26:346 - sampai 00:27:374 - dan kau munculin gambarnya di titik 00:27:374 -

jadinya kira kira kaya gini

4th part ( 00:27:374 - sampai 00:49:660 - )

hmm.. C-Down mu di sini terlalu lebar ke atas.. jadi ngga enak mainnya... kau kecilin kira kira segini

dan bagian 00:49:317 - sampai 00:49:660 - , jujur ngga rapi banget...coba kau fade ngilang di daerah ini (end nya di 00:49:660 - )

5th part ( 00:49:660 - sampai 01:00:631 - )

hmmm.. OK banget ini part.. i like it... kasi sedikit bumbu C-Down dan perfect.. ak serahkan titik penempatan dan timingnya ke kreasimu, tapi inget.. jangan lebar lebar C-Down nya.. samain lah kaya C-Down yang udah di rombak di 4th part

6th part ( 01:00:631 - sampai 01:11:260 - )

gelap... kosong... hanya ada flash..... kasi gambar lahh~

7th part ( 01:11:603 sampai end nya kiai)

nah ini yang ak bilang SB mu bisa jadi musuh sejuta umat.. Pulse mu terlalu kuat (pembesaran terlalu Gila.. kau kecilin scale maxnya sampe pulse nya jadi Soft)

dan kau tadi tanya bagian yang terlalu over kan... ini bagiannya

01:37:660 - wew.. ini move nya terlalu jauh jadi kesannya cepet banget.. ak recomended speed nya kaya efect yang pertama 01:15:717 dan kau bedakan arahnya

01:32:174 ngga ada flash nya.. padahal yang lain ada

dan di point setelahnya.. kalau kau liat efect yang keterlaluan cepetnya.. kau kurangin speednya (samain kaya yang ak kasi barusan)

01:54:117 - hmm good variation.. but too fast.... reduce the speed please dan lebih di smooth kan

Last part

wahh ak suka bagian ini.. tambahin fade ngilang setelah Gong.. dah perfect.. ^.^




01:28:660 (88660|1) - ohhhhh Unsnaped tragedy TT^TT

wew.. ak suka cara kau ngasih LN untuk Sound Effect.. Keep it up

00:00:289 (289|1,1660|3,2346|1,3031|0,3717|2,4403|0) - OK... ini LN ngmap apaan?

00:11:260 (11260|0,11603|1,11946|2,12289|3) - wew.. LN ini terlalu susah untuk NOV

[Advanced LV12]

00:18:974 - missing Note start stream nih

00:19:317 (19317|2) - move ke blue line atasnya (stream nya jangan di putus please

00:20:174 (20174|3,20174|2,20346|1,20517|0,20517|1,20689|1,20860|2,20860|3,20946|0,21031|1,21117|3,21203|0,21289|2,21374|1,21460|0,21546|3,21631|2,21717|1,21803|2,21889|0,21974|2,22060|0,22146|1) - buat jadi stream single note.. ngga enak menurutku kalo di kasi dual.. kalo di diff atasnya ini Fine~

00:27:374 - missing Note

01:18:631 (78631|1) - variation nya ngga pass.. kalo mo di kasi kaya gini.. please di hitung beatnya.. kerasa tiba tiba

wew... ngga ada variation sama sekali...orz

[Adv lvl 14]

idih.. dah bagus nih

cuman.. ko ada bagian yang ngga pas sama lagunya ya? coba kau dengerin lagi sambil kau Testplay

OK MOD end Here ^.^

Gl ^>^

kalo ada yang di tanyakan. PM me ^.^
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:


2nd MOD. No kudo please


hmm.. setelah kau kasi Code it... kan jadinya item..

nah dari situ kau bisa kreasi mau kau fade ato gimana bisa tanpa membuat SB load nya meledak

soo.. for the 1st part (start sampai 00:11:260 - )

kau kasi pict di sini dan sesuain size nya (mainin scale nya) terus kau kreasikan mo di gimanain terserah anda

2nd part (00:11:260 - sampai 00:22:231 - )

hmm.. untuk countdown kau pake flash ya?? titik terang kau redupin please (secukupnya sampai ngga terlalu menyilaukan. karena flashmu jujur.. bisa jadi musuh mu pas nanti dah qualified)

3rd part (00:22:231 sampai 00:27:374 - )

untuk starternya.. kau kasi Fade out (efek ngilang pelan pelan) kau kasi titik Fade di 00:22:231 - sampai 00:24:974 - dan kau ilangin gambarnya di 00:24:974 -
dan kasi efek Fade in (efek appear pelan pelan) kau kasi titik Fade di 00:26:346 - sampai 00:27:374 - dan kau munculin gambarnya di titik 00:27:374 -

jadinya kira kira kaya gini

4th part ( 00:27:374 - sampai 00:49:660 - )

hmm.. C-Down mu di sini terlalu lebar ke atas.. jadi ngga enak mainnya... kau kecilin kira kira segini

dan bagian 00:49:317 - sampai 00:49:660 - , jujur ngga rapi banget...coba kau fade ngilang di daerah ini (end nya di 00:49:660 - )

5th part ( 00:49:660 - sampai 01:00:631 - )

hmmm.. OK banget ini part.. i like it... kasi sedikit bumbu C-Down dan perfect.. ak serahkan titik penempatan dan timingnya ke kreasimu, tapi inget.. jangan lebar lebar C-Down nya.. samain lah kaya C-Down yang udah di rombak di 4th part

6th part ( 01:00:631 - sampai 01:11:260 - )

gelap... kosong... hanya ada flash..... kasi gambar lahh~

7th part ( 01:11:603 sampai end nya kiai)

nah ini yang ak bilang SB mu bisa jadi musuh sejuta umat.. Pulse mu terlalu kuat (pembesaran terlalu Gila.. kau kecilin scale maxnya sampe pulse nya jadi Soft)

dan kau tadi tanya bagian yang terlalu over kan... ini bagiannya

01:37:660 - wew.. ini move nya terlalu jauh jadi kesannya cepet banget.. ak recomended speed nya kaya efect yang pertama 01:15:717 dan kau bedakan arahnya

01:32:174 ngga ada flash nya.. padahal yang lain ada

dan di point setelahnya.. kalau kau liat efect yang keterlaluan cepetnya.. kau kurangin speednya (samain kaya yang ak kasi barusan)

01:54:117 - hmm good variation.. but too fast.... reduce the speed please dan lebih di smooth kan

Last part

wahh ak suka bagian ini.. tambahin fade ngilang setelah Gong.. dah perfect.. ^.^




01:28:660 (88660|1) - ohhhhh Unsnaped tragedy TT^TT

wew.. ak suka cara kau ngasih LN untuk Sound Effect.. Keep it up

00:00:289 (289|1,1660|3,2346|1,3031|0,3717|2,4403|0) - OK... ini LN ngmap apaan?

00:11:260 (11260|0,11603|1,11946|2,12289|3) - wew.. LN ini terlalu susah untuk NOV

[Advanced LV12]

00:18:974 - missing Note start stream nih

00:19:317 (19317|2) - move ke blue line atasnya (stream nya jangan di putus please

00:20:174 (20174|3,20174|2,20346|1,20517|0,20517|1,20689|1,20860|2,20860|3,20946|0,21031|1,21117|3,21203|0,21289|2,21374|1,21460|0,21546|3,21631|2,21717|1,21803|2,21889|0,21974|2,22060|0,22146|1) - buat jadi stream single note.. ngga enak menurutku kalo di kasi dual.. kalo di diff atasnya ini Fine~

00:27:374 - missing Note

01:18:631 (78631|1) - variation nya ngga pass.. kalo mo di kasi kaya gini.. please di hitung beatnya.. kerasa tiba tiba

wew... ngga ada variation sama sekali...orz

[Adv lvl 14]

idih.. dah bagus nih

cuman.. ko ada bagian yang ngga pas sama lagunya ya? coba kau dengerin lagi sambil kau Testplay

OK MOD end Here ^.^

Gl ^>^

kalo ada yang di tanyakan. PM me ^.^
Terimakasih ^^
kudosu denied as requested ~

Z3nx wrote:

kudosu denied as requested ~
thanks Z3nx samaaaaa~ orz
Ciyus Miapah
ane gk bisa ngemod mania thanks
Topic Starter

Fort wrote:

ane gk bisa ngemod mania thanks
sama - sama :3
Hi mod as requested via pm~


wut?/ itu yg di BG kaneki-kun dayone? x_x

Novice Lv.6 nya terlalu mudah icon nya juga masih easy usahain sampe blue icon Normal icon

[Advance Lv.12]

00:19:060 (19060|3,19317|2) - delete

00:19:403 add
[Another Lv.14]

wew ini 2 note 00:11:603 (11603|1,11603|3) - 00:11:603 (11603|1,11603|3) - padahal sounds nya sama kaya ini - > 00:11:946 & 00:12:289 etc.
00:11:603 (11603|1,11603|3) - kurangin 1 note atau tambah 1 note di setiap garis putih.

00:16:531 (16531|3) - delete, lalu move 00:16:489 (16489|2) - ke 00:16:660 col 4

00:17:860 (17860|1) - delete, no sound here

00:18:031 (18031|0,18117|1) - ctrl + J

00:19:831 better

00:21:546 add 2 note

00:21:717 add

00:21:889 add 2 note

00:22:060 add

sisanya tolong di re-pettern lg ya kurangin jack2 nya :v

okay sorry cuma bisa mod segitu :D :D
oiya, butuh 4k Extra? mungkin gw bisa bantu buatin GD :)
Good luck~
Next time please ask me before you take my mp3:
Why does i know its:
My mp3:
Your mp3:
Its same, right?
Also your map have same BPM. offset with me so its easily for me to detected :P

Why I warn you should call me to take my mp3?
Because this is full song:
its take 4 minutes and 15 seconds

On this edition only take 2 minutes 6 seconds: Because im the one who cut the mp3 and fixed the qualify of it, so its the mp3 of mine :P

Okay now, im just warning, next time please ask me first, okay?

Thanks and also good luck with your map ~

P/s: The SB seems quite ... idk how to says but its ... i dont want to says it :'( better to fix it, and suggest on kiai time, why not use only one img/code for it insteal of copy and paste? it will make the sb extend the size, i think ~

Anyway, if you need help on SB, call me or Roxas for more information, thanks and good luck <3
Topic Starter

bilqiscutee wrote:

Hi mod as requested via pm~


wut?/ itu yg di BG kaneki-kun dayone? x_x

Novice Lv.6 nya terlalu mudah icon nya juga masih easy usahain sampe blue icon Normal icon

[Advance Lv.12]

00:19:060 (19060|3,19317|2) - delete

00:19:403 add
[Another Lv.14]

wew ini 2 note 00:11:603 (11603|1,11603|3) - 00:11:603 (11603|1,11603|3) - padahal sounds nya sama kaya ini - > 00:11:946 & 00:12:289 etc.
00:11:603 (11603|1,11603|3) - kurangin 1 note atau tambah 1 note di setiap garis putih.

00:16:531 (16531|3) - delete, lalu move 00:16:489 (16489|2) - ke 00:16:660 col 4

00:17:860 (17860|1) - delete, no sound here

00:18:031 (18031|0,18117|1) - ctrl + J

00:19:831 better

00:21:546 add 2 note

00:21:717 add

00:21:889 add 2 note

00:22:060 add

sisanya tolong di re-pettern lg ya kurangin jack2 nya :v

okay sorry cuma bisa mod segitu :D :D
oiya, butuh 4k Extra? mungkin gw bisa bantu buatin GD :)
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Next time please ask me before you take my mp3:
Why does i know its:
My mp3:
Your mp3:
Its same, right?
Also your map have same BPM. offset with me so its easily for me to detected :P

Why I warn you should call me to take my mp3?
Because this is full song:
its take 4 minutes and 15 seconds

On this edition only take 2 minutes 6 seconds: Because im the one who cut the mp3 and fixed the qualify of it, so its the mp3 of mine :P

Okay now, im just warning, next time please ask me first, okay?

Thanks and also good luck with your map ~

P/s: The SB seems quite ... idk how to says but its ... i dont want to says it :'( better to fix it, and suggest on kiai time, why not use only one img/code for it insteal of copy and paste? it will make the sb extend the size, i think ~

Anyway, if you need help on SB, call me or Roxas for more information, thanks and good luck <3
i am so sorry.. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: . oke i call you if i need help on SB :o
Get busted by Kuo Kyoka eh? Seems Legit :3
Better watch out. Don't make a same mistake again. Those BNG people is not only check the beatmap but they also check the folder.
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Get busted by Kuo Kyoka eh? Seems Legit :3
Better watch out. Don't make a same mistake again. Those BNG people is not only check the beatmap but they also check the folder.
i am so sorry :cry: :cry: :cry:
Wah wah maling >_>

Btw just suggesestion:
Novice - Advanced - Another? Harusnya NOVICE - ADVANCED - EXHAUST (kapital semua) yg ini ngikut diff namenya SDVX. Kalo tetep pake Another, harusnya Normal - Hyper - Another, yg ini ngikut BMS
Topic Starter

bakabakemono wrote:

Wah wah maling >_>

Btw just suggesestion:
Novice - Advanced - Another? Harusnya NOVICE - ADVANCED - EXHAUST (kapital semua) yg ini ngikut diff namenya SDVX. Kalo tetep pake Another, harusnya Normal - Hyper - Another, yg ini ngikut BMS
Ga bermaksud maling kak :cry: :cry:

- NO MOD -


1. To Many Repeated Note 01:00:974 - 01:10:231
2. The LN Should Be From 02:05:089 - 02:06:460

1. 3 Note In Every Double White Line 00:00:289 - 00:11:260 ( To Give It More Star Diff )
2. Why Dont U Make 1/3 Or 1/4 Stair Over Here 01:08:860 - 01:10:231 ( This Is EXHAUST Right ? )
3. 3 Note In 01:16:060 And 01:16:403 Because It Has Higher Beat
4. 01:21:889 And 01:22:231 ^
5. I See No 3 Notes Here ( Except This 02:00:631 )

1. Is That Even A Proper Background ?
2. 00:49:660 - 01:00:631 I Prefer Not To Make It Goes In Wierd Way
3. 01:10:231 - 01:11:260 Make It Stay And Just With C-White
4. 01:54:117 - 02:06:460 R U Run Out Of Idea ?!

EDIT : Add 1 Star Diff On All Maps Please ( 0.5 Star Diff On EXHAUST Its To Easy
Topic Starter

SPAS-ID wrote:


- NO MOD -


1. To Many Repeated Note 01:00:974 - 01:10:231
2. The LN Should Be From 02:05:089 - 02:06:460

1. 3 Note In Every Double White Line 00:00:289 - 00:11:260 ( To Give It More Star Diff )
2. Why Dont U Make 1/3 Or 1/4 Stair Over Here 01:08:860 - 01:10:231 ( This Is EXHAUST Right ? )
3. 3 Note In 01:16:060 And 01:16:403 Because It Has Higher Beat
4. 01:21:889 And 01:22:231 ^
5. I See No 3 Notes Here ( Except This 02:00:631 )

1. Is That Even A Proper Background ?
2. 00:49:660 - 01:00:631 I Prefer Not To Make It Goes In Wierd Way
3. 01:10:231 - 01:11:260 Make It Stay And Just With C-White
4. 01:54:117 - 02:06:460 R U Run Out Of Idea ?!

EDIT : Add 1 Star Diff On All Maps Please ( 0.5 Star Diff On EXHAUST Its To Easy

Thanks :)
Hi, sorry for delay, was way busy xD

Please refer this tool result (ignore SB isuue here since this map has a SB inside)
t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (PLight Remix) (ToifAmri) [NOVICE Lv.6].osu
t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (PLight Remix) (ToifAmri) [ADVANCED Lv.12].osu
t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (PLight Remix) (ToifAmri) [EXHAUST Lv.14].osu

Check some necessary data...
No issues found

General check for NOVICE Lv.6
WidescreenStoryboard should be '0'

General check for ADVANCED Lv.12
WidescreenStoryboard should be '0'

General check for EXHAUST Lv.14
WidescreenStoryboard should be '0'

Metadata check...
No issues found

Analyze MP3 File - this may take a while...

FileName => Kick-ass Kungfu (PLight Remix).mp3
FileSize => 3.0 MB
AudioBitrate => 192 kbps
Duration => 0:02:09
Duration in MS => 129000

Check for issues in MP3...
No issues found

Check Timings...
You used 1 timing section(s) and 9 inherited section(s)
KIAI-Time in NOVICE Lv.6 is 34.02% of songs duration, it should be at max 25%
KIAI-Time in ADVANCED Lv.12 is 34.02% of songs duration, it should be at max 25%
KIAI-Time in EXHAUST Lv.14 is 34.02% of songs duration, it should be at max 25%

Checking Hitobjects...
NOVICE Lv.6 [4K]
This Diff contains 377 Hitobjects (Short Note: 359, Long Note: 18)
77 on Row 1 (20.42%)
113 on Row 2 (29.97%)
116 on Row 3 (30.77%)
71 on Row 4 (18.83%)

This Diff contains 603 Hitobjects (Short Note: 571, Long Note: 32)
134 on Row 1 (22.22%)
146 on Row 2 (24.21%)
165 on Row 3 (27.36%)
158 on Row 4 (26.20%)

EXHAUST Lv.14 [4K]
This Diff contains 920 Hitobjects (Short Note: 901, Long Note: 19)
166 on Row 1 (18.04%)
313 on Row 2 (34.02%)
248 on Row 3 (26.96%)
193 on Row 4 (20.98%)

You should try to fix the balancing - ive checked since ive seen that it could be a bit... off xD
On ADV-Diff its OK i guess ;)
Also i want to point out that Jacks are only allowed for Diffs lower than 150 BPM OR higher diffs - So please consider changing and removing Jacks in NOV diff since there not fitting too.

If you fixed this issues please PM me again for normal mod, thanks ;)
[BASIC Lv.6]
if you change the diff name like this, i think i will change my EXTRA Lv.?? to INFINITE Lv.?? ;)
Little Mod

Its Gotta Be A Mod What Do U Expect ?
1. 01:16:060 - 01:17:089 Please Make It 0.5 , 1.25 I Looks Really Wierd If U're Using 0.45 , 1 -_- Applies For Other SV ( EXH )
2.Why Theres No Stairs ? Cmon
3. Make The Note On EXH Looks Like This 01:21:203 (81203|0,81203|2,81203|1,81546|1,81546|0,81546|2,81889|3,81889|1,81889|2,82231|2,82231|3,82231|1) - Not This 01:26:689 (86689|3,86689|1,86860|0,87031|3,87031|1,87203|0,87374|3,87374|1,87546|0,87717|3,87717|1) -
4. I Can Make A Storyboard For This Map Tho
5. Change BG name into BG.png FFS !
GD In progress bro.. semua 7k
Topic Starter

bilqiscutee wrote:

[BASIC Lv.6]
if you change the diff name like this, i think i will change my EXTRA Lv.?? to INFINITE Lv.?? ;)

Okey :)
Topic Starter

Rifkymarcelio wrote:

GD In progress bro.. semua 7k

sip gans
i'm sorry for the troubble
but i have to stop my GD cuz i don't have time to manage it anymore :o

sorry bro harus drop nih GD
Topic Starter

Frim4503 wrote:

i'm sorry for the troubble
but i have to stop my GD cuz i don't have time to manage it anymore :o

sorry bro harus drop nih GD
yaah :o :o yaudah deh gpp :o :o :?
SBnya dah ampe 1:30 kok tenang aja
Topic Starter

SPAS-ID wrote:

SBnya dah ampe 1:30 kok tenang aja
slow :v
hi :3
untuk penamaan diff coba lihat thread ini => t/178700
karena ini penamaan diffnya berdasarkan SDVX, jadi urutannya harusnya BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED, EXHAUST, INFINITE
jadi kalo dari BASIC langsung lompat ke ADVANCED kan aneh.
tapi kayaknya sih kau lagi nunggu GD NOVICE... :v
gud luck deh. Cuma mau bilang itu aja...
btw mod later. biar sekalian sama NOVICE nya ;)
Topic Starter

Fantastica wrote:

hi :3
untuk penamaan diff coba lihat thread ini => t/178700
karena ini penamaan diffnya berdasarkan SDVX, jadi urutannya harusnya BASIC, NOVICE, ADVANCED, EXHAUST, INFINITE
jadi kalo dari BASIC langsung lompat ke ADVANCED kan aneh.
tapi kayaknya sih kau lagi nunggu GD NOVICE... :v
gud luck deh. Cuma mau bilang itu aja...
btw mod later. biar sekalian sama NOVICE nya ;)

ooh iya kak . lagi nunggu GD dari kamu.. :3 NOVICE hehe :v
From this very awesome queue and also crying pming me want me and Gomuryuu to mod this map


BG size diubah jadi 1366 x 768
Gap dari ADV Lv. 12 ke Kuki ADV Lv.12 lebih gede dari gap Kuki ADV Lv.12 ke EXH Lv.14 heleh.. ADV Lv. 12 nya ubah jadi diff. NOVICE Lv.8, 9 atau 10
Tambah Kuki sama yang bikin SB ke tag kamu (dan kalo ada GD lain juga)
Kek nya ini udah.. Urutan diff kamu harusnya Basic - Novice - Advanced - Exhaust - dan kalo ada yang lebih sulit pake nama Infinite
sungkem minta maaf ke KK

00:01:660 (1660|3) – move 2 for balance
00:05:774 (5774|1,6117|2,6460|0,6803|3,7146|1,7489|2) – considering to change this part into this for hand balance and also pattern consistency

00:08:860 (8860|1) – jacks are not good, move this to 3
00:09:546 (9546|2) – this to 4
00:09:889 (9889|2) – and this to 1
00:15:974 (15974|3) – this note, move it to - 00:16:060
00:18:460 (18460|2) – move this to 2
00:20:517 (20517|2) – move this to 1
00:22:231 (22231|1) – move this LN to 1
00:33:203 (33203|1) – move to 4 for balance and also pitch
00:35:946 (35946|0) – move it to 3
00:40:746 (40746|1) - ^
00:41:089 (41089|0) – move it to 2
00:43:831 (43831|2) - ^
00:44:003 (44003|3) – move it to 3
00:45:203 (45203|0,45374|1) – ctrl + H
00:47:603 (47603|1) – move to 4
00:47:946 (47946|3) – move to 2
00:48:117 (48117|2) – move to 1
00:49:317 (49317|3,49317|2) – move to 2 and 3
00:53:431 (53431|0) – move to 4
01:01:660 (61660|2) – move to 1
01:04:746 (64746|1) – move to 4
01:05:431 (65431|1) – move to 4
01:05:774 (65774|1) – move to 1
01:06:460 (66460|2) – move to 4
01:06:803 (66803|2) – move to 1
01:07:831 (67831|2) – move to 4
01:08:174 (68174|2) – move to 1
01:09:203 (69203|1) – move to 4
01:09:546 (69546|2) – move to 1 and 2
01:09:889 (69889|1) – move to 3
01:15:374 (75374|3) – move to 1
01:22:917 (82917|1) – move to 4
01:23:603 (83603|2) - ^ (but this is just suggestion)
01:25:660 (85660|1) - ^
01:26:346 (86346|2) – move to 1
01:28:660 (88660|1) – move this to - 01:28:746
01:30:803 (90803|0) – move this to 4

As you see in basic chart from - 01:28:403 – to - 01:31:831 – you have lack of note in column 4 and has abundant of it in colum 2 and 3. You should fix this

01:32:517 (92517|2) – move to 1
01:35:603 (95603|2) – move to 4
01:35:946 (95946|1) – move to 1
01:39:031 (99031|2) – move to 1
01:39:374 (99374|0) – so move this to 2
01:42:803 (102803|1) – move to 3
01:44:174 (104174|1) – move to 4
01:48:289 (108289|1) – move to 1
02:00:289 (120289|3) - ^
02:06:460 – add note to 4

From - 00:00:289 - to - 00:11:271 – the pattern are way too monotonous, you can use variety of triple notes and double notes. Monotonous pattern is not fun, not challenging and not creative. This must be fixed!!

From - 00:12:803 – to - 00:13:684 – why you not using that 1-2 notes patter pattern like you do before? It sounds the same. This part- 00:14:174 - to - 00:15:889 – is also have same problem

These notes - 00:16:917 (16917|1,17089|3,17260|1,17431|2,17603|0,17774|3) – should be double notes. I mean, this is exhaust man

These notes - 00:18:289 (18289|2,18460|1,18631|0,18974|2) – too, make it double

The stair part in - 00:19:231 – here, I think you should change it to something like this

00:34:574 – add note to 2
00:35:774 (35774|1) – move this to 4
00:35:946 (35946|3) – so move this to 3
00:38:689 – add another 1 note
00:40:060 - ^ and put it at 1
00:43:831 (43831|0) – this LN starts here - 00:44:174 –
00:46:746 (46746|1) – move to 1
00:47:946 (47946|3) – no jack please, move it to 3
00:48:289 (48289|0) – and move this to 4

There’s a lot of jacks from - 00:49:660 – to - 01:08:517 - sorry, but I don’t have time to fix all of that

This stair part from - 01:08:860 – to - 01:10:231 – is non sense. I think of this

From this - 01:11:603 – to - 01:33:203 –has same jack problem like above, but this is just really bad so I will try to help you to do this part
01:11:946 (71946|1) – move to 1
01:12:631 (72631|3) - ^
01:13:317 (73317|1) - ^
01:14:174 (74174|2) - ^
01:14:346 (74346|2,74346|0) – move to 3 and 4
01:14:517 (74517|1) – move to 1
01:15:031 (75031|2) – move to 4
01:15:203 (75203|1) – move to 3
01:15:374 (75374|1,75374|3) – so move this to 1 and 2
01:17:431 (77431|2) – move this to 2
01:17:603 (77603|1) – this to 3
01:17:946 (77946|2) – move to 1
01:18:117 (78117|2,78117|0) – move 1 row each notes
01:18:289 (78289|1) – so this move to 2
01:18:460 (78460|1) – move to 4
01:19:317 (79317|2) – move to 1
01:19:660 (79660|0) – move to 4
01:19:831 (79831|0,79831|2) – make it 1 and 2
01:20:003 (80003|1) – move to 3
01:20:346 (80346|2) – move to 1
01:20:689 (80689|2) – move to 1
01:20:860 (80860|3,80860|1) – make it 2 and 3
01:21:031 (81031|2) – move to 4
01:21:374 – add note at 4
01:21:717 – add note at 1
01:22:060 - ^
01:23:089 (83089|1) – move to 4
01:23:603 (83603|3,83603|1) – make it 3 and 4
01:23:774 (83774|2) – move to 1
01:24:631 (84631|2,84631|0) – make it 3 and 4
01:25:489 (85489|2) – move to 2
01:26:003 (86003|3,86003|1) – make it 1 and 4
From this - 01:26:689 - to - 01:27:767 – make it triple notes and don’t make them jacks!
01:27:889 (87889|2) – move to 1
01:28:403 (88403|0,88403|2) – make it at 1 and 4
01:28:574 (88574|1) – move to 3
01:30:289 (90289|1) – move to 4
01:30:374 (90374|3) – move this to = 01:30:460 – and put it at 1
01:30:631 (90631|2) – move to 4
01:31:146 (91146|3,91146|1) – make it 1 and 4
01:31:489 (91489|3,91489|1) - ^
01:31:660 (91660|2) – move to 2 (just suggestion)
01:31:831 (91831|1,91831|0) – make it 1 and 4
From this - 01:32:003 – to - 01:33:203 – make it like this

From - 01:33:546 – to - 02:06:289 – just same jack problem like above. You can learn from my previous mod above and fix it by yourself.

And one thing, in mania note placement is very strict and you can't just put notes in your own will. This is to make sure that your chart is fun and reasonable to play.

Btw SB nya keren soggg...
We don't mod osu mania btw >.>
Topic Starter

Raediaufar wrote:

From this very awesome queue and also crying pming me want me and Gomuryuu to mod this map


BG size diubah jadi 1366 x 768
Gap dari ADV Lv. 12 ke Kuki ADV Lv.12 lebih gede dari gap Kuki ADV Lv.12 ke EXH Lv.14 heleh.. ADV Lv. 12 nya ubah jadi diff. NOVICE Lv.8, 9 atau 10
Tambah Kuki sama yang bikin SB ke tag kamu (dan kalo ada GD lain juga)
Kek nya ini udah.. Urutan diff kamu harusnya Basic - Novice - Advanced - Exhaust - dan kalo ada yang lebih sulit pake nama Infinite
sungkem minta maaf ke KK

00:01:660 (1660|3) – move 2 for balance
00:05:774 (5774|1,6117|2,6460|0,6803|3,7146|1,7489|2) – considering to change this part into this for hand balance and also pattern consistency

00:08:860 (8860|1) – jacks are not good, move this to 3
00:09:546 (9546|2) – this to 4
00:09:889 (9889|2) – and this to 1
00:15:974 (15974|3) – this note, move it to - 00:16:060
00:18:460 (18460|2) – move this to 2
00:20:517 (20517|2) – move this to 1
00:22:231 (22231|1) – move this LN to 1
00:33:203 (33203|1) – move to 4 for balance and also pitch
00:35:946 (35946|0) – move it to 3
00:40:746 (40746|1) - ^
00:41:089 (41089|0) – move it to 2
00:43:831 (43831|2) - ^
00:44:003 (44003|3) – move it to 3
00:45:203 (45203|0,45374|1) – ctrl + H
00:47:603 (47603|1) – move to 4
00:47:946 (47946|3) – move to 2
00:48:117 (48117|2) – move to 1
00:49:317 (49317|3,49317|2) – move to 2 and 3
00:53:431 (53431|0) – move to 4
01:01:660 (61660|2) – move to 1
01:04:746 (64746|1) – move to 4
01:05:431 (65431|1) – move to 4
01:05:774 (65774|1) – move to 1
01:06:460 (66460|2) – move to 4
01:06:803 (66803|2) – move to 1
01:07:831 (67831|2) – move to 4
01:08:174 (68174|2) – move to 1
01:09:203 (69203|1) – move to 4
01:09:546 (69546|2) – move to 1 and 2
01:09:889 (69889|1) – move to 3
01:15:374 (75374|3) – move to 1
01:22:917 (82917|1) – move to 4
01:23:603 (83603|2) - ^ (but this is just suggestion)
01:25:660 (85660|1) - ^
01:26:346 (86346|2) – move to 1
01:28:660 (88660|1) – move this to - 01:28:746
01:30:803 (90803|0) – move this to 4

As you see in basic chart from - 01:28:403 – to - 01:31:831 – you have lack of note in column 4 and has abundant of it in colum 2 and 3. You should fix this

01:32:517 (92517|2) – move to 1
01:35:603 (95603|2) – move to 4
01:35:946 (95946|1) – move to 1
01:39:031 (99031|2) – move to 1
01:39:374 (99374|0) – so move this to 2
01:42:803 (102803|1) – move to 3
01:44:174 (104174|1) – move to 4
01:48:289 (108289|1) – move to 1
02:00:289 (120289|3) - ^
02:06:460 – add note to 4

From - 00:00:289 - to - 00:11:271 – the pattern are way too monotonous, you can use variety of triple notes and double notes. Monotonous pattern is not fun, not challenging and not creative. This must be fixed!!

From - 00:12:803 – to - 00:13:684 – why you not using that 1-2 notes patter pattern like you do before? It sounds the same. This part- 00:14:174 - to - 00:15:889 – is also have same problem

These notes - 00:16:917 (16917|1,17089|3,17260|1,17431|2,17603|0,17774|3) – should be double notes. I mean, this is exhaust man

These notes - 00:18:289 (18289|2,18460|1,18631|0,18974|2) – too, make it double

The stair part in - 00:19:231 – here, I think you should change it to something like this

00:34:574 – add note to 2
00:35:774 (35774|1) – move this to 4
00:35:946 (35946|3) – so move this to 3
00:38:689 – add another 1 note
00:40:060 - ^ and put it at 1
00:43:831 (43831|0) – this LN starts here - 00:44:174 –
00:46:746 (46746|1) – move to 1
00:47:946 (47946|3) – no jack please, move it to 3
00:48:289 (48289|0) – and move this to 4

There’s a lot of jacks from - 00:49:660 – to - 01:08:517 - sorry, but I don’t have time to fix all of that

This stair part from - 01:08:860 – to - 01:10:231 – is non sense. I think of this

From this - 01:11:603 – to - 01:33:203 –has same jack problem like above, but this is just really bad so I will try to help you to do this part
01:11:946 (71946|1) – move to 1
01:12:631 (72631|3) - ^
01:13:317 (73317|1) - ^
01:14:174 (74174|2) - ^
01:14:346 (74346|2,74346|0) – move to 3 and 4
01:14:517 (74517|1) – move to 1
01:15:031 (75031|2) – move to 4
01:15:203 (75203|1) – move to 3
01:15:374 (75374|1,75374|3) – so move this to 1 and 2
01:17:431 (77431|2) – move this to 2
01:17:603 (77603|1) – this to 3
01:17:946 (77946|2) – move to 1
01:18:117 (78117|2,78117|0) – move 1 row each notes
01:18:289 (78289|1) – so this move to 2
01:18:460 (78460|1) – move to 4
01:19:317 (79317|2) – move to 1
01:19:660 (79660|0) – move to 4
01:19:831 (79831|0,79831|2) – make it 1 and 2
01:20:003 (80003|1) – move to 3
01:20:346 (80346|2) – move to 1
01:20:689 (80689|2) – move to 1
01:20:860 (80860|3,80860|1) – make it 2 and 3
01:21:031 (81031|2) – move to 4
01:21:374 – add note at 4
01:21:717 – add note at 1
01:22:060 - ^
01:23:089 (83089|1) – move to 4
01:23:603 (83603|3,83603|1) – make it 3 and 4
01:23:774 (83774|2) – move to 1
01:24:631 (84631|2,84631|0) – make it 3 and 4
01:25:489 (85489|2) – move to 2
01:26:003 (86003|3,86003|1) – make it 1 and 4
From this - 01:26:689 - to - 01:27:767 – make it triple notes and don’t make them jacks!
01:27:889 (87889|2) – move to 1
01:28:403 (88403|0,88403|2) – make it at 1 and 4
01:28:574 (88574|1) – move to 3
01:30:289 (90289|1) – move to 4
01:30:374 (90374|3) – move this to = 01:30:460 – and put it at 1
01:30:631 (90631|2) – move to 4
01:31:146 (91146|3,91146|1) – make it 1 and 4
01:31:489 (91489|3,91489|1) - ^
01:31:660 (91660|2) – move to 2 (just suggestion)
01:31:831 (91831|1,91831|0) – make it 1 and 4
From this - 01:32:003 – to - 01:33:203 – make it like this

From - 01:33:546 – to - 02:06:289 – just same jack problem like above. You can learn from my previous mod above and fix it by yourself.

And one thing, in mania note placement is very strict and you can't just put notes in your own will. This is to make sure that your chart is fun and reasonable to play.

Btw SB nya keren soggg...
Thanks :)
Topic Starter

DahplA wrote:

We don't mod osu mania btw >.>

sorry :o
lol creator wordsnya

same with
Topic Starter

Zan - wrote:

lol creator wordsnya

same with
loh ? emang sama ? :o

that warning
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:


that warning
Sorry.. :o :o :o :( :( :cry: :cry:
dont worry yo

keep mapping ;)

if you need any help for this map, just ask me
Topic Starter

DE-CADE wrote:

dont worry yo

keep mapping ;)

if you need any help for this map, just ask me
Thanks :) :)
Maling :V
Topic Starter

bakabakemono wrote:

Maling :V
kamprett.. :v hus.. hus.. hus.. :v

Sedikit masukan aja . .

02:00:289 (120289|3) - tambah 1 note

02:01:660 (121660|3) - tambah 1 note

02:06:460 (126460|0) - tambah 1 note

moga ranked ya :)
Topic Starter

FJKT48_ID wrote:


Sedikit masukan aja . .

02:00:289 (120289|3) - tambah 1 note

02:01:660 (121660|3) - tambah 1 note

02:06:460 (126460|0) - tambah 1 note

moga ranked ya :)
Sip :D :D


spesial request langsung dikerjain

jgn lupa buat dikasih hs

00:01:660 (1660|3) - remove (karna pattern kmu yg selanjutnya ga pake dobel)
00:03:031 (3031|2) - ^
00:11:260 (11260|1) - bagusan dibikin dobel
00:12:631 (12631|0) - ^
00:14:003 (14003|0) - ^
00:15:374 (15374|0) - ^
00:16:746 (16746|1) - ^
00:18:117 (18117|3) - ^
00:19:489 (19489|0) - ^
00:20:174 (20174|2) - ^
00:20:860 (20860|2) - ^
00:21:546 (21546|2) - ^
00:30:460 (30460|0) - move to 4
00:31:146 (31146|1,31317|2) - geser 1 kol. kekiri
00:34:746 (34746|3) - move to 3
00:45:717 (45717|0) - ^ 2
00:47:603 (47603|2) - ^ 4
00:53:774 (53774|0) - LN end here 00:54:803 - (apply smua pada patter dan ritme yg sma)
00:54:974 - add note
00:59:260 (59260|1) - ^ 01:00:289 -
01:00:460 - add note
01:03:031 (63031|2) - move to 4
01:07:489 (67489|1) - ^ 1
01:08:517 (68517|1) - ^ 4
01:11:260 - add note
mending SV changenya di hapus aja
that's all

00:00:289 - 00:10:574 - re-arange( same pattern=bikin bosen :cry: )
00:11:260 -
00:12:460 - add note
00:13:831 - ^
00:14:003 (14003|1) - move to 2
00:16:060 -
00:17:774 -
00:18:803 (18803|0) - move to 1
00:19:831 (19831|1,20517|1) - move to 3. to avoid jack
00:21:546 -
00:49:660 - coba model pattern kaya gini
00:52:060 -
00:54:374 -
01:02:689 (62689|3) - move to 2
01:06:117 - 01:11:946 - ganti pattern lainnya
sebenernya masih banyak yg perlu diperbaiki
coba pake contoh yg aku kasih buat preference :D
Topic Starter

Frim4503 wrote:


spesial request langsung dikerjain

jgn lupa buat dikasih hs

00:01:660 (1660|3) - remove (karna pattern kmu yg selanjutnya ga pake dobel)
00:03:031 (3031|2) - ^
00:11:260 (11260|1) - bagusan dibikin dobel
00:12:631 (12631|0) - ^
00:14:003 (14003|0) - ^
00:15:374 (15374|0) - ^
00:16:746 (16746|1) - ^
00:18:117 (18117|3) - ^
00:19:489 (19489|0) - ^
00:20:174 (20174|2) - ^
00:20:860 (20860|2) - ^
00:21:546 (21546|2) - ^
00:30:460 (30460|0) - move to 4
00:31:146 (31146|1,31317|2) - geser 1 kol. kekiri
00:34:746 (34746|3) - move to 3
00:45:717 (45717|0) - ^ 2
00:47:603 (47603|2) - ^ 4
00:53:774 (53774|0) - LN end here 00:54:803 - (apply smua pada patter dan ritme yg sma)
00:54:974 - add note
00:59:260 (59260|1) - ^ 01:00:289 -
01:00:460 - add note
01:03:031 (63031|2) - move to 4
01:07:489 (67489|1) - ^ 1
01:08:517 (68517|1) - ^ 4
01:11:260 - add note
mending SV changenya di hapus aja
that's all

00:00:289 - 00:10:574 - re-arange( same pattern=bikin bosen :cry: )
00:11:260 -
00:12:460 - add note
00:13:831 - ^
00:14:003 (14003|1) - move to 2
00:16:060 -
00:17:774 -
00:18:803 (18803|0) - move to 1
00:19:831 (19831|1,20517|1) - move to 3. to avoid jack
00:21:546 -
00:49:660 - coba model pattern kaya gini
00:52:060 -
00:54:374 -
01:02:689 (62689|3) - move to 2
01:06:117 - 01:11:946 - ganti pattern lainnya
sebenernya masih banyak yg perlu diperbaiki
coba pake contoh yg aku kasih buat preference :D
blom sempet . mungkin nanti siang / sore.
Lu pernah gak sih kepikiran ngikutin post format sama ikutin rules?
Kayaknya tiap kali gue liat lu request di forum, kayak ngasal nge-post aja :v
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Lu pernah gak sih kepikiran ngikutin post format sama ikutin rules?
Kayaknya tiap kali gue liat lu request di forum, kayak ngasal nge-post aja :v
kaga tau gw >.< masih newbie soal beginian . ajarin dong :v
Modding due to your request through PM~ First time modding mania here~

Column: 0,1,2,3

00:00:289 - add a circle @3 or @0 and continue to add extra circles at every big white tick, so that flow feels right.
If I would list down all of them...
00:04:403 - at @3
00:05:774 - at @3
00:07:146 - at @0
00:08:517 - at @1
00:09:889 - at @2
00:11:260 - at @0 or/and @3 (adding another circle at @4 makes it harder, but matches the sound in the background)
00:12:631 - at @2 or/and @3 (same thing here)
00:14:003 - at @1 or/and @2
00:27:374 - You may add a circle at either @0 or @1, just to match the sound at the background.
00:46:060 (46060|0) - move this to column @2, to match but having a reversed pattern from the same repeating part of the song.
00:49:660 - Add circles on @1 or @2, but this time adding 2 circles no matter what, since its reaching the climax of the song.
00:51:031 - From this point onwards until 01:00:631, add a circle at the big white tick, at the appropriate column.
I suggest using this...
00:51:031 - Add at column @1
00:52:403 - Add at column @0
00:53:774 - Add at column @2
00:55:146 - Add at column @1
00:56:517 - Add at column @2
00:57:889 - Add at column @2
00:59:260 - Add at column @3
01:00:631 - Add at column @3
01:11:603 - Well again, repeat the same thing, add a circle at the big white tick, until 02:05:089. You get what I mean.
01:29:431 - There could be a hold until 01:30:803. Preferably at @3 and move the circle at 01:30:803 (90803|3) - to column @1

01:06:117 - 01:10:231 - Too much repetitiveness, change the pattern up into something else.
I don't see any other problems :D

Kuki's ADVANCED Lv.12
00:21:631 (21631|3) - I would not want to put that circle on that column. Maybe move it to @2?
00:31:660 - There should be a circle at one of the empty column.
00:34:746 (34746|3) - Move this to 00:34:917, column @3. Sounds more natural that way.
00:46:403 - A circle would make it sound better.
00:49:489 (49489|1),00:49:489 (49489|2) - I wouldn't put these notes this close to a SV change. Maybe remove these notes and the SV point, and move the 1.0x SV change to 00:49:660.
00:55:660 (55660|2) - Move this circle to 00:55:831.
01:10:146 (70146|1), 01:10:231 (70231|0) - Move these 2 notes 1/4 space behind, same column. Then add a circle at 01:10:231, preferably at column @1
01:16:317 (76317|3) - Why is this Slider starting at blue tick xD
01:32:003 (92003|2) - Start this slider at 01:32:174.
01:54:117 - 01:55:489 - I would not put stream with harsh SV changes, even though this is advanced difficulty. Remove all the SV changes, or change the pattern. Something like this :
From 01:55:660 to 01:59:431 this red tick, remove all the notes in the red tick. Matches the flow later on.
02:00:546 (120546|1), 02:01:231 (121231|1), 02:01:574 (121574|2) - Why is these on blue tick?
02:03:546 (123546|3) - Remove this.

Notes from 00:20:860 - 00:21:546 - In my opinion this pattern with 1/8 stream is hard... maybe change the pattern like this? (and 00:21:546 (21546|0) is also affected. Moved to column @0 in the pic.)
00:43:831 (43831|0) - This slider should start at 00:44:174.
00:48:289 (48289|0) - This circle seems unnecessary.
01:15:889 (75889|2), 01:16:231 (76231|2), 01:16:574 (76574|2), 01:16:917 (76917|2) - This 4 circles shouldn't be here, even though this is the hardest difficulty of the map.
01:26:860 (86860|0,87203|0,87546|0,87889|2) - Same goes here ^^
01:32:346 (92346|1,92689|1,93031|1) - Again the same, but also change the pattern a bit.
01:37:831 (97831|1,98174|1,98517|1,98860|1) - Same thing ^^
01:43:317 (103317|3,103660|3,104003|0,104346|0) - Same thing. All the notes at red ticks while on SV change is pretty... weird. Wouldn't mind if you changed the SV again into something else. If you changed it, then above and the notes onwards won't need a change.
01:48:803 (108803|2,109146|2,109489|2,109831|2) - Same thing ^^
01:54:289 (114289|2,114631|2,114974|2) - These 3 is the same thing. But I would prefer 01:55:317 (115317|2) to be deleted.
02:00:289 (120289|0) - Remove this and move 02:00:460 (120460|0) starting point to 02:00:289, same column.

I'll have to take a break first. Stayed online on computer for too long until my eyes are blur ;-;
So, that is my first mania mod. Hope you like it!
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