
Moving to Insane maps

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Probably a very common topic here.

Okay so I've been playing osu! for less than a month now. I can complete the Hard level maps at my current stage, with a few exceptional hard ones though. So I've been trying out the Insane maps for a couple of days, with the No-Fail mod duh. I'm practicing on certain maps with this mod to learn to cope with the speed.

The gap from Hard to Insane is immense. Can't seem to complete a single one without the mod. For a player who isn't even a month old, should I even be touching them? It does feel easier to complete the Hard level maps after practicing on the Insane ones.

How long did it exactly take you guys to learn to complete Insane maps? Also, a bunch of tips would be really appreciated.
E m i
eh, you're not gonna do good on insanes if you're getting Cs and Bs on hards.
but do whatever you want.

Android34 wrote:

For a player who isn't even a month old, should I even be touching them?
No. From the sounds of it you shouldn't be playing hards either.

osu! focuses on getting full combos with an S rank. Most of your top plays are Bs, which is pathetic.

You should be playing the hardest maps you can consistently Full Combo, not the hardest maps you can pass.
Well, only passing a map is usually not a very hard thing to do, so even if you can pass hard maps, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are good enough to actually "play" hard maps. If you were playing, say, a guitar, and you mess up 1/10th of every song you try to play, you wouldn't consider yourself being able to play the guitar at that level, right? Similarly, getting between 80%-90% (most of your top performance hard maps) isn't really being able to play said difficulty properly. It might be fun to challenge yourself with faster and harder maps when you pass something, but doing so will result in you picking up bad habits (such as mashing or flinging your cursor and hoping you hit), and will make your life much harder later on.

The best thing you can do right now is probably working on your fundamentals until Hard maps are a breeze, and at that point you've probably already done pretty well on a few insanes.
play whatever u can complete and don't rush, for me it took 3-4 months i guess but it's diffrenet from player to another :)
just play and have fun.
and by looking to your profile u got a bad accuracy there..
so basically play maps that u can get B or A on it maybe with a good accuracy as well.. u need to master them no ? ^^"
and for training play something u can hardly clear with a C or u even don't cuz of a few misses.. play them with or without nofail it's up to u.. but don't focus on them.. i mean don't just train 24/7.. have some fun playing something u can do it with a good result
at least that how it is to me

[ Momiji ] wrote:

eh, you're not gonna do good on insanes if you're getting Cs and Bs on hards.
but do whatever you want.
should be getting As and S's
dung eater
missing a circle is a mistake

tapping off rhytm is also a mistake

nobody is perfect (expect those guys who farm ss and dump other scores)

keep these things in mind, try to play better and keep improving :3

and have fun
Play more
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I wasn't aware moving to Insane maps with Bs and Cs in Hard ones would be a bad thing. I was hoping more like, if I can learn to 'cope' with the speed of Insane ones, I'd manage to get As and S's in the Hard ones if I tried them out then.

Like, it worked for me when I coped with the Hard maps and was then able to get As and S's in Normal ones. Shouldn't the same work here?

Android34 wrote:

I wasn't aware moving to Insane maps with Bs and Cs in Hard ones would be a bad thing. I was hoping more like, if I can learn to 'cope' with the speed of Insane ones, I'd manage to get As and S's in the Hard ones if I tried them out then.

Like, it worked for me when I coped with the Hard maps and was then able to get As and S's in Normal ones. Shouldn't the same work here?
No, it will cause you to have bad habits instead, button mashing, shit accuracy etc.

Android34 wrote:

I wasn't aware moving to Insane maps with Bs and Cs in Hard ones would be a bad thing. I was hoping more like, if I can learn to 'cope' with the speed of Insane ones, I'd manage to get As and S's in the Hard ones if I tried them out then.

Like, it worked for me when I coped with the Hard maps and was then able to get As and S's in Normal ones. Shouldn't the same work here?
And is it working for you now? Obviously you wouldn't even need to make a thread about it if it is. Until you can say with absolute confidence that you can FC hard maps with decent accuracy, stick with normal and hard.
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Okay then. I'll take all that into account. The quick replies were appreciated.
Trust me, the only way to be bad at osu is if you spam maps way harder than you can play. It's good you've taken the board's advice to heart.

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Android34 wrote:

For a player who isn't even a month old, should I even be touching them?
No. From the sounds of it you shouldn't be playing hards either.

osu! focuses on getting full combos with an S rank. Most of your top plays are Bs, which is pathetic.

You should be playing the hardest maps you can consistently Full Combo, not the hardest maps you can pass.
First time I hear you saying what I would say and not talking about acc. 8-)

FC gives you most of the pp (Except at high od). Acc lets you squeeze the map dry.
It's hard to acc well on hard maps. It actually gets easier to acc once you start getting into medium insanes and such because you can keep a steady singletapping motion going.

Learning acc is something you can do later, just don't let it fall too low
Keep in mind that you should generally be moving up in star increments(2.8,2.9,3.0,3.1,3.2....), not named difficulty increments(hard, insane, etc). There are plenty of 'hard' songs that are much harder than 'insane' ones so the categorization is not perfect and is also very wide in range.

pandaBee wrote:

Keep in mind that you should generally be moving up in star increments, not named difficulty increments.
I think that the diff spread for easy/normal/hard is too close together. I'd like to see hards = 3.5-4.5 and insane being 4.5-5.5 etc, but that's just my opinion.

pandaBee wrote:

Keep in mind that you should generally be moving up in star increments(2.8,2.9,3.0,3.1,3.2....), not named difficulty increments(hard, insane, etc).
ok let's be honest
how many of you did ^
i know i didn't
E m i
4.5 hards, nice

Kheldragar wrote:

I think that the diff spread for easy/normal/hard is too close together. I'd like to see hards = 3.5-4.5 and insane being 4.5-5.5 etc, but that's just my opinion.
To you maybe. To a beginner it's certainly not. Easy is stuff you play when you first start out and have no idea what you're doing. It's where you learn how to click on time with the approach circles. Normal is where you get introduced to very simple patterns and the AR tends to get higher as well. Hard is osu basics 101. Insane is like intermediate.
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