
miwa - chAngE (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 14. November 2010 at 19:38:37

Artist: miwa
Title: chAngE (TV Size)
Source: BLEACH
Tags: Ichigo Kon Urahara Kuroneko-sHerald
BPM: 165
Filesize: 11464kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bankai (4,57 stars, 196 notes)
  2. Hollow (4,83 stars, 257 notes)
  3. Kuro Shikai (2,31 stars, 95 notes)
  4. Shikai (3,02 stars, 121 notes)
Download: miwa - chAngE (TV Size)
Download: miwa - chAngE (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
All maps finished~
Awesome song and nice map. Star :>
Official ranking criteria: need a easier diff lower than 3 stars.

0:02:940 (1) spacing
0:22:213 (1) spacing, up 1 grid
0:27:667 (3,4) down 1 grid
0:38:031 (5) spacing, right 1 grid
0:54:758 (1~12) resnap it into a stright line

*a bit boring, more patterns of note arrangements can be used

[normal+] HP drain rate -1
0:04:758 (3) spacing
0:08:031 (7,8) spacing, right 1/2 grid

[normal] OA+1

Topic Starter
Hi! Let's mod this :p
I recommend you to put a video-background
Also, don't follow things I say you don't like :D

00:01:122 (2) -
00:01:849 (3) -
00:02:576 (4) -
00:21:849 (2) -
00:22:213 (3) -
00:27:304 (1) -
00:27:667 (2) -
00:29:122 (4) -
00:29:849 (5) -
00:30:213 (6) -
00:31:667 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
00:34:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
... and more
Distance snap all!!

A lot of errors with that, you'll have to move each note again to relocate all. :S
I don't see more errors except that^. Maybe some parts don't follow the rythm but I can't suggest any change.

I recommend you use 1/4 beat snap divisor.
00:29:122 (6) - move 3 grid right and one up.
00:29:849 (7) - distance snap if you do ^
00:30:213 (8) - distance snap if you do ^
00:48:031 (1) - ¿New combo?
00:54:758 (1) - distance snap, it's hard to get there from the previous beat.
01:09:122 (3) - Move to previous white tick and distance snap.
01:09:485 (4) - ^
01:09:849 (5) - ^
01:27:667 (1) - cut this , it should finish on the previos red tick
01:28:031 (1,2,3,4) - move 1 to white tick, and the others, you know :D

I don't like how you confuse people with those disordered streams >_> but it's only my opinion.
00:06:940 (4) - Distance snaping, or it will be confusing. And so the following beats.
00:22:576 (2) - Move one grid up.
01:11:667 (1) - Start on previous white tick, and end here 01:13:849 -
01:17:122 (1) - < Start. End> 01:19:667 -

That's all :D

Nice map and great song :O
Topic Starter

Leeg wrote:

Hi! Let's mod this :p
I recommend you to put a video-background
Also, don't follow things I say you don't like :D

00:01:122 (2) - v
00:01:849 (3) - v
00:02:576 (4) - v
00:21:849 (2) - v
00:22:213 (3) - v
00:27:304 (1) - v
00:27:667 (2) - v
00:29:122 (4) - v
00:29:849 (5) - v
00:30:213 (6) - *fixed* everything @1x spacing now
00:31:667 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - its 1x spacing from here^^
00:34:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
... and more ^
Distance snap all!!

A lot of errors with that, you'll have to move each note again to relocate all. :S
I don't see more errors except that^. Maybe some parts don't follow the rythm but I can't suggest any change.

I recommend you use 1/4 beat snap divisor.
00:29:122 (6) - move 3 grid right and one up.
00:29:849 (7) - distance snap if you do ^
00:30:213 (8) - distance snap if you do ^
00:48:031 (1) - ¿New combo?
00:54:758 (1) - distance snap, it's hard to get there from the previous beat.
01:09:122 (3) - Move to previous white tick and distance snap.
01:09:485 (4) - ^
01:09:849 (5) - ^
01:27:667 (1) - cut this , it should finish on the previos red tick in the song it's 3 short and 1 long guitar riff(? dunno if its called so in english), sounds scary if i remove the last short one ö.ö
01:28:031 (1,2,3,4) - move 1 to white tick, and the others, you know :D ^

I don't like how you confuse people with those disordered streams >_> but it's only my opinion.
00:06:940 (4) - Distance snaping, or it will be confusing. And so the following beats.
00:22:576 (2) - Move one grid up.
01:11:667 (1) - Start on previous white tick, and end here 01:13:849 -
01:17:122 (1) - < Start. End> 01:19:667 -

That's all :D

Nice map and great song :O

Leeg wrote:

Hi! Let's mod this :p
I recommend you to put a video-background
Also, don't follow things I say you don't like :D

00:01:122 (2) -
00:01:849 (3) -
00:02:576 (4) -
00:21:849 (2) -
00:22:213 (3) -
00:27:304 (1) -
00:27:667 (2) -
00:29:122 (4) -
00:29:849 (5) -
00:30:213 (6) -
00:31:667 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
00:34:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
... and more
Distance snap all!!

A lot of errors with that, you'll have to move each note again to relocate all. :S
I don't see more errors except that^. Maybe some parts don't follow the rythm but I can't suggest any change.

I recommend you use 1/4 beat snap divisor.
00:29:122 (6) - move 3 grid right and one up.
00:29:849 (7) - distance snap if you do ^
00:30:213 (8) - distance snap if you do ^
00:48:031 (1) - ¿New combo?
00:54:758 (1) - distance snap, it's hard to get there from the previous beat.
01:09:122 (3) - Move to previous white tick and distance snap.
01:09:485 (4) - ^
01:09:849 (5) - ^
01:27:667 (1) - cut this , it should finish on the previos red tick
01:28:031 (1,2,3,4) - move 1 to white tick, and the others, you know :D

I don't like how you confuse people with those disordered streams >_> but it's only my opinion.
00:06:940 (4) - Distance snaping, or it will be confusing. And so the following beats.
00:22:576 (2) - Move one grid up.
01:11:667 (1) - Start on previous white tick, and end here 01:13:849 -
01:17:122 (1) - < Start. End> 01:19:667 -

That's all :D

Nice map and great song :O
It's good idea. Put video dawg ~.~
Topic Starter
Meow meow~! ^^
What's the point of having a Normal and a Normal+?

Since you like +s on diffs i'd say this is an Easy+

Uhh... why not just rename this to Hard? oh but you already have one ._. i dunno it's just odd to me

Ok this is an insane...

But nevertheless nice map! +Star The diffs are just ehh... well... weird

-Artist: Naoki-T
-Titel: chAngE
-Source: Bleach (kein OP, du kannst aber in den Tags "Opening X (X= Das wievielte Opening)" hinzufügen)
Sound Qualität ist nicht gut : /
Lied hört zu aprubt auf.
Die Circles und Sliders sind manchmal ziemlich zufällig plaziert. Vielleicht machste nochmal ein paar Stellen neu.
Skin und Hitsounds sind jedoch gut. (Haste den Skin selber gemacht? Wenn ja - Respekt!)
Benutze die gleichen Combo Farben für alle Diffs.
Du kannst nicht die eine Diff. in 1/2, 1/4 snappen und die andere in 1/6.

Hitsounds sind zu laut.

00:07:667 (2) - Ein Tick nach oben.
00:10:940 (1) - Lass den Spinner hier enden.
00:54:213 (1) - Solche Spacings sind nichts für Normals.
00:54:758 (1) - .. Also ein bisschen einfallsreicher geht's dann schon oder?
01:06:395 (1,2) - ^

Bitte geh die gesamte Map nochmal durch und guck was du verbessern könntest..

Die anderen Schwierigkeiten haben ähnliche Probleme.

Remappe am besten nochmal die Maps, da sie doch ziemlich zufällig gemappt wurden.
Topic Starter

Xero_HT wrote:


-Artist: Naoki-T ok, stimmt 'miwa' heißt das album. auch grad gemerkt
-Titel: chAngE well, its the same. waiting for a BAT to approve that the title's characters have to be 1:1
-Source: Bleach (kein OP, du kannst aber in den Tags "Opening X (X= Das wievielte Opening)" hinzufügen)ok
Sound Qualität ist nicht gut : /ich weiß nicht was du hast, ist ganz normal oO?
Lied hört zu aprubt auf.da es ein opening song ist, ist es tv-size!
Die Circles und Sliders sind manchmal ziemlich zufällig plaziert. Vielleicht machste nochmal ein paar Stellen neu.nö ôo
Skin und Hitsounds sind jedoch gut. (Haste den Skin selber gemacht? Wenn ja - Respekt!)jop, nen ganzen abend dran gesessen^^
Benutze die gleichen Combo Farben für alle Diffs.die farben hab ich entsprechend den hintergrundbildern gewählt. find sie ok
Du kannst nicht die eine Diff. in 1/2, 1/4 snappen und die andere in 1/6. klar, das ist der sinn von verschiedenen diffs. oder hast du schonmal ein hard, insane oder lunatic auf 1/1 gesehen, weil easy auch 1/1 war oO?

Hitsounds sind zu laut. find ich nicht. nur die am anfang, hab die runtergeschraubt

00:07:667 (2) - Ein Tick nach oben. h8 'nazi' mods...
00:10:940 (1) - Lass den Spinner hier enden. ???
00:54:213 (1) - Solche Spacings sind nichts für Normals.zu klein oder wie oO? ist ein neuer combo. solange der abstand nicht zu extrem ist ists in ordnung. und der abstand hier ist ja wohl ohne jegliche probleme zu erreichen!
00:54:758 (1) - .. Also ein bisschen einfallsreicher geht's dann schon oder? siehe mod post vor dir und weiter oben (glaub erster mod post). die map ist eigentlich easy und ranked kriterium ist mindestens eine map mit <3 sternen
01:06:395 (1,2) - ^^

Bitte geh die gesamte Map nochmal durch und guck was du verbessern könntest..finde alle in ordnung. lassen sich ohne probs spielen, sind nicht zu einfach und nicht zu schwer.

Die anderen Schwierigkeiten haben ähnliche Probleme.find ich nicht ö,ö

Remappe am besten nochmal die Maps, da sie doch ziemlich zufällig gemappt wurden. nope
Danke für deine Mühe ;) ~

Xero_HT wrote:

-Titel: chAngE
I agree with Xero_HT.

Source should be BLEACH.

Is not Easy :o Try to semplify it.
Decrease HP Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty by one.
00:52:395 (3) - Move at 00:52:213 (3) - ??
00:54:758 (1) - Too long. Try to divide it or to do something else.Example:

01:24:940 (5) - Overlap this with 01:24:395 (4) -
01:26:213 (2) - Overlap this with 01:25:667 (1) -
01:27:667 (3) - Overlap this with 01:27:485 (2) -

This is Hard

Topic Starter

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

Xero_HT wrote:

-Titel: chAngE ok
I agree with Xero_HT.

Source should be BLEACH. i'll leave it as it is

Is not Easy :o Try to semplify it. oO even my little sister was able to play this without probs and she never played osu b4 ôo
Decrease HP Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty by one. ok
00:52:395 (3) - Move at 00:52:213 (3) - ?? nope
00:54:758 (1) - Too long. Try to divide it or to do something else.Example[...] ok

01:24:940 (5) - Overlap this with 01:24:395 (4) - nope
01:26:213 (2) - Overlap this with 01:25:667 (1) - ok
01:27:667 (3) - Overlap this with 01:27:485 (2) - ok

This is Hard what exactly is hard in this diff?

-Naoki-T - chAngE (TV Size) (Sekuyi).osb delete this. (and full submit)
-Look for better bg's (1024x768), bg_ichigo.jpeg is 800x500 how I say before please use 1024x768 or 800x600.
-Add some tags like Ichigo :P

-00:51:849 (2) move this to 00:51:667 and add a circle in 00:52:031.
-00:53:849 uhm maybe unncesary, and I think that is hard for a easy diff.

-00:06:031 (2) delete this circle, 00:05:849 (1) remove new combo and add new combo here 00:06:213.

-mmm.. maybe hard of read =/ but nothing important.

Can I do a diff? :D
Topic Starter

Astom wrote:

-Naoki-T - chAngE (TV Size) (Sekuyi).osb delete this. (and full submit) ok
-Look for better bg's (1024x768), bg_ichigo.jpeg is 800x500 how I say before please use 1024x768 or 800x600. looks like I made a mistake when typing '600' thanks :D
-Add some tags like Ichigo :P k, same tags added

-00:51:849 (2) move this to 00:51:667 and add a circle in 00:52:031. nonono xD I want it to be like this
-00:53:849 uhm maybe unncesary, and I think that is hard for a easy diff. meant the spacing to the note placed at the vocal start? fixed it now with distance snap!

-00:06:031 (2) delete this circle, 00:05:849 (1) remove new combo and add new combo here 00:06:213. ok

-mmm.. maybe hard of read =/ but nothing important.

@Neko: Sure you can^^
Topic Starter
Sekuyi's good, and rly 'Easy' ^^ but the rythm at 00:19:485 (1,2,3) is weird. I see you want to place them according to the vocals, but they are kinda off beat. on 1/8 beats with +1/8 beat for (1) and (2) it sounds better I think, check plz :D
Topic Starter
Ok, that'd do too ^^
Updated~! (*cough*just a few seconds)
Tag should be Kuroneko-sHerald :roll:
Good song.
Star :3

Can I do a Taiko insane diff?
Topic Starter
Thanks for star matthewhln :)

Sure you can, but I won't add it - sry...4 Maps are enough for now.
But if you are interested, you can make a Taiko diff for another song I am working on atm ^^ for more info just pm ;)

Sekuyi wrote:

Thanks for star matthewhln :)

Sure you can, but I won't add it - sry...4 Maps are enough for now.
But if you are interested, you can make a Taiko diff for another song I am working on atm ^^ for more info just pm ;)
That's ok :3
Since I can't make that diff with this song well easily lol

Take good care :)

PS:If I finally finished, I may just put here and let it be (for someone who may want it) lol

all fine with me
Topic Starter
Oh come on ... no ignorance for new mappers please <.<
Seeing other maps getting approved in 1~2 days and waiting days/weeks to even get a respond for your own map(s) is really frustrating...
~Kuro Easy~
Add more hitsounds.

01:10:667 (1) - start on red tick

01:10:667 (1) - start on red tick

00:58:576 (9) - new combo
01:03:667 (8) - ^
01:08:395 (6,1) - kind of random jump, I don't like it - -"

Topic Starter
thx^^ done~

DJPop wrote:

~Kuro Easy~
Add more hitsounds. Done.
Download: Naoki-T - chAngE (TV Size) (Sekuyi) [Kuro Easy].osu
Topic Starter
The moment i Downloaded this map I though of trying Hard out.
I made many mistakes and tried to do Hard rock on it
I made lesser mistakes and it was apparently much easyer
So if I could say would you put Overall higher at hard :P?

Anyway Star

Kuro Easy
- End the Second Kiai time in 01:12:395

00:41:485 (5) - Clap
00:47:667 (6) - Kill Finishes, and increase 1 Reverse
00:51:122 (1) - Kill Finish
01:23:485 (1) - End at 01:25:485
01:25:667 (1) - If you accept ^, Start at 01:25:849 (End at the same place)

00:24:758 (4) - Clap in start, no Clap in the middle
00:27:667 (2) - ^
00:52:395 (3) - No Finish
01:00:031 (1) - Jump in Easy? (Not a big distance though..)
01:08:758 (1) - 1 Grid Right
01:09:849 (4,5) - 1 Grid Down
01:24:395 (4,5) - 1 Grid Left

00:27:667 (3) - Distance
00:31:304 ~ 00:36:395 - I saw this in [Easy]..?
00:52:395 (3) - No Finish

- IMO, Custom Hit Colors hurt my eyes.

00:45:304 (1,3,5) - No Whistle
00:46:758 (1) - No Whistle at the end
00:52:395 (3) - No Finish

Topic Starter

sonnyc wrote:


Kuro Easy
- End the Second Kiai time in 01:12:395ok

00:41:485 (5) - Clap ok
00:47:667 (6) - Kill Finishes, and increase 1 Reverseok to the first
00:51:122 (1) - Kill Finishok
01:23:485 (1) - End at 01:25:485
01:25:667 (1) - If you accept ^, Start at 01:25:849 (End at the same place)

00:24:758 (4) - Clap in start, no Clap in the middlechanged the claps. start is also wrong, 'coz it's 4/4 for the claps in this part^^
00:27:667 (2) - ^
00:52:395 (3) - No Finish ok
01:00:031 (1) - Jump in Easy? (Not a big distance though..)
01:08:758 (1) - 1 Grid Right ok
01:09:849 (4,5) - 1 Grid Down ok
01:24:395 (4,5) - 1 Grid Left ok

00:27:667 (3) - Distanceok
00:31:304 ~ 00:36:395 - I saw this in [Easy]..? yep
00:52:395 (3) - No Finish ok

- IMO, Custom Hit Colors hurt my eyes. lol

00:45:304 (1,3,5) - No Whistle ok
00:46:758 (1) - No Whistle at the end ok
00:52:395 (3) - No Finish ok

Thx~! :3
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.


  • • 00:30:213 (6,1) - I don't like this jump: keep "Distance Snap" active and fix the spacing
    • 00:33:849 (1) - Remove "New combo"
    • 00:36:758 (1) - ^

    • 00:51:849 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - Delete these circles and add a spinner (start: 00:52:031 // end: 00:54:213)
    • 01:24:940 (5) - Move this circle here 01:25:122 (white tick)
    • 01:25:304 (6) - Move this circle here 01:25:485 (white tick)
    • 01:25:667 (1) - Move this slider 1/2 later. Also, delete this slider 01:26:213 (2) and add a circle here 01:26:576 (white tick)
    • 01:27:122 (1) - Move this circle here 01:26:940 (white tick)
    • 01:27:485 (2) - Move this circle here 01:27:304 (white tick)

  • • 00:33:849 (1) - Remove "New combo"
    • 00:36:758 (1) - ^
    • 01:27:667 (1) - ^
    • 01:28:213 (1) - ^
Topic Starter
Thanks :D
All done~!
Since you have changed diffs name, I have some suggests:

Change from "bankai" to "hollow" and viceversa? As someone suggested in others bleach maps an hollow isn't more powerful than a bankai.
Can you change my diff from "Kuro Easy" to "Kuro Shikai" or something else? :D
Topic Starter
Well, telling from the looks ichigo's undeveloped hollow form is way stronger than bankai. Don't want to start talking about his ultimate form - which is also hollow ;)

Changed yours, currently uploading~ finished

Sekuyi wrote:

Well, telling from the looks ichigo's undeveloped hollow form is way stronger than bankai. Don't want to start talking about his ultimate form - which is also hollow ;)
That was the same thing that I said when someone tell me to change diffs' name lol
You can leave the names unchanged, btw, because there isn't "ichigo" before the name (for example "Ichigo's Bankai") it would be more correct to put as I said :P

Sekuyi wrote:

Changed yours, currently uploading~ finished
Thanks :D
Bleach :)
Topic Starter
Thankies for star -^.^-

00:01:849 (9) - New combo.

00:58:576 (7) - New combo.

00:48:031 (6) - New combo.

•Kuro Shikai•

Topic Starter

Kecco wrote:


00:01:849 (9) - New combo.

00:58:576 (7) - New combo. ok

00:48:031 (6) - New combo. ok

•Kuro Shikai•

Thanks ^^
Not perfect (of course...), but still, I like it :D

If I had to give you an advice, I'd say you should work on the sounds...

Anyway :

[Kuro Shinkai]
00:34:940 - Add note here?
00:54:213 (1) - Start KIAI right here?
01:05:849 (1) - ^

00:10:940 (1) - Start with 00:11:122 ?
00:52:031 (1) - Start with 00:52:576 and filled the blank with notes?
01:14:213 - Add notes in this break and next one?

Hitsound mod
00:32:395 (4) - Clap?
00:33:849 (8) - ^
00:35:304 (4) - ^
00:36:758 (8) - ^
00:38:213 - ^
00:39:667 - ^
00:40:395 (2) - Remove clap?
00:41:122 - Clap?
00:42:576 (6) - ^
00:10:940 (1) - Start with 00:11:122 ?
00:21:849 (1) - From here,the hitsound pattern changed,I perfre the one before here~
00:54:758 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - I really don't like this long stream...
00:58:031 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:14:213 - Add notes in this break and next one?

OD lv.7?
Arrange hitsound well?Try hitsound pattern?
01:14:213 - Add notes in this break and next one?

Combo mod
00:01:849 (9) - New combo?
00:02:940 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:03:304 (3,1) - Switch new combo?
00:04:758 (6) - New combo?
00:05:849 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:06:213 (3) - New combo?
00:07:667 (8) - ^
00:26:940 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:28:395 (4) - New combo?
Work hard~
Topic Starter

kino77 wrote:


00:10:940 (1) - Start with 00:11:122 ? ok
00:52:031 (1) - Start with 00:52:576 and filled the blank with notes?
01:14:213 - Add notes in this break and next one? ok

Hitsound mod
00:32:395 (4) - Clap? ok, same for the rest^^
00:33:849 (8) - ^
00:35:304 (4) - ^
00:36:758 (8) - ^
00:38:213 - ^
00:39:667 - ^
00:40:395 (2) - Remove clap?
00:41:122 - Clap?
00:42:576 (6) - ^
00:10:940 (1) - Start with 00:11:122 ? ok
00:21:849 (1) - From here,the hitsound pattern changed,I perfre the one before here~ fixed :)
00:54:758 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - I really don't like this long stream...
00:58:031 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:14:213 - Add notes in this break and next one? ok

OD lv.7? true, a bit low. set it +1^^
Arrange hitsound well?Try hitsound pattern? did some changes^^
01:14:213 - Add notes in this break and next one? done

Combo mod
00:01:849 (9) - New combo? ok, with all. for other changes the text after suggestion
00:02:940 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:03:304 (3,1) - Switch new combo?
00:04:758 (6) - New combo?
00:05:849 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:06:213 (3) - New combo? made it @00:06:940
00:07:667 (8) - ^ no new here (^)
00:26:940 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:28:395 (4) - New combo?
Work hard~
Thank you very much! <3

kino77 wrote:


[Kuro Shikai]
00:34:940 - Add note here? Done.
00:54:213 (1) - Start KIAI right here? Done.
01:05:849 (1) - ^ Done.
Download: Naoki-T - chAngE (TV Size) (Sekuyi) [Kuro Shikai].osu
Topic Starter
Files updated~!

[Kuro Shikai]
00:31:849 - Add a note?
01:06:395 (2) - Well,notes are out.My suggestion is to put a circle 01:06:395 and move this slider to 01:06:576.

01:00:758 (2) - Allign better.

01:16:758 (7) - Allign better.

00:38:576 (8) - 1 grid right.
01:11:304 (3,4) - Pick 01:10:758 (1,2),then Ctrl+C --> Ctrl+V --> Edit --> Flip Vertically.

Good luck,star~
Topic Starter

SadKangaroo wrote:


01:00:758 (2) - Allign better. wouldn't know why. it's ok that way

01:16:758 (7) - Allign better. ^

00:38:576 (8) - 1 grid right. ok
01:11:304 (3,4) - Pick 01:10:758 (1,2),then Ctrl+C --> Ctrl+V --> Edit --> Flip Vertically. fixed

Good luck,star~
Thanks <3

SadKangaroo wrote:

[Kuro Shikai]
00:31:849 - Add a note? No.
01:06:395 (2) - Well,notes are out.My suggestion is to put a circle 01:06:395 and move this slider to 01:06:576. Done.
Download: Naoki-T - chAngE (TV Size) (Sekuyi) [Kuro Shikai].osu
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