
osu! World Cup 2014 - Mappool Discussion

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Vuelo Eluko

Broodich wrote:

My guess for finals
Image Material
Rainbow Dash
Atama no Taisou
Big Black
Holy Orders

Fallen World

Hard Rock:
Mad Machine
Senketsu no Chikai

Hoshizora SS

Intersect Tunderbolt Exceed

Tie Breaker:
gonna laugh if we end up going back to MP during one of the maps because all of one side failed.
My body is readyyyy
Note to the casters: that RLC diff's song title should be "Mushikui Psychedelism" not "Mushikui Saikede Rhythm" according to some comments maybe someone can check that.

Does somebody else feel like the gap between the maps in this same map pool is too high? I mean, Time Bomb and Koigokoro are on the same phase lol. The nomod/hidden bracket also seem A LOT easier than Time Bomb (idk about the other brackets because I've never played most of those maps). Maybe that's just me overestimating 175bpm ar9 + dt though, people seem to play crazy stuff all the time after all.

It is a shame Shott won't be able to play Time Bomb on the owc :(

tfg50 wrote:

Note to the casters: that RLC diff's song title should be "Mushikui Psychedelism" not "Mushikui Saikede Rhythm" according to some comments maybe someone can check that.

Does somebody else feel like the gap between the maps in this same map pool is too high? I mean, Time Bomb and Koigokoro are on the same phase lol. The nomod/hidden bracket also seem A LOT easier than Time Bomb (idk about the other brackets because I've never played most of those maps). Maybe that's just me overestimating 175bpm ar9 + dt though, people seem to play crazy stuff all the time after all.

It is a shame Shott won't be able to play Time Bomb on the owc :(
the map itself is called that, changing it would cause quite a bit of confusion

Broodich wrote:

My guess for finals
Image Material
Rainbow Dash
Atama no Taisou
Big Black
Holy Orders

Fallen World

Hard Rock:
Mad Machine
Senketsu no Chikai

Hoshizora SS

Intersect Tunderbolt Exceed

Tie Breaker:
why no elemental creation?
Germany vs Japan on tiebreaker FREEDOM DiVE. That would be something.
Cherry Blossom

GladiOol wrote:

to sort out the men, from the boys.
Well, it looks like we're coming to the end, so far so good, but do you really think you have what it takes to compete with the mighty scratch perverts ?
Let's could be a step too far.

dat groundhog

Xytox wrote:

Germany vs Japan on tiebreaker FREEDOM DiVE. That would be something.
Well this would be pretty much a match between rrtyui and cptnXn, but yeah would still be amazing to see it
no it wouldnt
I'm very happy with the difficulty of the current map pool, buuuut I think there maybe should be a few more super fast beatmaps now. Aim-heavy maps are very prominent while there is literally just 1 high speed map. This is very unfortunate especially for our team with players like Dustice, cptnXn, Splinter and BDDav who excel greatly at that aspect.

I don't think I should be able to play on par or even above players considerably above my skill level in the semi-finals of a world yup. :P

(Also I'm in love with Heisei Cataclysm, thank you so much for putting that in, especially with Hidden! <3)
I agree with Tom, too much aim maps compared to speed maps. The maps itself are really nice but the balance could be better.
I'm yet to play the maps from the pool.

What already killed my motivation is the songs.

Too many (7!) vocaloids which are hard to stand. All of them are nauseous.

I can see some bad picks in overall.

naotyu is too short and has like one hard part

Koigokoro is among the most boring maps ever created

Some are just simply not fun to play.

Could be worse though.
yeah we do need more English

AmaiHachimitsu wrote:

I'm yet to play the maps from the pool.

What already killed my motivation is the songs.

Too many (7!) vocaloids which are hard to stand. All of them are nauseous.

I can see some bad picks in overall.

naotyu is too short and has like one hard part

Koigokoro is among the most boring maps ever created

Some are just simply not fun to play.

Could be worse though.
Okay. I admit that we picked too much songs from vocaloids. (Make that 5 because 2 are from Utaite or Singer :) )

However, I will just take that as your opinion (specially about your personal preferences.), not a criticism.

Well, I'd like to have more opinions like that, and you are always free to make suggestions as well.

and about the diversity of the map pool, we'll make sure that we will do our best.

(Gladi's opinion might be different from mine so I will leave the subject as I.)
moar stream maps

saving the good ones for finals rite
finals will get more cohesion between jumps and streams. as far as the ''english'' aspect goes; i can't really work with that. most maps of the right difficulty are either japanese or instrumental. that's just the way it is.

as far as your animo (as the dutch would say) goes amai, i really could not care less. if this maplist would consist of maps that i'd consider fun, nearly 0 of the ones used would be in it, hence it's redundant to even bring the word ''fun'' up. i'm here to create a consistent / good maplist that depicts a certain set of skill appropriate for the round currently being played.

please do remember you can ban maps as well - you are not 100% forced to play a certain map. you have a say in it. in both picking and banning.

GladiOol wrote:

finals will get more cohesion between jumps and streams. as far as the ''english'' aspect goes; i can't really work with that. most maps of the right difficulty are either japanese or instrumental. that's just the way it is.

as far as your animo (as the dutch would say) goes amai, i really could not care less. if this maplist would consist of maps that i'd consider fun, nearly 0 of the ones used would be in it, hence it's redundant to even bring the word ''fun'' up. i'm here to create a consistent / good maplist that depicts a certain set of skill appropriate for the round currently being played.

please do remember you can ban maps as well - you are not 100% forced to play a certain map. you have a say in it. in both picking and banning.
let's ban them maps because they're Vocaloids, 10/10 tactical planning xD
Yeah don't take the English comment too seriously, the maps are fine

fartownik wrote:

IMO the tournament would use another mappool solely for the Final and 3rd Place match. Currently the Final mappool will be overplayed by the finalist coming out of Loser's Bracket (if that team is not the loser of Winner's Bracket final, but that also is a problem -> see next sentence). Also, there's a high chance the main Final will be the same as the final of the Winner's Bracket and it would be kinda weird to see the exact same match played with the exact same mappool, but a week later.
grand finals is now finals no mod + dt

if we had a different mappool for each progressive final with progressing difficulty (hard since no mod maps can't really get any harder than this), it would be amazing to watch
I guess the difficulty gap is ALREADY fine, even for the finals. There hasn't been much FCs in the losers' bracket and I don't expect a lot in the winners' as well. The only brackets that could get harder and still be FCable/not random "who gets less misses" contests are DoubleTime and the Tiebreaker. The DTs could get faster (in terms of speed and AR) and the tiebreaker could simply get harder as a whole. Rest of the maps seem like everyone can miss and everyone can FC depending on the form of the day (except a few nomods).

The Final of Finals mappool should be at the same level as the Finals mappool (imo). Please add this, it will be so much better with a separate pool for the grand final.

fartownik wrote:

I guess the difficulty gap is ALREADY fine, even for the finals. There hasn't been much FCs in the losers' bracket and I don't expect a lot in the winners' as well. The only brackets that could get harder and still be FCable/not random "who gets less misses" contests are DoubleTime and the Tiebreaker. The DTs could get faster (in terms of speed and AR) and the tiebreaker could simply get harder as a whole. Rest of the maps seem like everyone can miss and everyone can FC depending on the form of the day (except a few nomods).

The Final of Finals mappool should be at the same level as the Finals mappool (imo). Please add this, it will be so much better with a separate pool for the grand final.
The thing is, that many players excel at being consistent at difficulties / speeds where other players break down completely. I don't think "everybody does random misses" is a good point for stopping to increase the difficulty.

Many, many players who for instance excel at high speeds such as 260 bpm deathstreams or even longer 220+ bpm streams never even had the opportunity to show where they shine. Same with high BPM screenjumps.
Topic Starter
Pool for both final weeks is out! *runs quickly before getting killed*
dear lord
I love how there is only 1 10.3 map and no cs 5 no mod but a cs 5 hr map.
My worst and my best ranked map in the same mappool

I'm fine with that
I jizzed a little when seeing the finals mappool.
Yay my map!

Xanandra wrote:

Yay my map!
omg not japanese pls remove

also, is there actually another mappool coming out? or am i being confused?
awesome :D
I love the tiebreaker so much.
Lol, Chloe's BIRTH is a fun one. Good luck with the spaced streams in the kiai and the deathstream in the middle.
Just wondering is there gonna be a different map pool if theres a grand final rematch
Topic Starter
You could simply read my post...

Loctav wrote:

You could simply read my post...
Oh sorry must've misread it... Thanks for the reminder.
omg that song variety

Kloyd hype
My opinion on this final Mappool

- Extremly wide Music variety.
Classics like Bomfunk, Electric Music like the Tiebreaker or Undead Corp. Even a Leaf Track is in. Kudos
- Really really difficulty
This time the diff focus wasn´t set on star-rating or jump(Airman)/stream(sola) problems, instead this time its all about holding the Combo and getting a fc.


- OWC is over soon
When you know that those Maps are part of the hardest mappool, you slowly realize that OWC will be over soon...:( :(

i like how scarlet rose is being saved as the tiebreaker for grand finals
Topic Starter

ImMadeInChina wrote:

i like how scarlet rose is being saved as the tiebreaker for grand finals
THere is no other mappool
WOW! That maps at the finals :D

go go go germany you can do it :3

Loctav wrote:

You could simply read my post...
Is there any post explaining WHY there's no separate mappool for the final? Can't seem to find it.
This mappool is far better than the previous one, but I still see some mispicks

Hardrock bracket is easier than the ro16 and please don't try to convince me that it's only my opinion/preference

I don't really know if you've been picking maps with an FC probability component included. Some maps from the pool are quite easy to get good combo on, but they are TROLL at one moment or even worse, at the end and even the best of the best can fail the map.

Yggdrasil, the map itself is not hard, but it has one heck of a spaced stream at the end, half of the teams fail.
BIRTH is the same (though nobody should fail it), actually one spaced stream doing the job
Red Goose (the stupidest pick of them all) is the same, the kiai and the bigblacksliders + stupidly shaped stream will break the fuck of the combo virtually EVERY time.
On a side note, Encryption often won't let you revive because it ends with a slow down. You didn't think about it did you

Back to HRs being too easy.

Lifetheory's song is a joke when I compare it to Reiwai Terrorism, the gap is too broad. As I said before, ro16 picks were harder (to FC) than Angel.

And apart from that, thanks for the effort put in. You did good job making this tournament at least a little bit enjoyable.
I agree that the HR maps are too easy
I vote for Luv Letter HR
Still liked the cs5+HR idea, it's like the 10.3 of HardRock

fartownik wrote:

Loctav wrote:

You could simply read my post...
Is there any post explaining WHY there's no separate mappool for the final? Can't seem to find it.
Vuelo Eluko
Wtf why yggdrasil, the map really is pretty easy until that hellscape of a stream at the end

AmaiHachimitsu wrote:

Yggdrasil, the map itself is not hard, but it has one heck of a spaced stream at the end, half of the teams fail.
On a side note, Encryption often won't let you revive because it ends with a slow down. You didn't think about it did you
I feel like seeing such strong teams as Korea and Japan battling it out in the loser bracket confirms my (and various others') point of the first few map pools being too easy, making some high-end teams drop out for a few random misses.

Fighting Korea on the later map pool would certainly have been a much harder task than it was in group stages or one of the earlier map pools for instance.
I think Japan lost because they didn't have their starplayer (rrtyui) at the moment versus Sweden.
I'm still hoping for a new mappool for the grand finals... inb4 rrtyui goes 4/4 on fc Yggdrasil lol

tryaway wrote:

I think Japan lost because they didn't have their starplayer (rrtyui) at the moment versus Sweden.
As much as I'd like to agree with this, I just can't.

I see people mentioning rrtyui all the time all over the place; that he is the reason why Sweden was able to win. But you have to remember a team is compromised of 4 players, not rrtyui. He is a very good player no doubt about it, and he proved it in his last match like, god I don't even know what to say about his performance. But a single player can't carry an entire team on his shoulders, especially not with the mappool that we went up against them with, and this is what most don't seem to understand.

I know someone is gonna bite me for saying this, but I am very sure we would still have won, or at the very least, had a very decent chance at beating Japan even if rrtyui was around to play for them. Why? Because the maps were fairly easy, and we had as much a risk of missing as they had. We had the sufficient skills to FC these maps, just like Japan had. It was a matter of who made the most chokes.

If we met Japan with the same mappool as Germany did, Japan's skill level would have shined much brighter. They still have a risk of choking on maps of course, but they would have the skills necessary to play those maps consistently, while Sweden wouldn't. So we would probably end up missing on many more maps compared to Japan.

See where I'm getting at?
tl;dr : your chance to beat stronger team are much bigger on the early stage than on the latter stage because

Xytox wrote:

we had as much a risk of missing as they had. We had the sufficient skills to FC these maps, just like Japan had. It was a matter of who made the most chokes.
Loctav, couldn't you actually come up with some sensible rules regarding the mappools for the finals? Eh, do you even read what we're writing here?

Japan is coming out from loser's bracket already playing the mappools from finals 3 times, now it will be 4, and if they win 1 BO11 it's 5. It's a huge advantage for them to have played the mappool so many times in the official games not gonna hide, but that's not even the case. The final is going to be totally fucking weird if Japan wins the first BO11. If they do, we're just going to play the exact same thing once again. How is it TIEBREAKING, because it will be a tiebreaking bo11 since the result will be 1-1. In Counter-Strike tournaments the team from loser's bracket has to win two BO3s and ALL the maps from those two separate BO3s are different, guess why? Because it would not make sense to put the same exact maps once again into the same match, as it doesn't here.

You had so much fucking time, so many requests to do that. You didn't even bother to actually respond with a proper explanation WHY there's no separate mappool for the finals. Now I'm just thinking it's because of laziness, to be honest.

If you don't want to choose another, new mappool just make us play the mappool from the Semifinals in case Poland loses the first bo11 as a tiebreaker, that'd be more fair.
farto actually makes sense on this one, what's the official stance on this?
maybe Poland can practice the final's map-pool outside of OWC?

I would like to see new maps, seeing the same ones are boring.
Watching two teams fight for 1st place probably in two consecutive matches, using both times same mappool, that was also used in 5 other matches. Oh, its gonna be so much "fun"... I think i will pass live stream and just watch both matches simultaneously to see if players make same mistakes on same notes...
same mappool again? what a joke! I 'm waiting for some super high star beatmaps in the grandfinal and suddenly there is no grandfinal mappool at all.....

B1rd wrote:

maybe Poland can practice the final's map-pool outside of OWC?
You can't even imagine how playing the maps solo and during OWC differ from each other.
that pressure, especially on the Captain

Anyways, I do see advantage in more ways than one on the Japanese side with these having more experience and time due to the same mappool
Well at the same time, Poland gets to see so many of Japan's results on the maps so that should make deciding on the correct picks a lot easier, whereas Japan has much less intelligence on the matter. I'm not saying it's fair, and I completely agree there should be a new mappool, but it's a mixed blessing if anything.
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