- STD only.
- Drain time under 6:00.
- Pending maps, WIP and u get ticket.
- I will skip maps i don't like.
- Mutual Friends & Ticket Holders can request NM Anytime!
- Check M4M maps down below.
- Mod our maps before posting. (M4M)
- Feel free to use your ticket anytime, even when closed.
- GD: Minimum BPM is 175 (130 If i like the song).
- GD: Drain up to 3:50 min.
- GD: TV Size is high priority!
- GD: Your mapping should be decent.
- GD: I only map Insane & Extra.
- GD: You should go for ranked!
- Please use this layout for your request:
[b]NM, M4M or GD?[/b]
- -Tochi
- Keada
- More members would be great :3
M4M Maps
- Liz Triangle - My Desire -Tochi
- Demetori - Dawn of the Dead Keada
Ticket Holders
- Read last post.