
Maximum the Hormone - What's Up, People? ~Full version~

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Louis Cyphre
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 17 марта 2011 г. at 2:23:42

Artist: Maximum the Hormone
Title: What's Up, People?
Source: Death Note
Tags: arien666 shinigami ryuk light misa gladi gladiool lawliet raito
BPM: 161,05
Filesize: 6545kb
Play Time: 04:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aru's 666 Taiko (4,83 stars, 1578 notes)
  2. Gladi (4,83 stars, 821 notes)
  3. Lucifer (5 stars, 981 notes)
Download: Maximum the Hormone - What's Up, People?
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Thanks to Gladi for his difficulty.
Thanks to CheeseWarlock for some skin elements.
Thanks to arien666 for his taiko difficulty.
Timing Help: Doomsday, Card N'FoRcE, Armin, Derekku. Thank you guys.

my old crap difficulty you can find there <-- timing is off btw xD
RED APPLES + RED APPLES diff in special pack :3

Some facts:

1. This map was submitted randomly
2. First time it was mapped in 1/8 snapping and 600 bpm
3. Old Crap version was bubbled
4. This map was remapped 2 times
5. Old crap version was heavily bitch'd in #modhelp
6. Derekku thought, that this would never be approved
7. Some of my friends think, that old crap difficulty is better.
8. First time this was remapped in 1-2 weeks, another time in 1 day.
9. 14 monthes in pending.
10. If you think that you hate this map, then i did good job.
11. If you think that you love this map, then i did good job
12. If you think that i made a mistake in #11 ,then you are wrong.
13. < haha, this map is cursed.
ebanutiy track, ya usralsya :roll:
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Спасибо за звезду :3

Segnaless wrote:

ebanutiy track, ya usralsya :roll:
+1 =/
Already pass :3
Good map. Star :)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks for Starring ^__^
Посмотрим.. :3
I love this music!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Всем спасибо за звёзды :3
А вообще, йухня, честно, говорю как нуб не выносящий инсейны =3
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
А вообще, йухня, честно, говорю как нуб не выносящий инсейны =3

Попробуй вот это :3

Дрима - пасиба за здвезду :3
ае,это вери гуд сонг :3

/me casts Star
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Большое спасибо за звёзды :3
hihi :) Thanks for posted in my queue.

I think timing is out. :x

So many errors in this map. First you must fix BPM&offset, and resnap all notes.Please make notes fit the rhythm.
Next you should use correct spacing. "distance snap" can help you.
Hitsounds are necessary in a beatmap. Please use them in correct place. ;)

no star for now ,sorry. If you fixed this map and it become better,I'll star it.

BTW,there's a diff "No Fail Mode Only" in this map. No notes in this diff ,so you must delete it.

Good luck.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
hihi :) Thanks for posted in my queue.
Thank you too)

I think timing is out. :x
=_=. Always i failed here =_=.

So many errors in this map. First you must fix BPM&offset, and resnap all notes.Please make notes fit the rhythm.
Next you should use correct spacing. "distance snap" can help you.
All circles are snapped already :3 Oke i'll fix it soon :3

Hitsounds are necessary in a beatmap. Please use them in correct place.
Alright. No Problem

BTW,there's a diff "No Fail Mode Only" in this map. No notes in this diff ,so you must delete it.
О_о. I don't have this diff. O__O

Good luck.
thanks a lot for modding ; )
Look at this for timing.

I'm only giving my initial impressions of this map for now, PM me and I'll fully mod it when I have more time.

You need to have some form of consistency with your mapping that actually follows the music. A lot of this just feels like you put 1/8 and 1/4 repeated sliders and just was like, "OH OKAY THAT'S FINE." No, it's not fine, it plays horribly and doesn't follow the music. A lot of what you mapped also doesn't follow the music, it feels like you either over simplify things or you overmap them.

-00:13:141 (1,1,2) - Overmapped to the degree of annoyance. Not creative, not fun, certainly not hard.
-00:24:991 (1,1,1,1) - An example of over simplification. This is a part that really ticks me off, mostly because you have more to work with than the previous section and yet you give it much less. This lacking shows itself pretty damn easily.
-03:51:316 (1,1) - This is an example of such. Instead of really mapping to the music, you just decided, "KICK SLIDERS TO END THIS IS A GOOD IDEA YEP THIS WILL NEVER GET OLD." It not only gets old really fast, but it's a lot easier than you anticipate it being, for there are ways of passing these with ease that are known to any semi-experienced player.

-03:05:866 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This is an instance of overmapping of the highest degree. This is a 1/2 rhythm, nowhere near a full-out 1/4 pattern.
-03:08:866 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^
-03:11:866 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

Also, try to make the map PLAYABLE. Remember that we're not here to watch the map being played, we're here to play the actual map. Stuff like 03:15:766 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and 03:18:766 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) are unreadable, with the latter pretty much being unplayable. 03:21:766 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) is too far of a gap to traverse in that amount of time IMO, especially with that sort of circle size. 03:24:691 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) has less of a gap, but zig-zags are harder to do than straight lines or curves, so this is more unfair than 03:21:766 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).

These are initial impressions. I will give you a full modding when I can get around to doing so.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Look at this for timing.
It is perfect?

Alright, i'll fully change map. Can i pm you after this? ; )

Really thanks for modding. Kudosu +
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
+1 , it's a good song but the BM have bad Spacing :s
Sorry, i'll not put a Star!
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Soon this shit will be approved. I muust get more time
Pff. Seems like I will have to map the song where they sing about Child rape myself then. ( :lol: Noes). Anyways. Gotta love the growling in this song xD

Edit: I'm serious. They have a song about that.. It's called "Chu Chu Lovely" >.>
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Put it to favourite XD
thanks for star :: )
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Fully Changed. Now WIP.
Thanks osuplayer.
If this is not going to be a tag then I suggest you remove all the single note combos. If this is going to be a tag, state it in the difficulty name.

00:31:324 (6,1) - Umm this is unwieldy spacing for a 1/4th jump. It definitely does not flow well.
Same for all the other notes like it.

00:33:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Messy?

Same for all the other combos like it.

00:49:578 (1) - Make this a part of the combo in front of it? So the combos go 7,7,7
00:50:230 (1) - ^
00:50:882 (1) - ^
02:22:251 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I wouldn't stack things like this.
03:58:835 (6) - I believe this ends on the blue tick.
03:59:312 (7) - Remove this. It's an empty note.

You wont ever see me star anything like this.
Nice map, even if some of the sliders are way too fast for the note size.

Also IRC modded. Star
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
If this is not going to be a tag then I suggest you remove all the single note combos. If this is going to be a tag, state it in the difficulty name.
This is gonna be TAG4.

00:31:324 (6,1) - Umm this is unwieldy spacing for a 1/4th jump. It definitely does not flow well.
Same for all the other notes like it. - it's okey

00:33:837 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Messy? <--- i did it especially.
00:49:578 (1) - Make this a part of the combo in front of it? So the combos go 7,7,7 - okey
02:22:251 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - I wouldn't stack things like this. - no
03:58:835 (6) - I believe this ends on the blue tick. - yes :3
03:59:312 (7) - Remove this. It's an empty note. - you'r quit right.

Thanks ^_~
IRC modding, and here's a star
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thank you very much man )))

sorry can't mod maps..umm this insane..yet (yes I'm useless for now XD). But let me know when the other diff are done, I'll happily mod them.

This otaku is very happy that one of her fav op's has been mapped. Played it over 5 times already (ctb of course)....can't say I'm that good, but thats why I really like this map so much, its actually challenging. Although, I did play it on auto for standard.....@_@. Is that even possible? The sliders go zooooooooom. Plus the frequent new combo's forces you to rely more on the approach circles than combo numbers. But I guess it isn't called an insane difficulty for nothing :P

~twinkle twinkle little star~
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
^_~ Thanks Haneii
Oh forgot to tell you...delete the two .osb files...unless you're in the middle of making a story board :)
La Cataline
ух ты, какая песня. <3

02:06:045(3) я бы подняла на одно-два деления выше
03:06:678(2) просто на заметку, такой ноты в песне нет, и это бросилось в глаза. Это конечно инсейн, и все такое, но все же... Короче, мое дело обратить внимание.
03:09:658(2) ^
03:09:658(2) ^
03:15:805(2) нью комбо? и дальше не вижу никакой логики. Почему 9,10,11 оказались наверху, для меня осталось загадкой.

Конец убил.
мапа забавна :D
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
02:06:045(3) я бы подняла на одно-два деления выше
03:06:678(2) просто на заметку, такой ноты в песне нет, и это бросилось в глаза. Это конечно инсейн, и все такое, но все же... Короче, мое дело обратить внимание. < -- ну как бы завершающий триплет. Очень часто такое встретишь в картах.
03:09:658(2) ^ ^
03:09:658(2) ^ ^

Спасибо большое :: )
охеренно *CRAZY*
заметил только один странный фрагмент
01:54:495 - 01:58:966 вот это всё не особо в музыку попадает на мой взгляд, возможно нужно перемаппить
попробуй например слайдеры, которые вверх идут, сдвинуть на одну полосочку вправо (т.е. первый будет начинаться с 01:54:589)
по звучанию намного лучше вроде
ещё до этого промежутка 3 слайдера тоже не попадают в ритм..

в любом случае, стар * карта жестокая)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Тестеры пока довольны. Посмотрим что другие скажут.
Спасибо за звезду :3
офигеть *_* клевая мапа получилась, даже не смотря на то, что в ней черт ногу сломит) канец так вообще жесть о_О
во всяком случае сделана хорошо, только правда смутил момент который написал Crack, а так все шикарно *_*
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
:: )
Hello :D
03:59:328 (n) add spinner?
00:04:033 (3) 1 grid up (grid lv3)
00:07:014 (3) 1 grid right
00:09:994 (3) 1 grid left
00:32:068 (5) 1 grid left
00:55:166 (6,1) 1 grid right
00:56:656 (5,1) ^
01:08:299 (1) ^
01:13:701 (2) ^
01:14:073 (2) 2 grid right
01:15:377 (2) 1 grid right
01:15:750 (2) 2 grid right
01:39:966 (1) 1 grid down
01:40:152 (3) 1 grid up
03:16:457 (9,10,11) 2 grid down
wow... But this is for approval. I don't care.

very difficult :o But thismap is very nice
star :)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Arigato ^_~

00:28:031 to 00:30:452 - I don't think you need all those new combos
00:36:972 to 00:47:217 - same as ^
00:57:649 to 01:06:404 - cut down on some of the new combos again
im not going to name all of ^ just cause its only imo
03:16:984 to 03:21:141 - I don't know what happened, but somethings funny with a slider or was it just me? Just watch it play out. If it did what it did for me, you must fix this (overlapping notes)

nice map
My suggestions:

[No Name Difficulty]

  • 00:13:036(1):Delete this circle
    00:56:997(1):Repeat + 1
    01:10:316:Add a circle
Good map!

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Louis Cyphre
Thanks :: )
Suggestion for the difficulty's name: Ningen Sucker
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Wrong answer but... yeah

[No name difficulty]

General- Add 2x storyboard

00:19:555 (1,4) - Align
00:23:281 (1,4) - ^
00:33:805 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Every damn combo doesn't look neat enough. I don't comments on the jumps but on the arrangements =[
00:42:560 (1) - It's throwing me off
03:51:259 (1 and onwards) - wtflol
is this is possible with one person :o
u might want to think about naming the diff TAG2..or even TAG4

theres also 2 .osb's..remove the Death Note - What's Up, People (Louis Cyphre).osb and use the other to create x2 slider warning because those slider x2 slider are completely random

also..maybe add some tags like L,kira,supernatural or whatever u chose
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