
lol@irc thread

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19:29 < Cyclone|IRC______> i haven't disconnected all day

even if he intentionally added those _______s, I lolled
Detective Tuesday

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

17:59 <Larto> : Done with modding, iOwnage
17:59 <iOwnage> : So what happened?
17:59 <Larto> : Someone set up us the bomb
17:59 <Ekaru> : Well, I don't get why they made the head so... small on the dragon itself, yet flipping huge on the actual toy.

17:59 <Larto> : we get signal
17:59 <Starrodkirby86> : MAIN SCREEN TURN ON
17:59 <Larto> : main screen turn on
17:59 <Larto> : :3
17:59 <Starrodkirby86> : =3
17:59 <Larto> : It's you
18:00 <Larto> : How are you gentlemen
18:00 <Starrodkirby86> : All your base are belong to us <3
18:00 <Larto> : You are on the way to destruction
18:00 <Bubba> : somebody set up us the bomb!

18:00 <RemX25|irc> : what you say
18:00 <Larto> : You have no chance to survive make your time
18:00 <Larto> : hahaha
18:00 <Larto> : :3
18:00 <Starrodkirby86> : Captain!
18:00 <Detective_Tuesday> : we get signal
18:00 <awp> : Yeah, I can't complain

18:00 <Starrodkirby86> : Take off every zig.
18:00 <An64fan> : Okay, that is WEIRD>

18:01 <Starrodkirby86> : You know what you doing!
18:01 <Starrodkirby86> : Move zig!
18:01 <iOwnage> : what did you do to the beatmap Larto?
18:01 <Larto> : I didn't do anything, just read my post :D

18:01 <kingcobra52> : for great justice!
18:01 <Starrodkirby86> : <3

Smallfonted the notnecessary sentences :B

All your base your base...base...base...
How is "we get signal" not necessary? >.>

Wait... I was way out of order on that one.
Irrelevant lines removed.

00:55 <Rolled> : whats up with bancho dcs
00:55 <Rolled> : holy fuckk
00:56 <foulcoon> : nothing wrong with bancho
00:56 <foulcoon> : the internet is broken right now
00:57 <peppy> : Rolled: its not bancho
00:57 <Rolled> : what is it
00:57 <Rolled> : what is it
00:57 <foulcoon> : lol
00:57 <peppy> : !uptime
00:57 <BanchoBot> : osu!Bancho 14:55:31 up 1 days, 09:23, 184 users, 3 games
00:57 <foulcoon> : i know
00:57 <Rolled> : so whats the deal with fucking everybody
00:58 <peppy> : go traceroute next time it happens
00:58 <peppy> : and observe what you see
00:58 <Ace_Of_Hearts> : Yes, I'd love to know exactly what's wrong with Bancho this last hour.
00:58 <Ace_Of_Hearts> : DO tell.
00:58 <peppy> : 14:57 < peppy> Rolled: its not bancho
00:58 <peppy> : 14:57 < peppy> !uptime
00:58 <peppy> : 14:57 < BanchoBot> osu!Bancho 14:55:31 up 1 days, 09:23, 184 users, 3 games
00:58 <peppy> : 14:58 < peppy> go traceroute next time it happens
00:58 <peppy> : 14:58 < peppy> and observe what you see
00:58 <Bubba> : which means...?
00:59 <peppy> : 14:58 < peppy> 14:57 < peppy> Rolled: its not bancho
00:59 <Ace_Of_Hearts> : Yeah. I'm clueless.
00:59 <peppy> : !g traceroute
00:59 <BanchoBot> :
00:59 <peppy> : !g how the internet works
00:59 <BanchoBot> : ... rnet+works
00:59 <peppy> : !g packet loss
00:59 <BanchoBot> :
00:59 <peppy> : there's a few links that might help
00:59 <Bubba> : translation?
00:59 <foulcoon> : your connection to bancho goes through multiple routers
00:59 <foulcoon> : one is being gay
01:00 <peppy> : oh wow foulcoon
01:00 <peppy> : i'm glad someone can translate to noobtalk here

01:03 <Bubba> : oh well I played it anyways, I showed her how hard it was and she just gave me a O_O look
[20:49] <Rolled> oh
[20:49] <Rolled> shit
[20:49] <Rolled> IM SORRY
[20:49] <Rolled> SORRY SORRY
[20:49] <BanchoBot> Rolled achieved rank #1 on IOSYS - Marisa wa Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimashita [Hard] (osu!)
[20:49] <Rolled> <caps>sorrrrrrrrry</caps>
[20:49] <DawnIRC> LOL
[20:49] <DawnIRC> <caps>lolll</caps>
[20:49] <Todesengal> hahahahaha
[20:49] <peppy> .........
[20:49] <Shifty> hahahahaha
[20:49] <Hyperworm> XD
[20:49] * peppy highlights Cyclone
[20:49] * Rolled runs
[20:50] <Cyclone|IRC__> !!!!!!!!!
[20:50] <Rolled> its a fucking A too
[20:50] <Rolled> oh god
[20:50] <Hyperworm> XD epic
[20:50] <Rolled> dude im SORRRRRY
[20:50] <peppy> fffffffffffffIGHT
[20:50] <Cyclone|IRC__> you bastard
[20:50] <Shifty> LOL!
[20:50] <Shifty> thats so great hahahahah
[20:50] <Cyclone|IRC__> i thought we had an understanding
[20:50] <Two> owned
[20:52] <Cyclone|IRC__> ... you bastard
[20:52] * Cyclone|IRC__ leaves
I only just noticed that during the *noise* in marisa those are sliders and not beats :/
Yep...crazy-ass part.
16:02 < peppy> stop killing echo
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
[10:34] <peppy> its fucking
[10:34] <peppy> hot
[10:34] <peppy> uh
[10:34] <peppy> wrong channel
[10:34] <peppy> ^^
[10:34] <Todesengal> o.O
[10:34] <peppy> but it is
[10:34] <peppy> aaaaanyway

I cannot be the only person who thought something else at first glance.
lol, sinistro dissed me <3

01:36 <koool> шing
01:37 <EEeee> hahaha
01:38 <lesjuh> koool is miss spelled, it must be cool
01:38 <lesjuh> russian misstakes can be overseen for once ofcourse
01:39 <Sinistro> miss spelled is mispelled
01:39 <Sinistro> it must be mispelled
01:39 <Larto> ...rofl.
01:39 <lesjuh> :(
01:39 <Sinistro> dutch mistakes can be overlooked once of course
Just leaving this here

[13:29] CheeseWarlock: peppy's ass is fine.
@lesjuh's post: "mispelled" is misspelled, too. o-o So don't be down, lesjuh! Sinistro can't spell either!
I guess it's a rule that every spell checking post must in turn have an error itself.

[19:57] BanchoBot: lilychibi has been silenced for spamming Dakeyrus|irc.
[19:58] Dranoel: I don't know why I ended insane the way I did
[19:58] Dakeyrus: !unsilence Lilychibi
[19:58] BanchoBot: lilychibi has been silenced for spamming Dakeyrus|irc.
[19:58] Pokebis|irc: wat
[19:58] Dakeyrus|irc: Err
[19:58] Dakeyrus: !unsilence Lilychibi
[19:58] lilychibi: I will kill you, BanchoBot.
[19:58] RemX25|irc: hahah
[19:58] lilychibi: Just you wait.
Topic Starter
Lily, we have an enemy in common.
17:32 <animalbrad> : peppy on?
17:32 <Pasonia> : animalbrad: wait up
17:33 <Pasonia> : !faq dont-ask-peppy
17:33 <BanchoBot> : The question you just asked could have been answered by most anyone in this channel. Please refrain
17:33 <BanchoBot> : from asking peppy next time.
17:33 <BanchoBot> : I AM SERIOUS.
17:33 <Pasonia> : whoa.
17:33 <Pasonia> : since when did the "I AM SERIOUS" bit came up?
17:33 <peppy> : since i was SERIOUS
17:33 <Pasonia> : WHOA
17:33 *Pasonia runs
17:33 <DawnIRC> : pro
18:09 < peppy> !announce hi guys
18:09 -!- Irssi: Connection lost to
16:39 <Mogsworth> Vytal
16:39 <Mogsworth> You are not going to yiff my cat >:
(8:05:06 PM) 1980DavidBowie: saru how about just an "Are You Ready" pose for the countdown
(8:05:16 PM) ZiggleSter: -.-
(8:05:24 PM) ZiggleSter: 3
(8:05:25 PM) ZiggleSter: 2
(8:05:26 PM) ZiggleSter: 1
(8:05:29 PM) peppy: !silence ZiggleSter


(6:51:22 PM) peppy: ROFL awp
(6:51:27 PM) awp: ???
(6:51:28 PM) peppy: that wasnt on purpose..
(6:51:31 PM) peppy: the duplicate post
(6:51:43 PM) peppy: how ironic..
(6:51:49 PM) peppy: OH FUCK
(6:51:51 PM) peppy: ITS NOT AWP
(6:51:51 PM) awp: what the hell'd you do now
(6:51:53 PM) peppy: FUCK YOU SHIKAKU
(6:51:57 PM) awp: oh hahahahahhaa
(6:52:07 PM) awp: btw peppy thanks for /savelog
(6:52:18 PM) peppy: ehhhhhhhhhhhh
(6:52:38 PM) awp: I don't even know what you're talking about but it's funny
(6:52:48 PM) peppy: check bug reports
(6:52:51 PM) peppy: difficulty duplicate bug
(6:52:52 PM) awp: I know he - oh okay
(6:52:52 PM) Shikaku: lol
(6:52:53 PM) Shikaku: wat
[23:54] m980: i think your mistaken mm201 -.-
[23:54] MetalMario201: possibly
[23:54] MetalMario201: let's see
[23:54] m980: you're* inb4 peppy
[23:54] peppy: o.O
[23:54] RemX25|irc: haha
[23:54] peppy: haha
[23:54] peppy: nice one m980
[23:54] The_Priest_In_Yellow: rofl
Card N'FoRcE
19.40 <BanchoBot> : kuburaczek has risen 1 rank, now placed #1 overall.
19.40 <BanchoBot> : ZOMGGGG!!!!!! kuburaczek IS OUR NEW NUMBER 1 PLAYER!!!

19.40 <Shikaku|irc> : WAT
19.40 <CrAzYMoNk> : OMH
19.40 <Malar> : hahahaha
19.40 <CrAzYMoNk> : OMG
19.40 <Card N'FoRcE> : YAYYYYY
19.40 <CrAzYMoNk> : well done
19.40 <Malar> : gogogo poland :D
19.40 <Malar> : gogogo poland :D
19.40 <Card N'FoRcE> : KUBU GRATSS!
19.40 <Doomsday93> : lol
19.40 <Gladi> : Wow gratz Kuburaczek!!
19.40 <CrAzYMoNk> : :D
19.40 <Larto> : wha
19.40 <Larto> : t
19.40 <Larto> : tttttttttt
19.40 <Gladi> : holy shit
19.40 <Gladi> : nice
19.40 <CrAzYMoNk> : i just log on and then it says
19.40 <kuburaczek> : "ZOMBGGGG!!" lol;p
19.40 <CrAzYMoNk> : ZOMG!!!!
19.40 <Card N'FoRcE> : KUBU <3
19.40 <Gladi> : cyclone is no longer 1 :DDD
19.40 <kuburaczek> : on moment i'm first^^
19.40 <RemX25|paper> : WAT
19.40 <niedzwiedz1124> : i lol'd
19.40 <niedzwiedz1124> : burak
19.40 <niedzwiedz1124> : gratz
19.40 <Doomsday93> : man. cyclones gonna be pissed
19.40 <niedzwiedz1124> : xD
19.40 <kuburaczek> : thx xD
19.40 <Malar> : polska nr 1 huraaaaaaaa
19.41 <niedzwiedz1124> : nie do końca
19.41 <RemX25|paper> : you've got to be kidding
19.41 <niedzwiedz1124> : xD
19.41 <Malar> : :P
19.41 <RemX25|paper> : no way
19.41 <niedzwiedz1124> : no wai
19.41 <niedzwiedz1124> : u fucker !
19.41 <niedzwiedz1124> : xD
19.41 <Card N'FoRcE> : YES WAI
19.41 <Gladi> : awesome mate
19.41 <Gladi> : really big grattzzz
19.41 <Shikaku|irc> : !rank 1
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Stats for Cyclone:
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Score: 4,102,646,849 (#1)
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Plays: 9445 (lv98)
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Accuracy: 98.73%

19.41 <niedzwiedz1124> : xD
19.41 <Gladi> : i wanna see cyclone's reaction later XD
19.41 <Shikaku|irc> : um. what
19.41 <Yumiko> : gratz ^^
19.41 <RemX25|paper> : ...
19.41 <RemX25|paper> : what
19.41 <RemX25|paper> : seriously
19.41 <Card N'FoRcE> : osu needs refresh :P
19.41 <Shikaku|irc> : !rank 2
19.41 <BanchoBot> : User with that rank not found

19.41 <Card N'FoRcE> : oh lol
19.41 <Malar> : xD
19.41 <Shikaku|irc> : !rank 3
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Stats for f0012979:
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Score: 3,977,319,346 (#3)
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Plays: 21441 (lv99)
19.41 <BanchoBot> : Accuracy: 96.87%
19.42 <Shikaku|irc> : !stats kuburaczek|osu
19.42 <BanchoBot> : Stats for kuburaczek (Playing):
19.42 <BanchoBot> : Score: 4,103,897,003 (#1)
19.42 <BanchoBot> : Plays: 16806 (lv98)
19.42 <BanchoBot> : Accuracy: 96.85%
19.42 <Cyclone|IRC> : oh what, was i supposed to play more songs?
No rank 2? XD
Looks like even the system decided that Cyclone should be #1 always and refused to allow him to become #2 again.

Also: Highlights from the accidental merging of #osu and #chinese into my system earlier.

21:51 <deepsea> : 你對紅狐狸的滷味map有什麼建議意見嗎
(What have you to suggest and comment about RedFox's map?)
21:51 <Rolled> : we will eventually need like 6 lines of tabs

21:55 <ange1990> : MP有人玩嗎= =? (Anyone playing MP = =?)
21:55 <HaraIRC> : I know, babelfish rocks.

21:55 <yaya|sheep> : 你拼错了 (You pieced it wrong)
21:55 <chan> : damn

22:17 <An64fan> : Morning~
22:17 <Mercury> : 哪個@_@? (What @_@?)
[21:56] <Im_Lost> no one helps on this site at all =(
[21:56] <Im_Lost> no one helps on this site at all =(
LOL, well keep typing like that and it WILL become a reality.

To yourself that is. orz
<Strike[out]> What's goin' on, anyhow
<peppy> ur mum
15:18 < MaouKei> wheres a good site to dwnload beatmaps?
[01:13] <kodex> hey, you want to make osu an mmo, it's the logical step
[01:13] <Fallen> mmo?
[01:13] <Fallen> Storyline please.
[01:14] <peppy> * Cyclone hits you with perfect 2400x combo
[01:14] <peppy> * You die
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
The quest to get it isn't worth the trouble
21:56 <BanchoBot> : has become a subscriber - thanks for your support!
21:56 <An64fan> : Lol.
21:56 <Larto> : oo
21:56 <Pasonia> : WHO?
21:56 <Larto> : wut?
21:56 <An64fan> : Who has, Bancho? O.o
21:56 <Pasonia> : BanchoBot has become a subscriber?
21:56 <dhh> : ...
21:56 <peppy> : o.O

Download: Gigi D'Agostino - Bla Bla Bla (MoodyRPG) [Sir Minelli's Bla Bla].osu
<peppy> Qxsilence ZeroDist
<Pasonia> !silence ZeroDist|
<peppy> lolz
<Mayuri> rofl
<Pasonia> !silence ZeroDist|osu
<Pasonia> I missed
<peppy> i missed more
<Sinistro|work> Before it becomes old...
<Ivalsetto> hm?
<Sinistro|work> your latest pic brings Shaft's theme to mind
<Ivalsetto> rofl
<Sinistro|work> Who's the black osuer who's like a sex machine to all the chicks?
<Sinistro|work> IVAL!
<Sinistro|work> Damn right.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
18:10 <DawnIRC> : mock me behind my back fools
18:10 <Ivalsetto> : we already are, it's not very satisfying though
<klee9000> blah
<klee9000> blah
<klee9000> blah
<klee9000> i win
<klee9000> muhahahaha
<HitoLuvzCake> owo
<RemmyX25> klee9000: Please dont spam
<HitoLuvzCake> <caps>bahahhahahahahahah</caps>
<klee9000> <caps>never</caps>
<klee9000> SPAM SPAM SPAM
<klee9000> SPAM
<HitoLuvzCake> U PHAIL
<klee9000> SPAM
<klee9000> SPAM
<HitoLuvzCake> >_>
<-SiN-> come one kleee
<RemmyX25> !silence klee9000
<BanchoBot> klee9000 has been silenced.

After !unsilencing him, warning him not to spam again...

<klee9000> <caps>muhahahahah</caps>
<klee9000> IM BACK FAGGOTS
<RemmyX25> klee9000: dont
<RemmyX25> make me do it again
<klee9000> O YES
<klee9000> O YES
<klee9000> <caps>muahhahahahahahahahahahahaha</caps>
<-SiN-> go klee, go
<RemmyX25> !kill klee9000
* klee9000|osu (osu@ Quit (quit)
<RemmyX25> fuck it
<-SiN-> lol
<Observant_Owl> don't feel bad.
<RemmyX25> doesnt deserve strike 2 or 3

RemmyEDIT: I'm surprised, though, that Bancho didn't swoop in before me.
Topic Starter
did you miss with the !kill ???
!kill's don't give credits anymore.
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