
Petit Rabbit's - Daydream cafe(you Remix)

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Finally a new post instead.
No kds for this.

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. Just post as a prove of the title:
  2. I tested several times and get Offset+6.
  3. 03:41:427 - i recommend to end your 3rd kiai here in Easy, Normal and ExtRabbit's diff to keep same.
  1. ar3, 2.5 seems a bit low for a 175bpm easy diff.
  2. 01:02:341 (2,1) - quite hard for newbies to catch the rhythm, recommend to make a slider instead.
  3. 01:12:284 (1,2) - 1.05x?
  4. 02:00:284 (1,2) - blanket better?
  5. 02:20:856 (3,4) - 1.04x?
  6. 02:23:256 (2,3) - keep consistent with 01:15:027 (1,2) - ? so remove 02:23:256 (2) - is better.
  7. 02:36:970 (2) - also recommend to remove this note
  8. 02:45:199 (4) - ^
  9. 02:56:170 (2) - ^
  10. 03:33:884 (3) - start the slider at 03:33:713 - ? end at the same time.
  11. 03:36:627 (1,2,1,2,3) - feel a bit weird on this rhythm, try this?
  12. 04:21:199 (2,3,4,1) - try to keep the rhythm easy to get, like: ?
  13. 04:44:856 (1,1) - remove the last note and extend the spin to 04:47:599 -

    When making easy diff you should consider for new players, the space of notes should better be 1/1, so the suggestions above all removes the 1/2 beats.
  1. cs3.5? it can avoid many overlap and make better thread for me.
  2. 01:30:799 (2) - let the tail a bit left? better not touch the tail of 01:29:941 (1) -
  3. 01:41:084 (1) - remove nc
  4. 01:44:684 - add a note? definately clap sound here
  5. 02:12:627 (1) - remove nc
  6. 02:15:541 (1,2) - sounds a bit weird, try this?
  7. 02:53:599 (3,4) - 1/1 slider instead?
  8. 03:43:141 (1) - remove nc
  9. 04:10:827 (1) - ^
  1. OD6, 5.5 is a bit low.
  2. 00:42:113 (1) - why not end at 00:43:484 - ? in fact there are no beat at 00:44:170 -
  3. 00:57:199 - is it really good to miss the beat here? it may cause confusion when playing
  4. 01:06:799 (1,2) - that distance may be misread as 1/2... at least should be like the distance as 01:09:541 (1,2) -
  5. 01:27:541 (4) - nc?
  6. 01:36:970 (1,2) - also the distance
  7. 01:44:856 (1) - not necessary to nc
  8. 01:50:170 (5) - for consistency, nc? or remove nc at 01:39:199 (1) -
  9. 01:58:913 - same as 00:57:199 -
  10. 02:03:370 (2) - why 3/4 repeat slider... unreasonable the rhythm is on 1/2 obviously
  11. 02:04:227 (4,1) - ahh
  12. 02:09:713 (5) - nc?
  13. 02:10:227 (6) - same as 02:03:370 (2) -
  14. 02:11:256 (1) - although it may be your style, but i dont think the slider fits the rhythm here. 02:11:599 - the beat is totally ignored by you.
  15. 02:36:970 (1,2) - ctrl+g?
  16. 02:39:370 (3,4) - nazi blanket
  17. 02:40:227 (1,2,3) - tripet is quite unreasonble here, just like what you did before(01:27:541 (4) - ) is much better here.
  18. 02:48:113 (6) - nc?
  19. 02:59:084 (3) - ^
  20. 03:27:884 (4) - 03:30:627 (3) - 03:33:713 (7) - nc?
  21. 03:36:113 (1) - remove nc?
  22. 03:43:141 - 03:54:117 - same as 00:57:199 -
  23. 03:47:599 (2) - same as 02:03:370 (2) -
  24. 04:07:827 (1,2) - 1.1x?
  25. 04:13:999 - 04:14:341 - definitely the beat here is more obvious than 04:14:170 (5) - ... it plays quite weird now.
  26. 04:16:741 - add a note?
Collab Insane
  1. 01:10:741 (1,2,3) - slider end sounds really unconfortable, also the beat at white tick is more obvious than vocal here imo.
  2. 01:47:256 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this overmap cant be passed.
  3. 01:49:741 (3) - tripets start at white tick is really unreasonable, remove the note and try another pattern?
  4. 02:31:141 (4) - nc for better readability?
  5. 02:38:856 (2,3,4,5,6) - the vocal following let me feel tapping nothing when playing
  1. 00:19:827 (7) - are you sure it can be snapped on 1/16? 1/8 is better for me, also consider for taiko playing...
  2. 01:08:684 (1,2,3,4,5) - They should be all snapped on 1/6. I'm sure.
  3. 01:11:427 (1,2,3,1,2) - 01:14:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^, also to the following patterns
  4. 01:19:313 (2,2,2,2) - although i think it's very coooool, but it may be hard to get a pass, jump with 1/8 kick sliders can easily cause combo break.
  5. 02:31:827 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 03:37:312 (7) - slider end unsnapped.
  7. 04:20:170 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - the stream is quite overdone
  8. 04:47:599 (1) - to 1/8
Honestly, I feel worried about the gap between Normal and Hard. It's like:

although you can change cs in normal to 3.5, the gap still exists.
Make hard with more sliders and less 1/2 notes can be better. Also I recommend to remove the 03:15:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - .
If you dont want to make the Hard easier, then make the normal harder is also ok.

Good luck!
If you decide to make some change, then call me back to recheck this.
The ExtRabbit's diff is really cool, I love it very much.

Minakami Yuki wrote:

Finally a new post instead.
No kds for this.

Collab Insane
  1. 01:10:741 (1,2,3) - slider end sounds really unconfortable, also the beat at white tick is more obvious than vocal here imo. fixed
  2. 01:47:256 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this overmap cant be passed. fixed
  3. 01:49:741 (3) - tripets start at white tick is really unreasonable, remove the note and try another pattern? only deleted (3). stacked 2 circles
  4. 02:31:141 (4) - nc for better readability? fixed
  5. 02:38:856 (2,3,4,5,6) - the vocal following let me feel tapping nothing when playing umm i want to pick vocal and this is the best for me
Honestly, I feel worried about the gap between Normal and Hard. It's like:

although you can change cs in normal to 3.5, the gap still exists.
Make hard with more sliders and less 1/2 notes can be better. Also I recommend to remove the 03:15:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - .
If you dont want to make the Hard easier, then make the normal harder is also ok.

Good luck!
If you decide to make some change, then call me back to recheck this.
The ExtRabbit's diff is really cool, I love it very much.
ゆきちゃんありがとう ٩( ˘ω˘ )و
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Minakami Yuki wrote:

Finally a new post instead.
No kds for this.

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. Just post as a prove of the title:
  2. I tested several times and get Offset+6.
  3. 03:41:427 - i recommend to end your 3rd kiai here in Easy, Normal and ExtRabbit's diff to keep same.
  1. ar3, 2.5 seems a bit low for a 175bpm easy diff.
  2. 01:02:341 (2,1) - quite hard for newbies to catch the rhythm, recommend to make a slider instead.
  3. 01:12:284 (1,2) - 1.05x?
  4. 02:00:284 (1,2) - blanket better?
  5. 02:20:856 (3,4) - 1.04x?
  6. 02:23:256 (2,3) - keep consistent with 01:15:027 (1,2) - ? so remove 02:23:256 (2) - is better.
  7. 02:36:970 (2) - also recommend to remove this note
  8. 02:45:199 (4) - ^
  9. 02:56:170 (2) - ^
  10. 03:33:884 (3) - start the slider at 03:33:713 - ? end at the same time.
  11. 03:36:627 (1,2,1,2,3) - feel a bit weird on this rhythm, try this?
  12. 04:21:199 (2,3,4,1) - try to keep the rhythm easy to get, like: ?
  13. 04:44:856 (1,1) - remove the last note and extend the spin to 04:47:599 -

    When making easy diff you should consider for new players, the space of notes should better be 1/1, so the suggestions above all removes the 1/2 beats.
    all fixed!
  1. cs3.5? it can avoid many overlap and make better thread for me.
  2. 01:30:799 (2) - let the tail a bit left? better not touch the tail of 01:29:941 (1) -
  3. 01:41:084 (1) - remove nc
  4. 01:44:684 - add a note? definately clap sound here
  5. 02:12:627 (1) - remove nc
  6. 02:15:541 (1,2) - sounds a bit weird, try this?
  7. 02:53:599 (3,4) - 1/1 slider instead? to fix difficulty gap between N-H, i decided to decrease hard difficulty. so i keep it due to keep Normal difficulty.
  8. 03:43:141 (1) - remove nc
  9. 04:10:827 (1) - ^
    fixed all of no commented!
  1. OD6, 5.5 is a bit low.
  2. 00:42:113 (1) - why not end at 00:43:484 - ? in fact there are no beat at 00:44:170 -
  3. 00:57:199 - is it really good to miss the beat here? it may cause confusion when playing
  4. 01:06:799 (1,2) - that distance may be misread as 1/2... at least should be like the distance as 01:09:541 (1,2) -
  5. 01:27:541 (4) - nc?
  6. 01:36:970 (1,2) - also the distance
  7. 01:44:856 (1) - not necessary to nc
  8. 01:50:170 (5) - for consistency, nc? or remove nc at 01:39:199 (1) -
  9. 01:58:913 - same as 00:57:199 -
  10. 02:03:370 (2) - why 3/4 repeat slider... unreasonable the rhythm is on 1/2 obviously
  11. 02:04:227 (4,1) - ahh
  12. 02:09:713 (5) - nc?
  13. 02:10:227 (6) - same as 02:03:370 (2) -
  14. 02:11:256 (1) - although it may be your style, but i dont think the slider fits the rhythm here. 02:11:599 - the beat is totally ignored by you.
  15. 02:36:970 (1,2) - ctrl+g?
  16. 02:39:370 (3,4) - nazi blanket
  17. 02:40:227 (1,2,3) - tripet is quite unreasonble here, just like what you did before(01:27:541 (4) - ) is much better here.
  18. 02:48:113 (6) - nc?
  19. 02:59:084 (3) - ^
  20. 03:27:884 (4) - 03:30:627 (3) - 03:33:713 (7) - nc?
  21. 03:36:113 (1) - remove nc?
  22. 03:43:141 - 03:54:117 - same as 00:57:199 -
  23. 03:47:599 (2) - same as 02:03:370 (2) -
  24. 04:07:827 (1,2) - 1.1x?
  25. 04:13:999 - 04:14:341 - definitely the beat here is more obvious than 04:14:170 (5) - ... it plays quite weird now.
  26. 04:16:741 - add a note? to make consistency, keep it ;w;
    fixed all of no commented!
Collab Insane
  1. 01:10:741 (1,2,3) - slider end sounds really unconfortable, also the beat at white tick is more obvious than vocal here imo.
  2. 01:47:256 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this overmap cant be passed.
  3. 01:49:741 (3) - tripets start at white tick is really unreasonable, remove the note and try another pattern?
  4. 02:31:141 (4) - nc for better readability?
  5. 02:38:856 (2,3,4,5,6) - the vocal following let me feel tapping nothing when playing
  1. 00:19:827 (7) - are you sure it can be snapped on 1/16? 1/8 is better for me, also consider for taiko playing...
  2. 01:08:684 (1,2,3,4,5) - They should be all snapped on 1/6. I'm sure. yes you're right, i've not noticed at all :o
  3. 01:11:427 (1,2,3,1,2) - 01:14:170 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^, also to the following patterns
  4. 01:19:313 (2,2,2,2) - although i think it's very coooool, but it may be hard to get a pass, jump with 1/8 kick sliders can easily cause combo break.
  5. 02:31:827 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 03:37:312 (7) - slider end unsnapped. ooomg
  7. 04:20:170 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - the stream is quite overdone
  8. 04:47:599 (1) - to 1/8
    all fixed!

Honestly, I feel worried about the gap between Normal and Hard. It's like:

although you can change cs in normal to 3.5, the gap still exists.
Make hard with more sliders and less 1/2 notes can be better. Also I recommend to remove the 03:15:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - .
If you dont want to make the Hard easier, then make the normal harder is also ok.

Good luck!
If you decide to make some change, then call me back to recheck this.
The ExtRabbit's diff is really cool, I love it very much.
thanks for full mod Yuki ;w;

about adjusting diff gap between N-H, i tried to decrease difficulty of Hard.
as you said replaced stream to reverse slider, make distance snap consistently etc..
maybe it's solved gap, but i'm not sure the gap between H-I :(
anyway, it's so helpful for me! thanks again :oops:
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
updated all(∩・▽・∩)
Hi looks good

ExtRabbit's difficulty

01:17:090 you might want to consider increasing the length of the slider by 1 tick. The same length as almost all other short sliders. since it's the same sound effecty like the others

01:44:690 same as above

01:44:862 same as above

02:29:776 same as above

04:24:462 (and the three 1/8 sliders after) same as above

maybe there are more 1/8 sliders that should be 1/4 sliders. i changed them myself and it looks much better in my opinion
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Swerro wrote:

Hi looks good

ExtRabbit's difficulty

01:17:090 you might want to consider increasing the length of the slider by 1 tick. The same length as almost all other short sliders. since it's the same sound effecty like the others

01:44:690 same as above

01:44:862 same as above

02:29:776 same as above

04:24:462 (and the three 1/8 sliders after) same as above

maybe there are more 1/8 sliders that should be 1/4 sliders. i changed them myself and it looks much better in my opinion
thanks for a suggestion Swerro!
but those short sliders are put for emphasis, of course with following vocal or some sounds...
so i keep it, but i keep your suggestion in mind! :oops:
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

M o k o r i wrote:

Swerro wrote:

Hi looks good

ExtRabbit's difficulty

01:17:090 you might want to consider increasing the length of the slider by 1 tick. The same length as almost all other short sliders. since it's the same sound effecty like the others

01:44:690 same as above

01:44:862 same as above

02:29:776 same as above

04:24:462 (and the three 1/8 sliders after) same as above

maybe there are more 1/8 sliders that should be 1/4 sliders. i changed them myself and it looks much better in my opinion
thanks for a suggestion Swerro!
but those short sliders are put for emphasis, of course with following vocal or some sounds...
so i keep them, but i keep your suggestion in mind! :oops:

  1. Preview time unsnapped because of the offset change.
Collab Insane
  1. 02:38:005 (1,2) - I'm not sure that snap these on 1/6 here is right or not, for safe I recommend to change the pattern here.

Minakami Yuki wrote:


  1. Preview time unsnapped because of the offset change.
Collab Insane
  1. 02:38:005 (1,2) - I'm not sure that snap these on 1/6 here is right or not, for safe I recommend to change the pattern here. changed
sorry mokori
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Minakami Yuki wrote:


  1. Preview time unsnapped because of the offset change. aaa fixed QAQ
Collab Insane
  1. 02:38:005 (1,2) - I'm not sure that snap these on 1/6 here is right or not, for safe I recommend to change the pattern here.
thanks for recheck, updated~
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

thank you yuki~~!!
moe o3o
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

BeatofIke wrote:

moe o3o
so cute o3o
- ❤️ -

  1. The current background image has low quality. Here is a better version:
  1. 01:51:890 (2) - Add a clap on the head. It matches with 03:04:576 (2)
  2. 01:36:976 (1) - Remove clap from the end? It doesn't seem to fit. You didn't use it at 02:50:347
  3. 03:41:433 (1) - Combo here should match with 01:57:205 (5)
  4. 04:44:862 (1) - How about adding normal finish on this spinner? (hitsound will be on end of the spinner)
  1. 01:59:947 (4,2) - To avoid covering the repeat on (2), can you move (4) like this? This is to make sure the player can clearly see the repeat on (2).
  2. 03:10:062 (1) - Can make this shape look nicer if you move the second point like this:
  3. 03:41:433 (1) - Combo here should match with 01:57:205 (4)
  4. 04:44:862 (1) - Add a whistle on the spinner?
  5. 04:47:605 (1) - A finish will sound good here.
  1. 00:24:976 (4,1) - It's better to put larger distance between these. It looks too much like 1/2 beat.
  2. 00:31:147 (1) - This doesn't look good, and can cause issues for gameplay. I recommend widening the angle like this:
  3. 00:36:633 (1) - Missing a whistle on head.
  4. 00:49:490 - There doesn't seem to be any reason to stretch the break warning here. Set it back to the default?
  5. 01:17:605 (1,1) - Weird to use two combos here... It can be confusing, so just choose one of them to use NC on?
  6. 02:30:290 (1,1) - Same here.
  7. 02:52:405 (1) - Finish on head.
  8. 04:10:576 (1) - Same as 00:31:147 (1) Please change it:
  9. 04:39:376 (1) -
  10. 04:44:862 (1,1) - Same suggestions are Normal.
  1. 03:32:176 - I think it's better to make all this part kiai time like this:
  2. 00:06:805 (1,1,1) - It's better to reverse the direction of these since it's similar to 00:05:433 (1,1,1) Do this:
  3. 01:07:662 (5) - This doesn't fit the rhythm of the song. Please reduce it to a 1/2 beat slider so it matches the drum rhythm: or if you really want a note on that tick,
  4. 01:36:462 (1,2,3) - The way this is stacked makes it confusing to read because the approach circles overlap in a really weird way. I think it's better to either stack them directly or scale it up like this:
  5. 01:57:890 (2) - This is touching the hp bar. Try to avoid that.
  6. 04:18:462 (4) - Missing clap.
  7. 04:19:834 (4) - Missing clap.
  1. 00:05:090 (1,2,1,2) - I think it's better to add some hitsounds on these too.
  2. 00:16:062 (1,2,3,4) - Same here.
  3. 00:49:662 (1) - There doesn't seem to be any reason to stretch the break warning here. Set it back to the default?
  4. 01:01:319 (1) - Curve here is a bit too tight in my opinion. It makes the direction a bit ambiguous. Adjust it a bit like this so it's clearer:
  5. 04:03:376 (1,1) - This spacing is awkward to play. How about you stack it like you did with 02:29:776 (1,1)
  6. 04:20:176 (1) - Add a finish?
  7. 04:47:605 (1) - Add a finish on the head?
Good map. Call me back when you are ready.
Lolicons >w<
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks for mod cloud!!
i'll reply after guests fix collab(∩・▽・∩)

xxdeathx wrote:

Lolicons >w<
iMage-- is lolicon ww

CloudSplash16 wrote:

- ❤️ -

  1. 03:32:176 - I think it's better to make all this part kiai time like this:
  2. 00:06:805 (1,1,1) - It's better to reverse the direction of these since it's similar to 00:05:433 (1,1,1) Do this:
  3. 01:07:662 (5) - This doesn't fit the rhythm of the song. Please reduce it to a 1/2 beat slider so it matches the drum rhythm: or if you really want a note on that tick,
  4. 01:36:462 (1,2,3) - The way this is stacked makes it confusing to read because the approach circles overlap in a really weird way. I think it's better to either stack them directly or scale it up like this:
  5. 01:57:890 (2) - This is touching the hp bar. Try to avoid that.
  6. 04:18:462 (4) - Missing clap.
  7. 04:19:834 (4) - Missing clap.
Good map. Call me back when you are ready.
all fixed, thank you for modding, cloud chan.
cloud chan suki

and to Mokori and death:
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

CloudSplash16 wrote:

- ❤️ -

  1. The current background image has low quality. Here is a better version:
  1. 01:51:890 (2) - Add a clap on the head. It matches with 03:04:576 (2)
  2. 01:36:976 (1) - Remove clap from the end? It doesn't seem to fit. You didn't use it at 02:50:347
  3. 03:41:433 (1) - Combo here should match with 01:57:205 (5)
  4. 04:44:862 (1) - How about adding normal finish on this spinner? (hitsound will be on end of the spinner)
  1. 01:59:947 (4,2) - To avoid covering the repeat on (2), can you move (4) like this? This is to make sure the player can clearly see the repeat on (2).
  2. 03:10:062 (1) - Can make this shape look nicer if you move the second point like this:
  3. 03:41:433 (1) - Combo here should match with 01:57:205 (4)
  4. 04:44:862 (1) - Add a whistle on the spinner?
  5. 04:47:605 (1) - A finish will sound good here.
  1. 00:24:976 (4,1) - It's better to put larger distance between these. It looks too much like 1/2 beat.
  2. 00:31:147 (1) - This doesn't look good, and can cause issues for gameplay. I recommend widening the angle like this:
  3. 00:36:633 (1) - Missing a whistle on head.
  4. 00:49:490 - There doesn't seem to be any reason to stretch the break warning here. Set it back to the default?
  5. 01:17:605 (1,1) - Weird to use two combos here... It can be confusing, so just choose one of them to use NC on?
  6. 02:30:290 (1,1) - Same here.
  7. 02:52:405 (1) - Finish on head.
  8. 04:10:576 (1) - Same as 00:31:147 (1) Please change it:
  9. 04:39:376 (1) -
  10. 04:44:862 (1,1) - Same suggestions are Normal.
  1. 03:32:176 - I think it's better to make all this part kiai time like this:
  2. 00:06:805 (1,1,1) - It's better to reverse the direction of these since it's similar to 00:05:433 (1,1,1) Do this:
  3. 01:07:662 (5) - This doesn't fit the rhythm of the song. Please reduce it to a 1/2 beat slider so it matches the drum rhythm: or if you really want a note on that tick,
  4. 01:36:462 (1,2,3) - The way this is stacked makes it confusing to read because the approach circles overlap in a really weird way. I think it's better to either stack them directly or scale it up like this:
  5. 01:57:890 (2) - This is touching the hp bar. Try to avoid that.
  6. 04:18:462 (4) - Missing clap.
  7. 04:19:834 (4) - Missing clap.
  1. 00:05:090 (1,2,1,2) - I think it's better to add some hitsounds on these too.
  2. 00:16:062 (1,2,3,4) - Same here.
  3. 00:49:662 (1) - There doesn't seem to be any reason to stretch the break warning here. Set it back to the default?
  4. 01:01:319 (1) - Curve here is a bit too tight in my opinion. It makes the direction a bit ambiguous. Adjust it a bit like this so it's clearer:
  5. 04:03:376 (1,1) - This spacing is awkward to play. How about you stack it like you did with 02:29:776 (1,1)
  6. 04:20:176 (1) - Add a finish?
  7. 04:47:605 (1) - Add a finish on the head?
Good map. Call me back when you are ready.
thanks for mod and clear BG cloud! all fixed(∩・▽・∩)

and thanks iMage--, uploaded~
^LOL first
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

thanks cloud!!!
:) おめです :)
Mokori is GOD
╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko
thanks everyone! (∩・▽・∩)
You did it! Congrats!
Is it nitpicky to point out there should be a space before the parentheses, since that's the title for the soundcloud? Or is it irrelevant, since on the provided mp3 it's without the space, even though that's just the file name, not necessarily the song?

FencerTJ wrote:

Is it nitpicky to point out there should be a space before the parentheses, since that's the title for the soundcloud? Or is it irrelevant, since on the provided mp3 it's without the space, even though that's just the file name, not necessarily the song?
Uhh.. I think you should look more carefully. There is no space in the title on SoundCloud.
Gz ^^

CloudSplash16 wrote:

FencerTJ wrote:

Is it nitpicky to point out there should be a space before the parentheses, since that's the title for the soundcloud? Or is it irrelevant, since on the provided mp3 it's without the space, even though that's just the file name, not necessarily the song?
Uhh.. I think you should look more carefully. There is no space in the title on SoundCloud.
Huh, soundcloud uses big spaces for their parenthese.
Gratz your 1st ranked.
pyon pyon
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

iMage-- is moe
Forumに一度も顔出せなくて申し訳ありませんでした :(
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Chirony wrote:


caren_sk wrote:


Arieeru wrote:

Forumに一度も顔出せなくて申し訳ありませんでした :(
全然大丈夫です!www collab作っていただいてありがとうございました!! :oops:
gratz! おめでとうございます!!
Mokori-san omedetooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu \o/
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Cihyaa wrote:

gratz! おめでとうございます!!
ありがとうです!! :)

scanter wrote:

Mokori-san omedetooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu \o/
scanter saaaaan waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai (∩・▽・∩)(∩・▽・∩)(∩・▽・∩)
out of qualified jail おめでとう
Topic Starter
Asahina Momoko

Minakami Yuki wrote:

out of qualified jail おめでとう
waaa i'm so happy QAQ
eu amo essa música :) 8-)
I bet dude who remixed this had no ears because it sounds like slaying a pig
dat map
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