
Discussion about unherited timing sections' Timing.

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Hello everyone.

I've been mapping for some time now, and see osu evolved. bla bla bla.

Now It's time to talk.
I've been seeing many mods like : put this timing section a quarter note before for hitsound
I think this is outdated.

I will explain ; A long time ago, this could be obviously considered as en error. BUT, for the ones who never noticed this, it has been fixed. and a long time ago. how?

Look and listen carrefuly. When adding a timing section (with hitsound style change), if you place a note REALLY right before the timing section, OH IT HAS THE MATCHING HITSOUND!!!!!

besides, putting the timing sections before the notes can be horribly bad. For exemple, in a stream, you hit a note late and , ooow, how bad, there was a timing section starting right after. and hitsound very noisy, or custom HS which is totally off... owww, my ears.

I've been using timing sections on notes, and noticed no problem about HS and timing.

So the question is :
Do we still have to put the timing sections BEFORE the notes? Is this Really an error? (answered. Yes).


EDIT : Damn. Typos.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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the main problem is that most of modders still think it is an error. That's what I want to say.
Do we still have to put the timing sections BEFORE the notes?
Yes. Example:

1. Go download this map:
2. Open insane and go to 02:16:013 (1). This map has unsnapped notes. You can re-snap it correctly if you want, but it won't matter either way.
3. Go back a few seconds and start up test mode.
4. Intentionally hit 02:16:013 (1) early. It will play a normal-hitnormal rather than a soft-hitnormal. It sounds really out of place when you do this. It is possible to get a 100 point hit and still be early enough to hear the wrong hitsound.

This is the first map that came to mind regarding this problem (because I ALWAYS hit that early). If there was green timing section 1/4 earlier than this note with identical volume settings, this wouldn't ever happen.

I know there are other maps like this. There's one map in which I sometimes hear a normal-hitwhistle in the middle of a stream of soft hit sounds and it sounds really stupid. I can't remember which map it is though.
ofcourse this is still an error.

first section is normal sample, second is soft, third is normal etc

try hitting each one of them early.

it might sound right in the editor, but in gameplay it doesn't unless you perfectly 300 the note

note: i put those in myself in the editor lol ;P
Yes, it's still a problem, as Gabi and Lyby stated.

If you looked at the actual reason for it being an "error", which involves PLAYING the map and not simply looking at it in the editor, you'd come to the same conclusion.
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Okay, I see now. But what if it is inside a stream? like this one?

The selected note generally get wrong hitsound when puting the TS earlier
do.. people really mod it like that by telling them to put it 1/8 before the beat?

either way, this should be up to the mapper to decide. both notes can fall "victim" for this error.

most of the time if it is sound volume changes it should'nt matter that much, and if it high whistle noise then maybe it would be wiser to get a custom hitsound or SB hitsound and that specific place. just mod with common sense and think what would sound worse depending on where the TS is put
This is Issue 46--the bane of my hitsounding existence.

If you need to change samplesets really quickly, there's no workaround.
I could've SWORN that this was fixed months ago, but apparently not. For now, just use the workaround D:

Gabi wrote:

ofcourse this is still an error.

first section is normal sample, second is soft, third is normal etc

try hitting each one of them early.

it might sound right in the editor, but in gameplay it doesn't unless you perfectly 300 the note

note: i put those in myself in the editor lol ;P

Not an error, whoever says its an error is stupid.
Placing notes that way is OK.
Its the player's fault if they hit the notes early.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

James wrote:

Not an error, whoever says its an error is stupid.
Placing notes that way is OK.
Its the player's fault if they hit the notes early.
uhh notes? i thought we were talking about timestamps. whether you see it as an error or not is your problem. i can't SS every single map out there, neither can the majority of the osu! players, therefor i see this as an error. and since this does affect the majority then we should adapt to it.
Putting an inherited section right on the beat is a bad habit to get into. You should always try to give the player a bit of leeway. I believe peppy made adjustments a while back to give 50ms leeway automatically, but it's still not a good habit to get into.

One of the best examples of maps I can think of right off the bat is Crazy Motorcycle Chase. Even though I haven't played it in quite a while, that's one of the big things other than difficulty that I remember about that map. It was way too easy to hit one of the beats too early.

Either way, and regardless of the player's ability, placing inherited sections right on the beat where the beats in question can easily be hit too early or too late for the section is a problem arising from the mapper's end of things, and should be treated as such. Also, players will hit notes much differently. You can't expect them to hit them at the same time. For example, I play preemptively. I will always hit beats at the earliest opportunity. If hitting at the early end of the hit window means that hitsounds will be compromised, then the mapper needs to fix it.
If people intentionally hit notes early so its still their fault ^^
Shouldn't the way inherited timing sections be changed to avoid confusion in the first place? I mean, it's going to be a problem when you want to change sounds between 1/4 notes and it can sound dreadful when you hit it a bit late or early and get a completely different sound. I'd like to see this issue taken care of.
Couldn't agree more ... but:

peppy wrote:

Already on my list of things to consider at some point. Will require a fair amount of restructuring.
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