
New Mod for Osu!Mania (Cmod/Speedblock)

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +79
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I recently got an idea for Osu!Mania
For clarification: This mostly applies to autoconverts

Lately I was thinking how to properly play maps in/Mania, when there are sudden BPM changes, like LeaF - I (All diffs) it is just impossible to clear, because it goes very fast, and them BOOM, stands still, then after 100 ms orso it just flies further at insane high speed. This even makes Easies impossible in Mania, because it stops, and you can't see when it goes on.

Now I thought of a mod, which will block speed changes, so that the whole map would be playable on the same speed.
BPM changes are now impossible to see in Mania
Make it a special/diff reducing mod, with x0.67, so 2/3 of max score

Tell me your thoughts about this, and maybe help me with listing how the score should be (x0.5-x0.9)
It can also be unranked or such
Thinking about it.. it would like screw up the entire song/mapping ..
You should just get used to the taiko map of it or something.

Sure osu!standard might be easier to do these, but it sometimes it's a pain for standard osu! playing people.
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This is only for Taiko and Mania, and why would it screw up? @Sunlyx
Ayesha Altugle
I hate speedchanges so much
Such SV.
Much hate.


vahn10 wrote:

I hate speedchanges so much

baraatje123 wrote:

This is only for Taiko and Mania, and why would it screw up? @Sunlyx
wouldnt that like, well.. because that speedchange is part of the song and how the dude mapped the song enabling a speedblock entirely screw that up ? e_e

Sunlyx wrote:

wouldnt that like, well.. because that speedchange is part of the song and how the dude mapped the song enabling a speedblock entirely screw that up ? e_e
Not really, see the C-speed StepMania as example. It totally removes the gimmicks/bumps and just uses its original BPM itself. So, it would be really plausible if this is implemented.
Did someone say Cmod ?

If so, if it ever gets implemented, it shouldn't be ranked at all. SV changes are part of the map, taking out such things equals taking them out of the chart in a separate file. Same goes for Taiko mode, where such things do not exist at all.

_Gezo_ wrote:

Did someone say Cmod ?

If so, if it ever gets implemented, it shouldn't be ranked at all. SV changes are part of the map, taking out such things equals taking them out of the chart in a separate file. Same goes for Taiko mode, where such things do not exist at all.
Welp, that could be true, I guess. :roll:
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Then make it only for Mania, because maps like LeaF - I are literally impossible in Mania, and make it x0.67 then, so 2/3 of the score
I taiko it is easy to follow, but in Mania it is not.
I'll remove it for Taiko, but keep it for Mania
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This can get ranked, but with 0.66x multiplier, and some maps are, when this gets implemented, completely passable, think about LeaF - I, like mentioned before
leaf - i is mapped for standard, and is an autoconvert
you're trying to get a mod made for a mode using a map made for another mode as an example

if a mania-specific map has a problem with terrible SV changes it's a problem with the ranking criteria for mania maps allowing extremely bad SV changes to get through. so there's really no reason for this mod tbh.
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Well, this mod is to prevent (old) standard maps with unnecessary BPM changes from bekng unreadable, especcially sonce you can't change scroll speed ingame anymore

xelivous wrote:

leaf - i is mapped for standard, and is an autoconvert
you're trying to get a mod made for a mode using a map made for another mode as an example

if a mania-specific map has a problem with terrible SV changes it's a problem with the ranking criteria for mania maps allowing extremely bad SV changes to get through. so there's really no reason for this mod tbh.
care to explain more why you're against ? I is an example of a song with inconstant BPM. You wouldn't say the same if the map was made for mania.
Ryu Sei
The speedblock mod should be ignores all SV/BPM changes.
For BPM change, if the beat slower then make the bar further and vice-versa.
Play Mode-specific Maps. If you can't deal with the Speed changes, don't play it. Maps like that are made for the Standard Mod, the Mappers cannot regard to the other modes because it's very hard to play.
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This mod is, like I meant to say, almost only for converted maps
I don't think anyone of the Dev makes the effort to pick out auto-converted Beatmaps from the mode-specific ones.
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Well, forgot about marathons.
Marathons are usually multi-BPM'ed and thus have different speeds. This can be between 75 and 500 BPM (KIRBYmix compilation), this definitely unreadable, just like DeltaMax - DmAshura.
@Stefan I don't understand what you mean, can you please explain (better)
Source: BMS

In original BMS played in LR2 or any other emulator it has speedchanges as well. No once calls it impossible. Yes, they can be hard and annoying but it's part of the game.
A very large and resounding no to this suggestion.
If this was implemented, I'll map the song start with the lowest BPM and later change it to normal.
So, you have to play with the slowest scrolling speed for the rest of the song. :D

Nah, just kidding. But SV is really the essential part of the beatmap.
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Uhmm, you can select scroll speed like always, but it won't change anyore when speedblock will be used/implemented
And then you'll have to mash F3 like a freak to get 20-26 scrolling speed. :P
My Angel Kurisu

xelivous wrote:

if a mania-specific map has a problem with terrible SV changes it's a problem with the ranking criteria for mania maps allowing extremely bad SV changes to get through. so there's really no reason for this mod tbh.
Majority of the fun mania maps are unranked

-Trophy- wrote:

Majority of the fun mania maps are unranked
if it's unranked you can just modify the map itself to remove slider velocity if you wanted to though??
Generally, don't be such thinking / focusing / narrow minded on one thing -> "This is an awful map with ridiculous speed changes / SV changes, I can't pass this. Firetruck this map" ; and try to learn it a hundred times.

Yes, it maybe take a longer time but that's the virtue while playing and learning it on the same time and eventually, those annoying speed changes / SV changes can be tackled easily and you'll be satisfied after you successfully cleared the mentioned maps.

_Gezo_ wrote:

xelivous wrote:

leaf - i is mapped for standard, and is an autoconvert
you're trying to get a mod made for a mode using a map made for another mode as an example

if a mania-specific map has a problem with terrible SV changes it's a problem with the ranking criteria for mania maps allowing extremely bad SV changes to get through. so there's really no reason for this mod tbh.
care to explain more why you're against ? I is an example of a song with inconstant BPM. You wouldn't say the same if the map was made for mania.
If it were to be made for mania, it would be pretty simple : the map would be unranked with no chance of being ranked. And nobody cares about adding mods for unranked maps.

That said, I'm not against it, I wouldn't mind if it were to be implemented, but I don't think the OP is using a right example by mentionning an AC.
I strongly recommend him to play mania-specific beatmaps and not some half-assed ACs.
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Uhm, I think Siromaru & Cranky (??) - Conflict (Vocaloid ver.) Is a good example of a ranked mania map with many speed changes.
To bad I can't play 7K
I norminate kors k - smooooch by DJPop for a fun SV change.

And because it's fun, why I need no SV change for this?

My beatmap also contain SV changes, where it enchants playing experience and make my map a lot more beautiful.
I see no reason this should be implemented.
Agreed with Conflict having (ososick!!) big SV changes and the result is pretty nice if you ask me. SVs must fit the song to look good and feel nice to play.
I like to use SV changes in my own mapsets and they make them less... plain, or boring.

I can see this mod implemented as an unranked mod.
Ryu Sei

PyaKura wrote:

Agreed with Conflict having (ososick!!) big SV changes and the result is pretty nice if you ask me. SVs must fit the song to look good and feel nice to play.
I like to use SV changes in my own mapsets and they make them less... plain, or boring.

I can see this mod implemented as an unranked mod.
Since o!m player must adapt with the SV change variations...
^ this that those these.

It's like standard player must adapt with the distance snap change tho.
That mod would only make sense if it's unranked, but it's not a bad idea

Ryu Sei wrote:

The speedblock mod should ignore all SV/BPM changes
fuck you lr2 scum

Redon wrote:

I find it hard to believe there are people out there who honestly believe that basing scrolling speed off SV is a good idea, or even that any mapper should be given the tools to change scrolling speed mid-song for that matter.

"It's unnecessarily difficult to read, annoying, and everyone hates it! What, change it? No."
"It's part of the map, you see!"
"X has always been annoying garbage, so don't improve things because it would be unfair to those who had to play annoying garbage in the past."

It's hard to read these posts without going mad. Perhaps it's better not to care. Though one day, I'll probably end up writing a big(ger) rant to point out just how retarded I find the way scrolling speeds are currently handled truly is.

That is all.
wat, Are you actually saying that all o2jam maps are bad? Well made SV changes are hell of a fun (DJPop's Smoooch for example) just learn to play them.
I still don't understand why there is shouldn't be a "mod" like this when the mod itself would be
A) totally optional
B) reducing score so much, nobody would play it for getting a good rank or being completly unranked at all.

If people enjoy the map more with just one speed instead of changes then why shouldn't they be allowed to do so?
It would still be something "optiional" like any other mod.

On the other hand you can always blame the modding process for bad speed changes (mode-specific) or old super BPM changing maps that are most likely auto converted.
But still: why is something that would be totally optional a bad thing?
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bomber34 wrote:

I still don't understand why there is shouldn't be a "mod" like this when the mod itself would be
A) totally optional
B) reducing score so much, nobody would play it for getting a good rank or being completly unranked at all.

If people enjoy the map more with just one speed instead of changes then why shouldn't they be allowed to do so?
It would still be something "optiional" like any other mod.

On the other hand you can always blame the modding process for bad speed changes (mode-specific) or old super BPM changing maps that are most likely auto converted.
But still: why is something that would be totally optional a bad thing?
Finally someone who completely understands this.
If people don't want to use it, they won't, just like EVERY OTHER mod.

Chamelo_Th wrote:

My beatmap also contain SV changes, where it enchants playing experience and make my map a lot more beautiful.
I see no reason this should be implemented.
well some people believe their SB (which they create for the map extra ...) enchants the experience and makes it a lot more beautiful
Visual Settings --> disable SB

well hitsounds are a must in every game mode and a lot of people think it enchants the playing experience and makes the song a lot more beautiful but people still can play without it by setting effect volume to 0% in sound options

99% of taiko player probably believe there is a must to have hitting different keys for blue and red hits ... there is still relax mod to just use one key for all (and that is unranked, nobody complains)

You can either use relax to not click in standard (which could be argued as bad since the slogan of the game is: rhythm is just a click away)

Chamelo_Th wrote:

It's like standard player must adapt with the distance snap change tho.
nope, there is Auto Pilot ... which moves the cursor for you (unranked mod)

overall osu! is great, because it allows a lot of options to play the game in a way you prefer even if more than 50% of players will never use it

- if it is that terrible of a mod in regards for competetive play: go unrank for it

bomber34 wrote:

99% of taiko player probably believe there is a must to have hitting different keys for blue and red hits ... there is still relax mod to just use one key for all (and that is unranked, nobody complains)
So just make that speedblock thing unranked and everybody's happy \:D/

bomber34 wrote:

well some people believe their SB (which they create for the map extra ...) enchants the experience and makes it a lot more beautiful
Visual Settings --> disable SB

well hitsounds are a must in every game mode and a lot of people think it enchants the playing experience and makes the song a lot more beautiful but people still can play without it by setting effect volume to 0% in sound options

99% of taiko player probably believe there is a must to have hitting different keys for blue and red hits ... there is still relax mod to just use one key for all (and that is unranked, nobody complains)

You can either use relax to not click in standard (which could be argued as bad since the slogan of the game is: rhythm is just a click away)

there is Auto Pilot ... which moves the cursor for you (unranked mod)

overall osu! is great, because it allows a lot of options to play the game in a way you prefer even if more than 50% of players will never use it

- if it is that terrible of a mod in regards for competetive play: go unrank for it
So, you want to have one for mania?

Then, go for unranked.
Still, the OP's objective doesn't want to learn the damn thing that damages his gameplay. \:D/

Aaaaaand, unranked mod it is.

Redon wrote:

-Kamikaze- wrote:

wat, Are you actually saying that all o2jam maps are bad? Well made SV changes are hell of a fun (DJPop's Smoooch for example) just learn to play them.
I wasn't calling any maps bad. What I'm saying is that even when used sensibly, scrolling speed changes add very little or nothing to the quality of a map - They'd be just as fun without them. Considering that, I really don't think that little luxury is worth the SV horror we currently put up with especially on auto converts.

In my personal opinion, both mappers and the game should keep their hands off scrolling speeds and approach rates, and let the user configure it based on preference. You know, instead of having to stick a piece of paper over half my taiko screen.

It evens the odds for all and makes the game more fun.
I agree with that point in case af AC's which have really nasty BPM changes, but the thing is, on mania specific maps, well made SV changes (DJPop's or Ishi's) are what makes map fun. After playing DJPop's smoooch few times, when I tried no-SV version on Priti's mapset, it felt unbelievably empty. And it's not because it was easier, hell it's on same level for me, but SV changes were just too much fun, so getting rid of them breaks the experience. And many players actually love SV's.
So in summary I agree that AC's BPM changes are bad, and it isn't something we should learn to play, but mania specific SV-changes reading is something players should learn.

Redon wrote:

Wouldn't the way you put it make it a very subjective matter? I enjoyed that map you mentioned, especially the way the hit sounding was done, but I personally thought the SV changes were awful. I do not think they were fun.

As a player, I don't want to be left wondering if my game just had a hiccup, or if that was the mapper trying to be creative with extreme SV changes. Although I don't understand how you could enjoy that, I can respect that you do, and in the same spirit I don't think it's a good idea to force it on people who find it extremely unintuitive and irritating.
If mapper wants his map to be SV-change heavy, then let him do it, you don't have to play it. It's the same with AR settings or just the way map is done on std. Respect mapper's style. We have same issue on mania with some pepole hating LN heavy patterns just because they don't like them. If you don't like it, fine, you're not forced to play it, but don't go around saying that they're awful. Of course I don't imply that you're doing it and yes it is a very subjective matter. And that's exactly why I said that this mod is a good idea, but only as unranked mod, similar to LR2's Consistent BPM Fix setting. /thread
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Well, I'm fine with it being an unranked mod
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Time for a little bump
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