
osu!mania BAT situation

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There's been no mania BAT activity for a few weeks now. [Shi-ra] resigned, Roxas and PROGUY are inactive, there's only Charles445 who's also a standard BAT so he's very busy. We need 2 BATs to get a map ranked, and 3 to get it approved. (+1 if a BAT himself wanted to get a map ranked/approved)
What can we do about that? Is there someone we can message about this among osu! staff?
I nominate Rumia-
well what you can do is mod more, be active, get 'noticed' by the higher powers and be clean

_Gezo_ wrote:

well what you can do is mod more, be active, get 'noticed' by the higher powers and be clean
We have tons of potential mania BAT, but there's no way to actually turn them into a BAT unless one of the staff sees fit. And the issue with that is that the staff are seemingly ignoring mania at this point.
Actually we were discussing that yesterday on #osumania and

Loctav wrote:

we have 4 mania BATs
thats enough for ranking
Which is true if all of them would be 100% active, which is impossible.

Loctav wrote:

find me proper candidates that do not shit on our community rules
Yeah, there are few worth mentioning
more BATs, faster ranking \:D/
you forget <-- this guy ..

ArcherLove wrote:

you forget <-- this guy ..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's busy focusing other modes than mania. lol
i love how vocal o!m people are, brings tears to my eye (only the one)
Vuelo Eluko
if i become BAT, ill rank every retard hard map ever made

Tear wrote:

There's been no mania BAT activity for a few weeks now. [Shi-ra] resigned, Roxas and PROGUY are inactive, there's only Charles445 who's also a standard BAT so he's very busy. We need 2 BATs to get a map ranked, and 3 to get it approved. (+1 if a BAT himself wanted to get a map ranked/approved)
What can we do about that? Is there someone we can message about this among osu! staff?
I am very glad to see someone has addressed this. I was considering making a post about this myself but you beat me to it.

-Kamikaze- wrote:

Actually we were discussing that yesterday on #osumania and

Loctav wrote:

we have 4 mania BATs
thats enough for ranking
Which is true if all of them would be 100% active, which is impossible.

Loctav wrote:

find me proper candidates that do not shit on our community rules
Yeah, there are few worth mentioning
Rumia- lemme kiss u bby
Reikosaka lets get be together reikosaka-sama
Kuo Kyoka i will start being true to myself senpai
yoshilove moe overdose
I could name potential BAT's all day.
Rumia, Yumika (if he/she could show less of his/her intent of becoming BAT openly lol), Simple_Star, arcwin are all ok candidates. I either don't see the others fitting the role enough or simply don't know them enough.

Ento is not mentionned since he quit being BAT quite a while ago.
I could see Agka as BAT as well but hey, I highly doubt he agrees to be BAT. Requesting him for the role would already be quite a feat lol.
Drace too but he's given up on o!m long ago
we need batman
lol that what's agka said . but well BATman !!

ishimaru94 wrote:

more BATs, faster ranking \:D/
More BATs who are not qualified enough can lead to less maps with quality. Searching for BATs is not as easy as someone might thing, especially when it is about finding BATs who are active. But well, mania is not the mode where I know the community the best.

Anyway, you should try contacting Loctav(or the other BATm such as Charles) and suggest candidates with well founded reasons.
I doubt that discussing here for a long time will help much more.

Aqo wrote:

we need batman

egas00 wrote:

lol that what's agka said . but well BATman !!
First one to map this becomes a BAT

victorica_db wrote:

so sly
why find new bats if the mode needs to be reworked anyway

Lust wrote:

why find new bats if the mode needs to be reworked anyway
why posting here if you dont even play this gamemode

Loctav wrote:

Lust wrote:

why find new bats if the mode needs to be reworked anyway
why posting here if you dont even play this gamemode

Loctav wrote:

Lust wrote:

why find new bats if the mode needs to be reworked anyway
why posting here if you dont even play this gamemode

well, just disscussion is importan too =w=)b

Loctav wrote:

Lust wrote:

why find new bats if the mode needs to be reworked anyway
why posting here if you dont even play this gamemode
so what if i dont play this game mode as often as the others (i dont really play anyway), mania is still part of the game i love

its like liking a movie, sure im not in it but i enjoy talking about it

OnosakiHito wrote:

ishimaru94 wrote:

more BATs, faster ranking \:D/
More BATs who are not qualified enough can lead to less maps with quality. Searching for BATs is not as easy as someone might thing, especially when it is about finding BATs who are active. But well, mania is not the mode where I know the community the best.

Anyway, you should try contacting Loctav(or the other BATm such as Charles) and suggest candidates with well founded reasons.
I doubt that discussing here for a long time will help much more.
I definitely agree that finding BATs is much harder than people seem to think. It takes a lot of time and dedication to be a BAT, and that's on top of everything else. The mania community is pretty short on qualified people, to be honest, so it's hardly a surprise that we have so few BATs, but now things are beginning to be a problem.

However, there's one thing you said that I disagree with. I believe that its important to let us discuss things like this on the forum. Even if discussion can't magically solve the problem, it helps by giving players somewhere that they can voice their opinion on the matter (as long as they feel that everyone's opinion has equal weight).

Of course, that's not to say that topics like this shouldn't be moderated (they definitely should, shitposts should not be allowed in topics like this (and there are a few here), and anyone caught making them should have their post deleted, and at least receive some sort of warning), but should be freely available for people to discuss these sort of issues in a civil manner.
It's more of a surprise that you guys used to have 7 that were active; us Taiko people almost always had the bare minimum (not 4 as Loctav thinks but 5 imo, there's an aspect of a BAT mapset for approval getting popped once which require: 1 BAT for the map, 1 BAT for Bub1, 1 to pop it and rebub, 1 to Bub2, and one to rank). It's been the same for us in TWC (we had like zero available as many of the BAT were playing; or Ono as map-sel had to prepare shit so no time to mod and Kana was totally AFK), so for MWC you may expect the same.
Now as people have said, find good candidates; make an internal discussion or whatever so you all agree on who could be one (doing it in #spectator helps a lot as you don't pollute #osumania and spoil everything ever), and send submissions to Loctav or Charles445 or whoever is qualified enough to say if yes or no they're suitable for this position.

I said it in my previous post, people have to be active and regular(I'm watching them...), be clean (No point in giving people BATship if they shit on the CR as Loc said), and get 'noticed'.

Lust wrote:

so what if i dont play this game mode as often as the others (i dont really play anyway), mania is still part of the game i love

its like liking a movie, sure im not in it but i enjoy talking about it
point being you don't know shit if you think the gamemode needs "reworking", nothing more

CephiCC wrote:

Lust wrote:

so what if i dont play this game mode as often as the others (i dont really play anyway), mania is still part of the game i love

its like liking a movie, sure im not in it but i enjoy talking about it
point being you don't know shit if you think the gamemode needs "reworking", nothing more
At least define "reworking". :/

Anyways that's off-topic.
I see PROGUY has logged in today. I SEE HOPE.
i'd rather have a few non-perfect bats rather than.. well... no bats
not everyone can be a Charles

mania can't afford the luxury of searching for perfect candidates, it needs people that have the motivation to push it forward, even when those people do mistakes every now and then
This ^

BATs are not required to be perfect and having flawless mapping knowledge. They can always ask for playtests and opinions from trusty,, non-biased, high-level players to help them in some cases, which has already been done many times before.

Finding potential BATs isn't hard; I feel like the issue comes from the amount of work which awaits the BATs, they become easily overloaded (Shi-Ra) even though they take their role very seriously, and then leave.

O!m just needs a few more BATs to take on all the requests, and they should know they can rely on the community to help them. Noone can do everything alone. (Hopefully modding v2 can achieve this goal).

I'm sure BATmanagers have already some people in their minds for the role. I'd say, even though it might be risky, nominating them and making them go through an evaluation period where both mappers/modders and the staff give their judgement on the newly appointed BATs. It's kind of a radical solution but the more we keep waiting, the more requests are accumulating. We can't rely on Charles and kanpankyin forever and ever.

PyaKura wrote:

This ^

BATs are not required to be perfect and having flawless mapping knowledge. They can always ask for playtests and opinions from trusty,, non-biased, high-level players to help them in some cases, which has already been done many times before.

Finding potential BATs isn't hard; I feel like the issue comes from the amount of work which awaits the BATs, they become easily overloaded (Shi-Ra) even though they take their role very seriously, and then leave.

O!m just needs a few more BATs to take on all the requests, and they should know they can rely on the community to help them. Noone can do everything alone. (Hopefully modding v2 can achieve this goal).

I'm sure BATmanagers have already some people in their minds for the role. I'd say, even though it might be risky, nominating them and making them go through an evaluation period where both mappers/modders and the staff give their judgement on the newly appointed BATs. It's kind of a radical solution but the more we keep waiting, the more requests are accumulating. We can't rely on Charles and kanpankyin forever and ever.
Modding v2? H'what?

Zare wrote:

not everyone can be a Charles

CephiCC wrote:

Modding v2? H'what?
New ranking/modding system development
Ryu Sei

Seems 1 of o!m BATs come back.
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

so what if i dont play this game mode as often as the others (i dont really play anyway), mania is still part of the game i love

its like liking a movie, sure im not in it but i enjoy talking about it
omg i'm in a movie!

And I'd like to point out that even with PROGUY and Charles it's still impossible to get a marathon approved...
Wait for Roxas ~ the end of june ~
R e x 1 0 0
No more maps ;w;

Tear wrote:

Lust wrote:

so what if i dont play this game mode as often as the others (i dont really play anyway), mania is still part of the game i love

its like liking a movie, sure im not in it but i enjoy talking about it
omg i'm in a movie!

And I'd like to point out that even with PROGUY and Charles it's still impossible to get a marathon approved...
well there IS kanpankyin but I feel guilty about asking people who've gotta mod and bub and rank modes which aren't their specialty
I'd like a marathon map. Or at least something to help train more. I've been looking for something that would train me. Like, a program that would, based on PP, give me a regimen and tracks to play. But with so little ranked maps, it'd be hard. Or just marathon training maps in the least.
Wrong thread bro
couple people were talking about marathon maps, I just shared what I thought on them lol. It'd be nice to see at least you know, one, ranked.
Well there are two of them I believe. But well, not really marathon as in 10 minutes+.

On a side note (huehue) ROXAS'S ONLINE.

PyaKura wrote:

Side note #2 PROGUY has been online and ranking maps recently \o/
Hi everyone~ stay working to be a BAT ~ the disscusion is stay in progres ~ plz wait for me and Remillion Cross ~ :D
Actually, asking to be a BAT is just not the right way to become one. Just saying.

Lokovodo wrote:

Rumia- lemme kiss u bby
Reikosaka lets get be together reikosaka-sama
Kuo Kyoka i will start being true to myself senpai
yoshilove moe overdose
I could name potential BAT's all day.

You do not forget that I can not English, and Exact Modding

yoshilove wrote:

You do not forget that I can not English, and Exact Modding
yoshilove かわいいね

PyaKura wrote:

Actually, asking to be a BAT is just not the right way to become one. Just saying.
Exactly. Get 'noticed' as Gezo has said in the 1st page.
I'm not stay asking to be a BAT , i stay ''worked'' to be a BAT ~ , and very chat with Charles all day of this. ~

I'm not have the more good english , but , i'm stay tryyyyyyyyy to speak this:c
Judging by your userpage and banner, you are asking to be a bat. no offense
NaxelCL go~go~~

good luck mania bat candidates.....

is there got o2bat yet?

Loctav wrote:

find me proper candidates that do not shit on our community rules
Find me a proper BATManager that do not shit on our community.

Hi Fullerene-
Am I the only one in this thread that doesn't want to be BAT? Turning mods/ranking into a job just feels overwhelming/stressful to me :\
0: loctav really post the reply of yuno *o* , hihihihihi ~ :c i'm stay postuling to be a BAT

NaxelCL : runs >w< ~

ExPew wrote:

good luck mania bat candidates.....

is there got o2bat yet?
is there any iidxbat yet either?
shitposting in a thread that won't go anywhere

Charles is already aware of the situation, so I'm sure adding more salt to the wound won't really be helpful.
People not understanding there are no such things as "postuling to be BAT" lol. It's sad.
Well, first of all, I will be back around 4-5 July guys.
After this, remember that for being BAT you need good english, good quality mods that makes you better modders than the others, active modding (this doesnt mean 1 or 2 mods per month lol) and good attitude. I think I didn't forget anything lolol
Now think again your candidates and do as Ono said, but think carefully what is a very good mod.
Wow, surprisingly, I've found this thread and Roxas' post here o.o
Well, I agree with his words and some posts which I saw in this thread. I won't write here my own opinion coz I know it'll be criticized by many people, so all what I want to say - mania no need BATs who'll be bubble/rank EVERYTHING just to make this pcocess faster, this process will be slow always coz there's no need in unpolished and raw ranked charts, remember that please~

I know there are alot of awesome modders, who wants to help newcomers (I know you personally, I stalk you lol), but I know that there are alot of people who mod ONLY to become'a bad motivation I think. I'm trying my best as always, I don't have any profit from this work, helping people only to hear "Thank you" that's enough for me, so think twice about why you need to join BAT please.

I know, maybe I'm too's like job for me, not the game, but I like this job.
Your machine~
We love you Shi-ra for all the hard work you're doing ♥
[Shi-Ra] for president *o*
lel again Pyakura ~ >w< , i'm not stay postuling ~ stay working to be a BAT , with : more good mods , with increase my english skill~ with more good actitude:) , i'll do good mods :( , i'm no understand , why the people , not like me maps and .__. and because I criticize so much?

I want to be a BAT , for help more people!
I have time to accept much request!
really have timeXD , because i'm 13 years old~~

*NaxelCL runs*

I'm a kid okno~

Bye o/
without having any influence or having any insight about who is a good mania modder and who isnt, i have to say that I don't approve of giving children influential staff positions.
Being in staff (should[!]) require(s) a minimum amount of knowledge in human nature, and so far I haven't seen any children who truly possess that.

Disclaimer: I myself thought I'd understand everyone and everything back at that age, turned out I didn't understand shit.
plz Close this thread.
I do not think so that there is progress.

This is a game. Please do not forget.

Not work.
do not care about age.


the majoritary people of this game have 13 - 17 years.
we don't need a fight here everyone orz
some jk is fine but please don't cross the line

[Shi-Ra] wrote:

mania no need BATs who'll be bubble/rank EVERYTHING just to make this pcocess faster, this process will be slow always coz there's no need in unpolished and raw ranked charts, remember that please~
I totally agree with this. We have tons of awesome works in graveyard while some @#$% are rushed to the place where they didn't deserved. Honestly speaking I don't think today's standard is high enough, and I really hope whoever get the position of BATs in the future, plz remember those words in mind.
btw shi-ra thank you for your effort lol

yoshilove wrote:

This is a game. Please do not forget.
Enjoy mapping lol that's much more important than struggling about some useless stuff lol
Agreeing about mapping quality standard. Many MANY maps feel identical, the only difference being in the song choice (I'm looking at you speed rankers). If it was up to me there'd be some maps I'd leave unranked forever.

Anyways that's not the point.

Back on topic, and asking to BATs : is there anyone, without revealing the name of course, who is in your scope to be BAT ?
Well, I think I can answer on some questions since osu! atm works unstable and I can't check charts properly (nuuuu ;w;)

NaxelCL wrote:

the majoritary people of this game have 13 - 17 years.
Honestly I don't know about an age audience of o!m and whole game. But just to note I need to tell you, that I didn't saw 13-17 years old BATs, GMTs etc.
And please, listen - as a BAT you need to be less emotional in discusses (in your modding/BAT activity too for example). That's why age means something here, just copying Zare's words: "Being in staff (should[!]) require(s) a minimum amount of knowledge in human nature, and so far I haven't seen any children who truly possess that." Listen to this please, it doesn't mean that "you're a child, you can't join BAT" or smth like that. You need to be more patient and less impulsive. I know that it's a game, but I can't say that being BAT it's a game too~
If you're working, so continue and stay calm, I'm always watching for new candidates and their behaivor, just do your best and you'll be noticed, thanks~

richardfeder wrote:

We have tons of awesome works in graveyard while some @#$% are rushed to the place where they didn't deserved.
Totally agree...I can't even write something else here.

PyaKura wrote:

Agreeing about mapping quality standard. Many MANY maps feel identical, the only difference being in the song choice (I'm looking at you speed rankers).
Yeah...we need more detailed rules about mapping for novices to avoid raw and "identical" charts, but how to write and implement them here, it's hard. Is there something like global charting guide, huh? No...that's hard for me, I have another work here and irl to think about that x.x

PyaKura wrote:

Back on topic, and asking to BATs : is there anyone, without revealing the name of course, who is in your scope to be BAT ?
Yus, as I've said, I always watching for new candidates and they know who are they owo

Thank you~
Just more BMS/o2jam/stepmania etc. based songs instead of boring TVsizes, please ;_;

[Shi-Ra] wrote:

PyaKura wrote:

Agreeing about mapping quality standard. Many MANY maps feel identical, the only difference being in the song choice (I'm looking at you speed rankers).
Yeah...we need more detailed rules about mapping for novices to avoid raw and "identical" charts, but how to write and implement them here, it's hard. Is there something like global charting guide, huh? No...that's hard for me, I have another work here and irl to think about that x.x
There already is Hanyuu's guide for basic osu!mania mapping.

I can also try and whip out my own version using a different approach. It may or may not end up finished like my 7k difficulty thread, but at least that 7k thread served it's purpose of guiding beginners into playing 7k from what I've seen in the feedbacks.

By different approach, I mean I'll dwell more on note placing and patterns, and leaving the rest of the info that was covered in Hanyuu's thread out. If people are interested, I will make one.

By the way, I like your maps richardfeder.
4k charting tutorial???
Ento your maps are evil, don't make people go make evil maps like yours D: yay
Ryu Sei

Tidek wrote:

Just more BMS/o2jam/stepmania etc. based songs instead of boring TVsizes, please ;_;
This. o!m is very (almost) flexible game mode, it has many charting styles.

Ryu Sei wrote:

Tidek wrote:

Just more BMS/o2jam/stepmania etc. based songs instead of boring TVsizes, please ;_;
This. o!m is very (almost) flexible game mode, it has many charting styles.
We need more original stuff too. Like t+pazolite, LeaF, C-Show and many others
thank you entozer good to know that there's still at least somebody know me ;w;

Ryu Sei wrote:

o!m is very (almost) flexible game mode, it has many charting styles.
Yes, great

-Kamikaze- wrote:

We need more original stuff too.
This. Please remember this in mind.

sorry off topic /.\
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