
DragonForce - The Last Journey Home

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Donnerstag, 16. April 2015 at 23:03:28

Artist: DragonForce
Title: The Last Journey Home
Tags: dragon force power speed metal stream deathstream ultra beatdown marathon undeadbananaz
BPM: 150
Filesize: 13508kb
Play Time: 08:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. Legend (6,06 stars, 2044 notes)
Download: DragonForce - The Last Journey Home
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
ass booty
SB and images and stuff stolen provided by kohei UndeadBananaz

Started and finished on May 3rd 2014;
total hours of work: 13

star 4 u
Maldita Sea
Stop trying to map like lesjuh, please.

You have many fun maps with CS4 and AR9 that have their own style. Why try to imitate the old school maps?

Just that.
Topic Starter
Stop using Cookiezi's s face as your avatar, please.

Shouldn't you have your own identity instead of trying to hide behind your fangirl orgasms?

Just that.
I really am bad at modding, but ima try. :B

i know why you did this section like this but still maybe somewhere in the middle make a pattern that would mix it up a bit 00:39:624 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe <: or maybe a bit later where you hear the drums, because its a bit boring

00:47:024 (1) - you could make this into a slider one way or another

maybe make the spacing more consistent to the others? 02:22:624 (5) -

02:44:090 (4) - one note doesnt seem to fit really but a triplet looks awkward maybe, so i dunno about dis

in comparison to the rest of the jumps this seems a bit much, maybe a bit closer for cinsistency <: 03:42:073 (8) -

you could probably add a note on the red tick here 06:37:147 (1) -

it would look better if they actually connected imo 08:06:647 (13,1) - as in the note leading into the slider

alright, there is my crappy mod <:
Topic Starter

Squigly wrote:

I really am bad at modding, but ima try. :B

i know why you did this section like this but still maybe somewhere in the middle make a pattern that would mix it up a bit 00:39:624 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe <: or maybe a bit later where you hear the drums, because its a bit boring | changed it up a bit, using sliderpairs and a little drumstream now

00:47:024 (1) - you could make this into a slider one way or another | not really possible and actually, I find the circle-slider combo working rather well with the vocals this time since they have this big 'break' thing between them

maybe make the spacing more consistent to the others? 02:22:624 (5) - | but that is consistent - 2.4x, 2.4x, 2.4x

02:44:090 (4) - one note doesnt seem to fit really but a triplet looks awkward maybe, so i dunno about dis | leaving one; this is an intro section so I'm not going to map everything but sticking to putting the focus on the guitar and drums like this - if I mapped everything like this (-> guitar is rather unimpactful, even though playing an important role here) would make things very monotoneous

in comparison to the rest of the jumps this seems a bit much, maybe a bit closer for cinsistency <: 03:42:073 (8) - | it's rather big, yes, but it's way less angled than the ones before and orientates with 5's sliderbody, making it feel closer and not playing as wildly; at least that's from my experience

you could probably add a note on the red tick here 06:37:147 (1) - | neh; I know there's vocals there but really, I don't think it contributes to the big echoing feeling of this section if you hit 1/2 here

it would look better if they actually connected imo 08:06:647 (13,1) - as in the note leading into the slider | there's a fair break in tone from the drums that the stream follows into the strong guitar here, so this 'weird' angle actually features that fairly well (unlike a 'smoother' transition would)

alright, there is my crappy mod <:
Edogawa Conan
We should respect elderly
good map, gl on rank
Will mod tomorrow, star for now :P
Hello, mod as requested ~ inb4 sarcasm
Sorry for double post, i can't load draft on already posted post. wat


  1. Highly suggesting you to remove "ultra" from tags, i mean who actually search with this tags? Your choice anyawy ~
  2. I really think you should give that an epilepsy warning. Parts such as 04:03:022 - 04:13:689 are really sudden.


00:08:224 (4) - What about placing the last construction point to 112;264 for a bette transition with 00:09:824 (5) because the way it currently look is kinda "random" between those 2 notes.00:10:224 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - In all honesty I think you used those New Combo's to recover health after the muches empty spaces but when playing it with Auto having only 300's, which is easy ot accomplish with an easy part such as this, the health bar is still pretty high. I think you could make only 2 new combo's here ; One being at 00:10:224 (1) and the other at 00:11:824 (1) .00:33:424 (6,7) - I don't really like the shape of the 6 ; Just my oinion, but maybe make a direct copy paste of (7) to (6)?00:12:224 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - These trhee make a pretty nice consecutive ; But 00:11:824 (1,2) - is excluded, since he's not poinitng where he should be. Maybe you could try doing like this:
00:18:524 - A note here could sounds well ; Also it would be more constant with 00:16:824 (2,3,4),00:24:824 (2,3,4) or 00:26:424 (2,3,4) ? Up to you.00:31:824 (3,4) - A bit hard to explain but oyu could actually use (3) as a 1/1 to follow the vocal and transform (4) in a circle instead. It's just me but it sounds much better.00:58:224 (1,2,3,4) - Dunno for you but I think the placement is a bit meh. What about moving (3) to 482|261, since it would looks nicer, and also it would be slighty more constant with 00:56:624 (1,2,3,4) well hard to explain but for exemple if we reapproach the both slider's tail they would slighty overlap, a bit like Same would happen if you apply this suggestion, and if you do, be sure to move hte (4).01:01:624 (2,3,4) - Why a triplet here? It would sounds much better as it is like 01:00:124 (2,3) .01:05:524 - Why is the beat ignored? :< Like in every other similar part, we could hear a soft-sample sound, which isn't the case here, breaking apart constanthingy :c01:22:224 (1,2,3) - These notes are completely inauditible. You should consider raising the volume a bit so that we can hear them. The other parts are fine tho.01:35:424 (2,3) - Honestly I think it sound bad, it could be improved! Try this:
01:49:924 - I can clearly hear why you did a triplet in those parts: 01:49:224 (7,8,9) and others ; But why none here? I can here the sounds, if that's what both listened to. Same goes for 01:52:524.02:11:824 (1,2) - I mean, i can't seem to pass this.02:14:224 (6,7) - I like (7)'s shape, what about copy-pasting it onto (6) which i find meh? Just my opinion.02:19:424 (5) - But now you're ignoring an important beat onto a slider end. You could half the slider and add a clickable action onto that.02:25:224 (6,7,8,9,10) - Again, is this even possible or it's cookiezi? 02:25:524 (8,9,10) looks doable but the other parts 02:25:224 (6,7,8) looks very hard to play.02:26:274 (1) - Just giving a compliment about that shape, it's nice. 02:34:757 until breaks - I really think that soft sample doesn't fit . Hard to say here, but maybe drum sample?
I skipped a part of the map as it was just full of streams, nothing really much to say about it.05:17:689 (1) - If i could just try applying you a part of my mapping style ~
05:22:189 (7) - Honestly ; I don,t understand this slider ; Why not 3 simple notes? I mean the slider really sounds bad because of it starting/ending on red tick + is not holding any vocals unlike 05:20:856 (3) .05:47:022 (1,2,3) - It's really hard to know when to hit the notes seriously, just in comparison to 05:46:022 (2,3,4) , also you doesn't really have any clue that it kinda slow down. Think about increasing a bit distance between them notes.05:57:689 (1) - Ok every mod need a shitty idea, what about curving down this one just a bit to make an half-assed blanket with 05:58:189 (2) ?05:58:189 (2,3) - Again, distance very hard to see.06:03:285 (1) - goddamit Jenny you should icnrease a bit S.V here, just a bit, since much player, to know where there is SV changes, try seeing Sliderticks, but here it's kinda invisisble for a while.06:37:747 (2) - Maybe try moving the last structure point to 75|160 for a better transition with (3), the next note.
All the rest is fine.

Well, good luck on your map, plz stop making me feel like a sitmodder pls.

Winek wrote:

Highly suggesting you to remove "ultra" from tags, i mean who actually search with this tags? Your choice anyawy ~
This song comes from album named "Ultra Beatdown"

new mp3 :^)
00:00:624 (1) - kinda awkward place to start a beatmap? just saying; doesn't matter. it should definitely be on the right! waaagh!
00:28:624 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - the spacing might have to be consistent; it doesn't look very straightforward.
01:09:424 (1,2,3) - there is no reason for them to be on the same spot. Not a big problem, though.
01:10:624 (5,1) - that's way too down, and consider separating them as well.
01:36:224 (4,1) - same as 01:09:424
02:15:624 (5) - that one is also way too down.
02:45:590 (2,3,4) - I would make these a slider.
02:47:923 (8) - I can't hear the hitsound?
03:00:823 (5,1) - same as 01:09:424
03:32:623 (1,2,3,4) - their positioning looks kinda random. try making them neat.
03:41:923 (7,8,1) - doesn't really look like the right place for a jump..
03:45:823 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - same as 03:32:623
04:55:022 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - way too far? (it's 8 times farther away than it is supposed to be. dayum.)
06:03:285 (1) - I don't think this is a very good idea. what about just giving the player a break instead?
07:02:747 (1) - way too down?
07:05:947 (1) - ^
07:27:747 (5) - too far away? not a good place for a jump.

That's all from me. that's a really hardcore beatmap by the way.
Akiyama Mizuki
I hope I can make taiko oni diff. Final test ends in like 3 weeks, so yeah.
Topic Starter
Why would I even... Blahbla, this is all my opinion, blahbla,


  1. 00:10:224 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Two things about this:

    a) the NCs. The song doesn't really feature such a distinct 2-beat-goruping that would encourage having an NC on every second beat here. It really just feels like dividing the 2 measures would be enough

    b) 00:12:424 (2) - weird shit happening here, because on this red tick the guitar pitch gets raised, it doesn't happen on the downbeat as you would expect it, so actually I'd that to be accentuated in the map in some way. (higher spacing, sharper angle, w/e)
  2. 00:16:624 (1,2,3,4) - Since the map in general is mainly following vocals and guitars, on this first strong sound that's kind of introducing the map's main rhythms, I'd go for a slider on the vocals instead of a circle + triple on the drums, it just seems more fitting to go with the main layers here and then start with the more complex stuff at like 00:24:624 - when the drums get heavier and more noticeable
  3. 00:23:624 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - tbh I dont get this whatsoever, like, the strong BUM BUM drums start 00:23:824 - here but you just kept the same guitar-based stuff, and then you go for 1/4 sliders? I'd want to have the strong drums that start on 00:23:824 - much more emphasized, if needed i'd even go as far as saying to map the previous guitar patterns using 1/4 sliders, then transition into circles when the drums kick in, they're just that strong
    (why did you do sliders on them anyway, practically ignoring every second beat)
  4. 00:27:824 (1) - idk this just seems real weak and lowly scaled, considering how the vocalist like, jumps 3 octaves up.. This doesn't have any kind of patterning going on, either, no sharp, snappy angles, no higher spacing, it's mapped exactly like the rest (tbh i feel like a lot of the map could have some better spacing-oriented emphasis but welp)
  5. 00:32:124 - idk, add circle? vocals are kind of on this tick here, or feel that way
  6. 00:35:024 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - this could just be improved visually, and maybe stick to the sliders on the drumclaps? would feel a bit more epic imo
  7. 00:35:824 - slider for guitar emphasis?
  8. 00:39:024 (1,2,3) - personal preferation right here: don't (auto)stack below a slidertail please. If you have to do a stack, at least do it manually so it a) doesnt fuck your spacing and b) won't kill any kind of modplays (i know you dont care about modplays because blabla map is mapped for nomod bleble but if it doesn't harm your map you might as well do it, no?)
  9. 00:39:024 (1) - another point where I'd like too see higher spacing or something
  10. 00:40:824 (2) - like, you have higher spacing here and it's not significantly stronger than previous one
  11. 00:42:424 (6,7) - you coooouuuuld map these as circles to prevent the slidertail-stream transition at 00:43:024 -
  12. 00:43:824 (1) - tbh this feels like 2 circles would fit better to the vocals that are prominent on both white and red ticks here
  13. 00:56:624 (1,2,3,4) - hngggghhh
  14. 01:00:124 (2,3) - I believe I already pointed this out at some point (dont even remember) but, despite being somewhat of a funny feature, why is this a 3/4 double while 01:01:624 (2,3,4) - is a 1/2 triple, same for 01:09:724 (2,3) - ofc
  15. 01:31:024 (5) - feels weird because it's like delayed after the vocals by 1/2, why not just put the slider on 01:30:824 -
  16. 01:32:624 (5,6) - W H Y ? ! ? !

    Like, I understand that you're following the guitar mainly and that is generally okay with other rhythms in this section but these vocals just entirely conflict with that and it wouldn't hurt the guitar rhythms that aren't even present here if you followed these lyrics properly

    - you even did it 01:40:424 (3) - here ;w;
  17. 01:44:624 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - since I believe I know how you map this kind of confuses me because I don't see what you tried to do here.. It's just 1/2 notes in a visually not appealing snake-curve-line-thing without any special stressing on certain beats, even tho the music clearly suggests some guitar strings that clearly stand out
  18. 01:49:024 (6,10) - any reason not to with sliders on these?
  19. 01:55:224 (6,1) - is ths overlap intentional? did you use compleax algorithms to calculate the cursor movement from 01:55:424 (7,1) - which forces (1) to end uo here, overlapping with 6? if not, change this?
  20. 02:11:824 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - hnggghhh
  21. 02:14:224 (6,7) - this sliderpair seems a little forced to me, the second slider should be circles because youknow equal intensitiy on both beats + both feature dominant vocal line
  22. 02:19:424 (5) - Uhm.... what
  23. 02:22:624 (5,6,1) - do these spacings make sense when (1) is the strongest beat of them all? I'd nerf (5) and (6)
  24. 02:25:474 - there's an unmapped 1/8 beat here, you could like just throw a slider here that will catch this
  25. 02:25:524 (8,9,10) - silence sliderends for optimal experience?!?!
  26. 02:26:274 (1) - extremely opinionated, but I really dislike these beziers of yours. imo they're just not good looking idk
  27. 02:44:090 - throwing 1/4 here would be the sexiest thing in the whole fucking map (and do it with high spacing because pitch)
  28. 03:06:223 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    this is cool
    but it's really hard to read because of the varying amount of circles on the stacks and the streamjumps and the sudden speedup
    also the drums at the 03:07:423 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - part sound much more.. rolling.. and less... impactfull.. on the white ticks
    I feel what you did at 03:16:873 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - just feels much more fitting and that this is currently really just for the wtf aspect that kills the player
  29. 03:10:423 (4,5,1) - minimal change? would apply the same stuff for 03:13:273 (5,1,2) - (NOT AN OVERLAP FAN OKAY)
  30. 03:14:623 (4) - what's the reason for this sharp edge, i feel like I could cut my fingers when playing these and the song doesnt really give me that kinda feeling
  31. 03:25:423 - do your eally need to disregard the drums here? I feel like you could do cool stuff even with 1/4s going here
  32. 03:32:623 (1) - if you placed a 1/2 slider here you would get the AHHHHH emphasized aaaand you would get additional stress on the strrrooooong vocals mapped on 03:32:923 (3,4) - because these are currently mapped like the beat before them and that steals from their distinctive epicness
  33. 03:35:923 (4) - can't help it but think that this is off beacuse rhythm on tail..
  34. 03:45:223 (7,8) - RIP combo, can't you map this a bit friendlier but still keep the emphasis on every single triple?
  35. 03:52:356 (1) - I feel like the entire streampart could use some visual refining, namely stuff like this: (use polygon circles or do it properly by hand idc
  36. 04:06:356 (6,7) - just questioning your mindset of always forcing players to follow the slidertracks , especially because you applie that sufficiently on 04:03:689 (6,7) - or 04:05:022 (6,7) - etc
  37. 04:12:356 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - what the flying fuck Jenny can you please not just skip important drumbeats in the middle of a drum-following stream? this is like super confusing and doesnt make sense whatsoever
  38. 04:24:856 (4) - slider to go with guitar?
  39. 04:35:022 (1,2) - I hiiiighly suggest to boost the spacing here, at this point it might as well be possible to be a 1/4 jump with the spacingincrease before this and knowing it's... well.... a Jenny map. Anyway, raising spacing here would help readability I think
  40. 04:41:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - this is just sloppy, use ploygon circles to have the circles at the end stack with those at the beginning, it just looks better
  41. 05:04:022 (9) - there's not even anything in the song to suddenly support this kind of streamjump, especially if it's that anti-flowish, same for 05:05:356 (11).. These are just inconsistent with the rest of the map
  42. 06:42:447 (5) - why the fuck is this here place it on 06:42:547 - for correct snap
  43. 07:19:147 (2) - circles because of lyrics on slidertick, stop forcing these sliderpairing when they dont fit properly
  44. 07:24:247 (8) - why is this the stream turning point? (9) would feel muuuuch more approptiate for this, because you know, white tick, makes sense with music etc.
  45. 08:06:397 - there's a note here that isnt mapped
  46. 08:06:547 (12) - starting here you have 3 1/6s instead of the 1/4s you mapped, put a reverse slider here that leads into 08:06:747 (1) -
zare's mod is hot
Topic Starter

Zare wrote:

Why would I even... Blahbla, this is all my opinion, blahbla,


  1. 00:10:224 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Two things about this:

    a) the NCs. The song doesn't really feature such a distinct 2-beat-goruping that would encourage having an NC on every second beat here. It really just feels like dividing the 2 measures would be enough

    b) 00:12:424 (2) - weird shit happening here, because on this red tick the guitar pitch gets raised, it doesn't happen on the downbeat as you would expect it, so actually I'd that to be accentuated in the map in some way. (higher spacing, sharper angle, w/e) |

    ^removed two NCs in the early part but kept the 2-beat-grouping later on since this does feel most dominant to me as I'm going with the drums here; generally I find them to have the stronger mainlayering here rather than the guitar - sure, the guitar is notable, very much so actually, but it's more of an after-echoing effect while what you hear and focus on at first are drums. at least that's the case for me, anyways
  2. 00:16:624 (1,2,3,4) - Since the map in general is mainly following vocals and guitars, on this first strong sound that's kind of introducing the map's main rhythms, I'd go for a slider on the vocals instead of a circle + triple on the drums, it just seems more fitting to go with the main layers here and then start with the more complex stuff at like 00:24:624 - when the drums get heavier and more noticeable | tbh, I really like the whole big slider into spinner into snapped single into tripple very much because it draws a lot of attention to the shift in song section; 00:21:424 (1,2,3,4,5) - you see, doing it again here as that's a similar form of re-buildup again
  3. 00:23:624 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - tbh I dont get this whatsoever, like, the strong BUM BUM drums start 00:23:824 - here but you just kept the same guitar-based stuff, and then you go for 1/4 sliders? I'd want to have the strong drums that start on 00:23:824 - much more emphasized, if needed i'd even go as far as saying to map the previous guitar patterns using 1/4 sliders, then transition into circles when the drums kick in, they're just that strong
    (why did you do sliders on them anyway, practically ignoring every second beat) | not very fond of putting the guitar into the background here, but changed the first slider into two circles because the drums are actually very foregroundish there; the latter two are sort of.. losing the tension for me, if that makes sense, so I'll keep it at that as it relaxes the playing speed and gives another sharp snap to the next combo
  4. 00:27:824 (1) - idk this just seems real weak and lowly scaled, considering how the vocalist like, jumps 3 octaves up.. This doesn't have any kind of patterning going on, either, no sharp, snappy angles, no higher spacing, it's mapped exactly like the rest (tbh i feel like a lot of the map could have some better spacing-oriented emphasis but welp) | gave it a sharper angle from 7 and adjusted spacing (7->1 1.4x, 1->2 1.4x, 2->3 1.0x)
  5. 00:32:124 - idk, add circle? vocals are kind of on this tick here, or feel that way | neh, there's nothing here.. and I want to keep the general rhythm a bit more focussed on the drums for those parts, anyways (for the most part)
  6. 00:35:024 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - this could just be improved visually, and maybe stick to the sliders on the drumclaps? would feel a bit more epic imo | made it a bit more smooth but I prefer the constant 1/4 here
  7. 00:35:824 - slider for guitar emphasis? | drumfocussed section; also the backwards snapmovement (the streaming ending with a turn to the upper right) into the stack goes veeeeeeery well with what I want here, so keeping that
  8. 00:39:024 (1,2,3) - personal preferation right here: don't (auto)stack below a slidertail please. If you have to do a stack, at least do it manually so it a) doesnt fuck your spacing and b) won't kill any kind of modplays (i know you dont care about modplays because blabla map is mapped for nomod bleble but if it doesn't harm your map you might as well do it, no?) | it actually works how it's supposed to with sliderends
  9. 00:39:024 (1) - another point where I'd like too see higher spacing or something | preferably keeping as-is, the upcoming straight movement is pretty much enough accentuation for me here since the previous combo was entirely curved
  10. 00:40:824 (2) - like, you have higher spacing here and it's not significantly stronger than previous one | it's a fairly unique pattern in the song, though, which distinguishes it fairly clearly from the rest of the song up to now
  11. 00:42:424 (6,7) - you coooouuuuld map these as circles to prevent the slidertail-stream transition at 00:43:024 - | I'm actually fine with the tail-transition here since there's another shift in tonage and it's a little more easing and introducing like this
  12. 00:43:824 (1) - tbh this feels like 2 circles would fit better to the vocals that are prominent on both white and red ticks here | drummm focus; I don't want a lot of consistent clickage in these sections, but more angling and guide transitions, sorry >:
  13. 00:56:624 (1,2,3,4) - hngggghhh | u-uh-uguuuu!! >w<
  14. 01:00:124 (2,3) - I believe I already pointed this out at some point (dont even remember) but, despite being somewhat of a funny feature, why is this a 3/4 double while 01:01:624 (2,3,4) - is a 1/2 triple, same for 01:09:724 (2,3) - ofc | the first example is happening in/right at the end of a vocal pause while the rest is fiddled in-between the lyrics, which is why I didn't seem a stop-and-go anywhere as fitting there; the doubletap-y introduction pulls a lot more focus to the new section and combo which is very nice, but it's a thing that rarely fits >this< well, so it's pretty much a one-time occurance
  15. 01:31:024 (5) - feels weird because it's like delayed after the vocals by 1/2, why not just put the slider on 01:30:824 - | well.. going by accustic guitar here, not vocals.. generally I don't feel you should be too hard on vocals in a lot of sections of DragonForce songs because, while they might stick out, they have little.. continuous focus, to say it like that? PLUS, I absolutely love accustic guitars..
  16. 01:32:624 (5,6) - W H Y ? ! ? !

    Like, I understand that you're following the guitar mainly and that is generally okay with other rhythms in this section but these vocals just entirely conflict with that and it wouldn't hurt the guitar rhythms that aren't even present here if you followed these lyrics properly

    - you even did it 01:40:424 (3) - here ;w; | I don't quite get you tbh
  17. 01:44:624 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - since I believe I know how you map this kind of confuses me because I don't see what you tried to do here.. It's just 1/2 notes in a visually not appealing snake-curve-line-thing without any special stressing on certain beats, even tho the music clearly suggests some guitar strings that clearly stand out | not a snakeline, it's pairs on the guitar; little backsnaps on the pairs of three and an angle of the pairs of two
  18. 01:49:024 (6,10) - any reason not to with sliders on these? | felt like this would go better with the synth-guitar combo if I didn't stick to breaktimey sliderrhythms for the entire section; would be lying if I said I didn't consider it, though
  19. 01:55:224 (6,1) - is ths overlap intentional? did you use compleax algorithms to calculate the cursor movement from 01:55:424 (7,1) - which forces (1) to end uo here, overlapping with 6? if not, change this? | my unreadable skin doesn't find this to be a problem (and neither does default); the hitburst is naturally in the middle of the circle, not around it, so this slider pretty much leads exactly 'into' the center of it, which gives it a nice organized-yet-notsuperroomy look, and I quite like that - in other words: Yes.
  20. 02:11:824 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - hnggghhh | nn-nyan?? >//w//<
  21. 02:14:224 (6,7) - this sliderpair seems a little forced to me, the second slider should be circles because youknow equal intensitiy on both beats + both feature dominant vocal line | here, have your 2.45x triangle jump :v
  22. 02:19:424 (5) - Uhm.... what | Yes, a passive significant sliderend hitsound, you're seing this with your own eyes: I had tried around with this for like, half an hour, but I just ended up with valuing the finishing vocal higher than the actual correctness at this point - don't tell anyone, though, or I'll have to use 1/16 snap and speed the slider up by 7% or smth because people are anal.
  23. 02:22:624 (5,6,1) - do these spacings make sense when (1) is the strongest beat of them all? I'd nerf (5) and (6) | maybe I'll do something.. different (note how the brown combo is entirely up-and-down based now, might go very well with the establishing of the whistle pattern and the sliderwhistles especially)
  24. 02:25:474 - there's an unmapped 1/8 beat here, you could like just throw a slider here that will catch this | irc-solution: moved 1/4 slider on the whitetick, gets the kicky feeling well enough without being an arsepain
  25. 02:25:524 (8,9,10) - silence sliderends for optimal experience?!?! | can do
  26. 02:26:274 (1) - extremely opinionated, but I really dislike these beziers of yours. imo they're just not good looking idk | my opinion differs~
  27. 02:44:090 - throwing 1/4 here would be the sexiest thing in the whole fucking map (and do it with high spacing because pitch) | neh, 1/4 notes feel too awkward with how this section is rather calm and empty for the most part; sure, there are sounds there but.. I don't feel a full-pressured keyboard rotation makes a lot of sense to this
  28. 03:06:223 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    this is cool
    but it's really hard to read because of the varying amount of circles on the stacks and the streamjumps and the sudden speedup
    also the drums at the 03:07:423 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - part sound much more.. rolling.. and less... impactfull.. on the white ticks
    I feel what you did at 03:16:873 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - just feels much more fitting and that this is currently really just for the wtf aspect that kills the player

  29. 03:10:423 (4,5,1) - minimal change? would apply the same stuff for 03:13:273 (5,1,2) - (NOT AN OVERLAP FAN OKAY) | NO, EW!!
  30. 03:14:623 (4) - what's the reason for this sharp edge, i feel like I could cut my fingers when playing these and the song doesnt really give me that kinda feeling | ~ background whistles be sharpin' ~ ; sliderpairs :v
  31. 03:25:423 - do your eally need to disregard the drums here? I feel like you could do cool stuff even with 1/4s going here | they're so background-echoy, I'd much rather stick to the more apparent guitars and have the drums play their part as a supporting character here
  32. 03:32:623 (1) - if you placed a 1/2 slider here you would get the AHHHHH emphasized aaaand you would get additional stress on the strrrooooong vocals mapped on 03:32:923 (3,4) - because these are currently mapped like the beat before them and that steals from their distinctive epicness | it's strong vocals but they're more echoy, just like the drums in the above mentioned timestamp; now that Drum-chan is in the strong beaty focus, we want to let her have a bit of spotlight for it a change
  33. 03:35:923 (4) - can't help it but think that this is off beacuse rhythm on tail.. | I beg your pardon? if anything, the vocals might fall on the 1/16 right after this slider's end, yes, but I think we made it clear that Drum-chan deserves a bit of attention for once I:
  34. 03:45:223 (7,8) - RIP combo, can't you map this a bit friendlier but still keep the emphasis on every single triple? | mirrored 8-10 and added a drum-hitfinish on the last one; might distinguish them a bit better and have slightly less distance on this jump; should give a nice introduction to the next drumpattern with 8910 and 11121 pointing different ways and stuff
  35. 03:52:356 (1) - I feel like the entire streampart could use some visual refining, namely stuff like this: (use polygon circles or do it properly by hand idc | pretty fine as is; if you took a different timestmap, you'd see it is no problem to begin with because you can actually see the entire shape and not just paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart (which nobody looks at while the circles are spawning in the first place, because they're busy elsewhere):
  36. 04:06:356 (6,7) - just questioning your mindset of always forcing players to follow the slidertracks , especially because you applie that sufficiently on 04:03:689 (6,7) - or 04:05:022 (6,7) - etc | well that's why it's spaced so far: if people drop out at where they most likely will (40% in), they will end exactly on the same distance snap as with the other pairs, which is 1.8x - don't believe me? see for yourself: ((baited and outsmarted))
  37. 04:12:356 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - what the flying fuck Jenny can you please not just skip important drumbeats in the middle of a drum-following stream? this is like super confusing and doesnt make sense whatsoever | sacrifices have to be made.. the only alternative I could see fit with how I feel about this part of the song would be to make a superspaced upleading into the following slider, so.. I'd rather not
  38. 04:24:856 (4) - slider to go with guitar? | neh; drumfocus is more important than guitarholding here, specifically since the guitarhold fades into the background rather quickly, so there's not much reason to doing that. plus, a 1/4 kickslider would feel.. super weird here, to me.
  39. 04:35:022 (1,2) - I hiiiighly suggest to boost the spacing here, at this point it might as well be possible to be a 1/4 jump with the spacingincrease before this and knowing it's... well.... a Jenny map. Anyway, raising spacing here would help readability I think | Ok.
  40. 04:41:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - this is just sloppy, use ploygon circles to have the circles at the end stack with those at the beginning, it just looks better | I prefer it as-is, actually; polygon circles feels way too static to go with anything here - while you may say "sloppiness" doesn't convey much, either, I feel it kind of does, as you still have the perfect circle movement, just not with hyperclinical stackings, and that's actually very nice for me here (, if I was just making things up for the sake of having it easy, just changing it would take me less time than giving a reason for not doing it, sooooo~)
  41. 05:04:022 (9) - there's not even anything in the song to suddenly support this kind of streamjump, especially if it's that anti-flowish, same for 05:05:356 (11).. These are just inconsistent with the rest of the map | new start of the highly 'electrolyzed' and practically out-of-control feeling guitars here; it's practically the same sound as 05:03:689 (5) - just with more emphasis because it's circle-to-circle, which is actually beneficial since we're at a very high-tensed point here, rather than before where we were just entering this phase of the song
  42. 06:42:447 (5) - why the fuck is this here place it on 06:42:547 - for correct snap | k.
  43. 07:19:147 (2) - circles because of lyrics on slidertick, stop forcing these sliderpairing when they dont fit properly | sheeeeeeesh, here, have your jump, but stop swearing already
  44. 07:24:247 (8) - why is this the stream turning point? (9) would feel muuuuch more approptiate for this, because you know, white tick, makes sense with music etc. | well, 9 is the turning point; 8 is still the same wavemovement from before, 9 is where you actually put the turn in movement, so, well, it already is.
  45. 08:06:397 - there's a note here that isnt mapped | this last part is actually full 1/6 and
  46. 08:06:547 (12) - starting here you have 3 1/6s instead of the 1/4s you mapped, put a reverse slider here that leads into 08:06:747 (1) - | did something like that, sort of.
about many of the things

but the map is still better than the majority of stuff out there soooo

Kaguya Hourain
Ugh idk let's try this.

  1. Why undeadbananaz in tags?

  1. 00:03:424 (2,3,4) - The first two beats are identical in the way you are mapping them so I would suggest something like this or even stacking the first 2 beats.
  2. 00:06:224 (3,4) - Not really sure if these were supposed to go from down up or from up down. Downwards motion would feel better if you ask me.
  3. 00:11:824 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Not sure why you changed from stacks to this.
  4. 00:20:424 (6) - Feels weird being just a 1/1 slider. I'd like it more if you followed the vocals here by adding a circle on the red tick and making a 1/2 slider in the white afterwards.
  5. 00:52:424 (9,10) - Would feel better if you also followed the vocals here and reversed the order of these two in the timeline. If you feel the drum gets ignored by being in the sliderend I would suggest to turn the slider into a couple of circles.
  6. 01:30:824 (4,5) - Not sure why you mapped the slider on the white tick when the guitar sound and the vocal starts on the red one before it.
  7. 01:32:424 (4,5) - Same as above.
  8. 02:01:824 (4) - I don't think this slider fits here, try 2 circles instead.
  9. 02:25:224 (6,7,8,9) - Wow that's pretty confusing. I like it!
  10. 02:45:590 (2,3,4) - Not sure why the triple is there if all you're gonna do is make it inaudible :/
  11. 03:07:423 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - There's nothing really that indicates the increase in spacing of these. It just feels like a continuous flow of 1/4 drumhits not sure if it should be like this.
  12. I love the second kiai very nice!
  13. 06:03:285 (1) - I'm actually not sure if x0,10 SV change is even rankable o.O
  14. I feel the second half of the final kiai is stronger than the first. Adding some triples and increasing spacing a bit would add to that feel imo.

As expected, this map is amazing, kd me so I can throw my stars into this already XD

Kaguya Hourain wrote:

  1. Why undeadbananaz in tags?
Too hard for me LOL.
Nice map, idk how to give u a star, i don't use forum, but ok
As requested!

  1. 00:20:424 (6) - Why not follow the vocals here like you did previously? This slider ends on no beat so it doesn't contribute that much either, I suggest making it a 1/2 slider (or 2 circles) and to remove the Inherited point that lowers the volume.
  2. 00:37:424 (1,2) - They're not 100% identical, and I think they should be.
  3. 00:39:024 (1,2,3) - Stack properly.
  4. 00:46:424 (9,10,1) - You can make this part a bit more enjoyable (in my opinion, at least) by using CTRL+G on 9 then CTRL+G again on 10 and 1 together.
  5. 00:56:624 (1,2) - Stack properly.
  6. 00:57:224 (3,4) - ^
  7. 01:03:024 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:03:624 (3,4) - ^
  9. 01:29:224 (4,5) - Not sure if it is intentional, but you can probably blanket it
  10. From 01:22:224 to 01:47:824, there are parts that you follow the vocals and some parts' vocals are getting mixed inside the sliders or ignored, try to make it a bit more consistent.
  11. 01:54:824 (5,1) - Stack them?
  12. 02:11:424 (7,2) - Stack properly.
  13. 02:25:424 (7,8,9) - Increase spacing or at least put a NC, you are inconsiderate of the player.
  14. 02:34:757 (1,4) - Stack properly.
  15. Why not add note at 02:44:173 and 02:44:257? You can stack them with 02:44:090 (4) - and it goes nicely.
  16. 04:15:022 (6,7) - I think you should give priority to the irregular sound and start a slider with it on 6, since the timing point 7 starts, a slider unfits there and sounds a bit weird. (Slider 8 is great)
  17. 04:21:689 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I'd love CTRL+G on every second slider, since the movement from side to side is much more fun than the current linear pattern.
  18. 04:47:522 (2,3) - Stack properly.
  19. 04:51:856 (11) - NC? 10 and 12 stack so I think a NC here is necessary to make it look a bit less messy.
  20. 04:57:689 (4,5,6) - Stack properly.
  21. 05:00:856 (7) - Why did you start following the (whatever kind of instrument it is) sound in the middle of it? Either don't follow it or start it at 05:00:356 (5) - it will feel much better.
  22. 05:29:356 (7) - CTRL+G for two reasons: A small jump for the strong vocal start, and it plays really nicely with the whole pattern.
  23. 05:31:022 (1,2,3) - Stack properly.
  24. 05:32:356 (7,8,9) - ^
  25. 05:36:356 (9,10,11) - ^
  26. 05:43:272 (4,1) - Stack them.
  27. 05:52:189 (4,5) - I think the blanket can be improved a bit here.
  28. 06:03:153 - Are you allowed to use 0.1x on the inherited point? You can't do that using the editor and this is in the Ranking Criteria -
    Do not manually edit anything in an .osu file that cannot be changed through the Editor.
    So you should probably just lower the BPM to get such low SV (Like at Image Material).
  29. 06:29:147 (3,4) - They're not 100% identical.
  30. 06:54:347 (6,7,8) - Stack properly.
  31. 07:02:147 (6,1) - ^
  32. 07:02:747 (1) - I think you should CTRL+G, since I think it plays better and to be consistent with the next pattern (07:04:347 (5,6) -)
  33. 07:12:947 (2,4) - You can improve the blanket.
  34. 07:24:347 (1) - NC?
  35. 07:26:347 (7,3) - Stack properly.
  36. 07:53:347 (7,1) - ^
  37. 07:58:747 (1,2) - This is pretty absurd.. I think this is the first 1/6 slider in the map? It is really unpredictable and you should reduce the spacing, or at least change 2 to a slider.
  38. 08:08:547 (4) - CTRL+G for overall better pattern.

Good luck Jenny!
OMG that's too hard I always dead in 1 minute !
postreserving i suppose

i had a short talk with desperate-kun and we discussed some things. the map is pretty good now, but:

・why all of that effort on sliderticks? you could simply use silent slidertick as you are not using silent sliderslide :? silencing all ticks makes kinda no sense with tick rate 2. consider using tr1? this will also prevent forced sliderbreaks from this slider 06:03:285 (1) - since you just literally has 1st slidertick in the starting circle. and the sv could be a bit higher at least but uhhhhh it will break your neat looking of slider ;_;

and what caught my personal eye:
・07:51:947 (6) - i am pretty sure this slider goes offscreen
・01:35:004 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this part was pretty late by timing for some reason. its greatly noticeable there 01:41:424 (1) - and on sliders/notes previously. i am not really good in timing, but if to play objects from there on 1/16 grey ticks, it would sounds better. maybe this calm part needs an addidional timing point?
・probably the epilepsy warning is needed here? o.o due to those white bursts at ~50% of the diff
・04:51:689 (9) - if possible, would be better if you could make the emphazis on this note, if the shape of slider started to change from 9 (or from 13 ), not from 04:51:856 (11) - , it would be more natural to play, since 9 is on white tick and having such stuff started from stronger beat is way better to play than from weaker one
・05:03:939 (8,9) - this will be pain in ass to catch ._... if this 05:03:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - structure could be placed a bit down and 9 from 05:03:856 (7,8,9) - would be placed between 8 and 9, instead of 10, i believer it would be a bit less pain to catch and well, overall more comfortable to follow
・06:41:547 (2,3,4,5,6) - 06:47:947 (2,3,4,5) - the same recommendation will go here from me when you caught me ingame, these objects are barely hearable
・07:24:347 (9) - same as 04:51:689 (9) - here. i was always messing up on such thing, honestly.. if 9 was more below, like 8 is placed now, it would much more natural to follow. i could suggest adding 1 note before the 07:23:547 (1) - , so placement changing wont need any effort

you can count on my bubububbubbble, so poke me when its ready uwu
Good luck jen!!
Beatmap so goooooooooood
Topic Starter

Aka wrote:

・why all of that effort on sliderticks? you could simply use silent slidertick as you are not using silent sliderslide :? silencing all ticks makes kinda no sense with tick rate 2. consider using tr1? this will also prevent forced sliderbreaks from this slider 06:03:285 (1) - since you just literally has 1st slidertick in the starting circle. and the sv could be a bit higher at least but uhhhhh it will break your neat looking of slider ;_; | actually I have yet to see anyone break on the long trainsqueak slider; they usually overwing at the start but breaking doesn't really happen - also, how'd tick 1 help with that? - I like TR2 since it gives you a visual feedback when there's something going on on the weaker beats, without needing the audio impact. you know there's a 1/2 drum rhythm most of the time, so it's reassuring to see something being there and the numbers ticking up on it, but having the kind of "snazzy" ticksound (which quite frankly is just annoying) would just feel dissonant in the song. I don't want it /entirely/ gone but I prefer to have it near-unnoticably in the background, if that makes sense

and what caught my personal eye:
・07:51:947 (6) - i am pretty sure this slider goes offscreen
| moved the pattern a bit to the side (4-5 is now an 1.8x jump), works and looks fine like this - also delivers the pressure more efficiently on 5
・01:35:004 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this part was pretty late by timing for some reason. its greatly noticeable there 01:41:424 (1) - and on sliders/notes previously. i am not really good in timing, but if to play objects from there on 1/16 grey ticks, it would sounds better. maybe this calm part needs an addidional timing point? | trying to catch Charles but it seems as though I do not have the badge required as to control him yet
・probably the epilepsy warning is needed here? o.o due to those white bursts at ~50% of the diff | don't think so since it's not repetitive; if it was multiple in a row, sure
・04:51:689 (9) - if possible, would be better if you could make the emphazis on this note, if the shape of slider started to change from 9 (or from 13 ), not from 04:51:856 (11) - , it would be more natural to play, since 9 is on white tick and having such stuff started from stronger beat is way better to play than from weaker one | did change stuff about
・05:03:939 (8,9) - this will be pain in ass to catch ._... if this 05:03:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - structure could be placed a bit down and 9 from 05:03:856 (7,8,9) - would be placed between 8 and 9, instead of 10, i believer it would be a bit less pain to catch and well, overall more comfortable to follow | sometimes, pain is good (changed spacing on the 1-2-3-4 sliders to 1.8x and lowered the 5-6-7-8 part to make it 1.8x aswell; should be a bit easier now while keeping the feel)
・06:41:547 (2,3,4,5,6) - 06:47:947 (2,3,4,5) - the same recommendating will go here from me when you caught me ingame, these objects are barely hearable | I'm actually fine with that since the song doesn't deliver a whole lot of impact here; having hitsounds be much louder than the "bare audible minimum" for this section'd feel dissonant with how the feeling of the music goes; maybe I'll try +5/7% or something - let's talk about that on IRC
・07:24:347 (9) - same as 04:51:689 (9) - here. i was always messing up on such thing, honestly.. if 9 was more below, like 8 is placed now, it would much more natural to follow. i could suggest adding 1 note before the 07:23:547 (1) - , so placement changing wont need any effort | actually, I really like this one since 9 is when you engage into the upwards motion again - 3-4-5-6 are upwards, 6-7-8 then go down, then you start the upwards curve on the beat of 9 again rather than after it; if I put 9 at the furthest-down point, you'd change your direction of movement after the click instead - also, it contributes to fluidity a lot for me

you can could on my bubububbubbble, so poke me when its ready uwu
AR -> 8 :x

nookls wrote:

AR -> 8 :x
Topic Starter

Jenny wrote:
look at these instead
CS -> 7 :x
Weird stuff, these probably aren't right, especially the last one
The last one was either varying slightly at random parts or the game was lagging.
One of the two.

#1 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
make sure aimod is definitely having drunk days before bubble #2

Jenny wrote:
these beatmaps are broken, osu must've corrupted them and made them ar9 >:(
here #2
-N a n a k o-
06:03:285 (1) - AIMod says it's unsnapped, is it an error? because it seems like it doesn't land on the whitey whitey.
Topic Starter
thing is fix, thank Priti boi
gratz bby
congratz with new dragonforce map, but i highly suggest to DQ it and fix long slider somewhere near 2300 combo as it pretty much drains all HP with HR on

_index wrote:

congratz with new dragonforce map, but i highly suggest to DQ it and fix long slider somewhere near 2300 combo as it pretty much drains all HP with HR on
DQ for long sliders ? Serious ? This is not a DQ reason _index :/

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

_index wrote:

congratz with new dragonforce map, but i highly suggest to DQ it and fix long slider somewhere near 2300 combo as it pretty much drains all HP with HR on
DQ for long sliders ? Serious ? This is not a DQ reason _index :/
did you really finished reading on my post, or just wrote instantly after DQ words?
anyway nvm, Jenny already agreed on HP workaround
disqualified for the above reason (requested by Jenny); please apply all necessary changes and start the approval over
actually, don't, let me check it just to be sure
Topic Starter
changed: drain 6 -> 3.7, longslider and following minibreak should now only take about 70% of your HP while playing on HardRock. may the pp farm begin.

Jenny wrote:

may the pp farm begin
Implying someone else can fc it with HR.
show more
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