
Orange Caramel - Catallena [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, November 07, 2014 at 2:47:17 PM

Artist: Orange Caramel
Title: Catallena
Tags: The 3rd kpop k-pop pledis afterschool after school lZenxl Konpaku Sariel gokugohan12468 gokuhan
BPM: 127
Filesize: 4979kb
Play Time: 03:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.44 stars, 160 notes)
  2. Hard Collab (2.8 stars, 305 notes)
  3. lZenxl's Muzukashii (2.7 stars, 691 notes)
  4. lZenxl's Oni (3.31 stars, 934 notes)
  5. Normal (1.74 stars, 193 notes)
  6. Sariel's Fuutsu (2.34 stars, 493 notes)
Download: Orange Caramel - Catallena
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
the 1st map that i made ^^
play it and enjoy~
Easy: by Celizavia
Normal: by Celizavia
Sariel's Futsuu by Konpaku Sariel
Collab: by Celizavia (first part) and gokugohan12468 (Second Part)
IZenxl's Muzu : by lZenxl
IZenxl's Oni : by lZenxl
hoi hoi hoi!

look at the legs *-,*

hi~ from queue~~ (A mistake)

Background has not been set. (Easy Diff)

HP 3
OD 3 or 4

OD 5


now... I do not Modding of Standardmap.
sorry ><
Topic Starter
ahh yes! i forgot to put my background :?
btw can u tell me how to update my beatmap? im a newbie a making beatmaps so... yeah

thanks for visiting and have a nice day :D

yoshilove wrote:

hi~ from queue~~ (A mistake)

Background has not been set. (Easy Diff)

HP 3
OD 3 or 4

OD 5


now... I do not Modding of Standardmap.
sorry ><
Ayesha Altugle
File > Upload beatmap > Update Beatmap!

Edit: 1234th post!
Topic Starter
ahh okay thanks ^^

vahn10 wrote:

File > Upload beatmap > Update Beatmap!

Edit: 1234th post!
Not that bad for a first try in beatmapping, the timing is (~) perfect.

Click Here
1. You should complete the metadata of the map, it would your map and other users find it and get it filtered.
2. Use of hitsounds, some perfectly placed hitsounds would actually make the beatmap much more enjoyable.
3. The beatmap timing and beats are not that bad at all, good, but how it was placed and timed is the problem(?)
4. There are some awkward sounding beats lying around 02:15:359(easy) for example, it sounded a little out of place(for me subjectively : |)
5. I think you should refrain from stacking too many beats in a single coordinate, ex: 02:34:611 (easy), it would confuse the beginners and would look weirdly stacked when played.
6. Place the beats in a 'curvy' manner/consistent way(creativity works too) so it looks neat and enjoyable for players
7. Use Distance Spacing (press alt to control the distance multiplier), it helps you and the player a lot.
8. Moar sliders, not that tis' a must but i think you have too less of sliders.
9. Set the Preview Point (Timing-> Set Current Position as Preview Point)
10. Difficulties
What i'd do though:

HP : 1
AR : 3
CS : 2
OD : 1

HP : 4
AR : 5
CS : 3
OD : 2

HP : 6
AR : 7
CS : 4
OD : 5

Problems :
1.the background image doesn't appear in the easy diff btw
2.there are some awkward and weird waits in between the playing and waiting times.

Suggestions :
1. Look at other beatmaps, ones that could help you lots, especially popular ones, they're popular because it looks good, sounds good and is overall good.
2. Getting ideas from other beatmaps and using them isn't a crime so why not?

It's all up to you :!:

Enjoy mapping
F D Flourite
Hello, from queue req~

It is my fault that I regard your map as pending but actually WIP(Works In Progress), plz do not post your map to my queue if your map is still in progress, thx~ :P
You can upload it to the Pending area because I think you've already finished it though.

It is still a long way to make your map good enough for rank. So I'll give you the direction of how to make your map better.

However, if you don't regard the Rank as your target, just forget about my mods. Because you make your map with your own inspiration.

1. A rankable map shouldn't have differences among all difficuties in these settings:
Background Image/Video(BG)
Preview Point
choose 'Timing'-> Set Current Position as Preview Point
Combo Color(It depends) You know where this is.
Counting Down
Widescreen Support
Stack Leniency
General Settings(Artist, Title, Beatmap Creator, Tags, Source) You know where these are.
Your BG and General Settings have differences among some diffs. And you didn't set the Preview Point, it is an unrankable issue. Plz fix it.

2. Besides, you should manage something better. For example, the Counting Down setting. It is not suitable to turn this up when you play this map.
And the more important, the Diff Spread.
It is not good to make the Circle Size(CS)=4 in the Easy(EZ) diff. Since all of us have been new players, we should know that it is too hard for new players to play a EZ with small circle size. :( You should make the CS<=3 or it is too difficult.
General Difficulty Setting:
Easy (EZ)
CS=2/3 (3 is better since 2 is too big and not so beautiful in fact), HP=about 2, AR=about 3, OD=about 2
Normal (NM)
CS=3/4, HP=about 3~4, AR=about 4, OD=about 4

Hard (HD)
CS=4, HP=5/6, AR=6/7/8 (6 is sometimes used for slow songs, and 8 is used for fast songs), OD=5/6
Insane (Ins)
CS=4, HP=6~8, AR=7/8/9 (I don't suggest you use 9 in this map because it is low-bpm), OD=about 7
P.S. CS=Circle Size; HP=HP Drain Rate; AR=Approach Rate; OD=Overall Difficulty.
Plz reset your Difficuty setting to make the map better for playing.

3. Some other serious issues (Mostly Unrankable):
1). Never place any objects or Green Lines in front of the first Red Line. (You can set your Red Line to 00:01:658 to solve this problem)

2). Never set several notes at the same time or any condition that cannot be played well, for instance, in the Hard diff:00:36:146 (12,13).

3). Never make a combo too long. In EZ, the maximum combo length is about 5~6; in NM, the maximum one is 7~8; in diffs harder than NM, you can make it longer, but plz do not let them exceed about 15. Or it will be hard to read the map.

4). It is improper to make not-well-designed overlaps especially in EZ and NM diffs. Because it is very difficult for new players to read it. 00:01:658 (1,2) in the EZ diff for instance.

5). Plz make all the diffs begin and end at the same time. It will be unrankable usually (because BATs want it).

6). Plz make the Distance spread consistently especially in EZ and NM diffs. ( EZ : 00:26:225 (4,5) ) Or your map will be unrankable mostly. Besides, it is unreasonable to make the distance random in Hard, even in harder diffs. Because people are enjoying maps and songs at the same time, you shouldn't make the map random, or others can hardly get your inspiration from your map.
You can use Distance Snap or check the data on the top right corner of the Edit Window.

7). Consider more for the players. For example, in EZ diff, 00:14:650 (1,1) , it is not good to make them too close because it is difficult for many new players to play the spinner. You should give time for them to react or your map will be think not designed for playing.

8). Make every notes and Green Lines snapped! You can check it in the AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A).

9). I think the Timing (Red Line) should -18ms. You should check it again.

4. Some issues can be used for progress (Mainly for rank it easier. You may not follow it if you just wanna make your own map):
1). I suggest you mostly follow the music but not to create the rhythm yourself when you are new in mapping since you cannot do it well for others' acception. In fact, I'm sorry but I think most of your rhythm you create yourself in the Hard diff is unreasonable.
2). I highly suggest you make difference in Slider Velocity(SV) in different diffs. Because SV is a very important standard of difficulty of a diff.
3). You should make patterns. Such as pentagon or star jumps, blanket(I like this very much), symmetrical things, etc. All these patterns can make your map more beautiful. But be careful when you create a new one because others may not think it the same way as you. :P

For blanket maps, Gero does a Very Good Job;
For Symmetircal maps, Andrea does a Very Good Job;
You can also watch Pink Agate's map because he did a lot of Korean maps.
Do more learning, and you will do better. :)

That's the main idea of my mods. Maybe it is not so complete, but plz check all of them and I believer you will make your map better.
Topic Starter

F D Flourite wrote:

Hello, from queue req~

It is my fault that I regard your map as pending but actually WIP(Works In Progress), plz do not post your map to my queue if your map is still in progress, thx~ :P
You can upload it to the Pending area because I think you've already finished it though.

It is still a long way to make your map good enough for rank. So I'll give you the direction of how to make your map better.

However, if you don't regard the Rank as your target, just forget about my mods. Because you make your map with your own inspiration.

1. A rankable map shouldn't have differences among all difficuties in these settings:
Background Image/Video(BG)
Preview Point
choose 'Timing'-> Set Current Position as Preview Point
Combo Color(It depends) You know where this is.
Counting Down
Widescreen Support
Stack Leniency
General Settings(Artist, Title, Beatmap Creator, Tags, Source) You know where these are.
Your BG and General Settings have differences among some diffs. And you didn't set the Preview Point, it is an unrankable issue. Plz fix it.

2. Besides, you should manage something better. For example, the Counting Down setting. It is not suitable to turn this up when you play this map.
And the more important, the Diff Spread.
It is not good to make the Circle Size(CS)=4 in the Easy(EZ) diff. Since all of us have been new players, we should know that it is too hard for new players to play a EZ with small circle size. :( You should make the CS<=3 or it is too difficult. done
General Difficulty Setting:
Easy (EZ)
CS=2/3 (3 is better since 2 is too big and not so beautiful in fact), HP=about 2, AR=about 3, OD=about 2 done
Normal (NM)
CS=3/4, HP=about 3~4, AR=about 4, OD=about 4 done

Hard (HD)
CS=4, HP=5/6, AR=6/7/8 (6 is sometimes used for slow songs, and 8 is used for fast songs), OD=5/6 done
Insane (Ins)
CS=4, HP=6~8, AR=7/8/9 (I don't suggest you use 9 in this map because it is low-bpm), OD=about 7
P.S. CS=Circle Size; HP=HP Drain Rate; AR=Approach Rate; OD=Overall Difficulty.
Plz reset your Difficuty setting to make the map better for playing.

3. Some other serious issues (Mostly Unrankable):
1). Never place any objects or Green Lines in front of the first Red Line. (You can set your Red Line to 00:01:658 to solve this problem)done

2). Never set several notes at the same time or any condition that cannot be played well, for instance, in the Hard diff:00:36:146 (12,13).done

3). Never make a combo too long. In EZ, the maximum combo length is about 5~6; in NM, the maximum one is 7~8; in diffs harder than NM, you can make it longer, but plz do not let them exceed about 15. Or it will be hard to read the map.done

4). It is improper to make not-well-designed overlaps especially in EZ and NM diffs. Because it is very difficult for new players to read it. 00:01:658 (1,2) in the EZ diff for instance.done

5). Plz make all the diffs begin and end at the same time. It will be unrankable usually (because BATs want it).done

6). Plz make the Distance spread consistently especially in EZ and NM diffs. ( EZ : 00:26:225 (4,5) ) Or your map will be unrankable mostly. Besides, it is unreasonable to make the distance random in Hard, even in harder diffs. Because people are enjoying maps and songs at the same time, you shouldn't make the map random, or others can hardly get your inspiration from your map.
You can use Distance Snap or check the data on the top right corner of the Edit Window.

7). Consider more for the players. For example, in EZ diff, 00:14:650 (1,1) , it is not good to make them too close because it is difficult for many new players to play the spinner. You should give time for them to react or your map will be think not designed for playing.

8). Make every notes and Green Lines snapped! You can check it in the AiMod (Ctrl+Shift+A).done

9). I think the Timing (Red Line) should -18ms. You should check it again. its fine

4. Some issues can be used for progress (Mainly for rank it easier. You may not follow it if you just wanna make your own map):
1). I suggest you mostly follow the music but not to create the rhythm yourself when you are new in mapping since you cannot do it well for others' acception. In fact, I'm sorry but I think most of your rhythm you create yourself in the Hard diff is unreasonable.
2). I highly suggest you make difference in Slider Velocity(SV) in different diffs. Because SV is a very important standard of difficulty of a diff.
3). You should make patterns. Such as pentagon or star jumps, blanket(I like this very much), symmetrical things, etc. All these patterns can make your map more beautiful. But be careful when you create a new one because others may not think it the same way as you. :P

For blanket maps, Gero does a Very Good Job;
For Symmetircal maps, Andrea does a Very Good Job;
You can also watch Pink Agate's map because he did a lot of Korean maps.
Do more learning, and you will do better. :)

That's the main idea of my mods. Maybe it is not so complete, but plz check all of them and I believer you will make your map better.
thanks for the help, it help me out alot :)
from my bg modding queue:

The image was heavily compressed it seems (probably optimized for web usage), so I filtered out the artifacts. The aspect ratio was good, but it was lower resolution than osu's allowed max, so I upscaled it a bit then smoothed it. Here is the final product:
Topic Starter

Ringating wrote:

from my bg modding queue:

The image was heavily compressed it seems (probably optimized for web usage), so I filtered out the artifacts. The aspect ratio was good, but it was lower resolution than osu's allowed max, so I upscaled it a bit then smoothed it. Here is the final product:
updated, thanks
hi~ mod from Narcissu‘s modding queue
i'm a guest modder of that queue

sorry for almost suggestions
- delete the .osb file in the song's folder
- AIBat says there are some missing skin files:
plz add them or just remove the skin elements related to spinner
- unused image file: orange caramel catallena 10.png
- there's inconsistency in Kiai Times among three diffs, plz check them and make sure all kiai times same

- OD:2
- try to avoid some overlap pattern. for example, 00:22:445 (3) and 00:20:555 (1), if you make them stack or just apart, pattern will be more neat.
just like:
- 00:32:366 (1,2,3) - in the easiest diff, better avoid to use such stack circles, maybe hard to new players. you may replaced them with reverse sliders
- about hit sounds, every 2nd and 4th white ticks' notes add claps will match this song. for example, 00:35:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), add claps at 1,4 and 7's head, reverse arrow, tail, then you'll see the regularity. about finish, every 1st white tick(long white line) will be suitable
01:41:343 (2) - make it end at 01:41:815?
02:12:406 (1) - since it's in the easiet diff, slider begin at blue line maybe hard to read. just make it begin at 02:12:524, and pay attention to sliders' shape, this kind of shape isn't so pretty, try to make
more natural-curved sliders, just like:

- same issue as Easy diff, too many overlap patterns, and no suitable hitsounds…… ;_;
- about New Combo's setting, every one or two downbeats(long white ticks) set a NC will be a right choice, try to avoid combo number beyond 10 in all diffs
- there are lots of long straight sliders, such like 00:54:099 (1) and 00:56:461 (1), make them curve or tilt a little will looks more natural and various, just like:
it's just a simple example, hope you can make out more different patterns by yourself!~
02:16:303 (4) - make it repeat just once (end at 02:16:776)

- make AR at least 6 or 7 plz. since it's the hardest diff in the map, dense notes and rhythm under low AR will be very very difficult to read (even can't play imo……),so AR7 plz!~ ;_;
- also same issues with other diffs, patterns, hitsounds, NC setting etc.
00:16:303 (1,2,3,4,5) - such 1/4 5-streams doesn't fit the song imo

that's it. obviously this map has huge place to be improved, but if you try hard, play more maps and think more, i believe you will do better
i've seen this song's video, very cute and interesting. anyway good luck for you!~ ;)
Topic Starter

Akabato wrote:

hi~ mod from Narcissu‘s modding queue
i'm a guest modder of that queue

sorry for almost suggestions
- delete the .osb file in the song's folder fixed
- AIBat says there are some missing skin files:
plz add them or just remove the skin elements related to spinner fixed
- unused image file: orange caramel catallena 10.png fixed
- there's inconsistency in Kiai Times among three diffs, plz check them and make sure all kiai times same

- OD:2 fixed
- try to avoid some overlap pattern. for example, 00:22:445 (3) and 00:20:555 (1), if you make them stack or just apart, pattern will be more neat.
just like:
- 00:32:366 (1,2,3) - in the easiest diff, better avoid to use such stack circles, maybe hard to new players. you may replaced them with reverse sliders
- about hit sounds, every 2nd and 4th white ticks' notes add claps will match this song. for example, 00:35:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), add claps at 1,4 and 7's head, reverse arrow, tail, then you'll see the regularity. about finish, every 1st white tick(long white line) will be suitable fixed with my own way
01:41:343 (2) - make it end at 01:41:815? fixed
02:12:406 (1) - since it's in the easiet diff, slider begin at blue line maybe hard to read. just make it begin at 02:12:524, and pay attention to sliders' shape, this kind of shape isn't so pretty, try to make
more natural-curved sliders, just like:

- same issue as Easy diff, too many overlap patterns, and no suitable hitsounds…… ;_; kinda fixed
- about New Combo's setting, every one or two downbeats(long white ticks) set a NC will be a right choice, try to avoid combo number beyond 10 in all diffs fixed
- there are lots of long straight sliders, such like 00:54:099 (1) and 00:56:461 (1), make them curve or tilt a little will looks more natural and various, just like:
it's just a simple example, hope you can make out more different patterns by yourself!~
02:16:303 (4) - make it repeat just once (end at 02:16:776)

- make AR at least 6 or 7 plz. since it's the hardest diff in the map, dense notes and rhythm under low AR will be very very difficult to read (even can't play imo……),so AR7 plz!~ ;_; fixed
- also same issues with other diffs, patterns, hitsounds, NC setting etc.
00:16:303 (1,2,3,4,5) - such 1/4 5-streams doesn't fit the song imo deleted

that's it. obviously this map has huge place to be improved, but if you try hard, play more maps and think more, i believe you will do better
i've seen this song's video, very cute and interesting. anyway good luck for you!~ ;)
owo finally finished most of the mods on my queue, just to clarify, which taiko difficulties should I do?
btw I'm using -20 offset, it sounds better to me when I was mapping some parts of taiko
M4M :)

  • Agree with lZenxl, I suggest you do -20 in offset


  • Same as Hard
Arrangement & Design
  • The slider velocity is a bit bigger than what it should be in Normal diff..
  1. 01:16:776 - to 01:20:083 - Why no notes..? It feels empty.
  2. 01:42:760 - An obvious vocal can be heard here so I suggest you add a circle here.
  3. 02:16:303 (4,1) - Too big spacing for a Normal diff! Imo you can decline a reverse of 02:16:303 (4) -
  4. 02:34:020 (4) - Move to 02:34:256 - and change the spacing.


  1. Simple work.. I think it needs more work.
Arrangement & Design
  • It seems.. this diff is unfinished? There's a part remain. How about fill it?
  1. 00:25:752 (7) - Stack it with 00:23:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - ,but due to stack leniency
  2. 00:36:264 (4) - I see no reason here to put the note in blue line. The currect position should be 00:36:146 - right? If you moved please check the distance :3
  3. 00:37:563 - How about adding a note?
  4. 01:39:925 (1,2,3) - Make this triangle better,as you did here:01:40:870 (4,5,6) -

That's all! good luck~
Topic Starter

lZenxl wrote:

owo finally finished most of the mods on my queue, just to clarify, which taiko difficulties should I do?
btw I'm using -20 offset, it sounds better to me when I was mapping some parts of taiko
Can you do the normal/hard diff please? Gonna fix the offsets :)

edit: offsets fixed
Hello ~
From my Q

I don't found much about the rhythm, but you must improve your patterns and things about flow.
i'll point some things to better it, but you have to improve your map too.

  • :arrow: We don't use Jumps in Eazy or Normal diffs so, make the spacing consistent in all the song, in other words, always keep the Distance Snap on in this diffs.
  1. 00:20:058 - Add a circle in x120 y88, or fix the spacing of this 00:20:531 (1) (you can see the coordinates on the side of ''Insert Break Time'')
  2. 00:24:310 (1) - Move this to x392 y256 and 00:25:255 (3) - to x504 y136 to better this pattern.
  3. 00:27:145 (5) - Delete this, and add a repeat on 00:26:200 (4)
  4. 00:32:341 (1,2,3) - Try this pattern
  5. 00:39:428 (1) - Fix the spacing here.
  6. 00:39:664 (2,5) - Delete this notes? suddenly change the rhythm, will make it hard.
  7. 00:41:318 - Add a note
  8. 00:43:208 (1) - Fix the spacing
  9. 00:55:727 (2,3) - Move these to x128, y216, to flow better
  10. 01:08:956 (5) - Delete this and add a circle here 01:09:192
  11. 01:32:341 (1,2,3,4,5) - Let's better this flow:
  12. 01:42:263 (3,4,5) - Delete this notes and add a repeat
  13. 01:47:460 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try Unstack this notes, positioning these without overlap to get a better pattern.
  14. 01:57:853 (3) - This stacks in my opnion is unnecessary too
  15. 02:04:467 (1) - Same
  16. 02:35:649 (3) - Try Move x32 y128
  17. 02:36:121 (4) - ^ to x120 y64
  18. 02:37:066 (6) - ^ to x216 y240

  1. 00:21:476 (1) - Move to 00:21:476 - and make it end here 00:22:420
  2. 00:28:089 (1) - This should end here 00:28:562
  3. 00:28:089 (1) - Fix the spacing
  4. 00:37:066 - Try this rhythm to follow better the vocals.
  5. 00:39:428 (1) - 00:40:845 (6) - Fix the spacing
  6. 00:46:987 (1) - Fix the spacing
  7. 00:54:074 (1) - ^
  8. 01:58:326 (1) - ^
  9. 02:17:223 (1) - ^
  10. 01:42:735 - Add a note, is a strong beat
  11. 02:02:105 (5) - Move to the red tick 02:02:105
  12. 02:11:554 (4,5,6,7) - Move these together one grid down x272 y112
  13. 02:19:113 (4,5,6) - ^ One grid down
  14. 02:13:917 - Add a note
  15. 02:16:278 (4) - Decrease one repeat
  16. 02:33:286 (3) - Move one grid down
  17. 02:33:995 (4) - Delete this and add a circle here : 02:34:231
:arrow: You need to improve this diff, I suggest remap it using Distance spacing 1.2x or 1.3x
00:50:767 (1,2,3) - An example: If you use 1.3x in this part would look like: Unstacking the notes, make your map more fun to play and more difficult. ;)
Try to use it in all of the song. (you can change the Distance spacing by holding ALT, will appear above of the Insert Break Time button)
00:16:751 - And you need to add a note here, is the first strong beat of the song.

Good Luck !
GD done!

Oni :
Muzu :

You will need 2 more taiko GDs for an appropriate spread:

Do not overlap everything and anything without a purpose or it would look less pleasant than what it should be. The placement of objects has to be done right to ensure flow is maintained and made all around the map. Overlapping and hiding objects makes it look messy and confusing. Straight flows seem to be used all the time as well. Flowy and curved patterns help make movement smoother and helps flow when needed. Explore the ways you can place the objects better because right now, it is very very messy.


00:20:535 (6,1) - looks unpleasant. Also, change to this rhythm to make it easier to follow since the second slider is on an offbeat ( 00:21:244 (1) - is off-centre, position it much more nicely)
00:26:677 (5,1) - ugly overlap, 00:28:094 (1) could be placed somewhere else
00:28:094 (1) - wrong length, end at 00:28:567
00:35:654 (8) - new combo here and not at 00:37:071 (1)
00:37:543 (3,4) - swap positions, slider before circle in the timing. Slider starts at 00:37:543
00:39:433 (1,2,3,4,5) - all stack doesn't fit this part
00:41:795 (7,1,2,3) - overlap is not good, 00:43:213 (3) is being covered
00:43:213 (3,6) - overlap covers 00:44:630 (6) which doesn't look good
00:45:102 (7) - new combo
00:45:102 (7,8,1) - don't overlap them really, because you hide the notes which makes it look more confusing than it should be for players
00:50:771 (5) - curvier slider and new combo
00:51:716 (6,7) - all these overlaps don't look good, doesn't make the map look polished
00:54:079 (1) - have a repeat at 00:54:551
00:55:496 (2,3,4) - covered by 00:54:079 (1) which is bad
01:03:528 (4) - the ends are irregular, making them the same makes it look better
01:05:890 (1) - covered by 01:03:528 (4)
01:07:307 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - overlapped by 01:05:890 (1)
01:09:197 (1,2,3) - overlapped by 01:07:780 (4,5,6,7)
01:13:449 (6) - new combo
01:14:866 (9) - place it at x: 144 y: 288
01:18:645 - insert break time to avoid unnecessary drain time
01:22:425 (5,6,7) - overlapping 01:21:008 (4) which is ugly and looks like the map was hastily done and not well made
01:27:622 (5,8) - bad overlap, furthermore, it's not a full stack, it is unpleasant. 01:28:567 (8) - should be a new combo as well
01:42:740 - add a note
01:39:905 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - straight patterns look very weird and using all the time, I wouldn't encourage. Having curved patterns can help flow and movement
01:43:213 (5) - new combo
01:45:811 (10) - place it at x: 256 y: 56
01:52:661 (7,1) - don't overlap
02:02:110 (5) - should be at 02:01:716 - right now it's off-beat
02:00:220 (4,1) - overlapped which is not nice
02:04:472 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - overlap again which is unpleasant
02:08:724 (4,1,2,3) - don't let it touch 02:08:724 (4)
02:16:283 (4,1) - check your distance spacing, this is off, way off, it's too far away from each other
02:17:228 (1,4) - you attempt to stack, but they aren't stacked nicely
02:19:590 (6,8) - stack or don't let them touch at all
02:25:260 - shift the break line to this part
02:33:291 (3) - move to x: 248 y: 144
02:34:236 - add a note


00:22:189 (4) - you go over an important beat at 00:22:425 which needs to be mapped to, either add a note and start a slider there or change the rhythm such that a beat lands there
00:24:315 (5,7) - stack perfectly or don't overlap at all
00:27:622 (10) - new combo here instead of 00:28:331 (1)
00:29:276 (2,3,4,5,6) - why 2 stacks for the stream, it looks weird
00:32:819 - add a note
00:33:763 - ^
00:36:126 - ^
00:37:543 - ^
00:41:323 (5) - new combo
00:43:685 - add a note
00:44:630 - ^
00:48:882 (5) - new combo
00:52:661 (8) - ^
00:53:842 (11,12) - these 2 should stack, but don't stack them on 00:53:606 (10)
00:57:386 (2,3,4) - space them out more
01:02:583 (3,4) - ugly overlap which is not needed
01:10:142 (3,4) - ^
01:34:236 (5) - new combo
01:36:126 (9) - new combo instead of at 01:37:543 (1)
01:38:016 (3) - new combo
01:44:157 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - don't overlap them
01:46:047 (5) - new combo
01:48:410 (3,4) - don't hide the note behind the slider
01:51:716 - add a note
01:52:661 - ^
01:57:859 (10,11,1) - does not look good
01:59:513 (2,7) - bad overlap, doesn't fit if stacked either, place 02:00:457 (7) elsewhere
02:00:693 (8) - new combo
02:16:756 (6,7,8,9,10,3) - don't overlap, place the pattern somewhere else
02:34:708 (5) - new combo

Finish mapping all the way for all the difficulties, this should be placed in WIP since it's not finished
The straight patterns and overlaps make the map really disorganised and messy


00:04:708 (14) - hearing the song closely, I think it should be placed at 00:04:826 instead
00:12:267 (47) - ^
00:50:063 (191) - would be better without a finish, gives 00:50:299 (192) more of an impact
01:17:228 (66) - finish here would seem nice
01:23:842 (93) - why a finish here? A finish at 01:24:787 (96) would seem better though
02:25:260 (295) - though soft here, Don would be nice because of the larger impact it has compared to the following notes
02:40:378 - add a note here, it helps players prepare for the offbeat pattern rhythm (you know, sometimes it's hard to click perfectly as you anticipate something, so having an earlier notes calms people down)

Good luck and I hope to see great improvement on Standard
... Why did you change my SV, please use the Oni code I puush-ed you earlier and the muzu code here

Muzu :

neonat wrote:


00:04:708 (14) - hearing the song closely, I think it should be placed at 00:04:826 instead - I rather keep it simple though, since it's muzu
00:12:267 (47) - ^ - ^
00:50:063 (191) - would be better without a finish, gives 00:50:299 (192) more of an impact - Hmm indeed, changed owo/
01:17:228 (66) - finish here would seem nice - Aww yiss finishes
01:23:842 (93) - why a finish here? A finish at 01:24:787 (96) would seem better though - Changed 93-95 to kats and made 96 a D
02:25:260 (295) - though soft here, Don would be nice because of the larger impact it has compared to the following notes - Hmm okays owo/
02:40:378 - add a note here, it helps players prepare for the offbeat pattern rhythm (you know, sometimes it's hard to click perfectly as you anticipate something, so having an earlier notes calms people down) - Okays used a don here due to the low volume

Good luck and I hope to see great improvement on Standard
Ermehgerd thernks neonert

Edit: Erm, use the Muzu code provided in this post?
From Mod Q . . desu~

Don't make your spinners too long XD
Applies to all Diff : A Combo always end with 7 or 8 depending on the song
Easy :
HP Drain - 2
Normal :
HP Drain - OK
Hard :
HP Drain - 6
OD - 6

OK , your timing is really accurate

00:44:630 Add a Note
00:09:197 ^
01:12:976 ^
01:36:126 Cut your Spinner till here 01:38:015
01:38:488 Add a Note
01:38:960 Add a LN and end it here 01:39:433
01:39:905 Add a Note
01:52:189 Set as New Combo
01:52:661 Add a note
02:17:228 ^
02:21:008 ^

00:20:063 Add a Note
00:28:094 Your LN should end here 00:28:567
00:58:330 End your spinner here 01:00:929
01:42:740 Add a Note
02:01:992 Move to 02:02:110
02:13:449 Add a note
02:13:921 ^
02:34:236 ^

00:18:409 Add a note
00:36:126 ^
00:37:543 ^

Good Luck~
Neku Okazaki
Hi lZenxl ._./

00:22:661 (110) - Delete
00:23:842 (115,116) - d d
00:27:858 (138) - Delete
00:30:220 (148) - Delete
00:50:417 (248,249) - Move to 00:50:535 -
01:11:795 (349) - Delete
01:30:693 (450) - Delete
01:38:370 (474,475,476) - WTF!! its an oni, not a Inner oni D:
01:55:732 - k
01:56:677 - k
01:59:512 - k

OD -1 HP+1

00:35:889 (143) - Delete
00:34:708 (142) - Delete this slider and make other from 00:34:708 - to 00:35:181 - and
00:35:417 - put a kat
00:35:653 - put a don
00:42:267 (168,169) - ^
01:50:299 (173,174) - ^
02:35:653 (326,327) - ^
01:35:181 (132) - Finish in 01:36:362 -

Omg, i love the muzukashii and oni diff :D ._./

Neku okazaki wrote:

Hi lZenxl ._./

00:22:661 (110) - Delete Deleted 109 instead owo
00:23:842 (115,116) - d d Hmm, okay
00:27:858 (138) - Delete Don't see why I want to delete this
00:30:220 (148) - Delete Deleted the note prior to this instead
00:50:417 (248,249) - Move to 00:50:535 - Err, looks okay to me though owo
01:11:795 (349) - Delete No idea why delete? owo
01:30:693 (450) - Delete This stream is to follow the vocal here
01:38:370 (474,475,476) - WTF!! its an oni, not a Inner oni D: ww okay, removed the 1/8

01:55:732 - k
01:56:677 - k
01:59:512 - k

Following claps here, no change owo

OD -1 HP+1

00:35:889 (143) - Delete Hmm okay, good idea to have a break here
00:34:708 (142) - Delete this slider and make other from 00:34:708 - to 00:35:181 - and Err... why? I honestly prefer the slider due to it hitting all the 1/4s in the music
00:35:417 - put a kat
00:35:653 - put a don

00:42:267 (168,169) - ^
01:50:299 (173,174) - ^
02:35:653 (326,327) - ^

Same for all these, I removed 1 note for breaks, but no change for slider

01:35:181 (132) - Finish in 01:36:362 - Following the claps in the music, no change owo

Omg, i love the muzukashii and oni diff :D ._./
ww soz for late reply


Update with the most recent one owo/

Thanks for mod owo/!
Akiyama Mizuki
From my modding queue! hoihoihoi


General : SV1.9 on Taiko diff!? I recommend 1.4
00:06:834 (25) - k
00:40:378 (160,163) - d
02:34:708 (321) - ^
03:08:960 (450,451) - Well, looks a little inappropriate
Except fast SV, awesome indeed!


General : Same as Muzu. Also, imo, recommend OD5.
00:04:472 (15,16,17,18) - kkdk
00:40:378 (202,205) - d
Short mod ;_;

bbj0920 wrote:

From my modding queue! hoihoihoi


General : SV1.9 on Taiko diff!? I recommend 1.4 Idk why low SVs but ok..? Will change if some other modder asks for higher SV ww
00:06:834 (25) - k Moved the triplet away and put a kat there owo/
00:40:378 (160,163) - d Okays
02:34:708 (321) - ^ Deleted previous note instead
03:08:960 (450,451) - Well, looks a little inappropriate Fixed pitchmap and removed some finishes there
Except fast SV, awesome indeed!


General : Same as Muzu. Also, imo, recommend OD5. Oks owo/
00:04:472 (15,16,17,18) - kkdk Hmm yes, changed owo/
00:40:378 (202,205) - d ww okay, idk why I put a finish there though
Short mod ;_;
Thanks! ( MUZU ) ( ONI )

Use the most recent one

- You should map all the song, I mean until the end. Do that or crop the song until the point which you have finished mapping (I don't recommend this).
- The break times that I suggest using are: 01:32:246 to 01:39:905, 02:25:260 to 02:32:819 and 02:39:905 to 02:42:740.
- Use grid level 4 in all difficulties, it's more precise.
- For now I will focus on notes, but keep in mind that how your sliders look and notes are placed is important too and it's something you have to work on in all difficulties.

- Use distance snap 1.0x
- Reduce the slider velocity to 1.20 so in other difficulties you can increase it gradually. After reducing the slider velocity you will have to readjust your sliders in the whole difficulty.
- Use slider tick rate 2.
- 00:16:756 This green section's volume is too loud, lower it to 75%
- 00:39:669 Delete this note.
- 00:40:614 Same as above.
- 00:40:850 Make a slider that ends at 00:41:323
- 00:44:630 Add a note.
- 00:57:386 Don't stack, it will confuse new players.
- 01:08:960 Delete this note.
- 01:13:449 I'm not sure if this spinner goes well here...
- 02:03:527 Don't stack.
- 02:14:921 Shorten until 02:14:393

- Use distance snap 1.0x
- 00:35:181 New combo.
- 00:37:543 Delete this note, then move the slider that comes next here and shorten it so it ends at 00:38:015.
- 00:38:488 Add a note.
- 00:39:669 Delete this note.
- 00:44:630 New combo.
- 00:50:771 New combo.
- 00:56:913 End the slider here.
- 00:57:386 (2,3,4) Move (2) here then (3) to the next tick and (4) to the next tick.
- 01:07:543 Delete this note.
- 01:11:086 Put a note here and move the slider that was here to 01:11:559 also shorten it so it ends at 01:12:504 plus add a new combo to it.
- 01:13:921 End the slider here.
- 01:57:386 End the slider here.
- 01:59:039 Remove new combo.
- 02:02:110 Move the note that is on the blue tick here.
- 02:03:291 Delete note.
- 02:05:181 Delete note.
- 02:13:921 Add a note here and start the new combo here too.
- 02:16:283 Remove a repeat.
- 02:19:354 Move this note to 02:19:826.
- 02:25:260 Add a note with a finish here.
- 02:35:417 Delete this note? I'm not sure, but maybe 5 notes in a row is a bit too much for a Normal.

- Use distance snap 1.0x
- Use slider velocity 1.70
- 00:18:409 Add a note.
- 00:32:346 Overmapping
- 00:33:291 Overmapping.
- 00:34:236 Just leave one repeat, fill the space left with something.
- 00:36:598 Overmapping
- Sorry, but there are too many parts where you overmap, a Hard difficulty doesn't mean you have to put streams everywhere. You can do better.

I can come back after you have made the changes if you want.
Hi~~ ...FROM:


  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is finish don note
  4. K is finish kat note

  1. 00:05:063 (16) - delete because here a triplet is not necessary.
  2. 00:12:622 (49) - ^ and 00:12:976 (51) - change to k
  3. 01:03:409 (7) - are you agree with a triplet here? I can't feel a triplet ._. so delete this plz
  4. 01:10:968 (40) - ^
Nice diff.


  1. 00:08:252 (36) - why not K? I think is better.
  2. 00:16:401 (76) - move to 00:16:283 -
  3. 02:12:267 (628,629) - Ctrl + G
Nice diffs and Good luck
Taiko diffs rankeable :)

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Hi~~ ...FROM:


  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is finish don note
  4. K is finish kat note

  1. 00:05:063 (16) - delete because here a triplet is not necessary. Err, there are claps in the music
  2. 00:12:622 (49) - ^ and 00:12:976 (51) - change to k This is a repeat from 00:05:417 (18,19,20) - , changing some to kats feels weird imo
  3. 01:03:409 (7) - are you agree with a triplet here? I can't feel a triplet ._. so delete this plz Overmapping here so as to balance out the difficulty in the map
  4. 01:10:968 (40) - ^
Nice diff.


  1. 00:08:252 (36) - why not K? I think is better. Hmm, okays owo/
  2. 00:16:401 (76) - move to 00:16:283 - Added one don there instead, I wanted to follow the sound effect in the music, but it's rather hard to follow, so I'll just make it 1 whole stream
  3. 02:12:267 (628,629) - Ctrl + G Okay, added another kat there to follow the vocals more
Nice diffs and Good luck
Taiko diffs rankeable :)
Thanks owo/!

Use the most recent one
Hi from Charlotte's Taiko Modding Queue

D(big d)
K(big k)


02:26:677 (297) - change k
02:28:567 (301) - change k
02:30:456 (305) - change k
02:35:062 - add d
02:35:181 (324) - change d


00:48:409 (240) - change d
00:52:189 (257) - change d
01:18:055 (382) - change k
01:22:425 (407) - chnage d
01:25:614 (423) - change k
01:35:653 (468) - chnage d
02:21:244 (673) - change d
02:56:559 (845) - change k
02:57:504 (850) - change k
03:05:063 (892) - change k
03:05:417 (895) - change d

It is a great overall 8-)

Good luck :)

Charlotte wrote:

Hi from Charlotte's Taiko Modding Queue

D(big d)
K(big k)


02:26:677 (297) - change k Hmm, okay, will add some variation here
02:28:567 (301) - change k
02:30:456 (305) - change k

02:35:062 - add d I think it looks fine currently, not changing this owo
02:35:181 (324) - change d


00:48:409 (240) - change d Changed the whole pattern here
00:52:189 (257) - change d ^
01:18:055 (382) - change k No, it is meant to be consistent with the previous stream
01:22:425 (407) - chnage d No, the vocal stays the same
01:25:614 (423) - change k No, for consistency
01:35:653 (468) - chnage d I actually prefer the k stream pattern here due to simplicity, it sounds nice to me also owo
02:21:244 (673) - change d No, following sound effect
02:56:559 (845) - change k No, Consistency
02:57:504 (850) - change k ^
03:05:063 (892) - change k ^, it follows the pattern of 03:03:055 (880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888,889) -
03:05:417 (895) - change d ^

It is a great overall 8-)

Good luck :) ONI MUZU

Thanks for mod!

That's alot of mods lol
Topic Starter
okay, working on the mods now.

Go! Go! for Celizavia and lZenxl!! \^O^/

Chumchuneun jageun kkatallena (red sun)
Nado moreuge ppajyeo deureoga
Dodohan kotdae kkatallena (red sun)
Jutti meri oye hoi hoi hollyeo deureoga

delete Catallena The 3rd Single in source (you can delete or add in tags) and orange caramel in tags (artist)
Taiko mod~

00:06:362 k
00:24:315 K
00:38:724 d
00:45:102 k
01:21:716 k
02:35:417 k
02:59:984 k

00:16:401 k
00:27:858 d
00:35:181 d
01:35:181 d
01:35:653 d
01:38:370 k
02:58:449 add d
03:06:008 add k
03:06:126 k
Konpaku Sariel
lZenxl's Oni
00:13:921 (64) - d

00:18:409 (88,89) - ctrl + G

00:20:299 (99) - d

00:21:480 (105) - k

00:22:425 (109) - k

00:26:204 (129) - k

00:28:330 (142,143,144) - kdk

00:35:063 (174) - d

00:37:307 (187) - d

00:42:740 (213) - d

00:48:291 (240,241) - kk or kd 00:48:645 (242) - and k

00:49:236 (244) - K

00:49:826 (246) - D

00:50:063 (247,248,249,250,251) - kkdkd or kkkkd

00:52:071 (257,258) - kk or kd and 00:52:425 (259) - k

00:54:078 (269) - k

01:09:433 (339,340) - d K

01:11:086 (347) - d

01:35:535 (468,469) - move to 01:35:417 (468,469) -

02:15:575 (645) - d

02:19:354 (663) - d

02:36:361 (748) - d

02:51:716 (821,822,823,824) - d_kkd

i really love this song

may i make taiko gest difficulty?
Topic Starter

Konpaku Sariel wrote:

i really love this song

may i make taiko gest difficulty?

Omg sure, can u make a futsuu diff? That would be great ^^
Konpaku Sariel
Topic Starter

Konpaku Sariel wrote:

here you are ^_^
thanks ^^

Is your Hard being deleted accidentally or intentionally?
Hi from modding queue~

Make the circles bigger....those are tiny even for a normal song.
00:16:439 Replace these two hitcircles with a slider, It makes it more in beat than two circles.
00:18:344 give slider three one more turn back so the end of it is facing the next beats.
And I really really suggest that you turn the slider velocity down. after doing this you may have to sort out your map afterwards.
00:19:625 Remove orange circle.
00:20:150 Move the green slider back on the timeline to where the timeline marker is.
00:22:000 Move hitcircle two one notch away on the timeline from the green slider no. 1.
00:19:103 Move green slider to a different location - It doesn't look nice, then flip it vertically so the head of the slider is facing the previous beats.
00:22:343 Move green slider three one notch away from hitcircle two.
00:24:042 Move purple hitcircle back on the timeline, one notch away from the last beat, and do the same with purple hit circle (Move it one notch away from purple hitcircle 1)
00:24:124 Move slider 3 one notch away from the hitcircles via timeline.
00:25:539 Move to where the timeline marker is.
00:23:831 Give slider 3 one more turn back.
00:27:018 Move slider three one notch away from the last beat......

Basically do all this to your beatmap, Make it in beat, edit the timeline etc. Since it's out of tune :?

Also, remove these. 00:57:401. replace them with something easier.
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

Is your Hard being deleted accidentally or intentionally?
Currently deciding either have a GD hard or make it myself again, since my previous hard diff was a mess
Hi, from my queue here.


  1. Make sure kiai times of your diffs are consistent.
  2. Hard should be made by you because according to ranking criteria, creator should own more diffs than GDers.
    No guest mapper should have more difficulties in the mapset than the creator, all modes together. For collaboration mapsets, the uploader should take part in all collab difficulties. The person who should upload the map is the one who contributed most to it.
  3. Remove the album name from the source. Instead, put 'single' into the tag.

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Only use the Source field if the song comes from or was made famous by a video game, movie, or series. Website names are not an acceptable Artist nor Source.
  4. Remove tags: 'orange' and 'caramel', coz they are already in the title.

General Suggestions on Normal and Easy

  1. Since this is your first map, I would like to drop you by some general suggestions instead of modding it thoroughly:
    1. Take much care about the placements of circles and sliders. Prevent piling up everything in a small space, for example, 00:42:740 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). Spread them out even though DS is required in low diffs such that players can read them comfortably and obviously. Another point which is quite important too is the flow. What I mean by flow? Taking a look at what you did on 00:16:756 (2,3), the direction of (3) seems distorted and it has no relationship at all with the consequent slider 00:18:645 (4). So, think twice before you put a slider and consider where it should be put before you place something. Well, I saw you have considered some patterns too, like parallel sliders: 01:55:024 (1,2). It shows your ideas on the map and it's good. What I can do now is only suggesting you to visit others' maps to improve and also a tip of deciding where sliders and circles can be put:
    2. Personally, I think you should map the prelude too. Music itself is also enjoyable, sometimes even more fun than vocals. And, the time point where you put the first note is near the kiai, there's no room for players to warm up.
    3. Avoid tricky patterns, e.g. stacking in Normal and Easy, like 00:22:898 (2) -00:26:441 (4,5,6) . It causes difficulty for newbies to read. Furthermore, note density shouldn't be that high in low diffs, so these: 01:07:307 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 02:34:709 (1,2,3,4,5) are too difficult in a NM. Sacrificing rhythms is an important step in making low diffs, you can learn it from other maps or ask me!
    4. As for new combo usage, seems you are NCing once a new lyric starts, it's fine. But it's inconsistent throughout the whole diff. Make sure you are adopting a consistent pattern. If you find it too harsh to achieve, try this! NC every two big white ticks instead, it would be much neater and tidier, for example:
    5. Follow a single DS in Normal and Easy generally, so you should alter the positions of 00:28:094 (1). Check them one by one yourself!
    6. You should learn to make good use of anchors in order to create aesthetics sliders by taking a look at this thread: t/37194. What I mean by a good slider with identical shape is like this:
  2. I would like to skip hitsounds at this moment, because rhythms and hitsounds are complementary. Without delicious rhythms, hitsounds can't be tasty.
  3. Remove this redundant green line: 02:40:378 in Easy.

If you got any problems or doubts about my suggestions, feel free to find me in-game or pm me! Good luck and keep it up! Take my sheep!
Topic Starter

MisakiYuri wrote:

Hi from modding queue~

Make the circles bigger....those are tiny even for a normal song. no its not
00:16:439 Replace these two hitcircles with a slider, It makes it more in beat than two circles. fixed
00:18:344 give slider three one more turn back so the end of it is facing the next beats. you mean a reversed slider? i want to keep it simple
And I really really suggest that you turn the slider velocity down. after doing this you may have to sort out your map afterwards. its fine imo
00:19:625 Remove orange circle. ^
00:20:150 Move the green slider back on the timeline to where the timeline marker is. huh?
00:22:000 Move hitcircle two one notch away on the timeline from the green slider no. 1.
00:19:103 Move green slider to a different location - It doesn't look nice, then flip it vertically so the head of the slider is facing the previous beats. it already make a nice blanket tho
00:22:343 Move green slider three one notch away from hitcircle two.
00:24:042 Move purple hitcircle back on the timeline, one notch away from the last beat, and do the same with purple hit circle (Move it one notch away from purple hitcircle 1)
00:24:124 Move slider 3 one notch away from the hitcircles via timeline.
00:25:539 Move to where the timeline marker is.
00:23:831 Give slider 3 one more turn back.
00:27:018 Move slider three one notch away from the last beat......

Basically do all this to your beatmap, Make it in beat, edit the timeline etc. Since it's out of tune :?

Also, remove these. 00:57:401. replace them with something easier.nope
thb i dont really understand about your way of modding cause its very different/?
anyway thanks

IamKwaN wrote:

Hi, from my queue here.


  1. Make sure kiai times of your diffs are consistent. fixed
  2. Hard should be made by you because according to ranking criteria, creator should own more diffs than GDers.
    No guest mapper should have more difficulties in the mapset than the creator, all modes together. For collaboration mapsets, the uploader should take part in all collab difficulties. The person who should upload the map is the one who contributed most to it.
  3. Remove the album name from the source. Instead, put 'single' into the tag.fixed

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Only use the Source field if the song comes from or was made famous by a video game, movie, or series. Website names are not an acceptable Artist nor Source.
  4. Remove tags: 'orange' and 'caramel', coz they are already in the title.^

General Suggestions on Normal and Easy

  1. Since this is your first map, I would like to drop you by some general suggestions instead of modding it thoroughly:
    1. Take much care about the placements of circles and sliders. Prevent piling up everything in a small space, for example, 00:42:740 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).fixed Spread them out even though DS is required in low diffs such that players can read them comfortably and obviously. Another point which is quite important too is the flow. What I mean by flow? Taking a look at what you did on 00:16:756 (2,3), the direction of (3) seems distorted and it has no relationship at all with the consequent slider 00:18:645 (4). So, think twice before you put a slider and consider where it should be put before you place something. Well, I saw you have considered some patterns too, like parallel sliders: 01:55:024 (1,2). It shows your ideas on the map and it's good. What I can do now is only suggesting you to visit others' maps to improve and also a tip of deciding where sliders and circles can be put:
    2. Personally, I think you should map the prelude too. Music itself is also enjoyable, sometimes even more fun than vocals. And, the time point where you put the first note is near the kiai, there's no room for players to warm up.
    3. Avoid tricky patterns, e.g. stacking in Normal and Easy, like 00:22:898 (2) -00:26:441 (4,5,6) . It causes difficulty for newbies to read. Furthermore, note density shouldn't be that high in low diffs, so these: 01:07:307 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 02:34:709 (1,2,3,4,5) are too difficult in a NM. Sacrificing rhythms is an important step in making low diffs, you can learn it from other maps or ask me! sure! fixed
    4. As for new combo usage, seems you are NCing once a new lyric starts, it's fine. But it's inconsistent throughout the whole diff. Make sure you are adopting a consistent pattern. If you find it too harsh to achieve, try this! NC every two big white ticks instead, it would be much neater and tidier, for example:
    5. Follow a single DS in Normal and Easy generally, so you should alter the positions of 00:28:094 (1). Check them one by one yourself!
    6. You should learn to make good use of anchors in order to create aesthetics sliders by taking a look at this thread: t/37194. What I mean by a good slider with identical shape is like this:
  2. I would like to skip hitsounds at this moment, because rhythms and hitsounds are complementary. Without delicious rhythms, hitsounds can't be tasty.
  3. Remove this redundant green line: 02:40:378 in Easy.

If you got any problems or doubts about my suggestions, feel free to find me in-game or pm me! Good luck and keep it up! Take my sheep!

thanks for your mod!!
Topic Starter
retrun into WIP, new Collab diff (incomplete)
Hello Again, From xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

Notes on Easy Diff is Fine
But here's the problem , your easy seems normal.
*but if other modders think the easy is fine ( Ignore Please )
*well this is just a suggestion.

No Problems were found in this Diff

Let's Mod Partially Mod the Collab , Call me again if it's ready for Mod . . :)

00:42:740 End it Here 00:43:094 then add a note here 00:43:212
00:43:449 Start it here 00:43:685 and end it here 00:44:039
-Though this is just a suggestion- ( You can ignore it )

That's All Really not much to mod on the 2 Diffs
Good Luck on your Collab~
Topic Starter

xLoupGarou wrote:

Hello Again, From xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

Notes on Easy Diff is Fine
But here's the problem , your easy seems normal. do you mean is quite hard for the new players?
*but if other modders think the easy is fine ( Ignore Please )
*well this is just a suggestion.

No Problems were found in this Diff

Let's Mod Partially Mod the Collab , Call me again if it's ready for Mod . . :)

00:42:740 End it Here 00:43:094 then add a note here 00:43:212
00:43:449 Start it here 00:43:685 and end it here 00:44:039
-Though this is just a suggestion- ( You can ignore it ) fixed

That's All Really not much to mod on the 2 Diffs
Good Luck on your Collab~ [Ty for your mod ^^]
Hallooo kaak pake bahasa indonesia yah :)

  1. Catallena The 3rd itu nama album kan kak? kalo gitu coba dipindahin dari Source ke Tags karena peraturan guidenya bilang gitu
  1. 00:23:842 - Kalo tambah circle di situ bgmn kak? soalnya bagian itu penyanyinya udah mulai nyanyi
  2. 00:32:346 (1,2) - Blanketnya dirapihin lagi kak, contoh:
  3. Kalo buat Easy diff ga boleh ada jump besar kak, contohnya bagian ini 00:37:071 (3,1,2,3) - coba diliat jaraknya sekitar 2.31 kan jarak Distance Spacing yang kakak pake 0.8 jadi ya dicoba sebisa mungkin ikutin 0.8 aja
  4. 00:50:772 (1) - Slider itu dibuat agak melengkung aja kak, kaya gini
  5. 01:02:110 (1) - Itu dibuat melengkung juga kak, kaya gini supaya bisa blanket sama slider selanjutnya
  6. 01:07:779 (2) - Mungkin maksud kakak slider itu bentuknya S, kalo gitu bisa dirapihin lagi kaya gini mungkin untuk bentuk slider yang mirip sama bentuk S, mungkin bisa dirapihin juga kaya gitu biar keliatan enak diliat XD
  7. 01:09:197 - Kalo tambah circle di situ bgmn kak? soalnya bagian itu penyanyinya udah mulai nyanyi
  8. 01:35:181 (6) - Lengkungannya terlalu buleet, coba dibuat agak lurus kaya gini kak
  9. 01:47:465 (1) - Coba digeser agak ke kanan kak, ke posisi x:344 y:288
  10. 01:46:047 (7,2) - Bagian itu sebaiknya jangan sampe overlaping kak keliatannya jelek ga bagus
  11. 01:53:606 (2) - Posisinya coba dipindah kak, ke posisi x:96 y:240
  12. 01:55:023 (1,2) - Bentuk slidernya bisa dibuat lebih bagus kak, terus dibuat blanket kaya gini
  13. 02:05:417 (2,3,4) - Kalo distack diposisi yang sama bgmn kak? mirip ini 02:03:528 (2,3,4) -
  14. 02:12:504 (1,3) - Overlap kaya gitu juga keliatannya engga bagus kak, coba dibenerin deh
Beberapa flow di Easy diff ini banyak yg aneh menurut aku dengan kata lain masih sedikit berantakan

  1. 00:22:898 (1,2,3,1,1,2) - Kayanya bagian itu terlalu rapet dan padet kak, kesannya terlalu terpaku di satu titik, mungkin kakak bisa benerin placingnya
  2. 00:58:094 (4) - Baiknya didelete deh kak
  3. 01:11:087 (4) - Bentuknya lucuuuu
  4. 01:27:622 (1) - Dibuat lebih lurus kak, terus blaket deh,
Mungkin sebaiknya buat Normal diff ini pake Distance Spacingnya 1.0 aja deh kak, soalnya kalo pake 0.8 nada-nadanya keliatan dempet gitu

Kak buat diperhatikan, untuk Easy diff dan/atau Normal diff dicoba jarak antar notesnya disesuain sama Distance Spacing biar pemainnya engga bingung, tapi keseluruhan lumayan bagus kak dan dikembangin lagiii
Itu sumua cuma pendapat aku kak, aku juga sama lagi belajar buat map ayo semangaaaaat XD
Kalo masih bingung bisa tanya kalo aku on ingame kak

*Catatan: sebagai guide lain bisa dilihat dari postnya IamKwaN di atas kak, lumayan berguna kalo aku baca
Topic Starter

Mako Sakata wrote:

Hallooo kaak pake bahasa indonesia yah :) okeh

  1. Catallena The 3rd itu nama album kan kak? kalo gitu coba dipindahin dari Source ke Tags karena peraturan guidenya bilang gitudone

  1. 00:23:842 - Kalo tambah circle di situ bgmn kak? soalnya bagian itu penyanyinya udah mulai nyanyinope
  2. 00:32:346 (1,2) - Blanketnya dirapihin lagi kak, contoh: done
  3. Kalo buat Easy diff ga boleh ada jump besar kak, contohnya bagian ini 00:37:071 (3,1,2,3) - coba diliat jaraknya sekitar 2.31 kan jarak Distance Spacing yang kakak pake 0.8 jadi ya dicoba sebisa mungkin ikutin 0.8 ajadone
  4. 00:50:772 (1) - Slider itu dibuat agak melengkung aja kak, kaya gini
  5. 01:02:110 (1) - Itu dibuat melengkung juga kak, kaya gini supaya bisa blanket sama slider selanjutnya nope
  6. 01:07:779 (2) - Mungkin maksud kakak slider itu bentuknya S, kalo gitu bisa dirapihin lagi kaya gini mungkin untuk bentuk slider yang mirip sama bentuk S, mungkin bisa dirapihin juga kaya gitu biar keliatan enak diliat XD nope, udah diubah hehe :p
  7. 01:09:197 - Kalo tambah circle di situ bgmn kak? soalnya bagian itu penyanyinya udah mulai nyanyi
  8. 01:35:181 (6) - Lengkungannya terlalu buleet, coba dibuat agak lurus kaya gini kak
  9. 01:47:465 (1) - Coba digeser agak ke kanan kak, ke posisi x:344 y:288 nope
  10. 01:46:047 (7,2) - Bagian itu sebaiknya jangan sampe overlaping kak keliatannya jelek ga bagus
  11. 01:53:606 (2) - Posisinya coba dipindah kak, ke posisi x:96 y:240nope
  12. 01:55:023 (1,2) - Bentuk slidernya bisa dibuat lebih bagus kak, terus dibuat blanket kaya gini
  13. 02:05:417 (2,3,4) - Kalo distack diposisi yang sama bgmn kak? mirip ini 02:03:528 (2,3,4) -
  14. 02:12:504 (1,3) - Overlap kaya gitu juga keliatannya engga bagus kak, coba dibenerin deh
Beberapa flow di Easy diff ini banyak yg aneh menurut aku dengan kata lain masih sedikit berantakan

  1. 00:22:898 (1,2,3,1,1,2) - Kayanya bagian itu terlalu rapet dan padet kak, kesannya terlalu terpaku di satu titik, mungkin kakak bisa benerin placingnya done
  2. 00:58:094 (4) - Baiknya didelete deh kakdone
  3. 01:11:087 (4) - Bentuknya lucuuuumakaciw
  4. 01:27:622 (1) - Dibuat lebih lurus kak, terus blaket deh,

Mungkin sebaiknya buat Normal diff ini pake Distance Spacingnya 1.0 aja deh kak, soalnya kalo pake 0.8 nada-nadanya keliatan dempet gitu

Kak buat diperhatikan, untuk Easy diff dan/atau Normal diff dicoba jarak antar notesnya disesuain sama Distance Spacing biar pemainnya engga bingung, tapi keseluruhan lumayan bagus kak dan dikembangin lagiii
Itu sumua cuma pendapat aku kak, aku juga sama lagi belajar buat map ayo semangaaaaat XD
Kalo masih bingung bisa tanya kalo aku on ingame kak

*Catatan: sebagai guide lain bisa dilihat dari postnya IamKwaN di atas kak, lumayan berguna kalo aku baca
makasih buat mods nya ^^
Hello, from my Queue


Kpop <3 Since the Collab Mod took longer than expected, I'm just going to skip over the easy and normal, I hope that's okay.


  • Partner Modded with Smug~
    We suggest using grid size tiny, it just makes placing notes more accurate, to do that, simply press G.
    Change AR to 8
    Change HP to 5
    Change CS to 4
    Make sure to resnap the circles accordingly so they don't overlap
    Try using distance snap consistently throughout the map, makes it look nicer and more uniform.
    For a smoother blanket, you don't have to use grid snap.
    Your Collab isn't finished yet, you should probably get someone to actually collab with.
    00:16:283 - we believe that the first beat should be here instead of 1/2 later, where it is currently
    00:22:189 - add a circle here
    00:22:425 (5) - this doesn't need to be a reverse slider
    00:23:134 (6,7,8) - move these to 00:22:897
    00:23:842 - add a 1/2 slider here
    00:24:551 (2) - either change this into a 1/2 slider or a stacked triple, the triple fits but the 1/4 reverse slider doesn't. If you do change it to a triple then the circles following it need to be changes to sliders to make it flow better.
    00:24:551 (2) - having this as a circle isn't very appealing to look at, and honestly disrupts the flow of the map. Consider changing it to something more aesthetically appealing, like this
    00:29:039 (4,5) - change this to a 1/4 slider, to set the tone of the following double you have, it lets the player know that is how the timing of the beats will come
    00:29:984 (1) - change this shape to something more pleasing to look at, like this
    00:31:874 (1,2,3,4) - these don't really need to be 1/4 sliders. Having them as 1/2 sliders would look a lot better and would be less confusing on the player
    00:37:071 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - these are very very out of place, they serve no musical purpose and disrupt the flow of the map
    00:38:724 (6,7) - these should be stacked
    00:39:433 (1) - this slider should be a reverse one, in fact, a 1/1 slider doesn't really fit the music here. try putting the rhythm as something like this. The 1 will start here 00:39:669
    00:41:795 (5) - this shouldn't really be a 1/4 reverse slider, it should be a 1/2 slider
    00:43:212 (2) - move this to x:387 y:161
    00:44:157 (4) - move this to x:504 y:268
    00:47:700 (4) - this doesn't need to be stacked
    00:48:645 (4) - same as above
    00:51:480 (4) - ^
    00:52:424 (4) - ^
    00:58:330 (1) - why is this a spinner? it's totally mappable, putting a spinner here just seems lazy to me
    01:02:110 (3) - this doesn't really need to be a reverse slider
    01:03:055 (5) - same as above
    01:06:362 (4) - this doesn't need to be a 1/4 repeating slider, a 1/2 reverse slider would work
    01:07:779 (7) - same as above
    01:10:141 (3) - this doesn't need to be a reverse slider
    01:11:086 (5) - same as above
    01:12:031 (7) - ^
    01:13:449 (1) - this doesn't really need to be a spinner, you could map it, there's a clear beat
    01:17:228 - I don't think the break should be here, you could map it easily, there are some nice repeating patterns I can hear in the music. Instead, put the break here 01:32:346
Topic Starter

Indeed wrote:

Hello, from my Queue


Kpop <3 Since the Collab Mod took longer than expected, I'm just going to skip over the easy and normal, I hope that's okay.


  • Partner Modded with Smug~
    We suggest using grid size tiny, it just makes placing notes more accurate, to do that, simply press G.
    Change AR to 8 done
    Change HP to 5 done
    Change CS to 4 done
    Make sure to resnap the circles accordingly so they don't overlap
    Try using distance snap consistently throughout the map, makes it look nicer and more uniform.
    For a smoother blanket, you don't have to use grid snap.
    Your Collab isn't finished yet, you should probably get someone to actually collab with.
    00:16:283 - we believe that the first beat should be here instead of 1/2 later, where it is currently done
    00:22:189 - add a circle here done
    00:22:425 (5) - this doesn't need to be a reverse slider done
    00:23:134 (6,7,8) - move these to 00:22:897 done
    00:23:842 - add a 1/2 slider here done
    00:24:551 (2) - either change this into a 1/2 slider or a stacked triple, the triple fits but the 1/4 reverse slider doesn't. If you do change it to a triple then the circles following it need to be changes to sliders to make it flow better.done
    00:24:551 (2) - having this as a circle isn't very appealing to look at, and honestly disrupts the flow of the map. Consider changing it to something more aesthetically appealing, like this
    00:29:039 (4,5) - change this to a 1/4 slider, to set the tone of the following double you have, it lets the player know that is how the timing of the beats will come nope, it matches the song imo
    00:29:984 (1) - change this shape to something more pleasing to look at, like this
    00:31:874 (1,2,3,4) - these don't really need to be 1/4 sliders. Having them as 1/2 sliders would look a lot better and would be less confusing on the player nah '-'
    00:37:071 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - these are very very out of place, they serve no musical purpose and disrupt the flow of the map done
    00:38:724 (6,7) - these should be stacked nope
    00:39:433 (1) - this slider should be a reverse one, in fact, a 1/1 slider doesn't really fit the music here. try putting the rhythm as something like this. The 1 will start here 00:39:669 done
    00:41:795 (5) - this shouldn't really be a 1/4 reverse slider, it should be a 1/2 slider no no no~
    00:43:212 (2) - move this to x:387 y:161 done
    00:44:157 (4) - move this to x:504 y:268 done
    00:47:700 (4) - this doesn't need to be stacked done
    00:48:645 (4) - same as above done
    00:51:480 (4) - ^ done
    00:52:424 (4) - ^ ^
    00:58:330 (1) - why is this a spinner? it's totally mappable, putting a spinner here just seems lazy to me i think its okay tho
    01:02:110 (3) - this doesn't really need to be a reverse slider i'll put it on consideration
    01:03:055 (5) - same as above ^
    01:06:362 (4) - this doesn't need to be a 1/4 repeating slider, a 1/2 reverse slider would work no
    01:07:779 (7) - same as above done
    01:10:141 (3) - this doesn't need to be a reverse slider
    01:11:086 (5) - same as above no
    01:12:031 (7) - ^ ^
    01:13:449 (1) - this doesn't really need to be a spinner, you could map it, there's a clear beat
    01:17:228 - I don't think the break should be here, you could map it easily, there are some nice repeating patterns I can hear in the music. Instead, put the break here 01:32:346 just try to match with the other 2 diff
thanks for the mod, but i think some mod you guys suggested are too easy(?)
again thanks :D
Can i joining?
Taiko , Futsuu mod :)

Sariel's Futsuu
00:32:582 k
00:35:417 k
01:04:236 k
01:11:795 k
01:46:992 k
01:51:244 k
01:53:606 k
02:01:638 d
02:11:795 k
02:19:590 k
02:45:811 k
02:49:826 k
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