Thank you so much for this! This is actually rlly helpful since idk korean that well yet. Everything should be fixed now, if not lmk. Again thanksShige-Tori[a] wrote:
some KR Feedback
1. combo-x: its not 곰보 - its 콤보
2. play-unranked: you wrote 순위 없는, its wrong grammar - I recommend deleting KR word, or replacing it with "등록 안 됨" (it means not submitted) or "오토 플레이" (it means autoplay) if you really want to write it.
3. spinner-clear: 통과하다 is verb, 통과 is noun, so 통과 is correct.
4. ranking-panel
big combo KR word is offscreen - delete or put in screen
accuracy you wrote 정확 (X) 정확도 is correct word
계급 [x] 랭크 [o] | 정확성 [x] 정확도 [o] | 순위 점수 [x] 랭크 점수 [o] | pppeppy point
5. mania - hit0: 놓치다 [x] 미스 [o]
6. mania - hit50: 똥 is not good word choice, just write 오십점
7. mania - hit100: seems 백점(it means 100 score) is correct word pick (duplicate meaning with hit200)
8. mania - hit200: 이백점 is more fit
9. pause - retry: 다시 시작 is fit (it means restart)
10. ranking-perfect: 완벽 or 완벽함
11. ranking-X XH: 완벽 is more fit i think
12. selection-mode: bottom right 게임하자's "let's play a game". suggest 게임 시작! is better
13. selection-mods-over: IMPORTANT - its wrong word. 모드 is correct.
14. spinner-clear: 통과하다 is... ok but its verb - try to change noun (normally "클리어")
15. welcome-text: 환영 is noun, recommand 환영합니다
i think ranking-absx wording is slightly awkwardness, but whatever nice skin. gg
Click the download button on the imageSlowpoke309 wrote:
download link?
This should be fixed now. If it didn't u can DM me.MiguelATC wrote:
I know im about 3 months late to the party but i only found out about this awesome skin through Koi Fishu's video and was seriously thinking about making it my new main skin. Basically, for some unknown reason the skin's circles and sliders look about 2-3 CS HIGHER than they should wich basically makes every single map have circles that are tiny appearance-wise but still have the same hitbox as the big circles, its still playable but it makes sliders look really weird since they're a lot thicker than the sliderhead and kinda throws me off at certain points (also makes HR circles REALLY tiny). How do i possibly solve this issue? i've arleady downloaded, deleted and redownloaded the skin and it didnt work. Here's a video in case you want to check out how it looks in game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOHmHXMEJfw&ab_channel=WilliamSmithson
I hope this doesnt get instantly deleted or something since i dont know if links are allowed in the forum, thanks in advance!