I use he/him pronouns! I'm most known by many for my ducks which you can read about down in my profile, other than that, I like Visual Novels, and mapping. I'm a pretty lame dude who just likes to chill in a community surrounded by people to my taste in games and hobbies. Sorry if you don't like me, but I'm here to stay. I'm a shitter on Valorant, and blow at CS:GO, but if you ever wanna play on NA, you can hit me up I guess. If you want to talk to me about anything just do so! Love y'all, have a great day!
Lime is a Chocolate Runner duck who we adopted from a farm, even though she lost her sister, she has a new friend now and is very happy and very spoiled. Love you Lime!
If you somehow want me to map for a tournament or GD just let me knowCLOSED GD Requirements: -TV Size -Japanese, or English -<1:30 Tournament Map: If Gimmick: -Reading
-Penta -KumiDaiko -sxnshine2020 -Videos -arutama -Sightread -KPMY -buddon -bluirre -Log Off Now -DMK7 -svavsvay -CleavlandsMyBro -RyuKMyMommy -Starstrike -YunoMaya -Soraka -Niko_Plays -Marshes -Share -Stompy_ -bakery -Nachmark -quantumvortex -TritoBandito -KennethBBG -The Cosmic Chef -jacksfilms -AnimeFlareon -chromasia -Many more, don't let me forget your name, I love you all <3!
This is Henry the duck. He is the duck we got after Lime lost her sister as ducks NEED at least one other duck to function as a species. We call him Shitty because he is very naughty. He knocks things over, he makes an abnormally large mess, but we still love him very much.
SOOOO is such a cool artist, their VOCALOID music brings so much emotion to me, and it is one of the only times music has every really been something so detrimental to me, and I can't thank them enough for doing what they do. Sorry for being a corny piece of shit, let me love this artist!
Anyway, here are my Top 5 Favorite SOOOO songs!
5) minus in the sun - Great tuning, awesome chorus, and a lot of emotion put into to it. 4) a decayed garden sinks into the isolated sea - One of their shorter works, but it is still wonderful. 3) Happppy song - Their most notable work, but it is such a classic with its awesome chorus and community love. 2) Raven Haven - The first song I experience from them, I played the ranked set even when I couldn't pass it. 1) iiillluuuvvvUUU - Biased because of the great map with it, but the chorus is so good it brings tears to my eyes.