
PSYQUI - Still in my heart feat. Punipuni Denki

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Miyoshi Takane
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2023年9月12日 at 0:27:41

Artist: PSYQUI
Title: Still in my heart feat. Punipuni Denki
Tags: shiratamamywife nathan sukinathan japanese electronic hardcore future core bass j-core jcore megarex fugene3 puniden
BPM: 172
Filesize: 9242kb
Play Time: 03:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (5.36 stars, 903 notes)
  2. Hard (3.47 stars, 560 notes)
  3. Insane (4.6 stars, 777 notes)
  4. Nathan's Extra (5.48 stars, 930 notes)
Download: PSYQUI - Still in my heart feat. Punipuni Denki
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

< #10 >

Hard, Insane, Extra by me
Top diff by Nathan takes from here with permission

BNs: NeKroMan4ik / FuJu

Kyuuchie's set

nathan's bg
robinia's insane his diff is cool too

mapping attempts #6 (#6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1)

2023/28/5 submitted map
2023/11/6 changed bg
2023/2/7 added Hard diff
2023/4/7 added Robinia and Nathan's diff
2023/9/7 deleted Robinia's diff and added insane diff
2023/22/7 applied NeKroMan4ik's mods
2023/11/8 changed bg on Hard Insane and Extra diff
2023/22/8 applied FuJu's mod
2023/6/9 qualified
2023/12/9 disqualified to have a better quality bg
2023/12/9 re-qualified
2023/13/9 ranked
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