
Megpoid GUMI - Masked bitcH (Remix) [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年10月3日 at 21:13:03

Artist: Megpoid GUMI
Title: Masked bitcH (Remix)
Source: Vocaloid
Tags: megpoid gumi vocaloid remix satuski_ga_tenkomori
BPM: 175
Filesize: 5365kb
Play Time: 02:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Extra (5.79 stars, 712 notes)
  2. Hard (0 stars, 1 notes)
  3. Insane (4.78 stars, 637 notes)
  4. Kanako (4.29 stars, 1031 notes)
  5. Normal (0 stars, 1 notes)
  6. rythm (3.45 stars, 844 notes)
Download: Megpoid GUMI - Masked bitcH (Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Megpoid GUMI - Masked bitcH remixed by さつき が てんこもり
welcome for GD(call for Eazy/Normal/Hard) :D
[Rhythm] It is not the diff which players can play. Just like the name - it's no more than rhythm :P
[Insane] finished, adding hitsounds
[Extra] finished, adding hitsounds
[Hard] in mapping
[Normal] in mapping
[Kanako] taiko-only diff by -K a n a-, finished
If you have downloaded the map before 2014/4/21, please redownload it, thanks.
wow!! Is amazing!! Love it!! :) I need the easy, normal and other nivels!! :D!! GJ!
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RedScarletP wrote:

wow!! Is amazing!! Love it!! :) I need the easy, normal and other nivels!! :D!! GJ!
:) thanks for loving it
yeah, I'll make the NM HD & Insane diffs.
And this diff maybe named as "Extra" :P
This must be approved as soon as possible!!! it's like my gift christmas :D

safawu wrote:

RedScarletP wrote:

wow!! Is amazing!! Love it!! :) I need the easy, normal and other nivels!! :D!! GJ!
:) thanks for loving it
yeah, I'll make the NM HD & Insane diffs.
And this diff maybe named as "Extra" :P
Wa!!! The Extra e Insane are amazing!

But the Rythm is fixed? Need more movements. I would edit it... but... I don't know... gzzz (Emo corner) Sorry for my bad english (lol)
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RedScarletP wrote:

Wa!!! The Extra e Insane are amazing!

But the Rythm is fixed? Need more movements. I would edit it... but... I don't know... gzzz (Emo corner) Sorry for my bad english (lol)
because Insane is in mapping now(Only first part done) ;) the notes which stacks together are the rhythm notes i have set before mapping. They will be exchanged later.
and the Rhythm diff(sry i've miss spelled the word :? ) is not the diff players can play, it is the rhythm notes set before mapping which can help me map faster and better :)
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Jrve wrote:

This must be approved as soon as possible!!! it's like my gift christmas :D
thanks :) I'll try my best. Since there are a lot of things for me to do, i have only little bit of time to make the map(also I'm LAZY) :cry:
Soul Space
Cracking kun...U creat a NF map for me again...Ah~~~~[why again....[Pia
~~~~~←this word i use the google to translate....wwwwwww
i love this map so much ; _ ;
oh noooo not the graveyard D':
The extra is god tier
One of my favourites :D Can I suggest changing Insane diff to AR9? I think it would be way better.

EDIT: Just realized this is the graveyard, so sad this map ended up here :(
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Vorgh wrote:

One of my favourites :D Can I suggest changing Insane diff to AR9? I think it would be way better.

EDIT: Just realized this is the graveyard, so sad this map ended up here :(
This map will not end up here. I'm just EXTRE~~~~~MELY lazy :)
Good to hear, good luck on the way to ranked :)
great map but PLEASE put AR 9 on insane, PLEASE!
Fujiyama Panic
This map is amazing... still will never understand why it is not ranked! :x :(
I second revive requests. Loved the extra and insane.
Love this song, only played the insane, seems really well mapped and really enjoy it, especially the harder jumps and sliders towards the end. Please can this be ranked?
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