
Taylor Swift - Stay Stay Stay

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 12:38:33 AM

Artist: Taylor Swift
Title: Stay Stay Stay
Tags: red
BPM: 100
Filesize: 5393kb
Play Time: 03:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dancing (2.75 stars, 369 notes)
  2. Sleeping (1.47 stars, 188 notes)
  3. Walking (1.84 stars, 277 notes)
Download: Taylor Swift - Stay Stay Stay
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Changed BG: 1-9-2015
[Hard] <--- (Seriously, not dancing? :c)

00:55:972 (2) - Me confundió la primera vez que lo jugué, pero no sé, tal vez, un ctrl + G?
01:12:472 - También confunde un poco, si hubiera otro circle estuviera mejor
02:14:572 - Un circulito puede sonar bien, tal vez.
02:45:472 (4,1) - Hay muchos parecidos, pero éste como que está mas feito.

[Normal] <--- (Seriously, not walking? :c)

00:31:372 (1,2) - No tienen whistle sound ninguno de los 2 :x

[Easy] <--- (Seriously, not sleeping? :c)

So far so good.


Los audio preview time no son los mismos en cada una de las dificultades~

So I think that it's best if we both... stay... stay... stay stay stay! (8) No hay que decir que el mapa y la canción están buenisimas. :)
Topic Starter

darkguydari wrote:

[Hard] <--- (Seriously, not dancing? :c) haha, los voy a cambiar

00:55:972 (2) - Me confundió la primera vez que lo jugué, pero no sé, tal vez, un ctrl + G? le agregué una nota en 00:55:822 -
01:12:472 - También confunde un poco, si hubiera otro circle estuviera mejor Added~
02:14:572 - Un circulito puede sonar bien, tal vez. ok, lo agregué con un finish~
02:45:472 (4,1) - Hay muchos parecidos, pero éste como que está mas feito. Cambié el ángulo de 4

[Normal] <--- (Seriously, not walking? :c) XD

00:31:372 (1,2) - No tienen whistle sound ninguno de los 2 :x Fixed

[Easy] <--- (Seriously, not sleeping? :c)

So far so good. <3


Los audio preview time no son los mismos en cada una de las dificultades~ lol siempre se me olvida seleccionarlo

So I think that it's best if we both... stay... stay... stay stay stay! (8) No hay que decir que el mapa y la canción están buenisimas. :)
Gracias dari<33
Stay Stay Stay~~


00:09:772 (1) - add finish on the head?
00:40:972 (5) - NC? I think a better match.
00:45:772 (5) - ^
00:50:572 (5) - ^
00:55:372 (5) - ^
00:58:372 - clap?
01:03:172 - ^
01:07:972 - ^


00:13:072 - Adding notes to this thought.
00:17:872 - ^
00:41:572 - clap?
01:06:172 (4) - How about a slider curve?
01:23:272 (4,5) - Not so inconvenient blanket. We think that even a blanket treatment.
01:35:572 - Suggest. I approached this place add clap drum sampleset will be using. Will accept my offer?
02:04:972 - Break time I think you should start here.
02:14:572 - ^ (same)


good stuff~

good Luck~
Topic Starter

HabiHolic wrote:

Stay Stay Stay~~


00:09:772 (1) - add finish on the head? ok
00:40:972 (5) - NC? I think a better match. I'll keep the combos the same, because there are some parts I cant do it and will be inconsistent
00:45:772 (5) - ^ ^
00:50:572 (5) - ^ ^
00:55:372 (5) - ^ ^
00:58:372 - clap? Added whistle instead, because the clap pattern is on the red ticks
01:03:172 - ^ ^
01:07:972 - ^ ^


00:13:072 - Adding notes to this thought. Ok
00:17:872 - ^ Did some fixes there so it sounds better
00:41:572 - clap? ^
01:06:172 (4) - How about a slider curve? I wanna keep it linear the whole combo
01:23:272 (4,5) - Not so inconvenient blanket. We think that even a blanket treatment. I dont see the problem with it ><
01:35:572 - Suggest. I approached this place add clap drum sampleset will be using. Will accept my offer? ok
02:04:972 - Break time I think you should start here. Ok, did in all diffs
02:14:572 - ^ (same) ok


good stuff~

good Luck~
Thanks a lot :)

M4M Request :3 Sorry for the delay but I had to do a lot of school work ;w;

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment

  1. Disable Letterbox during Breaks and Widescreen support since you don't have a SB.

  1. 00:13:372 (4,1) - Move (1) to the left so that the transition between (4) and (1) due to the follow of (4)'s curve.
  2. 00:24:772 (1,2,3,4) - Just a sort of idea here: If you like symmetry you can maybe arrang these objects to get a neat symmetrical pattern.
  3. 00:34:972 (2) - This looks like it was thought to follow a curve created by 00:33:772 (1) - . But it doesn't do that which makes the flow here a bit odd. Just move (1) a bit upwards!
  4. 00:42:172 (6) - Move the last anchor point to 400|210 and resnap 00:43:372 (1) - so that (6) points onto (1) which would create a smoother movement here.
  5. 01:08:872 (1) - Due to the upwards going movement of 01:07:372 (1) - I'd move 01:08:872 (1) - a bit more upwards for a better more natural feeling flow.
  6. 01:13:672 (1) - Hm, nothing you have to change but I think it would be a nice touch if this would be placed higher for a zigzag movement. That would feel more intuitive to me.
  7. 01:15:772 (5) - I'd rather see this go to the right. That would improve the flow here a lot imo due to a better movement into 01:16:972 (1) - with still keeping a good flow from 01:14:872 (3,4) - into it.
  8. 01:30:172 (6) - I don't know if it's just me but I think this feels really unintuitive due to the really wide movement to the right. I'd rather go in an oval back to the left or upwards. Maybe you could try to replace (6) with a flipped version :/
  9. 01:37:672 (1) - Move this to 235|160 in order to improve the flow from the previous object into this due to a movement that follows the Slidertrack of the previous slider a bit better and to create an qual triangle here.
  10. 01:47:272 (1) - Ignore this if you didn't like the suggestion above (^). You could move this to 315|227 for similiar reasons. But you'd obviously also have to place 01:47:872 (2) - more right as well.
  11. 01:58:972 (4,1,2) - Woohoo, messed up spacing q-q Also consider using "Create Polygon Circles" for perfect squares. These just look messy. Maybe it's due to the DS issues though.
  12. 02:44:872 (1) - I'd move this to the right so that the player has more reaction time in order to get this since how it is not it feels really high and the turn to get this is really rapid which feels bad to me ;w;
  13. 02:58:372 (1,1,1) - 1/1 Spacing is too high here. This would work perefctly fine with 1,20 as seen at the end of the 2nd Kiai.

  14. Your whole 1/2 Spacing is messed up. It varies between 1,50 (e.g. 00:14:572 (1) - ) where the circles are just slightly touching and 1,70 (e.g. 00:40:672 (4) - ) which is really weird since it has no real pattern and is used completely random as it seems to me. The reason why it looks so random is that it is used really unreasonable. You've used all kinds of different DS in the same pattern for example which makes it completely weird. Please resnap everything like that with a constant DS for better playability, readability and consistency throughout the whole map.
  15. I dunno if this is just my whole personal opinion but I found the rhythm in the Kiais to be really tricky. I've actually missed due to the red tick polarity. Well, that's probably just me having a problem with reading that lol (even though I'm a pretty experineced player)

  16. Otherwise the diff is well done! I don't like some parts of the flow in the kiai since that feels rapid due to a pretty fast turn being needed in order to get to the next object.

  1. 00:09:772 (1,2,3,4) - I guess that's just my whole personal opinion but I think this pattern would work better with less curved sliders.
  2. 00:11:572 (4) - Watch your DS to the next object :<
  3. 00:13:372 (3) - Consider moving this a bit more upwards so that it follows a line formed by (1)'s tail and (2). Like this the turn made by (3)'s track would work way smoother.
  4. 00:25:372 (3) - Maybe you could make some adjustments here. The spacing looks really uneven.
  5. 00:35:572 (4) - Nothing you really have to do but I think removing the repeat and adding a Circle on the downbeat would be a cool touch espsecially since the downbeat here has a pretty big emphasis so it could take a clickable action.
  6. 00:38:872 (2,3) - The flow between these two feels a bit harsh to me due to (3) being so high which creates a rapid movement. I'd rather place (3) a bit more right and rearrange everything a bit.
  7. 00:42:172 (3) - Watch your DS to the next object ;w;
  8. 00:43:372 (1,2,3,4) - The whole pattern feels a bit messy to me. What I mean is that this looks like it was thought to be a circle made out of 1/2 Sliders but the problem here is that the transitions between each of them aren't fluent enough to be a circle which makes it look messy to me.
  9. 00:51:772 (3) - Move this a bit left in order to let it follow the path you go from (2) to (3) for a smoother movement here.
  10. 01:11:572 (6) - Consider rotating this about 35° Selection Centre so that it points onto (1) in order to get an oval-ish movement here. That would improve the flow here because you avoid that rapid turn upwards with that.
  11. 01:20:572 (3,4,1) - Maybe it's just me but it seems as this would play better if they were placed in a line so that the player can follow it more fluently. The wavy movement felt a bit to fast at this point of the map to me.
  12. 01:24:172 (1) - Try to adjust this Slidershape a bit as seen in the Screenshot below in order to improve the flow to the next objects. The key of the change is the creation of a circular pattern with 01:25:072 (2,3) - for a more intuitive flow here.
  13. 01:28:972 (1) - Consider moving this more left so that it follows the path of 01:28:372 (4) - . That would play way more natural here imo.
  14. 01:45:172 (5,6,1) - I just want to comment here that this looks weird ingame due to the stacking of 01:45:772 (1,1,1) - . I don't really know how you could change this without lowering the stack leniency, which you really shouldn't do here, but maybe you could come up with something cool as I think a line isn't the perfect choice here due to these messes up distances because of the stacking.
  15. 01:49:972 (5,6,1) - This looks a bit untidy in my eyes due to the big gap between (5) and (1) which is a pretty uncommen structure in this map since verything is so low spaced next to each other. An equal triangle would be pretty neat here if you ask me.
  16. 02:01:972 (4) - Hm, maybe moving this a bit to the right (somewhere around 305|148) in order to get a square here could create a pretty nice effect (:
  17. 02:30:172 (5) - Watch your DS to the next object ):
  18. 02:37:372 (4,5,6,1) - I guess that's not something too big but I think that the flow can be improved a bit here q-q I personally think that everything here, the whole turn to the left, happens rather fast which breaks the flow here a bit. Maybe you could try something to give the player more reaction time so that he/she can turn to the left in order to get the Slider (1).
  19. 02:45:472 (2) - Really minor, but I think the Spacing looks uneven which is also noticeable ingame. Maybe you could make some adjustments here.
  20. 02:52:372 (5,6,1) - I found this triangle to play rather tricky. I've tried to aim the (6) first because it follows the Slider's path which would be more natural. You obviously don't have to do that. What I want you to do is to move the whole triangle a bit more left
  21. 03:07:372 (1,1,1) - I'd get a bit larger DS here (1,24 should still be okay and fix the issue) in order to avoid the overlap due to the stacking of the objects.
  22. 03:14:572 (1) - Consider moving this a bit lower. That would improve the flow here due to the curve already going pretty much down so the Slider should rather go down instead forcing the player to go so much to the right first.
  23. Hm, I sometiems dislike the flow of this diff because something feels a bit fast/rapid which makes it feel rather harsh to play. Your spacing is uneven at most spots as well, cosnider taking a closer look at this since it's actually noticeable in gameplay. Otherwise, you've done a good job with this! ;b

  1. 00:09:772 (1,2,3,4) - These four Sliders look a bit random together to almost all of them having complete different shapes. Maybe you could go for something similiar as you did at 00:14:572 (1,2,3,4) - by just simply using 90°-Rotations of one and the same Slider.
  2. 00:22:972 (2) - The end part of the Slider's track looks a bit odd shaped if we compare it with another Wave-Slider (e.g. 00:21:772 (1) - ). I don#t know if this was on purpose but I'd make some adjustments on the last two anchor points and maybe center the red anchor point a bit better so that it overlaps the Slidertick.
  3. 00:27:772 (4,5) - I personally dislike the flow between these two objects. In my opinion (5) should rather follow (4)'s Slidertrack since they both form a circular shape. That kinda tricks the player since he/she expects a circular movement here. You could try something as seen in the Screenshot below in order to improve the flow here.
  4. 00:32:572 (5,1) - Maybe it's just me but the gap here felt weird to play due to the polarity issue and the fact that they are sound you could map in the instruments. I'd either go for a similiar rhythm as you've done at 00:27:772 (4,5,6,7) - since the beat is kinda similiar here or you just simply put a circle at 00:33:472 - .
  5. 00:43:372 (1,2,3) - I feel that that kind of zigzag movement between these circles plays a bit weird due (3) pointing so much left so that's a pretty fast rapid turn here. Placing them in a line would increase the playability here a lot imo (:
  6. 00:53:422 (2) - I'm not sure if it's just me but this Circle feels unnatural to me here. Maybe it's because there isn't anything which is okay but in fact that other rather strong blue ticks are ignored (e.g. 00:53:722 (4) - ) it just simply feels a bit odd to me :<
  7. 00:55:372 (1,2,3) - This feels out of place to me. You never stack Slider -> Circle -> Slider before or do this ever again in this map. I'd rather space this out because I didn't really expect this coming. (Also if you don't want to change this move at least 00:55:822 (2) - so that it's properly stacked because it looks kinda messy due to it being 1/4)
  8. 00:59:872 (4,1) - The Spacing between these two objects is a bit large which causes inconsistencies and a rather bad playability imo. Consider spacing (1) properly ):
  9. 01:09:772 (1,2,3,4) - As far as I can tell this seems to be a 120°-Rotation pattern which creates a triangle out of the tails of the Sliders. Please move 01:09:772 (1,2,3,4) - somewhere around 100|276 in order to get a more equal triangle here. That would also improve the flow from (1) into (2) due to it being higher now which is better aimable since (1)'s Tail points more upwards which is better for a wider instead of a lower movement to the left.
  10. 01:24:172 (5) - This 1/1 Slider feels a bit off to me here due to the pretty strong note at 01:24:472 - being ignored. The main Problem though is that this note is basically the last note in this beat before the rhythm changes into that 1/4-ish rhythm at 01:24:922 (6,7,8,9) - . Because of this I think a transition between these two different rhythms here should be present.
  11. 01:31:372 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know, maybe that's really just my personal opinion but this pattern looks so random in fact that there's not such a giant emphasis on these notes that he pattern has to go all over the Screen. I'd rather go for a tweaked version of this with lower spacing or for similiar zigzag pattern as for the previous one.
  12. 01:45:772 (1,1,1) - Due to the sliders being so heavily curved the spacing seems to be a bit off as you can see at the head not being as large spaced as they were for previous patterns which were similiar to this. Maybe you could enlarge the spacing here in order to fix that for the sake of readability since I personally think this doesn't read as well as the others due to it looking kinda "squashed".
  13. 01:48:172 (1,2,3,4) - Is there a special reason for the spacing increase from Slider to Slider? I can't hear any sort of increase in the music so I don't really understand what you try to emphasize with this. (Also it wouldn't be consistent with 01:43:372 (1,2,3,4) - since it's basically the same but doesn't feature these increases in terms of spacing) If it isn't on purpose, please make the spacing constant here. Especially between 01:49:372 (3,4) - where the spacing is so high that it doesn't play that well anymore due to the lower spacing to 01:50:572 (1) - slowing the player down :/
  14. 01:50:572 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The whole pattern here feels messy to me due to big spacing inconsistencies and the lack of structure. What I mean is basically that the Circles and Heads of each Slider should for a line with an equal spacing in order to make it just simply feel more structured. Also the decreasing spacing here looks rather weird which is pretty noticeable in-game (which is the reason I list this). This could be much more improved and would also read better with a better structure imo. I've put you a code below where I've fixed that! (:
  15. 02:09:772 (1,2,3) - These three Sliders look like they could be all the same rotated by 120°. That would actually fit these rotation patterns in your kiai pretty well imo! Maybe you could try that :3 It would also improve the overall flow of the pattern a lot due to a more fluent movement between the three sliders.
  16. 02:29:353 - Ignoring the downbeat here feels a bit weird to me since it's so loud and strong telling me that it wants to be clicked ;_; I'd split this into Circle + 1/2 Slider.
  17. 02:44:572 (1) - Move this a bit to the right in order to improve the flow here by getting a consistent flow between all the Sliders and to get a Line created by the heads off all the three Sliders here.
  18. 02:51:772 (3) - Place this at 150|195 in order to get an equal triangle with the heads of the sliders and to make the flow feel more natural due to this location being more intuitive because of the triangular placement.
  19. Very well done! The flow and the rhythm are both pretty nice even though I dislike these strong curved sliders because they look so weird when they are 1/2 >.<. Good job (:

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3
Topic Starter

00:24:772 (1,2,3,4) - Just a sort of idea here: If you like symmetry you can maybe arrang these objects to get a neat symmetrical pattern.
I'm wasnt planing to make it symmetric
00:42:172 (6) - Move the last anchor point to 400|210 and resnap 00:43:372 (1) - so that (6) points onto (1) which would create a smoother movement here.It's already pointing there, when I try to fix just messes up
01:13:672 (1) - Hm, nothing you have to change but I think it would be a nice touch if this would be placed higher for a zigzag movement. That would feel more intuitive to me. I prefer like this
01:30:172 (6) - I don't know if it's just me but I think this feels really unintuitive due to the really wide movement to the right. I'd rather go in an oval back to the left or upwards. Maybe you could try to replace (6) with a flipped version :/ Hehe, is more intuitive my way, since the cursor moves in the same line~
01:58:972 (4,1,2) - Woohoo, messed up spacing q-q Also consider using "Create Polygon Circles" for perfect squares. These just look messy. Maybe it's due to the DS issues though. No need to mark this as unrankable, is not even perceptible ^^" Moved the notes a lil bit to make a better square
Your whole 1/2 Spacing is messed up. It varies between 1,50 (e.g. 00:14:572 (1) - ) where the circles are just slightly touching and 1,70 (e.g. 00:40:672 (4) - ) which is really weird since it has no real pattern and is used completely random as it seems to me. The reason why it looks so random is that it is used really unreasonable. You've used all kinds of different DS in the same pattern for example which makes it completely weird. Please resnap everything like that with a constant DS for better playability, readability and consistency throughout the whole map.I dont want notes to overlap so it looks cleaner for newbies, 2 or 3 grids of difference aren't noticeble and I bet you wouldn't notice in game-play only ;)
I dunno if this is just my whole personal opinion but I found the rhythm in the Kiais to be really tricky. I've actually missed due to the red tick polarity. Well, that's probably just me having a problem with reading that lol (even though I'm a pretty experineced player)
I'm trying to not make the diff too 1/1 so is not boring, also so the hitsounds are consistent. If more ppl tell me about it I'll change it.
I fixed the rest you pointed on this diff, gonna check the other two diff tomorrow... /tired


00:25:372 (3) - Maybe you could make some adjustments here. The spacing looks really uneven. Didn't see a problem here
01:11:572 (6) - Consider rotating this about 35° Selection Centre so that it points onto (1) in order to get an oval-ish movement here. That would improve the flow here because you avoid that rapid turn upwards with that. I'll keep this
01:20:572 (3,4,1) - Maybe it's just me but it seems as this would play better if they were placed in a line so that the player can follow it more fluently. The wavy movement felt a bit to fast at this point of the map to me. Wanted to make it like 01:19:372 (1,2,3) - is not that hard ><
01:45:172 (5,6,1) - I just want to comment here that this looks weird ingame due to the stacking of 01:45:772 (1,1,1) - . I don't really know how you could change this without lowering the stack leniency, which you really shouldn't do here, but maybe you could come up with something cool as I think a line isn't the perfect choice here due to these messes up distances because of the stacking. I want to keep this, so it matches the other patterns on stacking on the chorus parts (of all diffs)
01:49:972 (5,6,1) - This looks a bit untidy in my eyes due to the big gap between (5) and (1) which is a pretty uncommen structure in this map since verything is so low spaced next to each other. An equal triangle would be pretty neat here if you ask me. I want to keep it the same, don't see the problem with it
The rest is fixed on this diff

00:32:572 (5,1) - Maybe it's just me but the gap here felt weird to play due to the polarity issue and the fact that they are sound you could map in the instruments. I'd either go for a similiar rhythm as you've done at 00:27:772 (4,5,6,7) - since the beat is kinda similiar here or you just simply put a circle at 00:33:472 - . Tried adding some notes, but didnt like it, will keep it like this for now
00:43:372 (1,2,3) - I feel that that kind of zigzag movement between these circles plays a bit weird due (3) pointing so much left so that's a pretty fast rapid turn here. Placing them in a line would increase the playability here a lot imo (: Changed the curve to the other side so is more smoothy ( didnt like the straight line)
00:55:372 (1,2,3) - This feels out of place to me. You never stack Slider -> Circle -> Slider before or do this ever again in this map. I'd rather space this out because I didn't really expect this coming. (Also if you don't want to change this move at least 00:55:822 (2) - so that it's properly stacked because it looks kinda messy due to it being 1/4) Wanted to create the mirror sliders pattern here but also wanted the notes to follow better the rhythm
01:09:772 (1,2,3,4) - As far as I can tell this seems to be a 120°-Rotation pattern which creates a triangle out of the tails of the Sliders. Please move 01:09:772 (1,2,3,4) - somewhere around 100|276 in order to get a more equal triangle here. That would also improve the flow from (1) into (2) due to it being higher now which is better aimable since (1)'s Tail points more upwards which is better for a wider instead of a lower movement to the left. Not sure what's wrong here
01:31:372 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know, maybe that's really just my personal opinion but this pattern looks so random in fact that there's not such a giant emphasis on these notes that he pattern has to go all over the Screen. I'd rather go for a tweaked version of this with lower spacing or for similiar zigzag pattern as for the previous one. I want to keep this, because is like a double note pattern like i did 01:16:972 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I really think it fits and gives variety to the map
01:48:172 (1,2,3,4) - Is there a special reason for the spacing increase from Slider to Slider? I can't hear any sort of increase in the music so I don't really understand what you try to emphasize with this. (Also it wouldn't be consistent with 01:43:372 (1,2,3,4) - since it's basically the same but doesn't feature these increases in terms of spacing) If it isn't on purpose, please make the spacing constant here. Especially between 01:49:372 (3,4) - where the spacing is so high that it doesn't play that well anymore due to the lower spacing to 01:50:572 (1) - slowing the player down :/ In term of spacing is the same in both you mentioned and I've being doing it in the whole map, just that in different position, maybe in this one is more noticeable because of the pattern but i s the same thing as others
01:50:572 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The whole pattern here feels messy to me due to big spacing inconsistencies and the lack of structure. What I mean is basically that the Circles and Heads of each Slider should for a line with an equal spacing in order to make it just simply feel more structured. Also the decreasing spacing here looks rather weird which is pretty noticeable in-game (which is the reason I list this). This could be much more improved and would also read better with a better structure imo. I've put you a code below where I've fixed that! (: I'll fix on my own, thanks ^^: (I made the spacing more even, but kept the pattern, just like the rest
02:29:353 - Ignoring the downbeat here feels a bit weird to me since it's so loud and strong telling me that it wants to be clicked ;_; I'd split this into Circle + 1/2 Slider. I really like this pattern, so I will keep it for now, also is a soft section, wont sound bad without it
The rest on this diff is fixed

Thanks for the mod and sorry for the super later reply, I was busy IRL.~
wow that "stay" `w`
my favorite song from "Red"
take my star and good luck~
Topic Starter
All updated now.

@Zero__wind: Thanks a lot <3

"A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to a username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming."
Im not sure if "Walking" "Sleeping" "Dancing" sounds good, if you like the mapset maybe is acceptable, but if you look like some "Playerxxx is playing Taylor Swift - Stay Stay Stay [Walking]" sounds like this is a extra diff or something. Ask some bat if this namediff sounds good. was very creative ;D


00:22:972 (6) - in this position is morebeautiful and improves the flow
00:36:772 - you dont need stop the rhythm here, you can add something like, "oh, but this is overmap", no, have guitar sound and the rhythm is more adorable
00:52:972 (1,2,3,4) - this is a bit hard for Easy, agree? in all the distance snap is 1,60x and is 1/4 tape
01:05:872 (3) - this circle in this position improves the flow
01:05:872 (3,1) - stack
03:02:572 (1,2,3) - i think this is hard, the angle of the flow is high, maybe the (2 stack in (3) sounds good
03:12:172 (1,2,3) - /\ is beautiful but is hard for a Easy x.x


00:13:372 (3) - better angle, i think
01:12:172 (1,2,3,4) - it is tiring to play x.x, rotate this in 20º 01:14:572 (3,4) - anti-clockwise
01:21:472 (4) - try this, improves the flow


01:14:272 (8,1) - this jump is really high and does not match the time
01:34:672 (10,11) - /\
01:32:572 (5) - add new combo
01:19:372 (9) - /\

Nice map, i love
Your style is really fun to play ^^
+1 star and good luck
:) :) :) :) :)
Topic Starter

Tarrasky wrote:


"A difficulty's name must indicate its level of difficulty, with the exception of the hardest level of difficulty in a set. The mapset's hardest difficulty may use an appropriate custom difficulty name, unrelated to a username. Mapsets may also use a complete set of custom difficulty names that clearly indicate their level of difficulty to the player. Marathon maps with a single difficulty may use free naming."
Im not sure if "Walking" "Sleeping" "Dancing" sounds good, if you like the mapset maybe is acceptable, but if you look like some "Playerxxx is playing Taylor Swift - Stay Stay Stay [Walking]" sounds like this is a extra diff or something. Ask some bat if this namediff sounds good. was very creative ;D
These are fine, I've talked about it before and I have another set ranked after that rule with the same difficulty names


00:36:772 - you dont need stop the rhythm here, you can add something like, "oh, but this is overmap", no, have guitar sound and the rhythm is more adorable Haha, yeah I'll keep it
00:52:972 (1,2,3,4) - this is a bit hard for Easy, agree? in all the distance snap is 1,60x and is 1/4 tape For that reason I used sliders and don't wanted the whole diff to be 1/1
01:05:872 (3) - this circle in this position improves the flow I keep the arc shape with the notes and sliders head here
01:05:872 (3,1) - stack For the same reason as above will keep it


00:13:372 (3) - better angle, i think The end of the slider would be too high
01:12:172 (1,2,3,4) - it is tiring to play x.x, rotate this in 20º 01:14:572 (3,4) - anti-clockwise I want a repetitive parttern here, like the music


01:14:272 (8,1) - this jump is really high and does not match the time Is to mark the down beat here, there is a louder sound
01:34:672 (10,11) - /\ Here is focusing on the high vocal
01:32:572 (5) - add new combo I'll keep this one, because I don't like cutting the pattern with a new combo

The rest is all fixed

Nice map, i love
Your style is really fun to play ^^
+1 star and good luck
:) :) :) :) :)
Thanks a lot for your mod <3

@Alarido: Thanks <3
I'm sorry for a lame, small mod, but this is pretty much flawless. Just what we could expect from a highly experienced mapper, anyway.
Also, Taylor Swift <3

00:42:172 (6) - This could be nice:
02:00:172 (1,2,3,4) - I don't think a change of direction would be a good choice, I'd personally rather just put the second round perhaps 15~25 degrees off, but in the same direction.

00:16:372 (4) - Open it up a little bit. Would look nicer if it wasn't so compressed, and properly blanketed the previous slider-end.
01:38:572 (1) - Rotate by 11 degrees and move to x:488 y:304 for better flow.

00:48:172 (1,2) - I think (1) could be rotated a bit upwards and (2) a little downwards for smoother flow.
01:24:172 (5) - New combo?
01:33:772 (9) - ^
02:28:672 (5) - ^

Good stuff, and good luck.
Topic Starter

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I'm sorry for a lame, small mod, but this is pretty much flawless. Just what we could expect from a highly experienced mapper, anyway.
Also, Taylor Swift <3

00:42:172 (6) - This could be nice: I'll keep this the same
02:00:172 (1,2,3,4) - I don't think a change of direction would be a good choice, I'd personally rather just put the second round perhaps 15~25 degrees off, but in the same direction. Ok, will keep it in the same direcction, but wont rotate so it doesnt mess up spacing

00:16:372 (4) - Open it up a little bit. Would look nicer if it wasn't so compressed, and properly blanketed the previous slider-end. Done
01:38:572 (1) - Rotate by 11 degrees and move to x:488 y:304 for better flow. ok

00:48:172 (1,2) - I think (1) could be rotated a bit upwards and (2) a little downwards for smoother flow. I'll keep it, cuz I want them to look something like a mirror
01:24:172 (5) - New combo? ok
01:33:772 (9) - ^ ok
02:28:672 (5) - ^ I'll keep this one

Good stuff, and good luck.
Thanks a lot <3
/summon BATs
Rank this alreadyyyyyyy!!! D:
Take my stars :3 Pensé que ya te habia dado estrellas a este mapa T.T
Perdón por la demora pero no estaba de mucho ánimos para modear.


  1. Desactiva el letterbox realmente se ven demasiado mal esas barras en los breks ya que tapan algunas flores en el BG.

  1. 00:37:972 - x) 00:38:122 - x) Estas lineas están siendo inutilizadas así que te recomiendo quitarlas ya que prácticamente no hacen nada.
  2. 01:59:572 - x) 01:59:722 - x) ^
  3. 02:04:372 - x) 02:04:522 - x) ^
  4. 02:29:572 - x) ^
  5. 00:16:972 (3,4) - Me dirás que soy muy nazi y eso pero que te parece mover ambos sliders a X: 278 Y: 180 para que la distancia entre 1 & 2 sea la misma para estos también.
  6. 00:34:972 (2,1) - No soy muy fan de los apilamientos en dificultades menores, que te parece mover este circulo a otro lugar un poco mas retirado de este slider para evitar algún tipo de confusión a los nuevos jugadores.
  7. 00:51:772 (6) - Que te parece mover este slider a X: 79 Y: 83 para crear un mejor blanket con el anterior slider, recuerda que si haces esto no olvides mover un poco las siguientes notas.
  8. 00:54:772 (4,5) - 00:54:772 (4,5) - Considera hacer lo mismo con ambos, algo parecido a esto 01:24:472 (5,6) - x) podría funcionar muy bien.
  9. 01:55:372 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Solo algo no muy importante pero que te parece centrar este tipo de patrones en la cuadricula del editor para que sea perfectamente simétrica?
  10. 02:09:772 (1) - Tal vez sea yo pero un finish en lugar de un whistle sonaría mejor ya que en el fondo se produce un sonido parecido a el.

  1. 02:33:772 (1,2,3,4) - En comparación con la dificultad mas fácil la densidad en esta diff es un tanto elevada es mas demasiados círculos son un poco difíciles para jugadores no experimentados, que te parece cambiarlos por dos sliders?

  1. 00:31:372 (4,5) - Me parece que olvidaste añadir un new combo en esta parte y algunos whistles en los comienzos de ambos sliders.
  2. 00:55:372 (1,2,3) - Solo es un gusto personal pero al testear esto los stacks se ven un poco raros, que te parece mover 2 a una posición mas visible?
  3. 01:24:172 (1) - Este circulo esta tocando la barra de HP así que te recomiendo mover esto un par de grids mas abajo.
  4. 02:09:772 (1) - La misma sugerencia que en Sleeping.
  5. 02:12:172 (5) - Es curioso que en Walking hayan añadido un cambio de combo aquí y en Dancing lo hayas pasado por alto, que te parece hacer lo mismo aquí?
Eso es todo, llámame cuando hayas hecho los cambios necesarios.
A ver si logro notar algo... espero no hacerte perder el tiempo leyendo xD

Todo esta bien a mi parecer.

00:19:372 (1) - ¿Que crees de separar un poco esta nota del slider?

02:44:872 (1) - Pienso que estaría mejor si lo ponemos en y:188 para que este a la par con el siguiente slider (02:45:472 (2) - )

02:24:172 (1,2,3,4) - No se si Darian me frustro tanto con esto de la simetría pero creo que podría quedar mucho mas ordenado de lo que esta. Cualquier cosa me dices para explicarte.

02:04:972 - Me encanta como usaste ese sonido para iniciar el break pero considero que es algo importante para dejarlo solo en una hard... ¿Que dices de una nota ahi? (Si no lo haces igual esta perfecto xD)

02:14:572 - ^

02:04:972 - ^

Creo que es todo lo que puedo decir, Gero se encargo del resto ya. Buena suerte!
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:


  1. 00:34:972 (2,1) - No soy muy fan de los apilamientos en dificultades menores, que te parece mover este circulo a otro lugar un poco mas retirado de este slider para evitar algún tipo de confusión a los nuevos jugadores. Quiero quedarme con esto porque es como representando el "stay" con un stack (O sea, algo así como que la nota se queda en el mismo sitio hehe yo y mis ideas raras lo se), lo hice con las otras dificultades también, y se rompería el combo que esta no lo tenga
  2. 01:55:372 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Solo algo no muy importante pero que te parece centrar este tipo de patrones en la cuadricula del editor para que sea perfectamente simétrica? En realidad no lo pense simetrico ><

  1. 02:33:772 (1,2,3,4) - En comparación con la dificultad mas fácil la densidad en esta diff es un tanto elevada es mas demasiados círculos son un poco difíciles para jugadores no experimentados, que te parece cambiarlos por dos sliders? Cambie a slider (3,4) solamente porque el combo anterior es solo de sliders 1/2 y se iban a ver demasiados para mi gusto

  1. 00:55:372 (1,2,3) - Solo es un gusto personal pero al testear esto los stacks se ven un poco raros, que te parece mover 2 a una posición mas visible? Quiero mantener la ilusión de mirror sliders aquí ^^'
Todo lo demás está arreglado

Eso es todo, llámame cuando hayas hecho los cambios necesarios.
Grax Gero!


Albertol wrote:

00:19:372 (1) - ¿Que crees de separar un poco esta nota del slider? Fixed
02:44:872 (1) - Pienso que estaría mejor si lo ponemos en y:188 para que este a la par con el siguiente slider (02:45:472 (2) - ) Si hago eso queda muy lejos de la nota anterior

02:24:172 (1,2,3,4) - No se si Darian me frustro tanto con esto de la simetría pero creo que podría quedar mucho mas ordenado de lo que esta. Cualquier cosa me dices para explicarte. Hahaha, es que no lo quiero simetrico =p

02:04:972 - Me encanta como usaste ese sonido para iniciar el break pero considero que es algo importante para dejarlo solo en una hard... ¿Que dices de una nota ahi? (Si no lo haces igual esta perfecto xD) Con la nota no se vería el efecto del sonido y el break
02:14:572 - ^ Igual

02:04:972 - ^ Igual

Creo que es todo lo que puedo decir, Gero se encargo del resto ya. Buena suerte!
Gracias Albertol~!
Call me when this gets bubbled. I'd like to return an old favor hehe
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

Call me when this gets bubbled. I'd like to return an old favor hehe
Omg, ok! thankss <3
~ Bubbled ~
Taylor ♥ Liss ♥ ♥ ♥

  1. 00:57:772 (1) - Where's the precious normal finish? :'(
  2. 01:02:572 (1) - Considers add whistle at the start like you did in 01:40:972 (1).
  3. 01:36:172 (1) - Same as 00:57:772 (1).
  4. 02:01:372 (2,3,4) - How about Ctrl+Ging these circles to change the pattern to the previous one? To me is kinda monotone go two times in the same direction.
  5. 02:52:072 (4) - Add soft finish at the repeat maybe.
  6. 03:02:572 (1) - The precious normal finish again, c'mon Lissy is the last part of the chorus.
  7. 03:06:472 (4) - Same as 02:52:072 (4)
  8. 03:07:372 (1) - Whistle at the start.
  9. 03:12:172 (1) - ^
  1. 01:02:572 (1) - Whistle?
  2. 01:07:372 (1) - ^
  3. 01:13:372 (2) - This slider sounds kinda empty, maybe add whistle at the start/end. (I vote to the start)
  4. 01:40:972 (1) - Same thing about the whistle.
  5. 01:45:772 (1) - I point this just because the whistle fits perfectly in this parts.
  6. 02:48:172 (1) - <3
  1. 00:55:822 (2,3) - I agree with Gero but is okay if you leave this like you did. Just personal taste I think.
  2. 01:02:572 (1) - Here I go again...
  3. 01:07:372 (1) - ^
  4. 01:40:972 (1) - sowwy for insisting.
  5. 01:45:772 (1) - ^
  6. 01:46:972 (1) - Here you just skipped.
  7. 02:13:372 (2) - How about a drum clap at the end? If you add be sure to add the clap in the others diffs.
Oh my.. another lovely mapset (like always).
Hope this can help you, call me back.

Lust wrote:

Call me when this gets bubbled. I'd like to return an old favor hehe
Sorry was inevitable :(

I guess you can have it then...
Topic Starter
@Kenezz: Is all fixed, was really helpful, specially the hitsounds mod. Thanksssss! <3
More Lissette's maps please.

Topic Starter
Thankss! :D <3
Two ranked maps in one day o.o

Nice map, Taylor Swift <3~
Oh, grats :3
About time!
Felicidades Lissy ^^
I wanted to stay stay stay...
But I'm sorry sorry sorry...

Reason for disqualification: Pure white combocolor. Refer to this thread: Especially in kiai, it's really eye-hurting. Also we have techinicall problems in some skins.

Additional modding:
01:15:772 (3) - NC here because patterns like that have a problem with readability: (Aleks719)
diff has variable spacing 1.6x for 1/2 and 1.2x for rest. Shouldn't be a problem, but doesn't look smooth somewhere.(Aleks719)
That's still in discussion, should it be followed even it isn't finalized yet?
Well maybe there must've been a problem for this map though...
Personally I didn't find a problem with keeping the white combo colour since doesn't conflict with the chosen bg, also the kiai definitely is not "eye-hurting, this is so exaggerated imo.

Actually I think this should be just guideline and not a rule but well, we'll see.
Topic Starter

Atrue wrote:

I wanted to stay stay stay...
But I'm sorry sorry sorry...

Reason for disqualification: Pure white combocolor. Refer to this thread: Especially in kiai, it's really eye-hurting. Also we have techinicall problems in some skins. I don't understand why disqualifying this for a "rule" that is not finalized yet @.@ but I won't make a big deal out of a silly combo color. I hope light pink is alright, was the only one that suits the other combo colors how I want it.

Additional modding:
01:15:772 (3) - NC here because patterns like that have a problem with readability: (Aleks719) Instead of cutting the combo pattern, I moved that slider away to avoid confusion
diff has variable spacing 1.6x for 1/2 and 1.2x for rest. Shouldn't be a problem, but doesn't look smooth somewhere.(Aleks719) This is to avoid overlapping on 1/2 notes that would look kinda ugly to my eyes and keep a decent spacing for a Easy diff, also the change is so minimum that is not noticeable in game play, only if you go in editing mode and start messing around with the notes

Sonnyc wrote:

That's still in discussion, should it be followed even it isn't finalized yet?
Well maybe there must've been a problem for this map though...
Just because something is not in the ranking criteria, doesn't mean its not a disqualifiable reason. Usually when there is a discussion going on, there is a reasonable causation to warrant it.
Find me in game Lissette, lets get this rolling in the right direction. hopefully nobody will steal it this time, ffs
The main reason why the rule hasn't finalized is that it is hard to set a range of the combo color... So at least pure white is not allowed... Most of us in that thread agreed.
I'm personally sorry for the inconvenience, but it's only a technical issue. I appreciate your mapset. Hope it get requalified soon.
22:18 *Lust is editing [ Taylor Swift - Stay Stay Stay [Dancing]]
22:18 Lissette: Oh
22:18 Lissette: Yes~
22:18 Lust: :3 good
22:19 Lust: 00:48:772 (2,4) - normally i would recommend against these kinds of patterns since they are usually hard to notice because of 4 being hidden under 2
22:20 Lust: but because of the low BPM, i think you can scoot by with just an NC on 00:49:972 (4) -
22:20 Lust: to make it more noticeable
22:20 Lust: or just find a different pattern to use entirely, its up to you but something needs to be done there ;w;
22:21 Lissette: Let's see
22:22 Lissette: I wont add the new combo, will change that a bit
22:22 Lust: alright, as long as something is done thats fine
22:23 Lust: these combo colors are really cute xD
22:24 Lust: 03:10:372 (2,4) - same issue here btw, even more important to change because of the larger spacing making it a bit more difficult to notice
22:24 Lissette: ikr? *O*
22:28 Lissette: Sorry if I take too long, im kinda picky
22:28 Lissette: ><
22:29 Lust: thats fine, let me fix the bg for you in the meanwhile
22:29 Lust: also, when you are done with that
22:29 Lust: delete the .osb in the folder
22:29 Lissette: ok
22:30 Lust: you arent using it for anything right? x)
22:32 Lust: here, replace this with the current bg you have
22:32 Lust: just so people wont be picky about it xD

What we fixed:
  1. Some confusing patterns in the Dancing diff
  2. Fixed the bg resolution
  3. Removed the .osb

Post in the thread when you are ready~
Topic Starter
@Lust: It's ready~~!

  1. 00:36:172 siento como que te hizo falta un NC aquí, también pienso que seria algo consistente si lo agregas con 00:31:372 (1,2) - , si lo haces también hacelo en 02:28:672 (5) -
  2. 01:14:572 (1,2,3) - no un gran problema solo que encuentro raro que tengas este patrón simétrico y no lo ubicaras en el centro o:, luciría mucho mejor.
  3. 01:24:772 (3,5) - tal vez solo sea yo pero siento un poco raro que con el primero siguieras los drums y con el otro siguieras el sonido ese que no se que sera xD, me desubique del ritmo un poco cuando lo estaba jugando
  4. Me gustaron mucho los pattern y como jugaste con los combos o:

  1. 01:07:072 (6,1) - por la stack leniency se hace un feo overlap aquí (solo visible en juego) no se a lo mejor podrías moverlo un poco para evitarlo.
  2. 03:02:272 (2,1) - lo mismo que el anterior, no se nota tanto pero igual.

  1. la verdad no tengo problema con el cambio de espacio, en efecto se lee mejor así como esta.
mandame un pm al foro cuando respondas esto :)
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:


  1. 00:36:172 siento como que te hizo falta un NC aquí, también pienso que seria algo consistente si lo agregas con 00:31:372 (1,2) - , si lo haces también hacelo en 02:28:672 (5) - Ok, pero en este 02:28:672 (5) - no me gusta como se ve asi que lo dejé igual
  2. 01:14:572 (1,2,3) - no un gran problema solo que encuentro raro que tengas este patrón simétrico y no lo ubicaras en el centro o:, luciría mucho mejor. Haha, este no se suponia que era simetrico, pero ya esta simetrico~
  3. 01:24:772 (3,5) - tal vez solo sea yo pero siento un poco raro que con el primero siguieras los drums y con el otro siguieras el sonido ese que no se que sera xD, me desubique del ritmo un poco cuando lo estaba jugando Ahora que lo mencionas si se oye raro, lo cambié para seguin el patrón
  4. Me gustaron mucho los pattern y como jugaste con los combos o: Thankss <3

  1. 01:07:072 (6,1) - por la stack leniency se hace un feo overlap aquí (solo visible en juego) no se a lo mejor podrías moverlo un poco para evitarlo. Listo
  2. 03:02:272 (2,1) - lo mismo que el anterior, no se nota tanto pero igual. Listo

  1. la verdad no tengo problema con el cambio de espacio, en efecto se lee mejor así como esta. <33
02:24:172 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Hice un pequeño arreglo a estos combos que estaban un poco desorganizados

mandame un pm al foro cuando respondas esto :)
Gracias Natsu!
Nice mapset :)
Topic Starter
Thanks Natsu and Lust <33
Stay stay stay ranked pwetty map
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:

Stay stay stay ranked pwetty map
Please please please, I've been mapping you since 2013 2013 2013

Lissette wrote:

Lizbeth wrote:

Stay stay stay ranked pwetty map
Please please please, I've been mapping you since 2013 2013 2013
I guess it stayed :D

Regratz ! \:3/
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