
yuikonnu & ayaponzu* - Kunoichi demo Koi ga Shitai

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年5月14日 at 0:48:25

Artist: yuikonnu & ayaponzu*
Title: Kunoichi demo Koi ga Shitai
Tags: utaite litoluna iyasine Skystar Amamiya Yuko nico nico douga Vocaloid Hatsune Miku Kagamine Rin MikitoP Saine TomodachiboshuuP Suzumu
BPM: 185
Filesize: 23553kb
Play Time: 03:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.94 stars, 481 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 866 notes)
  3. iyasine's Insane (5 stars, 882 notes)
  4. litoluna's Easy (2.18 stars, 190 notes)
  5. Normal (4.23 stars, 295 notes)
  6. Skystar's Extra (5 stars, 946 notes)
Download: yuikonnu & ayaponzu* - Kunoichi demo Koi ga Shitai
Download: yuikonnu & ayaponzu* - Kunoichi demo Koi ga Shitai (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Easy - litoluna
Insane - iyasine
Extra - Amamiya Yuko

Normal, Hard, Insane - Me
Thanks :)
S o r d a
oh~! :>!
愛シテモ 恋シテモ ダメダメよ~
I will be back
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I love it xxxxD :D
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Sana and YuupiN thank you :D
Hi! ganbarimasu :3

Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. wide screenなんとかのチェック☑を外しましょう□


  • HitsoundについてはまだWIPっぽいので指摘してないです。
  1. HPとOD低すぎィ! +1か+2しましょう。
  2. 00:21:991 - ここに3連打置きたいです!スピナーの開始は00:22:234 - からにして、00:22:153 - ここにfinishも付けられます。
  3. 00:25:072 (6) - 少し↑に移動して曲げてやるとさらに流れが綺麗になります!
  4. 00:32:045 (4) - この辺まで持ってきたほうがジャンプ気持ちいいです。
  5. 00:44:531 (2) - 00:43:883 (9) - Stack Leniencyでズレることもないのでここにスタック?
  6. 00:56:045 (6) - もう少し左下に配置したほうがAIMしやすいです。x240 y188あたり?
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Thanks Guy and kiiwa :D

I'll remake this mapset :3

kantokun asked me to make hard diff. But your diff has many unrankable point (Off-screen... etc) and a bit hard (stream and some 1/2 sliders ) so i cant add it on this mapset because of balance of difficulty.
very like this map ヽ(●ˋ∀ˊ●)ノ :oops:
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thanks :D
why cat always got so cute and interesting song to map
I'm jealous =.=
Hollow Wings
shoot skystar
Easy diff できました~ 'ω'!
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Thanks :D
大変大変大変お待たせしました!なかなかいい感じに仕上がりました ;)
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Thanks guys <3
Good, just a little bit fixes and it's perfect. <3
╭( ・ㅂ・)و

scanter wrote:

╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Unsnapnote is in iyasine's insane, skystar's extra

Baka iyasine.
hey it's alive 0.0
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_(:3 」∠)_ I'll add hitsounds to Normal diff
please rank this /.\
/run nantoka kantoka
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Yay ヾ(:3ノシヾ)ノシ
hai :3 Insaneは前見たのですきっぷします!

Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. videoの画質が良くないと思ったのでもしよかったらこれ使ってみてください。現状のものよりもヌルヌルで画質もいいと思います。 (使用する場合は拡張子が違うので注意)

  1. 00:06:585 (1) - Add finish?
  2. 00:09:180 (1) - ^
  3. 00:25:396 (1) - Add clap or whistle to slider end. better match the song.
  4. 00:22:153 (3) - Add finish to slider head.
  5. 00:30:585 (1) - same 00:25:396 (1) - here.
  6. 01:07:720 (4,5,1) - hmm, I thought that this is the overmapping. Actually, there is a sound 01:07:720 - 01:07:801 - only here. so I recommend rhythm pettern like a iyasine's Insane and Insane.

    02:27:179 - 02:47:449 - Amazing part. cool!
[iyasine's Insane]
  1. 00:13:721 (8,9) - なんか曲がりすぎじゃない!? もうすこーしだけ緩やかにすると更に見栄えよくなりそうです。
  2. 03:12:341 (4,1) - 03:12:665 (4,1) - アッー!!!!!! 03:13:395 (1) - HRでプレイ中ここでfailするまで想像できた

    なんも言うことない!! nice map!

  1. 00:34:964 (4) - 個人的にだけどスライダーがずれてるのが気になりました。x308 y112あたりまで移動してみては?

  1. 特になし! 03:23:125 - 03:23:449 - このへんの緑線は使ってないみたいだから消していいかも!

[litoluna's Easy]
  1. 00:42:910 (3) - シンバルが鳴っているのは00:42:748 - この位置なので、このスライダーの始端はfinishではなくwhislteがベターかと思います。
  2. 00:51:342 (2) - 00:46:153 (2,3) - ここの音取りと合わせたほうが自然かも?
  3. 01:41:936 (2,3) - 音取りの提案です。 特に強い音やボーカルもない場所にnoteを置くのは不自然なので、01:42:910 - ここにある音に合わせて1/1スライダーを入れたほうがいいと思います。

  4. 01:49:720 (5) - 00:42:910 (3) - とおなじ
lazy mod gomen ._. nice mapset :3
Good luck! :)
No Dap

Fycho wrote:

please rank this /.\

No Dap wrote:

Fycho wrote:

please rank this /.\
Topic Starter
!? :roll:

Thanks guys !
another one :oops:
As promised~

  1. 00:44:856 - In my opinion, all diffs should use the sample iyasine used on this part, It's really fitting.
  2. I feel like one of the Insanes could benefit greatly from OD8, But I can't decide which one fits it better, you should discuss with iyasine about that.

Skystar's Extra
  1. 00:16:964 (1) - Nazi, but moving this to x:266 y:231 will make the stack perfect.
  2. 00:22:802 (5) - Consider a new combo here due to the snap change, I find this to be pretty confusing and hard to read.
  3. 00:31:721 (2) - Again, pretty nazi but moving to x:440 y:114 Will make the stack perfect.
  4. 00:35:775 (1,2,3,4,5) - I really don't like this type of patterns due to stack leniency ruining the perfect line, thus making the pattern a bit sloppy and not as clean as intended, Consider changing this by either spacing the triple or just redoing the pattern.
  5. 01:06:261 (1) - Nazi, this should be moved to x:340 y:152 For a perfect stack.
  6. 01:38:207 (2) - Maybe add a drum-hitwhistle to this in addition to the normal-hitnormal? I find it to emphasise the instrument really well.
  7. 01:54:260 (1,3) - I personally don't like patterns like this that intentionally don't flow visually, especially with barely curved sliders. Consider making a more curved slider that is more appealing and maybe even flip them so they flow better.
  8. 01:59:449 (1) - Nazi, move this to x:460 y:216 for a perfect stack.
  9. 02:03:341 (1) - Add a default normal whistle on the head to emphasise it better in addition to the sliderwhistle?
  10. 02:08:530 (1,2,3) - I personally find this pattern to be really plain and boring to play, you could possibly spice it up by doing Ctrl + G to 02:08:855 (2) - Or switch the timeline locations of 02:08:855 (2,3) - To create something like this:
  11. 02:24:990 (3,4) - These two make the whole combo feel stuttery and unintuitive to play, maybe Ctrl + G these two to create a cool circular movement? I personally find it to play much more nicely.
  12. 02:33:503 (3) - Consider doing Ctrl + G to this, It's pretty fine as it is but I find it to make the pattern a bit more interesting.
  13. 02:35:936 (2) - Same as above.
  14. 02:46:801 (4,5,6,7,1) - This lacks the impact of a section end, consider making the spacing higher to be equivelent to the previous sliders in this part or even higher than them to emphasise it better.
  15. 03:23:774 - 03:24:422 - 03:25:071 - 03:25:395 - 03:25:720 - As you probably learned from Airman, these levels of kiai spam aren't acceptable, I'd suggest you to remove the last two kiai bursts, this should be somewhat acceptable and still emphasise the part well.
  16. 03:27:665 (1,2,3) - Same as what I pointed at 02:08:530 (1,2,3)
  17. 03:33:828 (1,2,1,2,1) - I have no idea why, but this plays really well, Good job!
  18. 03:34:801 (3) - Nazi, Tail should be at x:261 y:227 For a perfect stack.
  19. 03:41:936 (3,3) - Should be moved to x:450 y:167 For a perfect stack.
  20. 03:47:936 (4) - Maybe remove this note to emphasise the vocals better? Reworking the pattern might be needed, but not mandatory.

  1. 00:11:694 (8,1) - Is this jump really nessecary? It just looks odd without actually affecting the playability.
  2. 00:19:883 (2,3) - Maybe switch the timeline locations of these two to spice up the pattern a bit?
  3. 00:24:585 (5,6) - Blanket is a bit off, you can see it if you Ctrl + G 00:25:072 (6)
  4. 00:32:856 (7) - Nazi, should be moved to x:284 y:245 For a perfect stack.
  5. 00:35:288 (8) - Nazi, should be moved to x:232 y:231 For a perfect stack.
  6. 00:56:531 (1) - Add a default normal-hitwhistle to emphasise the screeching sound?
  7. 01:11:450 (3,4) - Maybe blanket these? it looks kinda off and sloppy at the moment.
  8. 01:30:585 (1,2) - Blanket could be a bit better, Ctrl + G 01:30:585 (1) - To be able to see it better.
  9. 01:45:828 (1,3) - Blanket these? looks really bad at the moment in my opinion.
  10. 01:47:937 (4,5,6,1) - Blanket is off, readjust the shape of 01:48:423 (1) - To perfect it.
  11. 02:05:774 (5,1) - Blanket is off, There's not much to explain since you can see that the approach circle isn't really sitting well on the slider's border.
  12. 02:35:611 - End the break here? The guitar sound is on this time, not on the white tick and I think that's what you tried to emphasise.
  13. 03:22:314 (1,3) - Blanket is off due to the slider's curve being too flat.
  14. 03:45:503 (6,1) - Blanket isn't really good, Ctrl + G 03:45:503 (6) - To be able to see it better.

iyasine's Insane
  1. 00:22:315 (4,1) - Blanket is really off, There's not much to say because you can obviously see that it's off.
  2. 00:33:504 (1) - Unneeded combo, there's no emphasis change or anything like that.
  3. 00:50:369 (2,3) - Blanket is off, Move (3) A bit down to perfect it.
  4. 01:18:585 (6) - Add a new combo due to this being a new stanza?
  5. 01:51:666 (1) - Kinda nazi, Move this to x:149 y:129 For a perfect stack.
  6. 02:26:368 - Start the break here? Seems a bit better to me.
  7. 03:12:098 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These stream jumps are a bit too harsh for an Insane, consider reducing the spacing a bit.
Short mod because this diff is amazing.

  1. 00:09:829 (2,1) - Blanket these? looks a bit sloppy at the moment.
  2. 00:22:153 (1) - I recommend you to finish the spinner at 00:23:126 - And start mapping from 00:23:450 - So it would make more sense.
  3. 00:42:748 (1) - It seems like pretty much all the wave sliders in this diff aren't symmetrical and are too flat, I'd suggest you to redo them so they have nicer curves (Either put the points in more far positions or add a fifth point in the center) and so they are symmetrical. This also applies to the rest of the waves in this.
  4. 00:44:207 (1,2) - These types of stacks are really strange on Hards and I'd recommend you to refrain from them.
  5. 01:28:964 (1) - Again, I'd recommend you to end this at 01:29:937 - And start mapping from 01:30:261
  6. 01:55:395 (5,6) - Blanket is really off, Ctrl + G 01:55:882 (6) - To be able to see it better.
  7. 02:20:855 (2,3) - Blanket is off, Ctrl + G 02:21:503 (3) - To be able to perfect it.
  8. 02:50:044 (1) - I personally don't like this slider, but It's kinda fine as it is, just my own personal preference I guess.
  9. 03:11:125 (3,4,5) - This overlap seems really awkward to me, I'd suggest you to just not overlap these.
  10. 03:26:368 (1,2) - Blanket is off, Ctrl + G 03:27:017 (2) - To be able to see it better.
  11. 03:49:152 (1) - Maybe end this at 03:50:693 - And add a note at 03:51:017 - For better impact for the finish?

  1. 00:12:910 - The way you skipped this beat is kinda awkward due to the vocals, consider changing the pattern around so you have something on here.
  2. 00:26:045 (1,2) - Blanket could be improved a bit if you move the red anchor of 00:26:369 (2) - a bit up.
  3. 00:48:747 (4) - Move the red anchor to the slidertick so the wave is symmetrical?
  4. 01:12:099 (3,4,1) - Maybe readjust these so you create some sort of blanket between (3) and (1)?
  5. 01:39:991 (1) - Consider removing the repeat and place a beat on 01:40:639 - Since the repeat shouldn't be on a new stanza.
  6. 01:55:557 (4) - As suggested previously, move the red anchor to the slidertick to make this symmetrical?
  7. 02:20:206 (1,2) - Maybe blanket these for nicer visuals?
  8. 02:26:693 - Start the break here?
  9. 03:00:422 (1,2,3) - Make a perfect triangle for nicer visuals?
  10. 03:05:287 (7) - Sliderend on a new stanza? I'd suggest you to change this to two circles and have the new combo on 03:05:611
  11. 03:33:503 (5) - Again, I'd suggest you to not put a sliderend on a new stanza, consider changing this pattern around so you get a circle/sliderhead on 03:34:152

Didn't mod Easy because it's perfect as it is.
Good luck!

Guy wrote:

hai :3 Insaneは前見たのですきっぷします!

Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[litoluna's Easy]
  1. 00:42:910 (3) - シンバルが鳴っているのは00:42:748 - この位置なので、このスライダーの始端はfinishではなくwhislteがベターかと思います。
  2. 00:51:342 (2) - 00:46:153 (2,3) - ここの音取りと合わせたほうが自然かも?
  3. 01:41:936 (2,3) - 音取りの提案です。 特に強い音やボーカルもない場所にnoteを置くのは不自然なので、01:42:910 - ここにある音に合わせて1/1スライダーを入れたほうがいいと思います。

  4. 01:49:720 (5) - 00:42:910 (3) - とおなじ
lazy mod gomen ._. nice mapset :3
Good luck! :)
Guyマンありがと :) :)
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:

hai :3 Insaneは前見たのですきっぷします!

Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. videoの画質が良くないと思ったのでもしよかったらこれ使ってみてください。現状のものよりもヌルヌルで画質もいいと思います。 (使用する場合は拡張子が違うので注意) ありがとう!!!  :oops:
  1. 00:34:964 (4) - 個人的にだけどスライダーがずれてるのが気になりました。x308 y112あたりまで移動してみては?ok!
  1. 特になし! 03:23:125 - 03:23:449 - このへんの緑線は使ってないみたいだから消していいかも!他の部分も消しました!

lazy mod gomen ._. nice mapset :3
Good luck! :)
Mod, Videoありがとう~! :)

Guy wrote:

hai :3 Insaneは前見たのですきっぷします!

Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Blue : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

[iyasine's Insane]
  1. 00:13:721 (8,9) - なんか曲がりすぎじゃない!? もうすこーしだけ緩やかにすると更に見栄えよくなりそうです。 fixed!
  2. 03:12:341 (4,1) - 03:12:665 (4,1) - アッー!!!!!! 03:13:395 (1) - HRでプレイ中ここでfailするまで想像できた 遊びすぎたw 普通のストリームに配置しなおしました!

    なんも言うことない!! nice map!
lazy mod gomen ._. nice mapset :3
Good luck! :)

Priti wrote:

As promised~

  1. 00:44:856 - In my opinion, all diffs should use the sample iyasine used on this part, It's really fitting.
  2. I feel like one of the Insanes could benefit greatly from OD8, But I can't decide which one fits it better, you should discuss with iyasine about that.

iyasine's Insane
  1. 00:22:315 (4,1) - Blanket is really off, There's not much to say because you can obviously see that it's off.
  2. 00:33:504 (1) - Unneeded combo, there's no emphasis change or anything like that.
  3. 00:50:369 (2,3) - Blanket is off, Move (3) A bit down to perfect it.
  4. 01:18:585 (6) - Add a new combo due to this being a new stanza?
  5. 01:51:666 (1) - Kinda nazi, Move this to x:149 y:129 For a perfect stack.
  6. 02:26:368 - Start the break here? Seems a bit better to me.
  7. 03:12:098 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These stream jumps are a bit too harsh for an Insane, consider reducing the spacing a bit.
All fixed!!
Short mod because this diff is amazing.

Didn't mod Easy because it's perfect as it is.
Good luck!
Thanks for modding~ Guy , Priti :D
フフフ :roll:

[litoluna's Easy]
  1. 02:24:098 (3) - 02:25:395 (5) と揃えませんか? より綺麗になると思います :D
nice :)

  1. 01:07:558 (5,6) - ただの好みなんですが、ここの音取り2番と統一しませんか~?
  2. 03:12:747 (1) - 03:13:071 ここもタンみたいな音鳴ってますし、2つに分割してみてはどうでしょう?
  1. 01:03:018 (1) - このくらいならブランケットを作ってみては? これくらいなら流れにも影響はないと思います :)
  2. 01:46:801 (5,6) - ctrl + G 流れの提案です! こちらの方がAIMしやすいかも? 採用した場合 01:47:126 (1) もctrl + G
  3. 02:52:638 (1) - 始点にfinish?
[iyasine's Insane]
  1. 03:25:395 と 03:25:395 に気合フラッシュ入れません? この配置ならあった方がメチャかっこいいと思います 8-)

[Skystar's Extra]
  1. 01:07:234 (2) - add clap at start
  2. 03:13:395 (1) - add finish
Good Luck ;)

ありがとです! ;)
Hi all~ \( 'ω')/


  1. Skystar以外のmapの二つ目のBreak Timeの開始を02:26:693にさせるのはどうですか? ここからbreak time開始させたほうが好き。
[litoluna's Easy]

  1. tick3に音を入れてるとき、スライダーの流れる音(シューシュー)が入っているので、normal-sliderslideと同じ無音のnormal-sliderslide3を入れると良いです。それか、normal-sliderslideを消すのも有りです。
  2. 00:22:153 (1) - 終点部分に何かしら音がありますので、Additons: Soft - finishを入れてみるのはどうでしょうか?
  3. 00:46:801 (3) - 終点whistle入れてみてはどうでしょうか?
  4. 00:53:937 (4,5) - この二つの終点にclap入れても良いですよ。
  5. 01:05:612 (4) - 今までのnew comboの付け方を見ますと、ここにもnew comboがいります。
  6. 01:09:504 (3), 01:10:801 (1), 01:13:396 (1) - これらについている緑線(N:C4)があまり意味がないので、削除したほうがいいと思います。あと、他にもありますので、確認してみてください。(normal-sldiertick4がフォルダに入っていなかったので、もしかしたら入れ忘れという可能性もあります。)
  7. 01:17:288 (3) - 始点にclapもいれたい。
  8. 01:49:720 (5) - 音量を40%くらいにしたsoft-whistleつけてもいいですね。
  9. 02:00:747 (4,5) - Same as 00:53:937 (4,5)
  10. 02:09:179 (3) - 終点whistleよりもclapがいいです。そのほうが自然ですかね。
  11. 02:11:125 (2) - ^ (中点)
  12. 02:12:098 (3) - ^
  13. 02:13:720 (5) - 始点にclapいれたいっす。
  14. 02:24:098 (3) - 始点と終点にclapを入れてもいい感じ。
  15. 03:03:017 (1,2) - 終点clap欲しい!
  16. 03:04:314 (3) - ここも始点にclapが欲しい!
  17. 03:10:801 (1) - ^
  18. 03:33:503 (5) - 終点clapいれてもいいかも? ;)

  1. 素晴らしいmapでした。強いていうなら、HP+1かOD+1してもいいんじゃないかなって思ったくらいです。

  1. 00:15:667 (1) - 普通にclapのほうが自然じゃないかな?(終点)
  2. 00:16:802 (3) - finishの代わりにclapを入れてもいいかも!
  3. 00:20:531 (2) - 向きを次のスライダーの始点に合わせて、位置を00:19:234 (6)にスタックさせるのはどうかな?
  4. 00:20:856 (1) - Same as 00:15:667 (1).
  5. 00:33:667 (1) - 中点にも音あるからclap入れたほうがいいと思う!
  6. 00:35:937 (7) - ここも始点と中点にclap~
  7. 00:40:964 (5) - x:316 y:192に移動させて、00:40:640 (4,5)の流れを丁度斜めにさせるといいと思う。
  8. 01:07:883 (6) - 中点と終点にclap入れるのはどう?
  9. 01:28:964 (1) - whistle入れるといいかも。
  10. 01:34:964 (7) - ここ1/6の音だから1/6リピートスライダーにしたほうがいい気がするけど、Hardでそれってありなのかな。
  11. 01:38:045 (7) - 中点と終点にclap?
  12. 02:03:017 (5) - 02:03:341 (1)を利用してx:172 y:232に移動させるのどうかな?
  13. 02:14:530 (6) - Same as 01:07:883 (6).
  14. 02:59:125 (3,4,5,6,7) - このような形にしてみてはどうですか? 見栄えがとても良くなると思います。 codeも貼りましたので、良かったら使ってくださいな。
    image & code

  15. 03:33:828 (5) - 全てにclap付けたい。
  16. 03:42:747 (4) - 中点にもclap~

  1. 00:22:153 (1) - finishの付け忘れかな?
  2. 00:33:667 (1,2) - backにclapみたいな音あるからclapが欲しいです。
  3. 00:41:126 (8,9,10) - よく聞くとbackが1/6の音なので、1/6リピートスライダーにしたほうがいいかも。
  4. 00:53:937~00:57:180 - おそらく付け忘れだと思うけど、ここらへんにclapとかwhistleの音が全く付いてないから付けたほうがいいかも!
  5. 01:07:801 (2,4,5) - clapほしいな~
  6. 01:28:964 (1) - Same as Hard diff.
  7. 01:34:964 (5,6) - 1/6の音だと思います、1/6リピートスライダーに変更?
  8. 01:38:126 (5) - clap~
  9. 02:14:530 (6,7) - ^
  10. 02:45:990 (1) - new comboいらない気がする。
  11. 03:23:449 (5) - スライダーのスピード変わってるし、わかりやすくするためにnew comboいるかも?
  12. 03:18:422 (1,2) - clap~
[iyasine's Insane]

  1. 00:33:504 (2) - スライダーのスピード変わってるし、わかりやすくするためにnew comboほしす。
  2. 00:41:207 (5) - よく聞くと1/6の音だと思うから、1/6リピートスライダーにしよう。
  3. 00:50:369 (2) - (4)に合わせてここに置くといいかも x:220 y:104
  4. 01:38:045 (1,2) - こうしたほうが好き。
  5. 01:34:964 (4,5) - ここもbackが1/6の音だと思うから、1/6リピートスライダーにしたほうがいいかも?
  6. 03:12:098 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - いいゾ^~これ
[Skystar's Extra]

  1. 00:22:802 (5) - Add a new combo here because 1/3 sounds. I think players will misunderstand that it is the 1/4 sounds D:
  2. 01:07:234 (2) - clap is missing at the start.
  3. 02:24:990 (3,4) - CTRL+G pls. I prefer this to flow and it is easy to play. How about you?
  4. 03:10:476 (3) - Add a clap? I think it would make a good sound.
  5. 03:22:639 (2,3,4) - ^ at the start.
awesome mapset <3
sorry for bad mod ;;
fixed everything from your mod, thanks!
00:35:775 (1,2,3,4,5) - i know right. but i have no idea how to change this.
01:54:260 (1,3) - they look fine to me. o.o
02:24:990 (3,4) - well that's not my intention at all so no change.
02:33:503 (3) - it'd be pretty hard and weird omg lol.
02:35:936 (2) - fixed this one though, just saying.
03:33:828 (1,2,1,2,1) - because it's fucking skystar hue.
03:47:936 (4) - nah, you know i'm not having the vocals as the strongest choice here.
everything else is fixed, yeah.
all fixed.
02:24:990 (3,4) - well that's not my intention at all, sorry. ;;
others are fixed.
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