
Antic Cafe - Cherry Saku Yuuki!!!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mercoledì 29 luglio 2009 at 12.10.35

Artist: AN CAFE
Title: Cherry Saku Yuuki!!!
Tags: Cherry Saku yuuki AN CAFE miku takuya visual kei oshare kei
BPM: 90
Filesize: 17259kb
Play Time: 03:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,68 stars, 500 notes)
  2. Normal (4,11 stars, 229 notes)
  3. Oru's Insane (4,8 stars, 533 notes)
Download: AN CAFE - Cherry Saku Yuuki!!!
Download: AN CAFE - Cherry Saku Yuuki!!! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My second beatmap, part of NYAPPY GO AROUND osu! Project. Enjoy (for the moment v_v).

BPM : 90
Offset : 55 (Remember to resnap all notes).


I suggest to remove some triple notes for make more normal the difficulty. :x


This is the same of the normal. I suggest to change the spacing for make not same as normal.

Needs hitsounds.

02:05:20 (4,5) - 2 squares down.
02:44:54 (4) - 1 square to the right for match spacing

On final part of the map there are so much changes of bpm, 0.5x and 2x. They can confuse much players.
Topic Starter

osuplayer111 wrote:


BPM : 90
Offset : 55 (Remember to resnap all notes).Fixed.


I suggest to remove some triple notes for make more normal the difficulty. :x Questo è perchè sono i beats della Hard, come ti avevo detto in #mod


This is the same of the normal. I suggest to change the spacing for make not same as normal. Leggi sopra :P

Needs hitsounds.

02:05:20 (4,5) - 2 squares down. Strano, perchè prima di questo c'erano due beats impilati, qui e la stessa cosa. Comunque Fixed o_O
02:44:54 (4) - 1 square to the right for match spacingFixed!

On final part of the map there are so much changes of bpm, 0.5x and 2x. They can confuse much players. Per il momento(fino a quando non trovo qualcosa di meglio) rimarrò così. Se puoi suggerirmi qualcosa :P

ps Quando ho detto che è sterile il tuo post non volevo dire che non serviva a nulla, perchè il kudosu te l'ho dato :? scusa se ti ho offeso in qualche modo :D
Ciau e grazie per la stella :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
00:56:55 (6) - Distance Snap this
01:00:05 (5,6,7,8) - Not too much of an issue while playing, but why does this have slightly different spacing compared to 01:00:88 (1,2,3,4)
01:01:88 (6) - ^
01:11:22 (7) - remove whistle?
01:55:55 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as 01:00:05
02:07:88 (1) - maybe this should end at 2:09:305 -use 1/8 tick-
02:44:05 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ 01:00:05
02:52:72 (1) - to 3:03:388 (1) - somehow I think soft might work here, or at least a quieter normal sound sampleset

Nice map~ Star!
Sleep Powder
00:54:72 (5,6,7,8) - Select these and align 5 with the fading 2

Aww this thing is perfect lol...but the way you ended it makes me want more to play.
0:40:055 - (1,2,3,4,5) This alignment throws me off a little. Mix it up if you'd like. I have nothing particular in mind, I see what you were doing with it, it feels a little strange to me though.
0:42:721 - (1,2) Both up two?
0:55:555 - (1,2,3,4) Spacing? Too spread apart. Same at 0:53:388. Compare with (5,6,7,8) in the previous combo.
1:15:388 - (1) I think you should round this slider more, but that's just my opinion so whatever you want.
1:24:388 - (8,9) I have alignment issues with these two notes. Compare them with (3,4) and adjust them if you'd like.
2:01:721 - (4,5 and 6,7) These should be 1 closer together to keep with the spacing pattern of the rest of the song.
2:38:xxx - This part of the video made me laugh. xdd I don't care for Yuki very much. =( I liked Bou so much more. T_T
2:55~ - I didn't care for some of the 2x speed sliders at this point but that's probably me being whiny. I did like the .5x ones though, they were very fitting. They're all still very playable though.

Uhh. Hp Drain rate is way high. I was holding in the red for like a full minute with like 92% accuracy . ;_; Take it down a notch? If you miss one note you can't miss any more for like 20 300s.

Closing thought > If you're not going to have anything mapped to the last ~40 seconds of the video you could probably cut that part off. The folder's already 18.3mb so this could be an issue. Cutting off 40 seconds would only reduce the size by about 3mb anyways so. =\ Reducing the video and audio quality would help too. I dunno if it's something to be worried about but the thought popped into my head. I myself don't mind downloading ~20mb files but that seems to be something to avoid.

Ohhh, and you need a background too. xd Make sure the hitcircles don't blend with whatever you choose for one.

^-^ This was realllly fun to play. I reallly hope it gets ranked sometime in the future. Star'd.

Edit: Star'd for real this time. ._.; Oops, lol.
Topic Starter

Shinde wrote:

0:40:055 - (1,2,3,4,5) This alignment throws me off a little. Mix it up if you'd like. I have nothing particular in mind, I see what you were doing with it, it feels a little strange to me though.
0:42:721 - (1,2) Both up two?
0:55:555 - (1,2,3,4) Spacing? Too spread apart. Same at 0:53:388. Compare with (5,6,7,8) in the previous combo.
1:15:388 - (1) I think you should round this slider more, but that's just my opinion so whatever you want.
1:24:388 - (8,9) I have alignment issues with these two notes. Compare them with (3,4) and adjust them if you'd like.
2:01:721 - (4,5 and 6,7) These should be 1 closer together to keep with the spacing pattern of the rest of the song.
2:38:xxx - This part of the video made me laugh. xdd I don't care for Yuki very much. =( I liked Bou so much more. T_T
2:55~ - I didn't care for some of the 2x speed sliders at this point but that's probably me being whiny. I did like the .5x ones though, they were very fitting. They're all still very playable though.

Uhh. Hp Drain rate is way high. I was holding in the red for like a full minute with like 92% accuracy . ;_; Take it down a notch? If you miss one note you can't miss any more for like 20 300s.

Closing thought > If you're not going to have anything mapped to the last ~40 seconds of the video you could probably cut that part off. The folder's already 18.3mb so this could be an issue. Cutting off 40 seconds would only reduce the size by about 3mb anyways so. =\ Reducing the video and audio quality would help too. I dunno if it's something to be worried about but the thought popped into my head. I myself don't mind downloading ~20mb files but that seems to be something to avoid.

Ohhh, and you need a background too. xd Make sure the hitcircles don't blend with whatever you choose for one.

^-^ This was realllly fun to play. I reallly hope it gets ranked sometime in the future. Star'd.
All fixed exept the velocity of slider at the end and the size of the video (just because I want before finish the normal difficulty :D)
Ehi, I don't see the star! XD
Nice map Armin.
Nice Beatmap, A++ ;)
Cool map. Really cool.

00:20:55 (1) - Remove note?
00:28:38 (3) - Remove whistle?
00:32:72 (3) - Whistle on start?
00:34:05 (3) - Whistle on start and end.
00:36:05 (4) - New combo?
00:38:05 (3) - Whistle on start and end?
00:39:38 (3) - Same as above.
01:21:38 (2) - Whistle on end?
01:22:22 (x) - Add slider, which end here 01:22:55 with whistle.
01:25:55 (1) - Remove return?

00:11:72 (4,5,6,7) - Whistles?
I don't have other problems with hard diff.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I will mod this after,
Now only *Star* :D
00:46:55 (1) - finish
00:52:22 (6) - illegal because you cannot tell if 6 is a hitcircle or a slider until it has already started sliding
00:57:22 (1) - finish
01:51:88 (1) - ^
02:02:55 (1) - ^
kiai time is dubious

00:29:04 (5) - remove whistle
00:36:71 (9) - try a finish instead
00:57:21 (1) - finish
01:24:04 (7,9,end of 10) - claps
01:33:71 (4,6) - remove whistle
01:51:87 (1) - finish
02:07:87 (1) - remove whistle
02:28:37 (4,6) - ^
02:54:37 (4) - unintuitive bpm change
02:57:04 (3) - ^
03:02:37 (10) - ^

i think a constant clap pattern would do well in this map
Offset: 5.379

All seems good.

Finally, my diff!
Sorry for the wait D:

Download: AN CAFE - Cherry Saku Yuuki!!! (Armin) [Oru's Insane].osu
  1. Smaller hitcircles pls :3,
  2. 01:00:37 (5) - This one isn't symmetrical to (4) or it's on purpose o.o,
  3. 01:23:37 (4) - Maybe move 1 Grid to left?,
  4. 02:20:71 (1) - Auto makes 2000 on it, is it OK on Normal? :<,
  5. 02:23:37 (6) - Align with (5)s end,
  6. 02:23:71 (1) - Align with (6),
  7. 02:25:04 (4) - Align with (3)s end.
  1. 01:08:87 (9) - Align with (8)s end,
  2. 01:48:71 (3) - Align with (1) OR (2).
[Oru's Insane]
  1. 00:13:87 (2,3) - Stack manually with (1)s end,
  2. 00:18:71 (1,2,3,4) - Stack manually :3,
  3. 00:37:37 (3) - If you want Insane effect on this maybe exchange it with 3 beats?,
  4. 01:23:71 (1) - Stack manually with (1)s end,
  5. 01:30:87 (1,1,1) - Align with (5),
  6. 02:17:21 (4,5) - Stack manually,
  7. 03:22:71 (1,2,3,4) - Stack manually,
  8. 03:41:37 (3) - Same as before, maybe exchange for 3 beats?.
Topic Starter

SteRRuM wrote:

  1. Smaller hitcircles pls :3, Fixed.
  2. 01:00:37 (5) - This one isn't symmetrical to (4) or it's on purpose o.o, Fixed.
  3. 01:23:37 (4) - Maybe move 1 Grid to left?, Fixed.
  4. 02:20:71 (1) - Auto makes 2000 on it, is it OK on Normal? :<, Not Fixed :3
  5. 02:23:37 (6) - Align with (5)s end, Fixed.
  6. 02:23:71 (1) - Align with (6), Fixed
  7. 02:25:04 (4) - Align with (3)s end.
  1. 01:08:87 (9) - Align with (8)s end, Fixed.
  2. 01:48:71 (3) - Align with (1) OR (2).
[Oru's Insane]
  1. 00:13:87 (2,3) - Stack manually with (1)s end, Fixed.
  2. 00:18:71 (1,2,3,4) - Stack manually :3, Fixed.
  3. 00:37:37 (3) - If you want Insane effect on this maybe exchange it with 3 beats?, Not Fixed.
  4. 01:23:71 (1) - Stack manually with (1)s end, Fixed.
  5. 01:30:87 (1,1,1) - Align with (5), Fixed.
  6. 02:17:21 (4,5) - Stack manually, Fixed.
  7. 03:22:71 (1,2,3,4) - Stack manually, Fixed.
  8. 03:41:37 (3) - Same as before, maybe exchange for 3 beats?.
Not Fixed.
Thank you for the nazi-mod.
A little kudosu for you <3
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Symbolic wrote:

[Oru's Insane]

00:14:54 (1) - Remove new combo. No.
00:15:04 (1) - ^ ^
00:18:21 (1) - ^ ^
00:18:37 (1) - ^ ^
00:25:71 (1) - ^ ^
00:25:87 (1) - ^ ^
00:28:54 (1) - ^ ^
00:28:71 (1) - ^ ^
00:29:21 (1) - ^ ^
00:29:37 (1) - ^ ^
01:19:87 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
01:20:21 (1) - ^ ^
01:20:54 (1) - ^ ^
01:23:878 (x) - Add a note here. ^
01:31:04 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
01:31:21 (1) - ^ ^
01:33:87 (1) - ^ ^
01:34:04 (1) - ^ ^
01:34:54 (1) - ^ ^
01:34:71 (1) - ^ ^
01:37:545 (x) - Add a note here. ^
01:37:71 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
01:38:212 (x) - Add a note here. ^
01:38:37 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
01:38:878 (x) - Add a note here. ^
01:39:212 (x) - ^ ^
01:44:21 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
01:44:37 (1) - ^ ^
01:44:54 (1) - ^ ^
01:44:71 (1) - ^ ^
01:47:04 (1) - ^ ^
01:47:37 (1) - ^ ^
02:02:37 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
02:02:54 (1) - ^ ^
02:18:21 (1) - ^ ^
02:18:37 (1) - ^ ^
02:45:54 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
02:45:87 (1) - ^ ^
02:46:21 (1) - ^ ^
03:05:21 (1) - ^ ^
03:05:71 (1) - ^ ^
03:18:54 (1) - ^ ^
03:18:87 (1) - ^ ^
03:19:21 (1) - ^ ^
03:22:545 (x) - Add a note here. ^
03:29:71 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
03:29:87 (1) - ^ ^
03:32:54 (1) - ^ ^
03:32:71 (1) - ^ ^
03:33:21 (1) - ^ ^
03:33:37 (1) - ^ ^
03:37:54 (1) - ^ ^
03:37:71 (1) - ^ ^
03:37:87 (1) - ^ ^
03:38:04 (1) - ^ ^
03:46:878 (x) - Add a note here. ^
03:47:04 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
03:47:545 (x) - Add a note here. ^
03:47:71 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
03:48:212 (x) - Add a note here. ^
03:48:545 (x) - ^ ^
03:53:54 (1) - Remove new combo. ^
03:53:71 (1) - ^ ^
03:53:87 (1) - ^ ^
03:54:04 (1) - ^ ^
03:56:37 (1) - ^ ^
03:56:71 (1) - ^ ^
Thanks... for the suggestions I guess......
Topic Starter

Symbolic wrote:


Don't use too much 1/4's in Normal. Not Fixed.


00:10:04 (1) - Please make this slider faster, the -2x speed sux imo. Not fixed.
00:42:71 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing is inconsistent with the rest of the song and it doesn't fit as a jump. Not Fixed
00:58:71 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
01:02:21 (7,8,9,10) - ^ ^
01:33:37 (3,4,5,6) - ^ ^
01:56:87 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
02:50:71 (1,2,1,2,1) - Speed-up doesn't fit. ^
03:04:71 (2) - Line this up with (1) FIXED.
03:10:71 (3,4,5,6) - Spacing is inconsistent with the rest of the song and it doesn't fit as a jump. Not Fixed.
03:54:71 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^ ^

Your suggestions are not wrong but i prefer to remain unchanged the beatmap because I think that the beats are ok. If other modders complain these errors I willl fix it.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Eddycted wrote:

First of all, great song. ;)

[Oru's Insane]

Kiai right at the start doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'd use it only for the climax of the song, at 03:13:37(), which you did as well. The kiai on the last note is rather silly as well. In short; too much kiai. Well, I think that this decision must be taken by HarryOrunitia


See Oru's Insane on kiai. Some kiai fixed.

00:52:21 (6) - Line this up with (5). Fixed.


See Oru's Insane on kiai. Unfortunately I like the kiai mode in this beatmap and I think I will remain it unchanged. s'ry :3

00:15:87 (2,3,4) - This stack doesn't feel intuitive. I have to recheck this. Anyway, not fixed.
03:24:21 (1) and 03:25:71 (1) - These two spinners don't feel like they're based on anything. Fixed.
03:55:37 (1,2,3) - I think this should be a combo of two, like the previous. same at 00:15:87 (2,3,4)

Other than that, great work. I enjoyed your map. :)

Thank you :D

Eddycted wrote:

First of all, great song. ;)

[Oru's Insane]

I like how you did the hit sounds, very nice. Thanks a lot!! :3

Kiai right at the start doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I'd use it only for the climax of the song, at 03:13:37(), which you did as well. The kiai on the last note is rather silly as well. In short; too much kiai.
I tried to follow Armin's difficulties with kiai. But for me it's totally fine to leave only the kiai at 03:13:37 and the one on the last note, so I guess it's up to him to decide what to do!
00:35:37 (3,1) - Resist having repeating sliders end in the opposite direction the map is going, but these were easily readable for me so no change is needed

Uhh that's it...get a BAT on this map pronto

Also if anyone comments about spacing in hard tell them to fuck off.
00:52:22 (6) - move out from under 5 so i can tell this is a slider and not a hitcircle
02:07:88 (1) - end on a tick

looks good

looks ok
Topic Starter

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:52:22 (6) - move out from under 5 so i can tell this is a slider and not a hitcircle "Fixed"
02:07:88 (1) - end on a tick Fixed

Thank you again :D

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
You get an auto star from me since the offset is precise. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna forego modding this map anymore.

In general I like how this was mapped. Very easy to follow except for some parts that I will be pointing out below, which seems a BIT inconsistent:

00:36:04 (1,2,3,1) - stacks of different timeline distances are a big no-no. Try avoiding them (so move the Blue 1 somewhere else, or the 1-2-3 somewhere else)
01:33:71 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - I don't think many would agree on this? It's a bit blinding imo.
02:19:71 (6,1,1) - The Blue 6 slider is kind of hiding the White 1 one, which is a bit annoying. Try something more visible?
02:46:54 (1,2,3,4) - again, stacks with different timeline distances. Try moving 1-2-3 or 4 somewhere else.
03:40:04 (1,2,3,1) - stacks of different timeline D:

Didn't have time to look at the others, sorry.
Whee, AN CAFE~

01:11:21 (5) - Unless you're kind of strictly following his breath thing there, is this slider even needed? You can replace with a circle.
02:28:37 (4,5) - Have some sweet stacking action here (Put 4 on endpoint of (5) or move (5) a little up to comply with that?)

01:11:21 (7) - Same concern here.

[Oru's Insane]:
01:23:04 (1,1) - I personally don't like these no-whistle at start sliders and such.
01:42:04 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:42:37 (2) - New combo?
02:49:37 (1) - What's this new combo doing here? :O
03:39:71 (x) - Add beat here?
03:51:37 (1,2) - That new combo thing I mentioned up there ^

These are moreover suggestions rather than anything really. This map is pretty solid and it can work.

Though I felt like there was too much Kiai in Normal and Hard. :o

Card N'FoRcE
- Normal:
02:28:71 (5) - sovrapposizioni del genere sconsigliate per normal
02:29:37 (1) - consiglio di farlo finire a 2:32:045

- Hard:
00:42:37 (6) - new combo?
2:52:38 - KIAI? O.o (non è meglio direttamente a 3:14:712?)
03:46:37 (6) - come 0:42:37

- Oru's:
Troppi clap D:
Molto bella :D

:arrow: Star'd ^^
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- Normal:
02:28:71 (5) - sovrapposizioni del genere sconsigliate per normal Lo prendo in considerazione, se qualcun'altro lo segnala cambio
02:29:37 (1) - consiglio di farlo finire a 2:32:045 Not fixed

- Hard:
00:42:37 (6) - new combo? not fixed o.o
2:52:38 - KIAI? O.o (non è meglio direttamente a 3:14:712?) Questa parte col kiaimi sembrava più azzeccata. Proverò a togliere le altre
03:46:37 (6) - come 0:42:37 Not fixed o.o

- Oru's:
Troppi clap D: Chiedo a Oru, sempre se si connette :|
Molto bella :D

:arrow: Star'd ^^
Grazie ;)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

Please watch out that the sections inducing Kiai time on YOUR difficulties, Armin, are placed DIRECTLY on the notes. Because if the timing sections are placed earlier or later, the Kiai fountain does not sync the song, which looks horrible ;( Fixed ;(

Oru's Insane:
[nazi mod] Waiting for Oru's fixes :3
ROFL. Oh well. This mod post is NOT done yet. I'm just posting the mod for this diff already. And if you wanna know, NO, I didn't only check the new combos, I also checked the map itself, and it seemed alright. Just the New Combos... ;_;

Hard is good Oh yes u.u

00:20:37 (1) - Remove New Combo Yea, Fixed!
02:20:71 (1) - Spinner is a bit too short for a Normal Yeaaa! Fixed!!!

That's everything.
Thank you Larto ;)

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- Oru's:
Troppi clap D:
Not going to change the hitsounds without any more specific modding, sorry.

Larto wrote:

Oru's Insane:
00:14:54 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove New Combos
00:18:21 (1,1) - ^
00:25:71 (1,1) - ^
00:28:54 (1,1) - ^
00:29:21 (1,1) - ^
00:35:04 (1,1) - ^
00:40:54 (1) - ^
01:01:71 (1) - ^
01:19:87 (1,1,1,1,1) - ^
01:23:37 (1,1) - ^
01:31:04 (1,1) - ^
01:33:87 (1,1) - ^
01:34:37 (1,1,1) - Move this combo away from under the combo before please? Oh, and remove the new combos on the second and third note ;p
01:37:71 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:38:37 (1) - ^
01:42:04 (1) - ^
01:42:37 (2) - ADD New Combo. Lol something new.
01:44:21 (1,1,1,1) - Remove New Combos.
02:00:87 (3) - Add New Combo
02:01:71 (1) - Remove New Combo
02:02:37 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
02:10:04 (1) - Don't Start Kiai time on the beginning of this slider, do it at its end. Up to Armin.
02:18:21 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
02:20:54 (1) - Remove New Combo AND maybe move it away from under the other slider.
02:24:54 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
02:28:54 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
02:45:54 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove New Combos
02:49:54 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:05:04 (1,1,1,1) - Remove new Combos
03:18:54 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:22:04 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:29:71 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:32:54 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:33:21 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:37:54 (1,1,1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:39:04 (1,1) - Remove New Combos
03:40:71 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:41:37 (3) - ADD New Combo
03:44:54 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:47:04 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:47:71 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:51:37 (1) - Remove New Combo
03:51:71 (9) - ADD New Combo
03:53:54 (1,1,1,1) - Remove New Combos

ROFL. Oh well. This mod post is NOT done yet. I'm just posting the mod for this diff already. And if you wanna know, NO, I didn't only check the new combos, I also checked the map itself, and it seemed alright. Just the New Combos... ;_;
Sorry Larto, not going to change combos unless they make the map unrankable. And I'm pretty sure this is not the first map with this kind of combo placement.

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

[Oru's Insane]:
01:23:04 (1,1) - I personally don't like these no-whistle at start sliders and such.
01:42:04 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:42:37 (2) - New combo?
02:49:37 (1) - What's this new combo doing here? :O
03:39:71 (x) - Add beat here?
03:51:37 (1,2) - That new combo thing I mentioned up there ^
Also going to check this later if Armin hasn't fixed yet.
Topic Starter
Oru, per il momento ho uppato un'altra difficoltà con i fixes di Larto che riguardavano i colori delle combo e questi due:
01:34:37 (1,1,1) - Move this combo away from under the combo before please? Oh, and remove the new combos on the second and third note ;p
02:10:04 (1) - Don't Start Kiai time on the beginning of this slider, do it at its end.

Di Starrodkirby86 non ho fixato nulla di tuo, mi sono limitato a fixare solo i miei D:
La seconda difficoltà l'ho creata quindi NON per rimpiazzarla con la tua ma per evitarti noie se i colori delle combo vanno male. Ma puoi sempre fixare tu e alla fine mandarmi in allegato la mappa.

Armin wrote:

Oru, per il momento ho uppato un'altra difficoltà con i fixes di Larto che riguardavano i colori delle combo e questi due:
01:34:37 (1,1,1) - Move this combo away from under the combo before please? Oh, and remove the new combos on the second and third note ;p
02:10:04 (1) - Don't Start Kiai time on the beginning of this slider, do it at its end.

Di Starrodkirby86 non ho fixato nulla di tuo, mi sono limitato a fixare solo i miei D:
La seconda difficoltà l'ho creata quindi NON per rimpiazzarla con la tua ma per evitarti noie se i colori delle combo vanno male. Ma puoi sempre fixare tu e alla fine mandarmi in allegato la mappa.
Ok, come ho già detto preferisco lasciare le combo come sono, ma se i bat fanno ancora storie (-___-) fixale. Stesso discorso per gli hitsounds.
Per il kiai scegli tu, mentre per ciò che riguarda lo spacing o il timing preferirei dare un'occhiata personalmente, a meno che non siano cose stupide di allineamento o roba simile. Comunque la mappa è la tua quindi in caso non dovessi farmi sentire per troppo tempo (da ora in poi comunque controllerò regolarmente) fixa pure quello che vuoi e falla rankare D:

Ah, inoltre grazie per il kudosu ma in post come questo o quello di prima non dovresti darmelo dato che non ho moddato nulla :3
Topic Starter

HarryOrunitia wrote:

Ok, come ho già detto preferisco lasciare le combo come sono, ma se i bat fanno ancora storie (-___-) fixale. Stesso discorso per gli hitsounds.
Per il kiai scegli tu, mentre per ciò che riguarda lo spacing o il timing preferirei dare un'occhiata personalmente, a meno che non siano cose stupide di allineamento o roba simile. Comunque la mappa è la tua quindi in caso non dovessi farmi sentire per troppo tempo (da ora in poi comunque controllerò regolarmente) fixa pure quello che vuoi e falla rankare D:

Ah, inoltre grazie per il kudosu ma in post come questo o quello di prima non dovresti darmelo dato che non ho moddato nulla :3
Sì, fixerò le combo, gli hitsounds e il kiai time soltanto se qualcun'altro Bat lo segnalerà come un elemento necessario per il rank. Per me può rimanere ancora in pending in attesa di arrivare in prima pagina, tanto mi hanno tolto pure la stella XD
..comunque un kudosu in più non fa mai male u_u.
Absolutely brilliant! I can't flaw this map for anything!

I see a lot of flaws in this map... The massive Kiai time (near the end) in Hard is just not needed... Please fix it before I give you the star. Sorry about this made I hate most custom made skins so I won't go bragging about that here. >_> I am worried also about the amount of spinners that you put in one difficulty. Please recheck them and see if they are not necessary and that you can replace them differently.

00:42:71 (1) - Align this with the end of slider 6 (using Grid lvl 3) and move all other placements if necessary...
00:54:04 (3) - Align with 1
2:07:87 (Spinner) - I'm worried about how the two spinners are done one after another. It doesn't seem right for Normal but... It's your call.

00:44:87 (1) - Align with 8 and move all hitcircles in front if necessary.
00:54:37 (4,5,6,7,8) - Together, align them with 3 and it will align with new combo 1.
01:13:21 (Spinner) - With this, you can even put no volume or very little on the hit at the end.
03:49:37 (Spinner) - 3 spinner in a row? Oh come on... You can't be serious. >_>

Seriously... You need to fix some of these. I'll give you a star later.

MarioBros777 wrote:

I see a lot of flaws in this map... The massive Kiai time (near the end) in Hard is just not needed... Please fix it before I give you the star. Sorry about this made I hate most custom made skins so I won't go bragging about that here. >_> I am worried also about the amount of spinners that you put in one difficulty. Please recheck them and see if they are not necessary and that you can replace them differently.

00:42:71 (1) - Align this with the end of slider 6 (using Grid lvl 3) and move all other placements if necessary...
00:54:04 (3) - Align with 1
2:07:87 (Spinner) - I'm worried about how the two spinners are done one after another. It doesn't seem right for Normal but... It's your call.

00:44:87 (1) - Align with 8 and move all hitcircles in front if necessary.
00:54:37 (4,5,6,7,8) - Together, align them with 3 and it will align with new combo 1.
01:13:21 (Spinner) - With this, you can even put no volume or very little on the hit at the end.
03:49:37 (Spinner) - 3 spinner in a row? Oh come on... You can't be serious. >_>

Seriously... You need to fix some of these. I'll give you a star later.
That's not "a lot of flaws", and he actually doesn't need to fix any of this. It's all nazi and it doesn't affect rankability. I really don't want to be an asshole, but seriously... refusing to star because of kiai time or alignment issues is... mean...
blue text = nazi post

00:15:54 (1) - start a quarter note later but end where it currently is
01:05:87 (7) - align with 6?
01:18:04 (1,2,3,4) - make a straight line
01:29:71 (3,4) - make parallel to 1,2
02:01:71 (2) - align with 1?
get rid of all the extra inherited timing sections at the end

01:00:04 (5) - make a horizontal reflection of 1
02:45:04 (6) - align with 5?
03:16:54 (1) - start a quarter note later but end where it currently is
03:19:87 (1) - " "
03:29:21 (4,5) - I don't like how the spacing between these 2 is inconsistent compared to 1,2. Please a dd a new combo or change it
03:53:21 (1) - start a quarter note later but end where it currently is

00:09:71 (1) - the beginning of this spinner does not snap to anything, I would recommend to start this a whole note later and change it to a slider because a spinner that long only gets 1k bonus
00:36:71 (4) - new combo for to make it easier to read?
00:52:21 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 1
00:52:54 (4) - make a vertical reflection of 2
01:15:04 (1) - same as 00:09:71 (1)
01:26:04 (4) - align with 2
01:47:04 (1) - make a horizontal reflection of the note before it
02:27:37 (4) - make a horizontal reflection of 2
02:46:87 (4) - new combo for to make it easier to read?
03:11:71 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 2?
03:56:37 (1) - make a horizontal reflection of the note before it

The problem I think most ppl have with your combos is sometimes it feels random when you do it. You should limit those combo changes to when you map to the drums.

Nice map. Star.
Topic Starter

blissfulyoshi wrote:

blue text = nazi post

00:15:54 (1) - start a quarter note later but end where it currently is Fixed
01:05:87 (7) - align with 6? Fixed
01:18:04 (1,2,3,4) - make a straight line Fixed
01:29:71 (3,4) - make parallel to 1,2 Fixed
02:01:71 (2) - align with 1? Fixed
get rid of all the extra inherited timing sections at the end Fixed

01:00:04 (5) - make a horizontal reflection of 1 Fixed
02:45:04 (6) - align with 5? Fixed
03:16:54 (1) - start a quarter note later but end where it currently is Not Fixed
03:19:87 (1) - " " Not Fixed
03:29:21 (4,5) - I don't like how the spacing between these 2 is inconsistent compared to 1,2. Please a dd a new combo or change it ""Fixed""
03:53:21 (1) - start a quarter note later but end where it currently is Fixed

00:09:71 (1) - the beginning of this spinner does not snap to anything, I would recommend to start this a whole note later and change it to a slider because a spinner that long only gets 1k bonus Fixed (only the size of the spinner).
00:36:71 (4) - new combo for to make it easier to read? Fixed
00:52:21 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 1 Fixed
00:52:54 (4) - make a vertical reflection of 2 Fixed
01:15:04 (1) - same as 00:09:71 (1) Not Fixed
01:26:04 (4) - align with 2 Fixed
01:47:04 (1) - make a horizontal reflection of the note before it Fixed
02:27:37 (4) - make a horizontal reflection of 2 Fixed
02:46:87 (4) - new combo for to make it easier to read? Not Fixed
03:11:71 (3) - make a horizontal reflection of 2? Fixed
03:56:37 (1) - make a horizontal reflection of the note before it Fixed

The problem I think most ppl have with your combos is sometimes it feels random when you do it. You should limit those combo changes to when you map to the drums.

Nice map. Star.
pretty good mapset
i enjoyed playing all diffs

IMO too many claps here
maybe one clap/2 divisors is better
those random claps sound noisy
Normal and Hard`s hitsounds are pretty good

Alace wrote:

pretty good mapset
i enjoyed playing all diffs

IMO too many claps here
maybe one clap/2 divisors is better
those random claps sound noisy
Normal and Hard`s hitsounds are pretty good
I'm gonna lower the hitsounds volume, but I won't change the hitsounds cause I like them the way they are, they are not "random".

Download: AN CAFE - Cherry Saku Yuuki!!! (Armin) [Oru's Insane].osu
its ok

00:39:37 (5) - move the whistle to 6
too much whistle, it doesnt really fit the song. try using clap instead
02:20:21 (1,2) - hitsound
02:52:71 (1) - remove kiai
03:18:37 (3,4,5) - wtf is this it sounds terrible
yeah the whistles are pretty bad, fix them plz

02:52:71 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3) - hitsounds please
03:38:37 (2) - finish
03:51:37 (8) - ^
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