
Lia - Light colors

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009年7月5日 at 14:34:51

Artist: Lia
Title: Light colors
Source: Key Sound Lab
Tags: Tomoyo After
BPM: 131
Filesize: 15875kb
Play Time: 02:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. After (4.92 stars, 381 notes)
  2. Alazy (4.98 stars, 444 notes)
  3. Easy (1.77 stars, 135 notes)
  4. Normal (4.37 stars, 218 notes)
Download: Lia - Light colors
Download: Lia - Light colors (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
2nd map.
my favorite song.enjoy all XD

EDIT1: 5/22 added Normal
EDIT2: 5/27 changed BG picture
EDIT3: 5/31 added Easy
EDIT4: 6/19 hard remake and added skins thanks avira0922 XD
Added Alazy thanks alace :D
I like the way you used rhythm changes to vary the slider speeds with the music.

A few notes on specific things:

0:27:422 - The fact that this slider carries you directly away from the following note is a bit disorienting and breaks the nice counterclockwise flow. Perhaps make it mostly vertical rather than mostly horizontal?
1:21:468 - Same deal. Left middle left right feels kind of awkward. Keeping the same rhythm but switching to middle left middle right would be less confusing.
1:31:773 - Haha! What a sneaky little pattern. It will probably mess people up the first time, but I like that unlike some sneaky patterns, it actually feels natural once you're familiar with it.
1:53:873 - The use of double notes here feels a bit artificial to me, like it doesn't really evolve from the music. But maybe that's just me.
2:10:247 - The placement of notes 2, 3, and 4 in this combo seems rather random, unless there's an intended pattern I'm not intuiting.
2:22:155 - Nice throwback to the earlier section.

A solid job overall, I thought. No timing problems that I can discern. I like the song and I like the map.
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When I say first,I am not good at English, what you say doesn't correctly understand whether ..can understanding...
In that case, I'm sorry

0:27:422 - The fact that this slider carries you directly away from the following note is a bit disorienting and breaks the nice counterclockwise flow. Perhaps make it mostly vertical rather than mostly horizontal?
1:21:468 - Same deal. Left middle left right feels kind of awkward. Keeping the same rhythm but switching to middle left middle right would be less confusing.
1:31:773 - Haha! What a sneaky little pattern. It will probably mess people up the first time, but I like that unlike some sneaky patterns, it actually feels natural once you're familiar with it.
I do so it on purpose :)
1:53:873 - The use of double notes here feels a bit artificial to me, like it doesn't really evolve from the music. But maybe that's just me.
I surely changed it because I was strange.
2:10:247 - The placement of notes 2, 3, and 4 in this combo seems rather random, unless there's an intended pattern I'm not intuiting.
2:22:155 - Nice throwback to the earlier section.

thank you your modding!

Download: PRASTIK DANCEFLOOR - Session 9 -Chronicles- (Nakagawa-Kanon) [Another].osu
Really nice map. nice BGM :)

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Just a little edit in bg. :)

Starred, nice map. :D

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Wow,nice BG picture :)
I change it, thank you!

Some suggestions ^^' ALL with lvl3 grid

00:24:21 (4,5) - 1 grid down for 5 align with 3
00:29:71 (4) - 1 grid right to align with 3
00:39:56 (2) - sounds strange, add wistle in the begin and the end of slider?
00:46:88 (3) - ^
00:53:07 (4) - 1 grid up to align with 3
01:30:85 (2,3,4) - what is 3 and 4 for?

00:34:06 (1) - 1 grid down to align with 2
00:54:67 (1,2,3,4,5) - 2 grids down to align with 6?
01:26:27 (8) - 1 grid left to make it the same as 01:25:13 (2,3,4)
01:26:27 (8,9) - 1 grid left
01:55:36 (7) - 1 grid up

Time for some mod-action!

[00:54:304] a finish here
[01:52:641] clap here (not in the end of this slider)
[00:32:208] (1, 1, 1, 1) whistle for the first couple of beats, clap for the 2nd!
[00:37:731] Instead of a normal clap, use a soft one
[00:52:750] (3, 5) other claps here!
[01:35:970] this slider's start looks very crypthic, isn't it? Try to set it later!
[01:52:605] like the other mode, clap here instead of the slider's end!
[02:30:196] another whistle here

NOW I understand why you are on the 100's positions an I only on the 900's... Star'd!
Err... I forgot something...
Only my 1st and 2nd tip are for Normal mode; the others are for the Hard one...
... Sorry ... :?
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RaisTF wrote:

Some suggestions ^^' ALL with lvl3 grid

00:24:21 (4,5) - 1 grid down for 5 align with 3
00:29:71 (4) - 1 grid right to align with 3
00:39:56 (2) - sounds strange, add wistle in the begin and the end of slider?
00:46:88 (3) - ^
00:53:07 (4) - 1 grid up to align with 3
01:30:85 (2,3,4) - what is 3 and 4 for?

00:34:06 (1) - 1 grid down to align with 2
00:54:67 (1,2,3,4,5) - 2 grids down to align with 6?
01:26:27 (8) - 1 grid left to make it the same as 01:25:13 (2,3,4)
01:26:27 (8,9) - 1 grid left
01:55:36 (7) - 1 grid up

all fixed
thanks :)

Lokamp wrote:

Time for some mod-action!

[00:54:304] a finish here
[01:52:641] clap here (not in the end of this slider) done
[00:32:208] (1, 1, 1, 1) whistle for the first couple of beats, clap for the 2nd! sorry,I was not able to get intention.However, I felt that oneself was natural
[00:37:731] Instead of a normal clap, use a soft one done
[00:52:750] (3, 5) other claps here! done
[01:35:970] this slider's start looks very crypthic, isn't it? Try to set it later! What kind of meaning is crypthic?I was not able to understand with my poor-looking English.sorry
[01:52:605] like the other mode, clap here instead of the slider's end! done
[02:30:196] another whistle here done

NOW I understand why you are on the 100's positions an I only on the 900's... Star'd!
thanks your mod!
マスターあずき ;)

 (((ノ≧∇≦)ノ :・'.::・>☆

nice map!
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thanks avira0922 :)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
00:28:56 (1) - align with 3
00:39:56 (2) - extend all the way to the whole note
are 00:35:43 (3,1) and 00:51:92 (1,2,3,4,5) supposed to have different spacing?
00:54:67 (1) - align with 3?
00:58:33 (1) - " "
01:13:45 (4) - align with 1
01:24:67 (1) - the placement of this is disorienting to the player, I would rather have the correct spacing
01:25:13 (2) - increase in spacing?
01:55:59 (4) - have this end on the start of 2
02:02:68 (2) - same as 01:24:67 (1)

00:44:82 (4) - align with 3?
01:41:62 (8,9) - I don't like how the 8 and 9 are sort of covered by 6
02:14:14 (1) - have the ending of this be directly under the ending of 3
02:25:81 (3) - move down 1 grid (3) to better align with 2
02:27:65 (1) - move up 1 grid (3) to better align with 6

00:24:67 (5) - restack under 4
00:26:50 (1) - " "
00:29:25 (4) - 4 has a different distance from 3 than 3 has from 2
00:30:17 (1) - restack under 5
00:33:14 (1,2,3) - align with the stream 2 combos before
spacing 00:38:41 (1,2) and 00:40:93 (8,9) are different. Figure out which you like more and apply the spacing to the whole song
01:07:72 (1) - move left 1 grid (3) to fit with the rest of the pattern
01:09:33 (8) - might want to align with 7
01:15:97 (5,6) - the spacing here is different from the rest of the pattern
01:45:74 (2) - too far
02:21:92 (14) - restack under 13

Nice beatmap. Star.
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merimeri wrote:

00:58:338 finishだけのほうが個人的には好きですっ 直しました
00:59:833 veat snap divicerを右端までひっぱったときにsliderの終点の時間がが微妙に早めに終わっているように見えるので2つ隣のバーの白い線まで時間をのばすといいかも 終点00:40:476
01:25:132 ここをsliderじゃなくcircleにして,01:25:361からスライダー開始>01:26:277で折り返し>01:27:193で終点にしたほうがスライダーのリズムは自然なのかなーと思うのですがどうでしょう><スライダーの長さじたいはその前につくっているスライダーの長さと同じだとは思うのですが、配置的に厳しいのかな・・? ここリズムわからなかったので指摘ありがたいです!
01:57:422 sliderの終点時間を時間バーの青線じゃなく2つ手前の白か2つ後ろの赤線のどちらかで終了したほうがスライダーのリズム的にいいのかなー?白線01:57:880or赤線01:58:109 こっちほうがリズムよかったので直しました
thanks merimeri :)

blissfulyoshi wrote:

00:28:56 (1) - align with 3 done
00:39:56 (2) - extend all the way to the whole note changed it
are 00:35:43 (3,1) and 00:51:92 (1,2,3,4,5) supposed to have different spacing? yea,If it is that it is bad on purpose, I get over
00:54:67 (1) - align with 3?
00:58:33 (1) - " "
01:13:45 (4) - align with 1 done
01:24:67 (1) - the placement of this is disorienting to the player, I would rather have the correct spacing
01:25:13 (2) - increase in spacing? revise it in other ways
01:55:59 (4) - have this end on the start of 2 done
02:02:68 (2) - same as 01:24:67 (1) done

00:44:82 (4) - align with 3? done
01:41:62 (8,9) - I don't like how the 8 and 9 are sort of covered by 6 hmm,I am at a loss how I should put it.
02:14:14 (1) - have the ending of this be directly under the ending of 3
02:25:81 (3) - move down 1 grid (3) to better align with 2 done
02:27:65 (1) - move up 1 grid (3) to better align with 6 done

00:24:67 (5) - restack under 4
00:26:50 (1) - " "
00:29:25 (4) - 4 has a different distance from 3 than 3 has from 2
00:30:17 (1) - restack under 5
00:33:14 (1,2,3) - align with the stream 2 combos before lall fixed
spacing 00:38:41 (1,2) and 00:40:93 (8,9) are different. Figure out which you like more and apply the spacing to the whole song Though I used distance snap, I was not able to keep same spacing.why?
01:07:72 (1) - move left 1 grid (3) to fit with the rest of the pattern fixed
01:09:33 (8) - might want to align with 7 you're right.
01:15:97 (5,6) - the spacing here is different from the rest of the pattern done
01:45:74 (2) - too far fixed
02:21:92 (14) - restack under 13 done
thank you blissfulyoshi :)
あぁぁ・・2つめ時間書き間違ってました >:(  00:59:833×
:arrow: 00:38:414  スライダーの終点を白線00:40:476 もしくは 赤線40:247にするとスライダーのリズム的にいいのかなー?
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00:42:30 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:59:02 (2) - New combo.
01:29:94 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:55:59 (4) - Finish this slider here -> 01:56:506 -> Sound better.


00:44:140 (x) - Add circle here?
00:44:82 (4) - Remove this?
01:17:80 (1) - Start this spinner here -> 01:18:03 (1) - Better.
02:00:85 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This different spacing maybe can confuse.
02:28:79 (3) - Why you add a soft section on this slider? Doesn't sounds good to me :<


01:01:773 (x) - Add circle here?
01:23:75 (10) - New combo.
01:34:750 - Remove this break.
02:20:66 (11) - New combo.

Good map anyway, take my star :3
Topic Starter
easy and hard all fixed.

osuplayer111 wrote:


00:44:140 (x) - Add circle here?
00:44:82 (4) - Remove this? this had better sound, I change it
01:17:80 (1) - Start this spinner here -> 01:18:03 (1) - Better. done
02:00:85 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This different spacing maybe can confuse. changed spacing
02:28:79 (3) - Why you add a soft section on this slider? Doesn't sounds good to me :< I do not understand it why I became soft to me lol fixed

Good map anyway, take my star :3 :)
thank you for your looking :)

02:23:52 (3) - plz add a whistle here XD

Download: Lia - Light colors (azuki) [Alazy].osu
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Alace wrote:

02:23:52 (3) - plz add a whistle here XD
done :)
Time to mod

00:35:89 (5) - More far from (4) (1.4X distance snap can help you)
01:16:88 (5) - sounds bad remake it plz

I find you still fix your map
good job in hars
Use more soft hitsounds
If you finish it PM me i will check it again
譜面関係では大変お世話になりました。<(_ _)>

いらなかったら・⌒ ヾ(*´ー`) ポイしてくれていーです!

Thank you very much for EDIT your kindness
I make Skin.Please use it when it is good.
throw it away if it is unnecessary
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Alace wrote:

Time to mod

00:35:89 (5) - More far from (4) (1.4X distance snap can help you) i use 1.4x distance snap and resnap
01:16:88 (5) - sounds bad remake it plz fixed

I find you still fix your map
good job in hars
Use more soft hitsounds
If you finish it PM me i will check it again
nice skin!
The map will be amazing, I just know it! [Easy] feels just right. However, it's kind of strange that nothing in the spinner pictures rolls. It would be nice if you could please add a picture or something that rolled with the user. I can't beat [Hard] or [Alazy]. [Normal] has everything in the right place, but it gives this sort of "twitchy" or "jumpy" feeling which doesn't match the tone of the song (and [Easy] has the smoother feeling that fits the song).

Keep up the good work, and you get a star from me~
mae yori sugoku yokunarimashitane :)
I like this song and beatmap. so nice edition!

watch out skin is cute! SD tomoyo

here star for u
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changed spiner pictures :)

arigatougo gozaimasu :)

thank you yours star!
my favorite song
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thanks :)
slidertick rate 1

01:58:79 (1,2,3,4,5) - I usually use this jump with very heavy music part
in this part it`s hard to notice plz change it ^^

This map is very good now
I am the member of this map
so i can`t bubble it

2 extra stars~
Topic Starter

Alace wrote:

slidertick rate 1 changed

01:58:79 (1,2,3,4,5) - I usually use this jump with very heavy music part
in this part it`s hard to notice plz change it ^^ changed ^-^

This map is very good now
I am the member of this map
so i can`t bubble it

2 extra stars~
thanks alace :)
hi Azuki,小豆? XP

wow, nice skin

there's my random mod

i'm sorry, i don't like the note style that didn't match the music. but however, map is great, i think guys like me is a small number XD
rhythm sensation is perfect

perfect :)

01:05:208 (spinner) - I think the finishi volume is a little loud
01:34:292 (5) - ^

still, perfect

aoh, no spinner, maybe you could add one on 00:30:399 - 00:33:949 or 01:40:934 - 01:41:850

great job~

here is your star~
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

i'm sorry, i don't like the note style that didn't match the music. but however, map is great, i think guys like me is a small number XD
It is difficult to make map style which music had :(
01:05:208 (spinner) - I think the finishi volume is a little loud fixed
01:34:292 (5) - ^ fixed
thank you your modding :)
The BG is blurry because it's too small (I'm under 1024x768)

01:02:460 (4) - Move the center tick down a grid (Grid level 3) to make it perfectly symmetric.

00:30:399 (1) - Whistle? (to follow others combo)

Well that's all.
I love the hitsounds! :D

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
im glad to see someone map this, bump + star
nice skining also <3
beautiful & fun !! Star~~
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thank you! al-azif&tobebuta~
Suggestion on the timing sections, works a bit better if you set the ones for sound only 1/4 or 1/8 before, cause if the player hits it too early they get the previous sections sound. But it's too much trouble to do that now right! :P
The clover's edges in the skin are too sharp. Add a glow to smooth it out~
Other than that the skin is beautiful, especially the effect the star2 and the overlay/lighting give!

Wow this one was tough to mod, cause there seems to be nothing to put down! :D That's good if you don't understand me. >.>

Again, nothing found here~

01:51:92 (9) - New combo?

Perfect! :D

It's a wonderful beatmap! *'d
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Alex0686 wrote:

Wow this one was tough to mod, cause there seems to be nothing to put down! :D That's good if you don't understand me. >.>

Again, nothing found here~

01:51:92 (9) - New combo? disagree

Perfect! :D
thank you :)
Lovely map and skin. The big spacings are very hard for me.. ;__;

02:14:14 (1) - I think you should move away from the previous (3).

That's all! I will bubble when you fix it.
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Takuma wrote:

Lovely map and skin. The big spacings are very hard for me.. ;__;

02:14:14 (1) - I think you should move away from the previous (3). fixed!

That's all! I will bubble when you fix it.
thanks takuma :)
It's okay with me now. Bubbled!
I hate it to pop awesome maps for tiny reasons. I am sorry.

To be honest, I don't like it if sample/volume changing sections are directly on notes, if the player clicks too early he gets the wrong sample/volume. Don't change it, it would be too much effort for this, and it's optional and a personal preference anyway, but if you don't mind, remember that for your future maps :)

There is a unused file, play-warningarrow1.png. I say remove it. You don't need to but it'd be cool if you did.
Also, maybe add a custom approachcircle.png. You don't need to but it'd be cool if you did.

02:21:46 (4) - Too close to 3 ;_;
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Larto wrote:

I hate it to pop awesome maps for tiny reasons. I am sorry.

To be honest, I don't like it if sample/volume changing sections are directly on notes, if the player clicks too early he gets the wrong sample/volume. Don't change it, it would be too much effort for this, and it's optional and a personal preference anyway, but if you don't mind, remember that for your future maps :) ok,undarstand.I am careful from future map

There is a unused file, play-warningarrow1.png. I say remove it. You don't need to but it'd be cool if you did.
Also, maybe add a custom approachcircle.png. You don't need to but it'd be cool if you did. delete play-warningarrow1.png and I was not able to prepare approachcircle.png into me;_;

02:21:46 (4) - Too close to 3 ;_; fixed;_;
thanks Larto :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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