
New ranking/modding system development

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In the interest of getting things right as I go, I am developing the new modding/ranking system completely in the open. I will be streaming all work I do on it and releasing all the specs as I go. Feel free to follow along and ask any questions you may have.

Design Document
Live Stream

Currently available pages

real-time modding system map #1 map #2 (currently in testing stages)
active for these two maps only. not yet linked to the rest of the system. please use these for real-world testing – as in mod them properly if you are going to post anything.

modding control panel
users will come here to get new modding assignments and view updates on their previous assignments.

modding queue
may not be visible in the future, but shows the current prioritised map listing. maps will be chosen from this listing and given out to modders.

modder ranking
shows the current modder ranking. this considers past mod posts from 2012 onwards.

I'll update this post as I work more out. Planning as I go. Feel free to use the "comment" ability in the google doc to bring up any points with the design document, or reply in this thread for more general questions (or ask in twitch chat).

Note that this system is not yet active. Any actions you perform will NOT have a permanent effect in any way. Feel free to click whatever you want.
This new system seems pretty interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out
That's pretty cool! :D
Looks great Peppy seems well structured aswell ;)
How is modder ranking calculated?
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those wrote:

How is modder ranking calculated?
Please read the linked design document.
I'm modder #7 YES
Good to see a detailed information
When will this system take over?
A lot of detailed information.

Hypothetical, what if more than eight maps reach the qualification critera on the same day. How are you going to have those maps staying in there for only 7 days if you're only letting through 8 a time? Wouldn't some of them stay in there longer than that. Long shot I know, but it could happen. That's the only question I have off the top of my head, and the proposal seems nice otherwise.

(And what text editor is that, looks nice?)

apaffy wrote:

(And what text editor is that, looks nice?)
Sublime Text 2.

Babycake wrote:

apaffy wrote:

(And what text editor is that, looks nice?)
Sublime Text 2.
Yeah, saw the title in the stream not too long after. Thanks.
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apaffy wrote:

A lot of detailed information.

Hypothetical, what if more than eight maps reach the qualification critera on the same day. How are you going to have those maps staying in there for only 7 days if you're only letting through 8 a time? Wouldn't some of them stay in there longer than that. Long shot I know, but it could happen. That's the only question I have off the top of my head, and the proposal seems nice otherwise.

(And what text editor is that, looks nice?)
They will filter out over time. The number "8" may change depending on how we can handle it. The main idea here isn't to increase the number of ranked maps, but to change the focus on which maps are ranked, giving all maps an equal chance.

peppy wrote:

apaffy wrote:

A lot of detailed information.

Hypothetical, what if more than eight maps reach the qualification critera on the same day. How are you going to have those maps staying in there for only 7 days if you're only letting through 8 a time? Wouldn't some of them stay in there longer than that. Long shot I know, but it could happen. That's the only question I have off the top of my head, and the proposal seems nice otherwise.

(And what text editor is that, looks nice?)
They will filter out over time. The number "8" may change depending on how we can handle it. The main idea here isn't to increase the number of ranked maps, but to change the focus on which maps are ranked, giving all maps an equal chance.
it is a good idea for all mappers, but i'm worried about new mappers who wanna join the new system since their have no sp at all and no experience in modding.

if it is possible to help new mappers like "if you have no ranked map then point request reduce to 100 or 150" ?
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Star priority is not part of this system. When a modder mods a map from the queue, and if they find no issues with it, they will nominate it. THis means that even unknown mappers can get nominations via the queue.
what will happen with kudosu?
Only mods from the queue and assignments/session counts in the score?
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deadbeat wrote:

what will happen with kudosu?
kudosu will eventually be deprecated.

neonat wrote:

Only mods from the queue and assignments/session counts in the score?
please read the design document.

peppy wrote:

THis means that even unknown mappers can get nominations via the queue.
If this is going to be true, this system is going to be groovy. 8-)

peppy wrote:

Star priority is not part of this system. When a modder mods a map from the queue, and if they find no issues with it, they will nominate it. THis means that even unknown mappers can get nominations via the queue.
i see..

but how about the "chance". I means, if there're thousands maps in the queue already, how about the oppotunity that the map is noticed by others?

another problem.. what about mode speicific mapsets like Mania? it may be a big trouble if i meet it.

edit : one more question: if it is much more hard for Mania/Taiko maps to gather enough support?
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See design doc for mode-specific stuff.

Queue priority settings can be adjusted depending on how people feel their maps are getting attention. The important part is having the framework in place.
Might want to cut of that list over posts in a mapthread, and have it expand on mouse-over:

It kind of obstructs the view of everything else, and it's not really that useful in most cases.
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I plan on making it more useful and logical. It's by no means anywhere near final.
I like where this is going, keep it up.

Is mod rating the same as mod score, or is it different?

If they're the same, I'm probably just confused cause the values are so low for me (lol)
If star priority isn't necessary for ranking maps anymore, what's stopping someone from asking three people who has qualifications in approving a map from just posting in his map without going through the queue?

What about modders who see nothing unrankable from the map, but want to give small suggestions. Based on the pending map not being updated, and if by removing it, you reset its place in the queue, mappers will be discouraged from making these fixes.

Will BATs have maximum amount of modder rank since we already are deemed qualified?
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NoHitter wrote:

If star priority isn't necessary for ranking maps anymore, what's stopping someone from asking three people who has qualifications in approving a map from just posting in his map without going through the queue?
This is fine assuming the map is ready for ranking (has no issues). If it has issues they will be penalised when it is bumped out of qualified criteria.

NoHitter wrote:

What about modders who see nothing unrankable from the map, but want to give small suggestions. Based on the pending map not being updated, and if by removing it, you reset its place in the queue, mappers will be discouraged from making these fixes.
Their position in queue is already low after it has been assigned modders (each mod assigned drops the position in queue). Position in queue doesn't mean much after you already have modders assigned. It is assumed to some extent that those modders will carry on looking at your map until it is ready.

NoHitter wrote:

Will BATs have maximum amount of modder rank since we already are deemed qualified?
Pretty nice system. I can't imagine myself getting that much points if the maps I get queued is not interesting to mod.

.....One question though... What will happen if let's say there is 70 nominated maps in total one day. Eight maps per day is only allowed to get ranked yet everything needs to get ranked in 7 days. Will there be a system to prevent the amount of nominated maps other than it's takes a time to get the power to nominate?
No. Sorry, but no. As for me system have some very bad issues.

1) Forcing people to mod this will affect the mods quality. Some people may just do not want to mod maps (and ofc lose their rating). So they will write mods "just to skip this map" (like "add new combo & clap, good luck")
2) How those maps list was builded? Due to Star Priority? But sometimes people just abuse the system (maps with bad quality have SP +50, 60, 80, and most of stars are from creator). Most of modders may just do not want to mod this. How they can be forced?

I think this idea overral is nice, but still needs work a lot. Thanks.
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Please read the design document. This is already discussed (see the comments area if it isn't in the document itself).
new system looks great :)
I don't know if I understand the system correctly but I am just afraid of the loss of mapper's choose-what-to-mod power.

If this happens, there will soon be no new mappers anymore. And many of mappers may AFK. :o
As 'qualified' maps will get a scoreboard, will they also give pp ?

I really like the concept anyway ! (People will eventually stop saying "lel BATs are corrupted they only rank their friends' map lelel").
I'd like to choose what I mod, and I'd like to do it when I have the motivation to do it.
Modding takes, depending on the mapset, about 2 hours for me. That's not something I can/want to do every day.

Zarerion wrote:

I'd like to choose what I mod, and I'd like to do it when I have the motivation to do it.
Modding takes, depending on the mapset, about 2 hours for me. That's not something I can/want to do every day.
You're still free to do that, you'll just get less points.

Zarerion wrote:

I'd like to choose what I mod, and I'd like to do it when I have the motivation to do it.
Modding takes, depending on the mapset, about 2 hours for me. That's not something I can/want to do every day.
You lose .6 mod score every day that you don't make a mod post.

If you don't care about your score, or if you have plenty, then you can mod at whatever pace you want.

If you don't play by the system's rules, however, you won't gain certain privileges granted by it (the main one being nomination of maps)

I think it's good, it gives a lot of maps an easier time getting modded, and lets people who want to mod actually gain something from it but also show them what they should mod

Seems fair to me.

(I hope I'm not misunderstanding something big)
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Kodora wrote:

1) Forcing people to mod this will affect the mods quality. Some people may just do not want to mod maps (and ofc lose their rating). So they will write mods "just to skip this map" (like "add new combo & clap, good luck")
You don't have to use the new mod queue.

Kodora wrote:

2) How those maps list was builded? Due to Star Priority? But sometimes people just abuse the system (maps with bad quality have SP +50, 60, 80, and most of stars are from creator).
See design document.

Kurai wrote:

As 'qualified' maps will get a scoreboard, will they also give pp ?[/size]
They won't give PP (anyway, songs which are just-ranked give really inaccurate pp which is usually close to zero after the first day, so this will act as a good buffer).

Silynn wrote:

(I hope I'm not misunderstanding something big)
You aren't.
Let me clarify something as well:
Is Nominate 4 Nominate (I nominate your map, and nominate mine) considered an abuse for this system?

If this is true, I can imagine a scenario with 4 different mappers nominating their own maps without even getting any mods at all...
And assuming the maps are "rankable", they basically skipped the modding process.
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To nominate a map, you need to post a mod post – even if that post says "No issues". If three people do this and there are in fact no issues, then it is not abuse to have such a map ranked. Keep in mind though:

If any issues are found, all of the nominators will be punished.
There may be extra priority given to maps which were nominated and have been waiting longer to be ranked (TBD).
it's hard to get a mania mod now,and i don't think we'll have any new mania beatmaps ranked if such rules are carried on

quantum-rose wrote:

it's hard to get a mania mod now,and i don't think we'll have any new mania beatmaps ranked if such rules are carried on
I think the opposite is true, from what I can tell, people are allowed to choose which modes they are available to mod, so if you have a mania only map in queue it will be sent off to mania only modders (this will include the mania BATs such as Entozer and Chonicle, I think)

At least, that's how I see it panning out. In the new system, instead of needing connections, the connections will be made for you.

peppy wrote:

To nominate a map, you need to post a mod post – even if that post says "No issues". If three people do this and there are in fact no issues, then it is not abuse to have such a map ranked. Keep in mind though:

If any issues are found, all of the nominators will be punished.
There may be extra priority given to maps which were nominated and have been waiting longer to be ranked (TBD).
some socalled "issues"are just full of dispute
and we'll never see a map like The Big Black because no nominater wants to be punished for nominating an "overmapped" beatmap
  1. When a mapper puts a map into the Pending criteria, changes to the map are locked. BSS will warn mappers of this when they do so.
  2. Removing a map from pending can be done at any point by the mapper, but the position in queue will be reset. This is not an issue after already receiving mod posts, as your position in queue is already reduced by the incoming modders. Remember that queue position has nothing to do with getting nominated/ranked.
I'm a bit confused about this, it's a bit contradicting imo.
I know there are a plenty of mappers that like to polish their maps besides the mods they receive. Will they be able to do it only after receiving a mod, or they can do it whenever they want but at the cost of resetting their position in the queue? I think maps should be locked when achieving the Qualified status.

New system seems pretty good, but I'm afraid of those mappers that make "rankable" mapsets.

And Approval category will be removed as I can see, is this right?

peppy wrote:

To nominate a map, you need to post a mod post – even if that post says "No issues". If three people do this and there are in fact no issues, then it is not abuse to have such a map ranked. Keep in mind though:

If any issues are found, all of the nominators will be punished.
There may be extra priority given to maps which were nominated and have been waiting longer to be ranked (TBD).
peppy. There is no map with "no issues". 3 very experienced modders can call a map good to go, and others may disagree with them, but that shouldn't be a reason for a penalty.
Opinions differ, I wouldn't have EVER let some maps that were ra nked recently, get ranked, because I think they fucking suck, but some people seem to actually like them.

quantum-rose wrote:

and we'll never see a map like The Big Black because no nominater wants to be punished for nominating an "overmapped" beatmap
I don't really think it's a bad thing. :D Anyway, believe me, I'm 100% sure those maps will still get ranked.

Kurai wrote:

quantum-rose wrote:

and we'll never see a map like The Big Black because no nominater wants to be punished for nominating an "overmapped" beatmap
I don't really think it's a bad thing. :D
in fact i think The Big Black should be ranked cuz it's not too bad to be unranked

Kurai wrote:

Anyway, believe me, I'm 100% sure those maps will still get ranked.
Maybe u're right
+10 for map from queue isnt too much? I afraid people can abuse the system (even with downvotes from other modders).

Kodora wrote:

+10 for map from queue isnt too much? I afraid people can abuse the system (even with downvotes from other modders).
I'm pretty sure abusers will receive a harsh punishment, so this shouldn't be a problem.
This is a great deal better than I would ever imagine it be like, great job peppy!
you are really a stupid guy
1. this system deprival people's right to choose the maps, what map you auto chose? high SP? Those 50+ 70+ SP why not can not rank? all things are obey the ranking rules, but their maps don't have any interesting things, so what should we say, remap PLZ? move this slider a gird? random maps? i can say there are more than thousands new maps can be upload a day, but only a about one map is ok for rank, this system will waste most time modders
why people want to mod these maps,1.they want to mod those song they like, 2.they want to mod those mappers and mapping style they like, 3. they want help new guys this system will deprival 1 and 2, people have to mod those maps they don't like. who willing to eat food they don't like?
2.mapping is an art, also modding too, don't like a RPG game, EXP for moding? are you kidding me? you can make a modding system, believe i can make a mapping system auto make maps, all the things obey the rules and like a shit, if you really want to. no one can stop me rank these maps
the really good mappers and modders will not willing to work again. please wait those LV99 mappers and modders make maps for you. are a really stubborn man, you can treat this post like a shit, you can do every decision alone and never change, even you can ban me, but did you ask your BAT's advice, they are not you pets, also you do not pay a dollar. you never respect them ,and they will hurt and leave, oh oh oh you can find more new BATs, the really dogs
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