
[added] [Taiko, ctb, mania] Tick the Difficulty+Extra (star-rating)

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +252
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I'm not sure how much this effects ctb or mania, but in Taiko it is often a pain to receive the wanted difficulty-sign for a specific difficulty, especially when the mapped song is a high BPM one. So it happens often that you receive something like that:

( )

Sometimes you are able to gain the wanted signs, but rather just on low-BPMed songs:

( )

For osu the calculated star-raiting may fit in most cases, but for the specific game-modes it is often a mess which even dosen't look nice. To be honest, as person who likes having everything tidied up, is this an 'Eye-cancer'.

So I have wanted to suggest, having the possibility to change the needed sign manualy for the specific game-modes, like in this way:

( This would be an example for Taiko )

The signs may variate in dependence of the game-mode or just be shown with the osu signs in the song setup.
Having this feature would be great, since then, we wouldn't need to sit for hours anymore, trying to get these signs due to a not fitting calculations.

Oh, also adding the sign for 'Extra' difficulty wouldn't be bad either?

Pellexplutt wrote:

Since the difficulty system to me seems pretty old and busted, comparing old maps with new maps with the same difficulty name - insane. So I thought about adding another difficulty level: Extra. Beatmappers are already using this difficulty name to indicate that the difficulty is harder than just an insane(, and I don't really see why this shouldn't be implemented. Having to play a beatmap to know it's true difficulty is not a good way to do this. A beatmap's difficulty should be displayed on the beatmap's Scores/Beatmap Listing page. Using objects as an indicator only works in-game and needs experience playing maps of a similar difficulty to provide sufficient information.

The insane difficulty level is just too broad to fit all the maps: Many of the 200+ bpm beatmaps( are in my opinion too hard to be considered on the same scale as the "introduction level" insanes( Additionally, these <6 minute single-difficulty maps aren't even supposed to be allowed for ranking, which brings up another issue.

Since maps of this level is probably just by or beyond the border of overmapping, getting them ranked isn't very likely to happen. However, these maps can be challenging even for the best of the best, and can increase the competetiveness between the top players rather than showing who can SS DT/HD/HR most hard difficulties fastest. Additionally, it could also prevent players trying to learn insane level beatmaps from thinking they are terrible players because they can "only play the easy insanes", which is a term that shouldn't even exist, since personally I have never heard of "easy hards/difficult hards".

This icon is what comes to mind for the extra difficulty, taken from

Please tell me what you think of this idea, and comment on changes you might feel are needed on this topic.
From: p/2661527
I Agree, this would be a great feature, but only if it was used correctly.
Also, adding Extra symbol will be like ADFSADFDFDSF, FINALLY!!! (?)
I feel like this might have been mentioned in another feature request, at least a post but whatever, you definitely made a great post explaining this request. I think it's a good idea as long as the MATs and BATs can change it and agree on the difficulty. I'd love to see that x icon come into existence with this, or when we have a much better difficulty rating system.
it might be good not just at Taiko, Ctb and mania but at Osu diff too. so support~

it's fucking messed up because it's a very low BPM (106). I'll support as soon as I get votes. (EM Oni isn't mapped yet btw)
Maybe we could make some diffs unaviable because the star rating, you know, a 1 star diff cannot be used as an insane or extra, or a 5 star diff like a easy or normal
This idea is golden.
Sounds good, support
Support !
I also support this.
Topic Starter
Maybe this feature wouldn't be bad, so I will bump it for now.
Maybe some more people have an opinion about it.
This idea is just perfect. No more confusions, no more "Kantan has a higher Star rating than futsuu wtf".

>0 votes remaining

Yes, I completely support this \o/
It's sad to see muzukashii and oni diffs marked as insane but with this we can finally put the actual difficulty
there is this request ._.
The other one is duplicate, because it was created one day after this one. c:
I support this. However the only way to reduce the chance of it being abused would be to make this option only accessible to BATs at the end of the map ranking process.

----- wrote:

I support this. However the only way to reduce the chance of it being abused would be to make this option only accessible to BATs at the end of the map ranking process.
Uh, by the same logic difficulties can currently be abused as well, but a difficulty which is obviously as normal wont get ranked titled "insane".

This feature is useful for mapsets not aiming to get ranked as well, zero reason to enforce something as silly as that.

boat wrote:

----- wrote:

I support this. However the only way to reduce the chance of it being abused would be to make this option only accessible to BATs at the end of the map ranking process.
Uh, by the same logic difficulties can currently be abused as well, but a difficulty which is obviously as normal wont get ranked titled "insane".

This feature is useful for mapsets not aiming to get ranked as well, zero reason to enforce something as silly as that.
That's not a issue for standard mode since the star rating was made with that in mind initially (and that's the one with the most clear-cut rules out there, therefore it's hard to abuse the star rating system even if a mapper want to make an unrank mapset), but it's a different sceanrio for the other 3 modes.

Like what OnosakiHito said, the system doesn't exactly address the taiko rules (or other game mode rules) that well, when you can make a 200bpm map such that the difficulty is considered normal. It's not about the abuse of the system, rather than the system isn't complete to begin with.

Until we have a complete set of the rule published, I suggest that the decision of a mapset's difficulty would be judged by the BAT that's working on to get this map ranked.
Hell yeah this is really needed.

theowest wrote:

I feel like this might have been mentioned in another feature request, at least a post but whatever, you definitely made a great post explaining this request. I think it's a good idea as long as the MATs and BATs can change it and agree on the difficulty. I'd love to see that x icon come into existence with this, or when we have a much better difficulty rating system.

BrujoAzul wrote:

I Agree, this would be a great feature, but only if it was used correctly.
Also, adding Extra symbol will be like ADFSADFDFDSF, FINALLY!!! (?)
Agree ^

and it's a nice idea, +1
Topic Starter
Yes, I agree as well to your points.
Also, bump.
As a CTB mapper and modder, cant agree more on this.

must be something wrong here...

Sorry I dont have a star :o
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Let's bump this.
I'm pretty sure in future we might have a star system which might regulate this better, but before this happens including this might be not bad.
Especially the "new" icon.
Support !
Here's my invisible star.
As a mania mapper, I support this as well. While this map is intentionally easy, I haven't had anyone tell me that either the hard or the normal is to easy.

I also don't think that this needs to be a BAT only feature. Beyond the obvious uses it would have for people going for unranked maps, I don't see this being abused in anything that gets ranked. This is exactly the kind of thing modding is designed to fix, if a mapper gets it wrong.
Support. In mania sometimes easy maps get a normal tag and normal would get a hard/insane one. It is too BPM depending because of notes per minute/second, it doesnt really give a good result like in standard osu mode.

Hanyuu wrote:

Support. In mania sometimes easy maps get a normal tag and normal would get a hard/insane one. It is too BPM depending because of notes per minute/second, it doesnt really give a good result like in standard osu mode.
It's often wrong in Standard too so even the Main mode would have its profit.
I agree with this! ^^
I wonder why this isn't implemented yet. o.o
Topic Starter
Added text from this feature request: t/163183
Will see if I'm going to merge it in a good way.
Good Idea! Support~

but it's really shit.
Please, please, please, add this!
Actually like Hanyuu says, in mania, things goes extremely wrong.

Because currently 7K gets a high bonus in "star difficulty", a common 7K Normal would just become something like H or even I.
See my previous map for an example, in this map, the 4K Normal GD is labeled as Insane, but it actually is easy enough that it is a easier-than-common 4key normal. While this is ranked before the adjustment of osu!mania stars, the extra bonus would make things worse. (And you see, the Hard is labeled I)

And I don't think that to label a map with its calculated difficulty is something absolutely true. When mappers have their own thought, and the song objectively is a potential hard map source (e.g. High BPM, DnB, 1/4+1/8 beats without any main instrumental line), the "easy" difficulty may be just as hard as something "hard" in other songs. Yeah, other music games does that, some "easy" labeled songs are extremely hard that it's already harder than most of "hard" labeled songs. Not to say that is a good idea (in mapping style), but when such maps are considered to be ranked, the diff spread saying Insane, Super Insane, Another, Black Another and Lunatic is far worser than Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, Extra.

So support +1
On CTB it counts Salad as Insane due to the fact that you can put streams in it and it will still be for beginners, it just depends on how spread the stream is.

please add this
Cool idea.
Topic Starter
seems i already had added stars to this, but I'll give more, this is an excellent idea for all modes, including standard
I guess this is really easy to implement?

And objection to "difficulty determined by an algorithm" since human should win (by experience etc.).
bump #2
Yes, this! This! Please! Make it! Make it! I star! One! Two! Three! alkfjdsklfjdsklgjdsklfjdskghdfl
Ayesha Altugle

made this extra diff on mania last 14 days ago on this thread
Topic Starter
Oh, nice one vahn.
Why not the same for standard? I have a map with spread EENHIXX, displayed as ENNIIII, this needs to happen to all modes
One part of this is completed. The Extra diffs exist now, but if this is how it should be
it's just been added, how about waiting a while for peppy to get things sorted :/

deadbeat wrote:

it's just been added, how about waiting a while for peppy to get things sorted :/
Mark this thread as added, then? :/
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