This difficulty is in general pretty good, but it miss lot of thing to make it more challenged, you are using the Distance snap too much, that is not bad, but we are talking that this is an Insane, some jumps may be good, feel the song and it will tell you when to put them, for example in patterns like this: 00:26:539 (7,8,9) - instead of stack I would put something like:
http://puu.sh/2Z3DG.jpg a pretty good jump without killing the flow, and flit with the song.
Patterns like this: 00:28:323 (5,6) - aren't bad, but In my opinion there are way boring to play, I think this pattern instead of yours is way too fun:
http://puu.sh/2Z3M0.jpg I stacked (4) in (5) instead of (3) making it more playable and easy to read.
Also the next note will be boring to play using a pattern like that, I think it would be better if you put 3 single notes instead of a slider, will follow the vocals.
In 1/1 notes like 00:29:944 (3,4,5) - don't be afraid to use more spacing, is better specially on Insanes.
Think to move this notes 00:38:215 (2,3) - here: x311 y59 will be more interesting
this kind of overlap are pretty ugly 00:41:944 (4,1) - maybe try to change the shape of (4) to make it more pretty to play :3
didn't you think in add a note here 00:50:052 - ? it will follow the vocal and give more flow to your map
This pattern is pretty good 00:52:971 (1,2) - but I think it would be better if you press CTRL+G to the second slider, it will be more interesting to play. also same here: 00:54:269 (3,4) - and here 00:55:566 (5,6) -
move this note 00:57:188 (2) - to the begining of the first slider, it will make better flow to the song, way better. Also, same with this note: 01:02:377 (2) -
Also this pattern is pretty awkward to play 01:08:539 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think if you change the patterns it would be great to the map.
exelent patterns here 01:11:134 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - but you have some issues, since 01:13:242 (13,14) - have the same spacing it will be hard to read and most of people will fail the combo because of this, i think you mau want to add a new combo in (13) or change the spacing of those notes, it will be better.
add CTRLG+G in this note 01:17:944 (7) - will be better to the flow, in this note will be good too 01:20:538 (7) -
also, try to avoind overlap here 01:19:241 (3) - I tell you the reason before,
there are some mirrors patterns that I didn't point. and you can improve the Kiai time since you are following the drums and the vocals, I think you can follow the guitar instead of the drums, will feel better to move way more in the kiai instead of some gaps that you have.
pretty good map. fix some details only and some issues and it will be rankable soon.
also I think this setup will be much better:
http://puu.sh/2Z4mD.png +1 AR, +1OD
don't be afraid to add more difficulty to this song, since is pretty easy to be a hard, you are using 1/1 sliders when you can put notes instead.
the Kiai time is pretty good to play.
also try to add more difficulty on the setup too, since is a bit awkward to play, like AR+1 or Drain+1
Try to avoid this overlap in the future, it is a bit ugly 00:24:431 (4,5,6) -
this pattern 01:16:323 (1,2,3) - is really hard to play for a normal player, i think you must change it since it will be imposible to read for newbies, also with the others patters is the same issue.
01:34:809 (1,2) - also this overlap, you know ;3
but this is a pretty good Normal map, is really good.
Nothing to say here lol.
yay, that was fast lol, sorry I couln't be helpful on the easyest difficutys, but I don't have any talent with that D: